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According to Kant's Critique of the power of judgment, teleological considerations are unavoidable for conceptualizing organisms. Does this mean that teleology is more than merely heuristic? Kant stresses the regulative status of teleological attributions, but sometimes he seems to treat teleology as a constitutive condition for biology. To clarify this issue, the concept of natural purpose and its role for biology are examined. I suggest that the concept serves an identificatory function: it singles out objects as natural purposes, whereby the special science of biology is constituted. This relative constitutivity of teleology is explicated by means of a distinction of levels: on the object level of biological science, teleology is taken as constitutive, though it is merely regulative on the philosophical meta level. This distinction also concerns the place of Aristotelian teleology in Kant: on the object level, the Aristotelian view is accepted, whereas on the meta level, an agnostic stance is taken concerning teleology.  相似文献   

Environmental philosophers spend considerable time drawing the divide between humans and the rest of nature. Some argue that humans and our actions are unnatural. Others allow that humans are natural, but maintain that humans are nevertheless distinct. The motivation for distinguishing humans from the rest of nature is the desire to determine what aspects of the environment should be preserved. The standard view is that we should preserve those aspects of the environment outside of humans and our influence. This paper examines the standard view by asking two questions. First, are the suggested grounds for distinguishing humans from the rest of the environment viable? Second, is such a distinction even needed for determining what to preserve? The paper concludes that debates over whether humans are natural and whether humans are unique are unhelpful when deciding what to preserve.  相似文献   

In this paper I discuss two questions. What does Kant understand by mechanical explanation in the Critique of judgment? And why does he think that mechanical explanation is the only type of the explanation of nature available to us? According to the interpretation proposed, mechanical explanations in the Critique of judgment refer to a particular species of empirical causal laws. Mechanical laws aim to explain nature by reference to the causal interaction between the forces of the parts of matter and the way in which they form into complex material wholes. Just like any other empirical causal law, however, mechanical laws can never be known with full certainty. The conception according to which we can explain all of nature by means of mechanical laws, it turns out, is based on what Kant calls ‘regulative’ or ‘reflective’ considerations about nature. Nothing in Kant’s Critique of judgment suggests that these considerations can ever be justified by reference to how the natural world really is. I suggest that what, upon first consideration, appears to be a thoroughly mechanistic conception of nature in Kant is much more limited than one might have expected.  相似文献   

A well-rehearsed move among teleological realists in the philosophy of biology is to base the idea of genuinely teleological forms of organic self-reproduction on a type of causality derived from Kant. Teleological realists have long argued for the causal possibility of this form of causality--in which a whole is considered the cause of its parts--as well as formulated a set of teleological criteria of adequacy for it. What is missing, to date, is an account of the mereological principles that govern the envisioned whole-to-part causality. When the latter principles are taken into account, we find that there is no version of whole-to-part causality that is mereologically, causally and teleologically possible all at once, as teleological realism requires.  相似文献   

The engineering-based approach of synthetic biology is characterized by an assumption that ‘engineering by design’ enables the construction of ‘living machines’. These ‘machines’, as biological machines, are expected to display certain properties of life, such as adapting to changing environments and acting in a situated way. This paper proposes that a tension exists between the expectations placed on biological artefacts and the notion of producing such systems by means of engineering; this tension makes it seem implausible that biological systems, especially those with properties characteristic of living beings, can in fact be produced using the specific methods of engineering. We do not claim that engineering techniques have nothing to contribute to the biotechnological construction of biological artefacts. However, drawing on Descartes’s and Kant’s thinking on the relationship between the organism and the machine, we show that it is considerably more plausible to assume that distinctively biological artefacts emerge within a paradigm different from the paradigm of the Cartesian machine that underlies the engineering approach. We close by calling for increased attention to be paid to approaches within molecular biology and chemistry that rest on conceptions different from those of synthetic biology’s engineering paradigm.  相似文献   

Conclusion The anthropology of law works best through the use of the holistic approach that Hoebel recommended in the early stages of the subdiscipline. That approach includes the study of trouble cases, of patterns of actual law-related behavior, and of abstract rules or principles, the last being not the least among them. The quest should ideally be joined, however, so as to generate data that lend themselves to cross-cultural comparison and the formulation of politico-legal principles of a general sort, a goal which numerous anthropologists of law have already espoused in their work. But as Smith and Roberts caution, this is particularly difficult with regard to substantive law content, because substantive law is a particularly culture bound domain: there is considerable variability from society to society in its specific content. The structural comparison of substantive law notions as they occur within the boundaries of particular societies, by contrast, presents one fruitful alternative approach, one which carefully reflects the realities of intergroup politics. Through a political analysis of variability in cognitive models of law can better be seen as a reflection of, and an underpinning to, the socio-economic base that correlates with it.Nader indirectly calls attention to the fact that the law realm is best viewed from an explicitly political vantage. She notes that a lack of interest in substantive law has been accompanied by a relative loss of interest in political development, two tendencies which Koch also cites. But the very element of political developmental dynamics, as has been seen, forms a crucial component in understanding the variability in substantive law models and, more broadly, law's ideational side (see Moore ). Polities that wield considerable power potentials can generate and accomodate co-occurring non-isomorphic law models, and, indeed, it seems advantageous from the elite vantage for them to do so. With respect to their political strategies, societies with more modest power potentials also seem to avail themselves of such discordances to some degree. The result is a complex involvement with substantive law in most societies, and certainly at the state level.Daisy Hilse Dwyer is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Columbia University.

If the term “group selection” is to have any meaning beyond mere semantics, it must refer to situations where individuals live in groups. Although the terminology of cultural anthropology suggests that humans live in bounded and enduring gatherings that might serve as group “vehicles” of selection, we argue that none of the terms asserted to be such an entity (i.e., clans, lineages, villages, bands, tribes, populations, societies, and cultures) fulfill this requirement. This is because these terms refer to: (1) reified abstractions, (2) groups only in the sense of categories of people instead of groups in the sense of people gathered together, or (3) gatherings that are much too fluid and fuzzy in their membership to be “vehicles.” Following Murdock (1972), we refer to this obsession with groups as “anthropology's mythology,” and we suggest that it is the result of our evolved capacity for categorical perception. Although classifying phenomena into categories is useful in many situations, it has hindered our understanding of human social organization and human evolution.  相似文献   

淇县宋庄东周墓地出土贵族和殉人骨骼遗存的稳定同位素分析是国内首例针对东周社会分化背景下不同社会阶层先民开展的食谱研究.稳定碳氮同位素分析结果表明,贵族阶层在主粮和肉食方面与殉人群体明显不同.贵族几乎完全以粟为主粮,食物中肉类含量很高;而殉人阶层整体食肉水平较低,主粮的内部差异显著,大部分个体都不同程度的食用了当时不受青...  相似文献   

Primarily during the past 15 years a distinct new area within physical anthropology has emerged, biomedical anthropology. Physical anthropologists have become heavily involved in studying problems of relevance to the health and illness patterns of living humans. There has been a proportionate increase in biomedically focused papers published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, in biomedically focused papers presented at annual meetings of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, and in physical anthropology doctoral dissertations oriented toward modern biomedical phenomena. Proportionately more physical anthropologists are now employed in medical schools and there has been recent growth in the proportion of physical anthropologists in anthropology departments who claim some aspect of biomedical anthropology as a research interest. Increasingly, physical anthropologists are focusing their research on cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in America. These distinct trends are partially a result of the nature of physical anthropology and its unique biocultural perspective. However the growth of applied anthropology, the present academic marketplace, and the availability of research funds are probably also contributing factors. The emergency of biomedical anthropology holds promise for the future of physical anthropology and for its current employment crisis. Careers with academic and nonacademic organizations engaged in biomedical research appear to be a viable alternative to careers in departments of anthropology, for biomedical anthropologists. This will entail some reorientation of graduate training for physical anthropologists. More emphasis will have to be placed on substantive biomedical subjects, research methods, and data management and analysis.  相似文献   

随着城市化快速发展,城市生态学进入了空前繁荣时期,一些新理念和新范式引起了广泛关注。从生态系统角度,分析了城市生态系统组分、结构、过程、功能和服务的特点,提出了城市生态系统研究的黑箱范式和结构-过程-功能-服务级联范式。重点分析了人与自然在城市生态系统的组分、结构、过程、功能和服务等方面上的不同角色,探讨了人与自然在城市生态系统组分上镶嵌、结构上融合、过程上耦合、功能上互补和服务上协同的相互作用机制,提出了城市生态系统研究的人与自然共同进化范式,即人类和自然相互作用和适应,推动了城市发展。这将为深入认识和研究城市生态系统提供重要理论支撑。  相似文献   

Fruitful exchanges of ideas existed between early 20th century anthropology (volkenkunde) and folklore studies (volkskunde) in the Netherlands. Folklorists proposed using the fieldwork methods and comparative approach of ethnography. Anthropologists thought folklore studies might be able to shed light on survivals of earlier stages in their own society. During the 1930s, however, anthropologists turned their backs on the evolutionist paradigm, while in the wake of National Socialism and its quest for a common Germanic race and culture folklorists limited their cross-cultural comparisons to Europe. Cultural politics in Germany and other European countries in the 1930s and early 1940s directed the concepts, methods and institutionalization of folklore studies, and consequently led to a distancing from the concepts and practice of cultural anthropology.  相似文献   

Ecosystem services are often conceptualised as a unidirectional flow of services from nature (SfN) to societies, neglecting services provided by societies to nature (StN). Using respondents from four Ga/Dangme communities in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana, this study sought to develop a scale for measuring the dimensions of perceived StN and SfN, assess the interactional effects between them and determine the changes they have undergone over time. Results showed that from 1987 to 2018, the services provided by the Ga/Dangme to nature were predominantly restoring services (through nature-rejuvenating activities like planting and pruning) and protecting services (via safeguarding measures such as taboos and prohibitions) while they received provisioning (food, water, fuel) and cultural services (which satisfy non-material needs including identity and spirituality) from nature. The study found a symbiotic relationship between StN and SfN as provisioning services had a positive interactional effect on cultural and restoring services and a negative effect on protecting services. Cultural services, as well, positively influenced protecting and restoring services. The main determinants of StN and SfN were the level of vegetation cover, the land cover type and the belief that nature is an abode for numinous beings. The effects of the socio-demographic characteristics of respondents on StN and SfN and were marginal. We recommend that to ensure environmental sustainability, environmentalists should concentrate on cultural services that improve restoring and protecting services. Thus, traditional beliefs need to be contextualised and organised for transfer to younger generations through cultural channels.  相似文献   

This paper examines how in the ‘Critique of teleological judgment’ Kant characterized the concept of natural purpose in relation to and in distinction from the concepts of nature and the concept of purpose he had developed in his other critical writings. Kant maintained that neither the principles of mechanical science nor the pure concepts of the understanding through which we determine experience in general provide adequate conceptualizations of the unique capacities of organisms. He also held that although the concept of natural purpose was derived through reflection upon an analogy to human purposive activity in artistic production and moral action, it articulates a unique notion of intrinsic purposiveness. Kant restricted his critical reflections on organisms to phenomena that can be given to us in experience, criticizing speculations on their first origins or final purpose. But I argue that he held that the concept of natural purpose is a product of the reflecting power of judgment, rather than an empirical concept, and represents only the relation of things to our power of judgment. Yet it is necessary for the identification of organisms as organized and self-organizing, and as subject to unique norms and causal relations between parts and whole.  相似文献   

杨雨凡  陈美爱  徐丽华 《生态学报》2024,44(14):6391-6404
城市自然通过提供各种生态系统服务直接或间接影响人群的生理和心理健康,在创造健康的生活环境方面起着至关重要的作用,从生态系统服务角度探究自然环境与健康的关系已成为当前的重要议题。为全面了解城市自然与人群健康的研究现状,以Web of Science TM核心合集和CNKI为数据源,依托CiteSpace对2003-2023 年间国内外城市自然与人群健康效应及其相关概念进行可视化分析,发现研究呈以下特点:(1)国内外相关文献数量总体呈现上升态势;(2)国外该领域研究机构分布较为紧密,合作强度也较高,我国科研机构和学科间的研究协作有待进一步加强;(3)对主要关键词进行聚类分析,发现研究重点集中在城市自然与心理健康、城市热岛、生态系统服务以及自然可达性等方面;(4)近三年突现词统计分析表明未来我国的研究重点将从以往探讨城市自然的健康影响结果转至城市绿地等自然空间对健康的促进机理上。在此基础上根据健康受益方式,从生态系统服务视角将城市自然促进人群健康效应的路径分为直接路径(生态调节服务、生态支持服务)和间接路径(生态文化服务),并从使用机会、使用动机和易用性三方面分析自然使用这一中介因素的调节机制。城市自然在城市规划与风景园林设计等方面作用显著,其健康促进功能的相关成果将为城市可持续发展与健康的人居环境建设提供理论基础和多学科视角的科学依据。  相似文献   

Proteomics has now published a series of Dataset Briefs on the EyeOme from the HUPO Human Proteome Project with high‐quality analyses of the proteomes of these compartments of the human eye: retina, iris, ciliary body, retinal pigment epithelium/choroid, retrobulbar optic nerve, and sclera, with 3436, 2929, 2867, 2755, 2711, and 1945 proteins, respectively. These proteomics resources represent a useful starting point for a broad range of research aimed at developing preventive and therapeutic interventions for the various causes of blindness.  相似文献   

Human whole saliva contains two peroxidases, salivary peroxidase (hSPO) and myeloperoxidase (hMPO), which are part of the innate host defence in oral cavity. Both hSPO as well as human milk lactoperoxidase (hLPO) are coded by the same gene, but to what extent the different producing glands, salivary and mammary glands, affect the final conformation of the enzymes is not known. In human saliva the major function of hSPO and hMPO is to catalyze the oxidation of thiocyanate (SCN(-)) in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) resulting in end products of wide antimicrobial potential. In addition cytotoxic H(2)O(2) is degraded. Similar peroxidation reactions inactivate some mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds, which suggests another protective mechanism of peroxidases in human saliva. Although being target of an active antimicrobial research, the structure-function relationships of hSPO are poorly known. However, recently published method for recombinant hSPO production offers new tools for those investigations.  相似文献   

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