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1. Agricultural land devoted to low-intensity practices supports many declining bird species in Europe. The potential effects of intensification or abandonment of traditional farming practices are assessed from the point of view of the conservation of the chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax .
2. The study was conducted in Los Monegros (north-east Spain), in a pseudosteppe landscape of special relevance for this species. In this area traditional farming survives in the form of low-intensity arable systems including fallowing and extensive sheep grazing.
3. Foraging choughs showed a strong selection for field margins, avoided any remnant of the original scrubland and halophitic vegetation, and utilized other habitats maintained by traditional crop rotation (e. g. fallow, stubble) at different times of the year.
4. A highly complex pattern of habitat selection was found which was not only related to seasonal changes in habitat availability, but also differed between territorial pairs and the non-breeding population. This emphasizes the importance of taking all the different components of bird populations into account when analysing interactions between habitat selection and the annual farming cycle.
5. Chough habitat selection suggests that both agricultural intensification and land abandonment would have detrimental consequences for this species in Los Monegros. The maintenance of traditional farming is recommended, especially by promoting the use of long fallow rotations grazed extensively by livestock, encouraging the increase of grassland edges around landholdings and sand roads, and maintaining a low input of biocides. These management measurements could also favour most other endangered species of steppe birds, and could be supported by the establishment of Zonal Programmes under the CAP Agri-Environment Regulation (2078/92).  相似文献   

The recent trend of agricultural intensification in tropical landscapes poses a new threat to biodiversity conservation. Conversion of previously heterogeneous agricultural landscapes to intensive plantation agriculture simplifies and homogenizes the landscape, reducing availability, and connectivity of natural habitat for native species. To assess the impact of agricultural intensification on bats, we characterized the bat assemblage in the Sarapiquí region of Costa Rica, where heterogeneous land uses are being converted to intensive, large‐scale pineapple plantations. In 2012 and 2013, we sampled bats in 20 remnant forest patches surrounded by varying proportions of pasture, mature forest, and pineapple and captured 1821 individual bats representing 39 species. We used ordination analyses to evaluate changes in species composition, where pineapple is the main component of the agricultural matrix. We identified landscape metrics specifically correlated with pineapple and used multiple linear regression to test their effects on bat species richness, diversity, and guild‐specific relative abundance. Results suggest pineapple expansion is driving changes in assemblage composition in remnant forest patches, resulting in new assemblages with higher proportions of frugivorous bats and lower proportions of insectivorous bats than in continuous mature forests. In addition, while pineapple does not diminish total bat species richness and diversity, the reduced forest cover and increased distance between forest patches in pineapple plantations has a significant negative impact on the relative abundance of insectivores. We also identify a potential threshold effect whereby patches surrounded by more than 50 percent forest can retain assemblage composition similar to that found in continuous mature forest.  相似文献   

Aim To contrast floristic spatial patterns and the importance of habitat fragmentation in two plant communities (grassland and scrubland) in the context of ecological succession. We ask whether plant assemblages are affected by habitat fragmentation and, if so, at what spatial scale? Does the relative importance of the niche differentiation and dispersal‐limitation mechanisms change throughout secondary succession? Is the dispersal‐limitation mechanism related to plant functional traits? Location A Mediterranean region, the massif of Albera (Spain). Methods Using a SPOT satellite image to describe the landscape, we tested the effect of habitat fragmentation on species composition, determining the spatial scale of the assemblage response. We then assessed the relative importance of dispersal‐related factors (habitat fragmentation and geographical distance) and environmental constraints (climate‐related variables) influencing species similarity. We tested the association between dispersal‐related factors and plant traits (dispersal mode and life form). Results In both community types, plant composition was partially affected by the surrounding vegetation. In scrublands, animal‐dispersed and woody plants were abundant in landscapes dominated by closed forests, whereas wind‐dispersed annual herbs were poorly represented in those landscapes. Scrubby assemblages were more dependent on geographical distance, habitat fragmentation and climate conditions (temperature, rainfall and solar radiation); grasslands were described only by habitat fragmentation and rainfall. Plant traits did not explain variation in spatial structuring of assemblages. Main conclusions Plant establishment in early Mediterranean communities may be driven primarily by migration from neighbouring established communities, whereas the importance of habitat specialization and community drift increases over time. Plant life forms and dispersal modes did not explain the spatial variation of species distribution, but species richness within the community with differing plant traits was affected by habitat patchiness.  相似文献   

Agriculture changes the aquatic and terrestrial habitats used by animals, affecting their responses to matrix permeability. Here, we evaluated the impacts that resulted from the replacement of native vegetation with pastures on habitat occupancy, colonisation and local extinction of two Neotropical frogs with contrasting ecological strategies, Leptodactylus bufonius and L. chaquensis. We conducted fieldwork during two reproductive seasons in 50 temporary ponds in the Brazilian Chaco. We used site occupancy models in a multi-scale approach to identify landscape changes affecting population parameters and to determine the scale of interaction between species and the landscape. At local (10 m) and scales ≤400 m, increased pasture proportion limited the availability of bare soil required by males of L. bufonius to build mud chambers for reproduction and decreased proportion of shrublands affecting Lchaquensis occupancy. At larger spatial scales (>400 m), landscape modification limited dispersal of the smaller species L. bufonius. We found that the amount of habitat available is important in maintaining population parameters such as occupancy. However, our results highlight that the spatial distribution of habitats may also play an important role in the persistence and mobility of frogs in agricultural landscapes and that it is possible to identify a scale of effect in such anthropic landscapes. We recommend the consideration of reproductive and dispersal requirements of amphibian species, along with body size, as predictors of the spatial scale for management of populations in farmlands.  相似文献   

Research conducted in several Mediterranean areas indicates that most populations of steppe birds are currently experiencing population declines associated with intensification of traditional agricultural practices. By using habitat suitability modeling (HSM), our aim was to use available environmental data sets, including land use and relief, to model the current distribution of nine steppe bird species in the agriculture dominated areas of the Catalan Ebro basin (northeast Iberia). We then employ HSM to quantitatively assess the future impact of land use changes on the potential distribution range of these species under two scenarios following irrigation of present extensive cereal steppes in the area. HSM analyses showed a close association between steppe bird distribution and the extent of extensive cereal agriculture in flat areas. Although the sensitivity to planned irrigation schemes was species specific, we estimated significant decreases in distribution after irrigation for seven of the nine species examined, i.e. the Little bustard, the Montagu's harrier, the Roller and the Calandra lark, the species predicted to be more severely affected by predicted decreases in area exceeding 50%. Overall, core steppe habitats where most valuable steppe species may co-occur are expected to be mostly impacted and decrease by 74 to 81% after irrigation of only 28 to 36% of the cereal cropland in the region. Future maintenance and survival of viable populations of steppe birds will rely on our ability to enlarge the network of protected areas and to implement agri-environmental measures targeting current species core habitats in low-intensity farmland.  相似文献   

The Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is among the most widespread of the birds of prey, covering basically the whole Palaearctic from Europe and North Africa through Asia and Japan, to the North American continent. Only few studies have addressed the species’ genetic structure and the consequences of its demographic history so far, and none of them has covered larger areas of the distribution range. Our present study aims at closing this gap. Based on 283 samples (mostly feathers collected in the field or from museum collections) across the species’ distribution, but with a focus on Europe, we uncover the phylogeography of the Golden eagle. Results imply a phylogeographic split between mainly Northern Europe, Continental Asia, Japan and North America on the one hand and Central–Southern Europe on the other. The observed pattern is likely to be caused by the Last Ice Age, when the population survived in two reproductively isolated glacial refugia. Repopulation of Northern Europe occurred from a presumed Asian refugium, whereas the Alpine range was probably repopulated from a refugium in the Mediterranean region. In Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean and Alpine region we find a co‐occurrence of both lineages that heavily influences the local genetic diversity. This pattern is unlike that in most other large raptors in which usually a western and an eastern Eurasian lineage have been recovered.  相似文献   

Distributional shifts in species ranges provide critical evidence of ecological responses to climate change. Assessments of climate-driven changes typically focus on broad-scale range shifts (e.g. poleward or upward), with ecological consequences at regional and local scales commonly overlooked. While these changes are informative for species presenting continuous geographic ranges, many species have discontinuous distributions—both natural (e.g. mountain or coastal species) or human-induced (e.g. species inhabiting fragmented landscapes)—where within-range changes can be significant. Here, we use an ecosystem engineer species (Sabellaria alveolata) with a naturally fragmented distribution as a case study to assess climate-driven changes in within-range occupancy across its entire global distribution. To this end, we applied landscape ecology metrics to outputs from species distribution modelling (SDM) in a novel unified framework. SDM predicted a 27.5% overall increase in the area of potentially suitable habitat under RCP 4.5 by 2050, which taken in isolation would have led to the classification of the species as a climate change winner. SDM further revealed that the latitudinal range is predicted to shrink because of decreased habitat suitability in the equatorward part of the range, not compensated by a poleward expansion. The use of landscape ecology metrics provided additional insights by identifying regions that are predicted to become increasingly fragmented in the future, potentially increasing extirpation risk by jeopardising metapopulation dynamics. This increased range fragmentation could have dramatic consequences for ecosystem structure and functioning. Importantly, the proposed framework—which brings together SDM and landscape metrics—can be widely used to study currently overlooked climate-driven changes in species internal range structure, without requiring detailed empirical knowledge of the modelled species. This approach represents an important advancement beyond predictive envelope approaches and could reveal itself as paramount for managers whose spatial scale of action usually ranges from local to regional.  相似文献   

South America is undergoing a rapid and large‐scale conversion of natural habitats to cultivated land. Ecosystem services still remain important but their level and sustainability are not known. We quantified predation intensity in an Argentinian agricultural landscape containing remnants of the original chaco serrano forest using artificial sentinel prey. We sought to identify the main predators and the effect of landscape configuration and maize phenology on predation pressure by invertebrate and vertebrate predators in this landscape. The most common predators were chewing insects (50.4% predation events), birds (22.7%), and ants (17.5%). Overall predation rates in forest fragments (41.6% per day) were significantly higher than in the surrounding maize fields (21.5% per day). Invertebrate predation was higher inside and at the edge of forest fragments than within fields, and did not change with increasing distance from a fragment edge, indicating a lack of spillover from the native habitat remnants to the cultivated matrix at the local scale. Distance from a continuous forest had a positive impact on predation by invertebrates and a negative impact on vertebrate predation.  相似文献   

Farmland bird population trends were examined on a sample of lowland English farms to assess the relative importance of habitat loss and habitat degradation. Data were extracted from 11 farms surveyed by territory mapping between 1966 and 1986 as part of the British Trust for Ornithology's Common Birds Census. The population size of 38 bird species was quantified for each farm in each year. The extents of five non-crop habitats were measured at 4-yearly intervals on each farm. The farms were selected because some had undergone extensive removal of non-crop habitats while others had undergone little or none. Although declines were commonest on farms where the severest habitat loss had taken place, we found no evidence that habitat loss was the main factor causing population declines: all 11 farms had significant numbers of declining species, even where habitat loss was minimal. Furthermore, general linear modelling found no significant effects of habitat loss on population trends and principal-components analysis found limited effects of habitat extent on community composition. These results suggest that habitat loss is of secondary importance in causing farmland bird population declines. We suggest that other processes, such as habitat degradation, may have caused a baseline population decline in at least 10 farmland bird species and that declines may have been exacerbated by localised habitat loss. Received: 4 February 1998 / Accepted: 1 April 1998  相似文献   

Effects of irradiance and temperature on the Mediterranean red algae Eupogodon spinellus and Eupogodon planus were tested. Growth of both species was saturated at an irradiance of 10–20?μmol?m?2?s?1, which is in accordance with their sublittoral habitat. Eupogodon spinellus and E. planus survived permanently at temperatures between 8 and 30?°C. The temperature optimum for growth was 25?°C with suboptimal growth occurring at (10?)15 and 30?°C in both species. At their collection locality (Corsica), potential monthly growth yields would be highest in summer and in winter would be only about 20% of the maximum. Reproductive requirements could be determined only in E. planus. Gametophytes reproduced both in long and in short days but only at 20?°C. Tetrasporophytes reproduced at 15–20?°C but only in short days. Geographic distribution boundaries are not set by growth or survival limits. However, the reproductive requirements of E. planus did account for its restricted distribution in the Mediterranean and on the Canary Islands.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is one of the most severe threats to biodiversity as it may lead to changes in population genetic structure, with ultimate modifications of species evolutionary potential and local extinctions. Nonetheless, fragmentation does not equally affect all species and identifying which ecological traits are related to species sensitivity to habitat fragmentation could help prioritization of conservation efforts. Despite the theoretical link between species ecology and extinction proneness, comparative studies explicitly testing the hypothesis that particular ecological traits underlies species‐specific population structure are rare. Here, we used a comparative approach on eight bird species, co‐occurring across the same fragmented landscape. For each species, we quantified relative levels of forest specialization and genetic differentiation among populations. To test the link between forest specialization and susceptibility to forest fragmentation, we assessed species responses to fragmentation by comparing levels of genetic differentiation between continuous and fragmented forest landscapes. Our results revealed a significant and substantial population structure at a very small spatial scale for mobile organisms such as birds. More importantly, we found that specialist species are more affected by forest fragmentation than generalist ones. Finally, our results suggest that even a simple habitat specialization index can be a satisfying predictor of genetic and demographic consequences of habitat fragmentation, providing a reliable practical and quantitative tool for conservation biology.  相似文献   

The preservation of remaining semi-natural grasslands in Europe has a high conservation priority. Previously, the effects of artificial fertilisation and grazing intensity on grassland animal and plant taxa have been extensively investigated. In contrast, little is known of the effects of tree and shrub cover within semi-natural grasslands and composition of habitats in the surrounding landscape on grassland taxa. We evaluated the effect that each of these factors has on species richness and community structure of vascular plants, butterflies, bumble bees, ground beetles, dung beetles and birds surveyed simultaneously in 31 semi-natural pastures in a farmland landscape in south-central Sweden. Partial correlation analyses showed that increasing proportion of the pasture area covered by shrubs and trees had a positive effect on species richness on most taxa. Furthermore, species richness of nectar seeking butterflies and bumble bees were negatively associated with grazing intensity as reflected by grass height. At the landscape level, species richness of all taxa decreased (butterflies and birds significantly so) with increasing proportion of urban elements in a 1-km2 landscape area centred on each pasture, while the number of plant and bird species were lower in landscapes with large proportion of arable fields. Our results differed markedly depending on whether the focus was on species richness or community structure. Canonical correspondence analyses (CCA) showed that the abundance of most taxa was ordered along a gradient describing tree cover within pastures and proportion of arable fields in the landscape. However, subsets of grassland birds and vascular plants, respectively, showed markedly different distribution patterns along axis one of the CCA. In contrast to current conservation policy of semi-natural pastures in Sweden, our results strongly advise against using a single-taxon approach (i.e., grassland vascular plants) to design management and conservation actions in semi-natural pastures. Careful consideration of conservation values linked to the tree and shrub layers in grasslands should always precede decisions to remove trees and shrubs on the grounds of promoting richness of vascular plants confined to semi-natural grasslands. Finally, the importance of landscape composition for mobile organisms such as birds entails that management activities should focus on the wider countryside and not exclusively on single pastures.  相似文献   

Waders and shelduck were counted at low tide on 162 sectors comprising 85% of the intertidal area (21 467 ha) of the Severn Estuary on 12 occasions during winter 1987/88. On average, 50% of birds present at low tide utilized just 13 sectors (12% of the area); 90% of birds occurred on only 56 sectors, leaving large expanses of intertidal sand virtually devoid of birdlife. Dunlin, the numerically dominant species, occurred widely on the middle and outer estuary, whereas shelduck predominantly occurred on the outer estuary and redshank around many tributary river mouths. Curlew, the most ubiquitous species, was the only one concentrated on the inner estuary. Severe gales in both late December and mid-January concentrated all main species within fewer sectors, probably by the short-term removal of surface sediment from substantial areas. It is estimated that the proposed tidal barrage would eliminate intertidal areas accounting for between c. 40% (for shelduck and curlew) and 80% (for redshank) of current total low tide usage by the internationally important populations present.  相似文献   

Quantifying the lag time to detect barriers in landscape genetics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding how spatial genetic patterns respond to landscape change is crucial for advancing the emerging field of landscape genetics. We quantified the number of generations for new landscape barrier signatures to become detectable and for old signatures to disappear after barrier removal. We used spatially explicit, individual‐based simulations to examine the ability of an individual‐based statistic [Mantel’s r using the proportion of shared alleles’ statistic (Dps)] and population‐based statistic (FST) to detect barriers. We simulated a range of movement strategies including nearest neighbour dispersal, long‐distance dispersal and panmixia. The lag time for the signal of a new barrier to become established is short using Mantel’s r (1–15 generations). FST required approximately 200 generations to reach 50% of its equilibrium maximum, although G’ST performed much like Mantel’s r. In strong contrast, FST and Mantel’s r perform similarly following the removal of a barrier formerly dividing a population. Also, given neighbour mating and very short‐distance dispersal strategies, historical discontinuities from more than 100 generations ago might still be detectable with either method. This suggests that historical events and landscapes could have long‐term effects that confound inferences about the impacts of current landscape features on gene flow for species with very little long‐distance dispersal. Nonetheless, populations of organisms with relatively large dispersal distances will lose the signal of a former barrier within less than 15 generations, suggesting that individual‐based landscape genetic approaches can improve our ability to measure effects of existing landscape features on genetic structure and connectivity.  相似文献   

1. Pulsed food resources are often considered equivalent in their potential impact on the reproduction and population dynamics of consumers, but differences in the attributes of food pulses and their distribution in the landscape may cause differences in their effects. 2. We tested whether a perishable pulsed resource (periodical cicadas, Magicicada spp.) had similar effects on the population dynamics of a generalist forest rodent, Peromyscus leucopus, as have been reported for a cacheable pulsed resource (acorn mast). 3. Because the availability of periodical cicadas may vary between edge and interior habitat, we also tested whether habitat type (edge vs. interior) and fragment size affected the abundance of cicadas and P. leucopus. 4. Nearly 90% of the variation in the relative population densities of P. leucopus was explained by the variation in the relative densities of periodical cicadas, and fragments with more cicadas tended to have more reproductive female mice and litters. 5. We found more cicadas and more P. leucopus in edge than interior habitat, but no differences in the relative densities of either in relation to fragment size. 6. Data from a non-emergence year revealed no differences other than the presence of periodical cicadas that could explain the 50% higher relative densities of P. leucopus in the emergence year. 7. At the beginning of the emergence of periodical cicadas, the three fragments with the highest numbers of emergence holes had three times more mice than the fragments with the lowest numbers of emergence holes, suggesting that P. leucopus is able to anticipate the emergence of periodical cicadas and increase reproduction prior to the pulse. 8. Hence, despite differences in perishability, seasonal timing and nutritional quality of pulsed food resources in a fragmented landscape, they appear to have similar positive effects on the population dynamics of the generalist rodent, P. leucopus and, in fact, P. leucopus may be able to anticipate resource pulses.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue levels and human obesity are known to be associated with increased heat production. At the same time, subcutaneous adipose tissue provides an insulating layer that impedes heat loss. The energy implications of obesity and body thermoregulatory mechanisms remain relatively poorly understood. This study attempted to examine the potential relationship between body composition (subcutaneous and visceral fat) determined by bioimpedance as well as BMI (body mass index), and skin surface temperature distribution recorded at rest.One specific aim of this study was to draw a thermal map of body areas in obese women and compare this with women of normal body mass, and thus to identify body regions within which heat transfer is particularly impeded. As high fat content is a good insulator, it could reduce the body‘s ability to respond effectively to changes in environmental temperature, which would be problematic for thermal homeostasis. Our results showed that core temperature did not differ between obese and normal body mass participants, while skin temperature of most body surfaces was lower in obese subjects.The results of regression analysis showed that the mean body surface temperature (Tmean) decreased with increasing percentage of body fat (PBF) of the abdominal area. The opposite relationship was observed for the front area of the hand (simultaneous increase in Tmean and PBF). We also found a negative correlation between BMI and Tmean of the thigh areas, both the front and the back. From this it could be concluded that the mean body surface temperature is dependent on body fat.  相似文献   

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