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Nectar-feeding bats play important roles in the pollination of columnar cacti. Migratory bats such as Leptonycteris curasoae are vulnerable to extinction due to their migratory behavior and cave-roosting habit. The conservation of migratory bats requires the identification and protection of key roosting sites and their floral resources. In this paper we describe the availability of resources, the population dynamics and the diet of L. curasoae in the Guaymas region, and its diet at three additional sites in coastal Sonora, Mexico. Our results indicate that L. curasoae is a seasonal resident in the Guaymas area, with local occupation of around 4 months. Seasonal occupation seems to be determined by the availability of flowers and fruits of columnar cacti as peak abundance and peak availability coincide in time. The analyses of fecal and fur samples revealed that columnar cacti constitute the major food source during their seasonal occupation of coastal Sonora. The frequency of pollen from Agave and Bombacaceae in fecal samples was generally low but increased in importance in lower latitudes. Our results suggest that the availability of resources provided by columnar cacti determine seasonal occupation of L. curasoae in Sonora. Given that we detected newborns in the studied colony, we suggest active cave protection for the conservation of the maternity roosting site in Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico.  相似文献   

We studied population genetic differentiation in the sympatric Sonoran Desert cactophilic flies Drosophila pachea, D. mettleri and D. nigrospiracula across their continental and peninsular ranges. These flies show marked differences in ecology and behaviour including dispersal distances and host cactus specialization. Examination of a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene (mtCOI) reveals that the Sea of Cortez has constituted an effective dispersal barrier for D. pachea, leading to significant genetic differentiation between the continental and peninsular ranges of this species. No genetic differentiation was detected, however, within its continental and peninsular ranges. In contrast, our mtCOI-based results for D. mettleri and D. nigrospiracula are consistent with a previous allozyme-based study that showed no significant genetic differentiation between continental and peninsular ranges of these two species. For D. mettleri, we also found that the insular population from Santa Catalina Island, California, is genetically differentiated with respect to continental and peninsular localities. We discuss how differences in the genetic structure patterns of D. pachea, D. mettleri and D. nigrospiracula may correspond to differences in their dispersal abilities, host preferences and behaviour.  相似文献   

Drosophila gouveai is a cactophilic species endemic to South America. In southeast Brazil it is found on summits of isolated hills, which apparently are current refugia resulting from climatic changes during the Quaternary Period. It breeds only in necrotic cactus cladodes of Pilosocereus machrisii. Temporal differences in necrotic cactus availability could have a great impact upon D. gouveai population size, and could thus influence its evolutionary history. We analyzed the relationship between necrotic cactus availability and population size of D. gouveai. The fluctuation in the population size, variation in necrotic cactus availability and exploitation of this resource by larvae were surveyed bimonthly for one year on a sandstone table hill in central-south Brazil. Temporal necrotic cactus availability did not vary significantly, though in June there was a moderate decrease Larval populations were highest in October and December. The D. gouveai population size was highest in February and remained relatively stable the rest of the year. The observed fluctuation in population size was not a function of temporal necrotic cactus availability in quantitative terms.  相似文献   

The effect of host cacti on the breeding structure of an isolated population of cactophilic Drosophila gouveai was studied. A comparison was made, using F statistics, of the allozyme frequencies at 11 loci among temporal samples of the adult population and six samples of progeny obtained from individual rotting cactus cladodes. The population appears to be structured by the cacti, forming breeding groups, and approximately four individuals contribute gametes to the progeny of each cladode. This D. gouveai population had a low degree of heterozygosity, compared with mean values for most Drosophila species, however it was within the range of values reported for other cactophilic Drosophila.  相似文献   

Abstract  The effect of (1-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-(2,6-difluorobenzoyl)urea) insecticide – diflubenzuron – on wild type and white type fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen, 1830) was studied. Adult insects were placed in vials with different concentrations of the insecticide in the nutrient (from 0.048 to 48 mg of diflubenzuron per 1 cm3 of the nutrient). In each case, the insects showed some mortality, which was concentration-dependant. When comparing both strains, we could observe different acute toxicities, with wild type being more resistant to diflubenzuron. However, subacute toxicity was similar within both strains. In both strains the prolonged exposure led to the extinction of the majority of the populations (>70%). Although imagoes could freely copulate, we did not observe copulating fruit flies, and we did not find either eggs or larvae in any of the exposed groups. These results indicate that genetic mutation which leads to different eye colour can also affect resistance and survival of insects in pesticide-exposed areas.  相似文献   

In contrast to other North American deserts, the southern Sonoran desert is dominated by trees that provide shaded microhabitats necessary for the establishment and survival of several plant species. Near the southern limit of the Sonoran desert in Sonora, Mexico, we evaluated the role that tree microhabitats may play in structuring ant communities. We recorded 39 species and 21 genera of ants from a 9.7-ha area. Total species richness was estimated to be between 47 and 49 species, a much greater species richness than that reported for other North American arid-zone habitats. Although species richness did not differ between open ground and tree-shaded microhabitats, species composition did. Opportunistic species, Camponotus species, Pheidole sciophila and P. titanis were more common near trees, whereas Pheidole sp. A and granivorous species were more active in open areas. The imperilment of trees in the Sonoran desert due to commercial cutting and the spread of buffelgrass Pennisetum ciliare may alter the existing composition of ant communities.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to test the performance and some aspects of feeding behavior in two populations of Ceratitis capitata (a population reared in the laboratory for 16 years, i.e., approximately 160 generations, and a wild one obtained from infested coffee, Coffea arabica grains). Two types of food were used in the experiment: an artificial yeast diet used for laboratory rearing and papaya (Carica papaya), a natural host of the fly. The performance parameters tested were percent emergence, time to emergence, adult female size, and egg production during the pre-oviposition phase (first five days of adult life). The behavioral aspects tested were food preference by newly hatched larvae, induction, estimated ingestion of the two diets, whether the larvae placed on one diet stayed there or moved to the other diet, and acceptance of food for oviposition. The results indicated that the performance of the wild population was superior when the flies fed on papaya, whereas the performance of the laboratory population was similar with the two diets; the wild population showed a strong preference for papaya in all choice experiments, whereas the laboratory population showed no diet preference; the females of the wild population only oviposited on pieces of papaya that had not been peeled, and did not oviposit in the artificial diet; the females of the laboratory population oviposited indiscriminately on unpeeled and peeled papaya and on the artificial diet.  相似文献   

Sexual signals in cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis include cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), contact pheromones that mediate female discrimination of males during courtship. CHCs, along with male courtship songs, cause premating isolation between diverged populations, and are influenced by genotype × environment interactions caused by different host cacti. CHC profiles of mated and unmated adult flies from a Baja California and a mainland Mexico population of D. mojavensis reared on two host cacti were assayed to test the hypothesis that male CHCs mediate within‐population female discrimination of males. In multiple choice courtship trials, mated and unmated males differed in CHC profiles, indicating that females prefer males with particular blends of CHCs. Mated and unmated females significantly differed in CHC profiles as well. Adults in the choice trials had CHC profiles that were significantly different from those in pair‐mated adults from no‐choice trials revealing an influence of sexual selection. Females preferred different male CHC blends in each population, but the influence of host cactus on CHC variation was significant only in the mainland population indicating population‐specific plasticity in CHCs. Different groups of CHCs mediated female choice‐based sexual selection in each population suggesting that geographical and ecological divergence has the potential to promote divergence in mate communication systems.  相似文献   

Food-chain length (FCL) in ecosystems has been studied extensively, and numerous hypotheses to predict FCL, productivity, ecosystem size, and productive space have been proposed. For example, the productivity hypothesis suggests that resource availability limits FCL, whereas the productive-space hypothesis predicts that per-unit-size resource availability and ecosystem size equally limit FCL. However, previous studies have only measured total productivity to test FCL and have never tested the impact of resource availability within a system on FCL. Therefore, we estimated FCL in 15 ponds using stable isotope techniques to test the most common hypotheses for predicting FCL. We also measured total productivity, pond volume (ecosystem size), and edible microalgal carbon (resource availability) in each pond. We found that productive-space (edible carbon+pond volume) was the best model to predict FCL, and FCL was significantly correlated with edible carbon and pond volume. However, factors such as total productivity did not directly predict FCL of the ponds. Therefore, our results suggest that both resource availability and ecosystem size predict FCL in pond ecosystems and play significant roles in maintaining longer FCLs. Furthermore, the productive-space hypothesis appears to be particularly important for determining the FCL of ponds.  相似文献   

For plant utilizing insects, the shift to a novel host is generally accompanied by a complex set of phenotypic adaptations. Many such adaptations arise in response to differences in plant chemistry, competitive environment, or abiotic conditions. One less well‐understood factor in the evolution of phytophagous insects is the selective environment provided by plant shape and volume. Does the physical structure of a new plant host favor certain phenotypes? Here, we use cactophilic Drosophila, which have colonized the necrotic tissues of cacti with dramatically different shapes and volumes, to examine this question. Specifically, we analyzed two behavioral traits in larvae, pupation height, and activity that we predicted might be related to the ability to utilize variably shaped hosts. We found that populations of D. mojavensis living on lengthy columnar or barrel cactus hosts have greater activity and pupate higher in a laboratory environment than populations living on small and flat prickly pear cactus cladodes. Crosses between the most phenotypically extreme populations suggest that the genetic architectures of these behaviors are distinct. A comparison of activity in additional cactophilic species that are specialized on small and large cactus hosts shows a consistent trend. Thus, we suggest that greater motility and an associated tendency to pupate higher in the laboratory are potential larval adaptations for life on a large plant where space is more abundant and resources may be more sparsely distributed.  相似文献   

A corollary of the nearly neutral theory of molecular evolution is that the efficiency of natural selection depends on effective population size. In this study, we evaluated the differences in levels of synonymous polymorphism among Drosophila species and showed that these differences can be explained by differences in effective population size. The differences can have implications for the molecular evolution of the Drosophila species, as is suggested by our results showing that the levels of codon bias and the proportion of adaptive substitutions are both higher in species with higher levels of synonymous polymorphism. Moreover, species with lower synonymous polymorphism have higher levels of nonsynonymous polymorphism and larger content of repetitive sequences in their genomes, suggesting a diminished efficiency of selection in species with smaller effective population size.  相似文献   

Since 2008, Drosophila suzukii, the spotted wing drosophila, has colonized most of the American and European continents, being able to adapt to very different climates. In Italy, this pest has been captured from northern Alpine to southern Mediterranean regions where it can infest a broad range of fruits, including wine grapes. Studies have shown that oviposition levels and developmental rates of D. suzukii on wine grapes are lower than on other berries, although recent observations indicate that grapes may become a suitable host plant in particular conditions. Here, we report, for the first time, the results of a series of no‐choice oviposition experiments using berries of five table grape varieties sampled in the provinces of Taranto and Bari (Apulia region, south‐eastern Italy) during 2013 from both organic and conventional farming systems. The sugar content (SC) and skin hardness of each sample were analysed to assess the influence of these physiological parameters on the susceptibility of table grapes to D. suzukii infestation. A negative correlation was found between the number of eggs laid and berry skin penetration force, whereas there was a positive one between the number of eggs and Brix values, as well as sampling date. In organic grapes, SC and skin hardness of two varieties (“Crimson” and “Scarlotta”) were measured, respectively, higher and lower than in conventional grapes, thus making them more susceptible to pest infestation. The study hence shows that in laboratory conditions D. suzukii is able to heavily infest and develop on table grapes and that susceptibility to its infestation significantly depends on both variety and farming system.  相似文献   

1. The presence of predators is known to suppress prey populations not only by consumptive but also by non-consumptive effects, as it stresses the prey inducing costly changes to behaviour and physiology. However, there is recent evidence that disturbance from non-predacious, non-competing commensals can also negatively affect herbivore performance. 2. Populations of cherry-oat aphids (Rhopalosiphum padi L.) were initiated with adult aphids in mesocosms containing seedling wheat grass. Following aphid establishment, fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster Meigen) were added at a relatively high density to half of the mesocosms and the aphids were left for another 5 days to reproduce. The experiment was performed over two blocks at 24 ± 4 °C. It was hypothesized that a relatively high density of commensals would stress the aphids and reduce their fitness, causing lower population growth and resulting in lower population sizes. 3. Aphid numbers were significantly lower in mesocosms with commensal flies after 5 days of fly presence across the two experimental blocks, documenting that fly disturbance suppresses aphid fitness and population growth. 4. The negative effect of fruit flies on aphid population growth must have come from the disturbance that flies imposed on the aphids in their search for food, indicating that the flies stressed the aphids. Thus, our study indicates that commensals may stress herbivores that do not distinguish between enemies and other active species in their environment, adding in the overall herbivore top-down control through fitness costs.  相似文献   

In the genus Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae), interspecific hybridization is a rare phenomenon. However, recent evidence suggests a certain degree of introgression between the cactophilic siblings Drosophila buzzatii Patterson & Wheeler and Drosophila koepferae Fontdevila & Wasserman. In this article, we analyzed larval viability and developmental time of hybrids between males of D. buzzatii and females of D. koepferae, raised in media prepared with fermenting tissues of natural host plants that these species utilize in nature as breeding sites. In all cases, developmental time and larval viability in hybrids was not significantly different from parental lines and, depending on the cross, hybrids developed faster than both parental species or than the slowest species. When data of wing length were included in a discriminant function analysis, we observed that both species can be clearly differentiated, while hybrids fell in two categories, one intermediate between parental species and the other consisting of extreme phenotypes. Thus, our results point out that hybrid fitness, as measured by developmental time and viability, is not lower than in the parental species.  相似文献   

The Xdh (rosy) gene is one of the best studied in the Drosophila genus from an evolutionary viewpoint. Here we analyze nucleotide variation in a 1875-bp fragment of the second exon of Xdh in Argentinian populations of the cactophilic D. buzzatii and its sibling D. koepferae. The major electrophoretic alleles of D. buzzatii not only lack diagnostic amino acids in the region studied but also differ on average from each other by four to 13 amino acid changes. Our data also suggest that D. buzzatii populations belonging to different phytogeographic regions are not genetically differentiated, whereas D. koepferae exhibits a significant pattern of population structure. The Xdh region studied is twice as polymorphic in D. buzzatii as in D. koepferae. Differences in historical population size or in recombinational environment between species could account for the differences in the level of nucleotide variation. In both species, the Xdh region exhibits a great number of singletons, which significantly departs from the frequency spectrum expected under neutrality for nonsynonymous sites and also for synonymous sites in D. buzzatii. These excesses of singletons could be the signature of a recent population expansion in D. buzzatii, whereas they may be simply explained as the result of negative selection in D. koepferae.  相似文献   

Summary Pogonomyrmex rugosus and Messor pergandei are ecologically similar species of desert seed-harvester ants that coexist in numerous areas throughout the Sonoran and Mohave Deserts. However, these two species also commonly segregate along physical gradients, with each species predominating in areas that differ in soil texture and/or topographic relief. Along gradients that included bajada and alluvial flat habitats, P. rugosus occurred alone in coarse-textured soils near mountains, while M. pergandei occurred alone in finer-textured soils further away. Conversely, along a vegetation gradient that included creosote bush and saltbush habitats, P. rugosus occurred alone in finer-textured soils than those occupied by either M. pergandei alone or both species in coexistence. However, in both situations clay content was significantly higher in areas occupied by P. rugosus alone, and at the latter site clay content was correlated with relative abundance of each species. Moreover, local distribution pattern of these two species may be related to the effects of clay on water retention, with retention being highest in areas occupied by P. rugosus alone. Differences in reproductive ecology may also affect these patterns as P. rugosus reproductive flights follow summer monsoon rains, while those of M. pergandei occur during the milder winter and spring.  相似文献   

Ramirez et al (1983) reported reduced egg laying by Drosophila melanogaster and reduced survival of those eggs to adulthood when adult flies were exposed to magnetic fields. In a similar study, no effects from exposures of Drosophila to 1-mT, 60-Hz magnetic fields were found.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that intrademic sexual selection has caused sexual isolation between populations of geographically isolated populations of cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis, and was mediated by epicuticular hydrocarbons (EHCs), contact pheromones in this system. Sexual selection and sexual isolation were estimated using a Baja California and mainland population by comparing the number of mated and unmated males and females in each of four pairwise population mating trials. EHC profiles were significantly different in mated and unmated males in the interdemic (Bajafemale symbol x Mainlandmale symbol and Mainlandfemale symbol x Bajamale symbol), but not the intrademic mating trials. A small number of EHCs was identified that best discriminated among mated and unmated males, mostly alkadienes with 34 and 37 carbons. Females showed population-specific preferences for male EHC profiles. However, EHC profiles between mated and unmated males in the intrademic mating trials were not significantly different, consistent with undetectable sexual selection estimated directly from numbers of copulating pairs vs. unmated adults. Thus, sexual isolation among populations was much stronger than sexual selection within these populations of D. mojavensis.  相似文献   

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