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We developed an inquiry-based learning model to better stimulate undergraduate students' cognitive development of exercise physiology laboratory concepts. The course core is the two independent research projects that students, working in small groups, complete during the last 9 wk of the semester. Student groups develop their own research question and hypothesis, design the experiment, collect and analyze the data, and report their findings to the rest of the class using presentation software. To help with success of the research projects, students are taken through a series of guided-inquiry laboratory activities during the initial 6 wk of the semester to develop laboratory skills and an understanding of the scientific process. Observations of student behaviors reflected a high level of enthusiasm and engagement in laboratory activities. Surveys, journal entries, and interviews indicated that students felt empowered by having ownership in their projects, which may be the key reason for the success of this model.  相似文献   

NMR spectroscopy as an investigative technique in physiology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Relating physiological variables on an organ system level to metabolic function within the intracellular environment has been exceedingly difficult because of a paucity of techniques. Most of the tools at our command necessitate either the removal or destruction of tissues before measurements can be made. Recently, NMR spectroscopy has been applied to several important questions relating organ system and cellular physiology. NMR has the distinct advantage of being noninvasive and nondestructive, allowing the investigator to make repetitive measurements of intracellular variables while manipulating experimental variables that are important on the organ system level. In this review we shall present several examples of such NMR investigations so that the reader will gain some appreciation of the potential of this relatively new technique. Cellular acid-base homeostatic mechanisms, high-energy phosphate metabolism, and regulation of anaerobic glycolysis will be discussed for such diverse cellular populations as mammalian brain, mammalian heart muscle, salamander skeletal muscle, amphibian skin, and invertebrate muscle. In addition, the role of phosphomonoesters and phosphodiesters in lipid metabolism for several tissues in different species will be evaluated.  相似文献   

Students often have difficulty understanding the relationship of O(2) consumption, CO(2) production, cardiac output, and distribution of ventilation-perfusion ratios in the lung to the final arterial blood gas composition. To overcome this difficulty, I have developed an interactive computer simulation of pulmonary gas exchange that is web based and allows the student to vary multiple factors simultaneously and observe the final effect on the arterial blood gas composition (available at www.siumed.edu/medicine/pulm/vqmodeling.htm). In this article, the underlying mathematics of the computer model is presented, as is the teaching strategy. The simulation is applied to a typical clinical case drawn from the intensive care unit to demonstrate the interdependence of the above factors as well as the less-appreciated importance of the Bohr and Haldane effects in clinical pulmonary medicine. The use of a computer to vary the many interacting factors involved in the arterial blood gas composition appeals to today's students and demonstrates the importance of basic physiology to the actual practice of medicine.  相似文献   

Optimizing alcohol production from whey using computer technology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study was undertaken with the major goal of optimizing the ethanol production from whey using computer technology. To reach this goal, a mathematical model that would describe the fermentation and that could be used for the optimization was developed. Kluyveromyces fragilis was the microorganism used to ferment the lactose in the whey into ethanol. Preliminary studies showed that K. fragilis produced about 90% of the theoretical ethanol yield when grown in whey-complemented media. However, when this yeast is grown in nonsupplemented whey media, it does not produce more than 32% of that yield. Comparative batch fermentations of lactose and whey-complemented media showed that whey possibly contains enhancing components for yeast growth and ethanol production. To obtain the mathematical model, the one-to-one effect of the process variables (lactose and yeast extract concentrations, air flowrate, pH, and dilution rate) on the ethanol production were first investigated. Experiments on the pH effect showed that a decrease in pH from 7 to 4 produced an increase in ethanol concentration from 16.5 to 26.5 g/L (50 g/L initial lactose). The results obtained from modeling of the continuous fermentation using the previously listed variables showed that air flowrate, pH, and dilution rate were the process variables that most influence the production of ethanol.  相似文献   

T Ikeda  T Abe  K Tashiro 《Jikken dobutsu》1987,36(4):453-457
This system for measuring behavioral activity and for its analysis by personal computer as the recording device of the actograph was developed in order to measure the drinking activity and the feeding activity of small laboratory animals. According to the results of the measurement on male DBA/2J mice with this actograph, 84.0% of the drinking activity occurred in the dark period while 16.0% in the light period, and the amount of water drunk by the mouse was about 5.7 ml/day under the conditions of a 12 hour light period and 12 hour dark period. Under the same conditions, 79.6% of the feeding activity took place in the dark period and 20.4% in the light period. Also there was a positive correlation between both activities.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether problem-based writing with peer review (PW-PR) improves undergraduate student performance on physiology exams. Didactic lectures were replaced with assignments to give students practice explaining their reasoning while solving qualitative problems, thus transferring the responsibility for abstraction and generalization to the students. Performance on exam items about concepts taught using PW-PR was compared with performance on concepts taught using didactic lectures followed by group work. Calibrated Peer Review, a Web-delivered program, was used to collect student essays and to manage anonymous peer review after students "passed" three calibration peer reviews. Results show that the students had difficulty relating concepts. Relationship errors were categorized as (1) problems recognizing levels of organization, (2) problems with cause/effect, and (3) overgeneralizations. For example, some described cells as molecules; others thought that vesicles transport materials through the extracellular fluid. With PW-PR, class discussion was used to confront and resolve such difficulties. Both multiple-choice and essay exam results were better with PW-PR instead of lecture.  相似文献   

综合大实验能够训练学生灵活应用理论知识并掌握实验技能,成为当前实验课教学改革的重要方式。本文以人类的ABO血型性状为实验对象,设计了“人类ABO血型分子基因分型与群体遗传平衡分析”大实验。实验中提取同学唾液中黏膜细胞的DNA,经过PCR扩增目的片段、酶切及电泳分离一系列分子遗传技术分析,鉴定出每位同学的基因型;然后以全班同学为一个类似孟德尔群体调查ABO血型的各种基因型频数,用Popgene软件分析各种群体遗传参数。通过开放教学不仅让学生掌握了分子遗传实验技术和群体遗传分析技术及软件应用,还让学生自主设计方案优化分子技术环节,提高学生驾驭知识的能力。通过5年的教学探索与实践,建立了稳定的分子遗传实验体系,能够清楚地检测出ABO血型的6种基因型:IAIA、IAi、IBIB、IBi、IAIB、ii;综合了分子遗传与群体遗传的实验教学,统计全班同学6种基因型的频数,直接计算3个复等位基因的频率,进而应用软件分析群体遗传各种参数;实现了学生自主设计并完成实验的开放式实验教学;大实验教学获得了学生的好评,取得了很好的教学效果。该大实验可直接应用于生物类专业的遗传学实验教学,其中的教学理念和方法还可推广应用于其他生物学实验教学。  相似文献   

高等教育承担着人才培养的重大任务。教学和科研是高等学校不可或缺的两大职能,在当前的教育教学中,两者的关系存在失衡、融合度低等问题。本文从人体解剖及动物生理学实验及教学已存在的问题出发,主要从应用科研思政教育提高学生认知能力、结合科研实践开发实验项目、加强课堂教学与科研实践的结合等方面进行探索,树立科教融合发展的基本理念,实现高素质创新人才的培养目标。  相似文献   

The metabolic syndrome, a cluster of factors linked to obesity that contribute to risk for atherosclerosis and Type 2 diabetes, may affect 20-25% of the adults in the United States. We designed a medical physiology laboratory to evaluate and discuss the physiological and nutritional principles involved in the metabolic syndrome. The five criteria used to diagnose this syndrome (fasting blood triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and glucose, blood pressure, central obesity) were measured by students on each other either previously or during this exercise. In addition, to illustrate nutritional factors involved in causation and treatment of the metabolic syndrome, a meal was provided during the laboratory. Class members were randomized to groups allowed ad libitum meal composition, or constrained to the National Cholesterol Education Program Step I or Step II diets. The composition of the diet (including saturated fat, cholesterol, dietary fiber, and carbohydrate content) was discussed in the context of blood cholesterol, triglyceride, and glucose levels. This laboratory allows a comprehensive analysis of the physiological and nutritional factors involved in the development of the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

Acid/base homeostasis is one of the most difficult subdisciplines of physiology for medical students to master. A different approach, where theory and practice are linked, might help students develop a deeper understanding of acid/base homeostasis. We therefore set out to develop a laboratory exercise in acid/base physiology that would provide students with unambiguous and reproducible data that clearly would illustrate the theory in practice. The laboratory exercise was developed to include both metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis. Data were collected from 56 groups of medical students that had participated in this laboratory exercise. The acquired data showed very consistent and solid findings after the development of both metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis. All results were consistent with the appropriate diagnosis of the acid/base disorder. Not one single group failed to obtain data that were compatible with the diagnosis; it was only the degree of acidosis/alkalosis and compensation that varied.  相似文献   

The design and performance of a fully-climatized environmental chamber for the study of the physiology of conventional or germ-free research animals are described. The chamber temperature can be regulated between 14°–36°C ± 1°C, the humidity between 45–95 ± 2% at 14°C and between 20–95 ± 2% at 36°C. Bilaterally symmetrical lighting is variable over 15 stages between 50–2,400 lux. The performance of the chamber was evaluated in a trial study in which the effect of different chamber temperatures on the O2-consumption of 24 conventional Sprague-Dawley rats held in groups of six to a cage with sexes separate. This showed a mean O2-consumption at 14° to 16°C of 743 ml/(kg·hr), at 18° to 20°C of 653 ml/(kg·hr) at 26° to 28°C of 629 ml/(kg·hr) and at 30° to 32°C of 627 ml/(kg·hr). The differences between O2-consumption at 14° to 16°C and 26° to 28°C and higher were significant (0.05 > p > 0.01).
Zusammenfassung Konstruktion und Leistung einer vollklimatisierten Kammer zur Untersuchung physiologischer Reaktionen konventioneller sowie keimfreier Versuchstiere auf Umgebungseinflüsse werden beschrieben. Die Kammertemperatur kann zwischen 16° bis 36°C ± 1°C, die Feuchtigkeit zwischen 45–95 ± 2% bei 14°C und zwischen 20–95 ± 2% bei 36°C eingestellt werden. Die symmetrische Beleuchtung ist über 15 Stufen zwischen 0–2.400 Lux veränderlich. Die Eignung der Kammer wurde in einer Arbeit über den Effekt verschiedener Kammertemperaturen auf den O2-Verbrauch bei 24 konventionellen Ratten Sprague-Dawley in Gruppen von sechs in einem Käfig nach Geschlechtern getrennt, geprüft. Der mittlere O2-Verbrauch bei 14° bis 16°C war 743 ml/(kg·Std), bei 18° bis 20°C 653 ml/(kg·Std), bei 26° bis 28°C 629 ml/(kg·Std) und bei 30° bis 32°C 627 ml/(kg·Std). Die Unterschiede sind bei 14° bis 16°C und 26° bis 28°C und höher waren signifikant (0.05> p > 0.01).

Resume On décrit ici l'agencement et le fonctionnement d'une chambre entièrement climatisée pour l'étude de la physiologie d'animaux conventionnels ou libres de germes. La température peut y être réglée à ± 1°C de 14° à 36°C et l'humidité peut y varier à ± 2% pris entre 45 et 95% à 14°C et entre 20 et 95% à 36°C. Des échairages symétriques placés de part et d'autre de la chambre peuvent êtres allumés selon 15 graduations différentes entre 50 et 2.400 lux. Le fonctionnement de la dite chambre a été mis à l'épreuve lors d'un essai de consommation d'oxygène par différentes températures. L'essai portait sur 24 rats conventionnels de la race Sprague-Dawley placés par groupes de 6 par cage en séparant les sexes. L'essai a montré une consommation de 743 ml/(kg·h) entre 14° et 16°C, de 653 ml/(kg·h) entre 18 et 20°C, de 629 ml/(kg·h) entre 26° et 28°C et de 627 ml/(kg·h) entre 30 et 32°C. La différence de consommation en O2 est signifacative (0.05> p> 0.01) entre 14° à 16°C et 26° à 28°C ou davantage.

Students of biology must learn the scientific method for generating information in the field. Concurrently, they should learn how information is reported and accessed. We developed a progressive set of exercises for the undergraduate introductory biology laboratory that combine these objectives. Pre- and postassessments of approximately 100 students suggest that increases occurred, some statistically significant, in the number of students using various library-related resources, in the numbers and confidence level of students using various technologies, and in the numbers and confidence levels of students involved in various activities related to the scientific method. Following this course, students should be better prepared for more advanced and independent study.  相似文献   

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