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Although the number of invasive bryophytes is much lower than that of higher plants, they threaten habitats that are often species rich and of high conservation relevance. Their potential of spread has, however, never been determined. Here, we assess whether the three most invasive bryophyte species shifted their niche during the invasion process and whether the extent of the study area defined to calibrate the model (geographic background, GB) affects model transferability. We then determine whether ecological niche models (ENMs) developed in their native range can be projected in other areas to assess their invasive potential. The macroclimatic niches of Campylopus introflexus, Orthodontium lineare and Lophocolea semiteres were compared in their native range (Southern Hemisphere) and in their invasion range (Northern Hemisphere) using ordination techniques. ENMs from an ensemble model were calibrated in the native range and projected onto the Northern Hemisphere using different GBs. No evidence for niche expansion in the invaded range was found and the species occur in the invaded range under climate conditions that are similar to those in the native range. The performance of the models to predict occurrences in the invaded range increased with the extent of the GB. The potential range of all species included entire regions on continents where they are still absent. The expansion of the investigated species appears to be constrained by climate conditions that are similar to those currently prevailing in their native range, which is consistent with our failure to demonstrate macroclimatic niche shift in the invaded range. The use of large GBs is recommended in such vagile organisms with large, disjunct distributions. The models indicated that invasive bryophyte species might become a threat in central and eastern Europe, North America and eastern Asia if accidentally introduced or naturally dispersed.  相似文献   

Strong evidence in favor of a direct action of hypothalamic PACAP at the pituitary to modulate gonadotrope function has been acquired mainly by in vitro studies using cultured pituitary cells or gonadotrope cell lines. In particular, PACAP has been shown to cooperate with GnRH, the primary regulator of gonadotropes, to regulate/modulate gonadotropin subunit gene expression, gonadotropin release as well as gonadotrope responsiveness. These effects of PACAP appear to be due essentially to its high potent stimulatory action on the cAMP/protein kinase pathway. Ensuing mechanisms include signaling cross-talk and/or enhanced gene expression within gonadotropes. PACAP may also indirectly operate on these cells through paracrine mechanisms. While PACAP has long been viewed as a hypophysiotropic factor, a locally produced PACAP has also been described. Interestingly, both appear similarly up-regulated at proestrus of the reproductive cycle in female rats. Further in vivo investigation is now necessary to ascertain the physiological relevance of the observed pituitary PACAP effects and especially to evaluate the respective contribution of hypothalamic and pituitary PACAP in the dynamic control of gonadotrope function.  相似文献   

Astrocytes comprise approximately half of the volume of the adult mammalian brain and are the primary neuronal structural and trophic supportive elements. Astrocytes are organized into distinct nonoverlapping domains and extend elaborate and dense fine processes that interact intimately with synapses and cerebrovasculature. The recognition in the mid 1990s that astrocytes undergo elevations in intracellular calcium concentration following activation of G protein-coupled receptors by synaptically released neurotransmitters demonstrated not only that astrocytes display a form of excitability but also that astrocytes may be active participants in brain information processing. The roles that astrocytic calcium elevations play in neurophysiology and especially in modulation of neuronal activity have been intensely researched in recent years. This review will summarize the current understanding of the function of astrocytic calcium signaling in neurophysiological processes and discuss areas where the role of astrocytes remains controversial and will therefore benefit from further study.  相似文献   

The claustrum is a thin, irregular, sheet-like neuronal structure hidden beneath the inner surface of the neocortex in the general region of the insula. Its function is enigmatic. Its anatomy is quite remarkable in that it receives input from almost all regions of cortex and projects back to almost all regions of cortex. We here briefly summarize what is known about the claustrum, speculate on its possible relationship to the processes that give rise to integrated conscious percepts, propose mechanisms that enable information to travel widely within the claustrum and discuss experiments to address these questions.  相似文献   

The function of centrioles has been controversial and remains incompletely resolved. This is because centrioles, in and of themselves, do not directly perform any physiological activity. Instead, their role is only to act as a jig or breadboard onto which other functional structures can be built. Centrioles are primarily involved in forming two structures-centrosomes and cilia. Centrioles bias the position of spindle pole formation, but because spindle poles can self-organize, the function of the centriole in mitosis is not obligatory. Consequently, lack of centrioles does not generally prevent mitosis, although recent experiments suggest acentriolar spindles have reduced fidelity of chromosome segregation. In contrast, centrioles are absolutely required for the assembly of cilia, including primary cilia that act as cellular antennae. Consistent with this requirement, it is now becoming clear that many ciliary diseases, including nephronophthisis, Bardet-Biedl syndrome, Meckel Syndrome, and Oral-Facial-Digital syndrome, are caused by defects in centriole-associated proteins.  相似文献   

Shnerb T  Lin N  Shurki A 《Biochemistry》2007,46(38):10875-10885
Structural analysis of Gsalpha shows that it is composed of two domains: the ras-like domain (RD) that is conserved in all members of the GTPase superfamily and is homologous to the monomeric G-proteins (e.g., p21ras) and an alpha-helical domain (HD) that is unique to heterotrimeric G-proteins. Little is known about the function of the HD. Recent experiments by Bourne and co-workers, who expressed both the RD and the HD of Gsalpha separately and found that GTP hydrolysis is very slow if only recombinant RD is present but is accelerated when the HD is added, suggest that the HD serves as an intrinsic GTPase-activating protein (GAP). In this work, the GTP hydrolysis in Gsalpha was studied. The results obtained by calculating catalytic effects with and without the HD provide evidence for the role of the HD as a GAP. It is demonstrated that a major part of the catalysis is obtained because of an allosteric influence of the HD on the RD. Structural as well as energetic considerations suggest that the HD confines the RD to a more compact conformation, pushing the phosphate into an orientation where it is further stabilized, thus lowering the overall reaction barrier. The resemblance between the behavior of rasGAP and the HD suggests that the conclusion may be a general conclusion, applicable for all of the G-protein members.  相似文献   

An idea underlying a great deal of research and discussion in plant cell and developmental biology is that the spatial regulation of cell division plays a key role in plant development. In this article, the role of cell division in two aspects of leaf development is analysed: morphogenesis (leaf initiation, growth, and the generation of leaf shape) and histogenesis (the differentiation of leaf cells to form the various cell types that make up a functional leaf). The point of view that emerges from this analysis is that the rate and pattern of cell division is important for leaf development, but does not dictate leaf size, shape, or cell fate.  相似文献   

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