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One of the most important outcomes of modern biology has been the demonstration of the unity of life. All living beings are in fact descendants of a unique ancestor commonly referred to as Luca (the Last universal common ancestor). The discovery - nearly 30 years ago by Carl Woese - that present-day life on our planet can be assigned to only three domains: two of prokaryotic nature (Archaea and Bacteria), and one eukaryoyic (Eucarya), has given birth to a new field of investigation aimed at determining the nature of Luca. Today, thanks to the accumulation of genomic data, we can loop back into the past and infer a few characters of Luca by comparing what present-day organisms have in common. For example, it is now clear that Luca was a cellular organism provided with a cytoplasmic membrane, and that it harboured already a quite sophisticated translation apparatus. However, the inference of other characters of Luca from comparative genomics is less straightforward: for instance, a few key molecular mechanisms for DNA replication are non-homologous across the three domains and their distribution is often puzzling. This evidence has been embraced by proponents of the hypothesis that Luca harboured an RNA genome and that its replacement by DNA and the appearance of the corresponding molecular systems would have occurred independently in the three life domains after their divergence. However, an equally likely scenario would be that of a Luca with a DNA genome and of a subsequent replacement of its DNA-replication systems by non-homologous counterparts either in the bacterial or in the archaeal/eukaroytic branch. Nevertheless, including the viral world into the picture of the tree of life may thus provide us with precious insights into our most distant past since the invention and spread potential of viruses may have played a key role in early evolution.  相似文献   

The nature of the last universal common ancestor   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Cytologically, prokaryotes appear simpler and thus evolutionarily 'older' than eukaryotes. In terms of RNA processing, however, prokaryotes are sophisticated and eukaryotes, which retain many features of an RNA-world, appear primitive. The last universal common ancestor may have been mesophilic and could have had many features of the eukaryote genome, but its cytology is unknown.  相似文献   

The coevolution theory of genetic code origin (Wong, J.T. 1975, Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. U.S.A.72, 1909-1912) is assumed here to be substantially correct. This theory is based on the strict parallelism of the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids and the organization of the genetic code and postulates that these relationships were mediated by tRNA-like molecules on which the biosynthetic transformations between precursor and product amino acids took place. These transformations underlay the mechanism that gave rise to genetic code organization. One of the pathways which represents these transformations found in current organisms, and which are thus probably molecular fossils, is the Met-tRNA(fMet)-->fMet-tRNA(fMet)pathway. This pathway is present only in the Bacteria domain. This along with other observations and arguments leads us to believe that this pathway is a clear violation of the universality of the genetic code. Furthermore, the presence of this pathway only in the Bacteria domain seems to imply that the translation apparatus was still rapidly evolving when this pathway was fixed. This, in turn, appears to imply that the last universal common ancestor was a progenote. Finally, the implications that the finding of this pathway has for the stereochemical theory of genetic code origin are discussed.  相似文献   

The past year has seen several attempts to reconstruct the proteome of the universal ancestor of all life on the basis of comparisons of contempory genomes. However, increasing evidence for lateral gene transfer could mean that such attempts are based on an incorrect understanding of evolution.  相似文献   

Comparative genomics, using computational and experimental methods, enables the identification of a minimal set of genes that is necessary and sufficient for sustaining a functional cell. For most essential cellular functions, two or more unrelated or distantly related proteins have evolved; only about 60 proteins, primarily those involved in translation, are common to all cellular life. The reconstruction of ancestral life-forms is based on the principle of evolutionary parsimony, but the size and composition of the reconstructed ancestral gene-repertoires depend on relative rates of gene loss and horizontal gene-transfer. The present estimate suggests a simple last universal common ancestor with only 500-600 genes.  相似文献   

The strategy for detecting oxygen, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, and sulfides is predominantly through heme-based sensors utilizing either a globin domain or a PAS domain. Whereas PAS domains bind various cofactors, globins bind only heme. Globin-coupled sensors (GCSs) were first described as regulators of the aerotactic responses in Bacillus subtilis and Halobacterium salinarum. GCSs were also identified in diverse microorganisms that appear to have roles in regulating gene expression. Functional and evolutionary analyses of the GCSs, their protoglobin ancestor, and their relationship to the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) are discussed in the context of globin-based signal transduction.  相似文献   

The availability of genomic and proteomic data from across the tree of life has made it possible to infer features of the genome and proteome of the last universal common ancestor (LUCA). A number of studies have done so, all using a unique set of methods and bioinformatics databases. Here, we compare predictions across eight such studies and measure both their agreement with one another and with the consensus predictions among them. We find that some LUCA genome studies show a strong agreement with the consensus predictions of the others, but that no individual study shares a high or even moderate degree of similarity with any other individual study. From these observations, we conclude that the consensus among studies provides a more accurate depiction of the core proteome of the LUCA and its functional repertoire. The set of consensus LUCA protein family predictions between all of these studies portrays a LUCA genome that, at minimum, encoded functions related to protein synthesis, amino acid metabolism, nucleotide metabolism, and the use of common, nucleotide‐derived organic cofactors.  相似文献   

Galtier et al. (Science 1999, 283, 220-221) exploit the correlation between the optimal growth temperature in prokaryotes and the G+C content of rRNAs and establish that the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) lived in a mesophilic environment. This result was achieved by estimating the G+C content of the ancestral sequences of the rRNAs of the LUCA through use of a complex Markov model. I have re-analysed their alignments of the rDNAs with maximum parsimony and I have found that their result is not robust and is, in all likelihood, incorrect. In particular, the rRNA ancestral sequences reconstructed with maximum parsimony from these rDNA alignments as well as those reconstructed after eliminating all the sites that turn out to be ambiguous to the parsimony algorithm and to a site-by-site inspection of these alignments, are such as to suggest that the LUCA lived in a thermophilic or hyperthermophilic environment. This finding is also supported by some tRNA ancestral sequences. The main conclusion of this analysis is that if the LUCA was a progenote then the origin of life might have taken place at a high temperature.  相似文献   

M Di Giulio 《Gene》2001,281(1-2):11-17
By exploiting the correlation between the optimal growth temperature of organisms and a thermophily index based on the propensity of amino acids to enter thermophile/hyperthermophile proteins, an analysis is conducted in order to establish whether the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) was a mesophile or a (hyper)thermophile. This objective is reached by using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood to reconstruct the ancestral sequences of the LUCA for two pairs of sets of paralogous protein sequences by means of the phylogenetic tree topology derived from the small subunit ribosomal RNA, even if this is rooted in all three possible ways. The thermophily index of all the reconstructed ancestral sequences of the LUCA belongs to the set of the thermophile/hyperthermophile sequences, thus supporting the hypotheses that see the LUCA as a thermophile or a hyperthermophile.  相似文献   

An organismal tree rooted in the bacterial branch and derived from a hyperthermophilic last common ancestor (LCA) is still widely assumed to represent the path followed by evolution from the most primeval cells to the three domains recognized among contemporary organisms: Bacteria, Archaea and Eucarya. In the past few years, however, more and more discrepancies between this pattern and individual protein trees have been brought to light. There has been an overall tendency to attribute these incongruities to widespread lateral gene transfer. However, recent developments, a reappraisal of earlier evidence and considerations of our own lead us to a quite different view. It would appear (i) that the role of lateral gene transfer was overemphasized in recent discussions of molecular phylogenies; (ii) that the LCA was probably a non-thermophilic protoeukaryote from which both Archaea and Bacteria emerged by reductive evolution but not as sister groups, in keeping with a current evolutionary scheme for the biosynthesis of membrane lipids; and (iii) that thermophilic Archaea may have been the first branch to diverge from the ancestral line.  相似文献   

The use of an oxyphobic index (OI) based on the propensity of amino acids to enter more frequently the proteins of anaerobes makes it possible to make inferences on the environment in which the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) lived. The reconstruction of the ancestral sequences of proteins using a method based on maximum likelihood and their attribution by means of the OI to the set of aerobe or anaerobe sequences has led to the following conclusions: the LUCA was an anaerobic 'organism', as were the ancestors of Archaea and Bacteria, whereas the ancestor of Eukarya was an aerobe. These observations seem to falsify the hypothesis that the LUCA was an aerobe and help to identify better the environment in which the first organisms lived.  相似文献   

Genome analyses and the resolution of three-dimensional structures have provided evidence in recent years for hitherto unexpected family relationships between redox proteins of very diverse enzymes involved in bioenergetic electron transport. Many of these enzymes appear in fact to be constructed from only a limited set of building blocks. Phylogenetic analysis of selected units from this "redox enzyme construction kit" indicates an origin for several prominent bioenergetic enzymes that is very early, lying before the divergence of Bacteria and Archaea. Possible scenarios for the early evolution of selected complexes are proposed based on the obtained tree topologies.  相似文献   

The existence of a correlation between the optimal growth temperature of various organisms and a thermophily index (based on the propensity of amino acids to enter more frequently into the proteins of thermophiles/hyperthermophiles) allows inferences to be made on the mesophilic or thermophilic nature of the last universal common ancestor (LUCA). By reconstructing the ancestral sequences of the various ancestors using methods based on maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony, these sequences can be attributed to the mesophiles or (hyper)thermophiles and the following conclusions can be drawn. (1) There is no evidence that the LUCA might have been a mesophile and observations seem to imply that the LUCA was a thermophile or a hyperthermophile; (2) The ancestors of the Archaea and Bacteria domains seem to be (hyper)thermophiles while that of the Eukarya domain turns out to be a mesophile. These conclusions are independent of both (i) where the root is located on the topology of the universal tree (based on that of the small subunit ribosomal RNA) and (ii) the presence of hyperthermophile bacteria near the node of the Bacteria domain ancestor. These conclusions are easier to interpret in the light of the hypotheses that see the origin of life taking place at a high temperature.  相似文献   

Analysis of extant proteomes has the potential of revealing how amino acid frequencies within proteins have evolved over biological time. Evidence is presented here that cysteine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine residues have substantially increased in frequency since the three primary lineages diverged more than three billion years ago. This inference was derived from a comparison of amino acid frequencies within conserved and non-conserved residues of a set of proteins dating to the last universal ancestor in the face of empirical knowledge of the relative mutability of these amino acids. The under-representation of these amino acids within last universal ancestor proteins relative to their modern descendants suggests their late introduction into the genetic code. Thus, it appears that extant ancient proteins contain evidence pertaining to early events in the formation of biological systems.  相似文献   

The nature of the last universal ancestor to all extent cellular organisms and the rooting of the universal tree of life are fundamental questions which can now be addressed by molecular evolutionists. Several scenarios have been proposed during the last years, based on the phylogenies of ribosomal RNA and of duplicated proteins, which suggest that the last universal ancestor was either an RNA progenote or an hyperthermophilic prokaryote. We discuss these hypotheses in the light of new data on the evolution of DNA metabolizing enzymes and of contradictions between different protein phylogenies. We conclude that the last universal ancestor was a member of the DNA world already containing several DNA polymerases and DNA topoisomerases. Furthermore, we criticize current data which suggest that the rooting of the universal tree of life is located in the eubacterial branch and we conclude that both rooting the universal tree and the nature of the last universal ancestor are still open questions.  相似文献   

PACAP: the road to discovery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arimura A 《Peptides》2007,28(9):1617-1619

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