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Several aspects of the interaction of various lectins with the surface of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells are described. The order of agglutinating activity for various lectins is Ricinus communis greater than wheat germ greater than or equal to concanavalin A greater than or equal to soybean greater than Limulus polyphemus. No agglutination was noted for Ulex europaeus. Using 125I-labeled lectins it was determined that there are 1.6 and 7 times as many Ricinus communis lectin binding sites for concanavalin A and soybean lectins. Sodium deoxycholate-solubilized plasma membrane material was subjected to lectin affinity chromatography and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The lectin receptors of the plasma membrane appeared to be heterogeneous and some qualitative differences could be discerned among the electrophoretically analyzed material, which bound to and was specifically eluted from the various lectin affinity columns. The characteristics of elution of bound material from individual lectin columns indicated secondary hydrophobic interactions between concanavalin A or wheat germ agglutinin and their respective lectin receptor molecules.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane of the Ehrlich ascites tumor cell contains an NADH dehydrogenase. This activity was shown not to be due to contamination by other subcellular membranes. A variety of electron acceptors have been compared as to rate with the following result: ferricyanide greater than cytochrome c greater than cytochrome b5 greater than glyoxylate greater than dichlorophenolindophenol. Oxygen acceptance could not be detected. The optimum assay temperature and pH ranges were 30--40 degrees C and pH 6--8, respectively. With respect to either NADH or ferricyanide, the kinetics yielded linear double-reciprocal plots. Inhibition of the enzyme by sulfhydryl reagents could be blocked by excess NADH. Detergents such as Triton X-100 or cholate resulted in solubilization of the enzymatic activity, but phospholipase A2 did not. The activity differed from that of the mitochondria in that it was not inhibited by rotenone or antimycin A. The possible involvement of NADH oxidation in the energetics of plasma membrane transport is discussed.  相似文献   

A novel technique for modulating the spreading of ascites cells has been developed. Plasma membranes of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells were modified in two different ways: 1) biotin residues were covalently coupled to membrane components; 2) biotinylated lipid was introduced into plasma membrane. Adhesion and spreading of modified cells on avidin-coated substrates were studied and compared to those of non-modified cells. Both types of membrane alteration were shown to induce specific (biotin-dependent) interaction with immobilized avidin with resultant cell spreading. Spread cells attained epithelioid-like morphology with the formation of wide thin lamellae, focal contacts with substrate, and circular actin bundles. The process of spreading was shown to be energy-dependent: it could be blocked by metabolic inhibitors and by low temperature. Formation of extended lamellae was prevented by preincubation of cells in the presence of cytochalasin B. The effects of metabolic poisons, low temperature, and microfilament--disruptive drugs were reversible and after the restoration of physiological conditions the cells resumed the spreading process. Immunoprecipitation of biotinylated cell lysates with antiserum to cytoplasmic domain of beta 1-integrin subunit revealed a major 110 kD avidin-binding component. We conclude that lack of spreading of ascites carcinoma cells may be explained by the lack of functionally active adhesion- and spreading-competent cell-surface receptors, but may not be attributed to the defects in intracellular function or organization. Intracellular machinery of cell spreading is preserved in these ascites cells and could be turned on by cell attachment to the substrate via artificial adhesive site incorporated into plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A causes a biphasic modification of the activity of the plasma membrane enzyme 5′-nucleotidase. The first stimulatory phase occurs from 0 to 0.05 μM concanavalin A, the second inhibitory phase at higher concentrations. The curve relating binding of 125I-labelled concanavalin A and concentration of native lectin is similarly biphasie. The two phases likely result from occupation of distinct families of binding sites. When the enzyme is extracted from the membrane, the stimulatory phase disappears. Thus, the high affinity binding sites responsible for this phase depend upon the intact membrane structure while the others do not.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes, isolated from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells, were dissolved in 2% cholate, 4 M urea and then reformed into liposomes upon dialysis at 4 degrees with exogenous phospholipids. Reconstituted vesicles regain the ability to transport amino acids. Na+ was shown to accelerate the uptake of alpha-aminoisobutyrate, phenylalanine, and methionine, but not leucine or epsilon-aminohexanoic acid. With the reconstituted vesicles, methionine, but not leucine, inhibited the uptake of alpha-aminoisobutyrate. An apparent Km value for alpha-aminoisobutyrate uptake of 3.0 mM was obtained. This value is close to that observed with the intact cells and the native membrane vesicles. A Na+ gradient (high Na+ outside) increased alpha-aminoisobutyrate uptake, whereas a reversed gradient (high Na+ inside) increased alpha-aminoisobutyrate efflux. The latter flux was increased by valinomycin, suggesting electrogenic transport. A modest extent of coupling between a Na+ gradient and uphill flow of alpha-aminoisobutyrate was observed.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells have been isolated to a high degree of purity. In the presence of Mg2+, the plasma membrane preparation exhibits a Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity of 2 mumol Pi per h per mg protein. It is suggested that this (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity is related to the measured Ca2+ transport which was characterized by Km values for ATP and Ca2+ of 44 +/- 9 microM and 0.25 +/- 0.10 microM, respectively. Phosphorylation of plasma membranes with [gamma-32P]ATP and analysis of the radioactive species by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed a Ca2+-dependent hydroxylamine-sensitive phosphoprotein with a molecular mass of 135 kDa. Molecular mass and other data differentiate this phosphoprotein from the catalytic subunit of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and from the catalytic subunit of (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase of endoplasmic reticulum. It is suggested that the 135 kDa phosphoprotein represents the phosphorylated catalytic subunit of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase of the plasma membrane of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells. This finding is discussed in relation to previous attempts to identify a Ca2+-pump in plasma membranes isolated from nucleated cells.  相似文献   

Gel chromatography of solubilized Ehrlich cell plasma membranes and preformed asolectin vesicles coupled to a freeze-thaw cycle results in the reconstitution of 3-O-methyl-D-glucose transport. The transport activity of the liposomes formed is critically dependent on the cation present during reconstitution. Liposomes formed in K+ show high levels of carrier-mediated 3-O-methyl-D-glucose uptake (495 pmol/min/mg protein) while those formed in Na+ do not (33 pmol/min/mg protein). The inactivity in Na+ is not due to a diminished incorporation of glucose transporter nor is it due to carrier molecules reconstituted with a different orientation from those in K+ liposomes. Instead, the low glucose transport level in Na+ liposomes is related to the small size of vesicles formed with Na+. A second freeze-thaw cycle in K+ causes a two- to threefold increase in the available intravesicular volume of Na+ liposomes and results in an eightfold increase in carrier-mediated 3-O-methyl-D-glucose uptake. K+ liposomes, treated in an identical manner, show only a twofold increase in uptake. The glucose transporter was identified as a protein with a molecular mass range of 44.7 to 66.8 kDa, by the D-glucose-inhibitable photoincorporation of [3H]cytochalasin B. The carrier protein is inserted in reconstituted vesicles in a nonrandom manner with at least 80% of the molecules oriented with the cytoplasmic domain accessible to the external medium. In contrast, the neutral Na+-dependent amino acid transport system appears to be randomly reconstituted.  相似文献   

Na+-dependent amino acid transport can be reconstituted by gel filtration of disaggregated plasma membrane and asolectin vesicles coupled to a freeze-thaw cycle. The resultant transport activity is markedly affected by the nature of the reconstitution medium. Reconstitution in K+ permits the formation of active liposomes, whereas reconstitution in Na+, Li+, or choline does not. Electron micrographs of K+ liposomes show a wide variation in liposome sizes. Ficoll density gradient fractionation of K+ liposomes shows that the largest vesicles are lipid rich, have the lowest density, and have the highest level of Na+-dependent amino acid transport. Liposomes formed in Na+ have a 34% smaller trapped volume than K+ liposomes and lack a population of large vesicles. A second freeze-thaw in K+ restores activity to Na+ liposomes which now contain large low density active vesicles. Fluorescence measurements of freeze-thaw-induced mixing of vesicle lipids indicates that the absence of large vesicles in Na+ liposomes is due to inhibition by Na+ of lipid vesicle fusion events during freezing and thawing. The large vesicle fraction is enriched in a 125-kDa peptide. It has not yet been established whether this peptide is part of the transport system for neutral amino acids.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells have been isolated to a high degree of purity. In the presence of Mg2+, the plasma membrane preparation exhibits a Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity of 2 μmol Pi per h per mg protein. It is suggested that this (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity is related to the measured Ca2+ transport which was characterized by Km values for ATP and Ca2+ of 44 ± 9 μM and 0.25 ± 0.10 μM, respectively. Phosphorylation of plasma membranes with [γ-32P]ATP and analysis of the radioactive species by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed a Ca2+-dependent hydroxylamine-sensitive phosphoprotein with a molecular mass of 135 kDa. Molecular mass and other data differentiate this phosphoprotein from the catalytic subunit of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and from the catalytic subunit of (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase of endoplasmic reticulum. It is suggested that the 135 kDa phosphoprotein represents the phosphorylated catalytic subunit of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase of the plasma membrane of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells. This finding is discussed in relation to previous attempts to identify a Ca2+-pump in plasma membranes isolated from nucleated cells.  相似文献   

The association of cytoskeletal proteins with cell surface envelopes from Sarcoma 180 ascites cells has been studied by several techniques previously used successfully in studying the interaction of spectrin with erythrocyte membranes. By electron microscopy the envelopes exhibit irregular exterior surfaces and the presence of substantial amounts of “fuzz” at the interior surface. Extraction of the envelopes at low ionic strength and alkaline pH fragments the membranes and depletes them of the “fuzz” with concomitant elution of four major polypeptides of mol. wt >300 000 (Band E), 250 000, 100 000 and 43 000 D. The last three of these have been tentatively identified as actin-binding protein (ABP), α-actinin and actin. Membrane-associated myosin is not eluted under these conditions. Neither actin nor myosin is eluted under conditions commonly used to depolymerize them. However, myosin can be eluted at high salt concentrations if the envelopes have been previously extracted and fragmented with alkaline buffer as above. Extraction of the envelopes with Triton X-100 removes 60% of the membrane lipid and 70–80% of lactoperoxidase-iodinated cell surface proteins without removal of significant amounts of the cytoskeletal proteins. The Triton residues maintain the shape of the original envelopes but have lost the trilaminar membrane structure. Proteolysis of intact envelopes with trypsin or papain cleaves the high molecular weight polypeptides in the order E > ABP > myosin. Fragmentation occurs with cleavage of E or ABP, but does not appear to require cleavage of myosin. Actin and α-actinin are not appreciably cleaved when associated with the membrane. The results, combined with previous observations, suggest an extensive complex of cytoskeletal proteins attached to the membrane interior surface.  相似文献   

The binding of platelets to collagen is the first step in hemostasis. We attempted three approaches for elucidation of the chemical nature of receptors of human platelets for collagen. First, we examined the effect of platelet surface alteration by chymotrypsin treatment. On increasing the concentration of chymotrypsin, collagen-induced platelet aggregation and the release reaction decreased, and in parallel with this change, remarkable decrease of membrane glycoproteins IIb and V, as well as 400 kDa and 300 kDa membrane proteins, was observed. Secondly, effects of several lectins on the platelet-collagen interaction were examined. Lens culinaris agglutinin was found to specifically inhibit the platelet aggregation and release reaction induced by collagen. This inhibition appeared to be caused mainly by blocking of the collagen receptors on platelets by Lens culinaris agglutinin. Furthermore, Lens culinaris agglutinin was found to bind preferentially to glycoprotein IIb as identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of platelet membranes followed by staining with 125I-Lens culinaris agglutinin. In addition, a polymerized preparation of Lens culinaris agglutinin induced platelet aggregation. Thirdly, the membrane component which could bind to collagen-Sepharose 4B was determined. Analysis by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis combined with autoradiography or fluorography revealed that glycoprotein IIb was most enriched in the bound fraction to collagen. From these results, glycoprotein IIb is most likely a receptor for collagen on human platelet membranes.  相似文献   

The fatty acyl group composition of Ehrlich ascites tumor cell plasma membranes was modified by feeding the tumor-bearing mice diets rich in either coconut or sunflower oil. When coconut oil was fed, the oleate content of the membrane phospholipids was elevated and the linoleate content reduced. The opposite occurred when sunflower oil was fed. Qualitatively similar changes were observed in the plasma membrane phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine and mixed phosphatidylserine plus phosphatidylinositol fractions. These diets also produced differences in the sphingomyelin fraction, particularly in the palmitic and nervonic acid contents. Unexpectedly, the saturated fatty acid content of the plasma membrane phospholipids was somewhat greater when the highly polyunsaturated sunflower oil was fed. The small quantities of neutral lipids contained in the plasma membrane exhibited changes in acyl group composition similar to those observed in the phospholipids. These fatty acyl group changes were not accompanied by any alteration in the cholesterol or phospholipid contents of the plasma membranes. Therefore, the lipid alterations produced in this experimental model system are confined to the membrane acyl groups.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced progression delay in G1/S, S and G2/M phases of p53 wild-type Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) cells growing in vivo was investigated by DNA flow cytometry. Different behavior patterns of EAC cells at the time after irradiation with low (2, 4, 6, 8 Gy) and high (10, 15, 20 Gy) doses were evaluated. While EAC cells showed a small progression delay in S phase and a dose-dependent block in G2/M phase after the irradiation with low doses, a clear additional block in G1/S phase was observed after irradiation with high doses. An assessment of the damage response and repair networks at the time after irradiation might have important implication for the development of cancer management and treatment.  相似文献   

In populations of Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) cells rhythms of near-hourly periods have been demonstrated for several cell parameters - nucleus and cell size, permeability and strength of plasma membranes. These oscillations are characterized by a high degree of synchrony and autonomy.  相似文献   

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