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应用电解损毁和脑室内注射药物的方法研究了刺激家兔腹部迷走神经外周端所致降压效应的中枢机制。结果表明:1.电刺激延脑闩部尾侧1.5—2mm、中线旁开0.25mm、深1—2mm 处主要引起降压反应。2.电解损毁该部位可以使刺激腹部迷走神经外周端所引起的降压效应显著减弱(n=20,P<0.001),但对刺激减压神经所致降压反应无影响。3.在延脑闩部水平电解损毁减压神经纤维在孤束核的主要投射区可以使刺激减压神经所致降压反应显著减弱,而对刺激腹部迷走神经外周端所致降压反应无影响。4.第四脑室注射5,6-双羟色胺的动物较之注射人工脑脊液的动物颈、胸髓5-羟色胺含量明显降低、动物动脉压增高、心率明显增快、刺激减压神经所致降压反应未见减弱,而刺激腹部迷走神经外周端所致降压反应却明显减小。因此,我们认为家兔腹部迷走神经外周端所致降压效应依赖于延脑闩下部的中缝隐核及连合核等结构,而与减压神经的投射部位无关。延脑中缝核至脊髓的下行性5-HT能神经纤维抑制脊髓交感节前神经元的活动,是这个降压效应的中枢机制之一。  相似文献   

本文观察了用强电刺激猕猴颈迷走神经中枢端,对海马单位放电活动的影响。结果如下:(1)刺激迷走神经中枢端,海马单位放电频率,多数增加,部分减少,少数不变;侧脑室注射吗啡后,刺激迷走神经中枢端,增频反应的单位增多,减频反应的单位减少。(2)侧脑室注射纳洛酮,可明显拮抗吗啡的上述作用,使发生增频反应的单位减少,减频反应的单位增多。由此表明,迷走传入冲动可影响海马单位放电活动。并且提示,胆碱能纤维与海马脑啡肽能神经元之间存在着机能上的联系。  相似文献   

文献报道迷走传入直接或间接投射至多个脑区。本工作分别检验这些脑区在迷走传入引起的降压、降心率反应中的作用。在乌拉坦麻醉、双侧切断颈迷走神经的大鼠,将普鲁卡因微量注入孤束核或β-内啡肽抗血清注入延髓头端腹外侧区(RVL)均可明显减小电刺激预迷走神经中枢端引起的降压(DpV)和降心率反应,但分别将心得安、β-内啡肽抗血清注入室旁核或普鲁卡因注入最后区对DpV和心率减慢反应均无明显影响。保留右侧颈迷走神经的大鼠,在甲基阿托品(i.v.)阻断心迷走神经作用后DpV亦无明显变化,但心率减慢反应被衰减。鉴于我们以往的实验显示孤束核可通过其β-内啡肽能投射纤维作用于RVL而起降压作用,以上结果提示:迷走传入通过孤束核的β-内啡肽能神经元对RVL-交感兴奋神经元起抑制作用是引起降压反应的机制之一。  相似文献   

迷走神经电刺激(vagus nerve stimulation, VNS)对无法手术的耐药难治性癫痫患者能起到较好的抗癫痫效果,目前已被美国FDA批准用于耐药难治性癫痫的临床辅助性治疗。VNS的抗癫痫作用可长期维持,且治疗效果随刺激时间的延长而增加。有研究发现,VNS在减少癫痫发作的同时,还能改善癫痫患者的情绪状态,提高患者的认知能力。去甲肾上腺素能系统参与突触可塑性调节。本文综述了VNS改善难治性癫痫患者学习记忆能力的研究进展,重点讨论了去甲肾上腺素能系统调控突触可塑性变化的相关信号通路,提出VNS激活去甲肾上腺素能系统从而改善患者学习记忆的潜在可能性,为临床癫痫治疗提供新的靶点和思路。  相似文献   

目的:研究生理和高渗盐溶液所致的血容量扩张对心-肾反射活动的影响,探讨心-肾反射在整体功能调节中的作用。方法:健康家兔18只,随机分为生理盐水和高渗盐溶液组。所有动物去窦弓神经,左肾神经在近肾门处切断。在右颈外静脉以10 ml/min输入15%血容量的生理盐水和1.8%氯化钠溶液前后,观察中心静脉压(CVP)、左肾交感传出神经活动(ERSNA)、左、右肾尿量和排钠系数的变化。结果:输液后高渗盐和生理盐水组CVP分别升高77.00%±23.74%和64.00%±15.56%;ERSNA频率分别减慢63.00%±12.49%和44.00%±13.64%,平均群集时间分别缩短37.00%±16.49%和31.00%±10.69%,平均群集间期分别延长68.00%±27.04%和60.00%±18.38%;左肾尿量分别增加640.00%±155.39%和158.00%±28.10%,排钠系数分别增加376.00%±121.72%和132.00%±35.23%;右肾尿量分别增加1343.00%±429.95%和192.00%±32.26%,排钠系数分别增加856.00%±261.48%和300.00%±76.99%。结论:在去窦弓神经家兔,不同浓度溶液所致的血容量扩张均可刺激心肺感受器,通过心-肾反射活动抑制ERSNA,使肾的排钠和排水增多,进而调整和维持机体血容量的相对稳定。  相似文献   

雌激素主要由卵巢分泌,是一种类固醇激素。流行病学研究显示,绝经前女性的高血压发病率明显低于同龄男性。研究表明,雌激素可通过影响中枢肾素-血管紧张素系统(RAS)组分的功能发挥其在中枢血压调控中的保护作用。雌激素作用于雌激素受体可抑制RAS增压信号通路或/和激活其减压信号通路,衰减中枢核团内自主神经元兴奋性进而延缓外界刺激诱导的高血压的发生。本文通过对雌激素在中枢RAS活动增强诱导的高血压发生中心血管保护作用及作用机制等方面进行综述,为临床开展性别差异性的高血压防治提供新思路。  相似文献   

本文利用[~3H]-2脱氧葡萄糖定量放射自显影方法,研究了电刺激大鼠尾核头部镇痛时中枢神经系统有关结构的葡萄糖代谢率变化。结果表明,痛刺激后,皮层躯体感觉Ⅰ,Ⅱ区、扣带回皮质、丘脑束旁核、丘脑中央中核、丘脑腹后核、尾核、外侧缰核、外侧隔核、中缝背核及中脑导水管周围灰质等结等的葡萄糖代谢率均明显升高(P<0.05)。电刺激大鼠尾核头部后,中缝大核及延髓旁巨细胞网状外侧核的葡萄糖代谢率显著升高,中脑导水管周围灰质和中缝背核的葡萄糖代谢率亦有升高趋势。电刺激大鼠尾核头部可部份降低痛刺激引起的有关结构葡萄糖代谢率升高(如皮层躯体感觉Ⅰ、Ⅱ区、扣带回皮质、丘脑束旁核、丘脑中央中核、丘脑腹后核、外侧隔核及外侧缰核等)。上述结果提示,电刺激大鼠尾核头部镇痛时抑制了与痛感觉有关的结构,同时激活了与镇痛有关的结构。中缝大核、中缝背核、中脑导水管周围灰质及延髓旁巨细胞网状外侧核等结构是实现尾核镇痛的重要环节。  相似文献   

应用推挽灌流技术、去甲肾上腺素(NA)放射酶学法和亮-脑啡肽放射免疫法观察不同脑区 NA 和脊髓背角亮-脑啡肽的释放。应用分子筛柱层析分离家兔不同脑区的5-羟色胺(5-HT)和5-羟吲哚乙酸(5-HIAA),并对它们进行荧光微量测定。以此来阐明针刺镇痛时 NA、5-HT 和亮-脑啡肽在下行抑制中的作用。1.家兔电针20 min,痛阈显著提高,此时中脑导水管周围灰质(PAG)和中缝大核(NRM)的 NA 释放显著减少,而 Al 核团和脊髓背角的 NA释放显著增加。2.电针镇痛时,PAG、延脑中缝核区和脊髓的5-HT 和5-HIAA 含量均有显著增加,除 PAG 外,这种增加的出现较 NA 为晚。提示可能在针刺镇痛的下行抑制中,NA 的参予较5-HT 为早。3.针刺镇痛时脊髓背角亮-脑啡肽的释放也明显增加。  相似文献   

Electromechanical delay (EMD) in isometric contractions of knee extensors evoked by voluntary, tendon reflex (TR) and electrical stimulation (ES) was investigated in 21 healthy young subjects. The subject performed voluntary knee extensions with maximum effort (maximal voluntary contraction, MVC), and at 30%, 60% and 80% MVC. Patellar tendon reflexes were evoked with the reflex hammer being dropped from 60°, 75° and 90° positions. In the percutaneous ES evoked contractions, single switches were triggered with pulses of duration 1.0 ms and of intensities 90, 120 and 150 V. Electromyograms of the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris muscles were recorded using surface electrodes. The isometric knee extension force was recorded using a load cell force transducer connected to the subject's lower leg. The major finding of this study was that EMD of the involuntary contractions [e.g. mean 22.1 (SEM 1.32) ms in TR 90°; mean 17.2 (SEM 0.62) ms in ES 150 V] was significantly shorter than that of the voluntary contractions [e.g. mean 38.7 (SEM 1.18) ms in MVC,P < 0.05]. The relationships between EMD, muscle contractile properties and muscle fibre conduction velocity were also investigated. Further study is needed to explain fully the EMD differences found between the voluntary and involuntary contractions.  相似文献   

Cao DY  Niu HZ  Tang XD  Li Q 《生理学报》2003,55(1):105-109
在距脊髓约 15mm处切断大鼠L5背根 ,将中枢端分成 4~ 5条细束 ,电刺激腓肠神经在背根细束上记录背根反射 (dorsalrootreflex ,DRR)。共记录到DRR 5 1例 ,根据引起DRR所兴奋的腓肠神经纤维类别和DRR在背根逆向传出的纤维类别将DRR分为 5类 :Aαβ Aαβ·DRR、Aβδ Aδ·DRR、Aβδ C·DRR、Aαβδδ C·DRR和C C·DRR。结果证明 ,电刺激外周神经激活各类纤维不但能引起A类 (包括Aδ)纤维的DRR ,而且也能引起C类纤维的DRR。记录的Aδ·DRR和C·DRR为细纤维传入终末产生突触前抑制提供了客观指标 ,为DRR逆向传出冲动到达外周组织 ,释放神经肽类递质 ,调节外周效应器的功能提供了证据  相似文献   

Intravenous injection of opioid agonists in rats evokes a vagal reflex resulting in a fall in heart rate and blood pressure. Three opioid antagonists, naloxone, SMS 201-995, and ICI 154,129 were used to assess the nature of the opioid receptors that mediate the vagal reflex. The agonists used were morphine, Tyr-Pro-NMePhe-d-Pro-NH2 (PLO17), and d-Ala2-Leu5-enkephalin (DADL). At challenge doses of morphine, PLO17, and DADL at five times the ED50 for bradycardia, the naloxone ED50 for DADL was nine times greater than that for morphine and PLO17. The pA2 value of naloxone against DADL was significantly less than that for morphine and PLO17. The antagonist properties of SMS 201-995 were similar to those of naloxone. ICI 154,129, a putative delta receptor antagonist, was not, however, selective in its antagonism of opioid bradycardia. Both SMS 201-995 and ICI 154,129, when injected alone, produced changes in heart rate and blood pressure. The cardiovascular actions of the peptide antagonists were not affected by naloxone hydrochloride at doses up to 4 mg/kg i.v.  相似文献   

Gastrin and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) are released into the circulation by vagal stimulation. The individual effects of the anterior and posterior vagal trunks on the release of these peptides are unknown. Four sheep were anaesthetized and studied acutely: both vagi were dissected at the hiatus and the trunks divided. In two sheep, the distal ends of the anterior trunks were stimulated for 5 min with an 8 V, 1 ms impulse at 10 Hz. After 1 h the posterior trunks were stimulated similarly. In the other two sheep, the posterior trunk was stimulated and after 1 h the anterior vagal trunk was stimulated. The anterior and posterior trunk equally stimulated the release of both gastrin and PP in four animals. The second stimulation in these four animals resulted in an 18-fold greater integrated response of gastrin and 20-fold greater response of PP. This potentiation to the second stimulus was observed in further experiments even when the same trunk, posterior or anterior, was stimulated twice. The similarity of influence of the anterior and posterior trunks for the release of PP suggests the existence of mechanisms for vagally stimulated PP release other than branches direct from the vagal trunks.  相似文献   

The influence of prolonged electrical stimulation of rabbit hypothalamus on blood lipids and the development of atherosclerosis were studied. The negative emotional state observed during the electrical stimulation was accompanied by blood hyperlipemia and atherosclerosis development in 1/3 noncastrated and 2/3 castrated animals.  相似文献   

Recordings from the cerebellum under behavioral conditions that cause learning in the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) constrain the cellular mechanisms that could mediate learning. Analysis of the complex-spike responses of Purkinje cells demonstrates a mismatch between the properties of cerebellar long-term depression (LTD) in vitro and the signals available to guide learning in vivo. To resolve this mismatch, it may be necessary to assume that there are multiple cellular mechanisms of VOR learning, including both depression and potentiation.  相似文献   

During static conditions the nociceptive reflex is known to vary as a function of, for example, the stimulus position, stimulus intensity, and muscle contraction. The aim of the present human study was to investigate whether the reflex and the corresponding perception of pain are modulated by cyclic movements of the limb involved. Reflexes, evoked by nociceptive electric stimulation of the sural nerve, were recorded from the biceps femoris and the rectus femoris muscles in eight volunteers. Four different experiments were performed to compare the nociceptive reflex and pain score elicited during active isometric/dynamic flexion/extension of the knee joint. The amplitudes of the reflexes were largest for the dynamic conditions. The reflexes, evoked during dynamic extension and isometric contraction of the rectus femoris muscle, had the shortest latencies but the recordings from the biceps femoris muscle were larger than from the rectus femoris muscle. Knee joint angle recordings showed that the largest angle variations occurred for the dynamic conditions and were only marginally disturbed for the isometric conditions. A given stimulus intensity evoked the highest pain intensity during isometric contractions. This indicates that there would seem to be no causal relationship between the size of the nociceptive reflex and the pain intensity.  相似文献   

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