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Ripatti S  Palmgren J 《Biometrics》2000,56(4):1016-1022
There exists a growing literature on the estimation of gamma distributed multiplicative shared frailty models. There is, however, often a need to model more complicated frailty structures, but attempts to extend gamma frailties run into complications. Motivated by hip replacement data with a more complicated dependence structure, we propose a model based on multiplicative frailties with a multivariate log-normal joint distribution. We give a justification and an estimation procedure for this generally structured frailty model, which is a generalization of the one presented by McGilchrist (1993, Biometrics 49, 221-225). The estimation is based on Laplace approximation of the likelihood function. This leads to estimating equations based on a penalized fixed effects partial likelihood, where the marginal distribution of the frailty terms determines the penalty term. The tuning parameters of the penalty function, i.e., the frailty variances, are estimated by maximizing an approximate profile likelihood. The performance of the approximation is evaluated by simulation, and the frailty model is fitted to the hip replacement data.  相似文献   

Joly P  Commenges D 《Biometrics》1999,55(3):887-890
We consider the estimation of the intensity and survival functions for a continuous time progressive three-state semi-Markov model with intermittently observed data. The estimator of the intensity function is defined nonparametrically as the maximum of a penalized likelihood. We thus obtain smooth estimates of the intensity and survival functions. This approach can accommodate complex observation schemes such as truncation and interval censoring. The method is illustrated with a study of hemophiliacs infected by HIV. The intensity functions and the cumulative distribution functions for the time to infection and for the time to AIDS are estimated. Covariates can easily be incorporated into the model.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating the intensity functions for a continuous time 'illness-death' model with intermittently observed data. In such a case, it may happen that a subject becomes diseased between two visits and dies without being observed. Consequently, there is an uncertainty about the precise number of transitions. Estimating the intensity of transition from health to illness by survival analysis (treating death as censoring) is biased downwards. Furthermore, the dates of transitions between states are not known exactly. We propose to estimate the intensity functions by maximizing a penalized likelihood. The method yields smooth estimates without parametric assumptions. This is illustrated using data from a large cohort study on cerebral ageing. The age-specific incidence of dementia is estimated using an illness-death approach and a survival approach.  相似文献   

The observation of repeated events for subjects in cohort studies could be terminated by loss to follow-up, end of study, or a major failure event such as death. In this context, the major failure event could be correlated with recurrent events, and the usual assumption of noninformative censoring of the recurrent event process by death, required by most statistical analyses, can be violated. Recently, joint modeling for 2 survival processes has received considerable attention because it makes it possible to study the joint evolution over time of 2 processes and gives unbiased and efficient parameters. The most commonly used estimation procedure in the joint models for survival events is the expectation maximization algorithm. We show how maximum penalized likelihood estimation can be applied to nonparametric estimation of the continuous hazard functions in a general joint frailty model with right censoring and delayed entry. The simulation study demonstrates that this semiparametric approach yields satisfactory results in this complex setting. As an illustration, such an approach is applied to a prospective cohort with recurrent events of follicular lymphomas, jointly modeled with death.  相似文献   

Kozumi H 《Biometrics》2000,56(4):1002-1006
This paper considers the discrete survival data from a Bayesian point of view. A sequence of the baseline hazard functions, which plays an important role in the discrete hazard function, is modeled with a hidden Markov chain. It is explained how the resultant model is implemented via Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. The model is illustrated by an application of real data.  相似文献   

Cadigan NG  Brattey J 《Biometrics》2003,59(4):869-876
We present a semiparametric likelihood approach to estimating reporting rates and tag-loss rates from the tags returned from capture-recapture studies. Such studies are commonly used to estimate critical population parameters. Tag loss rates are estimated using double-tagged animals, while reporting rates are estimated using information from high-reward tags. A likelihood function is constructed based on the conditional distribution of the type of tag returned (low or high reward, single or double tag), given that a tag has been returned. This involves many sparse 5 x 1 tag-return contingency tables, and choosing a good functional form for the tag loss rate is difficult with such data. We model tag-loss rates using monotone-smoothing splines, and use these nonparametric estimates to diagnose the parametric form of the tag-loss rate. The nonparametric methods can also be used directly to model tag-loss rates.  相似文献   

Hsieh F  Tseng YK  Wang JL 《Biometrics》2006,62(4):1037-1043
The maximum likelihood approach to jointly model the survival time and its longitudinal covariates has been successful to model both processes in longitudinal studies. Random effects in the longitudinal process are often used to model the survival times through a proportional hazards model, and this invokes an EM algorithm to search for the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs). Several intriguing issues are examined here, including the robustness of the MLEs against departure from the normal random effects assumption, and difficulties with the profile likelihood approach to provide reliable estimates for the standard error of the MLEs. We provide insights into the robustness property and suggest to overcome the difficulty of reliable estimates for the standard errors by using bootstrap procedures. Numerical studies and data analysis illustrate our points.  相似文献   

Researchers in observational survival analysis are interested in not only estimating survival curve nonparametrically but also having statistical inference for the parameter. We consider right-censored failure time data where we observe n independent and identically distributed observations of a vector random variable consisting of baseline covariates, a binary treatment at baseline, a survival time subject to right censoring, and the censoring indicator. We assume the baseline covariates are allowed to affect the treatment and censoring so that an estimator that ignores covariate information would be inconsistent. The goal is to use these data to estimate the counterfactual average survival curve of the population if all subjects are assigned the same treatment at baseline. Existing observational survival analysis methods do not result in monotone survival curve estimators, which is undesirable and may lose efficiency by not constraining the shape of the estimator using the prior knowledge of the estimand. In this paper, we present a one-step Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimator (TMLE) for estimating the counterfactual average survival curve. We show that this new TMLE can be executed via recursion in small local updates. We demonstrate the finite sample performance of this one-step TMLE in simulations and an application to a monoclonal gammopathy data.  相似文献   

Hierarchical likelihood approach for frailty models   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Qin GY  Zhu ZY 《Biometrics》2009,65(1):52-59
Summary .  In this article, we study the robust estimation of both mean and variance components in generalized partial linear mixed models based on the construction of robustified likelihood function. Under some regularity conditions, the asymptotic properties of the proposed robust estimators are shown. Some simulations are carried out to investigate the performance of the proposed robust estimators. Just as expected, the proposed robust estimators perform better than those resulting from robust estimating equations involving conditional expectation like Sinha (2004, Journal of the American Statistical Association 99, 451–460) and Qin and Zhu (2007, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 98, 1658–1683). In the end, the proposed robust method is illustrated by the analysis of a real data set.  相似文献   

ANDERSON  J. A.; BLAIR  V. 《Biometrika》1982,69(1):123-136

We derive the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimate (NPMLE) of the cumulative incidence functions for competing risks survival data subject to interval censoring and truncation. Since the cumulative incidence function NPMLEs give rise to an estimate of the survival distribution which can be undefined over a potentially larger set of regions than the NPMLE of the survival function obtained ignoring failure type, we consider an alternative pseudolikelihood estimator. The methods are then applied to data from a cohort of injecting drug users in Thailand susceptible to infection from HIV-1 subtypes B and E.  相似文献   

Ross EA  Moore D 《Biometrics》1999,55(3):813-819
We have developed methods for modeling discrete or grouped time, right-censored survival data collected from correlated groups or clusters. We assume that the marginal hazard of failure for individual items within a cluster is specified by a linear log odds survival model and the dependence structure is based on a gamma frailty model. The dependence can be modeled as a function of cluster-level covariates. Likelihood equations for estimating the model parameters are provided. Generalized estimating equations for the marginal hazard regression parameters and pseudolikelihood methods for estimating the dependence parameters are also described. Data from two clinical trials are used for illustration purposes.  相似文献   

Li Y  Lin X 《Biometrics》2003,59(1):25-35
In the analysis of clustered categorical data, it is of common interest to test for the correlation within clusters, and the heterogeneity across different clusters. We address this problem by proposing a class of score tests for the null hypothesis that the variance components are zero in random effects models, for clustered nominal and ordinal categorical responses. We extend the results to accommodate clustered censored discrete time-to-event data. We next consider such tests in the situation where covariates are measured with errors. We propose using the SIMEX method to construct the score tests for the null hypothesis that the variance components are zero. Key advantages of the proposed score tests are that they can be easily implemented by fitting standard polytomous regression models and discrete failure time models, and that they are robust in the sense that no assumptions need to be made regarding the distributions of the random effects and the unobserved covariates. The asymptotic properties of the proposed tests are studied. We illustrate these tests by analyzing two data sets and evaluate their performance with simulations.  相似文献   

We present an approach for analyzing internal dependencies in counting processes. This covers the case with repeated events on each of a number of individuals, and more generally, the situation where several processes are observed for each individual. We define dynamic covariates, i.e., covariates depending on the past of the processes. The statistical analysis is performed mainly by the nonparametric additive approach. This yields a method for analyzing multivariate survival data, which is an alternative to the frailty approach. We present cumulative regression plots, statistical tests, residual plots, and a hat matrix plot for studying outliers. A program in R and S-PLUS for analyzing survival data with the additive regression model is available on the web site http://www.med.uio.no/imb/stat/addreg. The program has been developed to fit the counting process framework.  相似文献   

Huang J  Harrington D 《Biometrics》2002,58(4):781-791
The Cox proportional hazards model is often used for estimating the association between covariates and a potentially censored failure time, and the corresponding partial likelihood estimators are used for the estimation and prediction of relative risk of failure. However, partial likelihood estimators are unstable and have large variance when collinearity exists among the explanatory variables or when the number of failures is not much greater than the number of covariates of interest. A penalized (log) partial likelihood is proposed to give more accurate relative risk estimators. We show that asymptotically there always exists a penalty parameter for the penalized partial likelihood that reduces mean squared estimation error for log relative risk, and we propose a resampling method to choose the penalty parameter. Simulations and an example show that the bootstrap-selected penalized partial likelihood estimators can, in some instances, have smaller bias than the partial likelihood estimators and have smaller mean squared estimation and prediction errors of log relative risk. These methods are illustrated with a data set in multiple myeloma from the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group.  相似文献   

Duchateau L  Janssen P 《Biometrics》2004,60(3):608-614
In many epidemiological studies time to event data are clustered and the physiological relationship between (time-dependent) covariates and the log hazard is often not linear as assumed in the Cox model. Introducing frailties in the Cox model can account for the clustering of the data and smoothing splines can be used to describe nonlinear relations. These two extensions of the Cox model are introduced jointly and it is shown how penalized partial likelihood techniques can be used to fit the extended model. We demonstrate the need for such a model to study the relation between the physiological covariates milk ureum and protein concentration and the log hazard of first insemination in dairy cows, with the farms as clusters.  相似文献   

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