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Toxicity studies on four different wild-type strains of Drosophila melanogaster (Lausanne-S, Canton-S, Florida-9, and Swedish-C) and a hybrid strain produced by intercrossing these four strains are reported. The Lausanne-S and hybrid strains exhibited resistance to aflatoxin B1 above 0.35 ppm. The resistant strains did show decreasing egg-to-adult viabilities with increasing concentrations of the toxin in the media. No adults eclosed at or above 0.35 ppm in the Canton-S, Florida-9, or Swedish-C strain, all of which we classify as aflatoxin-sensitive. The genetic control of the degree of sensitivity to AFB1 displayed by a strain is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Chlorsulfuron (15 g a.i. ha-1) inhibited growth of wheat (Triticurn aestivum L. cv. Rongotea) especially on high nitrate (NO3) supply. Decreased growth at high NO-3 was associated with higher concentrations of reduced nitrogen (N) and NO-3 in the shoots. Seven days after spraying (DAS), shoot dry weight (dry wt) of sprayed plants was similar with NO-3 or branched chain amino acids as main N supply but 28 DAS, shoot dry wt was greater with the amino acid treatment. One DAS, chlorsulfuron caused substantial decreases in extension of the youngest leaf and acetolactate synthase activity and valine content of shoots of plants supplied with NO-3 or branched chain amino acids. Total amino acid content of shoots was greater in sprayed plants than in unsprayed plants 1 DAS. Acetolactate synthase activity of sprayed plants supplied low NO-3 returned to normal 14–21 DAS. For sprayed plants transferred from low to high NO-3 supply 7, 14 or 21 DAS, shoot dry wt 50 DAS increased with increased time of transfer to high NO-3 while shoot NO-3 content decreased. Shoot NO3 content of sprayed plants transferred to high NO-3 supply 7 or 14 DAS was similar to that in unsprayed plants at applied NO-3 concentrations which inhibited growth. It is concluded that inhibition of acetolactate synthase is likely to be the primary mode of action of chlorsulfuron in this wheat cultivar; data are consistent with the proposal that subsequent NO-3 accumulation can also inhibit growth.  相似文献   

In this study, we compared the cytotoxic effects of natural conjugated linolenic acids (CLnAs) on human adenocarcinoma cells (DLD-1) in vitro, with the goal of finding CLnA isomers with strong cytotoxic effects. The antitumor effect of the CLnA with the strongest cytotoxic effect was then examined in mice. The results showed that all CLnA isomers have strong cytotoxic effects on DLD-1 cells, with jacaric acid (JA) having the strongest effect. Examination of the mechanism of cell death showed that CLnAs induce apoptosis in DLD-1 cells via lipid peroxidation. The intracellular levels of incorporated CLnAs were measured to examine the reason for differences in cytotoxic effects. These results showed that JA was taken into cells efficiently. Collectively, these results suggest that the cytotoxic effect of CLnAs is dependent on intracellular incorporation and induction of apoptosis via lipid peroxidation. JA also had a strong preventive antitumor effect in vivo in nude mice into which DLD-1 cells were transplanted. These results suggest that JA can be used as a dietary constituent for prevention of cancer.  相似文献   

The metabolism of D- and L-p-fluorophenylalanine (PFP) in DL-PFP resistant and sensitive tobacco cell cultures (Nicotiana tabacum), cell lines TX4 and TX1, respectively, has been compared. The amino acid analogue was taken up at a lower rate by the resistant cell line TX4. Incorporation of PFP into protein was also considerably reduced in TX4 cells, compared to TX1 cells. This, however, resulted mainly from a diminished availability of PFP due to a more rapid conversion of PFP by TX4 cells. TX1 cells and TX4 cells converted PFP qualitatively in the same way. The only detectable metabolite of D-PFP was N-malonyl-D-PFP, while all metabolites of L-PFP were identified as sequent products of the initial deamination of L-PFP by the enzyme phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL). As TX4 cells were endowed with higher PAL-activity than TX1 cells, the resistant cells were able to metabolize L-PFP more rapidly to give, e.g., p-fluorocinnamoyl glucose ester and p-fluorocinnamoyl putrescine. In the presence of the specific PAL-inhibitor -aminooxy--phenylpropionic acid TX4 cells were slightly more sensitive to PFP. This suggests that the better detoxification contributes to the acquired resistance. The use of PFP as specific indicator for cell lines with increased PAL-activity, and hence increased levels of phenolic compounds, is discussed.Abbreviations AOPP -aminooxy--phenylpropionic acid - MCW methanol:chloroform:water - PAL phenylalanine ammonia-lyase - PFP p-fluorophenylalanine - Phe phenylalanine  相似文献   

The content of linolenic acid and its fat-soluble derivatives in Ginkgo leaves has been determined. By utilization of uniformly 14C-labelled linolenic acid it has been shown that the linolenic acid in Ginkgo leaves is converted into 2-hexenal when the leaves are macerated in the presence of air. The conversion of linolenic acid to 2-hexenal under the conditions of temperature and pH existing in the Ginkgo leaf requires the presence in the leaves of an enzyme or other catalyst. This is not lipoxidase but is a hexane-insoluble, water-soluble substance. A preparation of this substance strongly catalyzes the absorption of oxygen by linolenic acid in water at 20°.  相似文献   

In this work we propose a system of non linear ordinary differential equations for the dynamics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) within the host, in order to study the role of macrophages, T cells and antibiotics in the control of sensitive and resistant Mtb. Conditions for the persistence of sensitive and resistant bacteria are given in terms of the secondary infections produced by bacteria and macrophages, the immune response, and the antibiotic treatment. Model analysis predicts backward bifurcations for certain values of the parameters. In this case, the dynamics is characterized by the coexistence of two infection states with low and high bacteria load, respectively.  相似文献   

Chromatography of soluble polyphenols of p-fluorophenylalanine-sensitive and -resistant tobacco cells revealed that the 10-fold increased level found in the resistant line was largely due to the accumulation of two unidentified polyphenols. The uptake of Phe-[U-14C] and Tyr-[U-14C] by the resistant line was ca 10 % that by the sensitive line. About 90 % of the phenylalanine-[14C] which was taken up by both cell lines could be accounted for as free phenylalanine in protein, soluble polyphenols or CO2. The fate of Tyr-[14C] was similar to that of phenylalanine except that the incorporation was into insoluble polymeric forms of polyphenols rather than into soluble polyphenols. The resistant line incorporated 9-times more phenylalanine-[14C] into soluble polyphenols than did the sensitive line. The different 14C-aromatic amino acid accumulation and incorporation patterns noted with the two cell lines indicates that there are different active pools. Differential uptake rates by the two cell lines might affect the distribution of the absorbed amino acid among the different pools.  相似文献   

The fatty acids linoleic and linolenic acids have been found to be critical dietary supplements for the successful adult emergence of Homona coffearia reared in meridic diets in vitro. When the levels of these fatty acids were sub-optimal, the moths were able to emerge only partially and a few that emerged fully were deformed with naked wings. In the presence of optimal amounts of these fatty acids, the Δ7 sterol, ergosterol, available in the brewer's yeast provided in the diets was found to be adequate for growth and adult emergence. The availability of linoleic acid, which appeared to be the more critical requirement, was sufficient for successful adult emergence, provided that the diet was supplemented with additional amounts of ergosterol. The above two fatty acids seemed to be the only critical dietary supplements offered by whole tea leaves incorporated in a previously described oligidic diet. The provision of a dietary source of a Δ7 sterol was found essential as this insect was unable to utilize cholesterol.  相似文献   

N1-S1/FdUrd Novikoff hepatoma cells, which lack thymidine kinase activity, are resistant to 5-fluorouracil (FUra) as well as 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FdUrd), suggesting that the pathway, FUra leads to FdUrd leads to FdUMP, is utilized for the conversion of FUra to FdUMP. However, the inhibition of thymidylate synthetase activity, the presumed target of FdUMP, by 1 X 10(-4) M FUra in intact N1-S1 Novikoff hepatoma cells, which have significant levels of thymidine kinase activity, is completely eliminated by 5 X 10(-4) M hydroxyurea, which is a potent inhibitor of ribonucleotide reductase. These results imply that the formation of ribonucleotides and does not involve thymidine kinase. This apparent dichotomy can be explained by the fact that, in addition to the well known lack of thymidine kinase activity, [14C]FUra conversion to ribonucleotides is greatly depressed in the N1-S1/FdUrd cells. Hence, the formation of FdUMP from FUra in Novikoff hepatoma cells apparently proceeds primarily via the intermediate formation of ribonucleotides. The decreased conversion of FUra to ribonucleotides in N1-S1/FdUrd cells decreases not only the ability of the analog to inhibit DNA synthesis, but also its effect on RNA metabolism. FUra, at a concentration of 1 X 10(-5) M, inhibits rRNA maturation in N1-S1 cells, but not in N1-S1/FdUrd cells. Since N1-S1/FdUrd cells are completely resistant to 1 X 10(-5) M FUra, whereas N1-S1 cells are completely inhibited by 1 X 10(-5) M FUra, even in the presence of 1 X 10(-4) M thymidine, the effects of FUra on RNA metabolism appear to contribute significantly to the cytotoxicity of the analog at higher drug concentrations.  相似文献   

The seasonal variations in the amounts of C6-volatile components cis-3-hexenal trans-2-hexenal n-hexanal) and their precursors (linoleic and linolenic acid) in homogenates of Thea sinensis leaves were quantitatively analyzed throughout the year. Formation of trans-2-hexenal began in the middle of April and reached a maximum during July. Towards autumn the aldehyde gradually decreased and, in winter (December to March), was virtually absent. The levels of cis-3-hexenol remained constant during May–December. cis-3-Hexenal showed a similar variation pattern to that of trans-2-hexenal. The major fatty acids in the leaves were palmitic, palmitoleic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid, and occurred in non-ionic lipids and phospholipid fractions. The amounts of linoleic and linolenic acid did not show any marked variation except for a big peak in October.  相似文献   

When (±)-abscisic acid-[2-14C] or (±)-abscisic acid-[4′-18O] was fed to bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) shoots, phaseic acid (PA) and dihydrophaseic acid (DPA) were the major metabolites, while epi-dihydrophaseic acid (epi-DPA) appeared as a minor metabolite. In the acidic fraction the amount of epi-DPA ranged from 18 to 42% of the DPA content, in the conjugated form from 50 to 200%. The content of endogenous epi-DPA amounted to only 1–2% of that of the DPA. These data indicate that the applied abscisic acid is not metabolised in a manner identical with that of the endogenous material. DPA and epi-DPA were shown to be formed separately from PA and could not be inter-converted either by the extraction conditions employed or when fed to bean shoots during short term experiments.  相似文献   

In cell cultures, the dispersed phenotype is indicative of the migratory ability. Here we characterized Sal-like 4 (SALL4) as a dispersion factor in basal-like breast cancer. Our shRNA-mediated SALL4 knockdown system and SALL4 overexpression system revealed that SALL4 suppresses the expression of adhesion gene CDH1, and positively regulates the CDH1 suppressor ZEB1. Cell behavior analyses showed that SALL4 suppresses intercellular adhesion and maintains cell motility after cell–cell interaction and cell division, which results in the dispersed phenotype. Our findings indicate that SALL4 functions to suppress CDH1 expression and to maintain cell dispersion in basal-like breast cancer.  相似文献   

RCAN1 (Adapt78) functions mainly, if not exclusively, as a regulator of calcineurin, a phosphatase that mediates many cellular responses to calcium. Identification of this regulatory activity has led to a surge of interest in RCAN1, since calcineurin is involved in many cellular and tissue functions, and its abnormal expression is associated with multiple pathologies. Recent studies have implicated RCAN1 as a regulator of angiogenesis. To more fully investigate the role of RCAN1 in vascular function, we first extended previous studies by assessing RCAN1 response in cultured endothelial cells to various vascular agonists. Strong induction of isoform 4 but not isoform 1 was observed in human umbilical vein- and bovine pulmonary aortic-endothelial cells in response to VEGF, thrombin, and ATP but not other agonists. Inductions were both calcium and calcineurin dependent, with the relative effect of each agonist cell-type dependent. Ectopic RCAN1 expression also inhibited calcineurin signaling in the HUVEC cells. Based on these strong RCAN1 responses and a lack of RCAN1-associated vascular studies beyond angiogenesis, we investigated the potential role of RCAN1 in vascular tone using whole mounted mesenteric artery. RCAN1 knockout mice exhibited an attenuated mesenteric vasoconstriction to phenylephrine as compared with wild-type. Overall contractility was unaffected, suggesting that this component of smooth muscle action is similar in the two mouse strains. Constriction in the knockout artery appeared to be potentiated by the addition of the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor l-NAME, suggesting that elevated nitric oxide (NO) production occurs in the knockout vasculature and contributes to the weakened vasoconstriction. Our results reveal a newly identified vascular role for RCAN1, and a potential new target for treating vascular- and calcineurin-related disorders.  相似文献   

Amino acid homeostasis was investigated in frost-resistant barley seedlings under either cold- or freezing-stress conditions. Total free amino acid content varied only slightly, but a substantial conversion of glutamate to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) was found that was proportional to the severity of the stress. Cold acclimation caused a significant increase in amino acid pools, and induced the expression of the GABA-shunt genes. As a consequence, GABA accumulated to a higher extent during the subsequent exposure to lower temperature. A different picture was obtained with a frost-sensitive genotype, in which glutamate decarboxylation occurred during the stress as well, but the activation of the GABA shunt seemed not to take place, and free glutamate was almost depleted. Analogous results were found in frost-resistant and frost-sensitive wheat cultivars. Feeding non-hardened plants with exogenous glutamate resulted in increased GABA accumulation under low temperature. The possibility that glutamate decarboxylation and GABA metabolism would play a role in frost tolerance is discussed.  相似文献   

A previously unknown association between a luminous Vibrio sp., taxonomically related to the species Vibrio harveyi and a common member of the shallow/mid water communities of the Mediterranean Sea, the hydrozoan Clytia linearis is described. All the specimens of C. linearis observed under blue light excitation showed both a natural luminescence appearing as a series of fine dots due to clytin, and a clear fluorescence on the external side of the perisarc around the colonies due to the presence of luminous bacteria. Luminous bacteria were isolated from the surface of C. linearis, their phenotypic characterization as isolates was performed by several morphological, biochemical, and cultural tests, completed with 16S rDNA sequence analysis. All the isolates were referred to a Vibrio sp. taxonomically related to V. harveyi. The association of the V. harveyi-related species with C. linearis, as already suggested for another hydroid, Aglaophenia octodonta, could be explained with the activity of these bacteria of feeding on the chitinous structures present in these hydroids. Moreover, the adhesion of the luminous bacterium (here referred to as Vibrio sp. CL1) on C. linearis may contribute to the survival of this Vibrio species in the marine environment providing a suitable growth habitat.  相似文献   

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