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104 mutants resistant to nystatin were isolated after UV-treatment of two haploid marked strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The analysis of resistance to three polyene antibiotics allowed to determine 8 phenotype classes of mutants including those resistant to nystatin but in various combinations showing hypersensitivity to levorin and (or) amphotericin B. The analysis of UV absorption spectra of sterolic extracts prepared from cells of different mutants showed that similar quality changes in sterol composition could be associated both with polyresistant an supersensitive phenotype. New type of mutants resistant to nystatin and supersensitive to levorin and (or) amphotericin B seems to be promising for studies on the mechanisms of action of polyene antibiotics, the bases of resistance to them and also in consideration of the possibility to increase the efficiency of antimycotic antibiotic therapy.  相似文献   

The component composition of nystatin produced by an improved strain of Streptomyces noursei was determined by HPLC on Milichrom chromatograph (USSR). It was shown that the antibiotic consisted of nystatins A1, A2, A3 and B and admixture substances. The data appeared to be in good agreement with the results of the complex TLC investigation, by using densitometry. The component composition of the samples was evidenced by SIEAP mass spectrometry. Physiochemical and biological characteristics of separate components are presented.  相似文献   

Natural variation of the levorin-producing organism Act. levoris, strain 28 was studied with respect to the colony morphology and production of levorin and levoristatin. The population of strain 28 consisted of 3 morphological colony types, the main type amounting to 99.7 percent. The strain variation with respect to production of levorin and levoristatin ranged from 20 to 180 and from 0 to 300 percent respectively as compared to the control. Mutant M-28 differing from the initial strain by the colony morphology, moderate phage titer and preferable production of levoristatin was isolated as a result of repeated passages of strain 28 onto agarized Chapek media with starch without maintaining selection. Variants differing from the population of strains 28 and M-28 by the ratio of levorin and levoristatin in the culture fluid were selected. No correlation in production of the above antibiotics by strain 28 was noted. Preparations obtained with strain M-28 differed from those obtained with strain 28 in a significant content of levoristatin.  相似文献   

It was shown that suppression by levorin of the leucine transport into the cells of C. albicans was due to replacement of intracellular K+ by Na+ induced by the antibiotic. The alanine transport was suppressed by levorin irrespective of the ratio of the monovalent cations concentration in the medium and inside the cell. The levorin effect on the protone escape from the cells was negligible and probably played no significant role in the mechanism of the amino acid transport suppression by the antibiotic.  相似文献   

The review is concerned with the outlooks for the use of levorin, a membrane active and channel forming polyene antibiotic, and its alkyl derivatives in muscle activity. In complex with cholesterol and ergosterol, the aromatic heptaene antibiotic levorin forms structural ionic channels of the molecular size in the lipid and cell membranes. Levorin increases the membrane permeability for monosucrose and other neutral molecules as follows: H2O > urea > acetamide > glycerine > ribose > arabinose > glucose > saccharose. As a channel forming compound, levorin is able to induce in the cell membranes of the muscle fibres formation of additional channels permeable for the cations and to increase the flow of the energy dependent substrates to the cells and the outburst of the metabolites from them during intensive muscle activity. Levorin several times decreases the surface tension of aqueous solutions. In some models of experimental animals levorin promoted an increase of the blood fluidity and accelerated the blood stream in the blood vessels both in rest and in muscle activity. Physical load in a high power zone increases the intensity of lipid peroxidation that results in fatigue and lower physical efficiency. Possible prevention of an increase of the rate of free radical reactions by levorin and its alkyl derivatives providing higher antioxidant protection is discussed.  相似文献   

The lethal and mutagenic effect of streptomycin and nystatin on Act. noursei, strain 408 producing nystatin was studied. The survival of the spores of strain 408 on the medium with streptomycin decreased with an increase in the antibiotic concentration. Streptomycin had a selective effect on the nystatin-producing organism decreasing the frequency of morphologically changed and low active variants and revealing highly active and antibiotic stable variants. The survival of the spores of strain 408 on the medium with nystatin (20,000 units/ml) amounted to 35 per cent. Nystatin had an inhibitory effect on the organism producing it which was evident from delayed growth and significant modification variation of the colonies, as well as from a marked increase in the number of the variants characterized by low antibiotic production.  相似文献   

The lethal and mutagenic effect of N-nitrozo-N-methylbiuret (NMB) on the organisms producing levorin, amphotericin B and mycoheptin was studied. The mutagen effect depended on the dose, culture and physiological state of the spores. NMB had a low mutagenic effect on the levorin-producing organism characterized by high activity and genetic homogenicity with respect to the colony morphology and antibiotic production. As for the organisms producing amphotericin B and mycoheptin characterized by high genetic heterogenicity, significant variation of all the features studied was observed on their exposure to the mutagen. Inspite of diverse reaction of the organisms producing levorin, amphotericin B and mycoheptin to the effect of NMB mutants with increased antibiotic production were obtained from the three cultures. The lethal and mutagenic effect of NMB on the mycoheptin-producing organism depended on the process of the spore DNA replication. The spores during the DNA replication period were least sensitive to the lethal effect of the mutagen and most mutable with the respect to the colony morphology. For selection of highly active and stable strains exposure to NMB of the spores of the mycoheptin-producing organism during replication of DNA proved to be more effective than that of the spores during the lag-phase.  相似文献   

It was shown on model experiments that the microbiological method was not applicable for determination of levorin content in industrial intermediate products containing in addition levoristatin, since the presence of the latter made higher the results of the microbiological assay. Because of this till to the present date the quantitative content of levorin in the industrial intermediate products was determined photometrically using alcohol (pure solvent) as the reference solution. Still, this method also made higher the results of the assay, especially when the content of levorin was determined in the fermentation broth. In the solid phase levorin is contained in the mycelium which occupies only 1 to 2 per cent of the fermentation broth, while the liquid phase or the fermentation broth filtrate occupies 98 to 99 per cent. It was found that the fermentation broth filtrate contained protein admixtures which coagulated on addition of alcohol to the fermentation broth and formed fine colloid solutions. As a result the absorption values became higher. In the present study not the pure solvent but an extract of the fermentation broth filtrate containing neither levorin, nor levoristatin was used as the reference solution. Such a differential method provided elimination of all errors due to the presence of various metabolites in the fermentation broth filtrate which varied both qualitatively and quantitatively.  相似文献   

Nystatin-resistant yeast Candida tropicalis was obtained after UV illumination and plating on nystatin-containing media. The mutant contained no ergosterol in the plasma membrane but bound nystatin to a degree similar to that of the wild strain (1.2 vs. 1.5 nmol per mg dry solid). Respiration of the mutant on glucose was reduced by 36% in the presence of 25 microM nystatin. This corresponded to a 25-43% decrease of the uptake of monosaccharides. Transport of amino acids was reduced by nystatin in the mutant by 44-86%, as compared with a 84-95% reduction in the wild strain. The intracellular ATP content was reduced by nystatin equally in the wild strain and in the mutant (by 43 and 47%). Nystatin appears to affect specifically membrane transport processes of nonelectrolytes while both the H+-extruding ATPase and the membrane potential are unaffected.  相似文献   

It was shown that amigluracyl, a water soluble derivative of methacyl which decreased the nephrotoxic effect of polyens activated the membrane permeability in Candida albicans for a mixture of 14C-amino acids but had no significant effect on protein synthesis in this microorganism. The level of inhibition of the membrane permeability in C. albicans for the amino acids and protein synthesis in the fungus by levorin did not practically depend on the presence of amigluracyl in the incubation medium. The minimum levorin concentration inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans in the presence or absence of levorin was 0.039 gamma/ml. Therefore, amigluracyl may be used in combination with polyenic antibiotics for the treatment of mycoses.  相似文献   

The effect of prolonged oral use of levorin on chromatin from the hypertrophic prostate of old dogs was studied. It was found that the chromatin from the hypertrophic prostate of old animals was characterized by a decrease in the relative content of non-histone proteins, the melting temperature and hyperchromism value. The results of the electrophoretic analysis of the histone fraction composition showed its proteolytic degradation. The matrix activity of chromatin in the RNA-polymerase system remained unchanged. Administration of levorin had no effect on the structural and functional characteristics of the chromatin isolated from the hypertrophic prostate of the old dogs.  相似文献   

Six groups of nystatin resistant mutants of C. maltosa and of haploid and diploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains were obtained with the help of genetic and biochemical analysis. It has been shown that every group of the mutants was characterized by a specific level of resistance to nystatin. The dependence of the resistance level upon sterol content has been established. It has been shown that the more the structure of the sterol present differed from ergosterol the higher was the resistance level. The results obtained in vivo permit to make conclusions about the role of different functional groups of sterol molecule in the interaction with nystatin.  相似文献   

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