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In primates, faces provide information about several characteristics of social significance, including age, physical health, and biological sex. However, despite a growing literature on face processing and visual attention in a number of primate species, preferences for same‐ or opposite‐sex faces have not yet been examined. In the current study, we explore the role of conspecific sex on visual attention in two groups of capuchin monkeys. Subjects were shown a series of image pairs on a Tobii Pro TX300 eye tracker, each depicting an unfamiliar male and an unfamiliar female face. Given the behavioral evidence of mate choice in both sexes, we hypothesized that capuchins would preferentially attend to images of unfamiliar conspecifics of the opposite sex. Our alternative hypothesis was that capuchins would preferentially attend to same‐sex individuals to assess potential competitors. Our results provide support for our alternative hypothesis. When comparing attention to each stimuli type across sexes, females spent significantly larger percentages of time than males looking at female photos, whereas males spent significantly larger percentages of time than females looking at male photos. Within each sex, females looked for significantly larger percentages of time to female versus male images. Males also looked for larger percentages of time to same‐sex images, though not significantly. To our knowledge, these data are the first to demonstrate significant sex‐biased attentional preferences in adult primates of any species, and suggest that, for capuchins, potential competitors garner more attention than potential mates. In addition, our findings have implications for studies of visual attention and face processing across the primate order, and suggest that researchers need to control for these demographic factors in their experimental designs.  相似文献   

We tested whether interspecific competition from Aedes albopictus had measurable effects on A. aegypti at the typical numbers of larval mosquitoes found in cemetery vases in south Florida. We also tested whether the effect of interspecific competition from A. albopictus on A. aegypti differed between sites where A. aegypti either persists or went extinct following invasion by A. albopictus. Similar experiments manipulating numbers of A. albopictus in cemetery vases were conducted at three sites of A. aegypti persistence and three sites where A. aegypti was apparently extinct. The experiments were done using numbers of larvae that were determined by observed numbers of larvae for each site, and with resources (leaf detritus) that accumulated in experimental vases placed into each field site. In both the early rainy season (when number of mosquito larvae was low) and the late rainy season (when number of mosquito larvae was high), there was a significant effect of treatment on developmental progress of experimental A. aegypti. In the late rainy season, when numbers of larvae were high, there was also a significant effect of treatment on survivorship of A. aegypti. However, the competition treatment × site type (A. aegypti persists vs extinct) interaction was never significant, indicating that the competitive effect of A. albopictus on A. aegypti did not differ systematically between persistence versus extinction sites. Thus, although competition from A. albopictus is strong under field conditions at all sites, we find no evidence that variation in the impact of interspecific competition is associated with coexistence or exclusion. Interspecific competition among larvae is thus a viable explanation for exclusion or reduction of A. aegypti in south Florida, but variation in the persistence of A. aegypti following invasion does not seem to be primarily a product of variation in the conditions in the aquatic environments of cemetery vases.  相似文献   

Cell therapy can offer a reasonable approach to the treatment of specific birth defects, particularly those for which hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) can be used to restore (even partially) the number of cells, protein levels, or enzyme activity. Relatively few clinical experiences have been published on this subject, but when a natural selective advantage exists for the cell graft, a degree of "rescue" is possible. Strategies have been developed to confer a selective advantage through genetic engineering of donor cells, and this approach may prove valuable in the treatment of birth defects, as it is in hematological malignancy. Stem cell (SC) plasticity, or transdifferentiation, may offer another route for delivery of cells to established or developing organs. A wide variety of studies support the concept that adult tissue-specific SCs can, if displaced from their normal niche to another, be reprogrammed to produce cell types appropriate to their new environment. Clinical observations reveal that persistent tissue microchimerism develops not only in blood lineages after transfusion, but also in thyroid follicular epithelium via transplacental exchange. In addition, hepatic and renal parenchyma also become chimeric following allografts or bone marrow transplantation (BMT). Experimental models indicate that a renal glomerulosclerosis phenotype can be transferred by grafting whole BM, and that a severe liver disorder in fah-/- mice can be overcome by grafting HSCs and then exerting a selection pressure. It may be possible in the future to exploit the ability of adult SCs to contribute to diverse tissues; however, our understanding of the processes involved is at a very early stage.  相似文献   

Spawning marine invertebrates are excellent models for studying fertilization and reproductive isolating mechanisms. To identify variation in the major steps in sea urchin gamete recognition, we studied sperm activation in three closely related sympatric Strongylocentrotus species. Sperm undergo acrosomal exocytosis upon contact with sulfated polysaccharides in the egg-jelly coat. This acrosome reaction exposes the protein bindin and is therefore a precondition for sperm binding to the egg. We found that sulfated carbohydrates from egg jelly induce the acrosome reaction species specifically in S. droebachiensis and S. pallidus. There appear to be no other significant barriers to interspecific fertilization between these two species. Other species pairs in the same genus acrosome react nonspecifically to egg jelly but exhibit species-specific sperm binding. We thus show that different cell-cell communication systems mediate mate recognition among very closely related species. By comparing sperm reactions to egg-jelly compounds from different species and genera, we identify the major structural feature of the polysaccharides required for the specific recognition by sperm: the position of the glycosidic bond of the sulfated alpha-L-fucans. We present here one of the few examples of highly specific pure-carbohydrate signal transduction. In this system, a structural change in a polysaccharide has far-reaching ecological and evolutionary consequences.  相似文献   

Seasonality, or periodic host absence, is a central feature in plant epidemiology. In this respect, seasonal plant epidemic models take into account the way the parasite overwinters and generates new infections. These are termed primary infections. In the literature, one finds two classes of models: high-dimensional elaborate models and low-dimensional compact models, where primary infection dynamics are explicit and implicit, respectively. Investigating a compact model allowed previous authors to show the existence of a competitive exclusion principle. However, the way compact models derive from elaborate models has not been made explicit yet. This makes it unclear whether results such as competitive exclusion extend to elaborate models as well. Here, we show that assuming primary infection dynamics are fast in a standard elaborate model translates into a compact form. Yet, it is not that usually found in the literature. Moreover, we numerically show that coexistence is possible in this original compact form. Reversing the question, we show that the usual compact form approximates an alternate elaborate model, which differs from the earlier one in that primary infection dynamics are density dependent. We discuss to which extent these results shed light on coexistence within soil- and air-borne plant parasites, such as within the take-all disease of wheat and the grapevine powdery mildew cryptic species complexes, respectively.  相似文献   

Recent changes in global climate have been linked with changes in animal body size. While declines in body size are commonly explained as an adaptive thermoregulatory response to climate warming, many species do not decline in size, and alternative explanations for size change exist. One possibility is that temporal changes in animal body size are driven by changes in environmental productivity and food availability. This hypothesis is difficult to test due to the lack of suitable estimates that go back in time. Here, we use an alternative, indirect, approach and assess whether continent‐wide changes over the previous 100 years in body size in 15 species of Australian birds are associated with changes in their yellow carotenoid‐based plumage coloration. This type of coloration is strongly affected by food availability because birds cannot synthesize carotenoids and need to ingest them, and because color expression depends on general body condition. We found significant continent‐wide intraspecific temporal changes in body size (wing length) and yellow carotenoid‐based color (plumage reflectance) for half the species. Direction and magnitude of changes were highly variable among species. Meta‐analysis indicated that neither body size nor yellow plumage color showed a consistent temporal trend and that changes in color were not correlated with changes in size over the past 100 years. We conclude that our data provide no evidence that broad‐scale variation in food availability is a general explanation for continent‐wide changes in body size in this group of species. The interspecific variability in temporal changes in size as well as color suggests that it might be unlikely that a single factor drives these changes, and more detailed studies of museum specimens and long‐term field studies are required to disentangle the processes involved.  相似文献   

The use of model‐based methods to infer a phylogenetic tree from a given data set is frequently motivated by the truism that under certain circumstances the parsimony approach (MP) may produce incorrect topologies, while explicit model‐based approaches are believed to avoid this problem. In the realm of empirical data from actual taxa, it is not known (or knowable) how commonly MP, maximum‐likelihood or Bayesian inference are inaccurate. To test the perceived need for “sophisticated” model‐based approaches, we assessed the degree of congruence between empirical phylogenetic hypotheses generated by alternative methods applied to DNA sequence data in a sample of 1000 recently published articles. Of 504 articles that employed multiple methods, only two exhibited strongly supported incongruence among alternative methods. This result suggests that the MP approach does not produce deviant hypotheses of relationship due to convergent evolution in long branches. Our finding therefore indicates that the use of multiple analytical methods is largely superfluous. We encourage the use of analytical approaches unencumbered by ad hoc assumptions that sap the explanatory power of the evidence. © The Willi Hennig Society 2010.  相似文献   

The colourful appearance of bird eggshells has long fascinated biologists and considerable research effort has focused on the structure and biochemistry of the avian eggshell matrix. The presence of tetrapyrrole pigments was identified nearly a century ago. Surprisingly, how the concentrations of avian eggshell pigments vary among related species, and whether this variability is associated with either eggshell appearance and/or species life‐history traits, remains poorly understood. We quantified the concentrations of the two key eggshell pigments, protoporphyrin IX and biliverdin, from a diverse sample of eggshells stored at the Natural History Museum, Tring, UK. We explicitly tested how these two pigments are associated with physical measures of eggshell coloration and whether the pigment concentrations and colour diversity co‐vary with phylogenetic affiliations among species. We also tested a series of comparative hypotheses regarding the association between the concentrations of the two pigments and specific life‐history and breeding ecology traits. Across species, the average concentrations of protoporphyrin and biliverdin were positively correlated, and both strongly co‐varied with phylogenetic relatedness. Controlling for phylogeny, protoporphyrin concentration was associated with a higher likelihood of cavity nesting and ground nesting, whereas biliverdin concentration was associated with a higher likelihood of non‐cavity nesting habit and bi‐parental provisioning. Although unlikely to be explained by a single function, the breeding ecology and life history‐dependence of eggshell pigment concentrations in these comparative analyses implies that related species share pigment strategies, and that those strategies relate to broad adaptive roles in the evolution of variation in avian eggshell coloration and its underlying mechanisms. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 657–672.  相似文献   

When females mate multiply (polyandry) both pre‐ and post‐copulatory sexual selection can occur. Sperm competition theory predicts there should be a trade‐off between investment in attracting mates and investment in ejaculate quality. In contrast, the phenotype‐linked fertility hypothesis predicts a positive relationship should exist between investment in attracting mates and investment in ejaculate quality. Given the need to understand how pre‐ and post‐copulatory sexual selection interacts, we investigated the relationship between secondary sexual traits and ejaculate quality using the European house cricket, Acheta domesticus. Although we found no direct relationship between cricket secondary sexual signals and ejaculate quality, variation in ejaculate quality was dependent on male body weight and mating latency: the lightest males produced twice as many sperm as the heaviest males but took longer to mate with females. Our findings are consistent with current theoretical models of sperm competition. Given light males may have lower mating success than heavy males because females take longer to mate with them in no‐choice tests, light males may be exhibiting an alternative reproductive tactic by providing females with more living sperm. Together, our findings suggest that the fitness of heavy males may depend on pre‐copulatory sexual selection, while the fitness of light males may depend on post‐copulatory fertilization success.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine whether home‐based and clinic‐based dental examinations of older people are comparable. Background: Despite a number of studies which have examined the concordance between different examiners or examination circumstances, none has directly compared an oral examination conducted at home with one conducted in an appropriate clinical setting. Materials and methods: Dentate participants (n = 61) aged between 65 and 74 years underwent two clinical examinations, one in a conventional dental clinic and the other in the person’s home. Kappa statistics, intra‐class correlation coefficients and ‘Difference against mean’ plots were used to determine the nature and extent of any bias. Results: The summary estimates for missing teeth and dental caries were close, although the home‐based examinations resulted in a lower estimate of the mean number of decayed teeth and of untreated coronal decay. The lowest reliability statistics were observed with respect to the prevalence of untreated coronal caries, filled root surfaces and root surface (Decayed or Filled Surfaces) DFS. The periodontitis prevalence estimates were closer, but the reliability statistics were relatively low. The extent of bleeding on probing was relatively under‐estimated in the home‐based examinations. ‘Difference against mean’ plots indicated that, overall, the clinic‐based examinations detected more disease (although this was not observed for all clinical parameters which were measured). Conclusion: While clinic‐based examinations will remain the preferred option, the potential loss of information associated with home‐based examinations is unlikely to be great enough to preclude using them where required, although surveys with larger samples (and therefore more accurate estimates) should restrict their proportion of home‐based examinations to no more than 10%. As they are less precise, surveys with samples of 300 or fewer can safely accommodate up to about one‐third of their examinations being conducted in participants’ homes.  相似文献   

Determining the relative importance of niche‐ and dispersal‐based processes in the structuring of animal communities is central in ecology. Freshwater fish and crustacean communities of small tropical islands can bring new insights for understanding these processes as all their species present a pelagic larval stage which gives them important dispersal capacities. Consequently, we hypothesized that dispersal‐based process may be preponderant for structuring these communities from the regional to the local, that is, survey site, scales. Gradient forest analyses allowed us to model the effect of 12 environmental variables on freshwater taxa abundances in two southwestern Indian Ocean islands: Mayotte (26 taxa) and Reunion (21). A total of 153 surveys in Mayotte and 266 in Reunion were used for building the models. Despite the strong heterogeneity of environmental conditions between the two islands, the main factors structuring freshwater fish and crustacean communities in both islands were the elevation and the slope of the sites. The observed structure appeared more pronounced for predatory species than for primary consumers and omnivores. As predators generally have limited locomotor capacities, it is concluded that dispersal‐based process structures these communities not only at large geographical scales but also at the intra‐watershed scale, by limiting the inland penetration (or dispersion) of species in relation to their locomotor capacities. However, more knowledge concerning ecological traits and taxonomic status of many species is needed to confirm this assumption. Abstract in French is available with online material  相似文献   

Gerodontology 2012; doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2012.00667.x Geriatric dentistry: is rethinking still required? A community‐based survey in Indian population Background: India has a large geriatric population (60 years and above) of 77 million; comprising 7.7% of its total population. Poor oral health and loss of teeth not only adversely affect the dietary intake and nutritional status and thereby compromise general health, but can also deny them the pleasure of eating food of their choice. Objective: To assess the level of edentulousness, denture wearing and denture needs of the elderly in the community and to study the correlation between oral health parameters and sociodemographic variables which would help us to define better treatment modalities, counselling and thus improve the oral health of our geriatric patients. Materials and Methods: Subjects who were 60 years and above were considered for this study and were randomly selected. Of the 1360 elderly who were enrolled in the study, 780 (57.35%) were males and 580 (42.64%) were female. This sample size is in proportion to the total population for the pilot study. They were given an oral examination and a questionnaire. Results: Fifty seven percent (57%) of the elderly were not satisfied with their oral health status and function. Conclusion: Complete edentulousness of both the arches was highest in the middle socio‐economic group, and was the lowest in the low socio‐economic group. Less than 50% of edentulous elderly and only 10% of partially edentulous elderly were wearing dentures.  相似文献   

21st‐century modeling of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from bioenergy crops is necessary to quantify the extent to which bioenergy production can mitigate climate change. For over 30 years, the Century‐based biogeochemical models have provided the preeminent framework for belowground carbon and nitrogen cycling in ecosystem and earth system models. While monthly Century and the daily time‐step version of Century (DayCent) have advanced our ability to predict the sustainability of bioenergy crop production, new advances in feedstock generation, and our empirical understanding of sources and sinks of GHGs in soils call for a re‐visitation of DayCent's core model structures. Here, we evaluate current challenges with modeling soil carbon dynamics, trace gas fluxes, and drought and age‐related impacts on bioenergy crop productivity. We propose coupling a microbial process‐based soil organic carbon and nitrogen model with DayCent to improve soil carbon dynamics. We describe recent improvements to DayCent for simulating unique plant structural and physiological attributes of perennial bioenergy grasses. Finally, we propose a method for using machine learning to identify key parameters for simulating N2O emissions. Our efforts are focused on meeting the needs for modeling bioenergy crops; however, many updates reviewed and suggested to DayCent will be broadly applicable to other systems.  相似文献   

Agricultural systems are being challenged to decrease water use and increase production while climate becomes more variable and the world's population grows. Low water use efficiency is traditionally characterized by high water use relative to low grain production and usually occurs under dry conditions. However, when a cropping system fails to take advantage of available water during wet conditions, this is also an inefficiency and is often detrimental to the environment. Here, we provide a systems‐level definition of water use efficiency (sWUE) that addresses both production and environmental quality goals through incorporating all major system water losses (evapotranspiration, drainage, and runoff). We extensively calibrated and tested the Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) using 6 years of continuous crop and soil measurements in corn‐ and soybean‐based cropping systems in central Iowa, USA. We then used the model to determine water use, loss, and grain production in each system and calculated sWUE in years that experienced drought, flood, or historically average precipitation. Systems water use efficiency was found to be greatest during years with average precipitation. Simulation analysis using 28 years of historical precipitation data, plus the same dataset with ± 15% variation in daily precipitation, showed that in this region, 430 mm of seasonal (planting to harvesting) rainfall resulted in the optimum sWUE for corn, and 317 mm for soybean. Above these precipitation levels, the corn and soybean yields did not increase further, but the water loss from the system via runoff and drainage increased substantially, leading to a high likelihood of soil, nutrient, and pesticide movement from the field to waterways. As the Midwestern United States is predicted to experience more frequent drought and flood, inefficiency of cropping systems water use will also increase. This work provides a framework to concurrently evaluate production and environmental performance of cropping systems.  相似文献   

Studies of cooperatively breeding birds rarely benefit from the extensive research on adaptive foraging behaviour, despite the potential for concepts such as state‐dependent foraging to explain many aspects of behaviour in social groups. For example, sex differences in preferred foraging techniques used by green woodhoopoes, Phoeniculus purpureus, have previously been explained by sexual dimorphism in bill length and the benefits afforded by foraging specialization and niche differentiation within cooperative groups. Contrary to this argument, there were no sex differences in mean foraging success and/or prey size captured when males and females used the same foraging techniques. Subordinates of both sexes did experience lower and more varied foraging success compared with dominants, but probably only as a consequence of competition or inexperience. However, dominant males experienced greater variance in individual foraging success compared with dominant females, and dominant males also experienced greater variances in prey size when using their preferred foraging techniques. Dominant males therefore appeared to specialize in foraging techniques that provided more variable rewards, whilst dominant females consistently chose to minimize variation in reward. Dominant females also experienced less variance in foraging returns when using the same techniques as males, suggesting a possible link with sexual dimorphism in bill length. Partitioning of foraging niches in dominant green woodhoopoes therefore appears to be better explained by sex differences in variance (risk) sensitivity to foraging rewards. We suggest that this kind of detailed analysis of state‐dependent foraging has the potential to explain many of the crucial age and sex differences in behaviour within cooperative groups.  相似文献   

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