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A new species of eledonid octopus is described from the southwesternAtlantic Ocean from depths between 90 and 1000 m off the coastsof southern Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina. This species, Graneledoneyamana is characterized by having a papillose skin, two welldeveloped 'horns' above the eyes, small gills with 5-7 lamellaeon the outer demibranch, arms with uniserial suckers, 35-80on females and 26-70 on males. The third right arm is hectocotylized,the ligula is small, the calamus is large and well differentiated.Ink sac absent. These characters differ from all other knownGraneledone species from the southern oceans. (Received 22 July 1999; accepted 20 May 2000)  相似文献   

Abstract:  The fossil organic trace of an argonaut shell from the Pakhna Formation (Serravillian, Middle Miocene) of southern Cyprus is described. The new find represents one of only a very few argonaut egg cases reported from the fossil record of the Tethyan region and is the first to be reported from the eastern Mediterranean. It is assigned to a new species of Argonauta as A. absyrtus sp. nov.  相似文献   

对采自内蒙古自治区的2种平腹蛛进行重新记述:袜昏蛛 Phaeocedus braccalus (L. Koch, 1866)和软毛掠蛛 Drassodes pubescens (Thorell, 1856)  相似文献   

对2011年6月采自云南勐仑的73头异色跗虎天牛Perissus mutabilis Gahan,1894标本进行研究,发现该种73号标本在鞘翅斑纹、前足爪开式、前胸背板颜色及斑点、后足腿节长度存在不同程度的差异,研究认为上述特征不宜用作该种分类鉴定的特征。红胸跗虎天牛Perissus mutabilis vitabilis Pic,1923和黑胸跗虎天牛Perissus mutabilis obscuricolorPic,1937依据部分上述特征建立,且特征出现交叉,分布区域与指名亚种异色跗虎天牛P.mutabilis mutabilis Gahan,1894重叠,建议取消红胸跗虎天牛P.mutabilis vitabilis Pic,1923和黑胸跗虎天牛P.mutabilis obscuricolor Pic,19372个亚种。并对异色跗虎天牛P.mutabilis Gahan,1894进行重描述。  相似文献   

拟伍氏游仆虫(原生动物,纤毛门,游仆目)的重描述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用活体观察和银染技术,对采自广东省惠阳大亚湾沿岸的一种罕见海洋游仆类纤毛虫拟伍氏游仆虫Euplotes parawoodruffi进行了再研究,补充了有关活体形态学、性状变异以及分类学特征的统计学资料等。中国新纪录种拟伍氏游仆虫大亚湾种群与原报道种群存在细微差异,其主要特征为:口围带小膜数为60~70;体纤毛器数目及排布模式十分稳定:额腹棘毛9根,横棘毛5根,尾棘毛2根,左缘棘毛2根;背触毛恒为9列;大核近T形,形状多变。  相似文献   

记述了采自广西的扁颅蝠Tylonycteris robustula(Thomas,1915)体表的寄生革螨1新种:拟雷氏巨刺螨Macronyssus pararadovskyi Tian,Jin et Zhang,sp.nov..新种与雷氏巨刺螨Macronyssus radovskyi(Domrow,1963)近似,二者的区别在于:新种背毛有27对,具有Z3;雌螨生殖腹板具有3根副毛,或部分标本为1根副毛在板的末端,另1对副毛位于板外;雄螨胸生殖腹板上具有4对胸毛和20根腹毛.而雷氏巨刺螨背毛有26对,不具有Z3.雌螨生殖腹板不具有副毛,即副毛均不在生殖腹板上;雄螨胸生殖腹板上具有4对胸毛和18根腹毛.另外,依据采自广西褐扁颅蝠Tylonycterispachypus(Temminck,1840)体表的标本,对雷氏巨刺螨Macronyssus radovskyi(Domrow,1963)的雌、雄螨成体和第1若螨进行了重新描述.所有标本均保存于贵州大学昆虫研究所标本馆.  相似文献   

分析了中国喇叭螺属Boysidia (Ancey ,1881)种类地理分布 ,以东洋界的成分为主 ,最北已分布至北纬 34°5′。文中报道 1新种 ,即潼关贝喇叭螺Boysidia (Bensonella)tongguanensissp .nov .。  相似文献   

对2011年6月采自云南勐仑的73头异色跗虎天牛Perissus mutabilis Gahan,1894标本进行研究,发现该种73号标本在鞘翅斑纹、前足爪开式、前胸背板颜色及斑点、后足腿节长度存在不同程度的差异,研究认为上述特征不宜用作该种分类鉴定的特征.红胸跗虎天牛Perissus mutabilis vitabilis Pic,1923和黑胸跗虎天牛Perissus mutabilis obscuricolor Pic,1937依据部分上述特征建立,且特征出现交叉,分布区域与指名亚种异色跗虎天牛P.mutabilis mutabilis Gahan,1894重叠,建议取消红胸跗虎天牛P.l mutabilis vitabilis Pic,1923和黑胸跗虎天牛P.mutabilis obscuricolor Pic,1937 2个亚种.并对异色跗虎天牛P.mutabilis Gahan,1894进行重描述.  相似文献   

利用蛋白银法对采自山东胶州育虾池的一种海洋盾纤类纤毛虫,水滴伪康纤虫(Pseudocohnilembus persalinus Evans&Thompson,1964)的口器发生过程进行了详细的观察和研究,并对其形态学做了补足性描述。文章通过对该青岛种群发生过程的研究,认为前人所报道的种群(Evans&Thompson,1964;Pomp&Wilbert,1988)缺乏对某个发生关键时期的观察而存在着错误,即:后仔虫的小膜2明确来自老的口侧膜,而不是前人报道的盾片。此外,文章还发现该种的发生与本属另一哈氏伪康纤虫的发生过程几乎完全相同。主要细胞发生过程为:盾片最先增殖,形成初级原基区,然后分裂成前后两部分,前部分最终消失,而后部分最终形成后仔虫的小膜3。继盾片增殖之后口侧膜的锯齿状结构沿细胞纵轴方向分裂成两列,右侧的一列增殖形成次级原基区,之后分裂成前后两部分,前部分迁移形成后仔虫的口侧膜和盾片,后部分形成后仔虫的小膜1和小膜2;老口侧膜的残余部分形成前仔虫的口侧膜及盾片。老的小膜1、小膜2和小膜3则完全为前仔虫所继承。  相似文献   

Phyllidiopsis sinaiensis (Yonow, 1988), of which only one single preservedspecimen had been known, was rediscovered in the northern RedSea. The dorsal colour-pattern of living individuals is presented forthe first time, and the anatomy of P. sinaiensis is describedin detail. Major features of the holotype previously used tocharacterise the species are shown to be artifacts. Principaldistinguishing characters of P. sinaiensis include the centraltubercle ridge, large and multicompound, broad based, pink tubercles,bicoloured black and pink rhinophores, the very elongate muscularoesophageal segment, the distinct stomach and the extremelylong, convoluted prostate that is bound together by connectivetissue. In some specimens, the bases of the tubercles may fuseleading to a predominantely pink dorsum with only a few blacklines. Phyllidiopsis sinaiensis appears to be among the mostcommon nudibranchs in the Gulf of Aqaba. The fact that it has notbeen reported since its original collection in 1980 can be explainedby being confused with the externally similar, well-known speciesPhyllidiella pustulosa (Cuvier, 1804). A review of the phyllidiidfauna of the Red Sea reveals eleven valid species that can allbe identified with the key presented herein. With four out of elevenspecies, phyllidiid endemism (36%) is high in the Red Sea. This isin contrast to recent palaeobiological hypotheses of a post-glacial originof the Red Sea coral reef fauna.  相似文献   

本根据采自云南的标本描记凹室叶蝉属(Dusuna Distant)一新种:红褐凹室叶蝉Dusuna brunnea,sp.nov.,并以此种雄性对该属属征进行再描记。模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述采自江苏南京栖霞山哈蛃属1新种栖霞哈蛃,即Haslundichilis qixiaensis sp.nov.,并重新描述了采自甘肃天水麦积山的赫氏哈蛃。  相似文献   

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