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Here we critically review the scale and extent of adaptive genetic variation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), an important model system in evolutionary and conservation biology that provides fundamental insights into population persistence, adaptive response and the effects of anthropogenic change. We consider the process of adaptation as the end product of natural selection, one that can best be viewed as the degree of matching between phenotype and environment. We recognise three potential sources of adaptive variation: heritable variation in phenotypic traits related to fitness, variation at the molecular level in genes influenced by selection, and variation in the way genes interact with the environment to produce phenotypes of varying plasticity. Of all phenotypic traits examined, variation in body size (or in correlated characters such as growth rates, age of seaward migration or age at sexual maturity) generally shows the highest heritability, as well as a strong effect on fitness. Thus, body size in Atlantic salmon tends to be positively correlated with freshwater and marine survival, as well as with fecundity, egg size, reproductive success, and offspring survival. By contrast, the fitness implications of variation in behavioural traits such as aggression, sheltering behaviour, or timing of migration are largely unknown. The adaptive significance of molecular variation in salmonids is also scant and largely circumstantial, despite extensive molecular screening on these species. Adaptive variation can result in local adaptations (LA) when, among other necessary conditions, populations live in patchy environments, exchange few or no migrants, and are subjected to differential selective pressures. Evidence for LA in Atlantic salmon is indirect and comes mostly from ecological correlates in fitness-related traits, the failure of many translocations, the poor performance of domesticated stocks, results of a few common-garden experiments (where different populations were raised in a common environment in an attempt to dissociate heritable from environmentally induced phenotypic variation), and the pattern of inherited resistance to some parasites and diseases. Genotype x environment interactions occurr for many fitness traits, suggesting that LA might be important. However, the scale and extent of adaptive variation remains poorly understood and probably varies, depending on habitat heterogeneity, environmental stability and the relative roles of selection and drift. As maladaptation often results from phenotype-environment mismatch, we argue that acting as if populations are not locally adapted carries a much greater risk of mismanagement than acting under the assumption for local adaptations when there are none. As such, an evolutionary approach to salmon conservation is required, aimed at maintaining the conditions necessary for natural selection to operate most efficiently and unhindered. This may require minimising alterations to native genotypes and habitats to which populations have likely become adapted, but also allowing for population size to reach or extend beyond carrying capacity to encourage competition and other sources of natural mortality.  相似文献   

Studies of adaptive evolution have experienced a recent revival in population genetics of natural populations and there is currently much focus on identifying genomic signatures of selection in space and time. Insights into local adaptation, adaptive response to global change and evolutionary consequences of selective harvesting can be generated through population genomics studies, allowing the separation of the effects invoked by neutral processes (drift-migration) from those due to selection. Such knowledge is important not only for improving our basic understanding of natural as well as human-induced evolutionary processes, but also for predicting future trajectories of biodiversity and for setting conservation priorities. Marine fishes possess a number of features rendering them well suited for providing general insights into adaptive genomic evolution in natural populations. These include well-described population structures, substantial and rapidly developing genomic resources and abundant archived samples enabling temporal studies. Furthermore, superior possibilities for conducting large-scale experiments under controlled conditions, due to the economic resources provided by the large and growing aquaculture industry, hold great promise for utilizing recent technological developments. Here, we review achievements in marine fish genomics to date and highlight potential avenues for future research, which will provide both general insights into evolution in high gene flow species, as well as specific knowledge which can lead to improved management of marine organisms.  相似文献   

The adaptive radiation of the seven‐spined gobies (Gobiidae: Gobiosomatini) represents a classic example of how ecological specialization and larval retention can drive speciation through local adaptation. However, geographically widespread and phenotypically uniform species also do occur within Gobiosomatini. This lack of phenotypic variation across large geographic areas could be due to recent colonization, widespread gene flow, or stabilizing selection acting across environmental gradients. We use a phylogeographic approach to test these alternative hypotheses in the naked goby Gobiosoma bosc, a widespread and phenotypically invariable intertidal fish found along the Atlantic Coast of North America. Using DNA sequence from 218 individuals sampled at 15 localities, we document marked intraspecific genetic structure in mitochondrial and nuclear genes at three main geographic scales: (i) between Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Coast, (ii) between the west coast of the Florida peninsula and adjacent Gulf of Mexico across the Apalachicola Bay, and (iii) at local scales of a few hundred kilometers. Clades on either side of Florida diverged about 8 million years ago, whereas some populations along the East Cost show divergent phylogroups that have differentiated within the last 200,000 years. The absence of noticeable phenotypic or ecological differentiation among lineages suggests the role of stabilizing selection on ancestral phenotypes, together with isolation in allopatry due to reduced dispersal and restricted gene flow, as the most likely explanation for their divergence. Haplotype phylogenies and spatial patterns of genetic diversity reveal frequent population bottlenecks followed by rapid population growth, particularly along the Gulf of Mexico. The magnitude of the genetic divergence among intraspecific lineages suggests the existence of cryptic species within Gobiosoma and indicates that modes of speciation can vary among lineages within Gobiidae.  相似文献   

Astragalus sect. Incani, one of the most species‐rich sections of Astragalus with ca 140 species, is well known for its taxonomic complexity resulting from overlapping morphological characters and high phenotypic plasticity. Its main centers of diversity are in Iran and Turkey with about 120 species. Using nrDNA ITS and plastid rpl32‐trnL(UAG) markers, we reconstructed the phylogeny of members of the section by means of maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, Bayesian, Beast and S‐DIVA analyses. This is the first comprehensive work on the section Incani covering its full geographic range. All members of the section (including A. subsecundus) except A. platyphyllus formed a well‐supported clade (Incani s.s.). Within the section, two major groups with different geographic distribution were detected. One group includes nine examined species restricted to eastern Iran and Central Asia and the other group comprises a majority of the species from west and northwestern Iran, Turkey and southern Europe. The Divergence time analysis suggests that Incani s.s. originated in the late Pliocene and a majority of the speciation events dates to the last 1–1.5 Myr. This indicates that the recent diversification of Incani s.s. coincided with climatic changes during the Pliocene and Pleistocene and was followed by complex biogeographical processes in which dispersal have been vital for shaping the current distribution pattern . The S‐DIVA suggested a predominantly east–west route of dispersal from an origin in the east, and a major phylogenetic split between eastern and western lineages. However, the geographical distribution of A. monspessulanus/A. incanus and A. ackerbergensis/A. gueldenstaedtiae does not correspond to their phylogenetic positions. The former species are restricted to southern Europe/North Africa, but belong in two distinct subclades. The latter, restricted to northeastern Iran are phylogenetically close to species of western and northwestern Iran and Turkey. Astragalus sykesiae is resurrected as a distinct species separated from a broadly defined A. mercklinii.  相似文献   

Intraspecific assisted migration (ISAM) through seed transfer during artificial forest regeneration has been suggested as an adaptation strategy to enhance forest resilience and productivity under future climate. In this study, we assessed the risks and benefits of ISAM in white spruce based on long‐term and multilocation, rangewide provenance test data. Our results indicate that the adaptive capacity and growth potential of white spruce varied considerably among 245 range‐wide provenances sampled across North America; however, the results revealed that local populations could be outperformed by nonlocal ones. Provenances originating from south‐central Ontario and southwestern Québec, Canada, close to the southern edge of the species' natural distribution, demonstrated superior growth in more northerly environments compared with local populations and performed much better than populations from western Canada and Alaska, United States. During the 19–28 years between planting and measurement, the southern provenances have not been more susceptible to freezing damage compared with local populations, indicating they have the potential to be used now for the reforestation of more northerly planting sites; based on changing temperature, these seed sources potentially could maintain or increase white spruce productivity at or above historical levels at northern sites. A universal response function (URF), which uses climatic variables to predict provenance performance across field trials, indicated a relatively weak relationship between provenance performance and the climate at provenance origin. Consequently, the URF from this study did not provide information useful to ISAM. The ecological and economic importance of conserving white spruce genetic resources in south‐central Ontario and southwestern Québec for use in ISAM is discussed.  相似文献   

The relative roles of natural selection and direct environmental induction, as well as of natural selection and genetic drift, in creating clinal latitudinal variation in quantitative traits have seldom been assessed in vertebrates. To address these issues, we compared molecular and quantitative genetic differentiation between six common frog (Rana temporaria) populations along an approximately 1600 km long latitudinal gradient across Scandinavia. The degree of population differentiation (QST approximately 0.81) in three heritable quantitative traits (age and size at metamorphosis, growth rate) exceeded that in eight (neutral) microsatellite loci (FST = 0.24). Isolation by distance was clear for both neutral markers and quantitative traits, but considerably stronger for one of the three quantitative traits than for neutral markers. QST estimates obtained using animals subjected to different rearing conditions (temperature and food treatments) revealed some environmental dependency in patterns of population divergence in quantitative traits, but in general, these effects were weak in comparison to overall patterns. Pairwise comparisons of FST and QST estimates across populations and treatments revealed that the degree of quantitative trait differentiation was not generally predictable from knowledge of that in molecular markers. In fact, both positive and negative correlations were observed depending on conditions where the quantitative genetic variability had been measured. All in all, the results suggest a very high degree of genetic subdivision both in neutral marker genes and genes coding quantitative traits across a relatively recently (< 9000 years) colonized environmental gradient. In particular, they give evidence for natural selection being the primary agent behind the observed latitudinal differentiation in quantitative traits.  相似文献   

Plants can achieve an appropriate phenotype in particular conditions either constitutively or plastically, depending in part on the grain size of the environmental conditions being considered. Coarse-grained environmental variation should result in selection for local adaptation and no selection on plasticity to novel levels of the coarse-grained environmental factors. We tested the hypotheses that natural populations of the well-studied model system Arabidopsis thaliana are locally adapted to spatially coarse-grained environmental variation, and that the photoperiodic regime per se is at least partially responsible for that local adaptation, by exposing natural populations to photoperiodic regimes characteristic of their native and foreign (novel) environments. We also tested the hypothesis that plasticity to novel photoperiodic regimes should appear random. We found that populations showed evidence of local adaptation at a spatially coarse grain, although not to photoperiodic regime per se. We also found that the plasticities to novel photoperiodic regimes appeared random and did not generally show evidence of adaptive divergence. Our study highlights the need for caution in extrapolating from the finding of local adaptation to the causes of local adaptation.  相似文献   

Conifers are characterized by a large genome size and a rapid decay of linkage disequilibrium, most often within gene limits. Genome scans based on noncoding markers are less likely to detect molecular adaptation linked to genes in these species. In this study, we assessed the effectiveness of a genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) scan focused on expressed genes in detecting local adaptation in a conifer species. Samples were collected from six natural populations of white spruce ( Picea glauca ) moderately differentiated for several quantitative characters. A total of 534 SNPs representing 345 expressed genes were analysed. Genes potentially under natural selection were identified by estimating the differentiation in SNP frequencies among populations ( F ST) and identifying outliers, and by estimating local differentiation using a Bayesian approach. Both average expected heterozygosity and population differentiation estimates ( H E = 0.270 and F ST = 0.006) were comparable to those obtained with other genetic markers. Of all genes, 5.5% were identified as outliers with F ST at the 95% confidence level, while 14% were identified as candidates for local adaptation with the Bayesian method. There was some overlap between the two gene sets. More than half of the candidate genes for local adaptation were specific to the warmest population, about 20% to the most arid population, and 15% to the coldest and most humid higher altitude population. These adaptive trends were consistent with the genes' putative functions and the divergence in quantitative traits noted among the populations. The results suggest that an approach separating the locus and population effects is useful to identify genes potentially under selection. These candidates are worth exploring in more details at the physiological and ecological levels.  相似文献   

What is the extent and scale of local adaptation (LA)? How quickly does LA arise? And what is its underlying molecular basis? Our review and meta-analysis on salmonid fishes estimates the frequency of LA to be ∼55–70%, with local populations having a 1.2 times average fitness advantage relative to foreign populations or to their performance in new environments. Salmonid LA is evident at a variety of spatial scales (for example, few km to>1000 km) and can manifest itself quickly (6–30 generations). As the geographic scale between populations increases, LA is generally more frequent and stronger. Yet the extent of LA in salmonids does not appear to differ from that in other assessed taxa. Moreover, the frequency with which foreign salmonid populations outperform local populations (∼23–35%) suggests that drift, gene flow and plasticity often limit or mediate LA. The relatively few studies based on candidate gene and genomewide analyses have identified footprints of selection at both small and large geographical scales, likely reflecting the specific functional properties of loci and the associated selection regimes (for example, local niche partitioning, pathogens, parasites, photoperiodicity and seasonal timing). The molecular basis of LA in salmonids is still largely unknown, but differential expression at the same few genes is implicated in the convergent evolution of certain phenotypes. Collectively, future research will benefit from an integration of classical and molecular approaches to understand: (i) species differences and how they originate, (ii) variation in adaptation across scales, life stages, population sizes and environmental gradients, and (iii) evolutionary responses to human activities.  相似文献   

Understanding genetic diversity patterns of endangered species is an important premise for biodiversity conservation. The critically endangered salamander Andrias davidianus, endemic to central and southern mainland in China, has suffered from sharp range and population size declines over the past three decades. However, the levels and patterns of genetic diversity of A. davidianus populations in wild remain poorly understood. Herein, we explore the levels and phylogeographic patterns of genetic diversity of wild‐caught A. davidianus using larvae and adult collection with the aid of sequence variation in (a) the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragments (n = 320 individuals; 33 localities), (b) 19 whole mtDNA genomes, and (c) nuclear recombinase activating gene 2 (RAG2; n = 88 individuals; 19 localities). Phylogenetic analyses based on mtDNA datasets uncovered seven divergent mitochondrial clades (A–G), which likely originated in association with the uplifting of mountains during the Late Miocene, specific habitat requirements, barriers including mountains and drainages and lower dispersal ability. The distributions of clades were geographic partitioned and confined in neighboring regions. Furthermore, we discovered some mountains, rivers, and provinces harbored more than one clades. RAG2 analyses revealed no obvious geographic patterns among the five alleles detected. Our study depicts a relatively intact distribution map of A. davidianus clades in natural species range and provides important knowledge that can be used to improve monitoring programs and develop a conservation strategy for this critically endangered organism.  相似文献   

陈小勇 《生态学报》2000,20(5):884-892
生境片断化是指大而连续的生境变成空间隔离的小种群的现象。生境片断化对植物种群遗传效应包括生境片断化过程中的取样效应及其后的小种群效应(遗传漂变、近交等)。理论研究表明,生境片断化后,植物种群的遗传变异程度将降低,而残留的小种群间的遗传分化程度将升高。然而对一些植物的研究表明,生境片断化对植物种群的遗传效应要受其他一些因素的影响,如世代长度、片断化时间、片断种群的大小、基因流的改变等。最后,针对生境  相似文献   

The Galician sympatric ecotypes of Littorina saxatilis have been proposed as a model system for studying parallel ecological speciation. Such a model system makes a clear prediction: candidate loci (for divergent adaptation) should present a higher level of geographical differentiation than noncandidate (neutral) loci. We used 2356 amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and four microsatellite loci to identify candidate loci for ecological adaptation using the F ST outlier method. Three per cent of the studied AFLP loci were identified as candidate loci associated with adaptation, after multitest adjustments, thus contributing to ecotype differentiation (candidate loci were not detected within ecotypes). Candidate and noncandidate loci were analysed separately at four different F ST partitions: differences between ecotypes (overall and local), differences between localities and micro-geographical differences within ecotypes. The magnitude of F ST differed between candidate and noncandidate loci for all partitions except in the case of microgeographical differentiation within ecotypes, and the microsatellites (putatively neutral) showed an identical pattern to noncandidate loci. Thus, variation in candidate loci is determined partially independent by divergent natural selection (in addition to stochastic forces) at each locality, while noncandidate loci are exclusively driven by stochastic forces. These results support the evolutionary history described for these particular populations, considered to be a clear example of incomplete sympatric ecological speciation.  相似文献   

Islands are generally colonized by few individuals which could lead to a founder effect causing loss of genetic diversity and rapid divergence by strong genetic drift. Insular conditions can also induce new selective pressures on populations. Here, we investigated the extent of genetic differentiation within a white‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) population introduced on an island and its differentiation with its source mainland population. In response to their novel environmental conditions, introduced deer changed phenotypically from mainland individuals, therefore we investigated the genetic bases of the morphological differentiation. The study was conducted on Anticosti Island (Québec, Canada) where 220 individuals were introduced 120 years ago, resulting in a population size over 160,000 individuals. We used genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) to generate 8,518 filtered high‐quality SNPs and compared patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation between the continental and Anticosti Island populations. Clustering analyses indicated a single panmictic island population and no sign of isolation by distance. Our results revealed a weak, albeit highly significant, genetic differentiation between the Anticosti Island population and its source population (mean FST = 0.005), which allowed a population assignment success of 93%. Also, the high genetic diversity maintained in the introduced population supports the absence of a strong founder effect due to the large number of founders followed by rapid population growth. We further used a polygenic approach to assess the genetic bases of the divergent phenotypical traits between insular and continental populations. We found loci related to muscular function and lipid metabolism, which suggested that these could be involved in local adaptation on Anticosti Island. We discuss these results in a harvest management context.  相似文献   

In ectotherms, variation in life history traits among populations is common and suggests local adaptation. However, geographic variation itself is not a proof for local adaptation, as genetic drift and gene flow may also shape patterns of quantitative variation. We studied local and regional variation in means and phenotypic plasticity of larval life history traits in the common frog Rana temporaria using six populations from central Sweden, breeding in either open‐canopy or partially closed‐canopy ponds. To separate local adaptation from genetic drift, we compared differentiation in quantitative genetic traits (QST) obtained from a common garden experiment with differentiation in presumably neutral microsatellite markers (FST). We found that R. temporaria populations differ in means and plasticities of life history traits in different temperatures at local, and in FST at regional scale. Comparisons of differentiation in quantitative traits and in molecular markers suggested that natural selection was responsible for the divergence in growth and development rates as well as in temperature‐induced plasticity, indicating local adaptation. However, at low temperature, the role of genetic drift could not be separated from selection. Phenotypes were correlated with forest canopy closure, but not with geographical or genetic distance. These results indicate that local adaptation can evolve in the presence of ongoing gene flow among the populations, and that natural selection is strong in this system.  相似文献   

Coastal-marine biodiversity conservation must focus increasingly at the level of the land- and seascape. Five cases illustrate discontinuities and synergisms and how system changes may take place. For Caribbean coral reefs, the result of overfishing and disease has been a shrinkage in the entire system, the effects of which may cascade through the coastal seascape. For Beringia, patterns of benthic diversity are best understood in a manner that matches the multiscale, integrated dynamics of weather, ice, marine mammal feeding, and community structure. In the case of US East Coast estuaries, oyster reefs may be keystone elements, with important effects on functional diversity. Large-scale coastal systems depend upon the connectivity of fresh and marine waters in the coastal zone, having implications for the apparent stochasticity of coastal fisheries. And, for a coastal barrier-lagoon site, a state change may be described in terms of a combination of succession, the attainment of a quasi-equilibrium state, and disturbance. A profound problem for conservation is that there is very little information about the relationship between species diversity and ecological function. Coastal-marine biodiversity conservation is best addressed at the level of the land- and seascape.  相似文献   

The geography of adaptive genetic variation is crucial to species conservation yet poorly understood in marine systems. We analyse the spatial scale of genetic variation in traits that broadly display adaptation throughout the range of a highly dispersive marine species. We conducted common garden experiments on the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia, from 39 locations along its 3000 km range thereby mapping genetic variation for growth rate, vertebral number and sex determination. Each trait displayed unique clinal patterns, with significant differences (adaptive or not) occurring over very small distances. Breakpoints in the cline differed among traits, corresponding only partially with presumed eco-geographical boundaries. Because clinal patterns are unique to each selected character, neutral genes or those coding for a single character cannot serve as proxies for the genetic structure as a whole. Conservation plans designed to protect essential genetic subunits of a species will need to account for such complex spatial structures.  相似文献   

Abstract The three living species of manatees, West Indian (Trichechus manatus), Amazonian (Trichechus inunguis) and West African (Trichechus senegalensis), are distributed across the shallow tropical and subtropical waters of America and the western coast of Africa. We have sequenced the mitochondrial DNA control region in 330 Trichechus to compare their phylogeographic patterns. In T. manatus we observed a marked population structure with the identification of three haplotype clusters showing a distinct spatial distribution. A geographic barrier represented by the continuity of the Lesser Antilles to Trinidad Island, near the mouth of the Orinoco River in Venezuela, appears to have restricted the gene flow historically in T. manatus. However, for T. inunguis we observed a single expanding population cluster, with a high diversity of very closely related haplotypes. A marked geographic population structure is likely present in T. senegalensis with at least two distinct clusters. Phylogenetic analyses with the mtDNA cytochrome b gene suggest a clade of the marine Trichechus species, with T. inunguis as the most basal trichechid. This is in agreement with previous morphological analyses. Mitochondrial DNA, autosomal microsatellites and cytogenetic analyses revealed the presence of hybrids between the T. manatus and T. inunguis species at the mouth of the Amazon River in Brazil, extending to the Guyanas and probably as far as the mouth of the Orinoco River. Future conservation strategies should consider the distinct population structure of manatee species, as well as the historical barriers to gene flow and the likely occurrence of interspecific hybridization.  相似文献   

Fink S  Excoffier L  Heckel G 《Molecular ecology》2004,13(11):3501-3514
The phylogeography of the common vole (Microtus arvalis) was examined by analysing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation in 1044 base pairs (bp) of the cytochrome b (cytb) gene and in 322 bp of the control region (ctr) among 106 individuals from 58 locations. The geographical distribution of four previously recognized cytb evolutionary lineages in Europe was refined and a new lineage was found in southern Germany. All lineages were distributed allopatrically, except in one sample that was probably located in a contact zone. The occurrence of several lineages in the Alps is in keeping with their recent recolonization from distinct sources. The translation of 84 cytb DNA sequences produced 33 distinct proteins with relationships that differed from those of the DNA haplotypes, suggesting that the mtDNA lineages did not diverge in response to selection. In comparison with M. agrestis, a neutrality test detected no overall evidence for selection in the cytb gene, but a closer examination of a structural model showed that evolutionarily conserved and functionally important positions were often affected. A new phylogeographical test of random accumulation of nonsynonymous mutations generated significant results in three lineages. We therefore conclude that the molecular diversity of cytb in M. arvalis is overall the result of the demographic history of the populations, but that there have been several episodes of local adaptation to peculiar environments.  相似文献   

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