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Daev EV 《Genetika》2007,43(10):1299-1310
The review considers stress as a physiological state of the organism, affecting the cellular, genomic, and population levels. Literature data and cytogenetic studies by the author support basic statements of the physiological hypothesis of mutation, which was advanced as early as in the 1940s. Studies of pheromonal effects in germline and somatic cells of the house mouse demonstrated the role of olfactory stressors in generating genetic variation in microevolutionary changes.  相似文献   

The review considers stress as a physiological state of the organism, affecting the cellular, genomic, and population levels. Literature data and cytogenetic studies by the author support basic statements of the physiological hypothesis of mutation, which was advanced as early as in the 1940s. Studies of pheromonal effects in germline and somatic cells of the house mouse demonstrated the role of olfactory stressors in generating genetic variation in microevolutionary changes.  相似文献   

The immunocompetence handicap hypothesis (ICHH) assumes that testosterone (T), required for the expression of sexual traits, can also incur a cost due to its immunosuppressive properties. However, T-dependent immunosuppression could also arise as an indirect consequence of energy reallocation from the immune system to other metabolic demands. Leptin is mostly produced in lipogenic tissues and its circulating level is positively correlated with the amount of lipid reserves. Leptin also has an important role as immunoenhancer and we suggest that this hormone could play a role as a mediator of the immunosuppressive effect of testosterone. In particular, we propose that only the individuals able to maintain large lipid reserves (with high leptin levels), while sustaining high testosterone levels, might be able to develop sexual displays without an impairment of their immune defences. Here, we tested one of the assumptions underlying this extension of the ICHH: leptin administration should attenuate testosterone-induced immunosuppression. T-implanted and control male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) received daily injections of leptin or phosphate buffered saline. T-implants initially depressed the phytohaemagglutinin-induced immune response. However, T-birds injected with leptin enhanced their immune response to the level of control birds. These results open a new perspective on the study of the ICHH.  相似文献   

We tested the challenge hypothesis for the hormonal regulation of aggression in chicks of the black-headed gull, Larus ridibundus. Chicks of this species are highly aggressive toward conspecifics, but never to peers that hatched from the same clutch (modal clutch size is three). Therefore, in the first experiment small families were housed together in large groups (challenged condition) and compared to families kept isolated (nonchallenged condition). As expected, in the challenged condition during the initial stage of territory establishment basal levels of testosterone (T) were clearly higher than those in the nonchallenged condition. In the second experiment we tested the effect of a short social challenge on short-term T-fluctuations. The design was based on an earlier experiment, showing that after temporary T-treatment chicks become very sensitive to social challenges while having low basal T-levels. We now show that these social challenges induce brief elevations in plasma T-levels. These peaks are similar to those in previously untreated chicks but untreated chicks do not respond with aggression to a challenge. Therefore, we conclude that the initial exposure to elevated T-levels increases the sensitivity to brief changes in T induced by social challenges. In this way exposure to T, that may be detrimental for development, is minimized while birds remain able to defend territories. This is the first report showing that the challenge hypothesis as established for adult birds, is also applicable for aggressive behavior in young birds outside the sexual context. Furthermore we suggest that a phase of priming with T is necessary to obtain the high behavioral responsiveness to a challenge.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that testosterone and cortisol jointly regulate dominance motivation and, perhaps, the status relationships that are affected by it. For this article, the results of six different studies of women's intercollegiate athletic competition were combined to give a sample size of almost ninety women for whom we had before- and after-competition values for salivary cortisol and testosterone for at least one and sometimes two competitions. For many of these women, we had surveys that allowed us to assess their status with teammates. In no matter what sport (soccer, softball, volleyball, and tennis) levels of salivary cortisol and testosterone increased when women participated in athletic competition. Salivary levels of C and T appear to rise in parallel during competition and increases in levels of one hormone are significantly related to increases in the other. Salivary levels of these hormones typically decreased for teammates who did not play but watched the competition from the sidelines. For women who played in two competitions, individual differences in the positive effect of competition on cortisol and testosterone were conserved from one competition to the next, affirming the personal consistency of endocrine responses to competition. Status with teammates was positively related to before-competition levels of testosterone, but only for women with relatively low before-competition levels of cortisol. This result provides novel support for the “dual-hormone hypothesis” as it relates to predicting social status in women's athletic teams — natural social groups of individuals who know each other and whose social hierarchy has evolved over the course of practice and play for at least one and, in some cases, several years of intercollegiate athletic competition.  相似文献   

In this paper we review the evidence that fetuses gestated with a male co-twin are masculinized in development, perhaps due to the influence of prenatal androgens: the so-called twin testosterone transfer (TTT) hypothesis. Evidence from studies of behavioral, perceptual, cognitive, morphological and physiological traits in same- and opposite-sex human twins is considered. Apart from two studies reporting increases in aspects of sensation-seeking for females with a male rather than a female co-twin, there is sparse evidence supporting the TTT hypothesis in behavioral studies. Outcomes from studies of perception (in particular otoacoustic emissions) and cognition (in particular vocabulary acquisition and visuo-spatial ability) provide more consistent evidence in support of masculinized performance in twins with a male co-twin compared to twins with a female co-twin. The outcomes favorable to the TTT hypothesis for otoacoustic emissions and visuo-spatial ability are restricted to females. Studies of physiology and morphology (e.g., brain volume, tooth size and 2D:4D ratio) also show some influence of co-twin sex, but again these effects are often restricted to female twins. Because females produce little endogenous testosterone, the effects of gestation with a male co-twin may be more pronounced in females than males. Thus, while uneven, the evidence for the TTT hypothesis is sufficient to warrant further investigation, ideally using large samples of same- and opposite-sex twins, along with control groups of same- and opposite-sex siblings when the characteristics assessed are potentially open to social influences.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2012,61(5):713-722
In this paper we review the evidence that fetuses gestated with a male co-twin are masculinized in development, perhaps due to the influence of prenatal androgens: the so-called twin testosterone transfer (TTT) hypothesis. Evidence from studies of behavioral, perceptual, cognitive, morphological and physiological traits in same- and opposite-sex human twins is considered. Apart from two studies reporting increases in aspects of sensation-seeking for females with a male rather than a female co-twin, there is sparse evidence supporting the TTT hypothesis in behavioral studies. Outcomes from studies of perception (in particular otoacoustic emissions) and cognition (in particular vocabulary acquisition and visuo-spatial ability) provide more consistent evidence in support of masculinized performance in twins with a male co-twin compared to twins with a female co-twin. The outcomes favorable to the TTT hypothesis for otoacoustic emissions and visuo-spatial ability are restricted to females. Studies of physiology and morphology (e.g., brain volume, tooth size and 2D:4D ratio) also show some influence of co-twin sex, but again these effects are often restricted to female twins. Because females produce little endogenous testosterone, the effects of gestation with a male co-twin may be more pronounced in females than males. Thus, while uneven, the evidence for the TTT hypothesis is sufficient to warrant further investigation, ideally using large samples of same- and opposite-sex twins, along with control groups of same- and opposite-sex siblings when the characteristics assessed are potentially open to social influences.  相似文献   

It is suggested that the sex steroid hormones testosterone and estrogen (SSH) provide receptor cells with reliable information on protein synthesis and on the level of oxidative metabolism in the cells of the gonads. The SSH are derived from the oxidation of cholesterol. This oxidation is a side reaction of the oxidative processes in the mitochondria that generate most of the energy to the organism. The amount of SSH that is synthesized is correlated to the partial pressure of oxygen at the synthesizing cells. The amount of free SSH that a cell can hold is checked by the damage that free steroids may cause. This damage is prevented by proteins that bind with SSH. As a result, SSH levels are correlated also with the ability of the SSH synthesizing cell to produce proteins that bind with them. A cell can only synthesize SSH in relation to the oxidative processes within it and to its ability to produce the binding proteins necessary to prevent the damage caused by SSH. As a result, the information conveyed by SSH is reliable. We examine the specific damage caused by testosterone and estrogen, and suggest why each of them is best suited for its function. Although both SSH can provide similar information on the metabolism in the cells that synthesize them, there are secondary reasons why testosterone and estrogen were selected to serve particular functions. Testosterone improves the efficiency of the proton pump at the mitochondria in producing ATP, but increases oxidative damage. Estrogen on the other hand decreases oxygen damage but also decreases the efficiency of the proton pump. These differences between the two SSH may explain why females use estrogen to inform the body about the activity of the cells in their gonads while males do it by testosterone. The increased oxidative damage may also explain why in males the testosterone that reaches the brain is turned into estrogen. We also suggest why fish use 11-keto testosterone and why insects do not use these two steroids.  相似文献   

The oxidation handicap hypothesis (OHH) proposed that honesty in sexual signals is maintained when testosterone simultaneously promotes the development of elaborate signals and imposes an oxidative cost. Although there is evidence that testosterone enhances display traits in some cases, relatively few studies have tested the prediction that testosterone generates oxidative costs. We tested this prediction experimentally by administering testosterone (n = 14) and control (n = 14) implants to free-living common yellowthroat warblers (Geothlypis trichas) and quantifying testosterone and oxidative state before and 35 ± 15 days after implantation. We interpreted our experimental results in the context of a larger database of 83 unmanipulated males observed over five breeding seasons. In our observational data, testosterone was related to aspects of the carotenoid-based bib, but these relationships were age-dependent. Bib coloration was related to testosterone only for first time breeders, while bib size was positively and negatively associated with testosterone among experienced and inexperienced breeders, respectively. Two measures of oxidative metabolism—damage to DNA and total antioxidant capacity (TAC)—were unrelated to endogenous testosterone. Despite the correlation between endogenous testosterone and plumage, our experimental results failed to support the key prediction of the OHH. Testosterone treated males had higher levels of TAC upon recapture, but oxidative damage to DNA did not differ from controls. Because antioxidants can protect against the harmful effects of oxidative stress, one interpretation of our results is that males physiologically compensated for elevated testosterone, avoiding the honesty enforcing mechanism of the OHH. Taken together, our results suggest that testosterone is not a direct mediator of honest signaling in yellowthroats via its effects on oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to determine the passage of testosterone, testosterone propionate and testosterone enanthate through silastic implants and to determine the retention of the three hormones once they enter the blood. In the first experimental, ovariectomized ewes with implants containing testosterone propionate and ewes with implants containing testosterone enanthate had higher levels of plasma testosterone than ewes with implants containing testosterone. Testosterone enanthate implants released more hormone during the 13-day period than the testosterone propionate and testosterone implants and testosterone propionate implants released more hormone than testosterone implants. In the second experiment, concentrations of plasma testosterone were elevated longer for ovariectomized ewes intravenously administered testosterone propionate, than ewes receiving testosterone or testosterone enanthate intravenously.  相似文献   

The challenge hypothesis predicts that plasma testosterone (T) concentration is high when male-male competitions are high and decreases when males are engaged in paternal care. In monogamous species, T concentration increases at the beginning of the breeding period and decreases after egg laying. According to the challenge hypothesis, increasing competition should also lead to T increase. The aim of our study was to test this hypothesis. In a first experiment, we measured the T profile of domesticated canaries housed with their mate in separated cages without competition. In a second one, we created a competition by housing male and female domestic canaries together (in an aviary) and emphasized this competition by limiting food access. We also studied social status effect. Our results showed no effect of social status in both sexes and no differences in female's T concentration. Concerning males, we obtained a clear monogamous T profile from the ones housed in a low competition situation and a polygamous profile from the others housed in high competition situation. Thus, our results support the hypothesis of the plasticity of the mechanisms controlling T concentration according to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The relative strengths of interactions involving polypeptide chains can be estimated with reasonable accuracy with statistical potentials, free-energy functions derived from the frequency of occurrence of structural arrangements of residues or atoms in collections of protein structures. Recent published work has shown that the energetics of side-chain/backbone interactions can be modeled by the phi/psi propensities of the 20 amino acids. In this report, the more commonly used phi/psi probabilities are demonstrated to fail in evaluating the free energies of protein conformations because of an overriding preference for all helical structures. Comparison of the hypothetical reactions implied by these two different statistics-propensities versus probabilities-leads to the conclusion that the Boltzmann hypothesis may only be applicable for the calculation of statistical potentials after the starting conformation has been specified. This conclusion supports a simple conjecture: The surprising success of the Boltzmann hypothesis in explaining the energetics of protein structures is a direct consequence of a real equilibrium, one extending over evolutionary time that has maintained the stability of each protein within a narrow range of values.  相似文献   

We examine the claim that the methodology of psychology leads to a bias in animal cognition research against attributing “anthropomorphic” properties to animals (Sober in Thinking with animals: new perspectives on anthropomorphism. Columbia University Press, New York, pp 85–99, 2005; de Waal in Philos Top 27:225–280, 1999). This charge is examined in light of a debate on the role of folk psychology between primatologists who emphasize similarities between humans and other apes, and those who emphasize differences. We argue that while in practice there is sometimes bias, either in the formulation of the null hypothesis or in the preference of Type-II errors over Type-I errors, the bias is not the result of proper use of the Neyman and Pearson hypothesis testing method. Psychologists’ preference for false negatives over false positives cannot justify a preference for avoiding anthropomorphic errors over anthropectic (Gk. anthropos—human; ektomia—to cut out) errors.  相似文献   

The ratio between the hands' second to the fourth finger (2D:4D) is commonly hypothesized to result from prenatal testosterone. The 2D:4D has also been hypothesized to relate to adult-level testosterone and, more recently, to the testosterone response to a challenging situation. In the present work, we tested these core assumptions. Drawing from, in total, 54 studies and 8077 participants, we investigated whether the 2D:4D is related to adult level testosterone (44 studies), testosterone change (6 studies), and prenatal testosterone (10 studies). We found no evidence of the relationship between the above testosterone types and digit ratios. Furthermore, there was no relationship between testosterone and the right and left 2D:4D, male and female 2D:4D, and the 2D:4D and testosterone measurement (i.e., measured in blood or saliva). However, we found some evidence that prenatal testosterone measured in amniotic fluid (but not cord blood) might be related to the digit ratios—further studies are necessary to validate this observation. In summary, considering the current state of knowledge, any conclusions drawn from the assumption of the digit ratios as the proxy for testosterone (prenatal, adult level, or testosterone change under a challenging situation) warrant great caution.  相似文献   

Epidemiological and clinical studies (Fleming et al. 1985; Perrin et al. 1982) indicate that hemoglobin (Hb) AS individuals have a selective advantage in malarial environments. Thus the high frequency of Hb S in human populations has been attributed to the decreased malarial morbidity and mortality experienced by Hb AS heterozygotes. It has also been suggested that Hb AS women have a higher fertility than that of Hb AA women, thus contributing to the elevated frequency of Hb S in malarial environments (Livingstone 1957). Firschein (1961) demonstrated a significantly greater fertility among Hb AS females, whereas Custodio and Huntsman (1984) documented no fertility differential between Hb AS and Hb AA women. Here I examine the reproductive careers of Hb AA and Hb AS subjects 40 years of age and older from Limon, Costa Rica. The purpose is to determine whether normal homozygotes and heterozygotes have significantly different fertilities. The research shows that these groups do not have significantly different completed family sizes (t = 0.38, ns) or significantly different numbers of pregnancies (t = 0.34, ns), live births (t = 0.36, ns), or abortions (t = 0.20, ns). My results support previous suggestions that differential fertility does not contribute to the maintenance of the Hb S polymorphism.  相似文献   

Fatherhood, pairbonding and testosterone in the Philippines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In species with a high level of paternal care, including humans, testosterone (T) is believed to help mediate the trade-off between parenting and mating effort. This hypothesis is supported by the observation of lower T in pairbonded men or fathers compared to single, non-fathers; however, prior work has highlighted population variation in the association between T and pairbonding or fatherhood status. Here we evaluate this hypothesis in a large (n = 890), representative birth cohort of young men (age range 20.5–22.5 years) living in Cebu City, the Philippines. Bioavailable T was measured in saliva collected prior to bed and immediately upon waking the following morning. Plasma T and luteinizing hormone (LH) were measured in morning plasma samples. In this sample, 20% of men were pairbonded, defined as living with a partner or married, 13% were fathers, and roughly half of fathers reported involvement in childcare. Pairbonded men had significantly lower T at both times of day. Unlike in other populations, this relationship was accounted for entirely by fatherhood status: among the large sub-sample of non-fathers, mean T was nearly identical among pairbonded and single men. There was a strong association between self-reported involvement in childcare and lower evening T, supporting the idea that the evening nadir in T is related to social interactions across the day. Similar relationships were found for total plasma T and LH, suggesting that these relationships are coordinated by centrally-mediated changes in LH secretion. The relatively modest T difference in relation to fatherhood at Cebu, in comparison to other studies, may reflect a lower level of paternal involvement in childcare activities in this population. Our findings using a large, well-characterized birth cohort support the hypothesized role of T as a mediator of mating and parenting effort in humans, while contributing evidence for cultural variation in the relative importance of pairbonding and fathering to these relationships.  相似文献   

Introduced species often benefit from escaping their enemies when they are transported to a new range, an idea commonly expressed as the enemy release hypothesis. However, species might shed mutualists as well as enemies when they colonize a new range. Loss of mutualists might reduce the success of introduced populations, or even cause failure to establish. We provide the first quantitative synthesis testing this natural but often overlooked parallel of the enemy release hypothesis, which is known as the missed mutualist hypothesis. Meta-analysis showed that plants interact with 1.9 times more mutualist species, and have 2.3 times more interactions with mutualists per unit time in their native range than in their introduced range. Species may mitigate the negative effects of missed mutualists. For instance, selection arising from missed mutualists could cause introduced species to evolve either to facilitate interactions with a new suite of species or to exist without mutualisms. Just as enemy release can allow introduced populations to redirect energy from defence to growth, potentially evolving increased competitive ability, species that shift to strategies without mutualists may be able to reallocate energy from mutualism toward increased competitive ability or seed production. The missed mutualist hypothesis advances understanding of the selective forces and filters that act on plant species in the early stages of introduction and establishment and thus could inform the management of introduced species.  相似文献   

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