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The structure of contact networks affects the likelihood of disease spread at the population scale and the risk of infection at any given node. Though this has been well characterized for both theoretical and empirical networks for the spread of epidemics on completely susceptible networks, the long-term impact of network structure on risk of infection with an endemic pathogen, where nodes can be infected more than once, has been less well characterized. Here, we analyze detailed records of the transportation of cattle among farms in Turkey to characterize the global and local attributes of the directed—weighted shipments network between 2007-2012. We then study the correlations between network properties and the likelihood of infection with, or exposure to, foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) over the same time period using recorded outbreaks. The shipments network shows a complex combination of features (local and global) that have not been previously reported in other networks of shipments; i.e. small-worldness, scale-freeness, modular structure, among others. We find that nodes that were either infected or at high risk of infection with FMD (within one link from an infected farm) had disproportionately higher degree, were more central (eigenvector centrality and coreness), and were more likely to be net recipients of shipments compared to those that were always more than 2 links away from an infected farm. High in-degree (i.e. many shipments received) was the best univariate predictor of infection. Low in-coreness (i.e. peripheral nodes) was the best univariate predictor of nodes always more than 2 links away from an infected farm. These results are robust across the three different serotypes of FMD observed in Turkey and during periods of low-endemic prevalence and high-prevalence outbreaks.  相似文献   

In the multidisciplinary field of Network Science, optimization of procedures for efficiently breaking complex networks is attracting much attention from a practical point of view. In this contribution, we present a module-based method to efficiently fragment complex networks. The procedure firstly identifies topological communities through which the network can be represented using a well established heuristic algorithm of community finding. Then only the nodes that participate of inter-community links are removed in descending order of their betweenness centrality. We illustrate the method by applying it to a variety of examples in the social, infrastructure, and biological fields. It is shown that the module-based approach always outperforms targeted attacks to vertices based on node degree or betweenness centrality rankings, with gains in efficiency strongly related to the modularity of the network. Remarkably, in the US power grid case, by deleting 3% of the nodes, the proposed method breaks the original network in fragments which are twenty times smaller in size than the fragments left by betweenness-based attack.  相似文献   

We introduce a new method for detecting communities of arbitrary size in an undirected weighted network. Our approach is based on tracing the path of closest-friendship between nodes in the network using the recently proposed Generalized Erds Numbers. This method does not require the choice of any arbitrary parameters or null models, and does not suffer from a system-size resolution limit. Our closest-friend community detection is able to accurately reconstruct the true network structure for a large number of real world and artificial benchmarks, and can be adapted to study the multi-level structure of hierarchical communities as well. We also use the closeness between nodes to develop a degree of robustness for each node, which can assess how robustly that node is assigned to its community. To test the efficacy of these methods, we deploy them on a variety of well known benchmarks, a hierarchal structured artificial benchmark with a known community and robustness structure, as well as real-world networks of coauthorships between the faculty at a major university and the network of citations of articles published in Physical Review. In all cases, microcommunities, hierarchy of the communities, and variable node robustness are all observed, providing insights into the structure of the network.  相似文献   

Scale-free networks, in which the distribution of the degrees obeys a power-law, are ubiquitous in the study of complex systems. One basic network property that relates to the structure of the links found is the degree assortativity, which is a measure of the correlation between the degrees of the nodes at the end of the links. Degree correlations are known to affect both the structure of a network and the dynamics of the processes supported thereon, including the resilience to damage, the spread of information and epidemics, and the efficiency of defence mechanisms. Nonetheless, while many studies focus on undirected scale-free networks, the interactions in real-world systems often have a directionality. Here, we investigate the dependence of the degree correlations on the power-law exponents in directed scale-free networks. To perform our study, we consider the problem of building directed networks with a prescribed degree distribution, providing a method for proper generation of power-law-distributed directed degree sequences. Applying this new method, we perform extensive numerical simulations, generating ensembles of directed scale-free networks with exponents between 2 and 3, and measuring ensemble averages of the Pearson correlation coefficients. Our results show that scale-free networks are on average uncorrelated across directed links for three of the four possible degree-degree correlations, namely in-degree to in-degree, in-degree to out-degree, and out-degree to out-degree. However, they exhibit anticorrelation between the number of outgoing connections and the number of incoming ones. The findings are consistent with an entropic origin for the observed disassortativity in biological and technological networks.  相似文献   

GPS-free Positioning in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
We consider the problem of node positioning in ad hoc networks. We propose a distributed, infrastructure-free positioning algorithm that does not rely on GPS (Global Positioning System). Instead, the algorithm uses the distances between the nodes to build a relative coordinate system in which the node positions are computed in two dimensions. Despite the distance measurement errors and the motion of the nodes, the algorithm provides sufficient location information and accuracy to support basic network functions. Examples of applications where this algorithm can be used include Location Aided Routing [10] and Geodesic Packet Forwarding [2]. Another example are sensor networks, where mobility is less of a problem. The main contribution of this work is to define and compute relative positions of the nodes in an ad hoc network without using GPS. We further explain how the proposed approach can be applied to wide area ad hoc networks.  相似文献   

We study intrinsic properties of attractor in Boolean dynamics of complex networks with scale-free topology, comparing with those of the so-called Kauffman's random Boolean networks. We numerically study both frozen and relevant nodes in each attractor in the dynamics of relatively small networks (20?N?200). We investigate numerically robustness of an attractor to a perturbation. An attractor with cycle length of ?c in a network of size N consists of ?c states in the state space of 2N states; each attractor has the arrangement of N nodes, where the cycle of attractor sweeps ?c states. We define a perturbation as a flip of the state on a single node in the attractor state at a given time step. We show that the rate between unfrozen and relevant nodes in the dynamics of a complex network with scale-free topology is larger than that in Kauffman's random Boolean network model. Furthermore, we find that in a complex scale-free network with fluctuation of the in-degree number, attractors are more sensitive to a state flip for a highly connected node (i.e. input-hub node) than to that for a less connected node. By some numerical examples, we show that the number of relevant nodes increases, when an input-hub node is coincident with and/or connected with an output-hub node (i.e. a node with large output-degree) one another.  相似文献   



Clearly visualized biopathways provide a great help in understanding biological systems. However, manual drawing of large-scale biopathways is time consuming. We proposed a grid layout algorithm that can handle gene-regulatory networks and signal transduction pathways by considering edge-edge crossing, node-edge crossing, distance measure between nodes, and subcellular localization information from Gene Ontology. Consequently, the layout algorithm succeeded in drastically reducing these crossings in the apoptosis model. However, for larger-scale networks, we encountered three problems: (i) the initial layout is often very far from any local optimum because nodes are initially placed at random, (ii) from a biological viewpoint, human layouts still exceed automatic layouts in understanding because except subcellular localization, it does not fully utilize biological information of pathways, and (iii) it employs a local search strategy in which the neighborhood is obtained by moving one node at each step, and automatic layouts suggest that simultaneous movements of multiple nodes are necessary for better layouts, while such extension may face worsening the time complexity.  相似文献   

Identification of important nodes in complex networks has attracted an increasing attention over the last decade. Various measures have been proposed to characterize the importance of nodes in complex networks, such as the degree, betweenness and PageRank. Different measures consider different aspects of complex networks. Although there are numerous results reported on undirected complex networks, few results have been reported on directed biological networks. Based on network motifs and principal component analysis (PCA), this paper aims at introducing a new measure to characterize node importance in directed biological networks. Investigations on five real-world biological networks indicate that the proposed method can robustly identify actually important nodes in different networks, such as finding command interneurons, global regulators and non-hub but evolutionary conserved actually important nodes in biological networks. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves for the five networks indicate remarkable prediction accuracy of the proposed measure. The proposed index provides an alternative complex network metric. Potential implications of the related investigations include identifying network control and regulation targets, biological networks modeling and analysis, as well as networked medicine.  相似文献   

This paper studied the cluster synchronization of directed complex networks with time delays. It is different from undirected networks, the coupling configuration matrix of directed networks cannot be assumed as symmetric or irreducible. In order to achieve cluster synchronization, this paper uses an adaptive controller on each node and an adaptive feedback strategy on the nodes which in-degree is zero. Numerical example is provided to show the effectiveness of main theory. This method is also effective when the number of clusters is unknown. Thus, it can be used in the community recognizing of directed complex networks.  相似文献   

FastJoin, an improved neighbor-joining algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reconstructing the evolutionary history of a set of species is an elementary problem in biology, and methods for solving this problem are evaluated based on two characteristics: accuracy and efficiency. Neighbor-joining reconstructs phylogenetic trees by iteratively picking a pair of nodes to merge as a new node until only one node remains; due to its good accuracy and speed, it has been embraced by the phylogeny research community. With the advent of large amounts of data, improved fast and precise methods for reconstructing evolutionary trees have become necessary. We improved the neighbor-joining algorithm by iteratively picking two pairs of nodes and merging as two new nodes, until only one node remains. We found that another pair of true neighbors could be chosen to merge as a new node besides the pair of true neighbors chosen by the criterion of the neighbor-joining method, in each iteration of the clustering procedure for the purely additive tree. These new neighbors will be selected by another iteration of the neighbor-joining method, so that they provide an improved neighbor-joining algorithm, by iteratively picking two pairs of nodes to merge as two new nodes until only one node remains, constructing the same phylogenetic tree as the neighbor-joining algorithm for the same input data. By combining the improved neighbor-joining algorithm with styles upper bound computation optimization of RapidNJ and external storage of ERapidNJ methods, a new method of reconstructing phylogenetic trees, FastJoin, was proposed. Experiments with sets of data showed that this new neighbor-joining algorithm yields a significant speed-up compared to classic neighbor-joining, showing empirically that FastJoin is superior to almost all other neighbor-joining implementations.  相似文献   

It is a classic topic of social network analysis to evaluate the importance of nodes and identify the node that takes on the role of core or bridge in a network. Because a single indicator is not sufficient to analyze multiple characteristics of a node, it is a natural solution to apply multiple indicators that should be selected carefully. An intuitive idea is to select some indicators with weak correlations to efficiently assess different characteristics of a node. However, this paper shows that it is much better to select the indicators with strong correlations. Because indicator correlation is based on the statistical analysis of a large number of nodes, the particularity of an important node will be outlined if its indicator relationship doesn''t comply with the statistical correlation. Therefore, the paper selects the multiple indicators including degree, ego-betweenness centrality and eigenvector centrality to evaluate the importance and the role of a node. The importance of a node is equal to the normalized sum of its three indicators. A candidate for core or bridge is selected from the great degree nodes or the nodes with great ego-betweenness centrality respectively. Then, the role of a candidate is determined according to the difference between its indicators'' relationship with the statistical correlation of the overall network. Based on 18 real networks and 3 kinds of model networks, the experimental results show that the proposed methods perform quite well in evaluating the importance of nodes and in identifying the node role.  相似文献   

骨小梁二维结构的自动分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍一种以计算机图像处理为手段,对骨小梁的二维结构进行形态计量学分析的方法。该方法在二值图像上,用改进的HILDITCH算法细化二值图,计算分析骨小梁的结节、游离点。并用人工方法及计算机方法对骨小梁的结节、游离点作统计比较,结果显示两种方法呈正相关(r=0.95,p<0.01)。该方法具有自动、快速和准确性较高等优点。  相似文献   

Liu and colleagues performed a retrospective study to validate a computed tomography (CT) scan-based radiomic model to detect lymph node metastasis in cervical cancer. The proposed model incorporating the arterial and venous phase CT-scan features represented a non-invasive method exhibiting high sensitivity in the prediction of lymph node metastasis. It is well established that lymph node metastasis is one of the most significant prognostic factors in cervical cancer. For this reason, management of cervical cancer is strictly related to lymph node status, with international guidelines recommending definitive chemo-radiation in case of metastatic lymph node. More and more evidence supports the use of sentinel lymph node in early-stage cervical cancer but its frozen section analysis may result in false negative results; in locally-advanced stages staging para-aortic lymphadenectomy is proposed by many Authors to tailor chemoradiotherapy treatment, with potential intra-and post-operative related complications. The use of a validated radiomic model able to predict lymph node metastases in radiologically normal lymph nodes may represent an essential tool to possibly spare lympadenectomy related morbidity.  相似文献   

Networks can be described by the frequency distribution of the number of links associated with each node (the degree of the node). Of particular interest are the power law distributions, which give rise to the so-called scale-free networks, and the distributions of the form of the simplified canonical law (SCL) introduced by Mandelbrot, which give what we shall call the Mandelbrot networks. Many dynamical methods have been obtained for the construction of scale-free networks, but no dynamical construction of Mandelbrot networks has been demonstrated. Here we develop a systematic technique to obtain networks with any given distribution of the degrees of the nodes. This is done using a thermodynamic approach in which we maximise the entropy associated with degree distribution of the nodes of the network subject to certain constraints. These constraints can be chosen systematically to produce the desired network architecture. For large networks we therefore replace a dynamical approach to the stationary state by a thermodynamical viewpoint. We use the method to generate scale-free and Mandelbrot networks with arbitrarily chosen parameters. We emphasise that this approach opens the possibility of insights into a thermodynamics of networks by suggesting thermodynamic relations between macroscopic variables for networks.  相似文献   

Ohta J 《Systems biology》2006,153(5):372-374
An approach for analysis of biological networks is proposed. In this approach, named the connectivity matrix (CM) method, all the connectivities of interest are expressed in a matrix. Then, a variety of analyses are performed on GNU Octave or Matlab. Each node in the network is expressed as a row vector or numeral that carries information defining or characterising the node itself. Information about connectivity itself is also expressed as a row vector or numeral. Thus, connection of node n1 to node n2 through edge e is expressed as [n1, n2, e], a row vector formed by the combination of three row vectors or numerals, where n1, n2 and e indicate two different nodes and one connectivity, respectively. All the connectivities in any given network are expressed as a matrix, CM, each row of which corresponds to one connectivity. Using this CM method, intermetabolite atom-level connectivity is investigated in a model metabolic network composed of the reactions for glycolysis, oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, citric acid cycle, pentose phosphate pathway and gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   

A new method, PATHd8, for estimating ultrametric trees from trees with edge (branch) lengths proportional to the number of substitutions is proposed. The method allows for an arbitrary number of reference nodes for time calibration, each defined either as absolute age, minimum age, or maximum age, and the tree need not be fully resolved. The method is based on estimating node ages by mean path lengths from the node to the leaves but correcting for deviations from a molecular clock suggested by reference nodes. As opposed to most existing methods allowing substitution rate variation, the new method smoothes substitution rates locally, rather than simultaneously over the whole tree, thus allowing for analysis of very large trees. The performance of PATHd8 is compared with other frequently used methods for estimating divergence times. In analyses of three separate data sets, PATHd8 gives similar divergence times to other methods, the largest difference being between crown group ages, where unconstrained nodes get younger ages when analyzed with PATHd8. Overall, chronograms obtained from other methods appear smoother, whereas PATHd8 preserves more of the heterogeneity seen in the original edge lengths. Divergence times are most evenly spread over the chronograms obtained from the Bayesian implementation and the clock-based Langley-Fitch method, and these two methods produce very similar ages for most nodes. Evaluations of PATHd8 using simulated data suggest that PATHd8 is slightly less precise compared with penalized likelihood, but it gives more sensible answers for extreme data sets. A clear advantage with PATHd8 is that it is more or less instantaneous even with trees having several thousand leaves, whereas other programs often run into problems when analyzing trees with hundreds of leaves. PATHd8 is implemented in freely available software.  相似文献   

经济社会的高速发展带来城市的快速扩张,造成城市生态空间的萎缩和生态功能的下降,城市生态安全受到严重威胁。系统研究城市生态空间结构,提出针对性保护和优化措施,对于城市的可持续发展具有重大意义。本研究以常州市为研究区,考虑城市生态空间的自然生态功能和社会服务功能两方面,构建基于自然生态的“源地-廊道”与基于人文生态的“供给-需求”两类生态网络,对于源地廊道生态网络,主要从节点重要性、网络连通性与稳定性进行定量分析,对于供给需求生态网络,主要从节点重要性、供需均衡与稳定性进行定量分析。结果表明: 常州市主城区源地廊道生态网络的连通性与稳定性水平不高,供给需求生态网络的稳定性水平一般且存在服务供给与需求的空间错位。从连通性与稳定性提升角度,提出新增12个源地节点与57条廊道的源地廊道生态网络优化方案;从供需均衡与稳定性提升角度,提出新增22个供给节点的供给需求生态网络优化方案。对比初始源地廊道生态网络,优化网络连通性水平提升10%,稳定性提升0.05;对比初始供给需求生态网络,优化网络的服务水平提升4%,网络稳定性提升0.10。最后,综合两类生态网络,分别针对现状保护斑块与新增节点两类对象,提出了保护与管理实施方案。  相似文献   

Hao D  Li C 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e28322
Most complex networks from different areas such as biology, sociology or technology, show a correlation on node degree where the possibility of a link between two nodes depends on their connectivity. It is widely believed that complex networks are either disassortative (links between hubs are systematically suppressed) or assortative (links between hubs are enhanced). In this paper, we analyze a variety of biological networks and find that they generally show a dichotomous degree correlation. We find that many properties of biological networks can be explained by this dichotomy in degree correlation, including the neighborhood connectivity, the sickle-shaped clustering coefficient distribution and the modularity structure. This dichotomy distinguishes biological networks from real disassortative networks or assortative networks such as the Internet and social networks. We suggest that the modular structure of networks accounts for the dichotomy in degree correlation and vice versa, shedding light on the source of modularity in biological networks. We further show that a robust and well connected network necessitates the dichotomy of degree correlation, suggestive of an evolutionary motivation for its existence. Finally, we suggest that a dichotomous degree correlation favors a centrally connected modular network, by which the integrity of network and specificity of modules might be reconciled.  相似文献   

Recently, the dependence group has been proposed to study the robustness of networks with interdependent nodes. A dependence group means that a failed node in the group can lead to the failures of the whole group. Considering the situation of real networks that one failed node may not always break the functionality of a dependence group, we study a cascading failure model that a dependence group fails only when more than a fraction β of nodes of the group fail. We find that the network becomes more robust with the increasing of the parameter β. However, the type of percolation transition is always first order unless the model reduces to the classical network percolation model, which is independent of the degree distribution of the network. Furthermore, we find that a larger dependence group size does not always make the networks more fragile. We also present exact solutions to the size of the giant component and the critical point, which are in agreement with the simulations well.  相似文献   

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