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Metapopulation dynamics are increasingly invoked in management and conservation of endangered species. In this context, asymmetrical gene flow patterns can be density dependent, with migration occurring mainly from larger into smaller populations, which may depend on it for their persistence. Using genetic markers, such patterns have recently been documented for various organisms including salmonids, suggesting this may be a more general pattern. However, metapopulation theory does not restrict gene flow asymmetry to 'source-sink' structures, nor need these patterns be constant over longer evolutionary timescales. In anadromous salmonids, gene flow can be expected to be shaped by various selective pressures underlying homing and dispersal ('straying') behaviours. The relative importance of these selective forces will vary spatially and for populations of different census size. Furthermore, the consequences of life-history variation among populations for dispersal and hence gene flow remain poorly quantified. We examine population structure and connectivity in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) from Newfoundland and Labrador, a region where populations of this species are relatively pristine. Using genetic variation at 13 microsatellite loci from samples (N=1346) collected from a total of 20 rivers, we examine connectivity at several regional and temporal scales and test the hypothesis that the predominant direction of gene flow is from large into small populations. We reject this hypothesis and find that the directionality of migration is affected by the temporal scale over which gene flow is assessed. Whereas large populations tend to function as sources of dispersal over contemporary timescales, such patterns are often changed and even reversed over evolutionary, coalescent-derived timescales. These patterns of population structure furthermore vary between different regions and are compatible with demographic and life-history attributes. We find no evidence for sex-biased dispersal underlying gene flow asymmetry. Our findings caution against generalizations concerning the directionality of gene flow in Atlantic salmon and emphasize the need for detailed regional study, if such information is to be meaningfully applied in conservation and management of salmonids.  相似文献   

Southern smelts (Retropinna spp.) in coastal rivers of Australia are facultatively diadromous, with populations potentially containing individuals with diadromous or wholly freshwater life histories. The presence of diadromous individuals is expected to reduce genetic structuring between river basins due to larval dispersal via the sea. We use otolith chemistry to distinguish between diadromous and nondiadromous life histories and population genetics to examine interbasin connectivity resulting from diadromy. Otolith strontium isotope (87Sr:86Sr) transects identified three main life history patterns: amphidromy, freshwater residency and estuarine/marine residency. Despite the potential for interbasin connectivity via larval mixing in the marine environment, we found unprecedented levels of genetic structure for an amphidromous species. Strong hierarchical structure along putative taxonomic boundaries was detected, along with highly structured populations within groups using microsatellites (FST = 0.046–0.181), and mtDNA (ΦST = 0.498–0.816). The presence of strong genetic subdivision, despite the fact that many individuals reside in saline water during their early life history, appears incongruous. However, analysis of multielemental signatures in the otolith cores of diadromous fish revealed strong discrimination between river basins, suggesting that diadromous fish spend their early lives within chemically distinct estuaries rather than the more homogenous marine environment, thus avoiding dispersal and maintaining genetic structure.  相似文献   

Active management is essential to the survival of many threatened species globally. Captive breeding programmes can play an important role in facilitating the supplementation, translocation and reintroduction of wild populations. However, understanding the genetic dynamics within and among wild and captive populations is crucial to the planning and implementation of ex situ management, as adaptive potential is, in part, driven by genetic diversity. Here, we use 14 microsatellite loci and mitochondrial Control Region sequence to examine the population genetics of both wild populations and captive colonies of the endangered warru (the MacDonnell Ranges race of the black-footed rock-wallaby Petrogale lateralis) in central Australia, to understand how historical evolutionary processes have shaped current diversity and ensure effective ex situ management. Whilst microsatellite data reveal significant contemporary differentiation amongst remnant warru populations, evidence of contemporary dispersal and relatively weak isolation by distance, as well as a lack of phylogeographic structure suggests historical connectivity. Genetic diversity within current captive populations is lower than in the wild source populations. Based on our genetic data and ecological observations, we predict outbreeding depression is unlikely and hence make the recommendation that captive populations be managed as one genetic group. This will increase genetic diversity within the captive population and as a result increase the adaptive potential of reintroduced populations. We also identify a new site in the Musgrave Ranges which contains unique alleles but also connectivity with a population 6 km away. This novel genetic diversity could be used as a future source for supplementation.  相似文献   

Describing patterns of connectivity among populations of species with widespread distributions is particularly important in understanding the ecology and evolution of marine species. In this study, we examined patterns of population differentiation, migration, and historical population dynamics using microsatellite and mitochondrial loci to test whether populations of the epinephelid fish, Gag, Mycteroperca microlepis, an important fishery species, are genetically connected across the Gulf of Mexico and if so, whether that connectivity is attributable to either contemporary or historical processes. Populations of Gag on the Campeche Bank and the West Florida Shelf show significant, but low magnitude, differentiation. Time since divergence/expansion estimates associated with historical population dynamics indicate that any population or spatial expansions indicated by population genetics would have likely occurred in the late Pleistocene. Using coalescent-based approaches, we find that the best model for explaining observed spatial patterns of contemporary genetic variation is one of asymmetric gene flow, with movement from Campeche Bank to the West Florida Shelf. Both estimated migration rates and ecological data support the hypothesis that Gag populations throughout the Gulf of Mexico are connected via present day larval dispersal. Demonstrating this greatly expanded scale of connectivity for Gag highlights the influence of “ghost” populations (sensu Beerli) on genetic patterns and presents a critical consideration for both fisheries management and conservation of this and other species with similar genetic patterns.  相似文献   

Comparisons of a species' genetic diversity and divergence patterns across large connected populations vs. isolated relict areas provide important data for understanding potential response to global warming, habitat alterations and other perturbations. Aquatic taxa offer ideal case studies for interpreting these patterns, because their dispersal and gene flow often are constrained through narrow connectivity channels that have changed over geological time and/or from contemporary anthropogenic perturbations. Our research objective is to better understand the interplay between historic influences and modern‐day factors (fishery exploitation, stocking supplementation and habitat loss) in shaping population genetic patterns of the yellow perch Perca flavescens (Percidae: Teleostei) across its native North American range. We employ a modified landscape genetics approach, analysing sequences from the entire mitochondrial DNA control region and 15 nuclear DNA microsatellite loci of 664 spawning adults from 24 populations. Results support that perch from primary glacial refugium areas (Missourian, Mississippian and Atlantic) founded contemporary northern populations. Genetic diversity today is highest in southern (never glaciated) populations and also is appreciable in northern areas that were founded from multiple refugia. Divergence is greater among isolated populations, both north and south; the southern Gulf Coast relict populations are the most divergent, reflecting their long history of isolation. Understanding the influence of past and current waterway connections on the genetic structure of yellow perch populations may help us to assess the roles of ongoing climate change and habitat disruptions towards conserving aquatic biodiversity.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the role of landscapes in shaping genetic connectivity and divergence is essential for understanding patterns of biogeography and diversity. This is particularly relevant for the Andes region, a major biodiversity hotspot of relatively recent origin. We examined the phylogeography and landscape genetics of the Andean wax palm Ceroxylon echinulatum (Arecaceae) that occurs in two narrow bands of montane forests on each side of the Andes in Ecuador and northeastern Peru. First, we tested the hypothesis of C. echinulatum being a geographic cline species crossing the Andes in the Amotape–Huancabamba zone (AHZ) of southern Ecuador/northern Peru, as indicated by observations on fruit morphology. Second, we assessed the timeframe of cross-Andean divergence, and third, we investigated the impact of contemporary and historical landscape features on observed spatio-genetic patterns. Individual-based Bayesian clustering (BC) identified a northeastern, southeastern, southwestern, and northwestern cluster, with areas of genetic discontinuity coinciding with the Andes and the Giron–Paute deflection. F -statistics derived from BC suggested an east-to-west dispersal history. Population-based analyses revealed strong genetic structuring at both small and large geographic scales. Interpopulation relationships and Mantel tests strongly supported the cline model with cross-Andean dispersal in the AHZ. Along the cline, gene flow measured as F ST was mainly limited by distance, with less but significant impact of climatic friction. Coalescent analysis revealed that cross-Andean divergence took place during the Quaternary. Significant historical isolation ( R ST >  F ST) was found in the southwestern population. The current study illustrates a joint effect of founder dynamics, divergence by distance and historical isolation on patterns of Andean diversity and distribution.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat alteration often increases fragmentation and isolation, which decreases population sizes and increases extinction risk for species. Extrinsic threats may be buffered or enhanced by intrinsic factors. Within amphibians, the influence of different environmental and intrinsic factors on the population structure is not yet fully understood. Four factors were found to be important for population connectivity: life history traits, recent (anthropogenic) land use history, habitat, and topography, but the direction of their influence differed between studies. Here, we examine the genetic population structure and interpopulation connectivity within the complete distribution of Nimba toads (Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis), a toad from montane tropical West Africa. The Nimba toad is the only known viviparous, matrotrophic (foetuses are nourished during the gestation by their mothers) anuran on Earth. It occurs in three regions, the smallest is situated in disturbed, the largest population in partly disturbed habitat and the third was not yet impacted. We found small, but significant population differentiation, no indication of a recent bottleneck in the smallest population, but an indication of a reduction in population sizes in the more distant past in all three populations and no sex-biased dispersal. Correlations with landscape classifications indicate that high elevations, due to their high humidity levels, are the most important landscape characteristic facilitating dispersal. This underscores desiccation risk as an important landscape characteristic for amphibian population connectivity. We found indication that life-history traits (viviparity), land use history (mining-related activity) and topography (elevation) have an influence on Nimba toad population differentiation and gene-flow.  相似文献   

While there is now strong evidence that many factors can shape dispersal, the mechanisms influencing connectivity patterns are species‐specific and remain largely unknown for many species with a high dispersal potential. The rock lobsters Jasus tristani and Jasus paulensis have a long pelagic larval duration (up to 20 months) and inhabit seamounts and islands in the southern Atlantic and Indian Oceans, respectively. We used a multidisciplinary approach to assess the genetic relationships between J. tristani and J. paulensis, investigate historic and contemporary gene flow, and inform fisheries management. Using 17,256 neutral single nucleotide polymorphisms we found low but significant genetic differentiation. We show that patterns of connectivity changed over time in accordance with climatic fluctuations. Historic migration estimates showed stronger connectivity from the Indian to the Atlantic Ocean (influenced by the Agulhas Leakage). In contrast, the individual‐based model coupled with contemporary migration estimates inferred from genetic data showed stronger inter‐ocean connectivity in the opposite direction from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean driven by the Subtropical Front. We suggest that the J. tristani and J. paulensis historical distribution might have extended further north (when water temperatures were lower) resulting in larval dispersal between the ocean basis being more influenced by the Agulhas Leakage than the Subtropical Front. As water temperatures in the region increase in accordance with anthropogenic climate change, a southern shift in the distribution range of J. tristani and J. paulensis could further reduce larval transport from the Indian to the Atlantic Ocean, adding complexity to fisheries management.  相似文献   

Pelagic fish that are distributed circumtropically are characterised by a low population structure level as a result of a high capacity for dispersion and large population sizes. Nevertheless, historical and contemporary processes, including past demographic and/or range expansions, secondary contact, dispersal, gene flow, and the achievement of large effective population sizes, may play a part in the detection of divergence signals, especially in the case of tropical pelagic species, whose distribution range depends strongly on the sea surface temperature. The connectivity and historical demography of Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Mediterranean populations of dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) was studied using partial sequences of the mitochondrial DNA NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1). AMOVA analyses revealed significant inter-oceanic divergence with three phylogroups located in the Indo-Pacific, Eastern Atlantic, and Mediterranean Sea, the last one being the most divergent. However, it was not possible to clearly observe any genetic differentiation between the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic populations, as has been reported for most tropical pelagic species of tuna and billfishes. This supports the assumption of recent dispersal among basins facilitated by the actual continuous distribution of dolphinfish populations. Moreover, the lack of a divergence signal for populations separated by the Panamanian Isthmus reveals that genetic drift does not exert a strong influence on tropical pelagic species with large effective population sizes.  相似文献   

In order to devise adequate conservation and management strategies for endangered species, it is important to incorporate a reliable understanding of its spatial population structure, detecting the existence of demographic partitions throughout its geographical range and characterizing the distribution of its genetic diversity. Moreover, in species that occupy fragmented habitats it is essential to know how landscape characteristics may affect the genetic connectivity among populations. In this study we use eight microsatellite markers to analyze population structure and gene flow patterns in the complete geographic range of the endangered rodent Ctenomys porteousi. Also, we use landscape genetics approaches to evaluate the effects of landscape configuration on the genetic connectivity among populations. In spite of geographical proximity of the sampling sites (8–27 km between the nearest sites) and the absence of marked barriers to individual movement, strong population structure and low values of gene flow were observed. Genetic differentiation among sampling sites was consistent with a simple model of isolation by distance, where peripheral areas showed higher population differentiation than those sites located in the central area of the species’ distribution. Landscape genetics analysis suggested that habitat fragmentation at regional level has affected the distribution of genetic variation among populations. The distance of sampling sites to areas of the landscape having higher habitat connectivity was the environmental factor most strongly related to population genetic structure. In general, our results indicate strong genetic structure in C. porteousi, even at a small spatial scale, and suggest that habitat fragmentation could increase the population differentiation.  相似文献   

The evolutionary viability of an endangered species depends upon gene flow among subpopulations and the degree of habitat patch connectivity. Contrasting population connectivity over ecological and evolutionary timescales may provide novel insight into what maintains genetic diversity within threatened species. We employed this integrative approach to evaluating dispersal in the critically endangered Coahuilan box turtle (Terrapene coahuila) that inhabits isolated wetlands in the desert‐spring ecosystem of Cuatro Ciénegas, Mexico. Recent wetland habitat loss has altered the spatial distribution and connectivity of habitat patches; and we therefore predicted that T. coahuila would exhibit limited movement relative to estimates of historic gene flow. To evaluate contemporary dispersal patterns, we employed mark–recapture techniques at both local (wetland complex) and regional (intercomplex) spatial scales. Gene flow estimates were obtained by surveying genetic variation at nine microsatellite loci in seven subpopulations located across the species’ geographical range. The mark–recapture results at the local spatial scale reveal frequent movement among wetlands that was unaffected by interwetland distance. At the regional spatial scale, dispersal events were relatively less frequent between wetland complexes. The complementary analysis of population genetic substructure indicates strong historic gene flow (global FST = 0.01). However, a relationship of genetic isolation by distance across the geographical range suggests that dispersal limitation exists at the regional scale. Our approach of contrasting direct and indirect estimates of dispersal at multiple spatial scales in T. coahuila conveys a sustainable evolutionary trajectory of the species pending preservation of threatened wetland habitats and a range‐wide network of corridors.  相似文献   

Elucidation of the evolutionary processes that constrain or facilitate adaptive divergence is a central goal in evolutionary biology, especially in non-model organisms. We tested whether changes in dynamics of gene flow (historical vs contemporary) caused population isolation and examined local adaptation in response to environmental selective forces in fragmented Rhododendron oldhamii populations. Variation in 26 expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeat loci from 18 populations in Taiwan was investigated by examining patterns of genetic diversity, inbreeding, geographic structure, recent bottlenecks, and historical and contemporary gene flow. Selection associated with environmental variables was also examined. Bayesian clustering analysis revealed four regional population groups of north, central, south and southeast with significant genetic differentiation. Historical bottlenecks beginning 9168–13,092 years ago and ending 1584–3504 years ago were revealed by estimates using approximate Bayesian computation for all four regional samples analyzed. Recent migration within and across geographic regions was limited. However, major dispersal sources were found within geographic regions. Altitudinal clines of allelic frequencies of environmentally associated positively selected outliers were found, indicating adaptive divergence. Our results point to a transition from historical population connectivity toward contemporary population isolation and divergence on a regional scale. Spatial and temporal dispersal differences may have resulted in regional population divergence and local adaptation associated with environmental variables, which may have played roles as selective forces at a regional scale.  相似文献   

Inferring the processes underlying spatial patterns of genomic variation is fundamental to understand how organisms interact with landscape heterogeneity and to identify the factors determining species distributional shifts. Here, we use genomic data (restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing) to test biologically informed models representing historical and contemporary demographic scenarios of population connectivity for the Iberian cross‐backed grasshopper Dociostaurus hispanicus, a species with a narrow distribution that currently forms highly fragmented populations. All models incorporated biological aspects of the focal taxon that could hypothetically impact its geographical patterns of genomic variation, including (a) spatial configuration of impassable barriers to dispersal defined by topographic landscapes not occupied by the species; (b) distributional shifts resulting from the interaction between the species bioclimatic envelope and Pleistocene glacial cycles; and (c) contemporary distribution of suitable habitats after extensive land clearing for agriculture. Spatiotemporally explicit simulations under different scenarios considering these aspects and statistical evaluation of competing models within an Approximate Bayesian Computation framework supported spatial configuration of topographic barriers to dispersal and human‐driven habitat fragmentation as the main factors explaining the geographical distribution of genomic variation in the species, with no apparent impact of hypothetical distributional shifts linked to Pleistocene climatic oscillations. Collectively, this study supports that both historical (i.e., topographic barriers) and contemporary (i.e., anthropogenic habitat fragmentation) aspects of landscape composition have shaped major axes of genomic variation in the studied species and emphasizes the potential of model‐based approaches to gain insights into the temporal scale at which different processes impact the demography of natural populations.  相似文献   

Studies of genetic differentiation in fragmented environments help us to identify those landscape features that most affect gene flow and dispersal patterns. Particularly, the assessment of the relative significance of intrinsic biological and environmental factors affecting the genetic structure of populations becomes crucial. In this work, we assess the current dispersal patterns and population structure of Ctenomyschasiquensis”, a vulnerable and endemic subterranean rodent distributed on a small area in Central Argentina, using 9 polymorphic microsatellite loci. We use landscape genetics approaches to assess the relationship between genetic connectivity among populations and environmental attributes. Our analyses show that populations of C. “chasiquensis” are moderately to highly structured at a regional level. This pattern is most likely the outcome of substantial gene flow on the more homogeneous sand dune habitat of the Northwest of its distributional range, in conjunction with an important degree of isolation of eastern and southwestern populations, where the optimal habitat is surrounded by a highly fragmented landscape. Landscape genetics analysis suggests that habitat quality and longitude were the environmental factors most strongly associated with genetic differentiation/uniqueness of populations. In conclusion, our results indicate an important genetic structure in this species, even at a small spatial scale, suggesting that contemporary habitat fragmentation increases population differentiation.  相似文献   

Naturally patchy ecosystems are models for other systems currently undergoing anthropogenic habitat fragmentation. Understanding patterns of gene flow in these model systems can help us manage species and ecosystems threatened by human impacts. The mound springs of central Australia represent such a natural model ecosystem, supporting a unique aquatic fauna distributed within an inhospitable arid landscape. Moreover, these springs are being impacted by over extraction of groundwater, providing a unique opportunity to look at dispersal in a patchy habitat that is changing. The present study represents the first fine scale analysis of gene flow under different scenarios of habitat connectivity for the endangered mound spring snail, Fonscochlea accepta. Within a single spring group pairwise estimates of F ST between springs were very low (ave 0.015) with no association found between genetic distance and a series of geographical distance matrices based on the degree of habitat connectivity among the springs: results implying unstructured dispersal and limited population isolation. However, results from Bayesian assignment tests showed that on average approximately 97% of snails were assigned to their spring of origin. In a preliminary analysis at broader geographic scales (among spring groups) the results from F ST estimates, Mantel correlation analyses and assignment tests all suggest much stronger and geographically correlated population structuring. While varying results from F-statistics and Bayesian analyses stem from the different information they utilise, together they provide data on contemporary and historical estimates of gene flow and the influence of landscape dynamics on the spatial genetic patterning of the springs.  相似文献   

Understanding spatial patterns of gene flow and genetic structure is essential for the conservation of marine ecosystems. Contemporary ocean currents and historical isolation due to Pleistocene sea level fluctuations have been predicted to influence the genetic structure in marine populations. In the Indo‐Australian Archipelago (IAA), the world's hotspot of marine biodiversity, seagrasses are a vital component but population genetic information is very limited. Here, we reconstructed the phylogeography of the seagrass Thalassia hemprichii in the IAA based on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and then characterized the genetic structure based on a panel of 16 microsatellite markers. We further examined the relative importance of historical isolation and contemporary ocean currents in driving the patterns of genetic structure. Results from SNPs revealed three population groups: eastern Indonesia, western Indonesia (Sunda Shelf) and Indian Ocean; while the microsatellites supported five population groups (eastern Indonesia, Sunda Shelf, Lesser Sunda, Western Australia and Indian Ocean). Both SNPs and microsatellites showed asymmetrical gene flow among population groups with a trend of southwestward migration from eastern Indonesia. Genetic diversity was generally higher in eastern Indonesia and decreased southwestward. The pattern of genetic structure and connectivity is attributed partly to the Pleistocene sea level fluctuations modified to a smaller level by contemporary ocean currents.  相似文献   

Tropical trees often display long‐distance pollen dispersal, even in highly fragmented landscapes. Understanding how patterns of spatial isolation influence pollen dispersal and interact with background patterns of fine‐scale spatial genetic structure (FSGS) is critical for evaluating the genetic consequences of habitat fragmentation. In the endangered tropical timber tree Dysoxylum malabaricum (Meliaceae), we apply eleven microsatellite markers with paternity and parentage analysis to directly estimate historic gene flow and contemporary pollen dispersal across a large area (216 km2) in a highly fragmented agro‐forest landscape. A comparison of genetic diversity and genetic structure in adult and juvenile life stages indicates an increase in differentiation and FSGS over time. Paternity analysis and parentage analysis demonstrate high genetic connectivity across the landscape by pollen dispersal. A comparison between mother trees in forest patches with low and high densities of adult trees shows that the frequency of short‐distance mating increases, as does average kinship among mates in low‐density stands. This indicates that there are potentially negative genetic consequences of low population density associated with forest fragmentation. Single isolated trees, in contrast, frequently receive heterogeneous pollen from distances exceeding 5 km. We discuss the processes leading to the observed patterns of pollen dispersal and the implications of this for conservation management of D. malabaricum and tropical trees more generally.  相似文献   

Current understanding of the postglacial colonization of Nearctic and Palearctic species relies heavily on inferences drawn from the phylogeographic analysis of contemporary generic variants. Modern postglacial populations are supposed to be representative of their Pleistocene ancestors, and their current distribution is assumed to reflect the different colonization success and dispersal patterns of refugial lineages. Yet, testing of phylogeographic models against ancestral genomes from glacial refugia has rarely been possible. Here we compare ND1 mitochondrial DNA variation in late Pleistocene (16,000-40,000 years before present), historical and contemporary Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations from northern Spain and other regions of western Europe. Our study demonstrates the presence of Atlantic salmon in the Iberian glacial refugium during the last 40,000 years and points to the Iberian Peninsula as the likely source of the most common haplotype within the Atlantic lineage in Europe. However, our findings also suggest that there may have been significant changes in the genetic structure of the Iberian refugial stock since the last ice age, and question whether modern populations in refugial areas are representative of ice age populations. A common haplotype that persisted in the Iberian Peninsula during the Pleistocene last glacial maximum is now extremely rare or absent from European rivers, highlighting the need for caution when making phylogeographic inferences about the origin and distribution of modern genetic types.  相似文献   

Populations of the endangered giant kangaroo rat, Dipodomys ingens (Heteromyidae), have suffered increasing fragmentation and isolation over the recent past, and the distribution of this unique rodent has become restricted to 3% of its historical range. Such changes in population structure can significantly affect effective population size and dispersal, and ultimately increase the risk of extinction for endangered species. To assess the fine-scale population structure, gene flow, and genetic diversity of remnant populations of Dipodomys ingens, we examined variation at six microsatellite DNA loci in 95 animals from six populations. Genetic subdivision was significant for both the northern and southern part of the kangaroo rat’s range although there was considerable gene flow among southern populations. While regional gene diversity was relatively high for this endangered species, hierarchical F-statistics of northern populations in Fresno and San Benito counties suggested non-random mating and genetic drift within subpopulations. We conclude that effective dispersal, and therefore genetic distances between populations, is better predicted by ecological conditions and topography of the environment than linear geographic distance between populations. Our results are consistent with and complimentary to previous findings based on mtDNA variation of giant kangaroo rats. We suggest that management plans for this endangered rodent focus on protection of suitable habitat, maintenance of connectivity, and enhancement of effective dispersal between populations either through suitable dispersal corridors or translocations.  相似文献   

Understanding factors that influence population connectivity and the spatial distribution of genetic variation is a major goal in molecular ecology. Improvements in the availability of high-resolution geographic data have made it increasingly possible to quantify the effects of landscape features on dispersal and genetic structure. However, most studies examining such landscape effects have been conducted at very fine (e.g. landscape genetics) or broad (e.g. phylogeography) spatial scales. Thus, the extent to which processes operating at fine spatial scales are linked to patterns at larger scales remains unclear. Here, we test whether factors impacting wood frog dispersal at fine spatial scales are correlated with genetic structure at regional scales. Using recently developed methods borrowed from electrical circuit theory, we generated landscape resistance matrices among wood frog populations in eastern North America based on slope, a wetness index, land cover and absolute barriers to wood frog dispersal. We then determined whether these matrices are correlated with genetic structure based on six microsatellite markers and whether such correlations outperform a landscape-free model of isolation by resistance. We observed significant genetic structure at regional spatial scales. However, topography and landscape variables associated with the intervening habitat between sites provide little explanation for patterns of genetic structure. Instead, absolute dispersal barriers appear to be the best predictor of regional genetic structure in this species. Our results suggest that landscape variables that influence dispersal, microhabitat selection and population structure at fine spatial scales do not necessarily explain patterns of genetic structure at broader scales.  相似文献   

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