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To investigate the role of the priming apparatus at the replication fork in determining Okazaki fragment size, the products of primer synthesis generated in vitro during rolling-circle DNA replication catalyzed by the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, the single-stranded DNA binding protein, and the primosome on a tailed form II DNA template were isolated and characterized. The abundance of oligoribonucleotide primers and the incidence of covalent DNA chain extension of the primer population was measured under different reaction conditions known to affect the size of the products of lagging-strand DNA synthesis. These analyses demonstrated that the factors affecting Okazaki fragment length could be distinguished by either their effect on the frequency of primer synthesis or by their influence on the efficiency of initiation of DNA synthesis from primer termini. Primase and the ribonucleoside triphosphates were found to stimulate primer synthesis. The observed trend toward smaller fragment size as the concentration of these effectors was raised was apparently a direct consequence of the increased frequency of primer synthesis. The beta subunit of the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme and the deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates did not alter the priming frequency; instead, the concentration of these factors influenced the ability of the lagging-strand DNA polymerase to efficiently utilize primers to initiate DNA synthesis. Maximum utilization of the available primers correlated with the lowest mean value of Okazaki fragment length. These data were used to draw general conclusions concerning the temporal order of enzymatic steps that operate during a cycle of Okazaki fragment synthesis on the lagging-strand DNA template.  相似文献   

The coordinated action of many enzymatic activities is required at the DNA replication fork to ensure the error-free, efficient, and simultaneous synthesis of the leading and lagging strands of DNA. In order to define the essential protein-protein interactions and model the regulatory pathways that control Okazaki fragment synthesis, we have reconstituted the replication fork of Escherichia coli in vitro in a rolling circle-type DNA replication system. In this system, in the presence of the single-stranded DNA binding protein, the helicase/primase function on the lagging-strand template is provided by the primosome, and the synthesis of DNA strands is catalyzed by the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme. These reconstituted replication forks synthesize equivalent amounts of leading- and lagging-strand DNA, move at rates comparable to those measured in vivo (600-800 nucleotides/s at 30 degrees C), and can synthesize leading strands in the range of 150-500 kilobases in length. Using this system, we have studied the cycle of Okazaki fragment synthesis at the replication fork. This cycle is likely to have several well defined decision points, steps in the cycle where incorrect execution by the enzymatic machinery will result in an alteration in the product of the reaction, i.e. in the size of the Okazaki fragments. Since identification of these decision points should aid in the determination of which of the enzymes acting at the replication fork control the cycle, we have endeavored to identify those reaction parameters that, when varied, alter the size of the Okazaki fragments synthesized. Here we demonstrate that some enzymes, such as the DnaB helicase, remain associated continuously with the fork while others, such as the primase, must be recruited from solution each time synthesis of an Okazaki fragment is initiated. We also show that variation of the concentration of the ribonucleoside triphosphates and the deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates affects Okazaki fragment size, that the control mechanisms acting at the fork to control Okazaki fragment size are not fixed at the time the fork is assembled but can be varied during the lifetime of the fork, and that alteration in the rate of the leading-strand DNA polymerase cannot account for the effect of the deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates.  相似文献   

Individually purified subunits have been used to reconstitute the action of the Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III holoenzyme (Pol III HE) at a replication fork formed in the presence of the primosome, the single-stranded DNA binding protein, and a tailed form II DNA template. Complete activity, indistinguishable from that of the intact DNA Pol III HE, could be reproduced with a combination of the DNA polymerase III core (Pol III core), the gamma.delta complex, and the beta subunit. Experiments where the Pol III core in reaction mixtures containing active replication forks was diluted suggested that the lagging-strand Pol III core remained associated continuously with the replication fork through multiple cycles of Okazaki fragment synthesis. Since the lagging-strand Pol III core must dissociate from the 3' end of the completed Okazaki fragment, this suggests that its association with the fork is via protein-protein interactions, lending credence to the idea that it forms a dimeric complex with the leading-strand Pol III core. An asymmetry in the action of the subunits was revealed under conditions (high ionic strength) that were presumably destabilizing to the integrity of the replication fork. Under these conditions, tau acted to stimulate DNA synthesis only when the primase was present (i.e. when lagging-strand DNA synthesis was ongoing). This stimulation was reflected by an inhibition of the formation of small Okazaki fragments, suggesting that, within the context of the model developed to account for the temporal order of steps during a cycle of Okazaki fragment synthesis, the presence of tau accelerated the transit of the lagging-strand Pol III core from the 3' end of the completed Okazaki fragment to the 3' end of the new primer.  相似文献   

Replication forks formed during rolling-circle DNA synthesis supported by a tailed form II DNA substrate in the presence of the primosome, the single-stranded DNA binding protein, and the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme (Pol III HE) that had been reconstituted from the purified subunits, beta, tau, and the gamma.delta complex, at limiting (with respect to nucleotide incorporation) concentrations of the Pol III core (alpha, epsilon, and theta) produced aberrantly small Okazaki fragments, while the synthesis of the leading strand was unperturbed. These small Okazaki fragments were not arrayed in tandem along the lagging-strand DNA template, but were separated by large gaps. Similarly structured synthetic products were not manufactured by replication forks reconstituted with higher, saturating concentrations of the Pol III core. Replication forks producing these small fragments could respond, by modulating the size of the Okazaki fragments produced, to variations in the concentration of NTPs or the primase, conditions that affect the frequency of priming on the lagging strand, but not to variation in the concentration of dNTPs, conditions that affect the frequency of utilization of the primers. Significantly longer Okazaki fragments (greater than 7 kilobases) could be produced in the presence of a limiting amount of Pol III core at low concentrations of the primase. These observations indicated that the production of small Okazaki fragments was not a result of a debilitated lagging-strand Pol III core, but rather a function of the time available for nascent strand synthesis during the cycle of events that are required for the manufacture of an Okazaki fragment and that it was the association of primase with the replication fork that keyed this cycle.  相似文献   

T A Cha  B M Alberts 《Biochemistry》1990,29(7):1791-1798
We have demonstrated previously that the template sequences 5'-GTT-3' and 5'-GCT-3' serve as necessary and sufficient signals for the initiation of new DNA chains that start with pentaribonucleotide primers of sequence pppApCpNpNpN or pppGpCpNpNpN, respectively. Normally, the complete T4 primosome, consisting of the T4 gene 41 (DNA helicase) and gene 61 (primase) proteins, is required to produce RNA primers. However, a high concentration of the 61 protein alone can prime DNA chain starts from the GCT sites [Cha, T.-A., & Alberts, B. M. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 7001-7010]. We show here that the 61 protein can catalyze a single-stranded DNA template-dependent reaction in which the dimers pppApC and pppGpC are the major products and much longer oligomers of various lengths are minor ones. Further addition of the 41 protein is needed to form a primosome that catalyzes efficient synthesis of the physiologically relevant pentaribonucleotides that are responsible for the de novo DNA chain starts on the lagging strand of a replication fork. The helicase activity of the 41 protein is necessary and sufficient to ensure a high rate and processivity of DNA synthesis on the leading strand [Cha, T.-A., & Alberts, B. M. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 12220-12225]. Coupling an RNA primase to this helicase in the primosome therefore coordinates the leading- and lagging-strand DNA syntheses at a DNA replication fork. Our experiments reveal that the addition of the T4 helix-destabilizing protein (the gene 32 protein) is required to confine the synthesis of RNA primers to those sites where they are used to start an Okazaki fragment, causing many potential priming sites to be passed by the primosome without triggering primer synthesis.  相似文献   

We report an efficient, controllable, site-specific replication roadblock that blocks cell proliferation, but which can be rapidly and efficiently reversed, leading to recovery of viability. Escherichia coli replication forks of both polarities stalled in vivo within the first 500 bp of a 10 kb repressor-bound array of operator DNA-binding sites. Controlled release of repressor binding led to rapid restart of the blocked replication fork without the participation of homologous recombination. Cytological tracking of fork stalling and restart showed that the replisome-associated SSB protein remains associated with the blocked fork for extended periods and that duplication of the fluorescent foci associated with the blocked operator array occurs immediately after restart, thereby demonstrating a lack of sister cohesion in the region of the array. Roadblocks positioned near oriC or the dif site did not prevent replication and segregation of the rest of the chromosome.  相似文献   

The incorporation of uracil into and excision from DNA were studied in vitro using lysates on cellophane discs made from Escherichia coli strains with defects in the enzymes dUTPase (dut) and uracil-DNA glycosylase (ung).Results with dut ung lysates indicate that dUTP is competitively incorporated with dTTP at the replication fork. Such incorporation is not due to DNA polymerase I. There is a mild discrimination (2.5-fold) against incorporation of dUTP versus dTTP. These data, together with in vivo uracil incorporation data (Tye et al., 1978) permit a rough estimate of the pool of dUTP in vivo (~0.5% of the dTTP pool).These in vitro data indicate that uracil-DNA glycosylase is the initial step in at least 90% of uracil excision events. However, in a strain defective in uracil-DNA glycosylase (ung-1), uracil-containing DNA is still more subject to single-strand scission than non-uracil-containing DNA, albeit at a rate at least tenfold less than in an ung+ strain.A number of qualitative statements may also be made about different steps in uracil incorporation and subsequent excision and repair events. When high levels of dUTP are added in vitro, a dut ung+ strain has a higher steady-state level of uracil in newly synthesized DNA than does an isogenic dut+ ung strain. Thus the dUTPase in these lysates has a higher capacity to be overloaded than does the excision system (i.e. uracil DNA glycosylase). However, the DNA sealing system (presumably DNA polymerase I and DNA ligase) apparently can handle all single-strand interruptions being introduced by uracil excision at the maximal rate, at least so that DNA synthesis can continue.  相似文献   

Elevated dnaA expression from a multicopy plasmid induces more frequent initiation from the Escherichia coli replication origin, oriC, but viability is maintained. In comparison, chromosomally encoded dnaAcos also stimulates initiation, but this is lethal. By quantitative methods, we show that the level of initiation induced by elevated dnaA expression leads to collapsed replication forks that are mostly within 10 map units of oriC. Because forks collapse randomly, nucleoprotein complexes at specific sites such as datA are not the cause. When replication restart is blocked by a mutation in recB or priA, the increased initiations via elevated dnaA expression causes inviability. The amount of collapsed forks is substantially higher under elevated expression of dnaAcos compared to that of dnaA. We propose that the lethal phenotype of chromosomally encoded dnaAcos is a result of hyperinitiation that overwhelms the repair capacity of the cell.  相似文献   

The fundamental activities of the replicative primosomes of Escherichia coli are provided by DnaB, the replication fork DNA helicase, and DnaG, the Okazaki fragment primase. As we have demonstrated previously, DnaG is recruited to the replication fork via a transient protein-protein interaction with DnaB. Here, using site-directed amino acid mutagenesis, we have defined the region on DnaB required for this protein-protein interaction. Mutations in this region of DnaB affect the DnaB-DnaG interaction during both general priming-directed and phiX174 complementary strand DNA synthesis, as well as at replication forks reconstituted in rolling circle DNA replication reactions. The behavior of the purified mutant DnaB proteins in the various replication systems suggests that access to the DnaG binding pocket on DnaB may be restricted at the replication fork.  相似文献   

Eight proteins encoded by bacteriophage T4 are required for the replicative synthesis of the leading and lagging strands of T4 DNA. We show here that active T4 replication forks, which catalyze the coordinated synthesis of leading and lagging strands, remain stable in the face of dilution provided that the gp44/62 clamp loader, the gp45 sliding clamp, and the gp32 ssDNA-binding protein are present at sufficient levels after dilution. If any of these accessory proteins is omitted from the dilution mixture, uncoordinated DNA synthesis occurs, and/or large Okazaki fragments are formed. Thus, the accessory proteins must be recruited from solution for each round of initiation of lagging-strand synthesis. A modified bacteriophage T7 DNA polymerase (Sequenase) can replace the T4 DNA polymerase for leading-strand synthesis but not for well coordinated lagging-strand synthesis. Although T4 DNA polymerase has been reported to self-associate, gel-exclusion chromatography displays it as a monomer in solution in the absence of DNA. It forms no stable holoenzyme complex in solution with the accessory proteins or with the gp41-gp61 helicase-primase. Instead, template DNA is required for the assembly of the T4 replication complex, which then catalyzes coordinated synthesis of leading and lagging strands in a conditionally coupled manner.  相似文献   

Proteins from herpes simplex virus (HSV)-infected cells were used to reconstitute DNA synthesis in vitro on a preformed replication fork. The preformed replication fork consisted of a nicked, double-stranded, circular DNA molecule with a 5' single-strand tail that was noncomplementary to the template. The products of DNA synthesis on this substrate were rolling-circle molecules, as demonstrated by electron microscopy and alkaline agarose gel electrophoresis. The tails contained double-stranded regions, indicating that both leading- and lagging-strand DNA syntheses occurred. Rolling-circle DNA replication was dependent upon HSV DNA polymerase and ATP and was stimulated by a crude fraction containing ICP8 (HSV DNA-binding protein). Similar protein fractions from mock-infected cells were unable to support rolling-circle DNA replication. This in vitro DNA replication system should prove useful in the identification and characterization of the enzymatic activities required at the HSV replication fork.  相似文献   

Blockage of the progress of a DNA replication fork in Escherichia coli can be ascribed to an inhibition of helicase action at the orientation-specific binding of a termination sequence (ter) by the ter-binding protein (Lee, E.H., Kornberg, A., Hidaka, M., Kobayashi, T., and Horiuchi, T. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86, 9104-9108). These observations have been extended to include the PriA helicase, thus confirming that blockage is general for helicases. The site of arrest of synthesis by a replication fork is at the very first nucleotide of the 22-base pair E. coli-terB sequence. Strand displacement by DNA polymerases is also inhibited, but is less profound and is orientation-specific. The ter sequences of plasmids R1-terR and -terL and of plasmids R6K and R100 have been compared with those of E. coli-terA and -terB.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic DNA replication. Enzymes and proteins acting at the fork   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A complex network of interacting proteins and enzymes is required for DNA replication. Much of our present understanding is derived from studies of the bacterium Escherichia coli and its bacteriophages T4 and T7. These results served as a guideline for the search and the purification of analogous proteins in eukaryotes. model systems for replication, such as the simian virus 40 DNA, lead the way. Generally, DNA replication follows a multistep enzymatic pathway. Separation of the double-helical DNA is performed by DNA helicases. Synthesis of the two daughter strands is conducted by two different DNA polymerases: the leading strand is replicated continuously by DNA polymerase delta and the lagging strand discontinuously in small pieces by DNA polymerase alpha. The latter is complexed to DNA primase, an enzyme in charge of frequent RNA primer syntheses on the lagging strand. Both DNA polymerases require several auxiliary proteins. They appear to make the DNA polymerases processive and to coordinate their functional tasks at the replication fork. 3'----5'-exonuclease, mostly part of the DNA polymerase delta polypeptide, can perform proof-reading by excising incorrectly base-paired nucleotides. The short DNA pieces of the lagging strand, called Okazaki fragments, are processed to a long DNA chain by the combined action of RNase H and 5'----3'-exonuclease, removing the RNA primers, DNA polymerase alpha or beta, filling the gap, and DNA ligase, sealing DNA pieces by phosphodiester bond formation. Torsional stress during DNA replication is released by DNA topoisomerases. In contrast to prokaryotes, DNA replication in eukaryotes not only has to create two identical daughter strands but also must conserve higher-order structures like chromatin.  相似文献   

The replisome catalyses DNA synthesis at a DNA replication fork. The molecular behaviour of the individual replisomes, and therefore the dynamics of replication fork movements, in growing Escherichia coli cells remains unknown. DNA combing enables a single‐molecule approach to measuring the speed of replication fork progression in cells pulse‐labelled with thymidine analogues. We constructed a new thymidine‐requiring strain, eCOMB (E. coli for combing), that rapidly and sufficiently incorporates the analogues into newly synthesized DNA chains for the DNA‐combing method. In combing experiments with eCOMB, we found the speed of most replication forks in the cells to be within the narrow range of 550–750 nt s?1 and the average speed to be 653 ± 9 nt s?1 (± SEM). We also found the average speed of the replication fork to be only 264 ± 9 nt s?1 in a dnaE173eCOMB strain producing a mutant‐type of the replicative DNA polymerase III (Pol III) with a chain elongation rate (300 nt s?1) much lower than that of the wild‐type Pol III (900 nt s?1). This indicates that the speed of chain elongation by Pol III is a major determinant of replication fork speed in E. coli cells.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli mutant capable of continued DNA synthesis in the presence of chloramphenicol has been isolated by an autoradiographic technique. The DNA synthesis represents semiconservative replication of E. coli DNA. It can occur in the presence of chloramphenicol or in the absence of essential amino acids, but not in the presence of an RNA synthesis inhibitor, rifampin. The mutant, termed constitutive stable DNA replication (Sdrc) mutant, appears to grow normally at 37 °C with a slightly slower growth rate than that of the parental strain. DNA replication in the mutant occurs at a reduced rate after 60 minutes in the absence of protein synthesis and continues linearly for several hours thereafter. This distinct slowdown in the DNA replication rate is due to a reduced rate of DNA synthesis in all the cells in the population. Constitutive stable DNA replication appears to require the dnaA and dnaC gene products. The sdrc mutation has been mapped near the pro-lac region of the E. coli chromosome. The mutation is recessive. Autoradiographic experiments have ruled out the possibility of multiple initiations during a cell cycle. The implication of the above findings is discussed in terms of the regulation of chromosome replication in E. coli.  相似文献   

Interactions between the minor groove of the DNA and DNA polymerases appear to play a major role in the catalysis and fidelity of DNA replication. In particular, Arg668 of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (Klenow fragment) makes a critical contact with the N-3-position of guanine at the primer terminus. We investigated the interaction between Arg668 and the ring oxygen of the incoming deoxynucleotide triphosphate (dNTP) using a combination of site-specific mutagenesis of the protein and atomic substitution of the DNA and dNTP. Hydrogen bonds from Arg668 were probed with the site-specific mutant R668A. Hydrogen bonds from the DNA were probed with oligodeoxynucleotides containing either guanine or 3-deazaguanine (3DG) at the primer terminus. Hydrogen bonds from the incoming dNTP were probed with (1 'R,3 'R,4 'R)-1-[3-hydroxy-4-(triphosphorylmethyl)cyclopent-1-yl]uracil (dcUTP), an analog of dUTP in which the ring oxygen of the deoxyribose moiety was replaced by a methylene group. We found that the pre-steady-state parameter kpol was decreased 1,600 to 2,000-fold with each of the single substitutions. When the substitutions were combined, there was no additional decrease (R668A and 3DG), a 5-fold decrease (3DG and dcUTP), and a 50-fold decrease (R668A and dcUTP) in kpol. These results are consistent with a hydrogen-bonding fork from Arg668 to the primer terminus and incoming dNTP. These interactions may play an important role in fidelity as well as catalysis of DNA replication.  相似文献   

In discontinuous polyoma DNA replication, the synthesis of Okazaki fragments is primed by RNA. During viral DNA synthesis in nuclei isolated from infected cells, 40% of the nascent short DNA fragments had the polarity of the leading strand which, in theory, could have been synthesized by a continuous mechanism. To rule out that the leading strand fragments were generated by degradation of nascent DNA, they were further characterized. DNA fragments from a segment of the genome which replication forks pass in only one direction were strand separated. The sizes of the fragments from both strands were similar, suggesting that one strand was not specifically degraded. Most important, however, the majority of the Okazaki fragments of both strands were linked to RNA at their 5' ends. For identification, the RNA was labeled at the 5' ends by [beta-32P]GTP, internally by [3H]CTP, [3H]GTP, and [3H]UTP, or at the 3' ends by 32P transfer from adjacent [32P]dTMP residues. All three kinds of labeling indicated that an equal proportion of DNA fragments from the two strands was linked to RNA primers.  相似文献   

Using a pair of plasmids carrying the rpsL target sequence in different orientations to the replication origin, we analyzed a large number of forward mutations generated in wild-type and mismatch-repair deficient (MMR(-)) Escherichia coli cells to assess the effects of directionality of replication-fork movement on spontaneous mutagenesis and the generation of replication error. All classes of the mutations found in wild-type cells but not MMR(-) cells were strongly affected by the directionality of replication fork movement. It also appeared that the directionality of replication-fork movement governs the directionality of sequence substitution mutagenesis, which occurred in wild-type cells at a frequency comparable to base substitutions and single-base frameshift mutations. A very strong orientation-dependent hot-spot site for single-base frameshift mutations was discovered and demonstrated to be caused by the same process involved in sequence substitution mutagenesis. It is surprising that dnaE173, a potent mutator mutation specific for sequence substitution as well as single-base frameshift, did not enhance the frequency of the hot-spot frameshift mutation. Furthermore, the frequency of the hot-spot frameshift mutation was unchanged in the MMR(-) strain, whereas the mutHLS-dependent mismatch repair system efficiently suppressed the generation of single-base frameshift mutations. These results suggested that the hot-spot frameshift mutagenesis might be initiated at a particular location containing a DNA lesion, and thereby produce a premutagenic replication intermediate resistant to MMR. Significant numbers of spontaneous single-base frameshift mutations are probably caused by similar mechanisms.  相似文献   

The budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is an excellent model system for the study of DNA polymerases and their roles in DNA replication, repair, and recombination. Presently ten DNA polymerases have been purified and characterized from S. cerevisiae. Rapid advances in genome sequencing projects for yeast and other organisms have greatly facilitated and accelerated the identification of yeast enzymes and their homologues in other eukaryotic species. This article reviews current available research on yeast DNA polymerases and their functional roles in DNA metabolism. Relevant information about eukaryotic homologues of these enzymes will also be discussed.  相似文献   

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