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The muscle contents of high-energy phosphates and their derivatives [ATP, ADP, AMP, creatine phosphate (CrP), and creatine], glycogen, some glycolytic intermediates, pyruvate, and lactate were compared in 11 dogs performing prolonged heavy exercise until exhaustion (at ambient temperature 20.0 +/- 1.0 degrees C) without and with trunk cooling using ice packs. Without cooling, dogs were able to run for 57 +/- 8 min, and their rectal (Tre) and muscle (Tm) temperatures increased to 41.8 +/- 0.2 and 43.0 +/- 0.2 degrees C, respectively. Compared with noncooling, duration of exercise with cooling was longer by approximately 45% while Tre and Tm at the time corresponding to the end of exercise without cooling were lower by 1.1 +/- 0.2 and 1.2 +/- 0.2 degrees C, respectively. The muscle contents of high-energy phosphates (ATP + CrP) decreased less, the rate of glycogen depletion was lower, and the increases in the contents of AMP, pyruvate, and lactate as well as in the muscle-to-blood lactate ratio were smaller. The muscle content of lactate was positively correlated with Tm. The data indicate that with higher body temperature equilibrium between high-energy phosphate breakdown and resynthesis was shifted to the lower values of ATP and CrP and glycolysis was accelerated. The results suggest that hyperthermia developing during prolonged muscular work exerts an adverse effect on muscle metabolism that may be relevant to limitation of endurance.  相似文献   

We examined whether fatigue during exertional heat stress occurred at a critical internal temperature independent of the initial temperature at the start of exercise. Microwaves (2.1 GHz; 100 mW/cm(2)) were used to rapidly (3-8 min) heat rats before treadmill exercise to exhaustion. In a repeated-measures design, food-restricted male Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 11) were preheated to three levels (low, medium, and high). In addition, two sham exposures, Sham 1 and Sham 2, were administered at the beginning and end of the study, respectively. At the initiation of exercise, hypothalamic (T(hyp)) and rectal (T(rec)) temperatures ranged from 39.0 degrees C to 42.8 degrees C (T(hyp)) and 42.1 degrees C (T(rec)). The treadmill speed was 17 m/min (8 degrees grade), and the ambient temperature during exercise was 35 degrees C. Each treatment was separated by 3 wk. Run time to exhaustion was significantly reduced after preheating. There was a significant negative correlation between run time and initial T(hyp) and T(rec) (r = 0.73 and 0.74, respectively). The temperatures at exhaustion were not significantly different across treatments, with a range of 41.9-42.2 degrees C (T(hyp)) and 42.2-42.5 degrees C (T(rec)). There were no significant differences in run time in the sham runs administered at the start and end of the investigation. No rats died as a result of exposure to any of the treatments, and body weight the day after each treatment was unaffected. These results support the concept that a critical temperature exists that limits exercise in the heat.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of conservation plans depends on environmental, ecological, and socioeconomic factors. Global change makes conservation decisions even more challenging. Among others, the components of most concern in modern‐day conservation assessments are as follows: the magnitude of climate and land‐use changes; species dispersal abilities; competition with harmful socioeconomic activities for land use; the number of threatened species to consider; and, relatedly, the available budget to act. Here, we provide a unified framework that quantifies the relative effects of those factors on conservation. We conducted an area‐scheduling work plan in order to identify sets of areas along time in which the persistence expectancies of species are optimized. The approach was illustrated using data of potential distribution of ten nonvolant mammal species in Iberia Peninsula from current time up to 2080. Analyses were conducted considering possible setups among the factors that are likely to critically impact conservation success: three climate/land‐use scenarios; four species’ dispersal kernel curves; six land‐use layer types; and two planning designs, in which assessments were made independently for each species, or joining all species in a single plan. We identified areas for an array of investments levels capable to circumvent the spatial conflicts with socioeconomic activities. The effect of each factor on the estimated species persistence scores was assessed using linear mixed models. Our results evidence that conservation success is highly reliant on the resources available to abate land‐use conflicts. Nonetheless, under the same investment levels, planning design and climate change were the factors that most shaped species persistence scores. The persistence of five species was especially affected by the sole effect of planning design and consequently, larger conservation investments may retard climatic debts. For three species, the negative effects of a changing climate and of multiple‐species planning designs added up, making these species especially at risk. Integrated assessments of the factors most likely to limit species persistence are pivotal to achieve effectiveness.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of retention times of 10, 20, 30 and 40 days on the semi-continuous anaerobic digestion of water hyacinth was tested at the laboratory level. Biogas was successfully produced using 50 and 30 g total solids/l slurries at retention times of 30 and 40 days. The retention time of 40 days proved to be much better than shorter retention times in terms of total gas produced, methane percentage and degree of decomposition of organic matter. The effect of incubation temperatures of 25, 37, 45°C and the variable temperature range of 32 to 42°C on the semicontinuous digestion of water hyacinth was also tested in the laboratory. Biogas could be successfully produced at all temperatures tested except at 45°C. At 37°C and at the variable temperature range of 32 to 42°C gas production was very rapid. Digestion at 25°C was more efficient and gas release was slower. Digestion at 45°C was very erratic.
Resumen Se estudió, a escala de laboratorio, la influencia de tiempos de retención de 10, 20, 30, y 40 días en la digestión anaerobia semi-continua del jacinto acuático (Eichornia crassipes). A partir de pasta de jacinto acuático con 50 y 30 g de sólidos totales/l de pasta y con tiempos de retención de 30 y 40 días la obtención de gas fue eficaz. La retención de 40 días fue mucho mejor que retenciones mucho más cortas en relación con la producción total de biogás, el porcentaje de metano obtenido y la descomposición de sólidos volátiles. También se estudió el efecto de temperaturas de incubación de 25, 37 y 45°C y de un gradiente de temperaturas de 32–42°C en la fermentación. La producción de biogas fue eficaz a todas las temperaturas ensayadas excepto a 45°C. A 37°C y utilizando el gradiente de temperaturas la obtención de gas fue muy rápida. La digestión a 25°C fue más eficaz pero la liberación de gas más lenta; la fermentación a 45°C dió resultados erráticos.

Résumé On a testé à l'échelle du laboratoire, l'influence des temps moyens de séjour de 10, 20, 30 et 40 jours sur la biométhanisation semi-continue de la jacinthe d'eau. La production de biogaz était satisfaisante aux concentrations de 50 et 30 g de solides totaux par litre et pour des temps moyens de séjour de 30 et 40 jours. Le temps moyen de séjour de 40 jours s'est révélé bien meilleur que les temps moyens de séjour plus courts en matière de gaz total produit, pourcentage de méthane et conversion de la matière organique. On a également testé au laboratoire l'effet des températures d'incubation de 25, 37 et 45°C et celui d'une température fluctuant entre 32 et 42°C sur la biométhanisation semicontinue de la jacinthe d'eau. La production de biogaz était satisfaisante à toutes les températures sauf celle de 45°C. La production de gaz était très rapide à 37°C et dans la région variable de 32 à 42°C. La biométhanisation à 25°C était plus efficiente mais la vitesse de production du gaz était plus lente. La biométhanisation à 45°C était très erratique.

Six milk compounds were studied as potential intrinsic time temperature integrators (TTIs) for the assessment of heat-treated milk. These include the enzymes alkaline phosphatase and lactoperoxidase, the whey protein beta-lactoglobulin and the chemical compounds hydroxymethylfurfural, lactulose and furosine. In previous research the inactivation/denaturation/formation kinetics of these compounds were analyzed under isothermal and nonisothermal conditions and evaluated for variability of the milk composition. The present paper focuses on the implementation of the TTIs. TTIs are validated with respect to microbiological indices and quality attributes, and a quantitative relationship between the denaturation, inactivation or formation of the TTIs and technological processes is established by construction of general time temperature tolerance (TTT) diagrams. In these diagrams temperature time combinations are presented, which lead to the same formation, inactivation or denaturation of TTIs, or result in the same level of microbiological destruction or quality degradation of the product. TTT-diagrams are very informative since they allow visualization of the impact of a thermal process on milk and evaluation of criteria for evaluating milk authenticity (conformity of the product with the terminology applied). Moreover, the optimum combination of temperature and time of heating may be readily deduced from these diagrams.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the harvesting of Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina) from a diluted culture medium. This cyanobacterium was retained by the European Space Agency as food supply for long term manned spatial missions, and integrated in the MELiSSA project: an artificial microecosystem which supports life in space. Membranes techniques seem to be adapted to efficiency, reliability and safety constraints, even if a well-known limitation is the progressive fouling and permeation flux decrease. Among usual solid/liquid separation processes, Arthrospira harvesting is performed by tangential ultrafiltration (tubular inorganic membrane 50 kD Céram-Inside from Tami, Nyons, France). To ensure a reliable separation step with the best biomass quality, a good comprehension of the ultrafiltration progress and fouling phenomenon is needed, in particular, the link between operating parameters, permeation flux and cleanability. Comparative experiments were made between limiting and critical flux with different suspensions: fresh biomass, stressed biomass and a suspension of Arthrospira platensis enriched with exopolysaccharides.  相似文献   

Alterations in cellular hydration not only contribute to metabolic regulation, but also critically determine the cellular response to different kinds of stress. Whereas cell swelling triggers anabolic pathways and protects cells from heat and oxidative challenge, cellular dehydration contributes to insulin resistance and catabolism and increases the cellular susceptibility to stress-induced damage. Intracellular accumulation of organic osmolytes, cell cycle delay and the expression of heat shock proteins provide cellular tolerance to hyperosmolarity and protect against stressors under dehydrating conditions. This article discusses some mechanisms by which alterations in cell hydration contribute to cytoprotection or cell damage. In addition, the close relationship between osmotic and oxidative stress and the contribution of isoosmotic shrinkage to apoptotic cell death are considered.  相似文献   

Hydration of an isolated rat tail tendon fibril induces its rotation. A similar effect is observed under the influence of temperature changes in the range of 12-38 degrees C. The direction and intensity of the rotation do not depend on the length of a tendon fibril in the range of 12-80 mm. A probabilistic character of the distribution of right- and left-rotating collagen molecules in the tendon was revealed. The direction and intensity of fibril rotation depends on the predominance of the amount of right- and left-rotating collagen molecules. The role of the rotation of collagen bundles in the mechanism of excitation of mechanoreceptors by the action of temperature is discussed.  相似文献   

Hydration of an isolated rat tail tendon fiber was found to cause its torsion. A similar effect was observed upon changing the specimen temperature in the 12–38°C range. The direction and the angle of rotation of the distal end of the fiber did not depend on its length (12–80 mm). Rather, they depended on the prevalence of clockwise-or counterclockwise-driving collagen units, the distribution of which in the tendon fiber was apparently probabilistic. The phenomenon of collagen bundle rotation is considered in the context of the mechanism of mechanoreceptor stimulation by temperature shifts.  相似文献   

Natural DNAs and some polynucleotides organised in fiber present the A--B form transition at a relative humidity (r.h.) which depends on the temperature. A shift of the midpoint of that helix--helix transition to higher r.h. values is observed when the temperature is risen. It is shown that the average number of water molecules associated to a nucleotide pair is the relevant parameter for the A-B transition and that this parameter can be given a precise value by a combination of different r.h. and temperature values. The minimum number of water molecules necessary to get the B form depends on the base composition of the DNA. It is observed that AT base pairs have a higher affinity toward water molecules than GC base pairs. In the B form there are 27 water molecules per GC nucleotide pair and 44 per AT pair. Moreover, we noted that the fraction of nucleotides in the B form as a function of the average number of water molecules associated per base pair does not depend on the temperature. The A helical form is obtained with about 11 water molecules per nucleotide pair and this number is not very sensitive to the base composition of DNA.  相似文献   

Five male Japanese subjects, undressed, were investigated at rest and during ergometer work at 30°, 25°, 20°, 15° and 10°C and the results were compared with similar measurements on Caucasians. The metabolic rate and mean skin temperature were higher at temperatures below 20°C than in Caucasians, while the correlation curve of metabolic rate versus skin temperature was similar. The rectal temperature decreased with lowering of the air temperature in these subjects in contrast to the observations in Caucasians. The thermal conductance of the Japanese was higher at the control air temperature, but became lower or equal in cool air as compared with that of Caucasians. The lower critical temperature was around 24°C. The results indicate that Japanese men react to cold with a mixture of both metabolic and insulative adaptation which differs from the response of Caucasians. The difference may be due to the environment, living habits and bodily constitution.
Zusammenfassung Fünf Japaner wurden unbekleidet in Ruhe und während Ergometerarbeit bei 30°, 25°, 20°, 15° und 10°C Raumtemperatur untersucht und die Ergebnisse mit ähnlichen Untersuchungen an Personen der weissen Rasse (Kaukasiern) verglichen. Stoffwechselrate und mittlere Hauttemperatur waren unterhalb 20°C bei den Japanern höher als bei den Kaukasiern, während die Korrelationskurve der Stoffwechselrate versus Hauttemperatur gleich waren. Die Rektaltemperatur fiel bei den Japanern mit Senkung der Lufttemperatur ab, umgekehrt zu den Beobachtungen an Kaukasiern. Die Wärmeleitung war bei den Japanern höher im Bereich der Temperaturen bis 25°C, dagegen in kühler Luft niedriger oder blieb auf dem gleichen Niveau beim Vergleich mit den Werten von Kaukasiern. Die untere kritische Temperatur war 24°C. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Japaner auf Kälte mit metabolischer und insulativer Adaptation reagieren, anders als Kaukasier. Diese Unterschiede können Ausdruck der Lebensgewohnheiten, Umweltbedingungen und der Konstitution sein.

Resume Cinq Japonais ont été examinés nus au repos et au travail à l'ergomètre par des températures ambiantes de 30°, 25°, 20°, 15° et 10°C. On a comparê les reléves ainsi effectués avec ceux provenant de personnes de race blanche (Caucasiens). Le métabolisme et la température cutanée moyenne furent, au dessus de 20°C, plus élevés chez les Japonais que chez les Caucasiens, alors que le rapport métabolisme-température cutanée restait identique. La température rectale a baissé chez les Japonais avec un refroidissement extérieur, contrairement à ce qui se passait chez les Caucasiens. La conductibilité thermique fut plus élevée chez les Japonais pour des températures supérieures à 25°C et diminua ou resta stationnaire dans de l'air plus frais — tous ces chiffres sont relatifs aux valeurs relevées sur les Caucasiens. La température critique inférieure se situe à 24°C. Ces résultats montrent que les Japonais réagissent autrement au froid que les Caucasiens, c'est à dire que leur adaptation métabolique et insulative est différente. Ces différences peuvent résulter de leur manière de vivre, des conditions ambiantes ou de leur constitution.

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