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The changes with age in three splenic suppressor cell populations were studied in C57BL/6 mice. Allospecific Ts cells and nonspecific non-T suppressor cells were both generated in vitro in allogeneic MLC. The presence of "pre-existing" suppressor cells in fresh spleen cells from normal mice was examined. Suppressor cell activities were assayed for their ability to suppress proliferation in a fresh allogeneic MLC after treatment to prevent their own proliferation. The ability to generate both specific and nonspecific suppressor cells decreased with age, whereas pre-existing suppressor cells were detected in spleens from the majority of the aged animals but not in spleens from young animals. The decrease in suppressor cell activity was not due to any requirement for age matching between donors of suppressor and target cells. The specific and nonspecific MLC-generated suppressor cells inhibited both the proliferative response in the assay MLC and the generation of cytotoxic cells. The pre-existing suppressor cells only suppressed the proliferative response and not the generation of cytotoxic cells. The changes seen with age in these suppressor cell populations suggest that the ability to generate suppression (both allospecific and nonspecific) to newly encountered Ag declines with age, whereas a resident splenic suppressor cell population accumulates over the lifetime of the animals.  相似文献   

The quantitative minimal estimate of the frequency of alloantigen specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursor cells (CTL-p) was determined in young and old C57BL/6 mice by limiting dilution analysis. Supernatant from phorbol myristate acetate-induced EL-4 cells was used as a source of IL 2 in these assays, which therefore were independent of the presence of the Lyt-2-, IL 2-producing cells known to be deficient in aging mice. These studies showed that 24-mo-old mice had approximately 10-fold fewer CTL-p than their young counterparts. Comparison of the limiting dilution assay (LDA) with IL 2-supplemented primary MLC shows that estimates of the frequency of CTL-p do not consistently agree with cytotoxic activity detected in the higher cell density primary MLC, and that the LDA is most likely a better estimate of the effect of age on the development of CTL.  相似文献   

During the in vitro development of cytotoxic lymphocytes (CL), suppressor cells also develop. Spleen cells or lymph node cells harvested from mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC) on day 2 (day-2 MLC) and added to a fresh MLC suppressed the development of CL. This suppressive effect was sensitive to treatment with anti-theta and C. The suppressive effect of day-2 MLC was not due to cytotoxic effects nor to altered kinetics of the development of both suppressor cells and CL. Although CL develop from hydrocortisone-treated spleen cells, day-2 MLC of hydrocortisone-treated spleen cells did not suppress the development of CL. These studies suggest that suppressor cells and CL are derived from different T cell subpopulations.  相似文献   

Alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) distinct from virus-specific CTL and activated natural killer (NK) cells were generated during acute lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection of C57BL/6J mice. The alloreactive CTL shared similar antigenic markers (Thy-1.2+, Lyt-2.2+, and asialo GM1-) with the virus-specific CTL that appeared at the same time 7 days postinfection, but had different target specificities. These alloreactive CTL lysed allogeneic but not syngeneic or xenogeneic targets. These were distinct from activated NK cells, which lysed all target cell types, peaked 3 days postinfection, and had a phenotype of asialo GM1+, Thy-1 +/-, Lyt-2.2-. Cold target competition studies indicated that there were several subsets of alloreactive T cells with distinct specificities, and that these alloreactive T cells were not subsets of the virus-specific T cells. Similar types of alloreactive CTL were induced at much lower levels in C3H/St mice. This may indicate that the generation of this "aberrant" T cell activity is under genetic control. Hence, the LCMV infection of C57BL/6J mice induces several cytotoxic effector populations including alloreactive CTL, activated NK cells, and virus-specific CTL. Virus infections therefore have the ability not only to polyclonally stimulate B cells, as previously described, but also to stimulate CTL.  相似文献   

Changes in suppressor, helper, and B-cell functions in aging mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Suppressor, T-helper, and B-cell functions were measured in spleen cells derived from individual mice of varying ages. Suppressor activity was assessed by the ability of test cells to suppress the secondary anti-hapten response of young-adult spleen cells in mixed cultures. T-Helper-cell activity was assessed by measuring the ability of T cells activated with carrier-anti-carrier immune complexes to restore the response of hapten-primed, T-depleted syngeneic cells. B-Cell activity was assessed by measuring the response to the T-independent antigen DNP-Ficoll. It was found that the suppressor function increased rapidly, reached a peak in middle-aged mice, and remained elevated thereafter. In contrast, T-helper and B-cell functions declined at a constant rate from young adulthood to old age. An exception to this pattern was found in a distinct subpopulation of aged mice, which had splenomegaly and extremely low suppressor, T-helper, and B-cell functions.  相似文献   

The immune responses of allogeneic mixed spleen cell cultures (MLC) to the T-dependent antigen, SRBC, and to the T-independent antigen, DNP-PAA, were investigated. The immune response to DNP-PAA in MLC with certain strain combinations was always suppressed as compared with the expected PFC response calculated from the PFC responses of the individual strains. This suppression was eliminated by treating the spleen cells with RAMB antiserum plus complement before the incubation of the MLC with DNP-PAA. It can be concluded that the suppression in the PFC response to the T-independent antigen DNP-PAA in MLC is due to the generation of suppressor T-cells. The PFC response to the T-dependent antigen, SRBC, in MLC showed either suppression, no change, or rarely augmenation, suggesting that the allogeneic mixed spleen cell cultures can generate both suppressor and helper T cells and that the balance between helper and suppressor activity regulates the PFC response to a T-dependent antigen. Suppressor activity was also generated in a one-way MLC, but the degree of suppression depended upon which of the two strains was responding. Similar amounts of thymidine were incorporated in the one-way MLR irrespective of which strains was responding. Thus, the extent of proliferation in one-way MLR is not related to the degree of suppressor activity generated. The results further indicate that a difference between two strains in the I-C, S, and G regions of the major histocompatibility complex is required to generate suppressor activitiy that can depress the response to a T-independent antigen, MLC between strains differing in K, I-A, I-B, I-J, I-E, and D regions generate little or no suppressor activity in this system.  相似文献   

Spleen cells obtained from mice 5 to 40 days after infection with viable BCG organisms (BCG-spleens) were found to be unresponsive in vitro to both mitogenic and alloantigenic stimuli. Moreover, suppressor cells could be demonstrated in the spleens from these infected animals. When spleen cells from BCG-infected mice were added to either syngeneic or allogeneic normal spleen cells, the mixtures neither proliferated nor developed cytotoxic activity when cultured with alloantigen or with concanavalin A (Con A). The development of unresponsiveness post-infection paralleled the onset of suppressive activity. Spleen cells obtained from mice given heat-killed BCG were neither suppressive nor unresponsive. The suppressive activity of BCG-spleen cells was associated with an adherent, phagocytic cell that lacked membrane-associated Thy-1 antigen. Removal of this cell by passage through nylon wool columns resulted in a cell population that was no longer capable of suppression and that responded normally to alloantigen and to Con A. It would thus appear that BCG infection results in the development of a "suppressor" macrophage-like cell population within the spleen. The role of this cell type in regulation of the immune response in BCG-infected animals is as yet undefined.  相似文献   

Con A-stimulation of human peripheral T lymphocytes induced both suppressor and helper T cells. ConA-generated suppressor T cells inhibited PWM-induced IgG and IgM production in PBL. Lower concentrations of Con A (0.5 micrograms/ml) or shorter incubation periods (6 to 24 hr) induced mainly helper T cells, while higher concentrations of Con A (10 micrograms/ml) or longer incubation periods (at least 48 hr) induced suppressor T cells. Con A-generated suppressor T cells were sensitive to mitomycin treatment and exerted their suppressor function on the early phase of differentiation and/or proliferation of B cells but not on the final differentiation of B cells to Ig-producing cells. The identity of the MHC was not required for the expression of suppressor function. Suppressor T cells competed with helper T cells in PWM-induced Ig-production of PBL. This experimental system can be applied to estimate the regulatory function of T cells in several disease states.  相似文献   

Neonatal injection of C57B1/6 mice with bacterial LPS results in an impairment of the ability of splenic lymphocytes to respond to erythrocyte antigens in vitro 4 weeks later. This impairment is due either to a de novo activation of suppressor cells or to an enhancement of the longevity of “naturally occurring” suppressor cells found in the newborn spleen since cells from LPS-injected mice also inhibited normal control responses. The suppressor cells from LPS-injected mice are not macrophages and, by conventional criteria, appear to be T lymphocytes. Results of this study raise questions concerning the effects of suppressor cells on LPS-potentiated antibody formation and the multiplicity of pathways for activation of antibody-forming precursor cells.  相似文献   

Natural suppressor cells were induced by culturing spleen cells from normal adult mice for 2 to 3 wk. The suppressor cells were large in size, nonadherent and nonspecifically suppressed the plaque-forming cells response of fresh spleen cells to SRBC in vitro. The suppressive activity of the cells was not affected by treatment with indomethacin or anti-Thy-1, anti-Ig, anti-Ia, or anti-asialoGM1 plus complement. Phenotype analysis by FACS showed that Thy-1, L3T4, Ly-2, CD3-epsilon, TCR-alpha beta, Ig, B220, Ia, and asialoGM1 Ag were all absent in the suppressor cells, although they were wheat germ agglutinin receptor positive. The suppressor cells did not demonstrate cytotoxicity against either YAC-1 or P-815 cells. Enriched large cell populations from fresh normal spleens expressed the same phenotypes and also exhibited the suppressive activity. These findings suggest that a minor population of natural suppressor cells exist in the normal adult mouse spleen and they proliferate during the in vitro culture of spleen cells.  相似文献   

Human epidermal cells (EC) act as stimulator cells in the mixed-skin cell lymphocyte culture reaction (MSLR). To analyze the role of human epidermal Langerhans cells (LC) and indeterminate cells (IC), which are the only cells expressing the DR-Ia-like antigens in normal epidermis, in the generation of alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in cell-mediated cytolysis, 18-hr 51Cr-release assays against PBL targets (targets autologous to stimulator EC) were conducted after allogeneic human MSLR. MSLR and CTL assays were conducted with, as stimulator cells, suspensions of normal human EC as controls, and EC after: (1) preincubation with anti-HLA-DR or OKT6 (specific for LC in EC suspension) monoclonal antibodies; (2) panning, a monolayer technique used to deplete EC suspensions in OKT6 or DR-positive cells. The generation of alloreactive CTL was found to occur only after allogeneic MSLR and when targets and stimulator cells were from the same donor; it was reduced by EC incubation: cytotoxic activity 26.66 +/- 3.84 (controls); 8.8 +/- 3.6 and 7.7 +/- 3.7 (EC incubated with OKT6 or anti-DR, respectively); it was reduced or abolished when the EC used in MSLR were depleted in OKT6 or DR-positive cells by panning. These findings demonstrate that human LC and IC are necessary for an optimal in vitro sensitization in MSLR and the subsequent in vitro generation of alloreactive CTL in man.  相似文献   

Natural suppressor cells from the spleens of mice with graft-versus-host disease produced across minor histocompatibility barriers inhibit the in vitro generation of alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes by spleen cells from normal mice. The mechanism of natural suppression was studied; suppression does not require direct cell contact with targets. Exogenous interleukin-2 has no effect in reversing suppression while indomethacin partially reverses the suppression mediated by natural suppressor cells.  相似文献   

Antigen-specific suppressor cells and suppressive extracts obtained from the thymuses of DBA/2 mice bearing small syngeneic P815 mastocytomas were compared for their immunogenetic properties and requirements. The assay for specific suppression involved the ability of either cells or extracts to inhibit the primary in vitro cytotoxic response of normal DBA/2 splenocytes to mitomycin-treated P815 cells. It was shown that pretreatment of suooressor cell populations with anti-Iad antiserum plus rabbit complement removed the suppressive activity. Similarly, absorption of the suppressor factor with anti-Iad antiserum removed the suppressive properties of the material. It was found that the suppressor cells, generated in DBA/2 tumor bearers, were capable of specifically suppressing the anti-P815 response of B6D2 F1 radiation chimeras possessing lymphoid cells of the H-2b or H-2t2 haplotype equally as well as they could suppress the response of H-2d-bearing effector cells. This indicates that the suppressor cells are not H-2 restricted with respect to K or D markers on the responder cells in this system.  相似文献   

Cellular immune response to intracerebral lymphocytic choriomeningitis infection was studied in mice belonging to an identical strain but different in breeding conditions. In consequence of the cellular immune reaction on the leptomeninx, lymphocytic choriomeningitis developed and caused death in 100% of conventionally bred mice, whereas 80% of germ-free and 15% of mouse-pathogen-free mice failed to display lymphocytic infiltration of the leptomeninx and survived the infection as chronic virus carriers. This finding pointed to a deficient cellular immune response of germ-free and mouse-pathogen-free mice. The under-development of the lymphoid system due to the antigen-poor breeding conditions might be responsible for the deficiency.  相似文献   

Summary Primary cultures of mouse colonic epithelial cells have been obtained that are typically epithelial by morphology and moreover express keratins and endogenousβ-galactosidase; this latter activity was also demonstrated in the epithelial lining of the mouse colonic mucosa. The proliferative response of the primary colonic epithelial cells to epidermal growth factor, insulin, and the bile acid, deoxycholic acid, has been studied. Using primary cultures maintained at suboptimal growth conditions, which yielded 96 to 100% quiescent cells, epidermal growth factor, insulin, and the bile acid, deoxycholic acid, at concentrations at which it normally occurs in the aqueous phase of human feces, stimulated proliferation as measured by autoradiography. Exposure of the cells to combinations of these factors resulted in additive increases in growth. In conclusion, cells from the normal mouse colon can now be cultured while retaining at least two normal marker functions and moreover respond to some known mitogens and the potential tumor promoter deoxycholic acid. The cells can also be subcultivated while maintaining their epithelial morphology and marker functions for at least 3 passages.  相似文献   

Mice sensitized against a tumor allograft and given cyclophosmamide 6 days later failed to generate an immune response to the allograft. Spleen cells derived from these mice suppressed the generation of cytotoxic T cell response by normal spleen cells in mixed leukocyte cultures. The suppressor cells were not specific, thymus dependent, and resistant to 2000 R.  相似文献   

The lymphoproliferative responses of rat peripheral blood lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) were studied following treatment with single or multiple doses of cyclophosphamide. A dose-dependent lymphocytopenia was observed with both regimes. The remaining lymphocytes had decreased responses to PHA. Serum collected 24 hr after a single injection of cyclophosphamide and used at a concentration of 5% enhanced the response of cells from normal or cyclophosphamide-treated rats. Serum collected after a course of treatment did not have this effect, but it lacked the marked suppressive activity, at a concentration of 20%, which was shown by normal rat serum. The enhancing activity was not dialysable. Doses of cyclophosphamide adequate to abolish primary antibody production to sheep erythrocytes did not totally abrogate responsiveness to PHA. Thus, the pattern of immunological defects in cyclophosphamide-treated rats consisted of decreased primary antibody production, lymphocytopenia with a decreased response of the remaining lymphocytes to PHA, and diminution of serum suppressive activity.  相似文献   

To examine the basis of the immune modulation induced by the anticancer agent doxorubicin (DOX), the immunophenotype, tumoricidal activity, cytokine protein and mRNA expression were determined using peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) from saline-treated (untreated) and DOX-treated mice. A greater percentage of PEC from DOX-treated mice than from untreated mice were adherent to plastic, had characteristics of granulocytes, and were positive for the NK1.1, CD11b/Mac-1, and CD3 markers. DOX decreased the percentage of CD45R/B220+ cells. PEC from DOX-treated mice had greater tumoricidal potential than those from untreated mice since IL2, LPS, or IFNgamma alone increased the cytolytic activity of PEC from DOX-treated mice, whereas PEC from untreated mice required both LPS and IFNgamma to become cytolytic. DOX treatment modulated the expression of specific cytokines. Following stimulation in culture, PEC from DOX-treated mice produced more TNF, IL1, and IFNgamma than PEC from untreated mice. DOX treatment increased the levels of TNF, but not IL1, mRNA and decreased the levels of IL6 mRNA and protein. These data demonstrate that a single DOX injection induces specific effects in PEC and, as a consequence, increases the tumoricidal potential of cells of the macrophage and natural killer types.  相似文献   

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