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Abstract Tadpoles and mosquito larvae often coexist in natural freshwater bodies. We studied competitive interactions between: (i) tadpoles of the striped marsh frog (Limnodynastes peronii) and larvae of the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus; and (ii) tadpoles of the common eastern froglet (Crinia signifera) and larvae of the mosquito Aedes australis. These two sets of taxa occur in natural water bodies in the Sydney region. Laboratory trials revealed competition between mosquito larvae and tadpoles in both systems. For example, mosquitoes displayed reduced rates of survival, growth and development, and smaller size at metamorphosis, when they were raised with tadpoles. The intensity of competitive suppression was influenced by attributes such as pond size (and hence, larval density), the location of food (on the water surface vs the substrate), and the extent of opportunities for direct physical interactions between the two competing organisms. These effects differed between the two study systems, suggesting that the mechanisms of suppression also differed. Limnodynastes peronii tadpoles suppressed C. quinquefasciatus even when the two types of organisms were separated by a physical partition, suggesting that chemical or microbiological cues may be responsible. Pond attributes also affected the impact of C. signifera tadpoles on Aedes larvae, but (unlike the Limnodynastes–Culex system) these effects disappeared when densities were lowered or when the tadpoles and mosquito larvae were physically separated. Thus, direct physical interactions may suppress mosquitoes in the Crinia–Aedes system. Our results suggest that tadpoles suppress the viability of larval mosquitoes by multiple pathways.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Although tadpoles and mosquito larvae may compete for scarce resources in natural freshwater systems, the mechanisms involved in such competition remain largely unstudied.
2. Replicated artificial ponds were set up to examine the role of pathogenic interference (water-borne growth inhibitors) in two tadpole–mosquito systems from south-eastern Australia. One system comprised taxa that are commonly sympatric in freshwater ponds (tadpoles of Limnodynastes peronii and larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus ) while the other comprised species that co-occur in brackish water ponds (tadpoles of Crinia signifera and larvae of Ochlerotatus australis ).
3. Water that had previously contained tadpoles suppressed the rates of survival and pupation of mosquito larvae in both systems. Fungicide reduced or eliminated this effect, suggesting that the growth inhibitors may be fungal organisms (possibly the yeast Rhodotorula glutinis ) from tadpole faeces. Fungicide also enhanced growth rates of tadpoles.
4. These results suggest that interference competition between tadpoles and mosquito larvae is mediated by other organisms in some ecological systems.  相似文献   

Interaction between insect larvae and tadpoles in tropical rain pools   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. 1. Ephemeral rain pools on rock surfaces are common in Africa and are inhabited by dense populations of aquatic dipteran larvae. About 30% of the pools also support large numbers of tadpoles of the frog Ptychadena anchietae .
2. Experiments reveal that the presence of tadpoles suppress eclosion of the rock pool dwelling midge Chironomus imicola .
3. However, the presence of tadpoles also shortens the larval life-span of C. imicola by speeding up growth rates. Since the larval stages must be completed before the pool dries tadpoles may help 'fine-tune' the dipteran to the rock pool habitat.
4. A change in the diet of Cimicola larvae is associated with the accelerated development. Grazing by tadpoles results in algae, growing on the water surface, reaching the mud in tadpole faeces. These algae represent a high protein and energy food not otherwise accessible to mud dwelling dipteran larvae.
5. When pools dry tadpoles are killed, but a second species of dipteran Dasyhelea thompsoni have larvae able to survive to dry phase in situ . These larvae are scavengers so that on reflooding dead tadpoles are available as food. Experiments show that the presence of tadpoles again increase larval growth rates.
6. Both alive and dead tadpoles therefore are responsible for increasing the quality and quantity of food available to dipteran larvae and are thus among the mechanisms ensuring an abundance of food for rock pool dwelling insect larvae.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory experiments were conducted to provide parameters for a simulation model for Ips typographus L. (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). This model illustrates larval competition and predicts brood survival in bolts. Brood survival depended upon larvae attaining a weight of at least 1.6 mg dry weight. The pattern of larval foraging in a bolt is hypothesized to be regulated by mutual avoidance among larvae. An analytical solution is presented for the construction of the pattern of larval paths originating from a single maternal gallery.
Zusammenfassung Die Konkurrenz zwischen Larven des Borkenkäfers Ips typographus L. in Rundhölzern von Picea abies Karsten wurde im Laboratorium studiert. Um die Annahme zu testen, dass die Mortalität bei Borkenkäferlarven hauptsächlich von Futterkonkurrenz stammt, wurden die Parameter dieses Vorgangs geschätzt, die Zahl der Überlebenden vorausgesagt und verglichen mit der tatsächlichen Zahl Überlebender in jedem Rundholz. Die erforderlichen Voraussagen wurden mit dem Simulationsmodell von De Jong & Saarenmaa (1985) gemacht. In diesem Modell wird angenommen, dass die Larven Futter aufnehmen, in dem sie sich in der zweidimensionalen Rindenschicht bewegen und dass sie sterben oder sich vorzeitig in untergewichtige Käfer verwandeln, wenn sie in ein Gebiet gelangen, dessen Futter erschöpft ist.Es wurde geschlossen, dass der wichtigste Aspekt der Larvenbewegung im Hinblick aufs Überleben das gegenseitige Ausweichen ist. Die Muster der Larvengänge, wie sie aus einem Muttergang aufgrund gegenseitigen Ausweichens entstehen, wurden berechnet; sie stimmten sehr gut überein mit den beobachteten Mustern.Das Wachstum und das Überleben wurden in separaten Versuchen untersucht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass vorzeitiger Entwicklungsabschluss als Folge von Nahrungsknappheit eintritt. Das Überleben hängt davon ab, ob die Larve genug Futter zum Verpuppen erhalten hat. Dass die Larve eine bestimmte Grösse erreicht (Wachstum), war proportional zur Bewegung über eine bestimmte Distanz in der Rindenschicht. Unter den Versuchsbedingungen nahm das potentielle Trockengewicht der Puppen um 0,08 mg zu mit jedem mm Larvengang. Die minimale zur Verpuppung erforderliche Futtermenge war 20 mm Ganglänge, was proportional zu 1,6 mg Puppentrockengewicht ist.Aus diesen Resultaten wird geschlossen, dass Futterkonkurrenz die hauptsächliche Mortalitätsursache unter Larven von I. typographus in Rundhölzern im Laboratorium ist. Zudem wurde das Simulationsmodell erfolgreich überprüft; deshalb scheint es, dass Futterkonkurrenz entsprechend der vorigen Hypothese erfolgt. Die Annahme scheint vertretbar, dass dieser letzte Schluss auch für I. typographus unter natürlicheren Bedingungen zutrifft.

To see if synergism occurs between carbamate and pyrethroid insecticides, we tested permethrin and propoxur as representatives of these two classes of compounds used for mosquito control. Larvicidal activity of both insecticides was assessed separately and together on a susceptible strain of the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) by two methods. When mixed at a constant ratio (permethrin : propoxur 1 : 60 based on LC50) and tested at serial concentrations to plot dose/mortality regression, significant synergy occurred between them (co-toxicity coefficient = 2.2), not just an additive effect. For example, when the mixture gave 50% mortality, the same concentrations of permethrin and propoxur alone would have given merely 2 x 1% mortality. When a sublethal dose (LC0) of permethrin or propoxur was added to the other (range LC10-LC95), synergism occurred up to the LC80 level. Synergistic effects were attributed to the complementary modes of action by these two insecticide classes acting on different components of nerve impulse transmission. Apart from raising new possibilities for Culex control, it seems appropriate to consider using such mixtures or combinations for insecticide-treated mosquito nets in situations with insecticide-resistant Anopheles malaria vectors.  相似文献   

Rates of feeding of larvae of Culex pipiens in distilled water and larval water (water in which larvae were held overnight at a density of 1–2 larvae/ml) were compared by two methods. One method depended on assessing the relative rate of displacement of kaolin from the gut when kaolin-glutted larvae were provided with charcoal powder in the test liquids. The other method involved observation of changes in the time spent filtering by individual larvae transferred between distilled and larval water. Compared with plain water, larval water stimulates increased rates of feeding by the same or other conspecific larvae.
Résumé L'eau dans laquelle on a maintenu des larves pendant une nuit, à la densité de 1–2 larves ml, stimule l'activité de filtration et la prise de nourriture de larves introduites isolément dans ce milieu, par comparaison avec des larves témoins placées dans de l'eau distillée. La comparaison de l'activité alimentaire a été faite selon deux méthodes. La première méthode utilise des larves gavées de poudre de kaolin ajoutée à l'eau du milieu d'élevage; ces larves sont transférées ensuite dans de l'eau distillée ou de l'eau ayant hébergé de nombreuses larves (eau de larves) eau à laquelle on ajoute de la poudre de charbon. La quantité de charbon filtrée et absorbée peut alors être appréciée et comparee pour l'eau distillée et pour l'eau de larves. La seconde méthode est basée sur la mesure du temps passé en activité de filtration, pour des larves isolées introduites dans de l'eau distillée ou de l'eau, ayant hébergé, de larves.Ces expériences démontrent que l'eau d'êlevage des larves groupées renferme un principe phagostimulant apporté par les larves elles-mêmes.

Surveillance of anopheline and culicine larvae was conducted fortnightly to determine population composition and density at seven sites in the area of the Mathura Refinery, Mathura, India during 2005–2006. The correlation between population of the vectors and their habitat quality was established. Temperature (0.978 and 0.85°C), pH (0.99 and 0.95), conductivity (0.98 and 0.98 mho) and calcium ion hardness (0.978 and 0.85 p.p.m.) were positively correlated with the populations of both larval species. In contrast, the correlation coefficients between the parameters total hardness, magnesium ion hardness, biochemical oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand varied with the larval species. The anopheline larval population was dominant over the culicine population in the surveillance area. The distribution of anopheline mosquito larvae during the study period was found to be constant, and the average density of anopheline and culicine larvae was 84.70 and 15.30%, respectively, across all seven sites. Thus, the study demonstrated spatial and temporal population differences of mosquito larvae with respect to environmental factors, including water quality.  相似文献   

Interspecies interactions have important impacts on communities and when multiple trophic levels are involved, effects can be complex and indirect. For mosquitoes, interactions experienced as larvae affect adult attributes such as survivorship, reproductive output, and longevity, factors that can affect their ability to vector disease. We examined how larvae of two ecologically distinct mosquito species, Aedes japonicus japonicus and Culex quinquefasciatus, interact at different temperatures (17 and 27 °C) and at different relative densities. We also quantified abundances of bacteria and protozoan flagellates to uncover how changes in the microbial community affect the outcome of the two mosquitoes’ interaction. At 17 °C, survival and size of both mosquito species were not affected by the other’s presence. Cx. quinquefasciatus was strongly affected by intraspecific, but not interspecific, competition at both temperatures. At 27 °C, Ae. j. japonicus larvae experienced 100 % mortality in treatments by themselves and treatments where Cx. quinquefasciatus was abundant, surviving only in the presence of low densities of Cx. quinquefasciatus. Both the total bacteria count and counts of a protozoan flagellate identified as Spumella spp. decreased with increasing numbers of Cx. quinquefasciatus. We postulate that at 27 °C, the survival of Ae. j. japonicus depends on the interaction between Cx. quinquefasciatus and the microbial community. This study demonstrates that one mosquito species may alter the microbial community in ways that indirectly influence another mosquito species’ larval survival, and by extension adult abundance and potential disease transmission.  相似文献   

Competition between larvae of two anuran species (Bufo bufo and B. calamita) was investigated under field conditions likely to disfavour cell-mediated interference mechanisms. The experiment used triplicated cage treatments in an unshaded farm pond, a poor habitat for the unicellular pathogen Anurofeca richardsi implicated in interference competition between these anurans in sand dune ponds. The farm pond experienced lower maximum temperatures than a nearby dune pond but sustained larger numbers of eukaryotic algae and therefore had higher primary productivity. Survival and growth of B. calamita larvae were inversely related to density in all treatments but interspecific effects were much more severe than intraspecific ones. There was no evidence of A. richardsi in any treatment and competition between the Bufo larvae was therefore intense in the absence of Anurofeca-mediated interference effects. Anuran larvae reduced the standing crop and altered the community composition of algae in the treatment cages but larval growth rates were not simply related to food availability. Algal cell numbers in larval guts, a measure of food acquisition, were however inversely related to tadpole density in both species. Feeding niche overlap was high but decreased as larval density increased. Resource competition was implicated as the most probable major mechanism. Received: 1 September 1999 / Accepted: 20 January 2000  相似文献   



Mammals are not able to restore lost appendages, while many amphibians are. One important question about epimorphic regeneration is related to the origin of the new tissues and whether they come from mature cells via dedifferentiation and/or from stem cells. Several studies in urodele amphibians (salamanders) indicate that, after limb or tail amputation, the multinucleated muscle fibres do dedifferentiate by fragmentation and proliferation, thereby contributing to the regenerate. In Xenopus laevis tadpoles, however, it was shown that muscle fibres do not contribute directly to the tail regenerate. We set out to study whether dedifferentiation was present during muscle regeneration of the tadpole limb and zebrafish larval tail, mainly by cell tracing and histological observations.


Cell tracing and histological observations indicate that zebrafish tail muscle do not dedifferentiate during regeneration. Technical limitations did not allow us to trace tadpole limb cells, nevertheless we observed no signs of dedifferentiation histologically. However, ultrastructural and gene expression analysis of regenerating muscle in tadpole tail revealed an unexpected dedifferentiation phenotype. Further histological studies showed that dedifferentiating tail fibres did not enter the cell cycle and in vivo cell tracing revealed no evidences of muscle fibre fragmentation. In addition, our results indicate that this incomplete dedifferentiation was initiated by the retraction of muscle fibres.


Our results show that complete skeletal muscle dedifferentiation is less common than expected in lower vertebrates. In addition, the discovery of incomplete dedifferentiation in muscle fibres of the tadpole tail stresses the importance of coupling histological studies with in vivo cell tracing experiments to better understand the regenerative mechanisms.  相似文献   

When Aedes larvae are alarmed they swim actively to the bottom; they recover by floating passively upwards. Culex and Anopheles larvae sink passively when alarmed; they swim actively to the surface on recovery. Repeated stimulation produces stimulus satiation, but a different type of stimulus can then give a complete response. Geotaxis and phototaxis are concerned in the alarm reaction in Aedes; phototaxis can overrule geotaxis. The chill coma temperature of these larvae is several degrees cooler than that at which the alarm reaction takes place. Acclimatization can alter the position of both.
Zusammenfassung Bei drei Arten von Stechmücken-Larven wurde die Schreck-Reaktion untersucht. Alle Larven verschwinden bei Reiz von der Wasseroberfläche, aber der Reaktions-Mechanismus unterscheidet sich bei den verschiedenen Arten. Aedes aegypti ist leichter als Wasser. Die Larven schwimmen aktiv zum Boden und kehren durch Aufwartstreiben passiv wieder zur Wasseroberfläche zurück. Die Larven von Culex und Anopheles sind schwerer als Wasser. Sie sinken bei Reiz passiv zum Boden, die Rückkehr zur Wasseroberfläche ist ein aktiver Prozess, welcher Schwimmbewegungen der Larven notwendig macht.Wiederholter Reiz führt zur Reizsättigung. Hat eine Larve aufgehört, auf einen Anreiz (z.B. Schwingung) zu reagieren, reagiert sie aber sofort auf einen anderen Reiz (z.B. Licht). Dieses deutet an, dass sich die Sinnes-Rezeptoren angepasst haben, dass aber die den Effekt bewirkenden Muskeln nicht ermüdet sind. Aedes-Larven sind nach Reiz negativ phototaktisch. Sie sind ausserdem positiv geotaktisch, aber die negative Phototaxis ist die stärkere Reaktion. Culex- und Anopheles-Larven erschlaffen, wenn sie gereizt werden, sie sinken in diesem Zustand passiv, sie reagieren nicht auf Wechsel in der Licht-Intensität.Die zu Aktivitätslosigkeit führende Temperatur ist um einige Grade kälter als die tiefste Temperatur, bei welcher Schreck-Reaktion noch stattfindet. Anpassung, welche vor 24 Stunden erfolgt, kann sowohl die zu Aktivitätslosigkeit führende Temperatur, als auch die Temperatur ändern, bei welcher noch eine Schreck-Reaktion ausgelöst wird.

This work was started in the Entomology Department of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and was financed by the Medical Research Council.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the poorly understood relationships between mosquito larvae and their predatory aquatic insects in urban and suburban areas of tropical Southeast Asia, where vector‐borne diseases are prevalent, aquatic insects were sampled from 14 aquatic habitats in residential areas of Chiang Mai, northern Thailand, during the rainy season (July to November) in 2016. Correlations among biological variables, densities of major predatory aquatic insect groups (i.e., Odonata, Coleoptera, and Hemiptera: OCH group) in wetlands and artificial lentic habitats, and the density of mosquito larvae were analyzed. Among the sampled mosquito larvae, Culex spp. were the most abundant, and both OCH density and water quality were major determinants of Culex spp. density (rs = ?0.302 and ?0.396, respectively). Logistic regression analyses indicated that the probability of Culex spp. occurrence was significantly and negatively correlated with OCH density. Furthermore, high macrophyte abundance was associated with higher predator density, potentially reducing mosquito density. Hemipteran predators were most negatively correlated with Culex spp. density, regardless of whether macrophyte abundance was high or low (rs = ?0.547 and ?0.533, respectively). Therefore, hemipteran predators were the most important aquatic insect predators in the urban and suburban residential areas of Chiang Mai, Thailand, and OCH species, such as the hemipteran Micronecta scutellaris, could be used as biological control agents against mosquitoes in the region.  相似文献   

Larvae of the three important Central American malaria vectors, Anopheles albimanus, An. vestitipennis, and An. darlingi, are found in distinctly different habitats broadly defined by hydrology and aquatic vegetation, but little is known about the actual food quality and quantity of these habitats. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are of special interest, because mosquitoes require 20:5ω3 (EPA), 20:4ω6 (ARA), and 22:6ω3 (DHA) and without an adequate supply of these PUFAs they are not able to complete their life cycle. We collected samples of larvae and their corresponding habitats and analyzed their fatty acid (FA) composition to reveal if there are any species‐specific and habitat‐specific differences in FA composition, and if habitat FA differences can be linked to differences in the mosquito FA pattern and, ultimately, mosquito performance. We also assessed how FA of wild larvae compare to the laboratory‐reared larvae. Habitats were generally low in essential PUFAs and there were no significant differences among the FA composition of habitat samples. There were significant differences in FA composition of larvae. An. darlingi contained significantly higher amounts of FA, specifically a higher content of ω‐6 PUFA, represented mainly by the linoleic acid (18:2ω‐6). Large differences were found between field‐collected and laboratory‐reared An. vestitipennis larvae, especially in the content of PUFAs. The laboratory‐reared larvae contained significantly more of the total FA, ω3 PUFA, and MUFA. The laboratory‐reared larvae contained three to five times more essential PUFAs, EPA, and DHA. However, there were no differences in the total dry weight of the 4th instar larvae between the wild vs laboratory‐reared larvae. Total FA in both larvae and habitats of An. albimanus and An. darlingi were positively correlated with the concentration of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen (POC, PON) in their respective habitats, but no such correlation was found for An. vestitipennis. PUFA are a good indicator of nutritional quality, although factors controlling the success of anopheline development from larval habitats are likely to be more complex and would include the presence of predators, pathogens, and toxins as interacting factors.  相似文献   

Satiated predation, predation rate and prey preference of different weight groups of Rana tigrina (Daud) tadpoles on different larval and pupal stages of Culex fatigans were studied. Irrespective of the prey and predator size, the satiation time remained more or less equal. There exists a mass-dependent predation: Calculated predation rates or predatory constants (Kpr) showed that I instar prey was preyed upon at about equal rate, while other instars and pupa showed an increasing trend with increasing body weight of the predator. The prey preference assessed using the Kpr, revealed that prey size is an important parameter in predation. The R. tigrina tadpole is a more efficient pupal predator than other mosquito predators.  相似文献   

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