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In order to investigate the role of various serine/threonine protein kinases and protein phosphatases in the regulation of mitosis progression in plant cells, the influence of cyclin(olomoucine) and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent (W7) protein kinases inhibitors, as well as protein kinase C inhibitors (H7 and staurosporine), and a protein phosphatases inhibitor (okadaic acid) on mitosis progression in synchronized tobacco BY-2 cells has been studied. It was found that BY-2 culture treatment with inhibitors of cyclin-dependent protein kinases and protein kinase C caused a prophase delay, reduced the mitotic index, and displaced the mitotic peak as compared with control cells. Inhibition of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases enhanced the cells entry into prophase and delayed their exit from mitosis. Meanwhile inhibition of serine/threonine protein phosphatases insignificantly enhances synchronized BY-2 cells entering into all phases of mitosis.  相似文献   

To test whether reversible tubulin phosphorylation plays any role in the process of plant mitosis the effects of inhibitors of tyrosine kinases, herbimycin A, genistein and tyrphostin AG 18, and of an inhibitor of tyrosine phosphatases, sodium orthovanadate, on microtubule organization and mitosis progression in a synchronized BY-2 culture has been investigated. It was found that treatment with inhibitors of tyrosine kinases of BY-2 cells at the G2/M transition did not lead to visible disturbances of mitotic microtubule structures, while it did reduce the frequency of their appearance. We assume that a decreased tyrosine phosphorylation level could alter the microtubule dynamic instability parameters during interphase/prophase transition. All types of tyrosine kinase inhibitors used caused a prophase delay: herbimycin A and genistein for 2 h, and tyrphostin AG18 for 1 h. Thereafter the peak of mitosis was displaced for 1 h by herbimycin A or genistein exposure, but after tyrphostin AG18 treatment the timing of the mitosis-peak was comparable to that in control cells. Enhancement of tyrosine phosphorylation induced by the tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor resulted in the opposite effect on BY-2 mitosis transition. Culture treatment with sodium orthovanadate during 1 h resulted in an accelerated start of the prophase and did not lead to the alteration in time of the mitotic index peak formation, as compared to control cells. We suppose that the reversible tyrosine phosphorylation can be involved in the regulation of interphase to M phase transition possible through regulation of microtubule dynamics in plant cells.  相似文献   

Viral serine/threonine protein kinases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phosphorylation represents one the most abundant and important posttranslational modifications of proteins, including viral proteins. Virus-encoded serine/threonine protein kinases appear to be a feature that is unique to large DNA viruses. Although the importance of these kinases for virus replication in cell culture is variable, they invariably play important roles in virus virulence. The current review provides an overview of the different viral serine/threonine protein kinases of several large DNA viruses and discusses their function, importance, and potential as antiviral drug targets.  相似文献   

Brain protein serine/threonine phosphatases.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
All of the known protein serine/threonine phosphatases are expressed in the brain. These enzymes participate in a variety of signaling pathways that modulate neuronal activity. The multifunctional activity of many serine/threonine phosphatases is achieved through their association with targeting proteins. Identification and analysis of targeting molecules has led to new insights into the functions of protein phosphatases in neuronal signaling. The recent use of transgenic mice has also increased our understanding of the physiological roles of these enzymes in the brain.  相似文献   

Reversible protein phosphorylation is an important and versatile mechanism by which cells transduce external signals into biological responses. Cellular levels of protein phosphorylation are determined by the balanced actions of both protein kinases and protein phosphatases (PPases). Compared with protein kinases, however, serine/threonine PPases have received less attention. In the present study, the effects of certain insulin secretagogues and intracellular second messengers, known to stimulate or inhibit insulin secretion, on the activities of cation-independent serine/threonine PPases were investigated in insulin-secreting RINm5F insulinoma cells. Raising cellular cAMP through adenylyl cyclase activation and phosphodiesterase inhibition in intact cells, evoked inhibitory effects on PPase activities. The addition of a nitric oxide donor, cyclic nucleotides, or proinflammatory prostaglandins to RINm5F cell homogenates at widely different concentrations did not affect type-1 or -2A PPase activities. Phosphatidyl serine seemingly activated PPase-1, while inactivating PPase-2A. A protein kinase C-activating phorbol ester produced the opposite results when added to RINm5F cell homogenates. These studies suggest that several known intracellular second messengers are without effect on beta-cell PPase activities. However, phosphatidyl serine and protein kinase C activation, whose activity is transiently increased by glucose, may promote insulin release through PPase inactivation, likely contributing to the increase in phosphorylation state that occurs after stimulation of insulin release. Thus, inhibition of protein dephosphorylation may be a novel regulatory mechanism, assisting in activation of the stimulus-secretion coupling in insulin-producing cells.  相似文献   

Abstract Protein phosphorylation is an important regulatory phenomenon in yeasts just as in other eukaryotic cells and controls a wide variety of cellular processes. The importance of protein phosphatases as well as protein kinases as key elements in such control is becoming increasingly clear. Over the past four years since the first yeast protein phosphatase gene was isolated, many more such genes have been described and the number of genes encoding protein phosphatase catalytic subunits in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has comfortably entered double figures. Given the genetic approaches available, yeasts offer powerful systems for addressing the cellular roles of these enzymes. This review summarises the results of genetic studies aimed at determining the functions of protein serine/threoninc phosphatases in yeast.  相似文献   

This study investigates the occurrence and regulation of serine/threonine protein phosphatases (PPases) in insulin-secreting RINm5F insulinoma cells. PPases types 1 and 2A were identified in crude RINm5F cell homogenates by both enzymatic assay and Western blot analysis. We then characterized and compared the inhibitory actions of several compounds isolated from cyanobacteria, marine dinoflagellates and marine sponges, (viz. okadaic acid, microcystin-LR, calyculin-A and nodularin) cation-independent PPase activities in RINm5F cell homogenates. It was found that okadaic acid was the least potent inhibitor (IC5010–9M, IC10010–6M), while the other compounds exhibited IC50 values of 5·10–10 M and IC100 5·10–9 M. The findings indicate that the inhibitory substances employed in this study may be used pharmacologically to investigate the role of serine/threonine PPases in RINm5F cell insulin secretion, a process that is likely to be regulated to a major extent by protein phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Type 1 serine/threonine protein phosphatases (PP1s) play key roles in many cellular processes. To understand the evolutionary relationships among PP1s from various kingdoms and to provide a valid basis to evaluate the structure-function relationships of these phosphatases, 44 PP1 sequences were aligned, revealing a high sequence similarity among PP1 homologs. About one-third of the total amino acids are conserved in all the sequences studied. Most of these conserved amino acids are located within a 270-amino-acid core region. They include most sites critical to the activity and regulation of PP1s based on three-dimensional structural studies of mammalian PP1s. Positional variation analysis using a sliding window approach revealed two variable blocks in the 270-amino-acid core region. The major variable block corresponds to a subdomain composed of three alpha-helices (alphaG, alphaH, and alphaI) and three beta-sheets (beta7, beta8, and beta9). Phylogenetic analyses suggested that plant and animal PP1s form distinct monophyletic groups. The plant PP1 family contains several subgroups that may be older than the monocot-dicot divergence. In the animal PP1 family, different vertebrate isoforms appear to form distinct subgroups. Relative substitution rate studies indicated that plant PP1s are more diverse than animal PP1s, with an average substitution rate 1.5 times as large as that of animal PP1s. The possible involvement of PP1s in the establishment of multicellularity is discussed.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases bind tightly to many of their physiologically relevant substrates. We have identified a new subfamily of murine serine/threonine kinases, whose members, MAP kinase-interacting kinase 1 (Mnk1) and Mnk2, bind tightly to the growth factor-regulated MAP kinases, Erk1 and Erk2. MNK1, but not Mnk2, also binds strongly to the stress-activated kinase, p38. MNK1 complexes more strongly with inactive than active Erk, implying that Mnk and Erk may dissociate after mitogen stimulation. Erk and p38 phosphorylate MNK1 and Mnk2, which stimulates their in vitro kinase activity toward a substrate, eukaryotic initiation factor-4E (eIF-4E). Initiation factor eIF-4E is a regulatory phosphoprotein whose phosphorylation is increased by insulin in an Erk-dependent manner. In vitro, MNK1 rapidly phosphorylates eIF-4E at the physiologically relevant site, Ser209. In cells, Mnk1 is post-translationally modified and enzymatically activated in response to treatment with either peptide growth factors, phorbol esters, anisomycin or UV. Mitogen- and stress-mediated MNK1 activation is blocked by inhibitors of MAP kinase kinase 1 (Mkk1) and p38, demonstrating that Mnk1 is downstream of multiple MAP kinases. MNK1 may define a convergence point between the growth factor-activated and one of the stress-activated protein kinase cascades and is a candidate to phosphorylate eIF-4E in cells.  相似文献   

Selenium, an essential biological trace element present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, exerts its regulatory effect in a variety of cellular events, including cell growth, survival, and death. Selenium compunds have been shown in different cell lines to inhibit apoptosis by several mechanisms. Serine/threonine phosphatases (STPs) are potentially important in selenite-induced apoptosis because of their role in regulation of diverse set of cellular processes. In this study, the regulatory role of STPs in selenite-induced apoptosis has been implied by the use of two specific inhibitors: ocadaic acid and calyculin A. Our results show a decrease in cell density in HepG2 cells under selenite treatment. Resulting specific enzyme activities showed a concentration-dependent increase in all three phosphatase activities after 24 h in cells treated with 5 μM selenite and these activities decreased at 48 and 72 h. However, in cells treated with 10μM selenite, PP2A and PP2B decreased at 48 h, whereas PP2C activity did not change at this dose. In cells treated with 25μM, there was not a significant change in PP2C activity. These data suggest that the most specific response to selenite treatment was in PP2A and PP2B activities in a dose-dependent manner. Our results with OA and Cal-A further support the view that PP1 and PP2A might act as negative regulators of growth. With these data, we have first demonstrated the role of serine/threonine protein phosphatases in the signaling pathway of selenite-induced apoptosis and resulting cytotoxicity  相似文献   

Among protein serine/threonine kinases, the CDC2 proteins are both well characterized as protein serine/threonine kinases and are functionally involved in the control of cell division. Protein serine/threonine kinase sequences were analysed using Fourier transform of the coded sequences. Characteristic code/frequency pairs were extracted from a set of well defined protein serine/threonine kinases. The characteristic frequencies 0.179, 0.250 and 0.408 distinguished protein serine/threonine kinases from proteins which did not have the biological activity. Pertinent patterns in the sequence, responsible for the code/frequency pairs detection were searched and found to be correlated with the putative catalytic domain of the proteins. Protein serine/threonine kinases involved in cell division control, CDC2 protein kinases, were compared to the other protein serine/threonine kinases. Specific code/frequency pairs were extracted from the sequences and could be related to the function or regulation of the kinases in cell division. Two CDC2 related proteins CDC2(Mm) from mice and CDC2(Gg) from chicken were shown to fit well with the CDC2 proteins, whereas KIN28, PHO85 and PSKJ3, which share sequence homology but not functional activity with the CDC2 proteins, were clearly excluded from the CDC2 proteins by the characteristic code/frequency pairs. Pertinent patterns in the CDC2 proteins were analysed and mapped on the CDC2 related protein sequences. Four patterns were correlated with the code/frequency detection and therefore, could be associated to the regulation of the CDC2-related proteins.  相似文献   

The catalytic activity of the C subunit of serine/threonine phosphatase 2A is regulated by the association with A (PR65) and B subunits. It has been reported that the alpha4 protein, a yeast homolog of the Tap42 protein, binds the C subunit of serine/threonine phosphatase 2A and protein phosphatase 2A-related protein phosphatases such as protein phosphatase 4 and protein phosphatase 6. In the present study, we showed that alpha4 binds these three phosphatases and the association of alpha4 reduces the activities of these phosphatases in vitro. In contrast, PR65 binds to the C subunit of serine/threonine phosphatase 2A but not to protein phosphatase 4 and protein phosphatase 6. These results suggest that the alpha4 protein is a common regulator of the C subunit of serine/threonine phosphatase 2A and protein phosphatase 2A-related protein phosphatases.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (p42mapk) becomes transiently activated after treatment of serum-starved murine Swiss 3T3 cells or EL4 thymocytes with a diversity of mitogens. Similarly, a meiosis-activated protein kinase (p44mpk) becomes stimulated during maturation of sea star oocytes induced by 1-methyladenine. Both p42mapk and p44mpk have been identified as protein-serine/threonine kinases that are activated as a consequence of their phosphorylation. Because homologous protein kinases may play essential roles in both mitogenesis and oogenesis, we have compared in detail the biochemical properties of these two kinases. We find that these kinases are highly related based on their in vitro substrate specificities, sensitivity to inhibitors, and immunological cross-reactivity. However, they differ in apparent molecular weight and can be separated chromatographically, indicating that the two enzymes are distinct. Furthermore, in the course of this investigation, we have identified a 44-kDa protein kinase in mitogen-stimulated Swiss mouse 3T3 cells and EL4 thymocytes that co-purifies with p44mpk and thus appears to be a closer homolog of the sea star enzyme. Analysis of these protein kinases clarifies the relationships between a set of tyrosine-phosphorylated 41-45-kDa proteins present in mitogen-stimulated cells (Martinez, R., Nakamura., K. D., and Weber, M. J. (1982) Mol. Cell. Biol. 2, 653-655; Cooper, J. A., and Hunter, T. (1984) Mol. Cell. Biol. 4, 30-37), two myelin basic protein kinases identified in epidermal growth factor-treated Swiss mouse 3T3 cells (Ahn, N. G., Weiel, J. E., Chan, C. P., and Krebs, E. G. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 11487-11494), and p42mapk. Our work points to the existence of a group of related serine/threonine protein kinases, regulated by tyrosine phosphorylation and functioning at different stages of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Serine/threonine-specific phosphoprotein phosphatases (PPPs) are ubiquitous enzymes in all eukaryotes, but their regulatory functions are largely unknown in higher plants. The Arabidopsis genome encodes 26 PPP catalytic subunits related to type 1, type 2A and so-called novel phosphatases, including four plant-specific enzymes carrying large N-terminal kelch-domains, but no apparent homologue of the PP2B family. The catalytic subunits of PPPs associate with regulatory protein partners that target them to well defined cellular locations and modulate their activity. Recent studies of phosphatase partners and their interactions have directed attention again to functional dissection of plant PPP families, and highlight their intriguing roles in the regulation of metabolism, cell cycle and development, as well as their roles in light, stress and hormonal signalling.  相似文献   

Six genes encoding the bifidobacterial Hanks-type (eukaryote-like) serine/threonine protein kinases (STPK) were identified and classified. The genome of each bifidobacterial strain contains four conserved genes and one species-specific gene. Bifidobacterium longum and Bifidobacterium bifidum possess the unique gene found only in these species. The STPK genes of Russian industrial probiotic strain B. longum B379M were cloned and sequenced. The expression of these genes in Escherichia coli and bifidobacteria was observed. Autophosphorylation of the conserved STPK Pkb5 and species-specific STPK Pkb2 was demonstrated. This is the first report on Hanks-type STPK in bifidobacteria.  相似文献   

Kinases and phosphatases act antagonistically to maintain physiological phosphorylation/dephosphorylation at numerous intracellular sites critical for neuronal signalling. In this study, it was found that inhibition of serine/threonine phosphatases by exposure of hippocampal slices to okadaic acid (OA) or cantharidin (CA; 100 nmol/L) for 2 h resulted in reduced basal synaptic transmission and blocked the induction of synaptic plasticity in the form of long-term potentiation as determined by electrophysiological analysis. Fura-2 Ca(2+) imaging revealed a bidirectional modulation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) -mediated Ca(2+) responses and reduced KCl-mediated Ca(2+) responses in neonatal cultured hippocampal neurons after phosphatase inhibition. While OA inhibited NMDA-induced Ca(2+) influx both acutely and after incubation, CA-enhanced receptor-mediated Ca(2+) signalling at low concentrations (1 nmol/L) but reduced NMDA and KCl-mediated Ca(2+) responses at higher concentrations (100 nmol/L). Changes in Ca(2+) signalling were accompanied by increased phosphorylation of cytoskeletal proteins tau and neurofilament and the NMDA receptor subunit NR1 in selective treatments. Incubation with OA (100 nmol/L) also led to the disruption of the microtubule network. This study highlights novel signalling effects of prolonged inhibition of protein phosphatases and suggests reduced post-synaptic signalling as a major mechanism for basal synaptic transmission and long-term potentiation impairments.  相似文献   

Fluorescent chemosensors of protein kinase activity provide a continuous, high-throughput sensing format for the study of the roles of these enzymes, which are crucial for regulating cellular function. Specifically, chemosensors using the nonnatural amino acid, Sox, and physiological Mg(2+) levels report phosphorylation with dramatic fluorescence changes that are amenable to real-time and high-throughput analysis. In this article, we report 15 probes for a total of six distinct serine/threonine kinases with large fluorescence increases and good reactivity toward the target kinase. The sensing mechanism is detailed, and the optimal sensing motif is determined. These versatile and powerful sensors provide tools for researchers studying the roles of the targeted kinases in signal transduction, and the design principles provide guidelines for the generation of future fluorescent chemosensors for any serine/threonine kinase.  相似文献   

In addition to providing the framework for peptide presentation, major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules can act as signal transducing molecules in lymphoid cells. Here we show that the mobilization of intracellular calcium, which follows crosslinking of MHC-I molecules on human B lymphoma cells, is dependent on protein tyrosine kinases and the phosphatidylinositol 3 (PI-3) kinase. Functional studies showed that MHC-I crosslinking induced almost complete inhibition of the spontaneous proliferation of the B lymphoma cells as early as 6 h post-crosslinking and apoptosis 24 h post-crosslinking. Preincubation with either protein tyrosine kinase or protein serine/threonine kinase inhibitors reduced the MHC-I-induced apoptosis to background levels, whereas inhibition of PI-3 kinase had no effect. These data demonstrate a pivotal role for protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinases in MHC-I-mediated apoptosis in human B-cells and suggest the presence of several MHC-I signaling pathways leading to diverse effects in these cells.  相似文献   

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