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Neurons receive a continual stream of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs. A conductance-based neuron model is used to investigate how the balanced component of this input modulates the amplitude of neuronal responses. The output spiking rate is well described by a formula involving three parameters: the mean and variance of the membrane potential and the effective membrane time constant Q. This expression shows that, for sufficiently small Q, the level of balanced excitatory-inhibitory input has a nonlinear modulatory effect on the neuronal gain.  相似文献   

Impairments in attentional behaviors, including over-selectivity, under-selectivity, distractibility and difficulty in shift of attention, are widely reported in several developmental disorders, including autism. Uncharacteristic inhibitory to excitatory neuronal number ratio (IER) and abnormal synaptic strength levels in the brain are two broadly accepted neurobiological disorders observed in autistic individuals. These neurobiological findings are contrasting and their relation to the atypical attentional behaviors is not clear yet. In this paper, we take a computational approach to investigate the relation of imbalanced IER and abnormal synaptic strength to some well-documented spectrum of attentional impairments. The computational model is based on a modified version of a biologically plausible neural model of two competing minicolumns in IT cortex augmented with a simple model of top-down attention. Top-down attention is assumed to amplify (attenuates) attended (unattended) stimulus. The inhibitory synaptic strength parameter in the model is set such that typical attentional behavior is emerged. Then, according to related findings, the parameter is changed and the model's attentional behavior is considered. The simulation results show that, without any change in top-down attention, the abnormal inhibitory synaptic strength values - and IER imbalance- result in over-selectivity, under-selectivity, distractibility and difficulty in shift of attention in the model. It suggests that the modeled neurobiological abnormalities can be accounted for the attentional deficits. In addition, the atypical attentional behaviors do not necessarily point to impairments in top-down attention. Our simulations suggest that limited changes in the inhibitory synaptic strength and variations in top-down attention signal affect the model's attentional behaviors in the same way. So, limited deficits in the inhibitory strength may be alleviated by appropriate change in top-down attention biasing. Nevertheless, our model proposes that this compensation is not possible for very high and very low values of the inhibitory strength.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that dendrite morphology of cultured hippocampal neurones is controlled by Notch receptor activation or binding of nerve growth factor (NGF) to its low affinity receptor p75NTR, i.e. processes that up-regulate the expression of the Homologue of enhancer of split 1 and 5. Thus, the increased expression of these genes decreases the number of dendrites, whereas abrogation of Homologue of enhancer of split 1/5 activity stimulates the outgrowth of new dendrites. Here, we show that Neurogenin 3 is a proneural gene that is negatively regulated by Homologue of enhancer of split 1/5. It also influences dendrite morphology. Hence, a deficit of Notch or NGF/p75NTR activation can lead to the production of high levels of Neurogenin 3, which stimulates the outgrowth of new dendrites. Conversely, activation of either Notch or p75NTR depressed Neurogenin 3 expression, which not only decreased the number of dendrites but also favoured inhibitory (GABAergic) synaptogenesis, thereby diminishing the ratios of excitatory/inhibitory inputs. NGF also augmented the levels of mRNA encoding the vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter, but it did not affect the fraction of GAD65/67-positive neurones. Conversely, overexpression of Neurogenin 3 largely reduced the number of inhibitory synaptic contacts and, consequently, produced a strong increase in the ratios of excitatory/inhibitory synaptic terminals. Our results reveal a hitherto unknown contribution of NGF/p75NTR to dendritic and synaptic plasticity through Neurogenin 3 signalling.  相似文献   

Kawaguchi S  Hirano T 《Neuron》2000,27(2):339-347
At inhibitory synapses on a cerebellar Purkinje neuron, the depolarization caused by heterosynaptic climbing fiber activation induces long-lasting potentiation accompanied by an increase in GABA(A) receptor responsiveness. Here we show that activation of a presynaptic inhibitory interneuron during the conditioning postsynaptic depolarization suppresses the potentiation. The suppression is due to postsynaptic GABA(B) receptor activation by GABA released from presynaptic terminals. The results suggest that GABA(B) receptor activation decreases the activity of cAMP-dependent protein kinase through the G(i)/G(o) proteins. The presynaptic activity-dependent suppression of synaptic plasticity is a novel regulatory mechanism of synaptic efficacy at individual synapses and may contribute to the learning and computational ability of the cerebellar cortex.  相似文献   

Synchronization of neural activity, especially at the gamma band, contributes to perceptual functions. In several psychiatric disorders, deficits of perceptual functions are reflected in synchronization abnormalities. Plausible cause of this impairment is an alteration in the balance between excitation and inhibition (E/I balance); a disruption in the E/I balance leads to abnormal neural interactions reminiscent of pathological states. Moreover, the local lateral excitatory-excitatory synaptic connections in the cortex exhibit excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) that follow a log-normal amplitude distribution. This long-tailed distribution is considered an important factor for the emergence of spatiotemporal neural activity. In this context, we hypothesized that manipulating the EPSP distribution under abnormal E/I balance conditions would provide insights into psychiatric disorders characterized by deficits in perceptual functions, potentially revealing the mechanisms underlying pathological neural behaviors. In this study, we evaluated the synchronization of neural activity with external periodic stimuli in spiking neural networks in cases of both E/I balance and imbalance with or without a long-tailed EPSP amplitude distribution. The results showed that external stimuli of a high frequency lead to a decrease in the degree of synchronization with an increasing ratio of excitatory to inhibitory neurons in the presence, but not in the absence, of high-amplitude EPSPs. This monotonic reduction can be interpreted as an autonomous, strong-EPSP-dependent spiking activity selectively interfering with the responses to external stimuli. This observation is consistent with pathological findings. Thus, our modeling approach has potential to improve the understanding of the steady-state response in both healthy and pathological states.  相似文献   

While endocytosis attenuates signals from plasma membrane receptors, recent studies suggest that endocytosis also serves as a platform for the compartmentalized activation of cellular signaling pathways. Intersectin (ITSN) is a multidomain scaffolding protein that regulates endocytosis and has the potential to regulate various biochemical pathways through its multiple, modular domains. To address the biological importance of ITSN in regulating cellular signaling pathways versus in endocytosis, we have stably silenced ITSN expression in neuronal cells by using short hairpin RNAs. Decreasing ITSN expression dramatically increased apoptosis in both neuroblastoma cells and primary cortical neurons. Surprisingly, the loss of ITSN did not lead to major defects in the endocytic pathway. Yeast two-hybrid analysis identified class II phosphoinositide 3'-kinase C2beta (PI3K-C2beta) as an ITSN binding protein, suggesting that ITSN may regulate a PI3K-C2beta-AKT survival pathway. ITSN associated with PI3K-C2beta on a subset of endomembrane vesicles and enhanced both basal and growth factor-stimulated PI3K-C2beta activity, resulting in AKT activation. The use of pharmacological inhibitors, dominant negatives, and rescue experiments revealed that PI3K-C2beta and AKT were epistatic to ITSN. This study represents the first demonstration that ITSN, independent of its role in endocytosis, regulates a critical cellular signaling pathway necessary for cell survival.  相似文献   

The transient potassium A-current is present in most neurons and plays an important role in determining the timing of action potentials. We examine the role of the A-current in the activity phase of a follower neuron in a rhythmic feed-forward inhibitory network with a reduced three-variable model and conduct experiments to verify the usefulness of our model. Using geometric analysis of dynamical systems, we explore the factors that determine the onset of activity in a follower neuron following release from inhibition. We first analyze the behavior of the follower neuron in a single cycle and find that the phase plane structure of the model can be used to predict the potential behaviors of the follower neuron following release from inhibition. We show that, depending on the relative scales of the inactivation time constant of the A-current and the time constant of the recovery variable, the follower neuron may or may not reach its active state following inhibition. Our simple model is used to derive a recursive set of equations to predict the contribution of the A-current parameters in determining the activity phase of a follower neuron as a function of the duration and frequency of the inhibitory input it receives. These equations can be used to demonstrate the dependence of activity phase on the period and duty cycle of the periodic inhibition, as seen by comparing the predictions of the model with the activity of the pyloric constrictor (PY) neurons in the crustacean pyloric network.  相似文献   

Synaptic loss is the earliest pathological change in Alzheimer disease (AD) and is the pathological change most directly correlated with the degree of dementia. ApoE4 is the major genetic risk factor for the age-dependent form of AD, which accounts for 95% of cases. Here we show that in synaptic networks formed from primary hippocampal neurons in culture, apoE3, but not apoE4, prevents the loss of synaptic networks produced by amyloid β oligomers (amylospheroids). Specific activators of PKCε, such as 8-(2-(2-pentyl-cyclopropylmethyl)-cyclopropyl)-octanoic acid methyl ester and bryostatin 1, protected against synaptic loss by amylospheroids, whereas PKCε inhibitors blocked this synaptic protection and also blocked the protection by apoE3. Blocking LRP1, an apoE receptor on the neuronal membrane, also blocked the protection by apoE. ApoE3, but not apoE4, induced the synthesis of PKCε mRNA and expression of the PKCε protein. Amyloid β specifically blocked the expression of PKCε but had no effect on other isoforms. These results suggest that protection against synaptic loss by apoE is mediated by a novel intracellular PKCε pathway. This apoE pathway may account for much of the protective effect of apoE and reduced risk for the age-dependent form of AD. This finding supports the potential efficacy of newly developed therapeutics for AD.  相似文献   

Several plasma membrane chloride channels are well characterized, but much less is known about the molecular identity and function of intracellular Cl- channels. ClC-3 is thought to mediate swelling-activated plasma membrane currents, but we now show that this broadly expressed chloride channel is present in endosomal compartments and synaptic vesicles of neurons. While swelling-activated currents are unchanged in mice with disrupted ClC-3, acidification of synaptic vesicles is impaired and there is severe postnatal degeneration of the retina and the hippocampus. Electrophysiological analysis of juvenile hippocampal slices revealed no major functional abnormalities despite slightly increased amplitudes of miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents. Mice almost lacking the hippocampus survive and show several behavioral abnormalities but are still able to acquire motor skills.  相似文献   

Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and oncostatin M (OSM) induce DNA synthesis in Swiss 3T3 cells through common signaling mechanism(s), whereas other related cytokines such as interleukin-6 and ciliary neurotrophic factor do not cause this response. Induction of DNA replication by LIF or prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha) occurs, in part, through different signaling events. LIF and OSM specifically trigger STAT1 cytoplasmic to nuclear translocation, whereas PGF2alpha fails to do so. However, LIF and PGF2alpha can trigger increases in ERK1/2 activity, which are required for their mitogenic responses because U0126, a MEK1/2 inhibitor, prevents both ERK1/2 activation and induction of DNA synthesis by LIF or PGF2alpha treatment. PGF2alpha induces cyclin D expression and full phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein. In contrast, LIF fails to promote increases in cyclin D mRNA/protein levels; consequently, LIF induces DNA synthesis without promoting full phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein (Rb). However, both LIF and PGF2alpha increase cyclin E expression. Furthermore, LIF mitogenic action does not involve protein kinase C (PKC) activation, because a PKC inhibitor does not block this effect. In contrast, PKC activity is required for PGF2alpha mitogenic action. More importantly, the synergistic effect between LIF and PGF2alpha to promote S phase entry is independent of PKC activation. These results show fundamental differences between LIF- and PGF2alpha-dependent mechanism(s) that induce cellular entry into S phase. These findings are critical in understanding how LIF and other related cytokine-regulated events participate in normal cell cycle control and may also provide clues to unravel crucial processes underlying cancerous cell division.  相似文献   

Regulators of complement activation (RCA) inhibit complement‐induced immune responses on healthy host tissues. We present crystal structures of human RCA (MCP, DAF, and CR1) and a smallpox virus homolog (SPICE) bound to complement component C3b. Our structural data reveal that up to four consecutive homologous CCP domains (i–iv), responsible for inhibition, bind in the same orientation and extended arrangement at a shared binding platform on C3b. Large sequence variations in CCP domains explain the diverse C3b‐binding patterns, with limited or no contribution of some individual domains, while all regulators show extensive contacts with C3b for the domains at the third site. A variation of ~100° rotation around the longitudinal axis is observed for domains binding at the fourth site on C3b, without affecting the overall binding mode. The data suggest a common evolutionary origin for both inhibitory mechanisms, called decay acceleration and cofactor activity, with variable C3b binding through domains at sites ii, iii, and iv, and provide a framework for understanding RCA disease‐related mutations and immune evasion.  相似文献   

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