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Oligodendrocytes myelinate axons in the vertebrate central nervous system (CNS). They develop from precursor cells (OPCs), some of which persist in the adult CNS. Adult OPCs differ in many of their properties from OPCs in the developing CNS. In this study we have purified OPCs from postnatal rat optic nerve and cultured them in serum-free medium containing platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), the main mitogen for OPCs, but in the absence of thyroid hormone in order to inhibit their differentiation into oligodendrocytes. We find that many of the cells continue to proliferate for more than a year and progressively acquire a number of the characteristics of OPCs isolated from adult optic nerve. These findings suggest that OPCs have an intrinsic maturation program that progressively changes the cell's phenotype over many months. When we culture the postnatal OPCs in the same conditions but with the addition of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), the cells acquire these mature characteristics much more slowly, suggesting that the combination of bFGF and PDGF, previously shown to inhibit OPC differentiation, also inhibits OPC maturation. The challenge now is to determine the molecular basis of such a protracted maturation program and how the program is restrained by bFGF.  相似文献   

The prognosis of patients with myocardial infarction (MI) and resultant chronic heart failure remains extremely poor despite continuous advancements in optimal medical therapy and interventional procedures. Animal experiments and clinical trials using adult stem cell therapy following MI have shown a global improvement of myocardial function. The emergence of stem cell transplantation approaches has recently represented promising alternatives to stimulate myocardial regeneration. Regarding their tissue‐specific properties, cardiac stem cells (CSCs) residing within the heart have advantages over other stem cell types to be the best cell source for cell transplantation. However, time‐consuming and costly procedures to expanse cells prior to cell transplantation and the reliability of cell culture and expansion may both be major obstacles in the clinical application of CSC‐based transplantation therapy after MI. The recognition that the adult heart possesses endogenous CSCs that can regenerate cardiomyocytes and vascular cells has raised the unique therapeutic strategy to reconstitute dead myocardium via activating these cells post‐MI. Several strategies, such as growth factors, mircoRNAs and drugs, may be implemented to potentiate endogenous CSCs to repair infarcted heart without cell transplantation. Most molecular and cellular mechanism involved in the process of CSC‐based endogenous regeneration after MI is far from understanding. This article reviews current knowledge opening up the possibilities of cardiac repair through CSCs activation in situ in the setting of MI.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are pluripotent cells that have the ability of unlimited self-renewal and can be differentiated into different cell lineages, including neural stem (NS) cells. Diverse regulatory signaling pathways of neural stem cells differentiation have been discovered, and this will be of great benefit to uncover the mechanisms of neuronal differentiation in vivo and in vitro. However, the limitations of hESCs resource along with the religious and ethical concerns impede the progress of ESCs application. Therefore, the induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) via somatic cell reprogramming have opened up another new territory for regenerative medicine. iPSCs now can be derived from a number of lineages of cells, and are able to differentiate into certain cell types, including neurons. Patient-specific iPSCs are being used in human neurodegenerative disease modeling and drug screening. Furthermore, with the development of somatic direct reprogramming or lineage reprogramming technique, a more effective approach for regenerative medicine could become a complement for iPSCs.  相似文献   

tRNA-derived stress-induced RNAs (tiRNAs), important components of tRNA-derived fragments, are gaining popularity for their functions as small noncoding RNAs involved in cancer progression. Under cellular stress, tiRNAs are generated when mature tRNA is specifically cleaved by angiogenin and suggested to act as transducers or effectors involved in cellular stress responses. tiRNAs facilitate cells to respond to stresses mainly via reprogramming translation, inhibiting apoptosis, degrading mRNA, and generating stress granules. This review introduces the cellular biogenesis, molecular mechanisms, and biological roles of tiRNAs in stress response and disease regulation. A better understanding of their roles in regulating cancer may provide novel biomarkers or therapeutic targets for diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a conserved constitutive cellular process, responsible for the degradation of dysfunctional proteins and organelles. Autophagy plays a role in many diseases such as neurodegeneration and cancer; however, to date, conventional autophagy detection techniques are not suitable for clinical samples. We have developed a high throughput, statistically robust technique that quantitates autophagy in primary human leukocytes using the Image stream, an imaging flow cytometer. We validate this method on cell lines and primary cells knocked down for essential autophagy genes. Also, using this method we show that T cells have higher autophagic activity than B cells. Furthermore our results indicate that healthy primary senescent CD8(+) T cells have decreased autophagic levels correlating with increased DNA damage, which may explain features of the senescent immune system and its declining function with age. This technique will allow us, for the first time, to measure autophagy levels in diseases with a known link to autophagy, while also determining the contribution of autophagy to the efficacy of drugs.  相似文献   

Mice have frequently been used to model human diseases involving immune dysregulation such as autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.These models help elucidatethe mechanisms underlying the disease and in the development of novel therapies.However,if mice are deficient in certain cells and/or effectors associated with human diseases,how can their functions be investigated in this species?Mucosal-associated invariant T(MAIT)cells,a novel innate-like T cell family member,are a good example.MAIT cells are abundant in humans but scarce in laboratory mice.MAIT cells harbor an invariant T cell receptor and recognize nonpeptidic antigens vitamin B2metabolites from bacteria and yeasts.Recent studies have shown that MAIT cells play a pivotal role in human diseases such as bacterial infections and autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.MAIT cells possess granulysin,a human-specific effector molecule,but granulysin and its homologue are absent in mice.Furthermore,MAIT cells show poor proliferation in vitro.To overcome these problems and further our knowledge of MAIT cells,we have established a method to expand MAIT cells via induced pluripotent stem cells(iP SCs).In this review,we describe recent advances in the field of MAIT cell research and our approach for human disease modeling with iP SCderived MAIT cells.  相似文献   

Monitoring fluorescence properties of endogenous fluorophores such as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) in normal and cancerous cells provide substantial information noninvasively on biochemical and biophysical aspects of metabolic dysfunction of cancerous cells. Time‐resolved spectral profiles and fluorescence lifetime images of NADH and FAD were obtained in human lung nonsmall carcinomas (H661 and A549) and normal lung cells (MRC‐5). Both fluorophores show the fast and slowly decaying emission components upon pulsed excitation, and fluorescence spectra of NADH and FAD show blue‐ and red‐shifts, respectively, during their decay. All identified lifetime components of NADH and FAD were found to be shorter in cancerous cells than in normal cells, no matter how they were measured under different extra‐cellular conditions (cells suspended in cuvette and cells attached on glass substrate), indicating that the changes in metabolism likely altered the subcellular milieu and potentially also affected the interaction of NADH and FAD with enzymes to which these cofactors were bound. The intensity ratio of NADH and FAD of cancerous cells was also shown to be larger than that of normal cells.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, the sex of germ cells is determined by autonomous and inductive signals. Somatic inductive signals can drive XX germ cells into oogenesis or into spermatogenesis. An autonomous signal makes XY germ cells male and unresponsive to sex determination by induction. The elements forming the X:A ratio in the soma and the genes tra, tra2, dsx, and ix that determine the sex of somatic cells have no similar role in the germline. The gene Sxl, however, is required for female differentiation of somatic and germ cells. Inductive signals that are dependent on somatic tra and dsx expression already affect the sex-specific development of germ cells of first instar larvae. At this early stage, however, germline expression of Sxl does not appear to affect the sexual characteristics of germ cells. Since inductive signals dependent on tra and dsx nevertheless influence the choice of sex-specific splicing of Sxl, it can be concluded that Sxl is a target of the inductive signal, but that its product is required late for oogenesis. Other genes must therefore control the early sexual dimorphism of larval germ cells. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue is an easily accessible and abundant source of stem cells. Adipose stem cells (ASCs) are currently being researched as treatment options for repair and regeneration of damaged tissues. The standard culture conditions used for expansion of ASCs contain fetal bovine serum (FBS) which is undefined, could transmit known and unknown adventitious agents, and may cause adverse immune reactions. We have described a novel culture condition which excludes the use of FBS and characterised the resulting culture. Human ASCs were cultured in the novel culture medium, which included complement protein C3. These cultures, called C-ASCs, were compared with ASCs cultured in medium supplemented with FBS. Analysis of ASCs for surface marker profile, proliferation characteristics and differentiation potential indicated that the C-ASCs were similar to ASCs cultured in medium containing FBS. Using a specific inhibitor, we show that C3 is required for the survival of C-ASCs. This novel composition lends itself to being developed into a defined condition for the routine culture of ASCs for basic and clinical applications.  相似文献   

Interspecies somatic cell nucleus transfer (iSCNT) could be a useful bioassay system for assessing the ability of mammalian somatic cells to develop into embryos. To examine this possibility, we performed canine iSCNT using porcine oocytes, allowed to mature in vitro, as recipients. Canine fibroblasts from the tail tips and dewclaws of a female poodle (Fp) and a male poodle (Mp) were used as donors. We demonstrated that the use of porcine oocytes induced blastocyst formation in the iSCNT embryos cultured in porcine zygote medium-3. In Fp and Mp, the rate of blastocyst formation from cleaved embryos (Fp: 6.3% vs. 22.4%; and Mp: 26.1% vs. 52.4%) and the number of cells at the blastocyst stage (Fp: 30.7 vs. 60.0; and Mp: 27.2 vs. 40.1) were higher in the embryos derived from dewclaw cells than in those derived from tail-tip cells (P < 0.05). The use of donor cells of any type in later passages decreased the rate of blastocyst formation. Treatment with trichostatin-A did not improve the rate of blastocyst formation from cleaved dewclaw cell-derived embryos but did so in the embryos derived from the tail-tip cells of Fp. Only blastocysts derived from dewclaw cells of Mp developed outgrowths. However, outgrowth formation was retrieved in the embryos derived from dewclaw cells of Fp by aggregation at the 4-cell stage. We inferred that iSCNT performed using porcine oocytes as recipients could represent a novel bioassay system for evaluating the developmental competence of canine somatic cells.  相似文献   

Clinical imperatives for new bone to replace or restore the function of traumatized or bone lost as a consequence of age or disease has led to the need for therapies or procedures to generate bone for skeletal applications. However, current in vitro methods for the differentiation of human bone marrow stromal cells (HBMSCs) do not, to date, produce homogeneous cell populations of the osteogenic or chondrogenic lineages. As epigenetic modifiers are known to influence differentiation, we investigated the effects of the DNA demethylating agent 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5-aza-dC) or the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) on osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation. Monolayer cultures of HBMSCs were treated for 3 days with the 5-aza-dC or TSA, followed by culture in the absence of modifiers. Cells were subsequently grown in pellet culture to determine matrix production. 5-aza-dC stimulated osteogenic differentiation as evidenced by enhanced alkaline phosphatase activity, increased Runx-2 expression in monolayer, and increased osteoid formation in 3D cell pellets. In pellets cultured in chondrogenic media, TSA enhanced cartilage matrix formation and chondrogenic structure. These findings indicate the potential of epigenetic modifiers, as agents, possibly in combination with other factors, to enhance the ability of HBMSCs to form functional bone or cartilage with significant therapeutic implications therein.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop short- and long-term preservation protocols for European eel ovarian stem cells (OSCs) through hypothermic storage and cryopreservation of ovarian fragments that will assist in current conservation programs of this critically endangered species. Firstly, a freezing procedure was developed by testing different cryomedia and technical aspects of freezing. Utilization of 1.5 M of dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO), 0.1 M glucose and 1.5% BSA yielded optimal OSCs survival. Additionally, equilibration of 50-mg ovarian fragments for 30 min and plunging into lN2 at −80 °C displayed the highest OSC viability. Different cooling rates ranging from −1 to −40 °C/min did not significantly affect OSC viability when thawing in a 10 °C water bath. In addition, application of needle-immersed vitrification (NIV), combining ES3 (1.5 M PG and 1.5 M Me2SO) with VS3 (3 M PG and 3 M Me2SO) yielded the highest viability rates. Finally, hypothermic storage (4 °C) of ovarian fragments and ovarian cell suspensions displayed favorable viability of ~90% after 48 h of storage and ~65% after 72 h of storage. The development of OSC preservation methods presents an onset of further development of germline stem cell (GSC) manipulation techniques in this species. Cryopreservation of OSCs can enable a continuous supply of cells for either transplantation or in vitro cell culture thus enabling new and improved management and conservation strategies for this endangered species.  相似文献   

In vitro assays involving primary cells are used routinely to evaluate organ-specific toxic effects, for instance, the use of primary hepatocytes to evaluate hepatotoxicity. A major drawback of an in vitro system is the lack of multiple organ interactions as observed in a whole organism. A novel cell culture system, the integrated discrete multiorgan cell culture system (IdMOC), is described here. The IdMOC is based on the "wells within a well" concept, consisting of a cell culture plate with larger, containing wells, within each of which are multiple smaller wells. Cells from multiple organs can be cultured initially in the small wells (one organ per well, each in its specialized medium). On the day of toxicity testing, a volume of drug-containing medium is added to the containing well to flood all inner wells, thereby interconnecting all the small wells. After testing, the overlying medium is removed and each cell type is evaluated for toxicity using appropriate endpoints. We report here the application of IdMOC in the evaluation of the cytotoxicity of tamoxifen, an anticancer agent with known human toxicity, on primary cells from multiple human organs: liver (hepatocytes), kidney (kidney cortical cells), lung (small airway epithelial cells), central nervous system (astrocytes), blood vessels (aortic endothelial cells) as well as the MCF-7 human breast adenocarcinoma cells. IdMOC produced results that can be used for the quantitative evaluation of its anticancer effects (i.e., cytotoxicity towards MCF-7 cells) versus its toxicity toward normal organs (i.e., liver, kidney, lung, CNS, blood vessels).  相似文献   

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