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Many arachnids lack extensor muscles at the femoropatellar (knee) joint of their legs and extend this joint with hydraulic pressure during locomotion. Pressure is generated through compression of the prosoma, but there is disagreement about which muscles are involved in this process. Many arachhnologists consider contraction of the musculi laterales, a group of modified extrinsic leg muscles, as the cause of high prosomal pressure and regard hydraulic extension as a derived feature. However, integration of results from phylogenetic and comparative anatomical studies supports the view that hydraulic extension is primitive in Arachnida and that fluid pressure is generated by contraction of endosternal suspensor muscles. The functional predictions of the musculi laterales and endosternite hypotheses were tested by measuring muscle activity and prosomal pressure during unrestrained locomotion in a primitively “extensorless” arachnid, the giant whipscorpion. The results corroborate the endosternite model and refute the musculi laterales model. Changes in the prosomal pressure baseline were correlated with changes in endosternal muscle activity, while the musculi laterales fired in a step-coupled pattern of discrete bursts that appeared to be incapable of generating the pressure observed during locomotion. Step-coupled fluctuations in prosomal pressure were observed but were apparently caused by rapid flexing of the femoropatellar joints of the fourth leg pair rather than contraction of the musculi laterales.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscles of the North American harvestman Leiobunum aldrichi are exhaustively surveyed and compared with other chelicerates to clarify the evolutionary morphology and phylogenetic relationships of arachnids. Representatives of 104 muscle groups are described and illustrated, and their possible functions are proposed. Comparisons of the feeding apparatus of L. aldrichi with that of other opilions, especially Sim (Cyphophthalmi) and Acromares (Laniatores), and two scorpion genera ( Centruroides, Pandinus ) indicate that the pharyngeal apparatus in L. aldrichi is derived and that its ability to accommodate large food particles is a secondary rather than primitive condition. Comparisons reveal several possible synapomorphies between Opiliones and Scorpiones suggesting that these orders may be sister groups. Apparently unique synapomorphies include an extrinsic cheliceral muscle that arises from the carapace and inserts on the second cheliceral article (deutomerite); an epistome divided into distal and proximal parts by a transverse sulcus; pharyngeal dilator muscles supported by a peripharyngeal skeleton formed by one dorsomedial and two ventrolateral epistomal processes, the latter also with muscular attachments to the endosternite; a specialized preoral chamber (stomodieca) derived from extensions (coxapophyses) of the coxae of the pedipalp and first two leg pairs; internal processes associated with the coxapophyses that serve, in part, as an attachment for muscles operating the coxa-trochanter joints, and lateral endosternal suspensor muscles that insert on the arthrodial membrane between the leg coxae. These are the first observations providing explicit support for an Opiliones-Scorpiones clade.  相似文献   

Skeletomuscular anatomy of the scorpion prosoma is examined in an attempt to explain the evolution of two endoskeletal features, a muscular diaphragm dividing the prosoma and opisthosoma and cuticular epistomal entapophyses with a uniquely complex arrangement of muscles, tendons and ligaments. Both structures appear to be derived from modifications of the mesodermal intersegmental endoskeleton that is primitive for all major arthropod groups. The scorpion diaphragm is a compound structure comprising axial muscles and pericardial ligaments of segments VI to VIII and extrinsic muscles of leg 4 brought into contact by longitudinal reduction of segment VII and integrated into a continuous subvertical sheet. This finding reconciles a long-standing conflict between one interpretation of opisthosomal segmentation based on scorpion embryology and another derived from comparative skeletomuscular anatomy. A new evolutionary-developmental mechanism is proposed to account for the complex morphology of the epistomal entapophyses. Each entapophysis receives 14 muscles and tendons that in other taxa would attach to the anterior connective endoskeleton in the same relative positions. This observation suggests that the embryological precursor to the connective endoskeleton can initiate and guide ectodermal invagination and thereby serve as a spatial template for the development of cuticular apodemes. This mesoderm-template model of ectodermal invagination is potentially applicable to all arthropods and may explain structural diversity and convergence in cephalic apodemes throughout the group. The model is used to interpret the cephalic endoskeletons of two non-chelicerate arthropods, Archaeognatha (Hexapoda) and Symphyla (Myriapoda), to demonstrate the generality of the model.  相似文献   

Abstract— This paper reports results from a cladistic analysis of the 11 Recent arachnid orders. The polarities of 64 newly discovered and traditional characters were determined through outgroup comparisons that included Eurypterida, Xiphosura, Trilobita and Crustacea. A branch-and-bound algorithm was used to discover a single tree (consistency index 0–59). The relationships suggested by this analysis differ substantially from previous interpretations of arachnid phylogeny, and a new taxonomic system is introduced to accommodate these results. This analysis suggests that Arachnida is monophyletic and composed of two principal lineages, Micrura and Dromopoda. Possible synapomorphies of Micrura include a pygidmm, tntosternum, six principal lateral eyes, poorly sclerotized postgenital appendages, coxal gland orifices near leg 1, an array of micxotubules associated with the spermatozoan nucleus, and absence of coxal endites on the walking legs. The micruran orders appear to have the following relationships: (Palpigradi (Araneae (Amblypygi (I helyphonida, Schizomida)))) (Ricinulei, Acari). Possible synapomorphies of Dromopoda include transverse carapaeal furrows, greatly reduced prosomal sternum, prosomal endosternite with two segmental components, stomotheca, bicondylar femoropatellar and patellotibial joints and extensor muscles. The dromopodan orders appear to have the following relationships: Opiliones (Scorpioncs (Pscudo-scorpiones, Solifugae)).  相似文献   

The morphological diversity of locomotor appendages in Arachnida is surveyed lo reconstruct phylogenetic relationships and discover evolutionary trends in form and function. The appendicular skeleton and musculature of representatives from the ten living arachnid orders ate described, and a system of homology is proposed. Character polarities are established through comparison with an outgroup. Limulus polyphemus Xiphosura). Cladistic analysis suggests that Arachnida is monophyletic and that absence of extensor muscles is a primitive condition. Extensors are primitively absent in Araneae. Amblypygi, Uropygi, Palpigradi, Ricinulei and Acari. Most similarities in the appendages of these orders are symplesiomorphic so that phylogenetic relationships among the ‘extensorless’ groups cannot be resolved solely on the basis of appendicular characters. Extensor muscles appear to have evolved once, and their presence is considered a synapomorphic feature of Opiliones, Scorpiones, Pseudoscorpiones and Solifugae. Solifugae lack extensors, but a parsimonious interpretation of other characters indicates that this is a secondary, derived condition. The phylogenetic relationships among these four orders are clarified by modifications of the patellotibial joint. Cladistic analysis indicates that Opiliones may be the sister group of the other three orders and that Scorpiones is the sister group of Pseudoscorpiones and Solifugae. Conclusions concerning phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary morphology presented here differ substantially from those of earlier studies on the locomotor appendages of Arachnida.  相似文献   

The morphological diversity of locomotor appendages in Arachnida is surveyed lo reconstruct phylogenetic relationships and discover evolutionary trends in form and function. The appendicular skeleton and musculature of representatives from the ten living arachnid orders ate described, and a system of homology is proposed. Character polarities are established through comparison with an outgroup. Limulus polyphemus Xiphosura). Cladistic analysis suggests that Arachnida is monophyletic and that absence of extensor muscles is a primitive condition. Extensors are primitively absent in Araneae. Amblypygi, Uropygi, Palpigradi, Ricinulei and Acari. Most similarities in the appendages of these orders are symplesiomorphic so that phylogenetic relationships among the 'extensorless' groups cannot be resolved solely on the basis of appendicular characters. Extensor muscles appear to have evolved once, and their presence is considered a synapomorphic feature of Opiliones, Scorpiones, Pseudoscorpiones and Solifugae. Solifugae lack extensors, but a parsimonious interpretation of other characters indicates that this is a secondary, derived condition. The phylogenetic relationships among these four orders are clarified by modifications of the patellotibial joint. Cladistic analysis indicates that Opiliones may be the sister group of the other three orders and that Scorpiones is the sister group of Pseudoscorpiones and Solifugae. Conclusions concerning phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary morphology presented here differ substantially from those of earlier studies on the locomotor appendages of Arachnida.  相似文献   

The stick insect Carausius morosus continuously moves its antennae during locomotion. Active antennal movements may reflect employment of antennae as tactile probes. Therefore, this study treats two basic aspects of the antennal motor system: First, the anatomy of antennal joints, muscles, nerves and motoneurons is described and discussed in comparison with other species. Second, the typical movement pattern of the antennae is analysed, and its spatio-temporal coordination with leg movements described. Each antenna is moved by two single-axis hinge joints. The proximal head-scape joint is controlled by two levator muscles and a three-partite depressor muscle. The distal scape-pedicel joint is controlled by an antagonistic abductor/ adductor pair. Three nerves innervate the antennal musculature, containing axons of 14-17 motoneurons, including one common inhibitor. During walking, the pattern of antennal movement is rhythmic and spatiotemporally coupled with leg movements. The antennal abduction/adduction cycle leads the protraction/retraction cycle of the ipsilateral front leg with a stable phase shift. During one abduction/adduction cycle there are typically two levation/depression cycles, however, with less strict temporal coupling than the horizontal component. Predictions of antennal contacts with square obstacles to occur before leg contacts match behavioural performance, indicating a potential role of active antennal movements in obstacle detection.  相似文献   

(1) The musculature of the walking legs is analysed with regard to both morphology and function in the scorpion, Vaejovis spinigerus (Wood, 1863) (Vaejovidae, Scorpiones, Arachnida), and selected other species. Conspicuous features are multipartite muscles, muscles spanning two joints, and partial lack of antagonistic muscles. The muscle arrangement is compared to that in the walking limbs of other Arthropoda and possible phylogenetic implications are discussed. (2). Histochemical characterisation of selected leg muscles indicates that these are composed of layers of slow, intermediate and fast muscle fibres. Anti-GABA immunohistochemistry shows that mainly the intermediate fibres receive innervation from putative inhibitory motoneurons. (3). Intracellular recording from muscle fibres reveals both excitatory and inhibitory muscle innervation. Individual muscle fibres may receive input from more than one inhibitory motoneuron, as indicated by different IPSP amplitudes. (4). The motoneuron supply of the leg muscles is analysed by retrograde fills of motor nerves. The general arrangement of leg motoneurons in the central nervous system and motoneuron anatomy conforms to the situation in pterygote insects and decapod crustaceans. For example, there are an anterior and a posterior group of leg motoneurons in each hemineuromere, and two contralateral somata near the ganglion midline. Between 12 and 20 motoneurons are found to supply each muscle. Most motoneuron cell bodies supplying a given muscle are arranged in a single cluster with a specific location.  相似文献   

Arthropods are characterized by a rigid, articulating, exoskeleton operated by a lever‐like system of segmentally arranged, antagonistic muscles. This skeletomuscular system evolved from an unsegmented body wall musculature acting on a hydrostatic skeleton, similar to that of the arthropods’ close relatives, the soft‐bodied onychophorans. Unfortunately, fossil evidence documenting this transition is scarce. Exceptionally‐preserved panarthropods from the Cambrian Lagerstätte of Sirius Passet, Greenland, including the soft‐bodied stem‐arthropod Pambdelurion whittingtoni and the hard‐bodied arthropods Kiisortoqia soperi and Campanamuta mantonae, are unique in preserving extensive musculature. Here we show that Pambdelurion's myoanatomy conforms closely to that of extant onychophorans, with unsegmented dorsal, ventral and longitudinal muscle groups in the trunk, and extrinsic and intrinsic muscles controlling the legs. Pambdelurion also possesses oblique musculature, which has previously been interpreted as an arthropodan characteristic. However, this oblique musculature appears to be confined to the cephalic region and first few body segments, and does not represent a shift towards arthropodan myoanatomy. The Sirius Passet arthropods, Kiisortoqia and Campanamuta, also possess large longitudinal muscles in the trunk, although, unlike Pambdelurion, they are segmentally divided at the tergal boundaries. Thus, the transition towards an arthropodan myoanatomy from a lobopodian ancestor probably involved the division of the peripheral longitudinal muscle into segmented units.  相似文献   

The muscular architecture of Halobiotus crispae (Eutardigrada: Hypsibiidae) was examined by means of fluorescent‐coupled phalloidin in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy and computer‐aided three‐dimensional reconstruction, in addition to light microscopy (Nomarski), scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The somatic musculature of H. crispae is composed of structurally independent muscle fibers, which can be divided into a dorsal, ventral, dorsoventral, and a lateral musculature. Moreover, a distinct leg musculature is found. The number and arrangement of muscles differ in each leg. Noticeably, the fourth leg contains much fewer muscles when compared with the other legs. Buccopharyngeal musculature (myoepithelial muscles), intestinal musculature, and cloacal musculature comprise the animal's visceral musculature. TEM of stylet and leg musculature revealed ultrastructural similarities between these two muscle groups. Furthermore, microtubules are found in the epidermal cells of both leg and stylet muscle attachments. This would indicate that the stylet and stylet glands are homologues to the claw and claw glands, respectively. When comparing with previously published data on both heterotardigrade and eutardigrade species, it becomes obvious that eutardigrades possess very similar numbers and arrangement of muscles, yet differ in a number of significant details of their myoanatomy. This study establishes a morphological framework for the use of muscular architecture in elucidating tardigrade phylogeny. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

When insects turn from walking straight, their legs have to follow different motor patterns. In order to examine such pattern change precisely, we stimulated single antenna of an insect, thereby initiating its turning behavior, tethered over a lightly oiled glass plate. The resulting behavior included asymmetrical movements of prothoracic and mesothoracic legs. The mesothoracic leg on the inside of the turn (in the apparent direction of turning) extended the coxa-trochanter and femur-tibia joints during swing rather than during stance as in walking, while the outside mesothoracic leg kept a slow walking pattern. Electromyograms in mesothoracic legs revealed consistent changes in the motor neuron activity controlling extension of the coxa-trochanter and femur-tibia joints. In tethered walking, depressor trochanter activity consistently preceded slow extensor tibia activity. This pattern was reversed in the inside mesothoracic leg during turning. Also for turning, extensor and depressor motor neurons of the inside legs were activated in swing phase instead of stance. Turning was also examined in free ranging animals. Although more variable, some trials resembled the pattern generated by tethered animals. The distinct inter-joint and inter-leg coordination between tethered turning and walking, therefore, provides a good model to further study the neural control of changing locomotion patterns.  相似文献   

Using cytochrome C-oxidase staining, different types of somatic musculature were clearly distinguished in the gymnotoid fish Eigenmannia virescens. Except for a few thin fibres in the region of the horizontal septum, which stained faintly, no others in the trunk muscle stained. Strong staining appeared in the fibres of the anal fin muscles. According to the classification of fish musculature into white, intermediate and red, only the locomotory organ of this fish has red fibres, whereas the trunk muscles are white. The red muscles along the horizontal septum, found in all other fish which have been investigated in this respect, seem to be absent. This is noteworthy since the anal fin alone provides locomotion while the trunk muscles are responsible for posture only.  相似文献   

The cineradiographic study of the locomotion of the rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) and the functional interpretation of its locomotory system, reveals that the main action of proximal segments is combined with flexed position and low movements of limb joints. This observation can be applied to the locomotion of other small mammals. In the forelimb, scapular rotation and translation account for more than 60% of step length. Effective shoulder joint movements are mostly restricted to less than 20°, and elbow movements range mainly between 20°-50°. The detachment of the shoulder girdle of therian mammals from the axial skeleton, and development of a supraspinous fossa, are correlated with movements at a high scapular fulcrum. Movements at such a high fulcrum are in interdependency with a crouched posture. Only flexed limbs can act as shock absorbers and prevent vertical changes in the center of gravity. Basic differences in forelimb movements exist between larger primates (humeral retraction) and smaller mammals (scapula retraction). In the hyrax, propulsion is due mainly to hip joint movements in symmetrical gaits, but sagittal lumbar spine movements play the dominant role at in-phase gaits. Joint and muscular anatomy, especially of the shoulder region, are discussed in view of the kinematic data.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscles in the whipscorpion Mastigoproctus giganteus are surveyed and compared with those of several other to clarify the evolutionary morphology and phylogenetic relationships of arachnids. Representatives from 90 muscle groups are described and illustrated, and their possible functions are proposed. Principal results of this analysis include new proposed homologies for the anterior opisthosomal appendages and sclerites in tetrapulmonate arachnids (that is, Trigonotarbida, Araneae, Amblypygi, Uropygi), the discovery that muscular attachments in arthropods can shift from the mesodermal endosternite to the ectodermal exoskeleton, a reconstruction of the evolutionary transformations associated with the apparent uncoupling of pharyngeal and locomotor complexes in the prosoma of Pedipalpi (that is, Amblypygi and Uropygi), and an expanded list of unique synapomorphies supporting the sister-group status of Amblypygi and Uropygi.  相似文献   

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After reviewing the article, the participant should be able to: (1) Describe the anatomy of the extensor tendons at the level of the forearm, wrist, hand, and fingers. (2) Recognize variations in the anatomy. (3) Master the hand examination and define the relevant findings in acute injuries of the extensor tendon(s). (4) Delineate the techniques for extensor repair in both acute and secondary (delayed) management. SUMMARY: Extension of the fingers is an intricate process that reflects the combined action of two independent systems. The interossei and lumbricals constitute the intrinsic musculature of the hand. These muscles innervated by the median and ulnar nerves extend the proximal interphalangeal and distal interphalangeal joints and flex the metacarpophalangeal joints. The extrinsic extensors are a group of muscles innervated by the radial nerve, originating proximal to the forearm. The extrinsic digital extensor muscles include the extensor digitorum communis, extensor indicis proprius, and extensor digiti quinti. The digital extensors function primarily to extend the metacarpophalangeal joints, but also extend the proximal interphalangeal and distal interphalangeal joints. Normal extensor physiology reflects a delicate balance between these two unique extensor systems. In the injured hand, a functioning intrinsic system may potentially compensate for an extrinsic deficit. An understanding of the relevant anatomy and an appreciation for the complex interplay involved in extensor physiology is necessary to recognize and manage these injuries.  相似文献   

We studied the common kinematic features of the coxa and trochanter in cursorial and raptorial legs, which are the short size of the podomers, predominantly monoaxial joints, and the approximate orthogonality of adjacent joint axes. The chain coxa-trochanter with its short elements and serial orthogonality of joint axes resembles the gimbals which combine versatility and tolerance to external perturbations. The geometry of legs was studied in 23 insect species of 12 orders. Insects with monoaxial joints were selected. The joint between the trochanter and the femur (TFJ) is defined either by two vestigial condyles or by a straight anterior hinge. Direction of the joint axes in the two basal podomers was assessed by 3D measurements or by goniometry in two planes. Length of the coxa is <15% (mostly <8%) of the total length of the cursorial leg, that of the trochanter <10%. Angles between the proximal and distal joint axes in the middle coxa range from 124 to 84 degrees (mean 97+/-14 degrees ), in the trochanter (in all legs studied) from 125 to 72 degrees (mean 90+/-13 degrees ). Vectors of the distal axis in the coxa are concentrated about the normal to the plane defined by the proximal axis and the midpoint between the distal condyles. These vectors in the trochanter lie at various angles to the normal; angles are correlated with the direction of the TFJ relative to the femur. Range of reduction about the TFJ is over 60 degrees in the foreleg of Ranatra linearis, Mantispa lobata and the hind leg in Carabus coriaceus (confirming observations of previous authors), 40-60 degrees in the foreleg of Vespa crabro and in the middle one in Ammophila campestris, 10-30 degrees in other studied specimens. The special role of the trochanter in autotomy and in active propulsion in some insect groups is discussed. The majority of insects possess small trochanters and slightly movable TFJs with the joint axis laying in the femur-tibia plane. We pose the hypothesis that the TFJ damps external forces, the vectors of which lie off the femur-tibia plane, the reductor muscle acting as a spring. Thus the TFJ contributes to dynamic stability of legged locomotion.  相似文献   

The axial musculoskeletal system represents the plesiomorphic locomotor engine of the vertebrate body, playing a central role in locomotion. In craniates, the evolution of the postcranial skeleton is characterized by two major transformations. First, the axial skeleton became increasingly functionally and morphologically regionalized. Second, the axial-based locomotion plesiomorphic for craniates became progressively appendage-based with the evolution of extremities in tetrapods. These changes, together with the transition to land, caused increased complexity in the planes in which axial movements occur and moments act on the body and were accompanied by profound changes in axial muscle function. To increase our understanding of the evolutionary transformations of the structure and function of the perivertebral musculature, this review integrates recent anatomical and physiological data (e.g., muscle fiber types, activation patterns) with gross-anatomical and kinematic findings for pivotal craniate taxa. This information is mapped onto a phylogenetic hypothesis to infer the putative character set of the last common ancestor of the respective taxa and to conjecture patterns of locomotor and muscular evolution. The increasing anatomical and functional complexity in the muscular arrangement during craniate evolution is associated with changes in fiber angulation and fiber-type distribution, i.e., increasing obliqueness in fiber orientation and segregation of fatigue-resistant fibers in deeper muscle regions. The loss of superficial fatigue-resistant fibers may be related to the profound gross anatomical reorganization of the axial musculature during the tetrapod evolution. The plesiomorphic function of the axial musculature -mobilization- is retained in all craniates. Along with the evolution of limbs and the subsequent transition to land, axial muscles additionally function to globally stabilize the trunk against inertial and extrinsic limb muscle forces as well as gravitational forces. Associated with the evolution of sagittal mobility and a parasagittal limb posture, axial muscles in mammals also stabilize the trunk against sagittal components of extrinsic limb muscle action as well as the inertia of the body's center of mass. Thus, the axial system is central to the static and dynamic control of the body posture in all craniates and, in gnathostomes, additionally provides the foundation for the mechanical work of the appendicular system.  相似文献   

An atlas of the naupliar development of the cirripede Balanus improvisus Darwin, 1854 using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is provided. Existing spikes on the hindbody increase in number with each moult and are an applicable character for identification of the different nauplius stages, as is the setation pattern of the first antennae. The naupliar musculature of B. improvisus was stained with phalloidin to visualise F-actin, followed by analysis using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) with subsequent application of 3D imaging software. The larval musculature is already fully established in the first nauplius stage and remains largely unchanged during all the six nauplius stages. The musculature associated with the feeding apparatus is highly elaborated and the labrum possesses lateral muscles and distal F-actin-positive structures. The alimentary tract is entirely surrounded by circular muscles. The extrinsic limb musculature comprises muscles originating from the dorsal and the ventral sides of the head shield, respectively. The hindbody shows very prominent postero-lateral muscles that insert on the dorso-lateral side of the head shield and bend towards ventro-posterior. We conclude that the key features of the naupliar gross anatomy and muscular architecture of B. improvisus are important characters for phylogenetic inferences if analysed in a comparative evolutionary framework.  相似文献   

The biomechanical conditions for walking in the stick insect require a modeling approach that is based on the control of pairs of antagonistic motoneuron (MN) pools for each leg joint by independent central pattern generators (CPGs). Each CPG controls a pair of antagonistic MN pools. Furthermore, specific sensory feedback signals play an important role in the control of single leg movement and in the generation of inter-leg coordination or the interplay between both tasks. Currently, however, no mathematical model exists that provides a theoretical approach to understanding the generation of coordinated locomotion in such a multi-legged locomotor system. In the present study, I created such a theoretical model for the stick insect walking system, which describes the MN activity of a single forward stepping middle leg and helps to explain the neuronal mechanisms underlying coordinating information transfer between ipsilateral legs. In this model, CPGs that belong to the same leg, as well as those belonging to different legs, are connected by specific sensory feedback pathways that convey information about movements and forces generated during locomotion. The model emphasizes the importance of sensory feedback, which is used by the central nervous system to enhance weak excitatory and inhibitory synaptic connections from front to rear between the three thorax-coxa-joint CPGs. Thereby the sensory feedback activates caudal pattern generation networks and helps to coordinate leg movements by generating in-phase and out-of-phase thoracic MN activity.  相似文献   

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