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Eggs and larvae of anchovy were obtained from plankton collections made along the Catalan coast (north-western Mediterranean) from 1983 to 1985 in order to determine spawning seasons and areas and other aspects of its life history. Previous studies have shown the existence of two main spawning areas, to the north and south of the Catalan coast, respectively. The northern one is characterized by a shorter spawning period related with the thermal cycle.
Mortality rates of larvae aged 4.9-15 days were calculated from the peak spawning month (June) of the three years, separately by spawning areas. Data on abundance by length classes were adjusted for escape and net avoidance and for duration of growth through a size class as derived from otolith readings. Mortality rates ranged from 0.17 to 0.58. Mortality was higher in 1983 than in 1984 and 1985, coinciding with a high production of anchovy eggs in that year. Mortality at the northern spawning area was lower than at the southern one.  相似文献   

In this work, histological and histochemical features of the larval digestive system of Argentine anchovy Engraulis anchoita were described. Structural changes during ontogenetic development were also characterized, and comparisons between the beginning and the end of larval development were made. Histological sections of larvae were subjected to histochemical and routine histological techniques to localize and differentiate glycoproteins (GPs). Both at an early and a late larval stage, the oesophageal goblet cells reacted more intensely than those of the rest of the digestive tract, and only the oesophagus exhibited metachromasia with toluidine blue techniques at different pHs, thus revealing diverse GPs at different concentrations. The GPs histochemical composition in the intestine varied with the developmental stage and the intestinal zone. The absence of goblet cells characterized the foregut; however, they started differentiation at an advanced stage in the midgut. These cells could be detected in the hindgut both at the beginning and at the end of development. The attached glands showed a varied glycoprotein composition. The digestive tract of E. anchoita presented a high level of complexity, related to the multiple functions of mucus in the digestive tract, such as lubrication, protection, antimicrobial function and ionic and osmotic regulation.  相似文献   

Larvae of sardine Sardinops sagax and anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the northern Benguela upwelling system were distributed predominantly in waters with dissolved oxygen concentrations >2·0 ml l−1 and oxygen saturations >75%.  相似文献   

The Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi is an important fishery resource of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean and it is also a potential species for cultivation. In this work, the digestive system development in field-caught hake larvae was studied using histological and histochemical approaches. The digestive tract of larvae was divided into: oropharyngeal cavity (OPC), esophagus, stomach (that develops in the preflexion stage), and intestine. The annexed digestive glands consisted of the liver and the exocrine pancreas. At the beginning of the preflexion stage, teeth were developed in the OPC. There were mucous cells in the esophagus secreting different glycoconjugates from hatching. The enterocytes in the posterior intestine exhibited supranuclear vesicles associated with protein absorption. Mucous cells were observed in the posterior intestine in the preflexion stage and, in the anterior region, ending the flexion stage. Each type of glycoconjugates has a specific role. Acidic mucins lubricate and protect from mechanical damage, sialomucines protect from bacterial infections and neutral mucins regulate the acidity of mucus secretion, protect against abrasion and participate in the formation of the chyme, indicating a pregastric digestion. The liver was present since hatching with pancreatic tissue inside and increased in size acquiring the typical structure with hepatocyte cords, sinusoids, vacuoles, and hepatic duct. The hepatocytes vacuolization increased with larval development. The pancreas became extra-hepatic, with basophilic acinar cells and acidophilic zymogen granules. Throughout the ontogeny, the increased structural and functional complexity of the digestive system reflected the transition to exogenous feeding and nutritional increasing needs.  相似文献   

Four stocks of Argentine anchovy Engraulis anchoita in the south-west Atlantic, south of 34°S were identified by the use of parasites as biological tags. A total of 671 fish were examined for parasites and 19 parasite species were found in 664 Argentine anchovies. The parasite populations and both infra- and component communities showed marked latitudinal gradients. Cluster analyses allowed the identification of four groups, one composed of autumn samples (35–37°S) and three of spring ones. Among the latter, a Patagonian group (43–46°S) was clearly separated from a Bonaerense group, which was divided into two groups: North Bonaerense (34–40°S) and South Bonaerense (40–43°S). Autumn samples were characterized by low values of prevalence for most parasite species. Among spring samples Pseudanthocotyloides heterocotyle , Lecithochirium microstomum , Parahemiurus merus , Scolex polymorphus and Corynosoma australe were characteristic of the northern region, whereas Cardiocephaloides sp., Anisakis simplex , Contracaecum sp. and Hysterothylacium aduncum were more prevalent in southern waters. Latitudinal environmental gradients and their influence on the distribution of both zooplankton and definitive hosts, could be determinants of the clines observed.  相似文献   

The European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus L., Engraulidae) is a widely spread fish resource which is overexploited along its area of distribution. A proper knowledge of the population genetic structure of this fish species is crucial to allow a sustainable management of fishery stocks. We developed five polymorphic microsatellite loci (expected heterozygosity per locus ranging from 0.46 to 0.97) for E. encrasicolus. These genetic markers can be applied to define the population genetic structure of European anchovy.  相似文献   

Energy density of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus L. in the Adriatic Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus , with total lengths ranging from 40·0 to 132·5 mm, were sampled during October 2002 and May 2003 in the northern Adriatic Sea in order to estimate their energy densities ( E D). A highly significant ( P  < 0·001) relationship between E D(y)(J g−1wet mass) and per cent dry mass ( x ) was found: y  = 321 x  − 3316·9 ( n  = 161, r 2 = 0·82).  相似文献   

Climatic oscillations during the Pleistocene ice ages produced great changes in species' geographical distribution and abundance, which could be expected to have genetic consequences. Living in the temperate upwelling zones of the northwestern Pacific, Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) might have been affected by these severe climatic oscillations. To investigate the effects of Pleistocene climatic changes on the evolution in Japanese anchovy, fragments of 522 bp at the 5' end of mitochondrial DNA control region were sequenced for 241 individuals from 13 localities and 37 individuals of Australian anchovy. Japanese anchovy and Australian anchovy are reciprocally monophyletic and a late Pleistocene transequatorial divergence between the two species was indicated. High levels of haplotype diversity (>0.99) were found for all samples, indicating a high level of genetic diversity. Analyses of molecular variance and the conventional population statistic F(ST) revealed no significant genetic structure throughout the range of Japanese anchovy. Both mismatch distribution analyses and neutrality tests suggested a late Pleistocene population expansion for both Japanese anchovy (79,000-317,000 years ago) and Australian anchovy (45,000-178,000 years ago).  相似文献   

The organogenesis of the digestive system was described in the Amazonian pimelodid catfish species Pseudoplatystoma punctifer from hatching (3.5 mm total length, TL) to 41 days post-fertilization (dpf) (58.1 mm TL) reared at 28°C. Newly hatched larvae showed a simple digestive tract, which appeared as a straight undifferentiated and unfolded tube lined by a single layer of columnar epithelial cells (future enterocytes). During the endogenous feeding period, comprised between 20 and 96 h post-fertilization (3.5 to 6.1 mm TL), the larval digestive system experienced a fast transformation with the almost complete development and differentiation of most of digestive organs (buccopahrynx, oesophagus, intestine, liver and exocrine pancreas). Yolk reserves were not completely depleted at the onset of exogenous feeding (4 dpf, 6.1 mm TL), and a period of mixed nutrition was observed up to 6 to 7 dpf (6.8 to 7.3 mm TL) when yolk was definitively exhausted. The stomach was the organ that latest achieved its complete differentiation, characterized by the development of abundant gastric glands in the fundic stomach between 10 and 15 dpf (10.9 to 15.8 mm TL) and the formation of the pyloric sphincter at the junction of the pyloric stomach and the anterior intestine at 15 dpf (15.8 mm TL). The above-mentioned morphological and histological features observed suggested the achievement of a digestive system characteristic of P. punctifer juveniles and adults. The ontogeny of the digestive system in P. punctifer followed the same general pattern as in most Siluriform species so far, although some species-specific differences in the timing of differentiation of several digestive structures were noted, which might be related to different reproductive guilds, egg and larval size or even different larval rearing practices. According to present findings on the histological development of the digestive system in P. punctifer, some recommendations regarding the rearing practices of this species are also provided in order to improve the actual larval rearing techniques of this fast-growing Neotropical catfish species.  相似文献   

Six postlarval and an adult bathydraconid were collected in Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, during January-February 1988 and February 1998, respectively. The adult was identified as Acanthodraco dewitti Skóra, 1995 (type locality South Shetland Islands), a species not recorded in the Ross Sea. The postlarvae may be those of A. dewitti. The morphology and pigmentation patterns of the postlarvae are described and compared with those of other bathydraconids.  相似文献   

Eleven microsatellite loci were developed in the European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus, and tested in samples from two geographically distant populations (Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea). Number of alleles ranged from eight to 28 and observed heterozygosity from 0.440 to 0.920. There was no evidence of linkage disequilibrium, although two loci are indeed linked. All loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, except for one locus in the Atlantic and two loci in the Mediterranean sample. These three loci plus two more showed evidence for null alleles.  相似文献   

The development of cartilaginous structures in cultured sea bream Sparus aurata larvae and the timing of their ossification was studied. In cultivated sea bream larvae the first cartilaginous structure to be identified was hypural 1 at 4.1 mm notochord length ( L N). By 5.3 mm L N, prior to the onset of ossification, it was possible to distinguish the following cartilaginous structures: all 23 neural arches, all 13 haemal arches and two of the four pairs of parapophyses. The neural arches 1–4 and 15–23 were formed on the notochord and elongated dorsally, while neural arches 5–14 appeared on the dorsal side of the spinal cord and elongated ventrally. Initiation of ossification occurred at 5.7–6.0 mm standard length ( L S) when the cartilaginous ontogeny of the vertebral column was completed. Ossification was coincident with dorsal flexion at the posterior end of the notochord and occurred in a sequential manner: (1) dorsoanteriorly, the cartilaginous neural arches and the centra were the first structures to ossify; (2) ventrad at the centre, at 7.0–7.5 mm L S; (3) posteriorly at 7.1 mm L S the hypural complex and urostyle (24th centrum) were ossified; and (4) dorsad at the centre (neural arches and spines).  相似文献   

The pectoral fin girdle was the first element of the fins to develop in Sparus aurata. By 3·1mm L N (notochord length) the cleithrum was ossified and the cartilaginous caracoid-scapula was present. The fin was fully developed at 11·6 mm L S (standard length) and by 16·0 mm L S most elements of the fin were ossified. The pelvic fins were the last pair to develop and rudiments of these were first detected at 7·9 mm L S. The pelvic fin and girdle were completely formed and ossified at 16·0 mm L S. The development of dorsal and anal fins began at c. 6·5–7·0 mm L S with the formation of 10 cartilaginous dorsal proximal radials and eight cartilaginous ventral proximal radials. The three cartilaginous predorsals (supraneurals) appeared at 7·7 mm L S and the ossification of dorsal and anal proximal and distal radials began, respectively, at 10·5 mm L S and 11·3 mm L S. Ossified structures in the fins were also classified according to their origin, as being either dermal or endochondral. Finally the chronology of appearance of fin structures in S. aurata was compared with that reported for other Sparidae, Engraulidae and Haemulidae.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory experiments examined the effect of the size of predator models on the behaviour of larval paradise fish Macropodus opercularis L., of different age (15 and 20 days old). In a small runway, individually tested larval paradise fish could approach a model predator of different size, with or without eyespots. The duration of approach, the number of fleeings and backings were measured. Fifteen-day-old larvae showed similar moderate level avoidance to all models but fled more in the presence of larger models. The approach behaviour in 20-day-old larvae depended on the size of the model but only if it had eyespots, and larvae fled and backed more with increasing size of the model. However, manipulation of larval length within age category had no effect on predator avoidance. Since the recognition of the two eyespots seems to be age dependent, it is hypothesized that only larvae older than 20 days will behave in a 'threat-sensitive' manner in the presence of predator models by avoiding larger ones.  相似文献   

The hatching dates of Encrasicholina punctifer and Engraulis japonicus larvae collected in the coastal waters off Tanshui River Estuary during the fishing seasons of 1992 and 1993 indicated that these two anchovies had protracted spawning seasons, which resulted in multiple recruitment cohorts. Encrasicholina punctifer larvae recruited to the estuary from October to March, while the majority of E. japonicus larvae came in March-May and to a lesser extent in October and November. The E. punctifer larvae on arrival to the estuary were 17·4–35·6 mm in length, 167ndash;89 days old and had growth rates of 0·4–1·0 mm day−1, E. japonicus larvae were 12·1–32·7 mm in length, 19–62 days old and had growth rates of 0·7–0·9 mm day−1. Growth rates were significantly different among cohorts and positively correlated to water temperature.  相似文献   

Efficiency of the identification of eggs of Engraulis anchoita can be greatly improved by a method developed from egg measurements, using photography and the ImageJ programme, analysed by discriminant analysis using R software.  相似文献   

Larval Pacific anchovy Engraulis japonicus were sampled from coastal waters off the central west coast of Korea from June to November 1996. Using otolith microstructure analysis (daily growth increments), three cohorts (spring, early summer and late summer) were distinguished based on backcalculated spawning dates. Growth rates differed between cohorts, with higher growth rates for late-summer cohorts than either the spring or early-summer cohorts. Growth rate was positively related to surface water temperature, with an optimum temperature range of between 20 and 26° C occurring during the late summer (late July through to mid-September). The study highlights that early growth rates of Pacific anchovy are dependent on ecosystem (particularly water temperature) attributes during early life.  相似文献   

Feeding pattern and the visual light environment in myctophid fish larvae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The trophic spectrum and feeding pattern of two myctophid larvae, Benthosema glaciale and Myctophum punctatum , were analysed in relation to changes in daily light intensity. The larvae of both species live relatively deep, occurring in the first 100 m, though distribution of M. punctatum extends to 150 m depth. The present study, carried out in the western Mediterranean (Alboran Sea), indicated that the larvae of the two species exhibit different foraging strategies. Both started to feed at dawn, but while feeding of M. punctatum was high at dawn and dusk, the feeding of B. glaciale remained high throughout the day. The light intensity profiles taken during the day indicated that at the depths where the species dwelt, light intensity was enough to provoke a feeding response. The larvae of these species, in contrast to the majority of fish larvae, had an enhanced sensitivity due to their pure rod‐like retina, an adaptation for foraging at low light intensities. Both species showed an ontogenetic change in their diet: B. glaciale preflexion larvae fed mainly on copepod eggs and nauplii, while postflexion larvae consumed calanoid copepodites; M. punctatum larvae showed a more diversified diet, composed of larger prey items. The stalked and elongated eye of M. punctatum larvae would enable the detection of a greater range of prey in terms of shape and size. In addition, the retina of this species was characterized by a higher summation ratio and longer photoreceptors, indicating a preference for dimmer environments. This could explain the decreasing feeding activity of M. punctatum during the high light intensity of the middle daylight hours. As a clear relationship existed between feeding pattern and light intensity in these myctophid larvae, the visual characteristics of each species could help to explain the different strategies of foraging behaviour, therefore avoiding a possible overlap in their trophic niche.  相似文献   

The retina of anchovies is characterized by an unusual arrangement and ultrastructure of cones. In the retina of Japanese anchovies, Engraulis japonicus, three types of cones are distributed into rows. The nasal, central, temporal, and ventro‐temporal regions of the retina were occupied exclusively by the long and short cones. Triple cones, made up of two lateral components and one smaller central component, were found only in the dorsal and ventro‐nasal retinal regions. In the outer segments of all short and long cones from the ventro‐temporal region, the lamellae were oriented along the cell axis and were perpendicular to the lamellae in the long cones, providing a morphological basis for the detection of polarization. This lamellar orientation is unique to all vertebrates. The cones were examined with respect to regional differentiation in their size and spectral properties via light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and microspectrophotometry. Various dimensions of cones were measured in preparations of isolated cells. The cones from the ventro‐temporal region had different dimensions than cones of the same type located in other retinal regions. Triple cones from the dorsal region were significantly larger than triple cones from the ventro‐nasal region. The spectral absorbance of the lateral components of triple cones in the ventro‐nasal retina was identical to the absorbance of all long and short cones from the ventro‐temporal region. These are shifted to shorter wavelengths relative to the absorbance of the lateral components of the triple cones located in the dorsal retina. Thus, the retina of the Japanese anchovy shows some features of regional specialization common in other fishes that improves spatial resolution for the upwards and forwards visual axis and provides spectral tuning in downwelling light environment. That results from the differentiation of cone types by size and by different spectral sensitivity of various retinal areas. J. Morphol. 277:472–481, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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