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In Salminus, spermiogenesis is cystic and gives origin to a type I aquasperm. Spermatid differentiation is characterized by chromatin condensed into thick fibres, nuclear rotation, nuclear fossa formation, cytoplasmic channel formation, mitochondrial fusion producing long and ramified mitochondria, and the presence of several membranous concentric rings around the plasma membrane that encircles the cytoplasmic channel. In Salminus and Brycon, spermatozoa are very similar. They exhibit a spherical nucleus and chromatin condensed into fibre clusters, and a deep nuclear fossa. They show a long midpiece with few elongate mitochondria at the initial region and a cytoplasmic channel completely encircled by one or two membranous concentric rings. The flagellar axis is perpendicular to the nucleus and exhibits the classic axoneme (9 + 2). The very strong similarity observed between Salminus and Brycon spermatozoa supports the hypothesis that these subfamilies are likely to have a monophyletic origin.  相似文献   

The indirect, non-lethal results of predation, such as reduction in feeding time or restraint in seeking sexual partners and/or natural resources, have a drastic effect on prey populations. In this study, we investigated the behaviour of two serpa tetras Hyphessobrycon eques groups, one wild and the other born and raised in captivity, to evaluate how their feeding behaviour is affected by the avian predator, the rufescent tiger-heron Trigrisoma lineatum (using a taxidermy specimen). For a total of 133 observation hours, the feeding behaviour of each fish group was observed according to the absence (control) or presence (treatments) of a predator near the aquarium surface. The results showed that the presence of a predator on the surface inhibits the feeding behaviour of H. eques. The differences observed between the groups are probably due to the fishes experiences with predators. Our results suggest that fish-eating birds may affect prey populations in streams and ponds perhaps more through non-lethal effects, on feeding behaviour for example, than directly through death rates.  相似文献   

The surface architecture of the olfactory rosette ofHeteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) has been studied by scanning electron microscopy. The olfactory rosette is an oval structure composed of a number of lamellae arranged pinnately on a median raphe. The raphe is invested with epithelial cells and pits which represent goblet cell openings. On the basis of cellular characteristics and their distribution the lateral surface of each olfactory lamella is identified as sensory, ciliated non-sensory and non-ciliated non-sensory epithelium. The sensory epithelium is provided with receptor and supporting cells. The ciliated non-sensory epithelium is covered with dense cilia obscuring the presence of other cell types. The non-ciliated non-sensory epithelium is with many polygonal areas containing cells.  相似文献   

The rodent olfactory epithelium expresses more than 1000 odorant receptors (ORs) with distinct patterns, yet it is unclear how such patterns are established during development. In the current study, we investigated development of the expression patterns of different ORs in the septal organ, a small patch of olfactory epithelium predominantly expressing nine identified ORs. The presumptive septal organ first appears at about embryonic day 16 (E16) and it completely separates from the main olfactory epithelium (MOE) at about postnatal day 7 (P7). Using in situ hybridization, we quantified the densities of the septal organ neurons labeled by specific RNA probes of the nine abundant OR genes from E16 to postnatal 3 months. The results indicate that olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) expressing different ORs have asynchronous temporal onsets. For instance, MOR256-17 and MOR236-1 cells are present in the septal organ at E16; however, MOR0-2 cells do not appear until P0. In addition, OSNs expressing different ORs show distinct developmental courses and reach their maximum densities at different stages ranging from E16 (e.g. MOR256-17) to 1 month (e.g. MOR256-3 and MOR235-1). Furthermore, early onset does not correlate with high abundance in adult. This study reveals a dynamic composition of the OSNs expressing different ORs in the developing olfactory epithelium.  相似文献   

Although virtually no phylogenetic evidence (in the sense advocated by Hennig, 1966) had been previously presented to support the monophyly of the Characidiinae, and most 'diagnostic' characters used by previous authors were found to be unacceptable in a cladistic classification, i t is still possible to diagnose the Characidiinae in a phylogenetic sense. This study revealed the existence of 13 synapomorphies supporting the monophyly of the group. Several of these synapomorphies, such as the modifications associated with the mesethmoid, the jaw bones, and the ribs of the fifth vertebra, are unique to the Characidiinae, thus providing a solid basis for recognizing the group as a monophyletic unit of characiform fishes. Demonstration of characidiin monophyly provides a solid foundation for further phylogenetic analysis of characidiin interrelationships, and higher level relationships among characiform fishes.  相似文献   

Teleost fishes display a remarkable diversity of adult dentitions; this diversity is all the more remarkable in light of the uniformity of first-generation dentitions. Few studies have quantitatively documented the transition between generalized first-generation dentitions and specialized adult dentitions in teleosts. We investigated this transition in the Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus (Characidae), by measuring aspects of the dentition in an ontogenetic series of individuals from embryos to 160 days old, in addition to adults of unknown age. The first-generation dentition and its immediate successors consist of small, unicuspid teeth that develop extraosseously. Multicuspid teeth first appear during the second tooth replacement event, and are derived from single tooth germs, rather than from the fusion of multiple conical tooth germs. We document that the transition from unicuspid to multicuspid teeth corresponds to a change in the location of developing tooth germs (from extraosseous to intraosseous) and in patterns of tooth replacement (from haphazard to simultaneous within a jaw quadrant). In addition, while the size of the largest teeth scales with positive allometry to fish size, the transition to multicuspid teeth is accompanied by an exceptionally large increase in tooth size.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 145 , 523–538.  相似文献   

Eelpouts of the family Zoarcidae comprise a monophyletic group of marine fishes with a worldwide distribution. Centers of high zoarcid diversity occur in the North Atlantic and North Pacific, with important radiations into the Arctic, along southern South America, and into the Southern Ocean around Antarctica. Along with snailfishes (Liparidae), zoarcids form an important component of the non-notothenioid fauna in the subzero shelf waters of Antarctica. We document the anatomy and histology of the brains, cranial nerves, olfactory apparatus, cephalic lateral lines, taste buds, and retinas of three Antarctic zoarcid species, living at depths of 310-939 m, representing three of the nine genera from this region. The primary emphasis is on Ophthalmolycus amberensis, and we provide a detailed drawing of the brain and cranial nerves of this species. Although this brain reflects general perciform neural morphology, it exhibits a reduction of the (optic) tecta and the eminentia granulares and crista cerebellares of the lateral line system. Interspecific differences among the three species are slight. The olfactory rosette consists of three to four lamellae and the nasal sac, contrary to the claim of Fanta et al. ([2001] Antarct Rec, Natl Inst Polar Res, Tokyo 45:27-42), is not in communication with the cephalic lateral line system. Primary olfactory neurons are abundant and converge on branches of the olfactory nerve. Numerous taste buds are located in the lips. All three species lack an ocular choroid rete and have relatively thin retinas with a low cell density and a single bank of rods as the only type of photoreceptor. Neural diversification among Antarctic zoarcids has not involved the evolution of sensory specialists; brain and sensory organ morphologies do not approach the condition seen in primary deep-sea fishes, or even that of some sympatric non-perciform secondary deep-sea fishes, including liparids and muraenolepidids (eel cods). There may be phylogenetic constraints on brain morphology in perciforms such that we do not see extreme specialization in sensory and neural systems for deep habitats. We suggest that the brains and sensory organs of Antarctic zoarcids reflect habitation of 500-2,000-m depths and likely reflect morphologies seen in zoarcids living on continental slopes elsewhere in the world. This balance among the sensory modalities makes zoarcids relatively generalized among secondary deep-sea fishes and may be one of the reasons this opportunistic and adaptable group has been successful in colonizing a variety of emergent and ephemeral habitats.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopical study of olfactory epithelium of a mud-dwelling catfish,Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) shows receptor, supporting, goblet and basal cells. The receptor cells are of ciliated and microvillous type. Both ciliated and microvillous receptor cells are provided with olfactory knob. The dendrite of all the receptor cells bears many longitudinally arranged microtubules. Occurrence of the rod cell and its function is quite debatable. Specialized juctional complexes between the receptor and adjacent cells are clearly noted. The supporting cells are both ciliated and nonciliated. The ciliated supporting cells are responsible for water ventilation in the olfactory chamber as well as in the inter-lamellar spaces. This facilitates better perception of odours by the receptor cells. In addition to providing mechanical support to other cells, the nonciliated supporting cells also have a secretory function which is evident from the present study. The different stages of maturity of goblet cells are well documented. The presence of white cells in the olfactory epithelium is a very rare finding.  相似文献   

We studied the ontogeny of the claustrum comparatively in representatives of all otophysan subgroups. The claustrum of cypriniforms has a cartilaginous precursor, the claustral cartilage, which subsequently ossifies perichondrally at its anterior face and develops an extensive lamina of membrane bone. The membrane bone component of the claustrum and its close association with the atrium sinus imparis, a perilymphatic space of the Weberian apparatus, are both synapomorphies of cypriniforms. The characiform claustrum is not preformed in cartilage and originates as a membrane bone ossification, a putative synapomorphy of that taxon. Among siluriforms, the claustrum is present only in more basal groups and originates as an elongate cartilage that ossifies in a characteristic ventrodorsal direction, possibly a synapomorphy of catfishes. Gymnotiforms lack the claustral cartilage and claustrum. We review all previous hypothesis of claustrum homology in light of the above findings and conclude that the most plausible hypothesis is the one originally proposed by Bloch ([1900] Jen Z Naturw 34:1-64) that claustra are homologs of the supradorsals of the first vertebra.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that disturbances during neurodevelopment may play a crucial role in the etiology of schizophrenia (SZ). This premise is supported by brain imaging, epidemiological, and pathological studies as well as the discovery of susceptibility genes for SZ that appear to be implicated in development of the central nervous system. Here, we discuss the limitations of the current methods and models for studying the neurodevelopmental implications in SZ. We agree with the proposal that the olfactory epithelium, in which neurodevelopment continues throughout life, might represent an alternative model for understanding the pathophysiology of the disorder.  相似文献   

At hatching (15 h post fertilization), Brycon moorei possesses no skeletal structure. Thereafter, development is very rapid. The first oral teeth appear no later than 3 h post‐hatching, but they remain covered with epithelium until c . 45 h. At 7 h, the trabecular bars and part of the cartilaginous visceral arches are visible and at 15 h, the dentaries and premaxillaries are present. At 25 h, i.e . the onset of piscivory and cannibalism (the yolk sac is only fully resorbed after 36 h), the oral teeth are fully developed, the first pharyngeal teeth are formed, and some head movements already appear synchronized, but the mouth cavity is not completely isolated from the neurocranium by bony structures. Thereafter, no new buccal or pharyngeal bony structure is visible until 45 h, when the maxilla and opercula appear, along with a new type of cannibalistic behaviour. Cartilage resorptions also start at 45 h, but with no concomitant replacement by formation of calcified structures. Later, development gradually becomes similar to that of many previously studied teleosts. The developmental pattern of B. moorei is thus extremely rapid in comparison with other teleosts, i.e . it prioritizes feeding structures that permit the expression of piscivory at a very early age. The uniqueness of this pattern is discussed in relation to ecological constraints on early feeding and fast growth.  相似文献   

Summary The epithelia of the olfactory organ of two cyprinodontoid fish species were studied both by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The relatively flat floor of the organ is covered by sensory and nonsensory epithelia. The latter is distributed in the form of bands or ridges separating distinct areas of sensory epithelium. Differences between the olfactory organs of the two species investigated related only to the topography and quantitative distribution of the epithelia. Their ultrastructural features are very similar. The nonsensory stratified squamous epithelium contains numerous goblet cells and surface cells provided with microridges. A hypothetical function of the microridges is discussed. The sensory epithelium consists mainly of basal, supporting, and two types of sensory cells, i.e., ciliated and microvillous receptor cells. The cilia exhibit a predominant 9+0 microtubule pattern. Both epithelia are covered by a mucus layer in which all surface structures seem to be embedded. The possible nature, origin, and movement mechanisms of the mucus are discussed.This work was supported by the Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftDedicated to Prof. Dr. med. W. Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that body odorants, including anal scents and urinary odors, contribute to sex discrimination and mate identification in European ferrets of both sexes. We assessed the possible role of the vomeronasal organ (VNO) in these functions by surgically removing the organ bilaterally in sexually experienced female ferrets. Lesioned (VNOx) and sham-operated control (VNOi) females reliably discriminated between male- and female-derived anal scent gland as well as fresh urinary odors in habituation/dishabituation tests. However, VNOi females spent significantly more time than VNOx subjects investigating male urinary odors in these tests. Also, VNOi females, but not VNOx subjects, preferred to investigate day-old male versus female urine spots as well as wooden blocks that had previously been soiled by male versus female ferrets. Both groups of female ferrets preferred to approach volatile odors from a breeding male instead of an estrous female in Y-maze tests and both groups showed similar levels of receptive sexual behavior in response to a male's neck grip. The VNO is apparently not required for olfactory sex discrimination or mate recognition in this carnivore, but instead may play a role in promoting continued contact with nonvolatile body odors previously deposited by opposite-sex conspecifics during territorial scent marking.  相似文献   

Kuciel, M., ?uwa?a, K., Jakubowski, M. 2011. A new type of fish olfactory organ structure in Periophthalmus barbarus (Oxudercinae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 276–280. The study describes a new type of olfactory organ structure in teleost fish, the Atlantic mudskipper Periophthalmus barbarus (Gobiidae). The nasal cavity in this species consists of a tube‐like elongated canal widening to a chamber‐like sac in the preorbital part of the head. The olfactosensory epithelium (studied by light and electron microscopy) occurs only in the form of islets located along the medial wall of the tube‐like part of the organ. The presence of a chamber‐like sac without an olfactory rosette or olfactosensory epithelium suggests that a mechanism allowing water circulation is in operation.  相似文献   

The Channichthyidae, one of five Antarctic notothenioid families, includes 16 species and 11 genera. Most live at depths of 200-800 m and are a major component of fish biomass in many shelf areas. Channichthyids are unique among adult fishes in possessing pale white blood containing a few vestigal erythrocytes and no hemoglobin. Here we describe the brains of seven species and special sense organs of eight species of channichthyids. We emphasize Chionodraco hamatus and C. myersi, compare these species to other channichthyids, and relate our findings to what is known about brains and sense organs of red-blooded notothenioids living sympatrically on the Antarctic shelf. Brains of channichthyids generally resemble those of their bathydraconid sister group. Among channichthyids the telencephalon is slightly regressed, resulting in a stalked appearance, but the tectum, corpus cerebellum, and mechanoreceptive areas are well developed. Interspecific variation is present but slight. The most interesting features of channichthyid brains are not in the nervous tissue but in support structures: the vasculature and the subependymal expansions show considerable elaboration. Channichthyids have large accessory nasal sacs and olfactory lamellae are more numerous than in other notothenioids. The eyes are relatively large and laterally oriented with similar duplex (cone and rod) retinae in all eight species. Twin cones are the qualitatively dominant photoreceptor in histological sections and, unlike bathydraconids, there are no species with rod-dominated retinae. Eyes possess the most extensive system of hyaloid arteries known in teleosts. Unlike the radial pattern seen in red-blooded notothenioids and most other teleosts, channichthyid hyaloid arteries arise from four or five main branches and form a closely spaced anastomosing series of parallel channels. Cephalic lateral line canals are membranous and some exhibit extensions (canaliculi), but canals are more ossified than those of deeper-living bathydraconids. We conclude that, with respect to the anatomy and histology of the neural structures, the brain and sensory systems show little that is remarkable compared to other fishes, and exhibit little diversification within the family. Thus, the unusual habitat and a potentially deleterious mutation resulting in a hemoglobinless phenotype are reflected primarily in expansion of the vasculature in the brain and eye partially compensating for the absence of respiratory pigments. Neural morphology gives the impression that channichthyids are a homogeneous and little diversified group.  相似文献   

The tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) exhibits two phenotypes associated with trunk banding. Fish possess either a smoky-gray coloration with two prominent black vertical bands located directly behind the operculum (black tetra) or a lighter coloration and lack these bands (white skirt tetra). Segregation patterns observed from the progenies of 11 different crosses suggest that the inheritance of these phenotypes is controlled by two autosomal loci acting in a complementary fashion, with dominance at both loci required for the expression of the darker, banded phenotype.  相似文献   

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