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The phylogenetic position of the Ectoprocta within the Lophotrochozoa is discussed controversially. For gaining more insight into ectoproct relationships and comparing it with other potentially related phyla, we analysed the myoanatomy and serotonergic nervous system of adult representatives of the Phylactolaemata (Plumatella emarginata, Plumatellavaihiriae, Plumatella fungosa, Fredericella sultana). The bodywall contains a mesh of circular and longitudinal muscles. On its distal end, the orifice possesses a prominent sphincter and continues into the vestibular wall, which has longitudinal and circular musculature. The tentacle sheath carries mostly longitudinal muscle fibres in Plumatella sp., whereas F. sultana also possesses regular circular muscle fibres. Three groups of muscles are associated with the lophophore: 1) Lophophoral arm muscles (missing in Fredericella), 2) epistome musculature and 3) tentacle musculature. The epistome flap is encompassed by smooth muscle fibres. A few fibres extend medially over the ganglion to its proximal floor. Abfrontal tentacle muscles have diagonally arranged muscle fibres in their proximal region, whereas the distal region is formed by a stack of muscles that resemble an inverted ‘V’. Frontal tentacle muscles show more variation and either possess one or two bases. The digestive tract possesses circular musculature which is striated except at the intestine where it is composed of smooth muscle fibres. The serotonergic nervous system is concentrated in the cerebral ganglion. From the latter a serotonergic nerve extends to each tentacle base. In Plumatella the inner row of tentacles at the lophophoral concavity lacks serotonergic nerves. Bodywall musculature is a common feature in many lophotrochozoan phyla, but among other filter feeders like the Ectoprocta is only present in the ‘lophophorate’ Phoronida. The longitudinal tentacle musculature is reminiscent of the condition found in phoronids and brachiopods, but differs to entoproct tentacles. Although this study shows some support for the ‘Lophophorata’, more comparative analyses of possibly related phyla are required. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary A whole-mount fluorescence technique using rhodamine-labeled phalloidin was used to demonstrate for the first time the whole muscle system of a free-living plathelminth, Macrostomum hystricinum marinum. As expected, the body-wall musculature consisted of circular, longitudinal, and diagonal fibers over the trunk. Also distinct were the musculature of the gut and of the mouth and pharynx (circular, longitudinal, and radial). Dorsoventral fibers where restricted in this species to the head and tail regions. Circular muscle fibers in the body wall were often grouped into bands of up to four parallel strands. Surprisingly, diagonal fibers formed two distinct sets, one dorsal and one ventral. Certain diagonal muscle fibers entered the wall of the mouth and were continuous with some longitudinal muscles of the pharynx. Dorsoventral fibers in the rostrum occurred partly in regularly spaced pairs, a fact not known for free-living Plathelminthes. All muscle fibers appeared to be mononucleated. During postembryonic development, the number of circular muscle fibers can be estimated to increase by a factor of 3.5 and that of longitudinal muscles by a factor of 2. Apparently as many as 700–800 circular muscle cells must be added in the region of the gut alone during postembryonic development. Stem cells (neoblasts), identified by TEM in the caudalmost region of the gut, lie along the lateral nerve cords. In the same body region most perikarya of circular muscle cells occurred in a similar position. This suggests that the nucleus-containing part of the cell remains in the position where differentiation starts.  相似文献   

The organisation of the praesoma in the parasite Acanthocephalus anguillae was studied on the light and electron microscopic level, with emphasis on the morphology of the musculature. The study was compiled to add new data to the ground pattern of the Acanthocephala for analysis of the phylogenetic relationships within the Gnathifera. In A. anguillae the praesomal epidermis and lemnisci form a coherent syncytium, separated from the epidermis of the trunk. Hooks are seen to be derivatives of the subepidermal basal lamina and are covered by the praesomal epidermis. The praesomal circular body wall musculature forms a network of anastomosing muscle fibres that lines the proboscis; a praesomal longitudinal body wall musculature does not exist. The truncal circular and longitudinal body wall musculature rise up to the praesomal proboscis. The unpaired proboscis retractor, consisting of longitudinal circomyar fibres, forms an outer and an inner concentric tube; the latter extends through the entire praesoma and penetrates the receptacle wall. The sack-like receptacle is surrounded by a receptacle constrictor. The nervous system of the praesoma consists of a prominent cerebral ganglion, three nerves which extend anteriorly, ramify and end within the praesomal musculature, and two strong lateral posterior nerves. A. anguillae lacks an apical organ, lateral organs and a support cell. Many of the features present in the praesoma of A. anguillae can be assumed as ground-pattern characteristics of the Acanthocephala. Accepted: 22 January 2001  相似文献   

The taxonomy of freshwater pulmonates (Hygrophila) has been in a fluid state warranting the search for new morphological criteria that may show congruence with molecular phylogenetic data. We examined the muscle arrangement in the penial complex (penis and penis sheath) of most major groups of freshwater pulmonates to explore to which extent the copulatory musculature can serve as a source of phylogenetic information for Hygrophila. The penises of Acroloxus lacustris (Acroloxidae), Radix auricularia (Lymnaeidae), and Physella acuta (Physidae) posses inner and outer layers of circular muscles and an intermediate layer of longitudinal muscles. The inner and outer muscle layers in the penis of Biomphalaria glabrata consist of circular muscles, but this species has two intermediate longitudinal layers separated by a lacunar space, which is crossed by radial and transverse fibers. The muscular wall of the penis of Planorbella duryi is composed of transverse and longitudinal fibers, with circular muscles as the outer layer. In Planorbidae, the penial musculature consists of inner and outer layers of longitudinal muscles and an intermediate layer of radial muscles. The penis sheath shows more variation in muscle patterns: its muscular wall has two layers in A. lacustris, P. acuta, and P. duryi, three layers in R. auricularia and Planorbinae and four layers in B. glabrata. To trace the evolution of the penial musculature, we mapped the muscle characters on a molecular phylogeny constructed from the concatenated 18S and mtCOI data set. The most convincing synapomorphies were found for Planorbinae (inner and outer penis layers of longitudinal muscles, three-layered wall of the penis sheath). A larger clade coinciding with Planorbidae is defined by the presence of radial muscles and two longitudinal layers in the penis. The comparative analysis of the penial musculature appears to be a promising tool in unraveling the phylogeny of Hygrophila.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the differentiation of the body wall musculature in a medicinal leech and in the free-living plathelminth Macrostomum hystricinum marinum, Beklemischev 1950 provide the first evidence of a complex developmental signalling pattern, possibly involving stem cells and the nervous system, in the organization of the muscle grid formed by developing myocytes. To enhance further our understanding of the ontogenetic and phylogenetic origin of such muscle grids, which consist of circular, longitudinal and diagonal muscle fibres, we have undertaken a study of muscle development in the polyclad flatworm Hoploplana inquilina Wheeler 1894 in collaboration with the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. We have also continued our examination of the development of the body wall musculature in M. hystricinum. Both species were studied using rhodamine-phalloidin staining and transmission electron microscopy. Additional visualization of the fluorescent whole mount preparations was performed with confocal laser microscopy and digital image processing. The results of our investigation suggest that: (1) the mechanism of muscle development in H. inquilina supports the deeply rooted concept of bilateral symmetry (right and left longitudinal founder muscle), and (2) a first circular muscle in this species develops on the border between an anterior body unit and the main body; a caudalmost region is less obvious. The presence of a spiral muscle functioning as a circular muscle system of the head region points to a separate developmental mechanism for this region and the trunk. In contrast to H. inquilina, where the larval stage forces an intermediate restructuring of the musculature of the body wall before the adult body shape is finally developed, the formation of the body wall musculature of M. hystricinum already seems constrained by the adult body shape.  相似文献   

The organization of the nervous system ofProcerodes littoralis (Tricladida, Maricola, Procerodidae) was studied by immunocytochemistry, using antibodies to authentic flatworm neuropeptide F (NPF) (Moniezia expansa). Compared to earlier investigations of the neuroanatomy of tricladid flatworms, the pattern of NPF immunoreactivity inProcerodes littoralis reveals differences in the following respects: 1. Shape and structure of the brain. 2. Number and composition of longitudinal nerve cords. 3. Shape of branches of, and transverse connections between, main ventral nerve cords. 4. Composition of the pharyngeal nervous system. The rich innervation by NPF immunoreactive (IR) fibres and cells of the subepithelial muscle layer, the pharynx musculature and the musculature of the male copulatory apparatus indicates a neurotransmitter or neuromodulatory influence on muscular activity.  相似文献   

Xenoturbella bocki is the only species of the high-ranked taxon Xenoturbellida. The species lives on marine mud bottoms at a depth of 20–120 m and moves extremely slowly by ciliary gliding. Nevertheless it possesses a well-developed body wall musculature with outer circular muscles, a prominent layer of inner longitudinal muscles and radial muscles that extend from the outer circular myocytes to the musculature surrounding the gastrodermis. The longitudinal myocytes are not compact cells, but form fascicles of fibrils running parallel to each other. Fine cytoplasmic cords connect the fibres of a cell to each other and with its nuclear region. The muscles are embedded within a sometimes expansive extracellular matrix (ECM) that lacks any fibrillar components. All muscle cells display conspicuous and numerous cytoplasmic extensions that are intermingled with each other. Tight coupling between adjacent cell membranes is not found, but zonula adhaerens-like junctions exist. Fibrils belonging to different myocytes, but also fibrils of the same cell, are coupled by such cytoplasmic extensions. Circular, radial and at least the peripheral longitudinal myocytes display cell-matrix connections with the internal lamina, a component of the subepidermal ECM. This internal lamina projects down into the centres of the fascicles with longitudinal muscle fibrils and forms extensive attachment zones with the muscle cells, reminiscent of focal contacts. For the ingestion of food, X. bocki opens the simple mouth pore and protrudes the aciliated gastrodermis. The body wall musculature is responsible for this protrusion and also for the withdrawal of the gastrodermis. In the past, possible phylogenetic kinships with the Acoelomorpha (Plathelminthes) or the Enteropneusta and Holothuroidea were discussed, but, on the basis of all information available, X. bocki is hypothesized to be the sister taxon of the Bilateria. Accepted: 2 April 1997  相似文献   

We analyzed the adult musculature of two prolecithophoran species, Cylindrostoma monotrochum (von Graff, 1882) and Monoophorum striatum (von Graff, 1878) using a phalloidin-rhodamine technique. As in all rhabdithophoran flatworms, the body-wall musculature consisted of three muscle layers: on the outer side was a layer of circular muscle fibers and on the inner side was a layer of longitudinal muscle fibers; between them were two different types of diagonally orientated fibers, which is unusual for flatworms. The musculature of the pharynx consisted of a basket-shaped grid of thin longitudinal and circular fibers. Thick anchoring muscle fibers forming a petal-like shape connected the proximal parts of the pharynx with the body-wall musculature. Male genital organs consisted of paired seminal vesicles, a granular vesicle, and an invaginated penis. Peculiar ring-shaped muscles were only found in M. striatum, predominantly in the anterior body part. In the same species, seminal vesicles and penis only had circular musculature, while in C. monotrochum also longitudinal musculature was found in these organs. Female genital organs were only present in M. striatum, where we characterized a vagina interna, and a bursa seminalis. Transverse, crossover, and dorsoventral muscle fibers were lacking in the middle of the body and greatly varied in number and position in both species.  相似文献   

Annelids provide suitable models for studying regeneration. By now, comprehensive information is restricted to only a few taxa. For many other annelids, comparative data are scarce or even missing. Here, we describe the regeneration of a member of the Cirratulus cirratus species complex. Using phalloidin‐labeling and antibody‐stainings combined with subsequent confocal laser scanning microscopy, we provide data about the organization of body wall musculature and nervous system of intact specimens, as well as about anteriorly regenerating specimens. Our analyses show that C. cf. cirratus exhibits a prominent longitudinal muscle layer forming a dorsal muscle plate, two ventral muscle strands and a ventral‐median muscle fiber. The circular musculature forms closed rings which are interrupted in the area of parapodia. The nervous system of C. cf. cirratus shows a typical rope‐ladder like arrangement and the circumesophageal connectives exhibit two separate roots leading to the brain. During regeneration, the nervous system redevelops remarkably earlier than the musculature, first constituting a tripartite loop‐like structure which later become the circumesophageal connectives. Regeneration of longitudinal musculature starts with diffuse ingrowth and subsequent structuring into the blastema. In contrast, circular musculature develops independently inside the blastema. Our findings constitute the first analysis of regeneration for a member of the Cirratuliformia on a structural level. Summarizing the regeneration process in C. cf. cirratus, five main phases can be subdivided: 1) wound closure, 2) blastema formation, 3) blastema differentiation, 4) resegmentation, and 5) growth, respectively elongation. Additionally, the described tripartite loop‐like structure of the regenerating nervous system has not been reported for any other annelid taxon. In contrast, the regeneration of circular and longitudinal musculature originating from different groups of cells seems to be a general pattern in annelid regeneration. J. Morphol. 275:1418–1430, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The structure of the polychaete muscular system is reviewed. The muscular system comprises the muscles of the body wall, the musculature of the parapodial complex and the muscle system of the dissepiments and mesenteries. Various types of organisation of the longitudinal and circular components of the muscular body wall are distinguished. In Opheliidae, Polygordiidae, Protodrilidae, Spionidae, Oweniidae, Aphroditidae, Acoetidae (=Polyodontidae), Polynoidae, Sigalonidae, Phyllodocidae, Nephtyidae, Pisionidae, and Nerillidae circular muscles are lacking. It is hypothesised that the absence of circular muscles represents the plesiomorphic state in Annelida. This view contradicts the widely accepted idea of an earthworm-like musculature of the body wall comprising an outer layer of circular and an inner layer of longitudinal fibres. A classification of the various types of parapodial muscle construction has been developed. Massive and less manoeuvrable parapodia composed of many components like those of Aphrodita are regarded to represent the plesiomorphic state in recent polychaetes. An analysis of the diversity of the muscular structure supports the hypothesis that the primary mode of life in polychaetes was epibenthic and the parapodial chaetae had a protective function.  相似文献   

Kajihara  Hiroshi  Gibson  Ray  Mawatari  Shunsuke F. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,456(1-3):187-198
A new genus and species of monostiliferous hoplonemertean, Diopsonemertes acanthocephala gen. et sp. nov., is described from Otsuchi Bay, Japan. Significant anatomical features of the new form include a body wall longitudinal musculature anteriorly divided into inner and outer layers by connective tissue, no pre-cerebral septum, the presence of a thin coat of diagonal muscle fibres between the body wall longitudinal and circular muscle layers in the foregut body region, cephalic retractor muscles derived only from the inner portion of the divided longitudinal muscles and a rhynchocoel more than half the body length.  相似文献   

To date, the phylum Cycliophora comprises only one described extant species of acoelomate marine invertebrates, Symbion pandora. Adult specimens live commensally on the mouthparts of the Norwegian lobster, Nephrops norvegicus. Its complicated life cycle includes an asexually produced Pandora larva and a sexually produced chordoid larva. Despite detailed TEM investigations and its inclusion in recent molecular phylogenetic analyses, cycliophoran relationships still remain enigmatic. In order to increase the morphological database, I investigated the anatomy of the nervous system and the musculature of the chordoid larva by applying fluorescence-coupled antibodies against the neurotransmitters serotonin and FMRFamide, as well as FITC-coupled phalloidin to label filamentous F-actin, in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy. The FMRFamidergic nervous system shows a bilobed anterior ganglion and one pair of ventral nerve cords, while serotonin is distributed in a scattered pattern in the anterior ganglion. In addition, there are two pairs of ventral serotonergic nerves, of which the inner pair fuses with the outer nerve cords in the posterior third of the larva. The musculature comprises an outer layer of six units of circular body wall muscles, several helicoid muscle fibers, a set of paired longitudinal muscles that span the entire anterior-posterior axis of the larva, and a few oblique muscle strands. Furthermore, an anterior muscle complex and one pair of posterior muscles are present. The chordoid organ consists of a number of distinct subunits that are each formed by a dense layer of circular muscle fibers.The overall arrangement of the oblique and longitudinal muscles as well as the body wall musculature in the chordoid larva of Symbion pandora exhibits similarities with the condition found in certain rotifers. This is congruent with some recent phylogenies based on 18S rRNA sequences but additional morphological, developmental, and molecular data are needed to clarify the phylogenetic relationships of Cycliophora.  相似文献   

The musculature of parasitic flatworms plays a central role in locomotory movement, attachment to the host, and in the function of the digestive, reproductive, and excretory systems. We examine for the first time the muscle system of the flatworm Dicrocoelium dendriticum, a causative agent of the parasitic disease dicrocoeliosis, by use of fluorescently labeled phalloidin and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Somatic musculature of D. dendriticum consists of the circular, longitudinal, and diagonal muscles. The distribution of the muscle fibers in the body wall differed among the anterior, middle, and posterior body regions of the worm. The musculature of the attachment organs, the oral and ventral suckers, includes several types of muscles: the external equatorial and meridional muscles, internal circular and semicircular muscles, and radial muscles. Inside of the ventral sucker the diagonally located muscles were revealed and the supplementary u-shaped muscles were found adjoined to the base of the sucker from outside. The musculature of the internal organs composed of the excretory, reproductive, and digestive systems were characterized. Our results increase our knowledge of the morphology of trematodes and the arrangement of their muscle system.  相似文献   

The musculature of adult specimens of Cossura pygodactylata was studied by means of F-actin labelling and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Their body wall is comprised of five longitudinal muscle bands: two dorsal, two ventral and one ventromedial. Complete circular fibres are found only in the abdominal region, and they are developed only on the border of the segments. Thoracic and posterior body regions contain only transverse fibres ending near the ventral longitudinal bands. Almost-complete rings of transverse muscles, with gaps on the dorsal and ventral sides, surround the terminal part of the pygidium. Four longitudinal bands go to the middle of the prostomium and 5–14 paired dorso-ventral muscle fibres arise in its distal part. Each buccal tentacle contains one thick and two thin longitudinal muscle filaments; thick muscle fibres from all tentacles merge, forming left and right tentacle protractors rooted in the dorsal longitudinal bands of the body wall. The circumbuccal complex includes well-developed upper and lower lips. These lips contain an outer layer of transverse fibres, and the lower lip also contains inner oblique muscles going to the dorsal longitudinal bands. The branchial filament contains two longitudinal muscle fibres that do not connect with the body musculature. The parapodial complex includes strong intersegmental and segmental oblique muscles in the thoracic region only; chaetal retractors, protractors and muscles of the body wall are present in all body regions. Muscle fibres are developed in the dorsal and ventral mesenteries. One semi-circular fibre is developed on the border of each segment and is most likely embedded in the dissepiment. The intestine has thin circular fibres along its full length. The dorsal blood vessel has strong muscle fibres that cover its anterior part, which is called the heart. It consists of short longitudinal elements forming regular rings and inner partitions. The musculature of C. pygodactylata includes some elements that are homologous with similar muscular components in other polychaetes (i.e., the body wall and most parapodial muscles) and several unique features, mostly at the anterior end.  相似文献   

Musculature and nervous system of Gnathostomula peregrina (Gnathostomulida, Scleroperalia) were reconstructed from whole animals by immunohistochemistry and confocal laser scanning microscopy. The F-actin muscular subset, stained with FITC-labeled phalloidin, consists of: (1) eleven pairs (four ventral, one ventrolateral, one dorsolateral, five dorsal) of longitudinal muscles; (2) two types of diagonal muscles (thin fibers throughout the body, and slightly thicker fibers of which seven pairs occur ventrally and two pairs dorsally); (3) evenly spaced thin circular fibers that gird the posterior half of the body, continuing less prominently into the anterior half; and (4) a complex pharyngeal and genital musculature. Dorsoventral muscles are absent. The organization of the FMRFamidergic nervous system shows: (1) a central nervous system with a frontal ganglion and one pair of longitudinal nerves ending in a terminal commissure, and one median ventral nerve; (2) eight to ten unipolar perikarya above, and up to ten bipolar perikarya in front of the brain; (3) a total of five (one unpaired, two paired) longitudinal nerves of the peripheral nervous system with two to four accompanying perikarya; and (4) a buccal ganglion of the stomatogastric nervous system with six to eight perikarya above the pharyngeal bulbus. Our results reveal the musculature and nervous system of Gnathostomula to be more complex than hitherto reported.  相似文献   

Phalloidin fluorescence technique, enzyme cytochemistry and immunocytochemistry in conjunction with confocal scanning laser microscopy were used for the first time to describe the nervous and muscle systems of the viviparous monogenean parasite, Gyrodactylus rysavyi inhabiting the gills and skin of the Nile catfish Clarias gariepinus. The body wall muscles are composed of an outer layer of circular fibres, an intermediate layer of paired longitudinal fibres and an inner layer of well-spaced bands of diagonal fibres arranged in two crossed directions. The musculature of the pharynx, intestine, reproductive tract and the most prominent muscles of the haptor were also described. Two characteristic muscular pads were found lying in the anterior region of the haptor in close contact with the hamuli. To each one of these pads, a group of ventral extrinsic muscles was connected. The role of this ventral extrinsic muscle in the body movement was discussed. The mechanism operating the marginal hooklets was also discussed. The central nervous system (CNS) consists of paired cerebral ganglia from which three pairs of longitudinal ventral, lateral and dorsal nerve cords arise. The nerve cords are connected at intervals by many transverse connectives. The CNS is better developed ventrally than dorsally or laterally and it has the highest reactivity for all neuroactive substances examined. Both the central and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) are bilaterally symmetrical. Structural and functional correlates of the neuromusculature of the pharynx, haptor and reproductive tracts were explained. The results implicated acetylcholine, FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) and serotonin in sensory and motor function. The results were compared with those of the monogeneans Macrogyrodactylus clarii and M. congolensis inhabiting the gills and skin respectively of the same host fish C. gariepinus.  相似文献   

The pharynx variabilis of Prorhynchus is strongly muscular, with a small pharyngeal fold and a thin surrounding sheath. There is one row of inner longitudinal musclcs, up to six rows of inner circular muscles, many radial muscles, one row of outer circular and one row of outer longitudinal muscles, with no sphincter muscle groups. Three kinds of secretion, produced in a cluster of gland cell bodies posterior to the pharynx, enter the pharynx wall. They travel anteriorly in ducts and two kinds unite in a common duct just prior to discharging into the anterior region of the pharynx lumen. The perikarya of lumen epithelial cells lie within the pharynx musculature and, at the anterior and posterior margins of the pharynx, external to the pharynx. Bundles of ciliated receptors are numerous at the anterior and posterior constrictions. Similarities in the ultrastructure of flame bulbs of Rhabdocoela and Lecithoepitheliata suggest a relationship between these groups. However, the usefulness of pharynx ultrastructure for platyhelminth phylogeny cannot be assessed until complete ultrastructural studies of various groups of Rhabdocoela have been made.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of monoamines in the pharynx and oesophagus of the rhesus monkey (Macacus rhesus) and the cat (Felis domestica) was investigated by means of fluorescence microscopical and chemical methods. Fluorimetric determinations reveal the presence of varying amounts of noradrenaline in the pharynx and oesophagus of the rhesus monkey. The lowest amount (0.05 (g/g) was found in the lower part of the oesophagus, the so-called sphincter-segment. The middle and upper part of the oesophagus contain medium amounts of noradrenaline (0.06–0.09 g) whereas the highest concentration was detected in the pharynx (0.14 (g/g). Neither dopamine nor adrenaline occurred in the tissue pieces analyzed. Fluorescence microscopically noradrenaline was found to be located in varicose intramural nerve fibre plexus which innervate mucous glands and blood vessels in the pharynx of both species. In the rhesus monkey, the lamina muscularis mucosae of all parts of the oesophagus is supplied by a well developed noradrenergic ground-plexus. Preterminal and terminal varicose nerve fibres are distributed in myenteric and submucous ganglia of the oesophagus; the number of such ganglia decreases towards the lower segment. The density of the adrenergic innervation is higher in myenteric when compared to submucous ganglia. The arrangement of the intraganglionic terminals suggests that both axosomatic and axodendritic contacts occur in Auerbach's ganglia whereas axodendritic contacts seem to predominate in Meissner's ganglia. Myenteric ganglia situated close to the submucosa as well as true submucous ganglia may be occasionally seen to be traversed by faintly fluorescent non-varicosed fibres which do not establish any synaptic contacts. The fluorescence intensity of intraganglionic varicosities varies considerably; accordingly the transmitter content of individual varicosities seems to be very variable. The adrenergic innervation of the lamina muscularis is restricted to single contorted fibres being sparsely distributed throughout the longitudinal smooth muscle layer. The circularly arranged smooth musculature of the sphincter-segment lacks an adrenergic nerve supply. The vagus nerve carries sympathetic adrenergic fibres to the lower oesophagus and the cardia. Species differences between the innervation pattern in rhesus monkeys and cats are outlined: No adrenergically innervated ganglia occur in the submucosa of the cat. However, part of the myenteric ganglia in cats exhibit an adrenergic innervation pattern similar to that seen in submucous ganglia of the rhesus monkey. They might therefore be regarded as morphologically equivalent to the plexus submucosus which is, however, present in the whole gut. The density of the noradrenergic ground-plexus in the muscularis mucosae of the cat's oesophagus is less than that of the corresponding plexus in rhesus monkeys.The influence of noradrenaline upon the smooth musculature and the neurons from myenteric as well as submucous ganglia is discussed. From the point of view of the adrenergic innervation there is no structure corresponding to the sphincterlike lower oesophageal segment.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Joachim-Jungius-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, Hamburg.  相似文献   

Summary The organization of marine gastrotrichs (Macrodasyoidea) is reviewed by ultrastructural analysis of one representative,Turbanella cornuta Remane, and the fine structure of tissues and cells is described. Turbanella cornuta has a mono-layeredcellular epidermis rich withsensory hairs, epidermal bodies, isolatedepidermal glands, glandular adhesive organs belonging to a duo-gland type, andventral ciliated epidermal cells of the multiciliated type. The voluminous neuropil of thebrain consists of a circular commissure which sends out four anterior and posterior longitudinal headnerves. The posterior ones unite on each side to one single longitudinal nerve of the periphery which is occupied with single peripheral neurons and has thin commissures that make it anorthogon. The position and the structure of the neurons indicate their sensitive, associative, motoric, and neurosecretory functions. The different forms of synapses give first hints to neuronal connections within gastrotrichs. There is a big cellularglia around the brain commissure and a small cellular glia within the brain neurons. In between the cross-striated muscle fibrils of thepharyngeal wall there are also nerves and sensory hairs.TheY-organ lies in the interior of the lateral body cavities, which are delimited by an outer musculature of the body wall and an inner musculature of the intestinal tract. In the pharyngeal region, theY-organ fills the body cavities completely and, in the intestinal region, it covers thegonads, which also lie in the lateral body cavities, dorsally. The testicles lie separately in front of the paired ovaries. Single states of oogenesis could be identified as oogonia, and young and old oocytes. There is a paired gland organ in front of the dorsomedian ovary which may produce a mucous cover for the egg.Theintestinal tract is adapted to mechanical stress by a myoepithelium in the pharyngeal region, by various interdigitations, and by narrow intercellular gaps with hemidesmosomal adhesions to the basement membrane. The majority of the resorbing intestinal cells have a high seam of microvilli and contain various numbers of lysosomes. In addition, there are some secerning cells without microvilli, but with a centrically arranged ER and with big secretion granules in the dorsomedian sector.The ultrastructure affirms a close correlation between the conditions of life in the interstitium and structural adaptations, such as may be observed in single structures of the body wall, the y-organ, the intestinal tract and, in some respect, even in the nervous system and in the formerly researched musculature and spermatohistogenesis. On the other hand, for the construction of the glandular adhesive organs, the nervous system, and the formerly investigated body cavities, a phylogenetical relevance is discussed. Thereafter, gastrotrichs have more primitive characters than the closely related nematodes.Abbreviations a sensory hair cells - am ampoule - at outleading tube - b basement membrane - bb basal body - c cilium - cr rootlet of the cilium - cu cuticle - cw cell wall - d d-cells of the brain - de desmosomes - e e-cells of the brain - eb epidermal bodies - ee ripe egg in the dorsomedian ovary - ep epidermis - er endoplasmatic reticulum - ev ventral ciliated epidermal cells - f f-cells of the brain - fr fibrillar structure - g gland cell - ge germ epithelium - gl(1+2) small and big cellular glia of the br - go Golgi-apparatus - gp genital pore - h h-cells of the brain - hf lateral adhesive tubules - hfp posterior adhesive tubules - i intestine - il intestinal lumen - 1 lumen of the organ - li lipid granules - ly lysosomes - m mitochondrium - mb multivesicular body - mc circular musculature - mi microvilli - ml longitudinal musculature - mo mouth opening - mt microtubules - mpl longitudinal muscle fibers of the pharyngeal wall - mpr radial muscle fibers of the pharyngeal wall - n nucleus - nb brain neurons - nc brain commissure - nf nerve fibers - nl lateral headnerve - nm nuclear membrane - nn nucleolus - nv ventrolateral headnerve - nz peripheric neuron - ncp peripheric nerve commissure - nvp longitudinal peripheric nerve - o lateral ovary - oc oocyte - oo oogonium - ow wall cells of the ovary - p secretory pore - ph pharynx - po palpar organ - phb pharyngeal bulbs - phl pharyngeal lumen - phn nerve plexus of the pharynx wall - sa anterior sense organ - sg secretory granules - sh sensory hair cell - sp posterior sense organ - st supporting stick - su supporting cell - sv synaptic vesicles - sy synaptic gap - t testicles - tl testicular lumen - tw wall cells of the testicles and the vas deferens - v ventral - va vacuoles - vd vas deferens - vs vesicles - y y-organ - yc anterior commissure of the y-organ - z yolk granules  相似文献   

Divergent morphologies among related species are often correlated with distinct behaviors and habitat uses. Considerable morphological and behavioral differences are found between two major clades within the polychaete family Opheliidae. For instance, Thoracophelia mucronata burrows by peristalsis, whereas Armandia brevis exhibits undulatory burrowing. We investigate the anatomical differences that allow for these distinct burrowing behaviors, then interpret these differences in an evolutionary context using broader phylogenetic (DNA‐based) and morphological analyses of Opheliidae and taxa, such as Scalibregmatidae and Polygordiidae. Histological three‐dimensional‐reconstruction of A. brevis reveals bilateral longitudinal muscle bands as the prominent musculature of the body. Circular muscles are absent; instead oblique muscles act with unilateral contraction of longitudinal muscles to bend the body during undulation. The angle of helical fibers in the cuticle is consistent with the fibers supporting turgidity of the body rather than resisting radial expansion from longitudinal muscle contraction. Circular muscles are present in the anterior of T. mucronata, and they branch away from the body wall to form oblique muscles. Helical fibers in the cuticle are more axially oriented than those in undulatory burrowers, facilitating radial expansion during peristalsis. A transition in musculature accompanies the change in external morphology from the thorax to the abdomen, which has oblique muscles similar to A. brevis. Muscles in the muscular septum, which extends posteriorly to form the injector organ, act in synchrony with the body wall musculature during peristalsis: they contract to push fluid anteriorly and expand the head region following a direct peristaltic wave of the body wall muscles. The septum of A. brevis is much thinner and is presumably used for eversion of a nonmuscular pharynx. Mapping of morphological characters onto the molecular‐based phylogeny shows close links between musculature and behavior, but less correlation with habitat. J. Morphol. 275:548–571, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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