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Wild rodents (Bolomys lasiurus) of both sexes were caught in a cerrado grassland area during the dry (July-September) and rainy (January-March) seasons of Brazil. Fasted animals were perfused with Karnovsky fixative through the left ventricle, under ether anesthesia, and the submandibular gland was processed for embedding in historesin. Histological and histometric data show sexual dimorphism at both seasons. In the volume percentage of the granular convoluted tubules (GCT) and their secretory granules, the males exhibited higher values. The absolute volume occupied by these structures, however, was dimorphic only in the rainy season. The diameter of the GCT, the height of its epithelium, and its total length were also greater in males during the rainy season. The absolute volumes of the acini and of the ductal tree were identical in both sexes in the dry and rainy seasons but the acinar diameter increased in the males and females during the rainy season. The sexual dimorphism and the seasonal variations now described in the B. lasiurus submandibular glands could be explained by the augmented reproductive activity of the males in the rainy period.  相似文献   

Bats are distributed worldwide from tropical to temperate regions. Despite their wide geographical radiation and advances in studies using evolutionary approaches, aspects related to the reproduction of these animals remain poorly explored, especially those related to the male reproductive accessory glands (RAGs). Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the morphophysiology of the male RAGs in the bat Artibeus lituratus. The RAGs in A. lituratus are composed of a compact intra‐abdominal glandular complex, consisting of the prostate with two prostatic regions (ventral and dorsal), plus Littre glands and a pair of extra‐abdominal bulbourethral glands. The ventral region of the prostate has an epithelium with variable morphology, due to its holocrine type of secretion. In contrast, the dorsal region has a typical cubic‐to‐columnar pseudostratified epithelium. Both regions contain two cell types, basal and secretory cells. Similar to the epithelial morphology, the secretion also varies, with the ventral region containing numerous PAS‐positive globular vesicles, whereas the dorsal region has a more fluid, hyaline and PAS‐negative secretion. Littre glands are dispersed in the connective tissue of the urethra, while the bulbourethral glands are located in the penile root, both glands with cubic‐to‐columnar pseudostratified epithelium and globular PAS‐positive secretion. The results demonstrate that the RAGs of A. lituratus are composed of two prostatic regions, ventral and dorsal, and urethral and bulbourethral glands, with no seminal vesicles. Each prostatic region has unique and distinctive characteristics, with the ventral region presenting an exclusive holocrine nature and the dorsal region having similarities to the ventral prostate of rodents.  相似文献   

In eutherian mammals, the male reproductive accessory glands (RAGs) comprise the prostate, bulbourethral glands, ampullary glands, and the seminal vesicles. Their composition, anatomy and function vary widely between species. This study aimed to characterize histologically and compare the RAGs of bats. The RAGs of Noctilio albiventris (Noctilionidae) and Rhynchonycteris naso (Emballonuridae) were studied using anatomical and histological methods, and were reconstructed three dimensionally. The RAGs of N. albiventris and R. naso are composed of a compact glandular complex that surrounds the urethra and a pair of bulbourethral glands, which are extra‐abdominally located in the inguinal region. In both species, the glandular complex is composed of two well‐defined prostatic regions (ventral and dorsal). The ventral region showed an atypical epithelium (holocrine), where no obvious cellular limits were observed, and PAS‐positive secretion. The dorsal region had a pseudostratified cuboidal epithelium, with basal and secretory cells, and PAS‐negative secretion. Noctilio albiventris also had urethral glands (Littre glands) surrounding the urethra, however, R. naso had only muscles. Both species had bulbourethral glands, with simple columnar epithelium and PAS‐positive secretion. In conclusion, the RAGs of N. albiventris and R. naso comprised a pair of bulbourethral glands and an intra‐abdominal complex, composed of a prostate with two different regions (ventral and dorsal), while the ampullary glands and seminal vesicles were missing in both species. This morphology was more closely related between N. albiventris and R. naso, and to species of the family Phyllostomidae than to families Molossidae and Vespertilionidae. J. Morphol. 277:1459–1468, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The venom apparatus of the scorpion, C. sculpturatus (Ewing) was studied with light and electron microscopy. Each of the paired glands is lined by secretory epithelium made up of a single layer of columnar cells. Extensive folding in the epithelial layer creates a primitive acinar gland. The secretory products are either membrane-bound or unbound vesicles with discrete morphologies and are observed in the extruded venom, within the lumen of the gland, and within single secretory cells. The venom apparatus, including connective tissues, nerve cells, and muscle tunic is described and correlations are made with observations in other Athropods.  相似文献   

The parotid and the principal and accessory submandibular glands of the little brown bat. Myotis lucifugus (Vespertilionidae), were examined using light microscopy and staining methods for mucosubstances. The parotid gland is a compound tubuloacinar seromucous gland. Parotid gland secretory cells contain both neutral and nonsulfated acidic mucosubstances. The principal and accessory submandibular glands are compound tubuloacinar mucus-secreting glands. They contain somewhat atypical mucus-secreting demilunar cells that often appear to be interspersed between mucous tubule cells. The mucous tubule cells in both the principal and accessory submandibular glands contain sulfonmucins. Demilunar cells of the principal submandibular gland contain moderate amounts of nonsulfated acidic mucosubstances, but the corresponding cells of the accessory submandibular gland contain considerable neutral mucosubstance with very little acid mucosubstance. Intercalated ducts composed of cuboidal or low columnar epithelial cells are present in all three glands. Striated ducts in all glands are composed of columnar cells whose apices bulge into the ductal lumina. Excretory ducts are composed of simple columnar epithelium, with occasional basal cells that suggest a possible pseudostratified nature. The cells of the excretory ducts also have bulging apices. All duct types contain apical cytoplasmic secretory material that is a periodic acid-Schiff positive, neutral mucosubstance. Ductal apical secretory material is more evident in intercalated and striated ducts than in excretory ducts.  相似文献   

Histology and ultrastructure of sebaceous glands of the integumental inguinal gland of the hare were studied during the periods of low and high reproductive activity (in winter and in spring breeding season). It was established that the glands were functioning continually (cells in acini of all the animals used contained numerous secretory granules). The expansion of agranular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex in secretory cells of sexually active animals, especially of males, shows an increased intensity of gland secretory process during the breeding season.  相似文献   

In chondrichthyes, the process of spermatogenesis produces a spermatocyst composed of Sertoli cells and their cohort of associated spermatozoa linearly arrayed and embedded in the apical end of the Sertoli cell. The extratesticular ducts consist of paired epididymis, ductus deferens, isthmus, and seminal vesicles. In transit through the ducts, spermatozoa undergo modification by secretions of the extratesticular ducts and associated glands, i.e., Leydig gland. In mature animals, the anterior portion of the mesonephros is specialized as the Leydig gland that connects to both the epididymis and ductus deferens and elaborates seminal fluid and matrix that contribute to the spermatophore or spermatozeugmata, depending on the species. Leydig gland epithelium is simple columnar with secretory and ciliated cells. Secretory cells have periodic acid-Schiff positive (PAS+) apical secretory granules. In the holocephalan elephant fish, Callorhynchus milii, sperm and Sertoli cell fragments enter the first major extratesticular duct, the epididymis. In the epididymis, spermatozoa are initially present as individual sperm but soon begin to laterally associate so that they are aligned head-to-head. The epididymis is a highly convoluted tubule with a small bore lumen and an epithelium consisting of scant ciliated and relatively more secretory cells. Secretory activity of both the Leydig gland and epididymis contribute to the nascent spermatophores, which begin as gel-like aggregations of secretory product in which sperm are embedded. Fully formed spermatophores occur in the ductus. The simple columnar epithelium has both ciliated and secretory cells. The spermatophore is regionalized into a PAS+ and Alcian-blue-positive (AB+) cortex and a distinctively PAS+, and less AB+ medulla. Laterally aligned sperm occupy the medulla and are surrounded by a clear zone separate from the spermatophore matrix. Grossly, the seminal vesicles are characterized by spiral partitions of the epithelium that project into the lumen, much like a spiral staircase. Each partition is staggered with respect to adjacent partitions while the aperture is eccentric. The generally nonsecretory epithelium of the seminal vesicle is simple columnar with both microvillar and ciliated cells.  相似文献   

The venom gland of Crotalus viridis oreganus is composed of two discrete secretory regions: a small anterior portion, the accessory gland, and a much larger main gland. These two glands are joined by a short primary duct consisting of simple columnar secretory cells and basal horizontal cells. The main gland has at least four morphologically distinct cell types: secretory cells, the dominant cell of the gland, mitochondria-rich cells, horizontal cells, and “dark” cells. Scanning electron microscopy shows that the mitochondria-rich cells are recessed into pits of varying depth; these cells do not secrete. Horizontal cells may serve as secretory stem cells, and “dark” cells may be myoepithelial cells. The accessory gland contains at least six distinct cell types: mucosecretory cells with large mucous granules, mitochondria-rich cells with apical vesicles, mitochondria-rich cells with electron-dense secretory granules, mitochondria-rich cells with numerous cilia, horizontal cells, and “dark” cells. Mitochondria-rich cells with apical vesicles or cilia cover much of the apical surface of mucosecretory cells and these three cell types are found in the anterior distal tubules of the accessory gland. The posterior regions of the accessory gland lack mucosecretory cells and do not appear to secrete. Ciliated cells have not been noted previously in snake venom glands. Release of secretory products (venom) into the lumen of the main gland is by exocytosis of granules and by release of intact membrane-bound vesicles. Following venom extraction, main gland secretory and mitochondria-rich cells increase in height, and protein synthesis (as suggested by rough endoplasmic reticulum proliferation) increases dramatically. No new cell types or alterations in morphology were noted among glands taken from either adult or juvenile snakes, even though the venom of each is quite distinct. In general, the glands of C. v. oreganus share structural similarities with those of crotalids and viperids previously described.  相似文献   

Males of a solitary digger wasp, the European beewolf, Philanthus triangulum, possess large mandibular glands that have been reported to produce a scent marking pheromone. We analysed the morphology and ultrastructure of these glands using light microscopy as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The paired glands are located laterally in the head and each side consists of a larger and a smaller part. Both parts possess a collecting duct each with distinct openings at the mandible base. However, the collecting duct of the larger part is additionally connected to the pharynx through a lateral extension. The collecting ducts are bordered by a monolayered epithelium lined with cuticle that exhibits conspicuous ramified protuberances. About 1400 acini consisting of class 3 gland cells surround the ducts and are connected to them through conducting canals. The main components in the cytoplasm of these gland cells are mitochondria, well-developed smooth endoplasmatic reticulum, and electron lucent vesicles suggesting a high secretory activity. The connection between the large gland parts and the pharynx suggests that the secretion of the mandibular glands might not only be delivered directly onto the mandibles but might also be transported to and stored in the postpharyngeal gland.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of formaldehyde-induced fluorescence and acetylcholine-esterase (AChE) activity was histochemically investigated in certain salivary glands of the cow (submandibular gland), guinea pig and hamster (submandibular and sublingual glands). Adrenergic nerves occur around the secretory acini of the bovine, guinea pig and hamster submandibular glands, as well as around those of the hamster sublingual gland. The mucous secretory acini of the guinea pig sublingual gland, however, seem to be devoid of adrenergic nerve supply. Except in the sublingual gland of the hamster, no adrenergic nerves occur in relation to duct cells.The pattern of AChE activity is similar to that of adrenergic nerves. Thus, AChE-positive nerves form a network around secretory acini of all the five glands examined. Furthermore, AChE activity was also observed in nerve fibres in close proximity to striated duct cells.Both adrenergic and AChE-containing fibres were observed around blood vessels of different sizes. Ganglionic cells are occasionally to be seen; they all display AChE-activity. No adrenergic ganglionic cells were observed in any of the glands examined.All glands were also studied in the electron microscope. Interest was focussed on the fine structure of the autonomic nerves with special reference to their contents and type of storage vesicles.The content of noradrenaline was chemically determined in each type of salivary gland studied.This work was supported by grants from the University of Umeå and from the Swedish Society for Medical Research and was also carried out within a research organization supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council (projects B73-04X-712-08C and B73-04X-56-09C). The authors are indebted to Miss Kristina Karlsson and Miss Marianne Borg for valuable technical assistance.  相似文献   

The tubular accessory reproductive glands of the male mealworm beetle consist of a secretory epithelium surrounded by a thin muscular sheath. Each columnar secretory cell is divisible into three zones: basal which is adjacent to the muscle layer and contains rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi, intermediate, which contains endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi zones in the immature gland and is filled with secretory vesicles in the mature gland, and apical. Maturation also involves proliferation and organization of the rough endoplasmic reticulum in the basal and intermediate zone. The process appears to be complete at four days after ecdysis. Parallels with other insect glands and with the mammalian prostate are striking.  相似文献   

This work describes for the first time the ink gland of Aplysia dactylomela Rang, 1828 using light microscopy and histochemical tests. The results reveal that this organ is covered by a layer of simple epithelium and that there are some differences between the epithelium facing the mantle shelf and that facing the mantle cavity. The former consists of columnar cells, which may have a secretory function, whereas the latter is a cuboidal epithelium. Underneath the epithelium and along the whole gland there are fibres of smooth muscle and collagen, organized in groups of parallel bundles. There are vesicles of different diameters, apparently with similar morphology. Some are filled with ink, whereas others are either granular or clear. The ink is released through a duct formed by invaginations of the cuboidal epithelium. Tests with bromophenol blue and periodic acid Schiff indicated that the ink and granulated vesicles contain proteins and carbohydrates or maybe glycoproteins. Between the fibre bundles and the vesicles there are dispersed cells. A diagram is presented emphasizing the covering epithelium, the distribution of muscle and collagen fibres, the dispersed cells, vesicles and ducts. This organization is similar to that of the other Aplysia species studied to date, A. californica.  相似文献   

The principal and accessory submandibular glands of the common vampire bat, Desmodus rotundus, were examined by electron microscopy. The secretory endpieces of the principal gland consist of serous tubules capped at their blind ends by mucous acini. The substructure of the mucous droplets and of the serous granules varies according to the mode of specimen preparation. With ferrocyanide-reduced osmium postfixation, the mucous droplets are moderately dense and homogeneous; the serous granules often have a polygonal outline and their matrix shows clefts in which bundles of wavy filaments may be present. With conventional osmium postfixation, the mucous droplets have a finely fibrillogranular matrix; the serous granules are homogeneously dense. Mucous cells additionally contain many small, dense granules that may be small peroxisomes, as well as aggregates of 10-nm cytofilaments. Intercalated duct cells are relatively unspecialized. Striated ducts are characterized by highly folded basal membranes and vertically oriented mitochondria. Luminal surfaces of all of the secretory and duct cells have numerous microvilli, culminating in a brush borderlike affair in the striated ducts. The accessory gland has secretory endpieces consisting of mucous acini with small mucous demilunes. The acinar mucous droplets contain a large dense region; the lucent portion has punctate densities. Demilune mucous droplets lack a dense region and consist of a light matrix in which fine fibrillogranular material is suspended. A ring of junctional cells, identifiable by their complex secretory granules, separates the mucous acini from the intercalated ducts. The intercalated ducts lack specialized structure. Striated ducts resemble their counterparts in the principal gland. As in the principal gland, all luminal surfaces are covered by an array of microvilli. At least some of the features of the principal and accessory submandibular glands of the vampire bat may be structural adaptations to the exigencies posed by the exclusively sanguivorous diet of these animals and its attendant extremely high intake of sodium chloride.  相似文献   

The microstructural characteristics of the capture thread production from silk glands in the orb web spiders were analyzed using scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Sticky and gluey capture threads of the web are originated from the silks of two flagelliform glands and four aggregate glands. They supply precursors of the secretory silks to a pair of characteristic “triad” spinning units on the posterior spinnerets. The aggregate gland is composed of large and multi‐lobed secretory region and thick excretory duct surrounded by large irregular nodules. The excretory duct of this gland basically consists of three superposed types of cells which are inner columnar epithelium, nodule forming cells and outer connectives. The nodules contain numerous mitochondria and glycogen particles within their cytoplasm and they are surrounded by the same sheath of thin connective tissues. Secretory region of the aggregate gland which produce water‐soluble components of the capture thread comprises discrete secretory vesicles and extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum. Characteristically, secretory droplets are formed without involvement of the Golgi complexes, suggesting that they do not play an important role in the processing of the capture threads. However the electron densities and internal textures of the granules are observed with diverse according to their maturation level. Finally, the secretory products are released by the mechanism of apocrine secretion losing part of their cytoplasm during this process.  相似文献   

Harderian glands of the Wistar albino rats normal and adrenalectomized were investigated by light microscopy. In normal, these glands have a tubuloalveolar structure. The gland is located in the medio posterior aspect of the orbit. It is lobulated and appears homogeneous in colour and texture. Harderian gland consist of tubules with wide lumina lined by a single layer of columnar epithelial cells surrounded by myoepithelial cells within their basal lamina. It contains porphyrin pigment which is stored as solid intraluminal deposits. The glandular epithelium possesses two cell types, termed A and B. Type A cells are more numerous. The single excretory duct of the gland is directly continuous with endpieces at the hilus and opens nasally and ventrally to the third eyelid. The excretory duct is accompanied by many acini of small serous glands around it. The tubuloalveoli of the gland is not divided into lobules. There is no branched duct system within the gland. The secretion seems to be associated with porphyrins, is essentially released by exocytosis, but holocrine secretion also occurs. The single excretory duct is lined by a stratified epithelium. The gland is surrounded by a collagenous capsule. The adrenalectomy, caused degenerative changes in the glands. Epithelial height was lower than in normal gland epithelium. Most of the acini were completely disorganised. The acinar lumina were filled with porphyrin debris. The results suggest that rat harderian glands are sensitive to adrenal androgen changes in both male and female rats.  相似文献   

The morphological features of boar bulbourethral glands were examined by light and transmission microscopy. Bulbourethral glands are compound tubuloalveolar glands surrounded by a capsule of dense connective tissue and arranged in multiple lobules formed by endpieces and excretory ducts. Endpieces and excretory ducts are both lined by a single epithelium of mucous cells with a basal nucleus. Epithelial cells accumulate secretory granules containing neutral and carboxylated acid mucosubstances and a small amount of sulphated acid mucosubstances. The ultrastructure of epithelial cells varies according to the secretory cycle. In initial stages, the cells show a columnar shape and secretory granules unevenly distributed in the cytoplasm. As the synthesis of mucosubstances progresses, the amount of the secretory granules increases and the cellular shape becomes pyramidal. Secretory granules can contain inclusions and present differences among them according to their different phases of formation. In pyramidal cells, secretory products are released into the lumen by a merocrine mechanism.  相似文献   

The labial gland in M. bellicosus corresponds with the acinar type, and occupies the greater part of meso- and metathorax. The acini comprise three secretory cell types, in addition to the central ductule cells and the epithelial cells that make up the efferent ducts. Cell types are mainly distinguished by the size and appearance of their secretory vesicles and the extent of the microvillar contact area with the ductule cells. They probably produce a proteinaceous secretion that may contain digestive enzymes. The labial gland acini in soldiers, on the other hand, contain only one type of secretory cell, which is not comparable with any of the cell types in the worker caste. This difference is in agreement with the multifunctional role of the labial gland according to the termites' polyethism.  相似文献   

The paired tubular accessory glands in Haemaphysalis longicornis open at the junction of the cervical and the vestibular parts of vagina via short and narrow ducts. The pseudostratified columnar glandular epithelium covered by the muscle layer consists of both secretory and supporting cells. As feeding proceeds, the secretory cells increase in volume. In ovipositing females, well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi complex, and membranebound granules that are undergoing exocytosis suggest that the secretory cells are involved in protein synthesis. However, in virgin females that fed 10 days, only small dense granules and no secretion activity were observed. The secretions from the tubular accessory gland may be released into the genital tract during the egg passage through the vagina. However, the supporting cells located between the secretory cells become slender during feeding, cohere to each other at the luminal side, and have a very narrow attachment at the basement membrane. Supporting cells probably help maintain secretory cell shape especially during granular discharge into the lumen. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A Tsukise  K Yamada 《Acta anatomica》1987,129(4):344-352
To investigate the histochemical nature of the secretory epithelium lining the goat bulbourethral gland, glycoconjugates contained in these secretory epithelial cells have been studied by means of light- and electron-microscopic histochemistry. The methods employed involved a series of conventional staining and peroxidase-labeled lectin diaminobenzidine procedures together with combined selective methods such as digestion with enzymes. According to the results obtained in the present work, the secretory cells of the goat bulbourethral gland can be grouped into two types: cells with glycoconjugate-rich granules and those with less amounts of glycoconjugates. The gland is at least dual in the nature of its secretory activities.  相似文献   

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