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The myocardium of 20 Citellus erythrogenys Br. was studied by quantitative morphology in different seasons. Morphometry and stereological methods were used to measure the cardiomyocyte diameter, volume and surface densities of the main tissue structures. The morphological criteria were derived for the seasonal features of the relations in muscular and connective tissues of the hibernating rodent myocardium. Myocardial atrophy (seasonal regression of the heart weight and the cardiomyocyte diameter) was noted during hibernation. It was accompanied by adaptive tissue reorganization. The parenchymal-stromal relations in the myocardium of both active and hibernating animals were found to be stable. In these conditions there occurred significant changes in the architectonics of the myocardium.  相似文献   

The seasonal and daily variations in the concentrations of certain fungal spores in the atmosphere of the city of Granada (South of Spain) have been studied. Sampling was carried out in 1994 using a Hirst-type volumetric spore trap. The spores analysed correspond to the genera Alternaria, Cladosporium (Cladosporium cladosporioides and Cladosporium herbarum), Fusarium, Stemphylium and Ustilago. The seasonal-variation data obtained indicate that most of these spores are abundant throughout the year, with the exception of Fusarium, which was only present in trace amounts. The maximum concentrations of Alternaria, Cladosporium and Stemphylium are obtained during two sharp peaks in spring and autumn, with the minimum values being recorded during the summer and winter months; Fusarium and Ustilago spores are most abundant in autumn and winter. Although intradiurnal-variation models vary from one taxon to the next, the highest levels are generally recorded after 12:00 hours, with maximum levels being obtained in the afternoon.  相似文献   

A special case of the Weibull distribution model is used in describing the course of behavioural transformation processes in relation to some cyclic physical factor. The model assumes that the rate of the process increases, the less inhibiting the physical factor, and the faster the factor changes. However, due to some resistance or a depletion, the rate slows down, the further the process progresses. The model was tested on the daily onset of activity in nocturnal insects, daily roosting flight of blackbirds, dark and light adaptation by pigment migration in insect eyes, photoperiodic response of an insect, and daily emergence of tiger beetles. The assumptions of the model are tested and discussed. One of these is violated in unnaturally fast changes of the physical factor because the process reaches some constant minimum duration, and proportionality between rate of process and rate of factor can no longer be maintained.  相似文献   


Most of the organisms are seasonal and live in a periodic environment and rely on external cues to optimally time their annual life history stages. The most predictable environmental cue which organisms use to time reproduction is the photoperiod, but food, temperature, and humidity may play role as a crucial factors. Urbanization is greatly increasing phenomenon and leads to change in landscape and habitat destruction for wildlife and brings extra hours of light at night (LAN), altering the natural signal of light and darkness, hence the temperature and availability of food. This artificial LAN has been implemented to affect behavior, endocrinology, and reproductive physiology and to advance seasonal reproduction in birds. Here, we review the literature available on the effects of urbanization on diverse processes of organisms with particular emphasis on avian system. We consider further research with long-term data-sets on phenological and physiological parameters from diverse group of organisms and diverse habitat is essential for better understanding of impact of global climate change on the biodiversity.  相似文献   

For three consecutive years the content of natural stimulators and inhibitors was observed in leaves and shoots of peach trees. Research was directed to the question of development of flower buds. The substances under study were isolated from the acidic fraction of ether extracts by means of paper chromatography and their concentration was determined by biological test. The activities of substances which either stimulate or inhibit the growth of oat coleoptiles, were added up. The curve expressing the content of stimulators in shoots in relation to the fresh weight showed its maximum in the period of full growth of shoots (15 June–15 July according to the fluctuating vegetative conditions) and it showed a decreasing tendency at the end of the season. The decline of the curve showing the content of inhibitors is of similar direction but less steep. The trend of substances under study is the same in leaves as in shoots, but their quantity is lower. Stimulation and inhibition effects in individual sampling intervals were added up to make a common curve which seems to express the combined action of stimulators and inhibitors in the plant, which determines its growth pattern.  相似文献   

For three consecutive years the content of natural stimulators and inhibitors was observed in leaves and shoots of peach trees. Research was directed to the question of development of flower buds. The substances under study were isolated from the acidic fraction of ether extracts by means of paper chromatography and their concentration was determined by biological test. The activities of substances which either stimulate or inhibit the growth of oat coleoptiles, were added up. The curve expressing the content of stimulators in shoots in relation to the fresh weight showed its maximum in the period of full growth of shoots (15 June–15 July according to the fluctuating vegetative conditions) and it showed a decreasing tendency at the end of the season. The decline of the curve showing the content of inhibitors is of similar direction but less steep. The trend of substances under study is the same in leaves as in shoots, but their quantity is lower. Stimulation and inhibition effects in individual sampling intervals were added up to make a common curve which seems to express the combined action of stimulators and inhibitors in the plant, which determines its growth pattern.  相似文献   

We used the global field power (GFP) to estimate the magnitude and timing of activation of the somatosensory cortex by respiratory mechanoreceptor afferents in normal humans in response to brief, negative oral pressure pulses applied at the onset of inspiration. We compared responses before (test) and after insertion of a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) that prevented supraglottal airway receptors from sensing the applied stimulus. Evoked potential responses without supraglottic stimulation were smaller, with delayed or missing features, than those with all receptors stimulated. Supraglottic receptors contribute about one-half of the GFP summed over the 100 ms poststimulus, and subglottal receptors, including those in the larynx, provide a GFP response approximately 38% above baseline. The most obvious difference between test and LMA responses occurred at 55 ms on average, when the LMA GFP lacked activation features seen in the test condition. We conclude that mechanoreceptors above the larynx are responsible for a major portion of the midlatency afferent information arriving at the somatosensory cortex in response to applied pressure pulses.  相似文献   

In the course of 64 days the calcium concentration was daily determined in the blood serum of 6 male rabbits. From the first to the 32nd day round of research the rabbits were intact, and from the 33rd to 64th day round they were singularly immunized with human antimeasles gamma-globulin. With the help of the original algorithm the monthly rhythms' hierarchy was determined in the individual calcium dynamics as well as in the dynamics of synchronously measured solar activity indexes. It is discovered that singular immunization turned the 10-day calcium biorhythms' phase in reverse direction failing to affect the mean level, period length and the amplitude of them. Normal half-month calcium biorhythms stood in an anti-phase position to the analogous Wolf numbers' change and solar radio emanation in the wave of 2800 MHz rhythms.  相似文献   

Johansen, Lars Bo, Thomas Ulrik Skram Jensen, Bettina Pump,and Peter Norsk. Contribution of abdomen and legs to central bloodvolume expansion in humans during immersion. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(3): 695-699, 1997.The hypothesis wastested that the abdominal area constitutes an important reservoir forcentral blood volume expansion (CBVE) during water immersion inhumans. Six men underwent 1) water immersion for 30 min (WI),2) water immersion for 30 min withthigh cuff inflation (250 mmHg) during initial 15 min to exclude legsfrom contributing to CBVE (WI+Occl), and3) a seated nonimmersed control with15 min of thigh cuff inflation (Occl). Plasma protein concentration andhematocrit decreased from 68 ± 1 to 64 ± 1 g/l and from 46.7 ± 0.3 to 45.5 ± 0.4%(P < 0.05), respectively, during WIbut were unchanged during WI+Occl. Left atrial diameter increased from27 ± 2 to 36 ± 1 mm (P < 0.05) during WI and increased similarly during WI+Occl from 27 ± 2 to 35 ± 1 mm (P < 0.05). Centralvenous pressure increased from 3.7 ± 1.0 to 10.4 ± 0.8 mmHg during WI (P < 0.05) butonly increased to 7.0 ± 0.8 mmHg during WI+Occl(P < 0.05). In conclusion, the dilution of blood induced by WI to the neck is caused by fluid from thelegs, whereas the CBVE is caused mainly by blood from theabdomen.


In 1993, nocturnal spawning activities were observed in the diurnal spawning cyprinid Barbus barbus . This behaviour is interpreted as a response to exceptionally high daily thermal amplitudes, regarded as the sign of an unpredictable environment.  相似文献   

Splanchnic tissues are largely involved in the postprandial utilization of dietary amino acids, but little is yet known, particularly in humans, about the relative contributions of different splanchnic protein pools to splanchnic and total postprandial anabolism. Our aim was to develop a compartmental model that could distinguish dietary nitrogen (N) incorporation among splanchnic constitutive, plasma (splanchnic exported), and peripheral proteins after a mixed-protein meal in humans. Eight healthy subjects were fed a single mixed meal containing 15N-labeled soy protein, and dietary N postprandial kinetics were measured in plasma free amino acids, proteins, and urea and urinary urea and ammonia. These experimental data and others previously obtained for dietary N kinetics in ileal effluents under similar experimental conditions were used to develop the compartmental model. Six hours after the mixed-meal ingestion, 31.5, 7.5, and 21% of ingested N were predicted to be incorporated into splanchnic constitutive, splanchnic exported, and peripheral proteins, respectively. The contribution of splanchnic exported proteins to total splanchnic anabolism from dietary N was predicted to be approximately 19% and to remain steady throughout the simulation period. Model behavior and its predictions were strongly in line with current knowledge of the system and the scarce, specific data available in the literature. This model provides the first data concerning the anabolism of splanchnic constitutive proteins in the nonsteady postprandial state in humans. By use of only slightly invasive techniques, this model could help to assess how the splanchnic anabolism is modulated under different nutritional or pathophysiological conditions in humans.  相似文献   

The set point has been used to define the regulated level of body temperature, suggesting that displacements of core temperature from the set point initiate heat production (HP) and heat loss (HL) responses. Human and animal experiments have demonstrated that the responses of sweating and shivering do not coincide at a set point but rather establish a thermoeffector threshold zone. Neurophysiological studies have demonstrated that the sensor-to-effector pathways for HP and HL overlap and, in fact, mutually inhibit each other. This reciprocal inhibition theory, presumably reflecting the manner in which thermal factors contribute to homeothermy in humans, does not incorporate the effect of nonthermal factors on temperature regulation. The present review examines the actions of these nonthermal factors within the context of neuronal models of temperature regulation, suggesting that examination of these factors may provide further insights into the nature of temperature regulation. It is concluded that, although there is no evidence to doubt the existence of the HP and HL pathways reciprocally inhibiting one another, it appears that such a mechanism is of little consequence when comparing the effects of nonthermal factors on the thermoregulatory system, since most of these factors seem to exert their influence in the region after the reciprocal cross-inhibition. At any given moment, both thermal and several nonthermal factors will be acting on the thermoregulatory system. It may, therefore, not be appropriate to dismiss the contribution of either when discussing the regulation of body temperature in humans.  相似文献   

Complement C3 produced within the kidney may be an important mediator of local inflammatory and immunological injury. The overall level of renal C3 production and consequently its contribution to the total circulating C3 level are, however, unknown. This was investigated by using the conversion of C3 from recipient to donor allotype following renal transplantation. The C3 F and S allotypes of 80 consecutive renal donor-recipient pairs (148 individuals) were determined by amplification refractory mutation system analysis. The extent of allotype conversion in C3 F/S mismatched recipients was quantified at different stages after transplantation, using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay specific for the HAV 4-1 polymorphism of C3 that is strongly associated with C3F. Twenty-one of the eighty recipients were potentially informative, i.e., were C3 SS recipients of C3 FF or FS donor kidneys. In the early postoperative period, donor-derived C3 (HAV 4-1-positive) was undetectable, increasing to 9.6% of the total circulating C3 at times of acute allograft rejection. When graft dysfunction occurred from causes other than rejection, donor C3 remained undetectable. After stable graft function was attained (3-13 mo after transplantation), donor C3 made up 4.5% of the total circulating C3 pool. Our findings demonstrate that human transplant kidney in the resting state is a significant source of extrahepatic C3. Its heightened local synthesis during rejection episodes suggests a possible pathogenic role for C3 in this immunological process.  相似文献   

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