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科学灌溉对植物种子生产具有重要意义。本研究以荒漠草原优良乡土植物沙芦草和牛枝子为对象,以充分灌溉为对照,探究不同生育时期亏缺灌溉对两种牧草种子生产和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明: 与对照相比,亏缺灌溉下两种植物土壤含水率下降,其中沙芦草土壤含水率下降主要发生在0~60 cm土层,牛枝子土壤水分下降未出现明显的分层现象。亏缺灌溉下沙芦草种子产量各构成因子差异均显著,开花期亏缺灌溉种子产量最高;牛枝子仅生殖枝数、小花数和荚果数差异显著,种子产量各处理差异不显著。相关分析显示,沙芦草种子产量与生殖枝数(r=0.776)、小穗数(r=0.717)呈显著正相关;牛枝子花序数与生殖枝数呈极显著负相关(r=-0.685),与小花数呈显著正相关(r=0.412)。与充分灌溉相比,亏缺灌溉下两种乡土植物种子生产耗水量减少,水分利用效率提高,其中,沙芦草开花期亏缺灌溉水分利用效率提高最多(32.9%);牛枝子分枝期亏缺灌溉提高最多(27.4%)。因此,适当亏缺灌溉可以提高两种植物水分利用效率。从水分利用效率和种子产量来看,干旱区沙芦草和牛枝子种子人工繁育时可采取亏缺灌溉,适宜亏缺的生育期分别为开花期和分枝期。  相似文献   

庞静  吴沿友  邢德科 《广西植物》2013,33(3):313-318
以贵州省贞丰县鲁荣乡五个地区为采样点,选择各点生长良好、树龄4~5a的野生成年麻疯树与油桐作为研究对象,测定采样点土壤的理化性质和植物的光合、叶绿素荧光参数及干质量热值。结果表明:土壤磷含量的大小顺序为许妹<沙坝<喜朝<孔索<里外;土壤HCO3-含量大小顺序为许妹>喜朝>里外>孔索>沙坝。土壤pH>8时,土壤有效磷含量越高或者HCO3-含量越低,麻疯树与油桐光合能力越强,同一生长点的麻疯树光合与抗胁迫能力都高于油桐。麻疯树和油桐热值均随土壤磷含量增加而增大,随土壤HCO-3含量增加而减小。油桐抗逆性差于麻疯树,但产能多于后者。因此,可以依据土壤的理化性质选择种植麻疯树和油桐。  相似文献   

Environmental control of lipid and biomass production in two diatom species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biomass and neutral lipid accumulation were examined in Chaetoceros muelleri var. subsalsum and Navicula saprophila using a multivariate, fractional factorial design. Variables included were conductivity, temperature, nitrogen concentration, silicon concentration, time (culture age), and alkalinity. Measured characteristics included nile red fluorescence (as a measure of neutral lipid content) and ash-free dry weight (AFDW). Nitrogen concentration was the variable with the greatest effect on neutral lipid and ash-free dry weight accumulation over the ranges tested. Increasing conductivity in the range examined had a significant, negative impact on neutral lipid accumulation in both of these strains, while increasing alkalinity had a positive effect on lipid and ash-free dry weight in both strains. Experimental designs such as those described here have great potential utility in biological systems with complex interactions.  相似文献   

Deficit irrigation in winter wheat has been practiced in the areas with limited irrigation water resources. The objectives of this study were to (i) understand the physiological basis for determinations of grain yield and water-use efficiency in grain yield (WUE) under deficit irrigation; and (ii) investigate the effect of deficit irrigation on dry matter accumulation and remobilization of pre-anthesis carbon reserves during grain filling. A field experiment was conducted in the Southern High Plains of the USA and winter wheat (cv. TAM 202) was grown on Pullman clay loam soil (fine mixed thermic Torretic Paleustoll). Treatments consisted of rain-fed, deficit irrigation from jointing to the middle of grain filling, and full irrigation. The physiological measurements included leaf water potential, net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), and leaf area index. The rain-fed treatment had the lowest seasonal evapotranspiration (ET), biomass, grain yield, harvest index (HI) and WUE as a result of moderate to severe water stress from jointing to grain filling. Irrigation application increased seasonal ET, and ET increased as irrigation frequency increased. The seasonal ET increased 20% in one-irrigation treatments between jointing and anthesis, 32-46% in two-irrigation treatments, and 67% in three- and full irrigation treatments. Plant biomass, grain yield, HI and WUE increased as the result of increased ET. The increased yield under irrigation was mainly contributed by the increased number of spikes, and seeds per square meter and per spike. Among the irrigation treatments, grain yield increased significantly but the WUE increased slightly as irrigation frequency increased. The increased WUE under deficit irrigation was contributed by increased HI. Water stress during grain filling reduced Pn and Gs, and accelerated leaf senescence. However, the water stress during grain filling induced remobilization of pre-anthesis carbon reserves to grains, and the remobilization of pre-anthesis carbon reserves significantly contributed to the increased grain yield and HI. The results of this study showed that deficit irrigation between jointing and anthesis significantly increased wheat yield and WUE through increasing both current photosynthesis and the remobilization of pre-anthesis carbon reserves.  相似文献   

Drought stress affects not only crop growth but also its morpho-physiological and biochemical traits to reduce crop productivity. The study reported in this article was designed and implemented to determine the effects of deficit irrigation and bacterial inoculation on flax plants. For this purpose, seeds were inoculated with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (B1), Bacillus sp. Strain1 (B2), and Azotobacter chroococcum (A) as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). The individual inoculated plants were then grown under field conditions in 2015, while individually and in combination in pots in 2016. The irrigation regimes in either experiments included 50, 75 and 100% crop water requirement. Bacterial cultures were observed to produce ammonia (except B2), indole acetic acid and siderophores. Results showed that the PGPRs significantly mitigated the effects of water deficit. Compared with the control plants, the bacterially-inoculated plants had an enhanced relative water content, plant height, water-soluble carbohydrate and proline contents and antioxidant enzyme activities, but a decreased malondialdehyde content. B1 exhibited greater effects on most of the traits investigated under the field conditions rather than those with moderate and severe drought stress, while application of the triple bacteria in pots had greater effects on relative water content, carbohydrate and proline contents as well as malondialdehyde. The significant differences in abiotic stress indicators in PGPR-treated plants suggest that these bacteria could be used as biofertilizers to assist plant growth and to reduce the adverse effects of deficit irrigation.  相似文献   

以两种常见园林观赏草:白穗狼尾草(Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘White’)和拂子茅(Calamagrostis epigeios)作为试验材料,利用开顶箱(OTCs)模拟法,研究了不同高浓度臭氧(O3,EO):80 nmol/mol(EO-80)、120 nmol/mol(EO-120)和160 nmol/mol(EO-160)下两种观赏草叶片逆境生理特征的变化规律。结果表明:(1)短期(7 d)内随O3浓度增加,白穗狼尾草叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量较对照呈下降趋势,拂子茅较对照无显著变化。(2)在EO-120、EO-160下处理7 d时,两种观赏草叶片的净光合速率(Pn)和气孔导度(gs)较对照显著下降,且白穗狼尾草下降的幅度均大于拂子茅。(3)不同高浓度O3胁迫下,两种观赏草叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量较对照均有所升高,其中在EO-160下处理21 d时白穗狼尾草和拂子茅叶片MDA含量分别增加30.2%(P<0.05)和13.5%(P>0.05),表明在EO-160浓度胁迫下白穗狼尾草受到的膜脂过氧化伤害大于拂子茅。(4)在EO-120和EO-160下处理21 d时,白穗狼尾草叶片可溶性蛋白含量较对照分别显著下降24.2%和43.1%,而拂子茅较对照分别下降19.0%和22.9%(P<0.05)。(5)与对照组相比,高浓度O3下两种观赏草叶片的过氧化物酶(POD)活性随胁迫时间延长呈下降趋势,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性呈先升后降。(6)综合以上生理特征比较及主成成分分析表明,佛子茅比白穗狼尾草更耐O3,前者在O3高污染地区可能会有更高的应用价值。  相似文献   

Da Matta  F.M.  Maestri  M.  Barros  R.S. 《Photosynthetica》1998,34(2):257-264
Coffea arabica cv. Red Catuaí and C. canephora cv. Kouillou were grown in pots beneath a plastic shelter. When they were 14 months old, irrigation was withheld until the leaf pre-dawn water potential was about -1.5 and -2.7 MPa (designated mild and severe water stress, respectively). Under mild stress, net photosynthetic rate (PN) decreased mainly as a consequence of stomatal limitations in Kouillou, whereas such decreases were dominated by non-stomatal limitations in Catuaí. Under severe drought, further decreases in PN and apparent quantum yield were not associated to any changes in stomatal conductance in either cultivar. Decreases were much more pronounced in Catuaí than in Kouillou, the latter maintained carbon gain at the expense of water conservation. In both cultivars the initial chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence slightly increased with no changes in the quantum efficiency of photosystem 2. In response to rapidly imposed drought, the Chl content did not change while saccharide content increased and starch content decreased. Photoinhibition and recovery of photosynthesis, as evaluated by the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence and by the photosynthetic O2 evolution, were unaffected by mild drought stress. Photoinhibition was enhanced under severe water deficit, especially in Catuaí. In this cultivar the O2 evolution did not resume upon reversal from photoinhibition, in contrast to the complete recovery in Kouillou.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic performance of two coffee species under drought   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Coffea arabica cv. Red Catuaí and C. canephora cv. Kouillou were grown in pots beneath a plastic shelter. When they were 14 months old, irrigation was withheld until the leaf pre-dawn water potential was about -1.5 and -2.7 MPa (designated mild and severe water stress, respectively). Under mild stress, net photosynthetic rate (PN) decreased mainly as a consequence of stomatal limitations in Kouillou, whereas such decreases were dominated by non-stomatal limitations in Catuaí. Under severe drought, further decreases in PN and apparent quantum yield were not associated to any changes in stomatal conductance in either cultivar. Decreases were much more pronounced in Catuaí than in Kouillou, the latter maintained carbon gain at the expense of water conservation. In both cultivars the initial chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence slightly increased with no changes in the quantum efficiency of photosystem 2. In response to rapidly imposed drought, the Chl content did not change while saccharide content increased and starch content decreased. Photoinhibition and recovery of photosynthesis, as evaluated by the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence and by the photosynthetic O2 evolution, were unaffected by mild drought stress. Photoinhibition was enhanced under severe water deficit, especially in Catuaí. In this cultivar the O2 evolution did not resume upon reversal from photoinhibition, in contrast to the complete recovery in Kouillou. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Hemiparasitic plants can substantially change plant community structure; the drainage of host resources has a direct negative effect on host biomass and, as a consequence, promotes non-host biomass production (parasitism pathway); on the other hand, hemiparasitic litter inputs can enhance nutrient cycling which may have an indirect positive effect on both host and non-host biomass production (litter pathway). We evaluated the net effect of both pathways on total shoot biomass (with and without the hemiparasite) and shoot biomass of graminoids, forbs and ericaceous shrubs using a removal experiment in three sites infested with the annual Rhinanthus angustifolius, and three sites infested with the biennial Pedicularis sylvatica. We addressed the potential importance of litter effects by determination of litter quantity and quality, as well as modeling N release during decomposition. In the second year after removing the hemiparasites, total plant biomass at Rhinanthus sites was 24 % higher in weeded plots than in control plots, while weeding had no significant effect at Pedicularis sites. The increase in total biomass following Rhinanthus removal was mainly due to a higher biomass of graminoids. The amount of litter produced by Rhinanthus was only half of that produced by Pedicularis; N contents were similar. The amount of N in the litter was 9 and 30 % of the amount removed by mowing for Rhinanthus and Pedicularis sites, respectively. Within 2 months, about 45 % of the N in both hemiparasitic litter types was released by decomposition. Our results suggest that in addition to the suppression of host biomass due to parasitism, positive litter feedbacks on host and non-host biomass—via an increase in nutrient availability—also affect plant community structure. We propose that, depending on the particular hemiparasite and/or site conditions, these positive litter feedbacks on shoot biomass can compensate for the negative effect of parasitism.  相似文献   

Two rice varieties PR-115 and Super-7 were imposed to water stress and different physiological traits were monitored to evaluate the performance of these varieties under drought. Under water stress condition although the relative water content, osmotic potential, chlorophyll content, photosynthesis rate, carbon discrimination and biomass decreased in both the varieties however, the reduction was more pronounced in Super-7 variety. Oryzanol a trans-ester of ferulic acid functions as antioxidant and it increased along with total phenolic and anthocyanin content in both the varieties under drought stress. However, gallic acid, 4 hydroxy benzoic acid, syringic acid and chlorogenic acid showed differential pattern in both of the varieties under water limiting conditions. Under drought, grain yield was penalized by 17 and 54% in PR-115 and Super-7 varieties, respectively in comparison to watered plants. Super-7 variety showed pronounced electrolyte leakage and MDA enhancement under water stress condition. High non photochemical quenching and reduction in Y(NO) and Y(II) indicated balanced energy management in tolerant PR-115 variety. The studies showed that PR-115 is a drought tolerant variety while Super-7 is drought sensitive in nature.  相似文献   

Understanding the physiology of plants in arid regions under changed water availability is critical to projecting the future of arid ecosystems. A water‐saving irrigation has been implemented in an ecological shelter forest of an agricultural reclamation area located in the arid desert region in northwestern Dzungaria Basin in Xinjiang, China. In order to understand the effects of changed irrigation on trees, two poplar species (Populus euphratica and P. russkii) growing in the shelterbelt were selected, and their photosynthetic performance was contrasted by measuring their photosynthetic gas exchange and photochemical parameters under water‐saving irrigation and traditional extensive flood irrigation. Results showed that reduced water availability during water‐saving irrigation had a moderate but not significant impact on the photosynthesis of the two poplar species. Populus russkii was more sensitive to changed irrigation than P. euphratica, and the latter showed a relatively higher water‐deficit resistance and a better photosynthetic performance under water‐saving irrigation. Populus russkii exhibited higher capability of non‐photochemical quenching by thermal dissipation of excess excitation energy at both irrigation modes making it capable of maintaining excess energy better than P. euphratica. Thermal dissipation on excess energy and increased photo‐respiration rate at water‐saving irrigation together provided photo protection in P. euphratica. Both species can maintain normal function of the photosystem at water‐saving irrigation. The declined photosynthetic performance of the two species at water‐saving irrigation could be attributed to photo protection but not to photo inhibition. All this together suggested that the water‐saving irrigation implemented by a manager on the shelterbelt could be feasible.  相似文献   

Abstract. Fire-prone fynbos communities include numerous species which are difficult to distinguish in terms of conventional niche axes since they are morphologically similar and share the same broad life-history traits. These species compete for space after each fire and lottery theory predicts that those with dissimilar per capita regeneration would not co-exist in the long-term. We studied seed production, soil seed bank dynamics, germination and post-fire seedling establishment and mortality of two obligate reseeding, morphologically similar shrubs which co-occur in dune fynbos throughout the southwestern Cape. Passerina paleacea produced 30 x more plump seeds and maintained soil seed banks between 1.5 x (pre-dispersal) and 2.6 x (post-dispersal) times larger than Phylica ericoides. Seeds of both species showed a high degree of dormancy although germination was stimulated by direct fire-related cues for Phylica only. Approximately 4 x more Passerina seedlings than Phylica seedlings were counted at the end of the winter germination period after a mild autumn fire. However, seedling mortality in the first five months of the dry summer was more than twice as high for Passerina than for Phylica. We suggest that the long-term co-existence of these two species does not result from similar post-fire regeneration success but rather from population instabilities arising from differential regeneration in relation to fire regime. The results predict that hot fires followed by dry summers would favour Phylica over Passerina as the former has fire-stimulated germination and greater drought tolerance; cool fires followed by moist summers would favour Passerina.  相似文献   

赵法  赵晓英 《生态科学》2011,30(3):236-242
长枝木蓼(Ateaphaxis viegata)和刺叶锦鸡儿(Caragana acanthophulla)是乌鲁木齐周边植被组成的重要种,在植被恢复中具有潜在价值。该文通过盆栽控水控盐法研究两种野生灌木幼苗在不同程度的干旱和盐交叉胁迫下的生理反应。结果表明,干旱和盐交叉胁迫下,长枝木蓼可溶性糖增幅较刺叶锦鸡儿大;轻度交叉胁迫时,两种灌木的可溶性糖含量高于仅干旱胁迫或盐胁迫下的。中度和重度交叉胁迫下,长枝木蓼叶片丙二醛含量增幅高于刺叶锦鸡儿。交叉胁迫下,两种灌木叶片叶绿素含量下降,且长枝木蓼叶片的叶绿素含量降幅大于刺叶锦鸡儿。因膜系统的过氧化作用,使MDA含量升高。轻度干旱胁迫提高了两种野生灌木对盐胁迫的耐受能力。两种灌木能很好地适应中度交叉胁迫,重度交叉胁迫对两种灌木的伤害很大,但也能生存。综合比较各参数发现,刺叶锦鸡儿更耐早,而长枝木蓼更耐盐;综合比较各生理参数发现,刺叶锦鸡儿对干旱和盐胁迫的耐受能力较长枝木蓼强。  相似文献   

The study aimed at evaluating the ascorbic acid (AA) concentrations in the liver and blood of the Mediterranean sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) after being fed Rovimix Stay C‐25 (RS C‐25) at three different levels (0, 200 and 800 mg kg?1 of AA) over 45 days. RS C‐25 is a mixture of equal parts of AA monophosphate, diphosphate and polyphosphate, containing a 25% AA equivalent. Increasing RS C‐25 levels in the diet yielded an increasing ascorbic acid content in the plasma and liver, showing a good sea bream utilization of this source of vitamin C. Dietary vitamin C did not affect the growth rate or feed efficiency during the 45‐day experiment. After 75 days, fish fed a vitamin C‐free diet displayed a severe depletion of AA in the liver.  相似文献   

Respiration and photosynthesis were studied in two Nothofagus species with different drought tolerance in order to evaluate the effect of water deficit on foliar carbon balance and the possible role of the alternative pathway on respiratory adjustment. We propose that under severe water deficit the more drought‐tolerant species N. dombeyi is able to decrease its respiration more than the less drought‐tolerant species N. nitida, thus carbon gain could be maintained when photosynthesis is suppressed by drought. Dark respiration (Rd) and carbon assimilation under saturating light (Asat) were evaluated under seasonal field conditions and during drying and re‐watering cycles under glasshouse. In addition, respiratory pathway changes were evaluated by oxygen isotope fractionation. In the field, N. dombeyi displayed greater light‐saturated photosynthetic capacity than N. nitida, but Rd did not differ between species during summer. In the glasshouse, N. dombeyi displayed an unchanged rate of Rd and increased carbon loss under severe water deficit. Nothofagus nitida displayed a more flexible respiratory response to water deficit, with a lower thermal sensitivity of respiration (decrease in Q10) and a decrease in Rd. This contributed to maintaining leaf carbon balance during the water deficit period. Respiratory electron flow was mainly via the cytochrome pathway for both species and under all treatments, indicating no strong participation of alternative respiration. Our results suggest that under severe water stress, N. dombeyi could be more injured than N. nitida and that the lack of control in the carbon loss under prolonged periods of drought could be limiting for its survival.  相似文献   

Root growth and water uptake in winter wheat under deficit irrigation   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Root growth is critical for crops to use soil water under water-limited conditions. A field study was conducted to investigate the effect of available soil water on root and shoot growth, and root water uptake in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under deficit irrigation in a semi-arid environment. Treatments consisted of rainfed, deficit irrigation at different developmental stages, and adequate irrigation. The rainfed plots had the lowest shoot dry weight because available soil water decreased rapidly from booting to late grain filling. For the deficit-irrigation treatments, crops that received irrigation at jointing and booting had higher shoot dry weight than those that received irrigation at anthesis and middle grain filling. Rapid root growth occurred in both rainfed and irrigated crops from floral initiation to anthesis, and maximum rooting depth occurred by booting. Root length density and dry weight decreased after anthesis. From floral initiation to booting, root length density and growth rate were higher in rainfed than in irrigated crops. However, root length density and growth rate were lower in rainfed than in irrigated crops from booting to anthesis. As a result, the difference in root length density between rainfed and irrigated treatments was small during grain filling. The root growth and water use below 1.4 m were limited by a caliche (45% CaCO3) layer at about 1.4 m profile. The mean water uptake rate decreased as available soil water decreased. During grain filling, root water uptake was higher from the irrigated crops than from the rainfed. Irrigation from jointing to anthesis increased seasonal evapotranspiration, grain yield, harvest index and water-use efficiency based on yield (WUE), but did not affect water-use efficiency based on aboveground biomass. There was no significant difference in WUE among irrigation treatments except one-irrigation at middle grain filling. Due to a relatively deep root system in rainfed crops, the higher grain yield and WUE in irrigated crops compared to rainfed crops was not a result of rooting depth or root length density, but increased harvest index, and higher water uptake rate during grain filling.  相似文献   

有限灌溉条件下冬小麦水分亏缺的灵敏度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水分亏缺是干旱、半干旱区作物生产的最主要限制因子。在我国西北半干旱区,随着集水生态农业的发展.实施在作物生育期对其进行关键性的有限灌溉.这就使得更多的土地具有种植价值了。用一个度量作物不同生长阶段水分亏缺的灵敏度指标值λ来确定灌溉关键期。对一个给定的作物.在不同的生长阶段.λ的值是不同的,λ的值越大.生长阶段对水分越灵敏,水分亏缺对产量造成的危害越大,从而越需要保持水分平衡。在西北半干旱区甘肃省定西农业试验站,经过两年冬小麦种植试验,建立了冬小麦产量-耗水量Jensen模型,该模型表明拔节期以后.λ值明显增大.至抽穗期达最大,这说明从拔节期开始.该地冬小麦进入灌溉关键期.抽穗期是灌溉的最关键时期。一个理论方法应用到有限灌溉试验田.确定了灌溉水减少与经济效益的关系,结果表明在作物生育期,一些水分减少是可能的。用Nairizi和Rydzewski的方法计算出的λ值确定出的最大允许水分亏缺是不合理的高,它们计算λ值的方法在半干旱区是不适用的,用我们建立的模型计算出的最大允许水分亏缺比较合理,在效益成本比为1.5时,冬小麦允许的水分亏缺是12.4%.这与大田试验较为接近。  相似文献   

Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants - In a field experiment three irrigation treatments were given to twelve peanut genotypes through drip. At 80&nbsp;days after sowing (DAS) the amount...  相似文献   

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