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Serodiagnosis of parasitic infections is widely used, since parasites or their eggs are not always detected by ordinary methods. The sensitive tests such as ELISA are highly dependent on the purity of antigens used. To solve this problem, many workers have tried to find species-specific components of antigens. The present study was performed to determine the antigenic profile of crude saline extracts of 3, 5, 8 and 12-week old P. westermani worms, which were collected from experimentally infected cats, based on SDS-PAGE and immunoblot technique. The results were as follows: 1. The SDS-PAGE showed at least 30 protein bands ranging from 229 kDa to 10 kDa molecular weight. The protein components of P. westermani changed chronologically during its developmental period. The 229 kDa band was recognized only in 12-week old worms (SEP12). 2. Analysis by ELISA showed a significant increase in antibody levels at 3 weeks in infected cats using crude saline extract antigens (SEP3, SEP5, SEP8, SEP12). 3. By EITB using SEP3 and SEP5, infected cats recognized major protein bands with molecular weight of 60, 35, 28, 25 or 21 kDa at 3-12 weeks of infection, and 3 additional antigens, 19, 13 and 10 kDa, were detected at 8-12 weeks of infections. 4. Using SEP8, 5 antigens, 91, 85, 31, 25 and 21 kDa, were consistently detected by all infected sera tested. In addition, 3 antigens of 19, 13 and 10 kDa were detected at 8-12 weeks of infection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. During development of Paragonimus westermani, larvae develop during migration within the host, and adult worms feed on pulmonary tissues, causing significant pathology in the mammalian host. In this report acidic extracts of various developmental stages (metacercariae and worms at one, two and three months of development) were examined for cysteine proteinase activity. 2. A soluble thiol-dependent proteinase activity with a native molecular weight of approximately 20,000 was isolated and partially purified. 3. The enzymes purified from the various developmental stages of the parasite had maximal activity at acidic pH and showed inhibitor susceptibilities similar to the vertebrate acidic cysteine proteinases. 4. Enzymatic activity was stable at pH 5.0 for at least two days when stored at 4 degrees C. 5. It is suggested that these enzymes may be involved in the nutrition of these parasites and/or during penetration and lysis of the tissues.  相似文献   

In order to observe the antigenic localization in the tissues of Paragonimus westermani of developmental stages, immunogold labeling method was applied using serum of the cats which were infected with isolated metacercariae from Cambaroides similis. The sectioned worm tissues from each developmental stage were embedded in Lowicryl HM 20 medium, stained with infected serum IgG and protein A gold complex (particle size: 12 nm) and observed by electron microscopy. In the young adult worm tissue of 4 weeks after infection with metacercariae, the gold particles were specifically concentrated on the tegumental syncytium and cytoplasm of the tegumental cells as well as the secretory granules in the parenchymal tissue. The antigenic materials in the adult worm tissue were specifically concentrated on the secretory granules in the parenchymal tissue, the cytoplasm between granules in the vitelline gland and the epithelial lamella in the lumen of the caecum.  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscopic study was performed to observe the tegumental ultrastructures of Paragonimus iloktsuenensis according to its developmental stages. The metacercariae were obtained from the liver of the brackish water crab, Sesarma dehaani. Juvenile and adult P. iloktsuenensis were recovered from the experimental rats on 2, 4 and 8 weeks after infection. The findings were summarized as follows: 1. The excysted metacercariae were characteristically gourd-shape, with their whole body surface beset with numerous spade-shape spines. The large, type II sensory papillae (non-ciliated round swellings) were arranged along the rim of the oral and ventral suckers, 11-12 and 6-8 in numbers respectively. 2. Two-week old juvenile worms, recovered chiefly from the liver of the experimental rats, were slender in body shape, with their ventral sucker near the anterior one-third level. The distribution of tegumental spines was less dense than in the excysted metacercariae. The spines were with 1-2 pointed tips and 3-4 longitudinal splits. Numerous ciliated knob-like, type I papillae were observed in both sides of the oral sucker, and 6 large, type II papillae were arranged along the rim of the ventral sucker. 3. Four-week old worms, recovered from the thoracic cavity and/or lung parenchyme of the experimental rats, were thicker than wide in body configuration, and their ventral sucker was located near the anterior one-fourth level. The tegumental spines at ventral surface were grouped, each group with 3-5 aggregated ones. The type I and type II papillae (small-sized) were distributed chiefly around the rim of two suckers. 4. Adult (eight-week old) worms, recovered from the capsules in the lung parenchyme, were very stout, and covered densely with bearfoot-like spines. At dorsal surface, cobblestone-like cytoplasmic processes were well-developed, with many tegumental spines embedded in them. It was observed in this study that the tegument of P. iloktsuenesis continued to change and differentiate as the worms grew to be adults.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(1):19-26
The silkworm fat body is the site of many intermediary metabolic processes, and a source of sustenance for growth throughout the life cycle. Fat body proteins are responsible for storing nutrients, providing energy, and regulating hormones, and they have been identified using proteomic approaches. However, detailed differential expression of sex-related fat body proteins has not previously been evaluated. In the present study, we characterized the differential expression of sex-related fat body proteins, by using 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) followed by mass spectrometry identification and bioinformatics methods. We extracted the fat body proteins from 5-day-old fifth instar larvae (L5), 10-day-old fifth instar larvae (corresponding to the end of spinning [LE]), and 0-day-old pupae (P0) of the multivoltine silkworm variety “Da Zao”. We confirmed the presence of 11 important sex-specific expression proteins and 14 stage-specific expression proteins. We accurately identified 13 of these specific expression proteins, including actin, calponin-like protein, 75 kDa subunit NADH, receptor for activated protein kinase C from Bombyx mori (BmRACK), IMP (inosine monophosphate) cyclohydrolase, tropomyosin 1, β-tubulin, hypothetical protein, antichymotrypsin precursor, and 30 K protein precursor. We showed that BmRACK was differentially expressed between male and female silkworms. We discuss the biological roles of the specific expression proteins during the larval–pupal developmental stages.  相似文献   

Taenia solium, a cestode that causes neurocysticercosis and taeniasis in humans, has a complex life cycle. The adult tapeworm develops in the intestine of human beings and is also responsible for neurocysticercosis, which is caused by the metacestode or cysticercus that develops in the brain. Recently, we have cloned the coding region for T. solium calreticulin (TsCRT) as a functional Ca(2+)-binding protein. Calreticulin is a ubiquitous protein involved in cellular Ca2+ homeostasis and protein folding. These important functions affect several aspects of cell physiology. To explore the expression of TsCRT during the T. solium life cycle, we used a specific polyclonal antibody raised against recombinant TsCRT to localize this protein by immunolabeling techniques. In sections of cysticerci obtained from swine muscle, as well as of adult tapeworms obtained after infection of hamsters with cysticerci, TsCRT was preferentially localized in tegumentary and muscle cytons of the suckers and rostellum. In mature proglottids obtained from infected humans, positive staining was observed in spermatogonia, ovogonia, uterine epithelium, and cells of the vas deferens. In the gravid uterus, the morula and early stage embryos were highly positive to TsCRT. However, expression diminished as embryonic development progressed and was absent in fully developed oncospheres that were surrounded by an embryophore. A similar down regulation was observed during spermatogenesis. Although early spermatocytes showed a high expression of TsCRT, mature spermatozoa present in the vas deferens were completely negative. These data indicate that calreticulin expression is spatially and temporally regulated during development of T. solium, especially during germ cell development and embryogenesis. In addition, these original images illustrate, for the first time, these processes at a histological level.  相似文献   

In early maturation stages of Paragonimus westermani (metacercariae, 4-, 8-, 12-week old worms), activities of antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase and glutathione peroxidase, were examined. Specific activity of catalase was the highest in metacercariae and decreasing with age. That of superoxide dismutase was higher in metacercariae and 4-week worms. Specific activity of peroxidase was at its peak in 4-week worms while that of glutathione peroxidase was in 8-week worms. Specific activities of all these antioxidant enzymes were decreased to their lowest in 12-week old adults.  相似文献   

When the component proteins in crude saline extract of 13-week old adult Paragonimus westermani were observed by non-denaturing discontinuous-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Disc-PAGE), 8 distinct bands were clearly recognized. Molecular weight (MW) of each band protein, numbered in sequence from cathodal side which appeared in 10% separating gel, was measured first by Ferguson plot utilizing different gel concentrations from 10% to 4.5%. MW of band 1 protein (known as egg protein) was 440 kDa. And MW of other band proteins were: 386 kDa in band 2, 17.4 kDa in band 3, 17 kDa in band 4, 14.3 kDa in band 5, 46 kDa in band 6, 38 kDa in band 7 and 23 kDa in band 8. When the proteins in the crude extract were separated into fractions by molecular sieve chromatography through 1.6(phi) X 70 cm sized Sephacryl S-300 Superfine column and revisualized by Disc-PAGE in 8% gel, the sequence of eluted proteins was band 1, band 2, band 6, band 7 and bands 3, 4, 5 and 8. This elution profile confirmed MW of each band protein in the crude extract as measured by Ferguson plot.  相似文献   

Paragonimus westermani is a tissue-invading trematode parasite that causes inflammatory lung disease as well as systemic infections including cerebral invasion in carnivorous mammals. While aminopeptidases play important roles in trematodes in the catabolism of host hemoglobin, an essential source of nutrient for the parasite, little is known about aminopeptidase in Paragonimus. Presently, we isolated a cDNA encoding a 58 kDa P. westermani leucine aminopeptidase (PwLAP). Deduced amino acid sequence of PwLAP exhibited significant sequence homology with LAP from Schistosoma spp. and Fasciola hepatica. Biochemical analysis of the recombinant PwLAP protein demonstrated preferential substrate specificity for Leu-NHMec and inhibition by EDTA, 1,10-phenanthroline, and bestatin, which are conserved characteristics of the M17 family of leucine aminopeptidase. PwLAP exhibited relatively higher enzyme activity in the presence of Mn2+ compared to Schistosoma mansoni LAP. Based on the biochemical properties and immunohistochemical analysis, PwLAP is concluded to represent a leucine aminopeptidase. The enzyme is most likely responsible for the catabolism of host hemoglobin, and, hence, represents a potential target of Paragonimus chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Tissue origin of individual component proteins in crude extract of adult Paragonimus westermani was investigated. Major soluble component proteins were separated by disc-PAGE in 8% slab gel. By predefined Rf values, strips of gel containing each band protein was cut out. Each band protein was eluted by electrophoresis. Monospecific antibodies were prepared by immunizing rabbits with each band protein. When peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) staining was done, antiserum to Band 1 reacted to content of eggs both in the worm and in the infected lung tissue. Antiserum to Band 2 reacted to parenchymal tissue of the worm. Antiserum to Band 4 showed the positive reaction at intestinal content while that to Band 5 reacted to the intestinal epithelial border. Antiserum to combined proteins of Bands 6/7 and that to Band 8 reacted to parenchymal tissue of the worm respectively. From the results, the origin of individual proteins in crude extract of adult P. westermani could be differentiated.  相似文献   

Myoglobins (Mbs), globin proteins, are present in high concentrations in trematodes. In Paragonimus westermani, 2 cDNAs were found to encode Mbs. The first clone, Pwmyo1, codes a total of 149 amino acids with a calculated mass of 16.6 kDa. The second, Pwmyo2, encodes a 146-amino acid protein with a calculated mass of 16.2 kDa. The predicted secondary structures showed the presence of 8 helices, which is the basic characteristic of Mbs. Sequence alignment revealed a high homology with the other trematode Mbs. The 2 clones contained the characteristic tyrosyl residues at helical positions B10 and distal E7, which are substitutions that have been previously shown to contribute to the high oxygen affinity of Mbs. Polyclonal antibodies against the recombinant Mbs were raised with no cross-reactivity observed. Immunolocalization revealed the proteins to be distributed generally throughout the parenchymal tissues, but absent from the tegument and reproductive organs. The cell mass of the eggs of the worm stained positive to Pwmyo2 but not Pwmyo1, suggesting the stage-specific expression of these Mbs.  相似文献   

An apparatus for direct measurement of the eggshell permeability to oxygen was devised to test the hypothesis that diapause initiation in the Bombyx mori egg is caused by the eggshell becoming insufficiently perrneable to air to allow further embryogenesis. Using this apparatus, it was found that permeability of the eggshell to oxygen decreased dramatically during the first 2 days of incubation in prospective diapause eggs, but no appreciable changes were found in nondiapause eggs for the first 6 days of incubation. The rates of oxygen uptake by diapause and nondiapause eggs increased in a similar pattern for 26 h after oviposition. Thereafter, the rate of oxygen uptake in the former decreased while that of latter continuously increased. The cause and physiological meaning of the rapid drop of eggshell permeability just before diapause initiation are obscure. It is suggested that the decrease in oxygen uptake may be due to decreased eggshell permeability to oxygen.  相似文献   

Paramyosin of the helminth parasite is a muscle protein that plays multifunctional roles in host-parasite relationships. In this study, we have cloned a gene encoding Paragonimus westermani paramyosin (PwPmy) and characterized biochemical and immunological properties of the recombinant protein. The recombinant PwPmy (rPwPmy) was shown to bind both human immunoglobulin G (IgG) and collagen. The protein was constitutively expressed in various developmental stages of the parasite and its expression level increased progressively as the parasite matured. Immunohistological analysis revealed that PwPmy was mainly localized in subtegumental muscle, tegument and cells surrounding the oral sucker, intestine, and ovary of the parasite. Sera from patients with paragonimiasis showed antibody reactivity against rPwPmy, and IgG1 and IgG4 were predominant. Immunization of mice with rPwPmy also induced high IgG responses. Biochemical and immunological characterization of PwPmy may provide valuable information for the further study to develop a vaccine or a chemotherapeutic agent for paragonimiasis.  相似文献   

An expressed sequence tag database of the freshwater fish parasite, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ciliophora) was analyzed to seek for proteases potentially involved in the invasion and degradation of host tissues during infection. The translation of the database revealed two cathepsin L cysteine proteases (Icp1 and Icp2) of the C1A peptidase subfamily. The analysis of Icp1 and Icp2 sequences suggested that both proteases would be synthesized as preproproteins, with a mature domain of 27.9 and 22.8 kDa, respectively. Their expression level was determined in the trophont parasitic stage, in the tomont reproductive stage, and in the theront infective stage by real-time RT-PCR. ICP1 and ICP2 were significantly upregulated in trophont and theront stages in comparison with the tomont stage. Mature peptides of Icp1 and Icp2 were identified in crude extracts of I. multifiliis trophonts by LC-MS/MS. Zymograms showed three to seven activity bands at the optimum pH of cathepsin L cysteine proteases. Two bands displaying cysteine protease activity were identified by inhibition with E-64. They represented the major proteolytic activity of the trophont stage at pH 5-7, suggesting that cysteine proteases play an important role in the infection process.  相似文献   

Experimental observations showed, that the muscle larva stage of the trematodes Paragonimus westermani ichunensis located in a reservoir host can enlarge its body size. A rate of growth in trematode individuals varied both among different host animals and within one host specimens. When rodents are infected with such muscle larvae, the individuals with the size exceeding 1.15 x 0.33 mm invade into the lungs oh host, while smaller individuals secondarily migrate to muscles.  相似文献   

Ferritin is an intracellular protein involved in iron metabolism. A cDNA PwYF-1 cloned from the adult Paragonimus westermani cDNA library encoded a putative polypeptide of 216 amino acids homologous with ferritins of vertebrates and invertebrates. Febinding motifs identified in PwYF-1 polypeptide were conserved and predicted to form a ferroxidase center. PwYF-1 polypeptide contained an extended peptide of 45 amino acids at its C-terminus. Recombinant PwYF-1 protein, expressed and purified from Escherichia coli, showed iron-uptake ability and ferroxidase activity. Ferroxidase activity of recombinant PwYF-1 protein was reactivated by secondary addition of apotransferrin to assay mixture. Mouse immune serum raised against the recombinant PwYF-1 protein recognized specifically 24 kDa protein from adult P. westermani lysate. PwYF-1 protein was localized to vitelline follicles and the eggs of P. westermani. Collectively, PwYF-1 protein was identified as a P. westermani yolk ferritin.  相似文献   

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