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We tested the hypothesis that peer instruction enhances student performance on qualitative problem-solving questions. To test this hypothesis, qualitative problems were included in a peer instruction format during our Physiology course. Each class of 90 min was divided into four to six short segments of 15 to 20 min each. Each short segment was followed by a qualitative problem-solving scenario that could be answered with a multiple-choice quiz. All students were allowed 1 min to think and to record their answers. Subsequently, students were allowed 1 min to discuss their answers with classmates. Students were then allowed to change their first answer if desired, and both answers were recorded. Finally, the instructor and students discussed the answer. Peer instruction significantly improved student performance on qualitative problem-solving questions (59.3 +/- 0.5% vs. 80.3 +/- 0.4%). Furthermore, after peer instruction, only 6.5% of the students changed their correct response to an incorrect response; however, 56.8% of students changed their incorrect response to a correct response. Therefore, students with incorrect responses changed their answers more often than students with correct responses. In conclusion, pausing four to six times during a 90-min class to allow peer instruction enhanced student performance on qualitative problem-solving questions.  相似文献   

We recently developed an educational game for reviewing respiratory physiology in a large classroom. The "Who Wants to be a Physician?" game encouraged medical students to be active participants in the learning process. An evaluation of the game documented that students enjoyed the active format, and the students reported that the game enhanced their ability to understand and retain information. However, the evaluation also revealed that the game had limitations. Specifically, the students recommended the use of multiple-choice questions to match the Medical Board Examination format and to speed up the game (i.e., cover more topics). The students also wanted to increase their level of participation and interaction. Finally, we wanted to emphasize the benefits of peer instruction as a collaborative learning tool. To address these limitations, we designed a new game, "Survivor." Survivor incorporated multiple-choice questions and emphasized peer instruction and a capacity to gather information and solve novel problems. In addition, participation was increased by including the student audience in the game. Finally, an evaluation instrument was utilized to assess the effectiveness of this instructional tool in an academic setting. As a result of these improvements, the evaluation documents that the newly developed tool is a more effective educational game that couples fun and creative excitement with proven and effective educational concepts.  相似文献   

Peer instruction is a cooperative-learning technique that promotes critical thinking, problem solving, and decision-making skills. Benson's think-pair-share and Mazur's peer-instruction techniques are simple cooperative exercises that promote student's participation in class and increase student's interaction with each other and with the instructor in a large classroom. We borrowed concepts from Benson and Mazur and applied these concepts to enhance student involvement during the respiratory component of the medical physiology class. The medical physiology class consisted of 256 first-year medical students. The peer-instruction technique was used for 10 classes. Each class of 50 min was divided into three or four short presentations of 12-20 min. Each presentation was followed by a one-question, multiple-choice quiz on the subject discussed. Questions ranged from simple recall to those testing complex intellectual activities. Students were given 1 min to think and to record their first answer. Subsequently, students were allowed 1 min to discuss their answers with their classmates and possibly correct their first response. The percentage of correct answers increased significantly (P < 0.05) after discussion for both recall and intellectual questions. These data demonstrate that pausing three to four times during a 50-min class to allow discussion of concepts enhanced the students level of understanding and ability to synthesize and integrate material.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate students' conceptions of and approaches to learning science in two different forms: internet-assisted instruction and traditional (face-to-face only) instruction. The participants who took part in the study were 79 college students enrolled in a physiology class in north Taiwan. In all, 46 of the participants were from one class and 33 were from another class. Using a quasi-experimental research approach, the class of 46 students was assigned to be the "internet-assisted instruction group," whereas the class of 33 students was assigned to be the "traditional instruction group." The treatment consisted of a series of online inquiry activities. To explore the effects of different forms of instruction on students' conceptions of and approaches to learning science, two questionnaires were administered before and after the instruction: the Conceptions of Learning Science Questionnaire and the Approaches to Learning Science Questionnaire. Analysis of covariance results revealed that the students in the internet-assisted instruction group showed less agreement than the traditional instruction group in the less advanced conceptions of learning science (such as learning as memorizing and testing). In addition, the internet-assisted instruction group displayed significantly more agreement than the traditional instruction group in more sophisticated conceptions (such as learning as seeing in a new way). Moreover, the internet-assisted instruction group expressed more orientation toward the approaches of deep motive and deep strategy than the traditional instruction group. However, the students in the internet-assisted instruction group also showed more surface motive than the traditional instruction group did.  相似文献   

Students have specific learning style preferences, and these preferences may be different between male and female students. Understanding a student's learning style preference is an important consideration when designing classroom instruction. Therefore, we administered the visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetic (VARK) learning preferences questionnaire to our first-year medical students; 38.8% (97 of 250 students) of the students returned the completed questionnaire. Both male (56.1%) and female (56.7%) students preferred multiple modes of information presentation, and the numbers and types of modality combinations were not significantly different between genders. Although not significantly different, the female student population tended to be more diverse than the male population, encompassing a broader range of sensory modality combinations within their preference profiles. Instructors need to be cognizant of these differences and broaden their range of presentation styles accordingly.  相似文献   

We recently reported that collaborative testing (i.e., group test taking) increased student performance on quizzes. It is unknown, however, whether collaborative testing improves student retention of course content. Therefore, this study was designed to test the hypotheses that collaborative-group testing improves student retention of course content. To test this hypothesis, our undergraduate exercise physiology class of 38 students was randomly divided into two groups: group A (n = 19) and group B (n = 19). During exam 1, students from both groups answered questions in the traditional format as individuals. Immediately after completing the exam as individuals, students from group A answered a randomly selected subset of questions from exam 1 in groups of two (1 group had 3 students) to test the effectiveness of collaborative-group testing on test performance and level of student retention. On the next exam (exam 2, 4 wk later), students from both groups answered questions in the traditional format as individuals and responded to the same subset of questions from exam 1. The subset of questions was analyzed to determine the level of retention of the original test material. In addition, immediately after completing the exam as individuals, students from group B answered a randomly selected subset of questions from exam 2 in groups of two (1 group had 3 students). Finally, on the next exam (exam 3, 4 wk later), students from both groups answered questions in the traditional format as individuals and responded to the same subset of questions from exam 2. This protocol followed a randomized crossover design to control for time and order effects. Student retention of course content was reduced when students completed the original examinations individually. In sharp contrast, student retention was improved (P < 0.05) when students completed the original examinations in groups. Results suggest that collaborative testing is an effective strategy to enhance learning and increase student retention of course content.  相似文献   

"新冠"疫情暴发凸显基因工程技术对社会经济的重大影响,基因工程离我们的生活越来越近。"新冠"疫情下,为了让学生更好地完成"基因工程"课程的居家学习,我们采用了基础知识微课自学(Small Private Online Course,SPOC)+案例应用课堂剖析(Tencent Instant Messenger,QQ)+管理拓展课后互助(QQ群)+疑难问题实时解答(QQ群)的跨学科教学模式开展在线教学,通过问题引入、真实情景剖析、跨学科拓展完成了课程基本原理和主要方法的教学,使学生掌握了基因研究的基本方法、基因表达流程、基因技术应用及安全管理相关的知识。通过思考新型冠状病毒肆虐情境下如何防控,帮助学生明晰了学习目的,提高了跨学科学习的兴趣;通过新型冠状病毒核酸检测的真实情景问题和组织实施由目标设计过程、确定方法、学习课程知识,进而掌握不同学科知识应用技能的跨学科教学活动,提高了学生将基因操作技能与专业技能融合解决实际问题的能力。教学实践证明,基础自学+案例剖析+互助拓展+实时答疑的跨学科在线教学模式,可以顺利完成课程教学任务并获得与传统课堂教学等同的效果;分析案例识别问题→设计方案解析...  相似文献   

This study investigated discovery learning pedagogy and its effects on students' achievement and attitudes toward instruction in a lower-division biology course, entitled Structure and Function of Organisms. Instruction was primarily lecture-based but included four discovery learning activities. Results indicate that students had greater achievement on content learned through discovery methods than lecture-based instruction. Findings regarding students' attitudes toward discovery-based instruction suggest that students enjoyed active, discovery-based problems, believed that discovery helped them gain an understanding of the material and helped them to develop skills that could be used in other courses. The study presented here shows that a moderate amount of discovery learning used in combination with traditional methods of instruction may be an effective means for promoting students' achievement.  相似文献   

Research on how people learn shows that teaching using active learning is more effective than just lecturing. We outline four concrete ways instructors can begin to apply active learning in their teaching: backward instruction design; expecting students to learn more than facts; posing “messy” problems for students to solve; and expecting students to talk, write, and collaborate. Each tactic is supported with references demonstrating its efficacy and advice and links to resources for getting started with active learning.  相似文献   

Race to the Future is an exciting and dynamic activity modeled after the reality television show The Amazing Race. It exemplifies how 21st century skills can be incorporated into core subject instruction and at the same time positively enhance student engagement. In this activity, students work quickly and cooperatively with their teammates and use 21st century skills to successfully decipher five clues related to science content. We have used this activity with excellent results with different groups of students (middle school, high school, and university students), for different purposes (ice-breaker, team-building, course assessment, and evaluation), and in broad curriculum areas (science and math). However, the activity is especially powerful when introduced during the first day or week of class. The meaningful and enjoyable student collaboration, the upbeat class environment, and the enhanced student engagement achieved at the conclusion of this challenging activity set an optimal teaching and learning environment for the entire quarter/semester.  相似文献   

在组织学与胚胎学课程的教学中引入小班边讲课边实验的新教学模式,与传统的先大班理论讲授、后小班实验的教学模式相比,新教学模式在教学效果、基本理论和基本知识掌握,特别是基本技能的培养方面均优于传统的教学模式,总体评价也明显好于传统的教学模式。对新教学模式进行初步探索与实践,并就其目前存在的问题提出了尝试性的解决方法。  相似文献   

Students have preferences for the ways in which they receive information. The visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetic (VARK) questionnaire identifies student's preferences for particular modes of information presentation. We administered the VARK questionnaire to our first-year medical students, and 166 of 250 students (66%) returned the completed questionnaire. Only 36.1% of the students preferred a single mode of information presentation. Among these students, 5.4% preferred visual (learning from graphs, charts, and flow diagrams), 4.8% preferred auditory (learning from speech), 7.8% preferred printed words (learning from reading and writing), and 18.1% preferred using all their senses (kinesthetics: learning from touch, hearing, smell, taste, and sight). In contrast, most students (63.8%) preferred multiple modes [2 modes (24.5%), 3 modes (32.1%), or 4 modes (43.4%)] of information presentation. Knowing the students preferred modes can 1) help provide instruction tailored to the student's individual preference, 2) overcome the predisposition to treat all students in a similar way, and 3) motivate teachers to move from their preferred mode(s) to using others.  相似文献   

为了更好地培养学生的能力,必须对传统的教学模式进行改革。针对传统教学模式下生物工程专业细胞生物学教学中学生积极性和主动性不强、缺少综合能力训练内容、作业抄袭、新知识与新进展反映不理想等问题,通过设定合理题目、规定格式和内容、单独报告、择优讲演等方式,利用学生的好胜心理、竞争性和成就感等,提出了新的教学模式。教学实践证明,新的教学模式能够充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,提高学生对专业知识的综合与归纳能力、表达演讲能力和电脑使用技能,同时也避免了作业抄袭现象的发生,强化了学生的自信心。另外,也对新模式中存在的问题进行了思考与建议。  相似文献   

郑清梅 《生物学杂志》2010,27(5):106-107,102
改革动物学实验内容,提出新颖且具创新性的问题,使教学内容丰富且与时俱进。教学方法以人为本,在教学中采用"角色换位法",即鼓励学生参与实验的各个环节,并上讲台来分析实验过程与结果。几年来教学实践表明,通过教学内容与方法的改革,使实验课成为教师有意识、有计划地延伸实验课堂,营造创新思维的场所,有利于活跃实验教学氛围,培养学生的创新能力。  相似文献   

To increase student engagement, active participation, and performance, personal response systems (clickers) were incorporated into six lecture-based sections of four required courses within the Health Sciences Department major curriculum: freshman-level Anatomy and Physiology I and II, junior-level Exercise Physiology, and senior-level Human Pathophysiology. Clickers were used to gather anonymous student responses to questions posed within the class period after individual thought and peer discussion. Students (n = 293, 88% of students completing the courses) completed a perceptual survey on clicker effectiveness inserted into the Student Assessment of Learning Gains online instrument. Across courses and years, students uniformly rated several dimensions of clicker use as providing good to great gain in engaging them in active learning, increasing participation and involvement during class, maintaining attention, applying material immediately, providing feedback concerning their understanding, and offering an anonymous format for participation. Within these four sections, quiz grades were compared between clicker and nonclicker years. Significant increases in pre- and posttest scores were seen in Exercise Physiology in clicker years and on some, but not all material, in Anatomy and Physiology I and II based on content quizzes. Human Pathophysiology results were unexpected, with higher quiz scores in the nonclicker year. The results support the hypothesis of increased engagement with clicker use. The hypothesis of increased student performance was not consistently supported. Increased performance was seen in Exercise Physiology. In Anatomy and Physiology I and II, performance improved on some content quizzes. In Human Pathophysiology, performance did not improve with clickers.  相似文献   

Our interpretative study that was carried out in a science and engineering oriented university examined the ways students in an introductory biology course perceived their learning in the course that was substantially changed to allow student-centered learning. The instructional change was framed by the view of learning as a sociocultural activity as well as a cognitive process that can take place face-to-face or through online interaction. Most of the lectures were substituted with individual learning and project-based, small-group learning that lasted one month. Data were collected through interviews with students and instructors, and through observations. In the paper, we show evidence for deep learning that was associated by the students and the instructors with short-term, meaningful activities in a setting that included collaborative peer learning; and replacing most lectures by small group learning that ended in a mini-conference. Deep learning was evidenced by the ways students reflected on how they organised and applied knowledge using deep learning strategies.  相似文献   

The ability to interpret and reason from Tree of Life diagrams is a key component of twenty-first century science literacy. This article reports on the authors’ continued development of a multifaceted research-based curriculum – including an instructional booklet, lectures, laboratories and a field activity – to teach such tree thinking to biology students. Results are presented from a study involving biology students enrolled in an upper level organismal biology class. All students received the multi-week tree-thinking curriculum, and learning was assessed by comparing pretest and posttest scores on the novel tree-thinking assessment instrument developed by the authors. Quantitatively, the authors found large gains in tree-thinking abilities due to their instruction. The results also provided qualitative evidence that the authors succeeded in their more general goal of helping students to appreciate the interconnectedness of Earth’s biodiversity through the utility of phylogenetic trees.  相似文献   

梁亮  梁世倩  秦鸿雁  冀勇  韩骅 《遗传》2015,37(6):599-604
《遗传学》是生命科学相关专业本科阶段最重要的课程之一。近年来,随着生命科学领域研究的不断深入,新知识与新技术也在不断更新。但遗传学的教学模式目前仍以理论讲授为主,这使得抽象的原理难以被学生理解接受,直接影响了教学效果。因此探索新的教学模式尤为必要。2010年以来我校在生物技术专业《微生物遗传学》教学中开展了新教学模式——文献精读,文章从文献精读的前期课程基础,如何选择专业文献,怎样组织教学过程,开展文献精读对学生和教师的意义等方面全面分析了实施情况和应用价值,指出该教学模式体现了“前沿”和“经典”的结合,使书本的知识在实践中具体化,既提高学生的学习效果,激发学习兴趣,又开拓了学生的思路,锻炼其能力。这种教学模式为《遗传学》教学授课不断探索新的模式、在“精准医疗”时代下如何培养兼具临床与科研能力的医疗人才提供新思路。  相似文献   

While the importance of social relations for health has been demonstrated in childhood, adolescence and adulthood, few studies have examined the prospective importance of peer relations for adult health. The aim of this study was to examine whether peer problems in the school setting in adolescence relates to the metabolic syndrome in middle-age. Participants came from the Northern Swedish Cohort, a 27-year cohort study of school leavers (effective n = 881, 82% of the original cohort). A score of peer problems was operationalized through form teachers' assessment of each student's isolation and popularity among school peers at age 16 years, and the metabolic syndrome was measured by clinical measures at age 43 according to established criteria. Additional information on health, health behaviors, achievement and social circumstances were collected from teacher interviews, school records, clinical measurements and self-administered questionnaires. Logistic regression was used as the main statistical method. Results showed a dose-response relationship between peer problems in adolescence and metabolic syndrome in middle-age, corresponding to 36% higher odds for the metabolic syndrome at age 43 for each SD higher peer problems score at age 16. The association remained significant after adjustment for health, health behaviors, school adjustment or family circumstances in adolescence, and for psychological distress, health behaviors or social circumstances in adulthood. In analyses stratified by sex, the results were significant only in women after adjustment for covariates. Peer problems were significantly related to all individual components of the metabolic syndrome. These results suggest that unsuccessful adaption to the school peer group can have enduring consequences for metabolic health.  相似文献   

在分析中医院校"医学微生物学"课程性质以及当前理论教学中存在的突出问题的基础上,以"超星学习通"网络教学平台作为依托,构建线上线下相结合的"三环一体,双边互动"混合式教学模式。设计了学生自主学习、生生自由讨论、师生互动教学等活动,把课前、课中和课后3个学习环节融为一体,师生全程交流互动。通过比较法研究了混合式学习对教学效果的影响,初步教学实践表明,相比传统教学,该教学模式提高了学生的课堂参与度、学习成绩和自主学习积极性,更有利于学生对知识的理解和掌握。因此,在中医院校"医学微生物学"课程中,混合式教学是值得深度研究和推广的教学模式。  相似文献   

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