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Harnesses are indispensable for a long-term attachment of instruments to animals, particularly birds. The exact fit is crucial for both the reliability of the tags and the animals' health and natural behaviour. Using data from 19 bird species ranging from 8–400 g, I present an allometric function to calculate the dimension of leg-loop harnesses for birds on the basis of body mass data. The model greatly facilitates determining the correct loop span for new species without time-consuming experiments. More importantly, the equation permits calculation of the excess span that is required for tagging juvenile, still growing birds.  相似文献   

A global analysis of root distributions for terrestrial biomes   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  
Understanding and predicting ecosystem functioning (e.g., carbon and water fluxes) and the role of soils in carbon storage requires an accurate assessment of plant rooting distributions. Here, in a comprehensive literature synthesis, we analyze rooting patterns for terrestrial biomes and compare distributions for various plant functional groups. We compiled a database of 250 root studies, subdividing suitable results into 11 biomes, and fitted the depth coefficient to the data for each biome (Gale and Grigal 1987). is a simple numerical index of rooting distribution based on the asymptotic equation Y=1-d, where d = depth and Y = the proportion of roots from the surface to depth d. High values of correspond to a greater proportion of roots with depth. Tundra, boreal forest, and temperate grasslands showed the shallowest rooting profiles (=0.913, 0.943, and 0.943, respectively), with 80–90% of roots in the top 30 cm of soil; deserts and temperate coniferous forests showed the deepest profiles (=0.975 and 0.976, respectively) and had only 50% of their roots in the upper 30 cm. Standing root biomass varied by over an order of magnitude across biomes, from approximately 0.2 to 5 kg m-2. Tropical evergreen forests had the highest root biomass (5 kg m-2), but other forest biomes and sclerophyllous shrublands were of similar magnitude. Root biomass for croplands, deserts, tundra and grasslands was below 1.5 kg m-2. Root/shoot (R/S) ratios were highest for tundra, grasslands, and cold deserts (ranging from 4 to 7); forest ecosystems and croplands had the lowest R/S ratios (approximately 0.1 to 0.5). Comparing data across biomes for plant functional groups, grasses had 44% of their roots in the top 10 cm of soil. (=0.952), while shrubs had only 21% in the same depth increment (=0.978). The rooting distribution of all temperate and tropical trees was =0.970 with 26% of roots in the top 10 cm and 60% in the top 30 cm. Overall, the globally averaged root distribution for all ecosystems was =0.966 (r 2=0.89) with approximately 30%, 50%, and 75% of roots in the top 10 cm, 20 cm, and 40 cm, respectively. We discuss the merits and possible shortcomings of our analysis in the context of root biomass and root functioning.  相似文献   

Several studies have indicated that in birds breathing frequency ( f , breaths min−1) scales to the −1/3 of body weight ( W , kg); this is different from the −1/4 of mammals. We wondered if this discrepancy was due to the peculiar scaling pattern of aquatic birds, as is the case of aquatic mammals. In fact, we had noted previously that the allometric scaling of f differs considerably between aquatic and terrestrial mammals, respectively, W −0.42 and W −0.25. Measurements of f were obtained in 48 aquatic birds of 22 species and in 35 terrestrial birds of 27 species, during resting conditions on land. Additional data from 11 aquatic and 14 terrestrial species, different from the ones measured, were obtained from the literature. The allometric curve of all species combined (terrestrial and aquatic, n =74) was f =13.3 W −0.36, similar to what is reported in previous studies. However, the allometric curve of the aquatic species ( n =33, f =14.5 W −0.56) differed greatly ( P <0.001) from that of the terrestrial species ( n =41, f =13.4 W −0.26). On average, f of aquatic birds of the 3–5 kg range was 63%, and that of birds of larger size was 57%, of the values of terrestrial birds of similar W . We conclude that, as in mammals, also in terrestrial birds f scales to the −1/4 exponent of W . The similarity of the scaling patterns of f between aquatic birds and mammals suggests a common breathing adaptation to life in the aquatic environment irrespective of phylogenetic relations.  相似文献   

Biogeographical patterns of endemic terrestrial Afrotropical birds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Biogeographical zones are described for terrestrial bird species endemic to the Afrotropics using up‐to‐date distributional data and multivariate statistical techniques. This provides an objective basis for a hierarchy of subregions, provinces and districts, based on a set of rules. Results are compared to previous studies at continental and regional scales. Biogeographical zones for passerines and non‐passerines are compared and found to be similar. Peaks of species richness and narrow endemism are described for the six major subdivisions (subregions) identified by the cluster analysis. Coincidence of peaks of species richness and narrow endemism is found to be low, such that areas selected to represent high species richness tallies will often fail to represent narrow endemics. Strong regionalization of Afrotropical birds indicates the need to use a biogeographical framework in conservation priority setting exercises to ensure that unique, but species‐poor, avifaunas are not neglected.  相似文献   

Area and the latitudinal diversity gradient for terrestrial birds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We tested the hypothesis that area represents the primary explanation for the latitudinal diversity gradient using breeding terrestrial birds of North America, the northern Palearctic, Australia and the Afrotropics as our focal group. We tested two propositions inherent to the area hypothesis: (1) tropical biomes are larger than extra-tropical biomes, and (2) there is a significant species-area relationship for birds at the biome scale of resolution. Using a more realistic definition of biomes which incorporates the effects of both energy and water, we find no support for either proposition, leading us to conclude that the area per se does not explain terrestrial latitudinal diversity gradients.  相似文献   

An analysis of clutch-size in New World passerine birds   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
GEORGE KULESZA 《Ibis》1990,132(3):407-422
Variation in clutch-size among New World passerine birds was analysed with respect to four variables: body-mass, geographic latitude, the frequency of nest predation, and the structure of the nest. Data were analysed separately by averaging traits at three taxonomic levels: species, genus, and subfamily. Allometric scaling with body-mass did not account for significant variation in clutch-size regardless of the taxonomic level of analysis. Latitudinal effects on clutch-size were highly significant at all taxonomic levels. For species building small-pensile nests and open-cup nests, nest predation had a significant partial effect on clutch-size, with latitude held constant. When nest predation and latitude were held constant, clutch-size was significantly different among species building small-pensile nests, open-cup nests, and domed nests. These results suggest that New World passerine clutch-size is related to at least three variables: latitudinal effects, nest predation, and nest structure.  相似文献   

Aim We examine a presence–absence matrix of the avifauna of the Bismarck Archipelago, for which the concept of competitively driven community assembly rules was formulated, to determine whether data support widespread competitive determination of geographical distributions. Location Bismarck Archipelago. Methods We obtained occurrences of 154 land and freshwater bird species on 31 islands. We calculated the observed number of checkerboards for all species pairs, for congeneric species pairs and for pairs of species within guilds, and employed randomization techniques to detect unusual co‐occurrence patterns. Results Compared with random expectations, there are excesses of checkerboard pairs within both genera and defined guilds, but a detailed examination shows that competition is a cogent possible explanation in few instances. For many checkerboard pairs, species are not widely interspersed but are regionally allopatric, which probably reflects historical biogeography and dispersal limitation. Most congeneric and intraguild checkerboards include a species classified as a supertramp; when supertramps are omitted, there are 11 congeneric checkerboards and four intraguild but heterogeneric checkerboards. Main conclusions In isolation, presence–absence matrices provide limited insight into the role of competition in structuring bird communities of the Bismarcks. A major problem is disentangling historical geography and colonization history of the archipelago from the present‐day ecology of the species. Examination of observed checkerboards from a geographically explicit perspective and with knowledge of colonization routes suggests that many checkerboards are likely to result, at least in part, from historical biogeography and supertramps. Although species may be forced into supertramp status by competition, other factors (e.g. habitat preference) may be causal, and biogeographical distributions alone cannot distinguish between causes.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that species' life histories and ecology can be used to forecast future extinction risk. Threatened species often share similar traits such that if a trait predisposing a species to decline or extinction is evolutionarily conserved, then close relatives of threatened species are themselves likely to be at risk. The phylogenetic distribution of current threat has been argued to provide insight into the species that could be threatened in the future when trait data are not available. Conservation criteria are typically based on multiple indices that capture different symptoms of threat including population trends and range contraction. However, there is no reason to assume consistent phylogenetic distributions of different symptoms. I construct a molecular phylogeny of 249 species of British birds (more than 93% of the breeding and wintering species) and use this to show that the species that are threatened due to population declines are phylogenetically more closely related than expected by chance alone. However, species that are listed for other reasons, including range contraction, are distributed randomly with respect to phylogeny. I suggest that while phylogeny can be informative with respect to identifying clades that are susceptible to some measures of extinction risk, such patterns are likely to be idiosyncratic with respect to symptom and taxa.  相似文献   

Many authors have suggested that the negative effects of roads on animals are largely owing to traffic noise. Although suggestive, most past studies of the effects of road noise on wildlife were conducted in the presence of the other confounding effects of roads, such as visual disturbance, collisions and chemical pollution among others. We present, to our knowledge, the first study to experimentally apply traffic noise to a roadless area at a landscape scale—thus avoiding the other confounding aspects of roads present in past studies. We replicated the sound of a roadway at intervals—alternating 4 days of noise on with 4 days off—during the autumn migratory period using a 0.5 km array of speakers within an established stopover site in southern Idaho. We conducted daily bird surveys along our ‘Phantom Road’ and in a nearby control site. We document over a one-quarter decline in bird abundance and almost complete avoidance by some species between noise-on and noise-off periods along the phantom road and no such effects at control sites—suggesting that traffic noise is a major driver of effects of roads on populations of animals.  相似文献   

Aim To use published distributional and taxonomic information on Neotropical birds in a cladistic analysis of distributions and endemism (CADE) to generate a testable hypothesis of area‐relationships for the arid areas of endemism, particularly those of Central South America (the ‘arid diagonal’), and to clarify the different methodologies commonly associated with parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE). Location South America. Methods Cladistic analysis of distributions and endemism. Results We obtain a tree where the relationships of most areas are resolved, and we find support for an exclusive clade of Central South American areas, with the Caatinga as sister to both the Chaco and Cerrado. Main conclusions There is a substantial amount of historical signal in avian distributions, when large numbers of taxa and multiple taxonomic levels are considered. Ecological noise and historical information are more easily distinguished in CADE analyses than they would be in PAE analyses. Based on our results we predict that among aridland birds, the Cerrado and Chaco species will be more closely related to each other than to Caatinga species.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts an inverse relationship between annual adult survival and fecundity. Globally, clutch size shows a latitudinal gradient among birds, with south temperate species laying smaller clutches than north temperate species, but larger clutches than tropical species. Tropical birds often have higher adult survival than north temperate birds associated with their smaller clutches. However, the prediction that tropical birds should also have higher adult survival than south temperate birds because of smaller clutch sizes remains largely untested. We measured clutch size and apparent annual breeding adult survival for 17 south temperate African species to test two main predictions. First, we found strong support for a predicted inverse relationship between adult survival and clutch size among the south temperate species, consistent with life‐history theory. Second, we compared our clutch size and survival estimates with published estimates for congeneric tropical African species to test the prediction of larger clutch size and lower adult survival among south temperate than related tropical species. We found that south‐temperate species laid larger clutches, as predicted, but had higher, rather than lower, apparent adult survival than related tropical species. The latter result may be an artefact of different approaches to measuring survival, but the results suggest that adult survival is generally high in the south temperate region and raises questions about the importance of the cost of reproduction to adult survival.  相似文献   

The neuromuscular control of the hindlimb of American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) walking on a treadmill was analyzed using simultaneous electromyography (EMG) and cineradiography. EMG and kinematic data were integrated with myological information to discern the interplay of muscles mediating hip and knee movement during the high walk. Twelve muscles, subdivided into 23 individual heads, cross the hip joint of Alligator. Activity patterns of 12 heads of 11 hip muscles and one knee muscle were recorded and quantified. An additional five heads from four muscles were recorded in single individuals. During the stance phase, the caudofemoralis longus prevents hip flexion and actively shortens to retract the femur through an arc of 60–80°. At the same time, the adductor femoris 1 and pubo-ischio-tibialis control femoral abduction. The knee is extended 30–40° during stance by contraction of the femoro-tibialis internus. These stance phase muscles often produce discontinuous, periodic EMG signals within their normal burst profile. In late stance and early swing, the ilio-fibularis and the pubo-ischio-tibialis are responsible for flexing the knee. The limb is protracted by the pubo-ischio-femoralis internus 2 and pubo-ischio-femoralis externus 2, which flex the hip. The ilio-femoralis abducts the limb during swing to suspend it above the tread. The role of the ambiens 1, which is active in midswing, is unclear. The ilio-tibialis 2, flexor-tibialis externus and flexor-tibialis internus 2 yield sporadic, low amplitude EMGs; these muscles are recruited at a very low level, if at all, during the slow high walk. Although EMGs do not conclusively delineate muscle function, activity patterns are particularly helpful in elucidating the complex interaction of muscular heads in this system. J. Morphol. 234:197–212, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The evolution of shell polymorphism in terrestrial snails is a classic textbook example of the effect of natural selection in which avian and mammalian predation represents an important selective force on gene frequency. However, many questions about predation remain unclear, especially in the case of mammals. We collected 2000 specimens from eight terrestrial gastropod species to investigate the predation pressure exerted by birds and mice on snails. We found evidence of avian and mammalian predation in 26.5% and 36.8% of the shells. Both birds and mammals were selective with respect to snail species, size and morphs. Birds preferred the brown-lipped banded snail Cepaea nemoralis (L.) and mice preferred the burgundy snail Helix pomatia L. Mice avoided pink mid-banded C. nemoralis and preferred brown mid-banded morphs, which were neglected by birds. In contrast to mice, birds chose larger individuals. Significant differences in their predatory pressure can influence the evolution and maintenance of shell size and polymorphism of shell colouration in snails.  相似文献   

An overlooked DNA source for non-invasive genetic analysis in birds   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Non-invasive sampling is a useful tool for genetic analyses of endangered and/or elusive species, but it is often inapplicable due to the low quality and quantity of the DNA obtained. In this study we show that the blood clot located in the superior umbilicus of the feather shaft is a better source of DNA than the previously used tip samples from moulted feathers. We found that feather clots from museum specimens provided results nearly as good as footpad and better than those from the more commonly used museum skin snips. Feather clots proved to be a good source of DNA for genetic analysis that will significantly facilitate genetic monitoring of wild bird populations.  相似文献   

Aim To reconstruct the biogeographical history of a large clade of mainly terrestrially adapted birds (coraciiform and piciform birds, owls, diurnal raptors, New World vultures, trogons, mousebirds, cuckoo‐rollers, seriemas, parrots and passerines) to test the hypothesis of its Gondwanan origin. Location Global. Methods The phylogenetic tree used in the analysis was a family‐level tree estimated from previously published nuclear DNA sequence data. Each family for which a thorough and taxonomically well‐sampled phylogenetic analysis exists was subject to an initial dispersal–vicariance analysis in order to reconstruct ancestral areas for its two most basal lineages. Both basal lineages were then used to represent the family in the subsequent reconstruction of ancestral distributions for the entire radiation. Results The analysis showed that three reciprocally monophyletic groups of terrestrial birds have diversified in the Gondwanan land areas of Australia, South America and Africa, respectively. Although each of these three groups may also have originally included other groups, the only survivors today from the Australian radiation are the passerines and parrots, while the falcons and seriemas have survived from the South American radiation. The group of survivors from the African radiation is considerably more taxonomically diverse and includes all coraciiform and piciform birds, owls, diurnal raptors (except falcons), New World vultures, trogons, mousebirds and cuckoo‐rollers. Main conclusions The outlined evolutionary scenario with three geographically isolated clades of terrestrial birds is consistent with the available estimates of Late Cretaceous to early Palaeogene dates for these radiations. The diversifications and ecological adaptations within each of the three groups most likely took place in isolation on the different continents. Many cases of convergently evolved adaptations may be revealed through the increased understanding of the phylogenetic relationships of terrestrial birds.  相似文献   

Fatty acid (FA) contents and compositions in the pectoral muscles of 18 bird species from Novosibirsk, Volgograd, and Yaroslavl oblasts were studied. Three groups of birds that had significantly different FA compositions were distinguished based on a multivariate statistical analysis: Passeriformes, Columbiformes, and a group of waterfowl and waterbird species (Charadriiformes, Anseriformes, Podicipediformes, and Ciconiiformes). The highest content of physiologically important docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3, DHA), which is considered a marker of aquatic food, was surprisingly found in the biomass of Passeriformes, which are terrestrial feeders, rather than in the biomass of waterfowls and waterbirds. It was suggested that Passeriformes species had the ability to synthesize large quantities of DHA from short-chain omega-3 FAs, which is rare among animals.  相似文献   

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