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Fossils impact as hard as living taxa in parsimony analyses of morphology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Systematists disagree whether data from fossils should be included in parsimony analyses. In a handful of well-documented cases, the addition of fossil data radically overturns a hypothesis of relationships based on extant taxa alone. Fossils can break up long branches and preserve character combinations closer in time to deep splitting events. However, fossils usually require more interpretation than extant taxa, introducing greater potential for spurious codings. Moreover, because fossils often have more "missing" codings, they are frequently accused of increasing numbers of MPTs, frustrating resolution and reducing support. Despite the controversy, remarkably little is known about the effects of fossils more generally. Here we provide the first systematic study, investigating empirically the behavior of fossil and extant taxa in 45 published morphological data sets. First-order jackknifing is used to determine the effects that each terminal has on inferred relationships, on the number of MPTs, and on CI' and RI as measures of homoplasy. Bootstrap leaf stabilities provide a proxy for the contribution of individual taxa to the branch support in the rest of the tree. There is no significant difference in the impact of fossil versus extant taxa on relationships, numbers of MPTs, and CI' or RI. However, adding individual fossil taxa is more likely to reduce the total branch support of the tree than adding extant taxa. This must be weighed against the superior taxon sampling afforded by including judiciously coded fossils, providing data from otherwise unsampled regions of the tree. We therefore recommend that investigators should include fossils, in the absence of compelling and case specific reasons for their exclusion.  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that integrating fossils into data sets of extant taxa is imperative for proper placement of fossils, resolution of relationships, and a better understanding of character evolution. The importance of this process has been further magnified because of the crucial role of fossils in dating divergence times. Outstanding issues remain, including appropriate methods to place fossils in phylogenetic trees, the importance of molecules versus morphology in these analyses, as well as the impact of potentially large amounts of missing data for fossil taxa. In this study we used the angiosperm clade Juglandaceae as a model for investigating methods of integrating fossils into a phylogenetic framework of extant taxa. The clade has a rich fossil record relative to low extant diversity, as well as a robust molecular phylogeny and morphological database for extant taxa. After combining fossil organ genera into composite and terminal taxa, our objectives were to (1) compare multiple methods for the integration of the fossils and extant taxa (including total evidence, molecular scaffolds, and molecular matrix representation with parsimony [MRP]); (2) explore the impact of missing data (incomplete taxa and characters) and the evidence for placing fossils on the topology; (3) simulate the phylogenetic effect of missing data by creating "artificial fossils"; and (4) place fossils and compare the impact of single and multiple fossil constraints in estimating the age of clades. Despite large and variable amounts of missing data, each of the methods provided reasonable placement of both fossils and simulated "artificial fossils" in the phylogeny previously inferred only from extant taxa. Our results clearly show that the amount of missing data in any given taxon is not by itself an operational guideline for excluding fossils from analysis. Three fossil taxa (Cruciptera simsonii, Paleoplatycarya wingii, and Platycarya americana) were placed within crown clades containing living taxa for which relationships previously had been suggested based on morphology, whereas Polyptera manningii, a mosaic taxon with equivocal affinities, was placed firmly as sister to two modern crown clades. The position of Paleooreomunnea stoneana was ambiguous with total evidence but conclusive with DNA scaffolds and MRP. There was less disturbance of relationships among extant taxa using a total evidence approach, and the DNA scaffold approach did not provide improved resolution or internal support for clades compared to total evidence, whereas weighted MRP retained comparable levels of support but lost crown clade resolution. Multiple internal minimum age constraints generally provided reasonable age estimates, but the use of single constraints provided by extinct genera tended to underestimate clade ages.  相似文献   

A recent molecular phylogeny of the mammalian order Carnivora implied large body size as the ancestral condition for the caniform subclade Arctoidea using the distribution of species mean body sizes among living taxa. "Extant taxa-only" approaches such as these discount character state observations for fossil members of living clades and completely ignore data from extinct lineages. To more rigorously reconstruct body sizes of ancestral forms within the Caniformia, body size and first appearance data were collected for 149 extant and 367 extinct taxa. Body sizes were reconstructed for four ancestral nodes using weighted squared-change parsimony on log-transformed body mass data. Reconstructions based on extant taxa alone favored large body sizes (on the order of 10 to 50 kg) for the last common ancestors of both the Caniformia and Arctoidea. In contrast, reconstructions incorporating fossil data support small body sizes (< 5 kg) for the ancestors of those clades. When the temporal information associated with fossil data was discarded, body size reconstructions became ambiguous, demonstrating that incorporating both character state and temporal information from fossil taxa unambiguously supports a small ancestral body size, thereby falsifying hypotheses derived from extant taxa alone. Body size reconstructions for Caniformia, Arctoidea, and Musteloidea were not sensitive to potential errors introduced by uncertainty in the position of extinct lineages relative to the molecular topology, or to missing body size data for extinct members of an entire major clade (the aquatic Pinnipedia). Incorporating character state observations and temporal information from the fossil record into hypothesis testing has a significant impact on the ability to reconstruct ancestral characters and constrains the range of potential hypotheses of character evolution. Fossil data here provide the evidence to reliably document trends of both increasing and decreasing body size in several caniform clades. More generally, including fossils in such analyses incorporates evidence of directional trends, thereby yielding more reliable ancestral character state reconstructions.  相似文献   

Missing data are commonly thought to impede a resolved or accurate reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships, and probabilistic analysis techniques are increasingly viewed as less vulnerable to the negative effects of data incompleteness than parsimony analyses. We test both assumptions empirically by conducting parsimony and Bayesian analyses on an approximately 1.5 × 106‐cell (27 965 characters × 52 species) mustelid–procyonid molecular supermatrix with 62.7% missing entries. Contrary to the first assumption, phylogenetic relationships inferred from our analyses are fully (Bayesian) or almost fully (parsimony) resolved topologically with mostly strong support and also largely in accord with prior molecular estimations of mustelid and procyonid phylogeny derived with parsimony, Bayesian, and other probabilistic analysis techniques from smaller but complete or nearly complete data sets. Contrary to the second assumption, we found no compelling evidence in support of a relationship between the inferior performance of parsimony and taxon incompleteness (i.e. the proportion of missing character data for a taxon), although we found evidence for a connection between the inferior performance of parsimony and character incompleteness (i.e. no overlap in character data between some taxa). The relatively good performance of our analyses may be related to the large number of sampled characters, so that most taxa (even highly incomplete ones) are represented by a sufficient number of characters allowing both approaches to resolve their relationships. © The Willi Hennig Society 2009.  相似文献   

Morphological and molecular data sets favor robustly supported, contradictory interpretations of crocodylian phylogeny. A longstanding perception in the field of systematics is that such significantly conflicting data sets should be analyzed separately. Here we utilize a combined approach, simultaneous analyses of all relevant character data, to summarize common support and to reconcile discrepancies among data sets. By conjoining rather than separating incongruent classes of data, secondary phylogenetic signals emerge from both molecular and morphological character sets and provide solid evidence for a unified hypothesis of crocodylian phylogeny. Simultaneous analyses of four gene sequences and paleontological data suggest that putative adaptive convergences in the jaws of gavialines (gavials) and tomistomines (false gavials) offer character support for a grouping of these taxa, making Gavialinae an atavistic taxon. Simple new methods for measuring the influence of extinct taxa on topological support indicate that in this vertebrate order fossils generally stabilize relationships and accentuate hidden phylogenetic signals. Remaining inconsistencies in minimum length trees, including concentrated hierarchical patterns of homoplasy and extensive gaps in the fossil record, indicate where future work in crocodylian systematics should be directed.  相似文献   

The effect of missing data on phylogenetic methods is a potentially important issue in our attempts to reconstruct the Tree of Life. If missing data are truly problematic, then it may be unwise to include species in an analysis that lack data for some characters (incomplete taxa) or to include characters that lack data for some species. Given the difficulty of obtaining data from all characters for all taxa (e.g., fossils), missing data might seriously impede efforts to reconstruct a comprehensive phylogeny that includes all species. Fortunately, recent simulations and empirical analyses suggest that missing data cells are not themselves problematic, and that incomplete taxa can be accurately placed as long as the overall number of characters in the analysis is large. However, these studies have so far only been conducted on parsimony, likelihood, and neighbor-joining methods. Although Bayesian phylogenetic methods have become widely used in recent years, the effects of missing data on Bayesian analysis have not been adequately studied. Here, we conduct simulations to test whether Bayesian analyses can accurately place incomplete taxa despite extensive missing data. In agreement with previous studies of other methods, we find that Bayesian analyses can accurately reconstruct the position of highly incomplete taxa (i.e., 95% missing data), as long as the overall number of characters in the analysis is large. These results suggest that highly incomplete taxa can be safely included in many Bayesian phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of Cetacea (whales, dolphins and porpoises) is an important exemplar problem for combined data parsimony analyses because the clade is ancient and includes many well‐known and relatively complete fossil species. We combined data for 71 terminal taxa (43 extinct/28 extant) to test where Cetacea fits within Cetartiodactyla, and where various fossil hoofed mammals (e.g., ?entelodonts, “?anthracotheriids” and ?mesonychians) are positioned. We scored 635 phenotypic characters (osteology, dentition, soft tissue, behavior), approximately three times the number of characters in the last major analysis of this clade, and combined these with > 40 000 molecular characters, including new data from 10 genes. The analysis supported a topology consistent with the majority of recently published molecular studies. Cetacea was the extant sister taxon of Hippopotamidae, followed successively by Ruminantia, Suina and Camelidae. Several extinct taxa were phylogenetically unstable, upsetting resolution of the strict consensus and limiting branch support, but the positions of several key fossils were consistently resolved. The wholly extinct ?Mesonychia was more closely related to Cetacea than was any “artiodactylan.”“?Anthracotheriids” were paraphyletic, and, with the exception of one species, were more closely related to Hippopotamidae than to any other living taxon. The total evidence analysis overturned a highly nested position for Moschus supported by molecular data alone. The character partition that could be scored for the fossil taxa (osteological and dental characters) included more informative characters than most molecular partitions in our analysis, and had the fewest missing data. The osteological–dental data alone, however, did not support inclusion of cetaceans within crown “Artiodactyla.” Recently discovered ankle bones from fossil whales reinforced the monophyly of Cetartiodactyla but provided no particular evidence of derived similarities between hippopotamids and fossil cetaceans that were not shared with other “artiodactylans”. © The Willi Hennig Society 2007.  相似文献   

Ancestral state reconstruction of discrete character traits is often vital when attempting to understand the origins and homology of traits in living species. The addition of fossils has been shown to alter our understanding of trait evolution in extant taxa, but researchers may avoid using fossils alongside extant species if only few are known, or if the designation of the trait of interest is uncertain. Here, I investigate the impacts of fossils and incorrectly coded fossils in the ancestral state reconstruction of discrete morphological characters under a likelihood model. Under simulated phylogenies and data, likelihood-based models are generally accurate when estimating ancestral node values. Analyses with combined fossil and extant data always outperform analyses with extant species alone, even when around one quarter of the fossil information is incorrect. These results are especially pronounced when model assumptions are violated, such as when there is a trend away from the root value. Fossil data are of particular importance when attempting to estimate the root node character state. Attempts should be made to include fossils in analysis of discrete traits under likelihood, even if there is uncertainty in the fossil trait data.  相似文献   

Two taxa of cupulate magnoliid fossil flowers, Cronquistiflora and Detrusandra, are described from the Late Cretaceous (Turonian, ∼90 million years before present [MYBP]) Raritan (or lower Magothy) Formation of New Jersey. The fossil taxa are represented by flowers at various stages of development, associated fragments of cup-shaped floral receptacles with attached anthers, and isolated anthers. Both taxa have laminar stamens with adaxial thecae and valvate dehiscence. Pollen is boat-shaped and foveolate in anthers associated with Cronquistiflora and spherical with reticulate ornamentation in Detrusandra. Cup-shaped receptacles are externally bracteose in both taxa. The receptacle of Cronquistiflora is broader than the campanulate one of Detrusandra. Cronquistiflora also has more carpels (∼50 in a spiral vs. ∼5 in a whorl or tight spiral). In Detrusandra the carpels are surrounded by dorsiventrally flattened structures (pistillodes?) that are remote from the attachment of the stamens near the distal rim of the receptacular cupule. Detrusandra stigmas are rounded and bilobed, while those of Cronquistiflora, although bilateral in symmetry, are somewhat peltate. The fossil taxa share prominent characters with extant cupulate magnoliids (e.g., Eupomatia, Calycanthus), but also share characters with other magnoliids including Winteraceae. These fossils represent taxa that are character mosaics relative to currently recognized families. Inclusion of these fossils in existing data matrices and ensuing phylogenetic analyses effect changes in tree topologies consistent with their mosaicism relative to modern taxa. But such analyses do not definitively demonstrate the affinities of the fossils other than illustrating that these fossils are generalized magnoliids. Additional analysis of modern and fossil magnoliids is necessary to fully appreciate the phylogenetic significance and positions of these fossil taxa. However, the results of the phylogenetic analyses do introduce the possibility that extinct taxa of Magnoliales with cupulate floral receptacles were transitional between basal angiosperms and those with tricolpate pollen. The fossils provide insights into the timing of evolution of character complexes now associated with coleopteran pollination.  相似文献   

Molecular data offer great potential to resolve the phylogeny of living taxa but can molecular data improve our understanding of relationships of fossil taxa? Simulations suggest that this is possible, but few empirical examples have demonstrated the ability of molecular data to change the placement of fossil taxa. We offer such an example here. We analyze the placement of snakes among squamate reptiles, combining published morphological data (363 characters) and new DNA sequence data (15,794 characters, 22 nuclear loci) for 45 living and 19 fossil taxa. We find several intriguing results. First, some fossil taxa undergo major changes in their phylogenetic position when molecular data are added. Second, most fossil taxa are placed with strong support in the expected clades by the combined data Bayesian analyses, despite each having >98% missing cells and despite recent suggestions that extensive missing data are problematic for Bayesian phylogenetics. Third, morphological data can change the placement of living taxa in combined analyses, even when there is an overwhelming majority of molecular characters. Finally, we find strong but apparently misleading signal in the morphological data, seemingly associated with a burrowing lifestyle in snakes, amphisbaenians, and dibamids. Overall, our results suggest promise for an integrated and comprehensive Tree of Life by combining molecular and morphological data for living and fossil taxa.  相似文献   

In order to classify and taxonomically describe the first two fossil Othiini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae) species from three well‐preserved specimens in Cretaceous Burmese amber, a phylogenetic analysis was conducted, combining extant and extinct taxa. A dataset of 76 morphological characters scored for 33 recent species across the subfamilies Staphylininae and Paederinae was analysed using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference methods. The many differing phylogenetic hypotheses for higher‐level relationships in the large rove beetle subfamilies Staphylininae and Paederinae were summarized and their hitherto known fossil record was reviewed. Based on the analyses, the new extinct genus Vetatrecus gen.n. is described with two new species: V. adelfiae sp.n. and V. secretum sp.n. Both species share character states that easily distinguish them from all recent Othiini and demonstrate a missing morphological link between subfamilies Staphylininae and Paederinae. This is the first morphology‐based evidence for the paraphyly of Staphylininae with respect to Paederinae, suggested earlier by two independent molecular‐based phylogenies of recent taxa. Our newly discovered stem lineage of Othiini stresses the importance of fossils in phylogenetic analyses conducted with the aim of improving the natural classification of extant species. It also suggests that the definitions of Staphylininae and Paederinae, long‐established family‐group taxa, may have to be reconsidered. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:817F39C4-F36B-4FD9-96CD-5F8FB064C39E .  相似文献   

Chromosomal data have been underutilized in phylogenetic investigations despite the obvious potential that cytogenetic studies have to reveal both structural and functional homologies among taxa. In large part this is associated with difficulties in scoring conventional and molecular cytogenetic information for phylogenetic analysis. The manner in which chromosomal data have been used by most authors in the past was often conceptionally flawed in terms of the methods and principles underpinning modern cladistics. We present herein a review of the different methods employed, examine their relative strengths, and then outline a simple approach that considers the chromosomal change as the character, and its presence or absence the character state. We test this using one simulated and several empirical data sets. Features that are unique to cytogenetic investigations, including B-chromosomes, heterochromatic additions/deletions, and the location and number of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs), as well as the weighting of chromosomal characters, are critically discussed with regard to their suitability for phylogenetic reconstruction. We conclude that each of these classes of data have inherent problems that limit their usefulness in phylogenetic analyses and in most of these instances, inclusion should be subject to rigorous appraisal that addresses the criterion of unequivocal homology.  相似文献   

Fruits, catkins, and associated leaves of at least two extinct trigonobalanoid taxa have been discovered at an Oligocene fossil plant locality rich in fagaceous remains. These fossils exhibit a mosaic of fruit and pollen characters found in the two extant subfamilies Castaneoideae and Fagoideae of Fagaceae. Comparison with cladograms based on modern taxa suggests that these extinct taxa were similar to the ancestors of subfamily Fagoideae and may have been intermediate between Fagus and the modern trigonobalanoid genera. Pollen types isolated from the fossil staminate catkins provide unique character states that are transitional between modern pollen types in Fagaceae and are important in understanding the evolution of exine micromorphology within the family. This analysis provides a striking example of the use of character data from fossils to determine character-state adjacency prior to polarization of characters using outgroup comparison. Because of the mosaic nature of their character complexes, these fossils support monophyly in both the family Fagaceae and the subfamily Fagoideae. In addition, the occurrence of trigonobalanoid fossils in the Oligocene of North America has interesting biogeographic implications and provides insights into the nature of North American Fagaceae during the Tertiary.  相似文献   

Within phylogenetics, two methods are known to implement cladistics: parsimony or maximum parsimony (MP) and three-item analysis (3ia). Despite the lack of suitable software, 3ia is occasionally used in systematic, and more regularly, in historical biogeography. Here, we present LisBeth, the first and only phylogenetic/biogeographic program freely available that uses the 3ia approach and offer some insights into its theoretical propositions. LisBeth does not rely on the conventional taxon/character matrix. Instead, characters are represented as rooted trees. LisBeth performs 3ia analyses based on maximum congruence of three-item statements and calculates the intersection tree (which differs from usual consensus). In biogeography, it applies the transparent method to handle widespread taxa and implements paralogy-free subtree analysis to remove redundant distributions. For the sake of interoperability, LisBeth may import/export characters from/to matrix in NEXUS format, allowing comparison with other cladistic programs. LisBeth also imports phylogenetic characters from Xper2 knowledge bases.  相似文献   

The identification and application of reliable fossil calibrations represents a key component of many molecular studies of evolutionary timescales. In studies of plants, most paleontological calibrations are associated with macrofossils. However, the pollen record can also inform age calibrations if fossils matching extant pollen groups are found. Recent work has shown that pollen of the myrtle family, Myrtaceae, can be classified into a number of morphological groups that are synapomorphic with molecular groups. By assembling a data matrix of pollen morphological characters from extant and fossil Myrtaceae, we were able to measure the fit of 26 pollen fossils to a molecular phylogenetic tree using parsimony optimisation of characters. We identified eight Myrtaceidites fossils as appropriate for calibration based on the most parsimonious placements of these fossils on the tree. These fossils were used to inform age constraints in a Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of a sequence alignment comprising two sequences from the chloroplast genome (matK and ndhF) and one nuclear locus (ITS), sampled from 106 taxa representing 80 genera. Three additional analyses were calibrated by placing pollen fossils using geographic and morphological information (eight calibrations), macrofossils (five calibrations), and macrofossils and pollen fossils in combination (12 calibrations). The addition of new fossil pollen calibrations led to older crown ages than have previously been found for tribes such as Eucalypteae and Myrteae. Estimates of rate variation among lineages were affected by the choice of calibrations, suggesting that the use of multiple calibrations can improve estimates of rate heterogeneity among lineages. This study illustrates the potential of including pollen-based calibrations in molecular studies of divergence times.  相似文献   

We present phylogenomic analyses of the most comprehensive molecular character set compiled for Annelida and its constituent taxa, including over 347 000 aligned nucleotide sites for 39 taxa. The nucleotide data set was recovered using a pre‐existing amino acid data set of almost 48 000 aligned sites as a backbone for tBLASTn searches against NCBI. In addition, orthology determinations of the loci in the original amino acid data set were scrutinized using an All vs All Reciprocal Best Hit approach, employing BLASTp, and examining for statistical interdependency among the loci. This approach revealed considerable sequence redundancy among the loci in the original data set and a new data set was compiled, with the redundancy removed. The newly compiled nucleotide data set, the original amino acid data set, and the new reduced amino acid data set were subjected to parsimony analyses and two forms of bootstrap resampling. The last‐named data set also was analysed using a maximum‐likelihood approach. There were two main objectives to these analyses: (i) to examine the general topology, including support, resulting from the analyses of the new data sets and (ii) to assess the consistency of the branching patterns across optimality criteria by comparison with previous probabilistic approaches. The phylogenetic hypotheses resulting from analyses of the three data sets are largely unsupported, reflecting the continued difficulty of finding numerous, reliable, and suitable loci for a group as ancient as Annelida. Resulting parsimonious hypotheses disagree, in some respects, with the previous probabilistic approaches; Sedentaria and, in most cases, Errantia are not supported as monophyletic groups but Pleistoannelida is recovered as a (unsupported) monophyletic group in one of the three parsimony analyses as well as the likelihood analysis. In addition, we performed missing data titration studies to estimate the impact of missing data on overall support and support for specific clades.  相似文献   

Vertebrate evolution has been punctuated by three episodes of widespread gene or genome duplication, which have been linked with the origin of vertebrates, gnathostomes and teleosts, respectively. These three events coincide with bursts of character acquisition and increases in phenotypic complexity, and many researchers have suggested a causal relationship between the two. However, this pattern is derived from data for living taxa only; we argue here that, when fossils are taken into account, bursts of character acquisition disappear and gen(om)e duplication in vertebrate phylogeny can no longer be correlated with the origin of body plans. If patterns of character acquisition or morphological gaps between higher taxa are a reflection of phenotypic complexity, then more inclusive data sets incorporating fossil taxa provide no support for hypotheses linking gen(om)e duplications and the evolution of complexity in vertebrates.  相似文献   

A persistent problem in paleoanthropology is the recognition of intra- vs. inter-specific differences within fossil samples. Exacerbating this situation is the often fragmentary nature of the fossils themselves, thus precluding rote applications of many multivariate approaches designed for complete case analyses. In this paper we apply finite mixture analysis to samples of large-bodied hominoids to test this procedure's efficacy in clustering individuals by species without a priori knowledge of group membership. In addition, we stochastically remove individual specimens and measurements, simulating small, incomplete fossil samples, and re-apply the finite mixture procedure to test how often it correctly assigns these "fragmentary" specimens. Finite mixture analysis can be highly accurate, even when confronted with small sample sizes and missing data. For example, a combination of 124 chimpanzees and humans are correctly identified in one analysis, and the accuracy drops only 2% to become 98% when the total sample size is reduced to 16 and missing data patterns are applied. In comparisons to better known methods that have been used to recognize groups in the fossil record, such as k-means, the benefits of finite mixture analysis are readily apparent. First, k-means is unable to accommodate missing data, an obvious deficiency when investigating the fossil record. Second, in direct comparisons of their ability to accurately assign "unknowns" to taxa, finite mixture performed at least as well as, and often better than, k-means in our analyses. A potential test that can be used to identify species in the fossil record, derived from comparisons of results generated from a general vs. a restricted (isometry-corrected) finite mixture analysis, is presented.  相似文献   

Abstract Missing values have been used in cladistic analyses when data are unavailable, inapplicable or sometimes when character states are variable within terminal taxa. The practice of scoring taxa as having "missing values" for polymorphic characters introduces errors into the calculation of cladogram lengths and consistency indices because some character change is hidden within terminals. Because these hidden character steps are not counted, the set of most parsimonious cladograms may differ from those that would be found if polymorphic taxa had been broken into monomorphic subunits. In some cases, the trees found when polymorphisms are scored as missing values may not include any of the most parsimonious trees found when the data are scored properly. Additionally, in some cases, polymorphic taxa may be found to be polyphyletic when broken into monomorphic subunits; this is undetected when polymorphisms are treated as missing. Because of these problems, terminal units in cladistic analysis should be based on unique, fixed combinations of characters. Polymorphic taxa should be subdivided into subunits that are monomorphic for each character used in the analysis. Disregarding errors in topology, the additional hidden steps in a cladogram in which polymorphisms are scored as missing can be calculated by a simple formula, based on the observation that if it is assumed that polymorphic terminals include all combinations of character states, 2 p − 1 additional steps are required for each taxon in which p polymorphic binary characters are scored as missing values. Thus, when several polymorphisms are scored as missing in the same taxon, very large errors can be introduced into the calculation of tree length.  相似文献   

We report here on a series of fossil flowers exhibiting a mosaic of characters present in the extant monocot family Triuridaceae. Phylogenetic analyses of morphological data from a broad sample of extant monocots confirm the affinities of the fossils with modern Triuridaceae. The fossil flowers were collected from outcrops of the Raritan Formation (Upper Cretaceous, ~90 million years before present), New Jersey, USA. These are the oldest known unequivocal monocot flowers. Because other reports of "earliest" monocots are all based on equivocal character suites and/or ambiguously preserved fossil material, the Triuridaceae fossils reported here should also be considered as the oldest unequivocal fossil monocots. Flowers are minute and unisexual (only male flowers are known); the perianth is composed of six tepals, lacking stomata. The unicyclic androecium is of three stamens with dithecal, monosporangiate, extrorse anthers that open by longitudinal slits. The endothecium has U-shaped type thickenings. Pollen grains are monosulcate. The triurid fossil flowers can be separated into three distinctive species. On the basis of phylogenetic analyses of morphological characters, the fossil taxa nest within the completely saprophytic achlorophyllous Triuridaceae supporting the interpretation that the extinct plants were also achlorophyllous and saprophytic. If so, this represents the earliest known fossil occurrence of the saprophytic/mycotrophic habit in angiosperms.  相似文献   

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