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Seasonal variations in anaerobic respiration pathways were investigated at three saltmarsh sites using chemical data, sulfate reduction rate measurements, enumerations of culturable populations of anaerobic iron-reducing bacteria (FeRB), and quantification of in situ 16S rRNA hybridization signals targeted for sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Bacterial sulfate reduction in the sediments followed seasonal changes in temperature and primary production of the saltmarsh, with activity levels lowest in winter and highest in summer. In contrast, a dramatic decrease in the FeRB population size was observed during summer at all sites. The collapse of FeRB populations during summer was ascribed to high rates of sulfide production by SRB, resulting in abiotic reduction of bioavailable Fe(III) (hydr)oxides. To test this hypothesis, sediment slurry incubations at 10, 20 and 30 °C were carried out. Increases in temperature and labile organic carbon availability (acetate or lactate additions) increased rates of sulfate reduction while decreasing the abundance of culturable anaerobic FeRB. These trends were not reversed by the addition of amorphous Fe(III) (hydr)oxides to the slurries. However, when sulfate reduction was inhibited by molybdate, no decline in FeRB growth was observed with increasing temperature. Addition of dissolved sulfide adversely impacted propagation of FeRB whether molybdate was added or not. Both field and laboratory data therefore support a sulfide-mediated limitation of microbial iron respiration by SRB. When total sediment respiration rates reach their highest levels during summer, SRB force a decline in the FeRB populations. As sulfate reduction activity slows down after the summer, the FeRB are able to recover.  相似文献   

The rates and pathways of anaerobic carbon mineralization processes were investigated at seven stations, ranging from 10 to 56 m water depth, in the Kattegat and Belt Sea, Denmark. Organic carbon mineralization coupled to microbial Mn and Fe reduction was quantified using anaerobic sediment incubation at two stations that were widely separated geographically within the study area. Fe reduction accounted for 75% of the anaerobic carbon oxidation at the station in the northern Kattegat, which is the highest percentage so far reported from subtidal marine sediment. By contrast, sulfate reduction was the dominant anaerobic respiration pathway (95%) at the station in the Great Belt. Dominance of Fe reduction was related to a relatively high sediment Fe content in combination with active reworking of the sediment by infauna. The relative contribution of Fe reduction to anaerobic carbon oxidation at both stations correlated with the concentration of poorly crystalline Fe(III), confirming that the concentration of poorly crystalline Fe(III) exerts a strong control on rates of Fe reduction in marine sediments. The dependence of microbial Fe reduction on concentrations of poorly crystalline Fe(III) was used to quantify the importance of Fe reduction at sites where anaerobic incubations were not applied. This study showed that Fe reduction is an important process in anaerobic carbon oxidation in a wider area of the seafloor in the northern and eastern Kattegat (contribution 60 – 75%). By contrast, Fe reduction is of little significance (6 – 25%) in the more coarse-grained sediments of the shallower western and southern Kattegat, where a low Fe content was an important limiting factor, and in fine-grained sediments of the Belt Sea (4 – 28%), where seasonal oxygen depletion limits the intensity of bioturbation and thereby the availability of Fe(III). A large fraction of the total deposition of organic matter in the Kattegat and Belt Sea occurs in the northern Kattegat, and we estimate 33% of benthic carbon oxidation in the whole area is conveyed by Fe reduction.  相似文献   

A vast number of lakes developed in the abandoned opencast lignite mines of Lusatia (East Germany) contain acidic waters (mmolSm–2a). Potential Fe(III) reduction measured by the accumulation of Fe(II) during anoxic incubation yielded similar rates in both types of sediments, however, the responses towards the supplementation of Fe(III) and organic carbon were different. Sulfate reduction rates estimated with 35S-radiotracer were much lower in the slightly acidic sediment than in the pH-neutral sediment (156 v.s. 738mmolSO4 2–m–2a–1). However, sulfate reduction rates were increased by the addition of organic carbon. Severe limitation of sulfate-reducing bacteria under acidic conditions was also reflected by low most probable numbers (MPN). High MPN of acidophilic iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria in acidic sediments indicated a high reoxidation potential. The results show that potentials for reductive processes are present in acidic sediments and that these are determined mainly by the availability of oxidants and organic matter.  相似文献   

刘洪艳  刘淼  袁媛 《微生物学通报》2020,47(9):2711-2719
【背景】一些铁还原细菌具有异化铁还原与产氢的能力,该类细菌在环境污染修复的同时能够解决能源问题。【目的】从海洋沉积物中富集获得异化铁还原菌群,明确混合菌群组成、异化铁还原及产氢性质。获得海洋沉积物中异化铁还原混合菌群组成,分析菌群异化铁还原和产氢性质。【方法】利用高通量测序技术分析异化铁还原菌群的优势菌组成,在此基础上,分析异化铁还原混合菌群在不同电子供体培养条件下异化铁还原能力和产氢性质。【结果】高通量数据表明,在不溶性氢氧化铁为电子受体和葡萄糖为电子供体厌氧培养条件下,混合菌群的优势菌属主要是梭菌(Clostridium),属于发酵型异化铁还原细菌。混合菌群能够利用电子供体蔗糖、葡萄糖以及丙酮酸钠进行异化铁还原及发酵产氢。葡萄糖为电子供体时,菌群累积产生Fe(Ⅱ)浓度和产氢量最高,分别是59.34±6.73 mg/L和629.70±11.42 mL/L。【结论】异化铁还原混合菌群同时具有异化铁还原和产氢能力,拓宽了发酵型异化铁还原细菌的种质资源,探索异化铁还原细菌在生物能源方面的应用。  相似文献   

Organic matter oxidation represents a transfer of elements to inorganic nutrients that support biological productivity and food web processes. Therefore, quantification of the controls of organic matter mineralization is crucial to understanding the carbon cycle and biogeochemical dynamics in coastal marine environments. We investigated the rates and pathways of anaerobic carbon (C) oxidation in an unvegetated mud flat (UMF) and a vegetated mud flat (VMF) of the Ganghwa intertidal zone of the macro-tidal Han River estuary, Yellow Sea. Analyses of geochemical constituents revealed relatively oxidized conditions and high reactive Fe(III) concentrations (40–100 μmol cm−3) in the sediments. A pronounced depth stratification in Fe(III) was observed at the VMF site likely due to the lower number of infaunal burrows along with dense root formation by the macrophytes, Suaeda japonica. Depth-integrated rates of anaerobic C mineralization as well as sulfate- and Fe(III) reduction at the VMF were consistently higher than those at the UMF, likely driven by the dense vegetation that supplied organic C substrates and electron acceptors to the rhizosphere. Sediment inventories revealed that solid Fe(III) was up to 17 times more abundant than pore water sulfate, and direct rate measurements showed that microbial Fe(III) reduction comprised an equal or larger percentage of C oxidation (36–66 %) in comparison to sulfate reduction (36–40 %) at both sites studied. Time-course experiments indicated that sulfate reduction rates were likely underestimated, especially in the VMF rhizosphere, due to the reoxidation of reduced S in the presence of high Fe(III). The high rates of C mineralization suggest that the Ganghwa intertidal mud flats are a significant sink against the external loading of organic compounds, and organic matter mineralization is enhanced by chemical exchange regulated by extreme tidal flushing and macro-microorganisms interactions.  相似文献   

1. Microbial decomposition of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) contributes to overall stream metabolism and can influence many processes in the nitrogen cycle, including nitrification. Little is known, however, about the relative decomposition rates of different DOC sources and their subsequent effect on nitrification. 2. In this study, labile fraction and overall microbial decomposition of DOC were measured for leaf leachates from 18 temperate forest tree species. Between 61 and 82% (mean, 75%) of the DOC was metabolized in 24 days. Significant differences among leachates were found for labile fraction rates (P < 0.0001) but not for overall rates (P=0.088). 3. Nitrification rates in stream sediments were determined after addition of 10 mg C L–1 of each leachate. Nitrification rates ranged from below detection to 0.49 μg N mL sediment–1 day–1 and were significantly correlated with two independent measures of leachate DOC quality, overall microbial decomposition rate (r=–0.594, P=0.0093) and specific ultraviolet absorbance (r=0.469, P=0.0497). Both correlations suggest that nitrification rates were lower in the presence of higher quality carbon. 4. Nitrification rates in sediments also were measured after additions of four leachates and glucose at three carbon concentrations (10, 30, and 50 mg C L–1). For all carbon sources, nitrification rates decreased as carbon concentration increased. Glucose and white pine leachate most strongly depressed nitrification. Glucose likely increased the metabolism of heterotrophic bacteria, which then out‐competed nitrifying bacteria for NH4+. White pine leachate probably increased heterotrophic metabolism and directly inhibited nitrification by allelopathy.  相似文献   

An open flow-through gas system was used to investigate the effect of plant age on nitrogenase activity in relation to root respiration (measured as CO2 release) and supra-ambient O2 levels in 24- to 51-day-old, nodulated Pisum sativum L. cv. Bodil. The effect of assaying plants repeatedly was also studied. The respiratory efficiency of nitrogenase [mol CO2 (mol C2H4)−1] and the relative decline in nitrogenase (EC activity in response to introduction of C2H2 in the gas stream were unaffected by plant age. In contrast, the nitrogenase-linked respiration as a proportion of total root respiration increased with time. Accordingly, the specific respiration linked-to growth and maintenace of the noduled root system decreased with time. C2H2 reduction and root respiration were increased by supra-ambient O2 levels, but the tolerance to high O2 concentrations seemed to decrease with plant age. Repeated C2H2 assays on the same plants decreased their rate of growth and N accumulation: in addition, nitrogenase activity and root respiration were somewhat negatively affected. The results indicate that results from experiments with plants of different ages cannot always be directly compared, and that repeated C2H2 assays on the same plants should be applied with caution in physiological work.  相似文献   

Patterns and mechanisms of short‐term temperature acclimation and long‐term climatic adaptation of respiration among intraspecific populations are poorly understood, but both are potentially important in constraining respiratory carbon flux to climate warming across large geographic scales, as well as influencing the metabolic fitness of populations. Herein we report on leaf dark respiration of 33‐year‐old trees of jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) grown in three contrasting North American common gardens (0.9, 4.6, and 7.9 °C, mean annual temperature) comprised of identical populations of wide‐ranging geographic origins. We tested whether respiration rates in this evergreen conifer acclimate to prevailing ambient air temperatures and differ among populations. At each of the common gardens, observed population differences in respiration rates measured at a standard temperature (20 °C) were comparatively small and largely unrelated to climate of seed‐source origin. In contrast, respiration in all populations exhibited seasonal acclimation at all sites. Specific respiration rates at 20 °C inversely tracked seasonal variation in ambient air temperature, increasing with cooler temperatures in fall and declining with warmer temperatures in spring and summer. Such responses were similar among populations and sites, thus providing a general predictive equation regarding temperature acclimation of respiration for the species. Temperature acclimation was associated with variation in nitrogen (N) and soluble carbohydrate concentrations, supporting a joint enzyme and substrate‐based model of respiratory acclimation. Regression analyses revealed convergent relationships between respiration and the combination of needle N and soluble carbohydrate concentrations and between N‐based respiration (RN, μmol mol N? 1 s? 1) and soluble carbohydrate concentrations, providing evidence for general predictive relationships across geographically diverse populations, seasons, and sites. Overall, these findings demonstrate that seasonal acclimation of respiration modulates rates of foliar respiratory carbon flux in a widely distributed evergreen species, and does so in a predictable way. Genetic differences in specific respiration rate appear less important than temperature acclimation in downregulating respiratory carbon fluxes with climate warming across wide‐ranging sites.  相似文献   

Aim Extrapolation of tower CO2 fluxes will be greatly facilitated if robust relationships between flux components and remotely sensed factors are established. Long‐term measurements at five Northern Great Plains locations were used to obtain relationships between CO2 fluxes and photosynthetically active radiation (Q), other on‐site factors, and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from the SPOT VEGETATION data set. Location CO2 flux data from the following stations and years were analysed: Lethbridge, Alberta 1998–2001; Fort Peck, MT 2000, 2002; Miles City, MT 2000–01; Mandan, ND 1999–2001; and Cheyenne, WY 1997–98. Results Analyses based on light‐response functions allowed partitioning net CO2 flux (F) into gross primary productivity (Pg) and ecosystem respiration (Re). Weekly averages of daytime respiration, γday, estimated from light responses were closely correlated with weekly averages of measured night‐time respiration, γnight (R2 0.64 to 0.95). Daytime respiration tended to be higher than night‐time respiration, and regressions of γday on γnight for all sites were different from 1 : 1 relationships. Over 13 site‐years, gross primary production varied from 459 to 2491 g CO2 m?2 year?1, ecosystem respiration from 996 to 1881 g CO2 m?2 year?1, and net ecosystem exchange from ?537 (source) to +610 g CO2 m?2 year?1 (sink). Maximum daily ecological light‐use efficiencies, ?d,max = Pg/Q, were in the range 0.014 to 0.032 mol CO2 (mol incident quanta)?1. Main conclusions Ten‐day average Pg was significantly more highly correlated with NDVI than 10‐day average daytime flux, Pd (R2 = 0.46 to 0.77 for Pg‐NDVI and 0.05 to 0.58 for Pd‐NDVI relationships). Ten‐day average Re was also positively correlated with NDVI, with R2 values from 0.57 to 0.77. Patterns of the relationships of Pg and Re with NDVI and other factors indicate possibilities for establishing multivariate functions allowing scaling‐up local fluxes to larger areas using GIS data, temporal NDVI, and other factors.  相似文献   

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