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By using seven endonucleases and four bovine cDNA probes specific for alpha S1-, alpha S2-, beta-, and kappa-casein genes, nine restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) have been found in the sheep orthologous DNA regions. In contrast to the low level of variation observed at the protein level, these DNA polymorphisms determine a high level of heterozygosity and, therefore, represent useful tools for genetic analyses since they can also be obtained without the need for gene expression. In fact, informative matings suggest that in sheep, as in cattle, the four loci are linked.  相似文献   

Structure of a class I gene from Syrian hamster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Syrian hamsters possess a multigene class I family yet fail to perform several associative immunologic functions. In an attempt to determine whether representative hamster genes are structurally functional, we have cloned two closely linked class I-like genes and determined the complete sequence of the 5' member. Its exon organization is similar to that seen in mouse and man, although only two intracytoplasmic domains are encoded instead of the usual three. Comparison of the predicted amino acid sequence and the 3' untranslated region to mouse and human genes suggest along with the linkage data that the hamster gene may be related to either or both K and Qa region genes but probably not to D and L region genes.  相似文献   

We have already shown that in species with highly polymorphic major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules (human, mouse) no functional polymorphism of the peptide transporters TaP1 and TAP2 is detectable (Lobigs and Müllbacher 1993).Investigating the antigen-presentation machinery of the class I MHC I expression via recombinant vaccinia viruses MHC class I expression via recombinant vaccinia viruses (VV) we found that six hamster cell lines fall into two phenotypic classes. Four cell lines (HaK, FF, MF-2, and HT-1) showed no defect in expressing four different H2 class I molecules (KK, Kd, Kb, Dd) and the appropriate VV peptide recognized by mouse VV-immune cytotoxic T (Tc) cells on the cell surface. Two cell lines (BHK-21 and NIL-2) expressed Dd and Kb in association with VV peptides as recognized by VV-immune, H2-restricted Tc cells but not Kk and Kd. However, Kd was expressed on the cell surface, as shown by fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis and alloreactive Tc-cell recogniction. Kk is only surface-expressed in these two cell lines when superinfected with two VV recombinants encoding rat TAP1 (VV-mtp1) and TAP2 (VV-mtp2). Superinfection with VV-mtpl and VV-mtp2 rendered both cell lines, after infection with either VV-Kk or V-Kd, susceptible to lysis by either Kk-orKd- restricted VV-immune Tc cells. Thus Syrian hamster cell lines express functionally polymorphic peptide transporters.The TAP2 gene from FF cells was cloned and sequenced; comparison with human, mouse, and rat TAP2 sequences show 78%, 88% and 87% similarity, respectively.  相似文献   

Population genetic survey of the indigenous populations of the Marii El Republic, represented by the two major ethnographic groups of Maris, Meadow (five samples from Morkinsk, Orshansk, Semursk, Sovetsk, and Zvenigovsk districts) and Mountain (one sample from Gornomariisk district) Maris, was carried out. All Mari groups were examined at nine polymorphic DNA loci of nuclear genome, VNTR(PAH) (N = 422), STR(PAH) (N = 152), VNTR(ApoB) (N= 294), VNTR(DAT1) (N = 363), VNTR(eNOS) (N = 373), ACE (N = 412), IVS6aGATT (N = 513), D7S23(KM.19) (N = 494), and D7S8 (N = 366). Allele and genotype frequency distribution patterns were obtained for individual samples and ethnographic groups, as well as for the ethnic group overall. In each of six Mari samples examined, the deficit of heterozygotes was observed, i.e., the mean observed heterozygosity was lower than the expected one. The indices of mean heterozygosity, Hs = 0.455, and interpopulation differentiation, FST = 0.0024, for the Mari gene pool were obtained using a set of DNA markers analyzed. Analysis of the genetic distances and between population differentiation (FST) showed that the main part of genetic diversity in Maris was determined by the differentiation between the populations of Meadow Maris. The contribution of the differences between the ethnographic groups of Mountain and Meadow Maris to the ethnic gene pool was small. It is suggested that the main role in the formation of the Mari gene pool is played by the geographic factor.  相似文献   

Population genetic survey of the indigenous populations of the Marii El Republic, represented by the two major ethnographic groups of Maris, Meadow (five samples from Morkinsk, Orshansk, Sernursk, Sovetsk, and Zvenigovsk districts) and Mountain (one sample from Gornomariisk district) Maris, was carried out. All Mari groups were examined at nine polymorphic DNA loci of nuclear genome, VNTR(PAH) (N=422), STR(PAH) (N=152), VNTR(ApoB) (N=294), VNTR(DAT1) (N=363), VNTR(eNOS) (N=373), ACE (N=412), IVS6aGATT (N=513), D7S23(KM.19) (N=494), and D7S8 (N=366). Allele and genotype frequency distribution patterns were obtained for individual samples and ethnographic groups, as well as for the ethnic group overall. In each of six Mari samples examined, the deficit of heterozygotes was observed, i.e., the mean observed heterozygosity was lower than the expected one. The indices of mean heterozygosity, $\bar H_S = 0.455$ , and interpopulation differentiation, $\bar F_{ST} = 0.0024$ , for the Mari gene pool were obtained using a set of DNA markers analyzed. The highest level of interpopulation differentiation is characteristic of ACE loci (F ST=0.0104) and D7S23(KM.19/PstI) (F ST=0.0123). Analysis of the genetic distances and interpopulation differentiation (F ST) showed that the main part of genetic diversity in Maris was determined by the differentiation between the populations of Meadow Maris. The contribution of the differences between the ethnographic groups of Mountain and Meadow Maris to the ethnic gene pool was small. It is suggested that the main role in the formation of the Mari gene pool is played by the geographic factor.  相似文献   

Trans-species polymorphism of class IIMhc loci in danio fishes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
 A characteristic feature of the major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) polymorphism in mammals is the existence of allelic lineages shared by related species. This trans-species polymorphism has thus far been documented only in primates, rodents, and artiodactyls. In this communication we provide evidence that it also exists in cyprinid (bony) fishes at the class II A and B loci coding for the α and β polypeptide chains of the class II α : β heterodimers. The study has focused on three species of the family Cyprinidae, subfamily Rasborinae: the zebrafish (Danio rerio), the giant danio (D. malabaricus), and the pearl danio (D. albolineatus). The polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify and then sequence intron 1 and exon 2 of the class II B loci and exon 2 of the class II A loci in these species. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences revealed the existence of allelic lineages whose divergence predates the divergence of the three species at both the A and B loci. The lineages at the B locus in particular are separated by large genetic distances. The polymorphism is concentrated in the peptide-binding region sites and is apparently maintained by balancing selection. Sharing of this unique Mhc feature by both bony fishes and mammals suggests that the main function of the Mhc (presentation of peptides to T lymphocytes) has not changed during the last 400 million years of its evolution. Received: 6 December 1995 / Revised: 6 February 1996  相似文献   

Cell lines derived from a Syrian hamster insulinoma have been cloned in agar and maintained continuously in culture in vitro for 1 1/2 years. The cell lines have average doubling times of 48 h, they have modal chromosome numbers between 38 and 39, and they retain the ability to form tumors when injected into Syrian hamsters. The cells do not produce immunoreactive insulin when grown in vitro (less than 0.5 ng/mg protein), but do produce immunoreactive insulin when grown in vivo as tumors (mean value from six determinations = 7.1 +/- 1.5 ng/mg protein).  相似文献   

Seven DNA markers from five genes and one chromosomal region were analysed in Mongolian population using the polymerase chain reaction. The frequencies of alleles of the polymorphisms detected with HindIII in the HBG-2, AvaII in the HBB, MspI and XbaI in the Apo-B, PstI in the D7S8, HincII in the LDLR and allele frequency of the minisatellite fragment in the AT-3 have been determined. The results of the RELP for Apo-B(MspI), LDLR, D7S8 and AT-3 are obtained for the first time among Mongoloids. DNA markers studied demonstrated high level of polymorphisms in the population of Mongolia, except for XbaI and MspI restriction sites at the Apo-B locus. The data obtained for Mongolian population and the literature data were compared.  相似文献   

The Syrian hamster embryo cell transformation assay is widely used for studies of carcinogenesis. The characterization of an unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) assay for these cells is reported. Benzo[a]pyrene, aflatoxin B1 and UV light induced UDS in the cells in a dose-dependent manner without exogenous metabolic activity. Nitrosopiperidine induced UDS as well as gene mutations and cell transformation only in the presence of an exogenous metabolic activation system. The utility of this UDS assay with these cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Margit M.K. Nass 《Gene》1983,21(3):249-255
A precise physical map, containing the structurally and operationally defined D-loop origin, terminal region, and direction of heavy-strand replication, has been constructed for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from ovary (CHO-KI) and lung cells of Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus 2 N = 22), and compared with our previously established genome coordinates for mtDNA from Syrian hamster ( Mesocricetus auratus 2 N = 44). All four HpaI sites in Cricetulus are conserved in Mesocricetus (8 sites). Extensive variation exists for hexanucleotides cleaved by EcoRI HindIII PstI. KpnI and BamHI. Sequence divergence between Chinese and Syrian hamster mtDNAs, as reflected from analysis of the mapped recognition sites for these six endonucleases, is estimated as 5–9% base substitutions. mtDNAs from both hamster and several other mammalian species contain a commonly conserved HpaI site in the region of light strand initiation.  相似文献   

Kidney tumors from stilbene estrogen (diethylstilbestrol)-treated Syrian hamsters were screened for somatic genetic alterations by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain-reaction (RAPD-PCR) fingerprinting. Fingerprints from tumor tissue were generated by single arbitrary primers and compared with fingerprints for normal tissue from the same animal, as well as normal and tumor tissues from different animals. Sixty one of the arbitrary primers amplified 365 loci that contain approximately 476 kbp of the hamster genome. Among these amplified DNA fragments, 44 loci exhibited either qualitative or quantitative differences between the tumor tissues and normal kidney tissues. RAPD-PCR loci showing decreased and increased intensities in tumor tissue DNA relative to control DNA indicate that loci have undergone allelic losses and gains, respectively, in the stilbene estrogen-induced tumor cell genome. The presence or absence of the amplified DNA fragments indicate homozygous insertions or deletions in the kidney tumor DNA compared to the age-matched normal kidney tissue DNA. Seven of 44 mutated loci also were present in the kidney tissues adjacent to tumors (free of macroscopic tumors). The presence of mutated loci in uninvolved (non-tumor) surrounding tissue adjacent to tumors from stilbene estrogen-treated hamsters suggests that these mutations occurred in the early stages of carcinogenesis. The cloning and sequencing of RAPD amplified loci revealed that one mutated locus had significant sequence similarity with the hamster Cyp1A1 gene. The results show the ability of RAPD-PCR to detect and isolate, in a single step, DNA sequences representing genetic alterations in stilbene estrogen-induced cancer cells, including losses of heterozygosity, and homozygous deletion and insertion mutations. RAPD-PCR provides an alternative molecular approach for studying cancer cytogenetics in stilbene estrogen-induced tumors in humans and experimental models. Although the exact functional importance of mutated loci is unknown, this study indicates that these altered loci may participate during tumor progression in the kidney.  相似文献   

Juyal G  Prasad P  Senapati S  Midha V  Sood A  Amre D  Juyal RC  BK T 《PloS one》2011,6(1):e16565
Genome-Wide Association studies (GWAS) of both Crohn's Disease (CD) and Ulcerative Colitis (UC) have unearthed over 40 risk conferring variants. Recently, a meta-analysis on UC revealed several loci, most of which were either previously associated with UC or CD susceptibility in populations of European origin. In this study, we attempted to replicate these findings in an ethnically distinct north Indian UC cohort. 648 UC cases and 850 controls were genotyped using Infinium Human 660W-quad. Out of 59 meta-analysis index SNPs, six were not in the SNP array used in the study. Of the remaining 53 SNPs, four were found monomorphic. Association (p<0.05) at 25 SNPs was observed, of which 15 were CD specific. Only five SNPs namely rs2395185 (HLA-DRA), rs3024505 (IL10), rs6426833 (RNF186), rs3763313 (BTNL2) and rs2066843 (NOD2) retained significance after Bonferroni correction. These results (i) reveal limited replication of Caucasian based meta-analysis results; (ii) reiterate overlapping molecular mechanism(s) in UC and CD; (iii) indicate differences in genetic architecture between populations; and (iv) suggest that resources such as HapMap need to be extended to cover diverse ethnic populations. They also suggest a systematic GWAS in this terrain may be insightful for identifying population specific IBD risk conferring loci and thus enable cross-ethnicity fine mapping of disease loci.  相似文献   

A new protocol for inducing mutations in mammalian cells in culture by exposure to the thymidine analog 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) was established. This protocol, called "DNA-dependent" mutagenesis, involved the incorporation of BrdUrd into DNA under nonmutagenic conditions and the subsequent replication of the 5-bromouracil (BrUra)-containing DNA under mutagenic conditions but with no BrdUrd present in the culture medium. The mutagenic conditions were induced by allowing BrUra-containing DNA to replicate in the presence of high concentrations of thymidine. This generated high intracellular levels of dTTP and dGTP, causing nucleotide pool imbalance. The mutagenesis induced by this protocol was found to correlate with the level of BrUra substituted for thymine in DNA.  相似文献   

DNA amplification is a frequently observed event in continuous cell lines and in tumors. It is likely that a common mechanism underlies the amplification of specific DNA sequences which confer drug resistance and genes which give a growth advantage to the tumor. To find a correlation between the induction of DNA amplification by chemicals and morphological cell transformation we treated Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells with diverse antineoplastic agents of different classes. Analysis of these agents seems to be important since they are potentially carcinogenic and resistance inducing. For the measurement of DNA amplification we established a new system using adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV)-infected primary SHE cells as target cells and amplification of viral DNA as marker of DNA amplification. Simultaneously we determined morphological cell transformation in SHE cells. Our findings demonstrate that there is only a limited correlation between the induction of AAV DNA amplification and the morphological cell transformation in SHE cells. The newly established system of AAV DNA amplification appears to be a useful tool for the investigation of drug resistance in target cells of choice.  相似文献   

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