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倪美虹  杨欣怡  蒋明星 《生态学报》2024,44(13):5423-5434
入侵种被传至一个新的区域后,在面对当地某些生态因子的胁迫时如何发生适应性变化,是入侵生物学研究的一个重要课题。这方面信息对评价物种的入侵性、制订防控策略具有重要指导意义。入侵性蚂蚁作为无脊椎陆生动物中入侵最成功、危害最严重的一类,其生物学、生态学已得到大量研究,许多报道表明它们在定殖和扩张过程中会发生适应性变化。基于30多年的文献资料,从蚁群社会结构、超级蚁群形成能力、个体大小、觅食行为、种间竞争、天敌防御、适应低温能力、生态位转变等多个角度进行了全面总结,并针对这些方面适应性变化的机制,从表型可塑性、适应性进化、自身遗传学基础、与共生微生物的互利关系等角度进行了剖析。提出了今后有待重点研究的几个问题。将有助于深化对蚂蚁成功入侵机制的认识,为推进我国红火蚁(Solenopsis invicta Buren)、小火蚁(Wasmannia auropunctata Roger)等入侵性蚂蚁的研究与治理提供参考。  相似文献   

Causal mechanisms underlying host specificity in bat ectoparasites   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In parasites, host specificity may result either from restricted dispersal capacity or from fixed coevolutionary host-parasite adaptations. Knowledge of those proximal mechanisms leading to particular host specificity is fundamental to understand host-parasite interactions and potential coevolution of parasites and hosts. The relative importance of these two mechanisms was quantified through infection and cross-infection experiments using mites and bats as a model. Monospecific pools of parasitic mites (Spinturnix myoti and S. andegavinus) were subjected either to individual bats belonging to their traditional, native bat host species, or to another substitute host species within the same bat genus (Myotis). The two parasite species reacted differently to these treatments. S. myoti exhibited a clear preference for, and had a higher fitness on, its native host, Myotis myotis. In contrast, S. andegavinus showed no host choice, although its fitness was higher on its native host M. daubentoni. The causal mechanisms mediating host specificity can apparently differ within closely related host-parasite systems.  相似文献   

The sonar systems of bats and dolphins are in many ways superior to man-made sonar and radar systems, and considerable effort has been devoted to understanding the signal-processing strategies underlying these capabilities. A major feature determining the efficiency of sonar systems is the sensitivity to noise and jamming signals. Previous studies indicated that echolocating bats may adjust their signal structure to avoid jamming ('jamming avoidance response'; JAR). However, these studies relied on behavioural correlations and not controlled experiments. Here, we provide the first experimental evidence for JAR in bats. We presented bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) with 'playback stimuli' consisting of recorded echolocation calls at one of six frequencies. The bats exhibited a JAR by shifting their call frequency away from the presented playback frequency. When the approaching bats were challenged by an abrupt change in the playback stimulus, they responded by shifting their call frequencies upwards, away from the playback. Interestingly, even bats initially calling below the playback's frequency shifted their frequencies upwards, 'jumping' over the playback frequency. These spectral shifts in the bats' calls occurred often within less than 200 ms, in the first echolocation call emitted after the stimulus switch-suggesting that rapid jamming avoidance is important for the bat.  相似文献   

Acoustic detectors have become increasingly used by bat workers to investigate bat ecology and assess the impacts of anthropogenic pressures. Within these studies, the metric used, ‘bat activity’, is based on the number of bat passes, without considering the bat pass duration (i.e. each event of a bat detected within the range of an ultrasonic detector). We expected that bat pass duration may contain information about site quality in terms of foraging potential. Because bats are expected to have a more sinuous trajectory and slower velocity when they exhibit foraging behaviour, as opposed to commuting behaviour, we hypothesize a longer bat pass duration in favourable habitats; during seasons with important energetic demands; or during night peak activity. We used datasets from a large-scale acoustic bat survey (n = 2890 sites), with a total of 24,597 bat pass measures from 6 taxa, and performed GLMM modelling. We detected a significant effect of habitat type on bat pass duration for five taxa. Shorter bat pass durations were detected at the beginning of the night. We detected longer pass durations during the lactation period or just before hibernating, while weather conditions or ageing and wear of the detector rarely influenced bat pass duration. Bat pass duration appears to be a simple and easy measure for position calls on a gradient between commuting vs. foraging behaviour. We suggest that the traditional measure of bat activity may be weighted by bat pass duration by giving more weight to events with potentially stronger links to foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

Active-sensing systems such as echolocation provide animals with distinct advantages in dark environments. For social animals, however, like many bat species, active sensing can present problems as well: when many individuals emit bio-sonar calls simultaneously, detecting and recognizing the faint echoes generated by one''s own calls amid the general cacophony of the group becomes challenging. This problem is often termed ‘jamming’ and bats have been hypothesized to solve it by shifting the spectral content of their calls to decrease the overlap with the jamming signals. We tested bats’ response in situations of extreme interference, mimicking a high density of bats. We played-back bat echolocation calls from multiple speakers, to jam flying Pipistrellus kuhlii bats, simulating a naturally occurring situation of many bats flying in proximity. We examined behavioural and echolocation parameters during search phase and target approach. Under severe interference, bats emitted calls of higher intensity and longer duration, and called more often. Slight spectral shifts were observed but they did not decrease the spectral overlap with jamming signals. We also found that pre-existing inter-individual spectral differences could allow self-call recognition. Results suggest that the bats’ response aimed to increase the signal-to-noise ratio and not to avoid spectral overlap.  相似文献   

Selection in dairy cattle for a higher milk yield has coincided with declined fertility. One of the factors is reduced expression of estrous behavior. Changes in systems that regulate the estrous behavior could be manifested by altered gene expression. This literature review describes the current knowledge on mechanisms and genes involved in the regulation of estrous behavior. The endocrinological regulation of the estrous cycle in dairy cows is well described. Estradiol (E2) is assumed to be the key regulator that synchronizes endocrine and behavioral events. Other pivotal hormones are, for example, progesterone, gonadotropin releasing hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1. Interactions between the latter and E2 may play a role in the unfavorable effects of milk yield-related metabolic stress on fertility in high milk-producing dairy cows. However, a clear understanding of how endocrine mechanisms are tied to estrous behavior in cows is only starting to emerge. Recent studies on gene expression and signaling pathways in rodents and other animals contribute to our understanding of genes and mechanisms involved in estrous behavior. Studies in rodents, for example, show that estrogen-induced gene expression in specific brain areas such as the hypothalamus play an important role. Through these estrogen-induced gene expressions, E2 alters the functioning of neuronal networks that underlie estrous behavior, by affecting dendritic connections between cells, receptor populations and neurotransmitter releases. To improve the understanding of complex biological networks, like estrus regulation, and to deal with the increasing amount of genomic information that becomes available, mathematical models can be helpful. Systems biology combines physiological and genomic data with mathematical modeling. Possible applications of systems biology approaches in the field of female fertility and estrous behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

食鱼蝙蝠形态和行为特化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了食鱼蝙蝠种类、分布 ,及其形态结构、回声定位功能和捕食行为的研究成果。比较食鱼蝙蝠与近水面“拖网式”食虫蝙蝠在形态、回声定位信号及捕食行为方面的异、同 ,推测食鱼蝙蝠起源于“拖网式”食虫蝙蝠类 ;体形和回声定位信号的几种特异性是捕食行为进化压力 ,而环境是决定因素。  相似文献   

条背萤幼虫水生适应性形态与游泳行为研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
研究了条背萤Luciolasubstriata幼虫的形态特征及其对游泳行为的适应。形态及扫描电镜观察发现,条背萤幼虫存在二态现象。1~2龄幼虫虫体扁平,多毛。有7对呼吸鳃,分别位于腹部第1~7节。3~6龄幼虫虫体扁平呈船形,无呼吸鳃,靠气管呼吸。二者均具有扁平桨状的足、燕尾状尾节及位于尾节末端的圆柱形粘附器官。条背萤幼虫游动时身体腹面朝上,呈仰泳姿态,足向后划水。3~6龄幼虫仰泳时足共有8种摆动姿势。幼虫仰泳时足摆动1个周期所需时间为(0.611±0.16)s。腹部末端可上下左右摆动,当幼虫向前游动时,尾部上下摆动1个周期所需时间为(1.795±0.44)s。幼虫的游泳速度为(0.85±0.16)mh。仰泳中的幼虫改变方向时,头部和尾部同时向身体的一侧弯曲,当头部与尾部呈近90°时,幼虫用力将尾部伸直,此时水产生一个反作用力继续推动幼虫转向,幼虫转向的范围为0~90°。条背萤2种类型幼虫呼吸系统的不同决定着幼虫外部形态的差异及游泳行为的不同,而导致这种呼吸系统、形态及运动行为不同的原因很可能是条背萤对环境的适应性进化。  相似文献   

Adaptive evolution of genes underlying schizophrenia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Schizophrenia poses an evolutionary-genetic paradox because it exhibits strongly negative fitness effects and high heritability, yet it persists at a prevalence of approximately 1% across all human cultures. Recent theory has proposed a resolution: that genetic liability to schizophrenia has evolved as a secondary consequence of selection for human cognitive traits. This hypothesis predicts that genes increasing the risk of this disorder have been subject to positive selection in the evolutionary history of humans and other primates. We evaluated this prediction using tests for recent selective sweeps in human populations and maximum-likelihood tests for selection during primate evolution. Significant evidence for positive selection was evident using one or both methods for 28 of 76 genes demonstrated to mediate liability to schizophrenia, including DISC1, DTNBP1 and NRG1, which exhibit especially strong and well-replicated functional and genetic links to this disorder. Strong evidence of non-neutral, accelerated evolution was found for DISC1, particularly for exon 2, the only coding region within the schizophrenia-associated haplotype. Additionally, genes associated with schizophrenia exhibited a statistically significant enrichment in their signals of positive selection in HapMap and PAML analyses of evolution along the human lineage, when compared with a control set of genes involved in neuronal activities. The selective forces underlying adaptive evolution of these genes remain largely unknown, but these findings provide convergent evidence consistent with the hypothesis that schizophrenia represents, in part, a maladaptive by-product of adaptive changes during human evolution.  相似文献   

Polyploidization influences the genetic composition and gene expression of an organism. This multi-level genetic change allows the formation of new regulatory pathways leading to increased adaptability. Although both forms of polyploidization provide advantages, autopolyploids were long thought to have little impact on plant divergence compared to allopolyploids due to their formation through genome duplication only, rather than in combination with hybridization. Recent advances have begun to clarify the molecular regulatory mechanisms such as microRNAs, alternative splicing, RNA-binding proteins, histone modifications, chromatin remodelling, DNA methylation, and N6-methyladenosine (m6A) RNA methylation underlying the evolutionary success of polyploids. Such research is expanding our understanding of the evolutionary adaptability of polyploids and the regulatory pathways that allow adaptive plasticity in a variety of plant species. Herein we review the roles of individual molecular regulatory mechanisms and their potential synergistic pathways underlying plant evolution and adaptation. Notably, increasing interest in m6A methylation has provided a new component in potential mechanistic coordination that is still predominantly unexplored. Future research should attempt to identify and functionally characterize the evolutionary impact of both individual and synergistic pathways in polyploid plant species.  相似文献   

Metal contamination of a few aquatic, atmospheric, and soil ecosystems has increased ever since the industrial revolution, owing to discharge of such elements via the effluents of some industrial facilities. Their presence to excessive levels in the environment will eventually lead to serious health problems in higher animals owing to accumulation throughout the food web. Current physicochemical methods available for recovery of metal pollutants (e.g., chemical precipitation, oxidation/reduction, or physical ion exchange) are either expensive or inefficient when they are present at very low concentrations. Consequently, removal of toxic metals by microorganisms has emerged as a potentially more economical alternative. Microalgae (in terms of both living and nonliving biomass) are an example of microorganisms suitable to recover metals and able to attain noteworthy percent removals. Their relatively high metal-binding capacities arise from the intrinsic composition of their cell walls, which contain negatively charged functional groups. Consequently, microalgal cells are particularly efficient in uptake of those contaminants when at low levels. Self-defense mechanisms developed by microalgal cells to survive in metal-containing media and environmental factors that affect their removal (e.g., pH, temperature, and biomass concentration) are reviewed here in a comprehensive way and further discussed in attempts to rationalize this form of remediation vis-a-vis with conventional nonbiological alternatives.  相似文献   

The clonal hematopoiesis when occurring without hematologic abnormalities is defined as clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP). Aging causes accumulation of somatic mutations, and hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) can develop clonal expansion of different lineages by these mutations. CHIP has a correlation with cancer and cardiovascular disease (CVD) through acquired mutations in genes. DNMT3A, TET2, ASXL1, and JAK2 genes as well as other genes are the most common somatic mutations causing CHIP and CVD in an older age. Other factors such as cholesterol level, laboratory tests and indexes also affect CVD. In addition, mutations in adenosine triphosphate–binding cassette transporters and also chronic stress in nervous system can result in HSCs proliferation and CVD. However, laboratory tests and indexes are not sensitive for CVD diagnosis. But the therapeutic interventions can be helpful to prevent CVD cases by targeting somatic mutations, chemokine receptors, and growth factors in HSCs. Also, new drugs can control CVD by targeting of cells and their signaling pathways in HSCs. Therefore, more investigations are needed and more questions should be answered for the relationship between CHIP and CVD as a challenging issue in future.  相似文献   

The expansion of anthropogenic noise poses an emerging threat to the survival and reproductive success of various organisms. Previous investigations have focused on the detrimental effects of anthropogenic noise on the foraging behavior in some terrestrial and aquatic animals. Nevertheless, the role of airport noise in impairing foraging activities of most wild animals has been neglected. Here, we aimed to assess whether foraging behavior in free‐living Japanese pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus abramus) can be disturbed by airport noise. We used audio recording to monitor foraging activities of bats at 11 sites around the runway of a municipal airport. We quantified noise level and spectra, aircraft activity, habitat type, nightly temperature, wind speed, and moon phase for each site. The analysis revealed that noise level and aircraft activity were significant negative predictors for the number of bat passes and feeding buzzes around the runway, even after controlling for the effects of other environmental factors. There was no marked spectral overlap between bat echolocation pulses and airport noise in the presence and absence of low‐flying aircraft. The spectro‐temporal parameters of echolocation vocalizations emitted by bats were dependent on noise level, aircraft activity, and habitat type. These results provide correlative evidence that airport noise can reduce foraging activities of wild pipistrelle bats. Our findings add to the current knowledge of adverse impacts of airport noise on foraging bats in artificial ecosystems and provide a basis for further research on the mechanisms behind noise pollution near airports.  相似文献   

As a classic type of anionic surfactants, sodium lauryl sulfonate (SLS) might change the structure and function of antioxidant enzyme catalase (CAT) through their direct interactions. However, the underlying molecular mechanism is still unknown. This study investigated the direct interaction of SLS with CAT molecule and the underlying mechanisms using multi‐spectroscopic methods, isothermal titration calorimetry, and molecular docking studies. No obvious effects were observed on CAT structure and activity under low SLS concentration exposure. The particle size of CAT molecule decreased and CAT activity was slightly inhibited under high SLS concentration exposure. SLS prefers to bind to the interface of CAT mainly via van der Waals’ forces and hydrogen bonds. Subsequently, SLS interacts with the amino acid residues around the heme groups of CAT via hydrophobic interactions and might inhibit CAT activity.  相似文献   

扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠的集群结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2001—2002年在广西宁明县和龙州县利用直接观察、捕捉测量(共捕到197群蝙蝠,全捕180群)和标记重捕法(标记了31群的101只扁颅蝠,重捕到36只)比较研究了扁颅蝠(tylonycteris pachypusa)与褐扁颅蝠(T.robustula)的集群结构。结果发现:扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠主要栖宿在刺竹(Bambusa stenostachya)的竹筒内,通过竹筒上的裂缝进出。扁颅蝠栖宿的竹筒长平均为27.7cm,外围直径平均为23.6cm;褐扁颅蝠的分别为28.3cm和23.8cm。扁颅蝠栖宿群大小为1—24只,褐扁颅蝠栖宿群大小为1—13只;2种蝙蝠的栖宿群中皆为独居所占比例最大(扁颅蝠为22.30%,褐扁颅蝠为40.63%),2只所占比例次之(分别为14.87%和18.75%),其它大小类型呈不规则变化。扁颅蝠栖宿群的性别组成,以雌雄混居最常见(占54.72%),其次为独居雄性(占20.95%),而褐扁颅蝠栖宿群雌雄混居群与独居雄性所占比例相当(均为40.63%)。2种蝙蝠的雄性趋向于独居,而雌性趋向于群居。扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠可以栖宿在同一片竹林内,并且可以在不同时间轮流使用同一个栖宿竹筒,但2种蝙蝠从未共栖于同一个竹筒内。另外,标记重捕扁颅蝠发现:扁颅蝠经常变换栖宿竹筒(栖宿竹筒不固定);同时栖宿群之间经常发生个体交换[动物学报50(3):326—333.2004]。  相似文献   

Aging disrupted the photic entrainment in old (∼15 years) frugivorous Rousettus leschenaulti bats as natural light - dark (LD) cycles in the field or artificial LD cycles of 12 h of light at 2000 lux and 12 h of complete darkness failed to entrain them (Vanlalnghaka & Joshi 2005; Vanlalnghaka et al. 2005). The results were attributed to the age-related decline in photic sensitivity and/or the period of zeitgeber (T) deviating too much from the free-running period (τ) of bats. In the present study, the old bats were subjected to LD cycles in which the intensity of the photophase was raised to 6000 lux and Ts of 23.2 h and 24.9 h were exactly that of τ in the scotophase of LD cycles and in constant darkness, respectively. These LD cycles also failed to entrain the old bats which unambiguously demonstrates that aging in R. leschenaulti disrupted the integrity of the photic entrainment mechanism.  相似文献   

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