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Oriented membrane multilayers, prepared from Escherichiacoli grown anaerobically with nitrate, allowed the spatial organisation of electron paramagnetic resonance (e.p.r.)-detectable signals from the respiratory nitrate reductase to be examined. At low temperatures (7 K), two signals (g = 2.02, g = 1.98) have been assigned to an iron-sulphur cluster and their magnitudes shown to be dependent on the angle that the multilayer makes with the magnetic field of the e.p.r. spectrometer. Signals seen at 45 K (g = 1.985, g = 1.96) have been attributed to an anisotropic molybdenum centre. These redox components of the nitrate reductase are thus non-randomly oriented in the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

Studies on the respiratory nitrate reductase (EC from Escherichia coli K12 by electron-paramagnetic-resonance spectroscopy indicate that its molybdenum centre is comparable with that in other molybdenum-containing enzymes. Two Mo(V) signals may be observed; one shows interaction of Mo(V) with a proton exchangeable with the solvent and has: A (1H) 0.9-1.2mT; g1 = 1.999; g2=1.985; g3 = 1.964; gav. = 1.983. Molybdenum of both signal-giving species may be reduced with dithionite and reoxidized with nitrate.  相似文献   

The interconversion of nitrate reductase from Escherichia coli between low-pH and high-pH Mo(V) e.p.r. signal-giving species was re-investigated [cf. Vincent & Bray (1978) Biochem. J. 171, 639-647]. The process cannot be described by a single pK value, since the apparent pK for interconversion is raised by the presence of various anions. The low-pH form of the enzyme exists as a series of complexes with different anion ligands of molybdenum. Each complex has specific and slightly different e.p.r. parameters, but all show strong coupling of Mo(V) to a single proton, exchangeable with the solvent, having A(1H)av. 1.0 to 1.3 mT. Complexes with Cl-, F- [A(19F)av. 0.7 mT], NO3- and NO2- give particularly well-defined spectra. The high-pH form of the enzyme is now shown to bear a coupled proton. Like that in the low-pH species, this proton is exchangeable with the solvent, but the coupling is much weaker, with A(1H)av. 0.3 mT. Thus, contrary to earlier assumptions, the proton detectable by e.p.r. is probably not identical with the proton whose dissociation controls interconversion between the two species; the latter proton could be located in the protein rather than on a ligand of molybdenum. Treatment of the enzyme with trypsin [Morpeth & Boxer (1985) Biochemistry 24, 40-46] did not affect its Mo(V) e.p.r. signals.  相似文献   

Synthesis and degradation of nitrate reductase in Escherichia coli.   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The biosynthesis, insertion, and in vivo stability of nitrate reductase were examined by following the amount of labeled enzyme present in both membranes and cytoplasm at varying times after a short pulse of radioactive sulfate. Nitrate reductase levels were measured by autoradiography of immunoprecipitated material after fractionation on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. These experiments demonstrated that subunits A and B were synthesized in the cytoplasm and subsequently inserted into membranes. The insertion of these subunits was dependent upon the synthesis of another protein, and the rate of synthesis of this protein determined the rate of insertion of subunits A and B. The nitrate reductase produced by the chlA mutant was inserted into membranes in the normal fashion, whereas the nitrate reductase produced by the chlC and chlE mutants was poorly incorporated. The nitrate reductase in the wild type was completely stable in vivo under inducing or noninducing conditions, whereas in the chlC and chlE mutants nitrate reductase was degraded extensively in both the cytoplasm and membranes, even under inducing conditions. Under similar conditions, nitrate reductase was stable in the chlA mutant.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous form of nitrate reductase released from the membrane fraction of Escherichia coli by heat treatment was converted to a new electrophoretic form by incubation with trypsin. As a result of the trypsin treatment, the heat-released enzyme was converted from an associating-dissociating system to a nonassociating monomer (Mr approximately 200,000) which retained full enzymatic activity. Several distinct subunits in the 47,000- to 59,000-dalton range were converted to a single 43,000-dalton subunit during the trypsin treatment, while the other major subunit (155,000 daltons) was unaffected. Nitrate reductase extracted from the membrane fraction with deoxycholate and ammonium sulfate was composed of two apparently homogeneous subunits (155,000 and 59,000 daltons). The detergent-extracted enzyme preparation was converted by trypsin to an electrophoretic form very similar to the product of trypsin treatment of the heat-released enzyme with an identical subunit composition (155,000 and 43,000 daltons). These results demonstrate that the heterogeneous subunits present in the heat-released enzyme are produced during heat treatment by proteolytic cleavage of a single 59,000-dalton subunit. The fragments removed by trypsin treatment are implicated in the self-associating properties of the heat-released enzyme.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli the presence of nitrate prevents the utilization of fumarate as an anaerobic electron acceptor. The induction of the narC operon encoding the nitrate reductase is coupled to the repression of the frd operon encoding the fumarate reductase. This coupling is mediated by nitrate as an effector and the narL product as the regulatory protein (S. Iuchi and E. C. C. Lin, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:3901-3905, 1987). The protein-ligand complex appears to control narC positively but frd negatively. In the present study we found that a molybdenum coeffector acted synergistically with nitrate in the regulation of frd and narC. In chlD mutants believed to be impaired in molybdate transport (or processing), full repression of phi(frd-lac) and full induction of phi(narC-lac) by nitrate did not occur unless the growth medium was directly supplemented with molybdate (1 microM). This requirement was not clearly manifested in wild-type cells, apparently because it was met by the trace quantities of molybdate present as a contaminant in the mineral medium. In chlB mutants, which are known to accumulate the Mo cofactor because of its failure to be inserted as a prosthetic group into proteins such as nitrate reductase, nitrate repression of frd and induction of narC were also intensified by molybdate supplementation. In this case a deficiency of the molybdenum coeffector might have resulted from enhanced feedback inhibition of molybdate transport (or processing) by the elevated level of the unutilized Mo cofactor. In addition, mutations in chlE, which are known to block the synthesis of the organic moiety of the Mo cofactor, lowered the threshold concentration of nitrate (< 1 micromole) necessary for frd repression and narC induction. These changes could be explained simply by the higher intracellular nitrate attainable in cells lacking the ability to destroy the effector.  相似文献   

On the basis of the observation that nitrate reductase from Escherichia coli is sensitive to UV irradiation with an action spectrum indicative of a naphthoquinone (F. Brito and M. Dubourdieu, Biochem. Int. 15:1079-1088, 1987), we extracted and characterized quinone components from two different preparations of purified nitrate reductase. A soluble form of nitrate reductase, composed of alpha and beta subunits, was purified after release from the membrane fraction by heat treatment, and a detergent-solubilized form, containing alpha, beta, and gamma (cytochrome bNR) subunits, was purified in the presence of Triton X-100. Extraction of soluble alpha beta form with chloroform-methanol yielded several UV-absorbing components, which were characterized as menaquinone-9 with an oxidized side chain and further photodestruction products of the menaquinone. The total amount of menaquinone extracted into the organic phase was estimated to be 0.97 mol/mol of alpha beta dimer. Extraction of the detergent-solubilized alpha beta gamma form by a similar procedure yielded two naphthoquinone-like components which were characterized by mass spectrometry as the oxidized forms of menaquinone-9 and demethylmenaquinone-9. In this case, the molar ratio of total naphthoquinone to the alpha beta dimer was estimated to be greater than 6:1. When cytochrome bNR and detergent were eliminated from the detergent-solubilized enzyme by heat treatment and ion-exchange chromatography, only menaquinone-9 could be identified in the organic extract of the active alpha beta product. These results suggest that menaquinone-9 is specifically bound to the alpha beta dimer and may be the UV-sensitive component in the pathway of electron transfer catalyzed by nitrate reductase.  相似文献   

Stoicheometries and rates of proton translocation associated with respiratory reduction of NO3- have been measured for spheroplasts of Escherichia coli grown anaerobically in the presence of NO3-. Observed stoicheiometries [leads to H+/NO3- ratio; P. Mitchell (1966) Chemiosmotic Coupling in Oxidative and Photosynthetic Phosphorylation, Glynn Research, Bodmin] were approx. 4 for L-malate oxidation and approx. 2 for succinate, D-lactate and glycerol oxidation. Measurements of the leads to H+/2e- ratio with formate as the reductant and oxygen or NO3- as the oxidant were complicated by pH changes associated with formate uptake and CO2 formation. Nevertheless, it was possible to conclude that the site of formate oxidation is on the inner aspect of the cytoplasmic membrane, that the leads to H+/O ratio for formate oxidation is approx. 4, and that the leads to H+/NO3- ratio is greater than 2. Measurements of the rate of NO3- penetration into osmotically sensitive spheroplasts demonstrated an electrogenic entry of NO3- anion. The permeability coefficient for nitrate entry at 30 degrees C was between 10(-9) and 10(-10) cm- s(-1). The calculated rate of nitrate entry at the concentration typically used for the assay of nitrate reductase (EC activity was about 0.1% of that required to support the observed rate of nitrate reduction by reduced Benzyl Viologen. Measurements of the distribution of nitrate between the intracellular and extracellular spaces of a haem-less mutant, de-repressed for nitrate reductase but unable to reduce nitrate by the respiratory chain, showed that, irrespective of the presence or the absence of added glucose, nitrate was not concentrated intracellularly. Osmotic-swelling experiments showed that the rate of diffusion of azid anion across the cytoplasmic membrane is relatively low in comparison with the fast diffusion of hydrazoic acid. The inhibitory effect of azide on nitrate reductase was not altered by treatments that modify pH gradients across the cytoplasmic membrane. It is concluded that the nitrate-reducing azide-sensitive site of nitrate reductase is located on the outer aspect of the cytoplasmic membrane. The consequences of this location for mechanisms of proton translocation driven by nitrate reduction are discussed, and lead to the proposal that the nitrate reductase of the cytoplasmic membrane is vectorial, reducing nitrate on the outer aspect of the membrane with 2H+ and 2e- that have crossed from the inner aspect of the membrane.  相似文献   

Previous e.p.r. work [George, Bray, Morpeth & Boxer (1985) Biochem. J. 227, 925-931] has provided evidence for a pH- and anion-dependent transition in the structure of the Mo(V) centre of Escherichia coli nitrate reductase, with the low-pH form bearing both an anion and probably a hydroxy-group ligand. Initial e.x.a.f.s. measurements [Cramer, Solomonson, Adams & Mortenson (1984) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 106, 1467-1471] demonstrated the presence of sulphur (or chloride) ligands in the Mo(IV) and Mo(VI) oxidation states, as well as a variable number of terminal oxo (Mo = O) groups. To synthesize the e.p.r. and e.x.a.f.s. results better, we have conducted new e.p.r. experiments and complementary e.x.a.f.s. measurements under redox and buffer conditions designed to give homogeneous molybdenum species. In contrast with results on other molybdoenzymes, attempts to substitute the enzyme with 17O by dissolving in isotopically enriched water revealed only very weak hyperfine coupling to 17O. The significance of this finding is discussed. Experiments with different buffers indicated that buffer ions (e.g. Hepes) could replace the Cl- ligand in the low-pH Mo(V) enzyme form, with only a small change in e.p.r. parameters. E.x.a.f.s. studies of the oxidized and the fully reduced enzyme were consistent with the e.p.r. work in indicating a pH- and anion-dependent change in structure. However, in certain cases non-stoichiometric numbers of Mo = O interactions were determined, complicating the interpretation of the e.x.a.f.s. Uniquely for a molybdenum cofactor enzyme, a substantial proportion of the molecules in a number of enzyme samples appeared to contain no oxo groups. No evidence was found in our samples for the distant 'heavy' ligand atom reported in the previous e.x.a.f.s. study. The nature of the high-pH-low-pH transition is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Kinetic analysis of respiratory nitrate reductase from Escherichia coli K12   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Purified respiratory nitrate reductase from Escherichia coli is able to use either reduced viologen dyes or quinols as the electron donor and nitrate, chlorate, or bromate as the electron acceptor. When reduced viologen dyes act as the electron donor, the enzyme follows a compulsory-order, "Theorell-Chance" mechanism, in which it is an enzyme-nitrate complex that is reduced rather than the free enzyme. In contrast, if quinols are used as the electron donor, then the enzyme operates by a two-site, enzyme-substitution mechanism. Partial proteolysis of the cytochrome b containing holoenzyme by trypsin results in loss of cytochrome b and in cleavage of one of the enzyme's subunits. The cytochrome-free derivative exhibits a viologen dye dependent activity that is indistinguishable from that of the holoenzyme, but it is incapable of catalyzing the quinol-dependent reaction. The quinol-dependent, but not the viologen dye dependent, activity is inhibited irreversibly by exposure to diethyl pyrocarbonate and reversibly by treatment with 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide. We conclude that the holoenzyme has two independent and spatially distinct active sites, one for quinol oxidation and the other for nitrate reduction.  相似文献   

The formation of active membrane-bound nitrate reductase A in Escherichia coli requires the presence of three subunits, NarG, NarH and NarI, as well as a fourth protein, NarJ, that is not part of the active nitrate reductase. In narJ strains, both NarG and NarH subunits are associated in an unstable and inactive NarGH complex. A significant activation of this complex was observed in vitro after adding purified NarJ-6His polypeptide to the cell supernatant of a narJ strain. Once the apo-enzyme NarGHI of a narJ mutant has become anchored to the membrane via the NarI subunit, it cannot be reactivated by NarJ in vitro . NarJ protein specifically recognizes the catalytic NarG subunit. Fluorescence, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and molybdenum quantification based on inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy (ICPES) clearly indicate that, in the absence of NarJ, no molybdenum cofactor is present in the NarGH complex. We propose that NarJ is a specific chaperone that binds to NarG and may thus keep it in an appropriate competent-open conformation for the molybdenum cofactor insertion to occur, resulting in a catalytically active enzyme. Upon insertion of the molybdenum cofactor into the apo-nitrate reductase, NarJ is then dissociated from the activated enzyme.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli NapA (periplasmic nitrate reductase) contains a [4Fe-4S] cluster and a Mo-bis-molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide cofactor. The NapA holoenzyme associates with a di-heme c-type cytochrome redox partner (NapB). These proteins have been purified and studied by spectropotentiometry, and the structure of NapA has been determined. In contrast to the well characterized heterodimeric NapAB systems ofalpha-proteobacteria, such as Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Paracoccus pantotrophus, the gamma-proteobacterial E. coli NapA and NapB proteins purify independently and not as a tight heterodimeric complex. This relatively weak interaction is reflected in dissociation constants of 15 and 32 mum determined for oxidized and reduced NapAB complexes, respectively. The surface electrostatic potential of E. coli NapA in the apparent NapB binding region is markedly less polar and anionic than that of the alpha-proteobacterial NapA, which may underlie the weaker binding of NapB. The molybdenum ion coordination sphere of E. coli NapA includes two molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide dithiolenes, a protein-derived cysteinyl ligand and an oxygen atom. The Mo-O bond length is 2.6 A, which is indicative of a water ligand. The potential range over which the Mo(6+) state is reduced to the Mo(5+) state in either NapA (between +100 and -100 mV) or the NapAB complex (-150 to -350 mV) is much lower than that reported for R. sphaeroides NapA (midpoint potential Mo(6+/5+) > +350 mV), and the form of the Mo(5+) EPR signal is quite distinct. In E. coli NapA or NapAB, the Mo(5+) state could not be further reduced to Mo(4+). We then propose a catalytic cycle for E. coli NapA in which nitrate binds to the Mo(5+) ion and where a stable des-oxo Mo(6+) species may participate.  相似文献   

Specific antibody to purified nitrate reductase from Escherichia coli was used to identify enzyme components present in mutants which lack functional nitrate reductase. chlA and B mutants contained all three subunits present in the wild-type enzyme. Different peptides with a broad range of molecular weights could be precipitated from chlCmutants, and chlE mutants contained either slightly degraded enzyme subunits or no precipitable protein. No mutants produced significant amounts of cytoplasmic enzyme. The chlA and B loci are suggested to function in the synthesis and attachment of a molybdenum-containing factor. The chlC locus is suggested to be the structural gene for nitrate reductase subunit A and chlE is suggested to be involved in the synthesis of the cytochrome b1 apoprotein.  相似文献   

The trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) reductase of Escherichia coli is a molybdoenzyme that catalyses the reduction of the TMAO to trimethylamine (TMA) with a redox potential of +130 mV. We have successfully substituted the molybdenum with tungsten and obtained an active tungsto-TMAO reductase. Kinetic studies revealed that the catalytic efficiency of the tungsto-substituted TMAO reductase (W-TorA) was increased significantly (twofold), although a decrease of about 50% in its kcat was found compared with the molybdo-TMAO reductase (Mo-TorA). W-TorA is more sensitive to high pH, is less sensitive to high NaCl concentration and is more heat resistant than Mo-TorA. Most importantly, the W-TorA becomes capable of reducing sulphoxides and supports the anaerobic growth of a bacterial host on these substrates. The evolutionary implication and mechanistic significance of the tungsten substitution are discussed.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase extracted from the membrane of Escherichia coli by alkaline heat treatment was purified to homogeneity and used to prepare specific antibody. Nitrate reductase, precipitated by this antibody from Triton extracts of the membrane, contained a third subunit not present in the purified enzyme used to prepare the antibody. Nitrate reductase precipitated by antibody from alkaline heat extracts was composed of peptide fragments of various sizes. These fragments were produced by a membrane-bound protease which was activated by alkaline pH and heat. It is the action of this protease that releases the enzyme from the membrane, as shown by the observations that protease inhibitors decreased the amount of solubilization of the enzyme, and the enzyme remaining in the membrane after heating showed much less proteolytic cleavage than that which was released.  相似文献   

Oxidation-reduction midpoint potentials for the molybdenum center in assimilatory NADH:nitrate reductase isolated from spinach (Spinacia oleracea) have been determined at pH 7.0 in the presence of dye mediators using EPR spectroscopy to monitor formation of Mo(V). Values for the Mo(VI)/Mo(V) and Mo(V)/Mo(IV) couples were determined to be -8 and -42 mV, respectively.  相似文献   

The iron-sulfur cluster composition of Escherichia coli nitrate reductase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Nitrate reductase from Escherichia coli has been investigated by low-temperature magnetic circular dichroism and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies, as well as by Fe-S core extrusion, to determine the Fe-S cluster composition. The results indicate approximately one 3Fe and three or four [4Fe-4S]2+,1+ centers/molecule of isolated enzyme. The magnetic circular dichroism spectra and magnetization characteristics show the oxidized and reduced 3Fe and [4Fe-4S] centers to be electronically analogous to those in bacterial ferredoxins. The form and spin quantitation of the EPR spectra from [4Fe-4S]1+ centers in the reduced enzyme were found to vary with the conditions of reduction. For the fully reduced enzyme, the EPR spectrum accounted for between 2.9 and 3.5 spins/molecule, and comparison with partially reduced spectra indicates weak intercluster magnetic interactions between reduced paramagnetic centers. In common with other Fe-S proteins, the 3Fe center was not extruded intact under standard conditions. The results suggest that nitrate reductase is the first example of a metalloenzyme where enzymatic activity is associated with a form that contains an oxidized 3Fe center. However, experiments to determine whether or not the 3Fe center is present in vivo were inconclusive.  相似文献   

In eubacteria the modified nucleoside queuosine is present in tRNAAsn, tRNAAsp, tRNAHis and tRNATyr. A precursor of queuine, pre-queuine, is synthesized from GTP, inserted into the first position of the anticodon of the corresponding tRNAs by a specific tRNA-guanine transglycosylase and further modified to queuosine. Isogenic pairs of Escherichia coli, containing or lacking the tRNA-transglycosylase (JE 7335, tgt+ lacZ+ and JE 7337, tgt- lacZ+; JE 7334, tgt+ lacZ- and JE 7336, tgt- lacZ-), have been employed to study the function of queuosine in tRNA. Compared with the tgt+ strain (JE 7335), the tgt- mutant (JE 7337) grown under anaerobic conditions, is defective with respect to the nitrate respiration system, in which electrons are transported from D(-)-lactate via quinone and cytochrome bNO3-(556) to nitrate. Low temperature cytochrome spectra of the anaerobically grown tgt- mutant show a lowered amount of type b cytochromes involving the spectrum of cytochrome bNO3-(556). In the case of the anaerobically grown tgt- mutant three proteins are missing in the protein pattern of cytoplasmic membranes. Their mol. wts. correspond to those of the subunits of the nitrate reductase complex. In contrast to the tgt+ strains (JE 7334, JE 7335) both tgt- mutants (JE 7336, JE 7337) cannot grow on lactate under anaerobic conditions with nitrate offered as electron acceptor and NO3- is not reduced to NO2-. A possible link between Q-modification of tRNAs, the synthesis of proteins of the nitrate reductase complex and the synthesis of menaquinone or ubiquinone is discussed.  相似文献   

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