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Both the bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens alone and its symbiotic Photorhabdus-nematode complex are known to be highly pathogenic to insects. The nature of the insecticidal activity of Photorhabdus bacteria was investigated for its potential application as an insect control agent. It was found that in the fermentation broth of P. luminescens strain W-14, at least two proteins, toxin A and toxin B, independently contributed to the oral insecticidal activity against Southern corn rootworm. Purified toxin A and toxin B exhibited single bands on native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and two peptides of 208 and 63 kDa on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The native molecular weight of both the toxin A and toxin B was determined to be approximately 860 kDa, suggesting that they are tetrameric. NH2-terminal amino acid sequencing and Western analysis using monospecific antibodies to each toxin demonstrated that the two toxins were distinct but homologous. The oral potency (LD50) of toxin A and toxin B against Southern corn rootworm larvae was determined to be similar to that observed with highly potent Bt toxins against lepidopteran pests. In addition, it was found that the two peptides present in toxin B could be processed in vitro from a 281-kDa protoxin by endogenous P. luminescens proteases. Proteolytic processing was shown to enhance insecticidal activity.  相似文献   

Four genes on a genomic fragment from Xenorhabdus nematophilus PMFI296 were shown to be involved in insecticidal activity towards three commercially important insect species. Each gene was expressed individually and in combinations in Escherichia coli, and the insecticidal activity of the lysates was determined. The combined four genes (xptA1, xptA2, xptB1, and xptC1), in E. coli, showed activity towards Pieris brassicae, Pieris rapae, and Heliothis virescens. The genes xptA1, xptB1, and xptC1 were involved in expressing activity towards P. rapae and P. brassicae, while the genes xptA2, xptB1, and xptC1 were needed for activity towards H. virescens. When each of these three genes was expressed individually in E. coli and the cell lysates were used in insect assays or mixed and then used, insecticidal activity was detected at a very low level. If the genes xptB1 and xptC1 were expressed in the same E. coli cell and this cell lysate was mixed with cells expressing xptA1, activity was restored to P. rapae and P. brassicae. Similarly mixing XptB1/C1 lysate with XptA2 lysate restored activity towards H. virescens. Individual gene disruptions in X. nematophilus PMFI296 reduced activity to insects; this activity was restored by complementation with cells expressing either xptA1 or xptA2 for their respective disruptions or E. coli expressing both xptB1 and xptC1 for individual disruptions of either of these genes. The genes xptA2, xptC1, and xptB1 were expressed as an operon in PMFI296 and inactivation of xptA2 or xptC1 resulted in silencing of downstream gene(s), while xptA1 was expressed as a single gene. Therefore, the two three gene product combinations interact with each other to produce good insecticidal activity.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of two approx. 4 kilobase pair segments of the bovine genome are presented. One segment contains a coding region for bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) and the other segment contains a coding region for a BPTI homologue. The two 4 kilobase pair sequences are strikingly similar over approx. 3.4 kilobase pairs of their sequence, including putative intron sequences, suggesting that they have evolved from a gene duplication event.  相似文献   

Following the analysis of transposon Tn5432-induced mutants of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032, a gene encoding a protein with a biotin-binding motif was cloned. The DNA sequence of this gene revealed an open reading frame encoding 591 amino acids with a calculated mol. mass of 63.4 kDa. The protein is composed of two domains, an N-terminal biotin carboxylase and a C-terminal biotin-carboxyl-carrier protein, that are highly similar to corresponding subunits from prokaryotic and eukaryotic biotin enzymes. Over 70% identity was found to a protein from Mycobacterium leprae proposed to be part of an acyl-CoA carboxylase. Since it was not possible to inactivate the C. glutamicum gene, the gene most likely encodes a subunit of the essential acetyl-CoA carboxylase, which catalyzes the committed step in fatty acid synthesis. Received: 2 December 1995 / Accepted: 20 May 1996  相似文献   

A series of replication-competent Moloney murine leukemia virus vectors was constructed in which each vector contained a mutant dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) cDNA insert in the U3 region of the viral long terminal repeat. Two of the resulting viruses, MLV (murine leukemia virus) DHFR*-5 and MLV DHFR*-7, were able to stably transfer methotrexate resistance to infected fibroblast cells upon multiple rounds of virus replication and in the absence of drug selection. Cell lines producing recombinant virus with high titers were established, which indicated that the insert did not grossly interfere with viral replication functions. These vectors should be useful for introducing and expressing foreign genes in vivo in tissues and whole animals in which virus spread is needed for efficient infection.  相似文献   

Certain optical brighteners are effective UV protectants, and can improve the insecticidal activity of baculoviruses. We evaluated the effect of 10 optical brighteners, from four chemically different groups, on the insecticidal activity of a nucleopolyhedrovirus (SfMNPV) in third instar Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The most effective optical brighteners were Blankophor BBH and Calcofluor M2R, both of which are stilbenes. The distyryl‐biphenyl derivative, Tinopal CBS, had no effect, whereas the stilbenes, Blankophor CLE and Leucophor SAC and the styryl‐benzenic derivative, Blankophor ER, resulted in a decrease in virus induced mortality compared to larvae infected with SfMNPV alone. Mixtures of SfMNPV + 0.1% Calcofluor M2R had relative potencies of 2.7, 6.5, and 61.6 in the second, third, and fourth instars, respectively. The mean time to death differed with instar, but was not affected by the addition of 0.1% Calcofluor M2R. Analysis of published studies indicated that the concentration of Calcofluor M2R‐related stilbenes was positively correlated with the relative potency observed in mixtures with homologous NPVs. The average magnitude of optical brightener activity did not differ significantly between early instars of 10 species of Lepidoptera. We conclude that virus formulations containing optical brighteners may be valuable for control of late instar lepidopteran pests.  相似文献   

The defective gene encoding neomycin phosphotransferase (NPTII) present in the binary plasmid vector, pBin19, was replaced with the wild-type (wt) gene. Plasmid vectors analogous to pBin19, pBI121 and pBI101 were constructed carrying the gene encoding the wt NPTII enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Purification and properties of two forms of staphylococcal toxin   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
H R Six  S Harshman 《Biochemistry》1973,12(14):2672-2677

Lv D  Wang W  Wei D 《Plasmid》2012,67(1):67-71
We report the construction of two filamentous fungi Trichoderma reesei expression vectors, pWEF31 and pWEF32. Both vectors possess the hygromycin phosphotransferase B gene expression cassette and the strong promoter and terminator of the cellobiohydrolase 1 gene (cbh1) from T. reesei. The two newly constructed vectors can be efficiently transformed into T. reesei with Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The difference between pWEF31 and pWEF32 is that pWEF32 has two longer homologous arms. As a result, pWEF32 easily undergoes homologous recombination. On the other hand, pWEF31 undergoes random recombination. The applicability of both vectors was tested by first generating the expression vectors pWEF31-red and pWEF32-red and then detecting the expression of the DsRed2 gene in T. reesei Rut C30. Additionally, we measured the exo-1,4-β-glucanase activity of the recombinant cells. Our work provides an effective transformation system for homologous and heterologous gene expression and gene knockout in T. reesei. It also provides a method for recombination at a specific chromosomal location. Finally, both vectors will be useful for the large-scale gene expression industry.  相似文献   

We report the construction of two Gateway fungal expression vectors pCBGW and pGWBF. The pCBGW was generated by introducing an expression cassette, which consists of a Gateway recombinant cassette (attR1-Cmr-ccdB-attR2) under the control of fungal promoter PgpdA and a terminator TtrpC, into the multiple cloning site of fungal vector pCB1004. The pGWBF is a binary vector, which was generated from the plant expression vector pGWB2 by replacing the CaMV35S promoter with PgpdA. The pGWBF can be transformed into fungi efficiently with Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The applicability of two newly constructed vectors was tested by generating the destination vectors pGWBF-GFP and pCBGW-GFP and examining the expression of GFP gene in Trichoderma viride and Gibberella fujikuroi, respectively. Combining with the advantage of Gateway cloning technology, pCBGW and pGWBF will be useful in fungi for large-scale investigation of gene functions by constructing the interested gene destination/expression vectors in a high-throughput way.  相似文献   



RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated by the expression of short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) has emerged as a powerful experimental tool for reverse genetic studies in mammalian cells. A number of recent reports have described approaches allowing regulated production of shRNAs based on modified RNA polymerase II (Pol II) or RNA polymerase III (Pol III) promoters, controlled by drug-responsive transactivators or repressors such as tetracycline (Tet)-dependent transactivators and repressors. However, the usefulness of these approaches is often times limited, caused by inefficient delivery and/or expression of shRNA-encoding sequences in target cells and/or poor design of shRNAs sequences. With a view toward optimizing Tet-regulated shRNA expression in mammalian cells, we compared the capacity of a variety of hybrid Pol III promoters to express short shRNAs in target cells following lentivirus-mediated delivery of shRNA-encoding cassettes.  相似文献   

Bt Cry毒素是当前研究最深入、应用最广的生物抗虫蛋白,对农业害虫的绿色防治发挥了重大作用。然而,随着其制剂和转基因抗虫作物的广泛应用,由此驱动诱发的靶标害虫抗药性及潜在生态安全风险等问题日益凸显。探寻具备模拟Bt Cry毒素杀虫功能的新型抗虫蛋白材料,不仅可为农作物持续健康生产保驾护航,也能在一定程度上缓解靶标害虫对Bt Cry毒素的抗药性压力。近年来,笔者团队以抗体“免疫网络学说(immune network theory)”中Ab2β类型抗独特型抗体(anti-idiotype antibody, Anti-Id)具备模拟抗原结构和功能的特性为理论依据,借助噬菌体展示抗体库及特异性抗体高通量筛选与鉴定技术,设计Bt Cry毒素抗体为包被靶点抗原,从噬菌体抗体库中靶向筛选到了一系列具备模拟Bt Cry毒素抗虫功能的Ab2β类型抗独特型抗体(即Bt Cry毒素抗虫模拟物),其中活性最强的Bt Cry毒素抗虫模拟物对靶标害虫的致死率接近相应原Bt Cry毒素的80%,初步实现了Bt Cry毒素抗虫模拟物的靶向设计。本文从理论依据、技术条件、研究现状等方面进行系统概述,并就相关技术发展...  相似文献   

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