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Obligate avian brood parasites can be host specialists or host generalists. In turn, individual females within generalist brood parasites may themselves be host specialists or generalists. The shiny cowbird Molothrus bonariensis is an extreme generalist, but little is known about individual female host fidelity. We examined variation in mitochondrial control region sequences from cowbird chicks found in nests of four common Argentinean hosts. Haplotype frequency distributions differed among cowbird chicks from nests of these hosts, primarily because eggs laid in nests of house wrens Troglodytes aedon differed genetically from those laid in nests of the other three hosts (chalk-browed mockingbird Mimus saturninus, brown-and-yellow marshbird Pseudoleistes virescens, and rufous-collared sparrow Zonotrichia capensis). These differences in a maternally inherited marker indicate the presence of a nonrandom laying behaviour in the females of this otherwise generalist brood parasite, which may be guided by choice for nest type, as house wrens nest in cavities whereas the other three species are open cup nesters.  相似文献   

Passerine hosts of parasitic cuckoos usually vary in their abilityto discriminate and reject cuckoo eggs. Costs of discriminationand rejection errors have been invoked to explain the maintenanceof this within-population variability. Recently, enforcementof acceptance by parasites has been identified as a rejectioncost in the magpie (Pica pica) and its brood parasite, the greatspotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius). Previous experimentalwork has shown that rejecter magpies suffer from increased nestpredation by the great spotted cuckoo. Cuckoo predatory behavioris supposed to confer a selective advantage to the parasitebecause magpies experiencing a reproductive failure may providea second opportunity for the cuckoo to parasitize a replacementclutch. This hypothesis implicitly assumes that magpies modulatetheir propensity to reject parasite eggs as a function of previousexperience. We tested this hypothesis in a magpie populationbreeding in study plots varying in parasitism rate. Magpie pairs thatwere experimentally parasitized and had their nests depredated,after their rejection behavior had been assessed, changed theirbehavior from rejection to acceptance. The change in host behaviorwas prominent in study plots with high levels of parasitism,but not in plots with rare or no cuckoo parasitism. We discussthree possible explanations for these differences, concludingthat in study plots with a high density of cuckoos, the probability fora rejecter magpie nest of being revisited and depredated bya cuckoo is high, particularly for replacement clutches, and,therefore, the cost for magpies of rejecting a cuckoo egg ina replacement clutch is increased. Moreover, in areas with highlevels of host defense (low parasitism rate), the probabilityof parasitism and predation of rejecter-magpie nests by thecuckoo is reduced in both first and replacement clutches. Therefore,rejecter magpies in such areas should not change their rejectionbehavior in replacement clutches.  相似文献   

1. Phengaris butterflies are obligatory social parasites of Myrmica ants. Early research suggested that there is a different Myrmica host species for each of the five European Phengaris social parasites, but more recent studies have shown that this was an oversimplification. 2. The pattern of host ant specificity within a Phengaris teleius metapopulation from southern Poland is reported. A combination of studying the frequency distribution of Phengaris occurrence and morphometrics on adult butterflies were used to test whether use of different host species is reflected in larval development. 3. Phengaris teleius larvae were found to survive in colonies of four Myrmica species: M. scabrinodis, M. rubra, M. ruginodis, and M. rugulosa. Myrmica scabrinodis was the most abundant species under the host plant but the percentage of infested nests was similar to other host ant species at two sites and lower in comparison to nests of M. rubra and M. ruginodis at the other two sites. Morphometric measurements of adult butterflies reared by wild colonies of M. scabrinodis and M. ruginodis showed that wing size and number of wing spots were slightly greater for adults eclosing from nests of M. ruginodis. 4. Our results suggest that P. teleius in the populations studied is less specialised than previously suggested. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that P. teleius is expected to be the least specific of the European Phengaris species, as it has the largest and best defended fourth‐instar caterpillars and, as a predatory species, it spends less time in the central larval chambers of the host colonies. The fact that individuals reared by M. ruginodis had wider hind wings may suggest that P. teleius had better access to resources in M. ruginodis than in M. scabrinodis colonies.  相似文献   

M. G. BROOKER  L. C. BROOKER 《Ibis》1989,131(4):528-547
The breeding behaviour of two similarly sized sympatric cuckoos, Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalts and the Shining Bronze-Cuckoo C. lucidus, was studied over four breeding seasons at Gooseberry Hill, Western Australia. Both cuckoos usually began laying in late August; Shining Bronze-Cuckoos laid for up to 13 weeks and Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoos for up to 15 weeks. Four host species were parasitized and major hosts were parasitized throughout most of their laying periods. The frequency of parasitism varied between hosts and between years, but Splendid Fairy-wrens Malurus splendens and Yellow-rumped Thornbills Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (major hosts) were always parasitized more heavily than Western Thornbills A. inornata and Scarlet Robins Petroica multicolor. Western Thornbills were parasitized by both cuckoos. Horsfield's and Shining Bronze-Cuckoos laid monomorphic eggs; those of Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoos were highly mimetic whereas those of Shining Bronze-Cuckoos were non-mimetic and dark in colour. Both cuckoos laid one egg per host nest, deposited eggs directly into the nest, laid very quickly in the early morning, removed at least one host egg at laying, laid eggs small for the size of the birds, hatched after 12 days and evicted nest companions shortly after hatching. Laying was well synchronized with the start of incubation by hosts. Field observations and experiments with egg models indicated that neither of the major hosts, nor the secondary host in common, discriminate against foreign eggs. The nestling period for Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo was 17 days, and for the Shining Bronze-Cuckoo 20 days. There was a corresponding difference in nestling growth rate between the cuckoo species. About 50% of cuckoo eggs produced fledglings. Reproductive success for both cuckoos was highest in nests of the secondary host in common, the Western Thornbill. Young cuckoos reached independence 5–6 weeks after hatching. The adaptive significance of competition between cuckoos as a selective agent for cuckoo egg morphology and host specificity is discussed.  相似文献   

Due to the close association between parasites and their hosts, many ‘generalist’ parasites have a high potential to become specialized on different host species. We investigated this hypothesis for a common ectoparasite of seabirds, the tick Ixodes uriae that is often found in mixed host sites. We examined patterns of neutral genetic variation between ticks collected from Black‐legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) and Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica) in sympatry. To control for a potential distance effect, values were compared to differences among ticks from the same host in nearby monospecific sites. As predicted, there was higher genetic differentiation between ticks from different sympatric host species than between ticks from nearby allopatric populations of the same host species. Patterns suggesting isolation by distance were found among tick populations of each host group, but no such patterns existed between tick populations of different hosts. Overall, results suggest that host‐related selection pressures have led to the specialization of I. uriae and that host race formation may be an important diversifying mechanism in parasites.  相似文献   

Scotch broom, Cytisus scoparius (Fabaceae), is a shrub native to Europe that is invasive in the USA, New Zealand and Australia. The psyllid Arytainilla spartiophila has been purposely introduced to Australia and New Zealand as a biological control agent of C. scoparius, but is an accidental introduction to California. Lupines (Lupinus spp.) are the closest native taxon to Cytisus in North America, and are therefore considered to be at the highest risk for non-target damage. However, because no lupines are native to Australia or New Zealand, only one imported forage species was evaluated during prior host specificity testing. We conducted a laboratory nymphal transfer experiment, a field choice experiment and a field survey to assess risk to three lupine species (Lupinus albifrons, Lupinus bicolor and Lupinus formosus). In the laboratory, 20% of third-instar nymphs were able to develop to adulthood on L. formosus but not on the other lupine species, while 40% completed development on C. scoparius. In the field experiment, potted lupine and C. scoparius plants were placed beside large infested C. scoparius plants; oviposition occurred on all the potted C. scoparius plants, but on none of the lupines. In the field survey, no A. spartiophila eggs or nymphs were found on naturally occurring lupines growing adjacent to infested C. scoparius. The results indicate that A. spartiophila is not likely to damage or reproduce on lupines in the field. This study provides an example of how field studies can help clarify the host specificity of biological control agents.  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda是一种原产于美洲热带和亚热带地区的重要入侵害虫,自2019年1月份入侵中国以来,迅速席卷国内多个省市,对我国的粮食生产系统造成巨大的压力。广东省丰富的作物资源和适宜的气候条件等,使其可能成为草地贪夜蛾入侵后种群恢复繁衍的大后方。因此,广东省草地贪夜蛾防控更为艰巨。草地贪夜蛾入侵我省乃至我国,将出现新的特征,使得草地贪夜蛾的防控局势变得复杂。本综述系统调研了草地贪夜蛾国内外的研究现状,包括在原产地及我国的寄主适应性、种群动态和防控措施等方面,并在现今组学及新技术高度发展的新形势下,对草地贪夜蛾入侵机制研究方法提出了一些展望,以期对草地贪夜蛾的有效防控提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Knowledge of a species’ population genetic structure can provide insight into fundamental ecological and evolutionary processes including gene flow, genetic drift and adaptive evolution. Such inference is of particular importance for parasites, as an understanding of their population structure can illuminate epidemiological and coevolutionary dynamics. Here, we describe the population genetic structure of the bacterium Pasteuria ramosa, a parasite that infects planktonic crustaceans of the genus Daphnia. This system has become a model for investigations of host–parasite interactions and represents an example of coevolution via negative frequency‐dependent selection (aka “Red Queen” dynamics). To sample P. ramosa, we experimentally infected a panel of Daphnia hosts with natural spore banks from the sediments of 25 ponds throughout much of the species range in Europe and western Asia. Using 12 polymorphic variable number tandem repeat loci (VNTR loci), we identified substantial genetic diversity, both within and among localities, that was structured geographically among ponds. Genetic diversity was also structured among host genotypes within ponds, although this pattern varied by locality, with P. ramosa at some localities partitioned into distinct host‐specific lineages, and other localities where recombination had shuffled genetic variation among different infection phenotypes. Across the sample range, there was a pattern of isolation by distance, and principal components analysis coupled with Procrustes rotation identified congruence between patterns of genetic variation and geography. Our findings support the hypothesis that Pasteuria is an endemic parasite coevolving closely with its host. These results provide important context for previous studies of this model system and inform hypotheses for future research.  相似文献   

Onion weed, Asphodelus fistulosus L., (Liliaceae) a weed of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern origin is widespread in southern Australia where it invades pastures making them unsuitable for grazing. A program of research is underway to discover natural enemies of this plant and to study their possible role in the biological control of onion weed. A rust fungus Puccinia barbeyi (Roum.) Magnus has been found to severely attack A. fistulosus . Observations on the biology of the rust confirmed that it is monoecious and microcyclic and multiplied essentially by aecial and telial stages, although occasionally urediniospores also appeared among teliospores. Several members of the Liliaceae exposed to the aeciospores of the rust remained unattacked indicating that it is most probably specific to Asphodelus spp. and thus its potential for the biological control of A. fistulosus in Australia should be studied further.  相似文献   

Seed proteins of individual plants from 14 populations ofStriga hermonthica growing on sorghum, millet, maize and wild grasses in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger were studied using gel electrophoresis in order to assess the population structure and genetic diversity of the parasitic weed. The relative intensity of the different bands within a pattern was used to depict the genotypic constitution of each sample. Genotypic frequencies conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expectations in 13 populations out of 14 for the two loci that were interpreted. Heterozygote deficiencies could be the result of the Wahlund effect. The genetic divergence between populations appears to be low for bothAdh andGot loci. Thus, the physiological specialization for a particular host could be a recent phenomenon. A low host specificity ofS. hermonthica populations could affect the efficiency of introducing new resistant cultivars as a control measure against the parasitic weed.  相似文献   

Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula (s.1.)) is an herbaceous perennial and serious weed of Eurasian origin that has been accidentally introduced into North America. The two European root-boring mothsChamaesphecia hungarica andCh. astatiformis are univoltine and overwinter as mature larvae. Both species have a lower survival rate on leafy spurge than on their field hosts, and thus are not optimal candidates for the biological control of leafy spurge. However, the rate of larval development and larval growth on the target weed and on the two field hosts is nearly the same. The experimental host range of both species is restricted to a few species in the subgenusEsula within the genusEuphorbia. The two species occupy different habitats in the steppe biome and are targeted for similar leafy spurge habitats in North America.  相似文献   

江苏扬州地区蔬菜烟粉虱寄主调查及种群动态   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
2002—2003年对江苏扬州地区露地蔬菜上的烟粉虱寄主植物、危害,及主要蔬菜上的烟粉虱种群动态进行了调查。共查到烟粉虱寄主植物10科39种(变种),主要分布在葫芦科、十字花科、豆科、茄科和菊科等蔬菜上,其中以黄瓜、豇豆、花菜和长茄发生较为严重;露地蔬菜上的烟粉虱发生在6月上旬至11月中旬,发生高峰期在8月下旬至9月上中旬;随着蔬菜的种类、季节和年份的不同,田间烟粉虱的发生为害也有所不同。  相似文献   

To date, 21 species of the genus Angiostrongylus (Nematoda: Angiostrongylidae) have been reported around the world, 15 of which are parasites of rodents. In this study, new host, geographic records, and histopathologic studies of Angiostrongylus spp in sigmodontine rodents from Argentina, with an updated summary of records from rodent hosts and host specificity assessment, are provided. Records of Angiostrongylus costaricensis from Akodon montensis andAngiostrongylus morerai from six new hosts and geographical localities in Argentina are reported. The gross and histopathologic changes in the lungs of the host species due to angiostrongylosis are described. Published records of the genus Angiostrongylus from rodents and patterns of host specificity are presented. Individual Angiostrongylusspecies parasitise between one-19 different host species. The most frequent values of the specificity index (STD) were between 1-5.97. The elevated number of host species (n = 7) of A. morerai with a STD = 1.86 is a reflection of multiple systematic studies of parasites from sigmodontine rodents in the area of Cuenca del Plata, Argentina, showing that an increase in sampling effort can result in new findings. The combination of low host specificity and a wide geographic distribution of Angiostrongylus spp indicates a troubling epidemiological scenario although, as yet, no human cases have been reported.  相似文献   

Skunk vine, Paederia foetida (Rubiaceae), is native to Asia and has been recognized as an invasive weedy vine of natural areas in Florida and Hawaii. Two insects, Trachyaphthona sordida and Trachyaphthona nigrita (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from Japan are being considered as potential biological control agents against skunk vine. To gather fundamental information on their biology, we carried out field surveys and laboratory experiments in Kyushu, southern Japan, between 2003 and 2006. We found that T. sordida is commonly distributed in Kyushu and T. nigrita is restricted to the southern parts of Kagoshima Prefecture on the southern part of Kyushu. These species are fundamentally univoltine and adults appear in late April to early July. Trachyaphthona sordida overwinters as mature larvae and T. nigrita as mature larvae or rarely as adults. Larvae of both species feed on fine roots of P. foetida in the field and Serissa foetida (Rubiaceae) under rearing conditions, and they appear to have tribe‐level host specificity in their host range. On the basis of these results, we suggest that both species are suitable as biological control agents.  相似文献   

云南瑞丽桔小实蝇成虫种群数量变动及其影响因子分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
陈鹏  叶辉  刘建宏 《生态学报》2006,26(9):2801-2809
分别于1997、2000、2003和2004年通过诱蝇谜对云南瑞丽桔小实蝇种群动态进行了全年监测,并就气候因子及寄主植物对该种群变动的影响进行了系统分析.结果表明,桔小实蝇在瑞丽常年发生,当年11月至翌年1月份,桔小实蝇种群处于较低水平,2月份以后种群数量逐渐上升,至6月份形成种群的年增长高峰,此后至10月份种群数量迅速下降.经逐步回归分析表明,月均温、月平均最高温、月平均最低温、月极端最高温、月极端最低温和月雨日数是影响瑞丽桔小实蝇种群月变动的主要气候因子.通径分析和决策系统分析表明,月均温对种群数量变动具有正效应,是直接影响桔小实蝇种群变动的重要指标,月均最低温是影响种群增长的最主要的限制因素,月雨日数对种群动态的综合影响力最大.瑞丽各月平均温度位于桔小实蝇各虫态生长发育温度范围内,但11~翌年1月份的月均最低温低于桔小实蝇的适温范围,对桔小实蝇种群数量有一定抑制作用.2~5月份雨日数逐渐增多,雨量逐渐增大,有利于种群数量增长;7~8月份持续的强降雨过程被认为是桔小实蝇在该时期种群数量下降的主要原因.而瑞丽的多种瓜果成熟期的交替出现保证了桔小实蝇的食物供应.  相似文献   

云南六库桔小实蝇成虫种群数量变动及其影响因子分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
陈鹏  叶辉 《昆虫学报》2007,50(1):38-45
应用诱蝇谜引诱剂诱捕法于2003-2005年调查了云南六库桔小实蝇成虫种群动态,系统分析了气候因子及寄主植物对该种群变动的影响。研究结果表明:云南六库桔小实蝇种群发生呈季节性,仅出现于3-12月,成虫消长基本为单峰型,高峰出现在7月。六库桔小实蝇种群数量与气温、降雨量和月雨日数等气象因子有密切关系。决定系数和通径分析结果显示,月降雨量是影响六库桔小实蝇种群动态的主要决策因素;月平均气温和月平均最低气温是影响种群数量变动的主要限制因素,其中,月平均最低温度是间接影响种群数量变动的重要指标。主成分分析筛选出低温条件主成分,其累积方差贡献率达77.65%。逐步回归分析也证实,影响六库桔小实蝇种群月变动的主要气象因子是月平均气温和月平均最低气温。综合分析认为,低温是导致六库桔小实蝇季节性发生的关键因素。  相似文献   

Historical population bottlenecks and natural selection have important effects on the current genetic diversity and structure of long‐lived trees. Dracaena cambodiana is an endangered, long‐lived tree endemic to Hainan Island, China. Our field investigations showed that only 10 populations remain on Hainan Island and that almost all have been seriously isolated and grow in distinct habitats. A considerable amount of genetic variation at the species level, but little variation at the population level, and a high level of genetic differentiation among the populations with limited gene flow in D. cambodiana were detected using inter‐simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses. No significant correlation was found between genetic diversity and actual population size, as the genetic diversities were similar regardless of population size. The Mantel test revealed that there was no correlation between genetic and geographic distances among the 10 populations. The UPGMA, PCoA and Bayesian analyses showed that local adaptive divergence has occurred among the D. cambodiana populations, which was further supported by habitat‐private fragments. We suggest that the current genetic diversity and population differentiation of D. cambodiana resulted from historical population bottlenecks and natural selection followed by historical isolation. However, the lack of natural regeneration of D. cambodiana indicates that former local adaptations with low genetic diversity may have been genetically weak and are unable to adapt to the current ecological environments.  相似文献   

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