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Phytoremediation is a viable strategy for management of toxic wastes in a large area/volume with low concentrations of toxic elemental pollutants. With increased industrial use of cobalt and its alloys, it has become a major metal contaminant in soils and water bodies surrounding these industries and mining sites with adverse effects on the biota. A bacterial Co-Ni permease was cloned from Rhodopseudomonas palustris and introduced into Nicotiana tabacum to explore its potential for phytoremediation and was found to be specific for cobalt and nickel. The transgenic plants accumulated more cobalt and nickel as compared to control, whereas no significant difference in accumulation of other divalent ions was observed. The transgenic plants were evaluated for cobalt content and showed increased acquisition of cobalt (up to 5 times) as compared to control. The plants were also assessed for accumulation of nickel and found to accumulate up to 2 times more nickel than control. At the same initial concentration of cobalt and nickel, transgenic plant preferentially accumulated cobalt as compared to nickel. The present study is perhaps the first attempt to develop transgenic plants expressing heterologous Co transporter with an improved capacity to uptake cobalt.  相似文献   

To study the role of ethylene in plant reproduction, we constructed transgenic tobacco plants in which the expression of a pistil-specific gene coding for the ethylene-forming enzyme 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase was inhibited. Flowers from transgenic plants showed female sterility due to an arrest in ovule development. Megasporogenesis did not occur, and ovules did not reach maturity. When pollinated, pollen tubes were able to reach the ovary but did not penetrate into the immature ovule in transgenic plants. Flower treatment with an ethylene source resulted in a functional recovery of ovule development and restored guidance of the pollen tube tip into the ovule micropyle that resulted in seed set. The recovery was abolished if inhibitors of ethylene action were present. These results demonstrate that the plant hormone ethylene is required during the very early stages of female sporogenesis and ultimately to enable fertilization.  相似文献   

Transgenic tobacco plants that express the bacterial nahG gene encoding salicylate hydroxylase have been shown to accumulate very little salicylic acid and to be defective in their ability to induce systemic acquired resistance (SAR). In recent experiments using transgenic NahG tobacco and Arabidopsis plants, we have also demonstrated that salicylic acid plays a central role in both disease susceptibility and genetic resistance. In this paper, we further characterize tobacco plants that express the salicylate hydroxylase enzyme. We show that tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) inoculation of NahG tobacco leaves induces the accumulation of the nahG mRNA in the pathogen infected leaves, presumably due to enhanced stabilization of the bacterial mRNA. SAR-associated genes are expressed in the TMV-infected leaves, but this is localized to the area surrounding necrotic lesions. Localized acquired resistance (LAR) is not induced in the TMV-inoculated NahG plants suggesting that LAR, like SAR, is dependent on SA accumulation. When SA is applied to nahG-expressing leave's SAR gene expression does not result. We have confirmed earlier reports that the salicylate hydroxylase enzyme has a narrow substrate specificity and we find that catechol, the breakdown product of salicylic acid, neither induces acquired resistance nor prevents the SA-dependent induction of the SAR genes.  相似文献   

Summary Cross protection of plant viruses is a phenomenon in which plants infected with one strain of a virus are protected from the effects of superinfection by other related strains. Recently, we have succeeded in the introduction and expression of a cDNA copy of the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) genomic RNA in transgenic tobacco plants. Using this system, we introduced a cDNA copy of a mild strain of TMV into tobacco plants. The transgenic plants did not develop any severe symptoms upon inoculation with a virulent TMV strain, indicating that these transgenic plants were cross protected against TMV infection. The system described here can be a useful model system to study the mechanism(s) of cross protection.  相似文献   

The bacterial gene of the thermostable endo-beta-1,4-glucanase (cellulase) was shown to retain its activity and substrate specificity when expressed in transgenic tobacco plants. The leader peptide of the carrot extensin was efficient in transferring the bacterial enzyme into the apoplast. The expression of the bacterial cellulase gene leads to changes in the plant tissue morphology. In the transgenic plant lines, regeneration of primary shoots from callus occurred at the three to five times higher cytokinin (6-BAP) concentration than in control plants. The transgenic plants that expressed the bacterial gene exhibited increased business and altered leaf shape. The transgenic plants developed can be used as models for studying the cellulases role and function in plants.  相似文献   

There is major international concern over the wide-scale contamination of soil and associated ground water by persistent explosives residues. 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) is one of the most recalcitrant and toxic of all the military explosives. The lack of affordable and effective cleanup technologies for explosives contamination requires the development of better processes. Significant effort has recently been directed toward the use of plants to extract and detoxify TNT. To explore the possibility of overcoming the high phytotoxic effects of TNT, we expressed bacterial nitroreductase in tobacco plants. Nitroreductase catalyzes the reduction of TNT to hydroxyaminodinitrotoluene (HADNT), which is subsequently reduced to aminodinitrotoluene derivatives (ADNTs). Transgenic plants expressing nitroreductase show a striking increase in ability to tolerate, take up, and detoxify TNT. Our work suggests that expression of nitroreductase (NR) in plants suitable for phytoremediation could facilitate the effective cleanup of sites contaminated with high levels of explosives.  相似文献   

The manufacture, disposal, and detonation of explosives have resulted in the pollution of large tracts of land and groundwater. Historically, 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) is the most widely used military explosive and is toxic to biological systems and recalcitrant to degradation. To examine the feasibility of enhancing the ability of plants to detoxify the explosive TNT, we created transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) constitutively expressing the nsfI nitroreductase gene from Enterobacter cloacae. The product of TNT reduction by the nitroreductase was found to be 4-hydroxylamino-2,6-dinitrotoluene (4-HADNT). Characterization of the transgenic lines in sterile, aqueous conditions amended with TNT demonstrated that these plants were able to remove all of the TNT from the medium at an initial concentration of 0.5 mM (113 mg L(-1)) TNT. In contrast, growth was suppressed in wild-type plants at 0.1 mM (23 mg L(-1)). Following uptake, transgenic seedlings transformed TNT predominantly to 4-HADNT and its high levels appeared to correlate with enhanced tolerance and transformation of TNT. Transformation products of TNT were subsequently conjugated to plant macromolecules to a greater degree in transgenic tobacco, indicating enhanced detoxification compared to the wild type.  相似文献   

Expression of the chloroplast electron shuttle ferredoxin is induced by light through mechanisms that partially depend on sequences lying in the coding region of the gene, complicating its manipulation by promoter engineering. Ferredoxin expression is also down-regulated under virtually all stress situations, and it is unclear if light-dependent induction and stress-dependent repression proceed through the same or similar mechanisms. Previous reports have shown that expression of a cyanobacterial flavodoxin in tobacco plastids results in plants with enhanced tolerance to adverse environmental conditions such as drought, chilling and xenobiotics (Tognetti et al. in Plant Cell 18:2035–2050, 2006). The protective effect of flavodoxin was linked to functional replacement of ferredoxin, suggesting the possibility that tolerant phenotypes might be obtained by simply increasing ferredoxin contents. To bypass endogenous regulatory constraints, we transformed tobacco plants with a ferredoxin gene from Anabaena sp. PCC7120, which has only 53% identity with plant orthologs. The cyanobacterial protein was able to interact in vitro with ferredoxin-dependent plant enzymes and to mediate NADP+ photoreduction by tobacco thylakoids. Expression of Anabaena ferredoxin was constitutive and light-independent. However, homozygous lines accumulating threefold higher ferredoxin levels than the wild-type failed to show enhanced tolerance to oxidative stress and chilling temperatures. Under these adverse conditions, Anabaena ferredoxin was down-regulated even faster than the endogenous counterparts. The results indicate that: (1) light- and stress-dependent regulations of ferredoxin expression proceed through different pathways, and (2) overexpression of ferredoxin is not an alternative to flavodoxin expression for the development of increased stress tolerance in plants.  相似文献   

To analyze the physiological role of dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR, EC catalyzing the reduction of DHA to ascorbate in environmental stress adaptation, T1 transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi) plants expressing a human DHAR gene in chloroplasts were biochemically characterized and tested for responses to various stresses. Fully expanded leaves of transgenic plants had about 2.29 times higher DHAR activity (units/g fresh wt) than non-transgenic (NT) plants. Interestingly, transgenic plants also showed a 1.43 times higher glutathione reductase activity than NT plants. As a result, the ratio of AsA/DHA was changed from 0.21 to 0.48, even though total ascorbate content was not significantly changed. When tobacco leaf discs were subjected to methyl viologen (MV) at 5 mumol/L and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at 200 mmol/L, transgenic plants showed about a 40% and 25% reduction in membrane damage relative to NT plants, respectively. Furthermore, transgenic seedlings showed enhanced tolerance to low temperature (15 degrees C) and NaCl (100 mmol/L) compared to NT plants. These results suggest that a human derived DHAR properly works for the protection against oxidative stress in plants.  相似文献   

The physiological responses of transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants that express high levels of an introduced oat (Avena sativa L.) phytochrome (phyA) gene to various light treatments are compared with those of wild-type (WT) plants. Seeds, etiolated seedlings, and light-grown plants from a homozygous transgenic tobacco line (9A4) constructed by Keller et al. (EMBO J, 8, 1005–1012, 1989) were treated with red (R), far-red (FR), or white light (WL) with or without supplemental FR light, revealing major perturbations of the normal photobiological responses. White light stimulated germination of both WT and transgenic seed, but addition of FR to the WL treatment suppressed germination. In the WT, all fluence rates tested inhibited germination, but in the transgenics, reduction effluence rate partially relieved germination from the FR-mediated inhibition. It is suggested that the higher absolute levels of the FR-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) in the irradiated transgenics, compared to the WT, may be responsible for the reduced FR-mediated inhibition of germination in the former. Hypocotyl extension of dark-grown seedlings of both WT and transgenic lines was inhibited by continuous R or FR irradiation, typical of the high-irradiance response (HIR). After 2 d of de-etiolation in WL, the WT seedlings had lost the FR-mediated inhibition of hypocotyl extension, whereas it was retained in the transgenics. The FR-mediated inhibition of hypocotyl extension in the transgenic seedlings after de-etiolation may reflect the persistence of an, FR-HIR response mediated by the overexpressed oat PhyA phytochrome. Light-grown WT seedlings exhibited typical shade-avoidance responses when treated with WL supplemented with high levels of FR radiation. Internode and petiole extension rates were markedly increased, and the chlorophyll ab ratio decreased, in the low-R: FR treatment. The transgenics, however, showed no increases in extension growth under low-R: FR treatments, and at low fluence rates both internode and petiole extension rates were significantly decreased by low R FR. Interpretation of these data is difficult. The depression of the chlorophyll ab ratio by low R FR was identical in WT and transgenic plants, indicating that not all shade-avoidance responses of light-grown plants were disrupted by the over-expression of the introduced oat phyA gene. The results are discussed in relation to the proposal that different members of the phytochrome family may have different physiological roles.Abbreviations FR far-red light - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - Pr, Pfr red- and FR-absorbing forms of phytochrome - Ptot total phytochrome - PhyA (PhyA) gene (encoded protein) for phytochrome - R red light - WL white light - WT wild type This work was supported by an Agricultural and Food Research Council research grant to H.S. and A.C.M.; the production of the transgenic seed was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DE-F602-88ER13968) to R.D.V., and by E.I. du Pont de Nemours; Dr. G.C. Whitelam is thanked for the provision of monoclonal antibodies for the immunoblot analyses.  相似文献   

Transgenic tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum cv. SR1) expressing extracellular pancreatic ribonuclease from Bos taurus and characterized by an increased level of ribonuclease activity in leaf extracts were challenged with tobacco mosaic virus. The transgenic plants exhibited a significantly higher level of protection against the virus infection than the control non-transformed plants. The protection was evidenced by the absence (or significant delay) of the appearance of typical mosaic symptoms and the retarded accumulation of infectious virus and viral antigen. These results demonstrate that modulation of extracellular nuclease expression can be efficiently used in promoting protection against viral diseases.  相似文献   

Organophosphorus (OP) compounds are widely used as pesticides in agriculture but cause broad-area environmental pollution. In this work, we have expressed a bacterial organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH) gene in tobacco plants. An assay of enzyme activity showed that transgenic plants could secrete OPH into the growth medium. The transgenic plants were resistant to methyl parathion (Mep), an OP pesticide, as evidenced by a toxicity test showing that the transgenic plants produced greater shoot and root biomass than did the wild-type plants. Furthermore, at 0.02% (v/v) Mep, the transgenic plants degraded more than 99% of Mep after 14 days of growth. Our work indicates that transgenic plants expressing an OPH gene may provide a new strategy for decontaminating OP pollutants.  相似文献   

The cbnA gene encoding the chlorocatechol dioxygenase gene from Ralstonia eutropha NH9 was introduced into rice plants. The cbnA gene was expressed in transgenic rice plants under the control of a modified cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. Western blot analysis using anti-CbnA protein indicated that the cbnA gene was expressed in leaf tissue, roots, culms, and seeds. Transgenic rice calluses expressing the cbnA gene converted 3-chlorocatechol to 2-chloromucote efficiently. Growth and morphology of the transgenic rice plants expressing the cbnA gene were not distinguished from those of control rice plants harboring only a Ti binary vector. It is thus possible to breed transgenic plants that degrade chloroaromatic compounds in soil and surface water.  相似文献   

The human lysozyme gene, which is assembled by the stepwise ligation of chemically synthesized oligonucleotides, was introduced into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv `SR1') by the Agrobacterium-mediated method. The introduced human lysozyme gene was highly expressed under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, and the gene product accumulated in the transgenic tobacco plants. The transgenic tobacco plants showed enhanced resistance against the fungus Erysiphe cichoracearum – both conidia formation and mycelial growth were reduced, and the size of the colony was diminished. Microscopic observation revealed that the transgenic tobacco plants carried the resistant phenotype, analogous to that of the resistant cultivar `Kokubu' which had been selected by conventional breeding. Growth of the phytopathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci was also strongly retarded in the transgenic tobacco, and the chlorotic halo of the disease symptom was reduced to 17% of that observed in the wild-type tobacco. Thus, the introduction of a human lysozyme gene is an effective approach to protect crops against both fungal and bacterial diseases. Received: 9 September 1996 / Revision received: January 9 1997 / Accepted: 20 February 1997  相似文献   

Nitrilase (E.C. cloned from Arabidopsis thaliana converts indole-3-acetonitrile to the plant growth hormone, indole-3-acetic acid in vitro. To probe the capacity of this enzyme under physiological conditions in vivo, the cDNA PM255, encoding nitrilase II, was stably integrated into the genome of Nicotiana tabacum by direct protoplast transformation under the control of the CaMV-35S promotor. The regenerated plants appeared phenotypically normal. Nitrilase II was expressed, based on the occurrence of its mRNA and polypeptide. The enzyme was catalytically active, when extracted from leaf tissue of transgenic plants (specific activity: 25 fkat mg?1 protein with indole3-acetonitrile as substrate). This level of activity was lower than that found in A. thaliana, and this was deemed essential for the in vivo analysis. Leaf tissue from the transgenic plants converted 1-[13C]-indole-3-acetonitrile to 1-[13C]-indole-3-acetic acid in vivo as determined by HPLC/ GC-MS analysis. Untransformed tobacco was unable to catalyze this reaction. When transgenic seeds were grown on medium in the absence of indole-3-acetonitrile, germination and seedling growth appeared normal. In the presence of micromolar levels of exogenous indole-3-acetonitrile, a strong auxin-overproducing phenotype developed resulting in increased lateral root formation (at 10 µM indole-3-acetonitrile) or stunted shoot growth, excessive lateral root initiation, inhibition of root out-growth and callus formation at the root/shoot interface (at 100 µM indole-3-acetonitrile). Collectively, these data prove the ability of nitrilase II to convert low micromolar levels of indole-3-acetonitrile to indole-3-acetic acid in vivo, even when expressed at subphysiological levels thereby conferring a high-auxin phenotype upon transgenic plants. Thus, the A. thaliana nitrilase activity, which exceeds that of the transgenic plants, would be sufficient to meet the requirements for auxin biosynthesis in vivo.  相似文献   

RbcS-antisense transformed tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Petit Havana) expressing reduced quantities of Rubisco protein were used to examine the role of Rubisco quantity in determining ozone (O3) sensitivity. Transformed and wild-type plants were exposed to O3 in the greenhouse and in the field. Stomatal conductance, net photosynthesis and Rubisco protein quantity were measured at various times. Antisense-transformed genotypes responded to O3 by exhibiting rapid, severe foliar necrosis. The wild-type plants responded more slowly, exhibiting limited injury. Decreases in stomatal conductance, net photosynthesis or Rubisco quantity in plants exposed to O3 were not observed in asymptomatic leaves. Total biomass was lower for the transformed genotypes and decreased in both genotypes after exposure to O3. Shoot–root ratio and specific leaf area were higher in the transformed genotypes and increased in both genotypes with exposure to O3. Measurements of intercellular airspace demonstrated the presence of larger intercellular spaces in the transformed plants. The indirect effects of the rbcS antisense transformation, including morphological changes in the leaf, probably rendered the transformed plants more sensitive to the oxidant. The decreased quantity of Rubisco is not thought to be directly related to increased O3 sensitivity in the transformed plants.  相似文献   

 Expression of Panicum miliaceum L. (proso millet) mitochondrial and cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase (mAspAT and cAspAT, respectively) genes in transgenic tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum) and their influences on protein synthesis were examined. The mAspAT- or cAspAT-transformed plants had about threefold or 3.5-fold higher AspAT activity in the leaf than non-transformed plants, respectively. Interestingly, the leaves of both transformed plants had increased levels of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and transformed plants with cAspAT also had increased levels of mAspAT in the leaf. These results suggest that the increased expression of Panicum cAspAT in transgenic tobacco enhances the expression of its endogenous mAspAT and PEPC, and the increased expression of Panicum mAspAT enhances the expression of its endogenous PEPC. Received: 6 February 1998 / Revision received: 6 August 1999 · Accepted: 6 September 1999  相似文献   

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