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Werner syndrome (WRN) is an inherited disorder that produces symptoms of premature aging. This disease is caused by a recessive mutation that has previously been mapped to chromosome 8p. We have now used genetic linkage analysis to map the WRN gene relative to chromosome 6 reference loci, to screen candidate genes, and to identify a novel dinucleotide repeat polymorphic marker closely linked to WRN. The WRN locus was mapped relative to the marker loci, PLAT, ANK1, D8S135, and D8S87 of the comprehensive chromosome 8 linkage map. The heregulin (HRG) and the fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 genes (FGFR1) have been mapped to chromosome 8p and are involved in cellular growth. Recombination events were detected between WRN and the HRG and FGFR1 genes, excluding them as candidates for the WRN gene. A polymorphic marker generated in this study, WT251, is linked to WRN at a recombination fraction of 0.006, with a lod score of 16.5.  相似文献   

A comprehensive physical contig of yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) and cosmid clones between ZNF21 and DXS255 has been constructed, spanning 2 Mb within the region Xp11.23–p11.22. As a portion of the region was found to be particularly unstable in yeast, the integrity of the contig is dependent on additional information provided by the sequence-tagged site (STS) content of cosmid clones and DNA marker retention in conventional and radiation hybrids. The contig was formatted with 43 DNA markers, including 19 new STSs from YAC insert ends and an internalAlu-PCR product. The density of STSs across the contig ranges from one marker every 20 kb to one every 60 kb, with an average density of one marker every 50 kb. The relative order of previously known genes and expressed sequence tags in this region is predicted to be Xpter–ZNF21–DXS7465E (MG66)–DXS7927E (MG81)–WASP, DXS1011E, DXS7467E (MG21)–DXS- 7466E (MG44)–GATA1–DXS7469E (Xp664)–TFE3–SYP (DXS1007E)–Xcen. This contig extends the coverage in Xp11 and provides a framework for the future identification and mapping of new genes, as well as the resources for developing DNA sequencing templates.  相似文献   

Pleomorphic adenomas are benign epithelial tumors originating from the major and minor salivary glands. Extensive cytogenetic studies have demonstrated that they frequently show chromosome abnormalities involving chromosome 8, with consistent breakpoints at 8q12. In previous studies, we have shown that these breakpoints are located in a 9-cM interval betweenMOS/D8S285 and D8S260. Here, we describe directional chromosome walking studies starting from D8S260 as well as D8S285. Using the CEPH and ICRF YAC libraries, these studies resulted in the construction of two nonoverlapping YAC contigs of about 2 and 5 Mb, respectively. Initial fluorescencein situhybridization (FISH) analysis suggested that the majority of 8q12 breakpoints clustered within the 2-Mb contig, which was mapped to the centromeric part of chromosome band 8q12. This contig has at least double coverage and consists of 34 overlapping YAC clones. The localization of the YACs was confirmed by FISH analysis. On the basis of mapping data of landmarks with an average spacing of 65 kb as well as restriction enzyme analysis, a long-range physical map was established for the chromosome region spanned by the 2-Mb contig. The relative positions of various known genes and expressed sequence tags within this contig were also determined. Subsequent FISH analyses of pleomorphic adenomas using YACs as well as cosmids revealed that all but two of the 8q12 breakpoints in the primary tumors tested mapped within a 300-kb interval between theMOSproto-oncogene and STS EM156. The target gene affected by the chromosome aberrations mapping within this interval was recently shown to be thePLAG1gene, which encodes a novel zinc finger protein.  相似文献   

The epidermal differentiation complex (EDC) unites a remarkable number of structurally, functionally, and evolutionarily related genes that play an important role in terminal differentiation of the human epidermis. It is localized within 2.05 Mb of region q21 on human chromosome 1. We have identified and characterized 24 yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones by mapping individual EDC genes, sequence-tagged site (STS) markers (D1S305, D1S442, D1S498, D1S1664), and 10 new region-specific probes (D1S3619–D1S3628). Here we present a contig that covers about 6 Mb of 1q21 including the entire EDC. Fluorescencein situhybridization on metaphase chromosomes with two YACs flanking the EDC determined its chromosomal orientation and established, in conjunction with physical mapping results, the following order of genes and STSs: 1cen–D1S442–D1S498–S100A10–THH–FLG–D1S1664–IVL–SPRR3–SPRR1–SPRR2–LOR–S100A9–S100A8–S100A7–S100A6–S100A5–S100A4–S100A3–S100A2–S100A1–D1S305–1qtel. These integrated physical, cytogenetic, and genetic mapping data will be useful for linkage analyses of diseases associated with region 1q21 and for the identification of novel genes and regulatory elements in the EDC.  相似文献   

A gene designated BRCA1, implicated in the susceptibility to early-onset familial breast cancer, has recently been localized to chromosome 17q12-q21. To date, the order of DNA markers mapped within this region has been based on genetic linkage analysis. We report the use of multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization to establish a physically based map of five polymorphic DNA markers and 10 cloned genes spanning this region. Three cosmid clones and Alu-PCR-generated products derived from 12 yeast artificial chromosome clones representing each of these markers were used in two-color mapping experiments to determine an initial proximity of markers relative to each other on metaphase chromosomes. Interphase mapping was then employed to determine the order and orientation of closely spaced loci by direct visualization of fluorescent signals following hybridization of three probes, each detected in a different color. Statistical analysis of the combined data suggests that the order of markers in the BRCA1 region is cen-THRA1-TOP2-GAS-OF2-17HSI)-248yg9-RNU2-OF3-PPY/p131-EPB3-Mfd188-WNT3-HOX2-GP3A-tel. This map is consistent with that determined by radiation-reduced hybrid mapping and will facilitate positional cloning strategies in efforts to isolate and characterize the BRCA1 gene.  相似文献   

Van der Woude syndrome (VWS) is the most frequent form of syndromic clefting. Linkage analysis has localized the gene between D1S245 and D1S414, an interval of 4.1 cM with the following order of loci: centromere–D1S245/D1S471–D1S491–D1S205–D1S414–telomere. A microdeletion around D1S205 aided in narrowing the critical region to D1S491–D1S414 by heterozygosity testing. In this study, the location was refined by detection of a recombinant with D1S205 in a new family, indicating that VWS lies between D1S491 and D1S205, a 1.6-cM interval. A roughly 3.5-Mb YAC contig was built from D1S245 through D1S414, encompassing the interval D1S491–D1S205 in level 1 or level 2 paths. Clones were assembled by sequence tagged site (STS) content using the five polymorphic markers from above, four novel STSs identified from YAC ends, and a new STS derived from probe CRI-L461 (D1S70). D1S70 was assigned to the critical region. One single YAC, yCEPH785B2, contains both flanking STSs (D1S491, D1S205). STS content mapping suggests neither chimerism nor deletion of yCEPH785B2 but does suggest that the maximum size of the critical region is approximately 850 kb. All STSs were tested for their presence on a somatic cell hybrid containing the microdeleted chromosome 1 as the sole human chromosome 1 component. Both the proximal and distal ends of the microdeletion mapped to the 850-kb YAC, yCEPH785B2. Therefore, the microdeletion overlapped the critical region, confirming the genetic recombinant data.  相似文献   

A translocation affecting chromosomes 8 and 12 was detected in 11 persons of 3 generations of a family. The propositus, a child with multiple malformations, had a mosaicism consisting of (a) cells with 46 chromosomes which included the balanced translocation and (b) cells with 47 chromosomes and partially trisomic for chromosomes 8 and 12.  相似文献   

We have constructed a 1-Mb contig in human chromosomal band 11p15.5, a region implicated in the etiology of several embryonal tumors, including Wilms tumor, and in Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome. Cosmid, P1, PAC, and BAC clones were characterized byNotI/SalI digestion and hybridized to a variety of probes to generate a detailed physical map that extends from D11S517 to L23MRP. Included in the map are the CARS, NAP2, p57/KIP2, KVLQT1, ASCL2, TH, INS, IGF2, H19, and L23MRP genes as well as end probes isolated from PACs. The TAPA1 gene, whose protein product can transmit an antiproliferative signal, was also localized in the contig. However, Northern blot analysis demonstrated that its expression did not correlate with tumorigenicity in G401 Wilms tumor hybrids, suggesting that TAPA1 is not responsible for the tumor suppression associated with 11p15.5. Genomic clones were used as probes in FISH analysis to map the breakpoints from three Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome patients and a rhabdoid tumor. Interestingly, each of the breakpoints disrupts the KVLQT1 gene, which is spread over a 400-kb region of the contig. Since 11p15.5 contains several genes with imprinted expression and one or more tumor suppressor genes, our contig and map provide a framework for characterizing this intriguing genetic environment.  相似文献   

P450 oxidoreductase (POR) has a pivotal role in facilitating electron transfer from nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate to microsomal cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes, including the steroidogenic enzymes CYP17A1 and CYP21A2. Mutations in POR have been shown recently to cause congenital adrenal hyperplasia with apparent combined CYP17A1 and CYP21A2 deficiency that comprises a variable clinical phenotype, including glucocorticoid deficiency, ambiguous genitalia, and craniofacial malformations. To dissect structure-function relationships potentially explaining this phenotypic diversity, we investigated whether specific POR mutations have differential effects on CYP17A1 and CYP21A2. We compared the impact of missense mutations encoding for single amino acid changes in three distinct regions of the POR molecule: 1), Y181D and H628P close to the central electron transfer area, 2) S244C located within the hinge close to the flavin adenine dinucleotide and flavin mononucleotide domains of POR, and 3) A287P that is clearly distant from the two other regions. Functional analysis using a yeast microsomal assay with coexpression of human CYP17A1 or CYP21A2 with wild-type or mutant human POR revealed equivalent decreases in CYP17A1 and CYP21A2 activities by Y181D, H628P, and S244C. In contrast, A287P had a differential inhibitory effect, with decreased catalytic efficiency (Vmax/Km) for CYP17A1, whereas CYP21A2 retained near normal activity. In vivo analysis of urinary steroid excretion by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in 11 patients with POR mutations showed that A287P homozygous patients had the highest corticosterone/cortisol metabolite ratios, further indicative of preferential inhibition of CYP17A1. These findings provide novel mechanistic insights into the redox regulation of human steroidogenesis. Differential interaction of POR with electron-accepting CYP enzymes may explain the phenotypic variability in POR deficiency, with additional implications for hepatic drug metabolism by POR-dependant CYP enzymes.  相似文献   

The h-PRL-1 gene codes for a new phosphotyrosine phosphatase that may play an important role in the control of basic cellular processes such as cell growth and proliferation. Using the cDNA of the h-PRL-1 gene as a probe, we examined a somatic mouse and hamster × human hybrid panel and found that chromosomes 1, 17 and 11 harbor sequences homologous to h-PRL-1. By in situ hybridization of metaphase spreads, subchromosomal localizations were determined at bands 1p35–p34, 17q12– q21 and 11q24–q25; in addition, a faint signal was detected at 12q24. The chromosomal assignment of the genes homologous to h-PRL-1 will help the investigation of its possible involvement in human diseases involving genetic alteration at these chromosomal regions. Received: 12 June 1996 / Revised: 27 July 1996  相似文献   

Notch proteins are a family of closely related transmembrane receptors proven to be instrumental in cell fate decisions. Recently, Notch ligands Delta and Jagged have been identified inDrosophilaand rat, respectively. We have isolated the human homolog of the ratJagged1gene,JAG1,from a CpG island in a YAC clone covering the Alagille syndrome critical region at chromosome 20p12 (tel–SNAPD20S186–cen). Alagille syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by neonatal jaundice, paucity of intrahepatic bile ducts, and abnormalities of the heart, skeleton, and eyes. The humanJagged1(JAG1), therefore, appears to be a strong candidate gene for this disease. Here we describe the identification, full-length cDNA cloning, expression patterns, and precise physical location of this gene within the Alagille syndrome critical region.  相似文献   

Eight Student Travel Awards were made on the basis of competitive evaluation of submitted abstracts. The Society for Cryobiology gratefully acknowledges the generosity of CryoLife Inc., CryoLogic, Pty. Ltd., and Linkam Scientific Instruments Ltd., whose financial support made these awards possible. The Crystal Award, sponsored by Perkin–Elmer, was made following competitive evaluation of submitted verbal presentations. The winners of these awards are noted at the relevant abstracts.  相似文献   

Substitutions of amino acids for Gly 12 or Gly 13 in theras oncogene-encoded P21 proteins have been demonstrated to produce unique structural changes in these proteins that correlate with their ability to produce cell transformation. For example, the P21 proteins with Arg 12 or Val 13 are both known to be actively transforming. Recent site-specific mutagenesis experiments on the transforming Arg 12 protein have found that the substitution of Val for Gly 10 has no effect on transforming activity whereas the substitution of Val for Gly 13 led to a loss of transforming activity. In this study, we examine the structural effects of these substitutions on the amino terminal hydrophobic decapeptide (Leu 6-Gly 15) of P21 using conformational energy analysis. The results show that the transforming proteins with Gly 10 and Arg 12 or Val 10 and Arg 12 can both adopt the putative malignancy-causing conformation, whereas, for the nontransforming protein with Arg 12 and Val 13, this conformation is energetically disallowed. These results further support the theory that due to structural changes the transforming P21 proteins are unable to bind to some regulatory cellular element which may be the recently identified binding protein responsible for the induction of increased GTPase activity in normal P21 compared with transforming mutants.  相似文献   

J. Jenderny 《Human genetics》1992,90(1-2):171-173
Summary Sperm chromosome complements from two males, one heterozygous for the reciprocal translocation t(2;17)(q35;p13) (n = 18) and one for t(3;8) (p13;p21) (n = 73), were analyzed. Only 2:2 segregations were observed with t(2;17): alternate, 56%; adjacent-I, 33%; adjacent-II, 11%. Both 2:2 and 3:1 meiotic segregations occurred in t(3;8): alternate, 34.2%; adjacent-I, 43.8%; adjacent-II, 20.5% and 3:1, 1.4%. A significant excess of chromosomally normal versus balanced sperm complements was observed with both translocation heterozygotes. The frequencies of other chromosome aberrations unrelated to the translocations were 16.7% for t(2;17) and 8.2% for t(3;8). The ratio of X-bearing to Y-bearing sperm was not different from the theoretically expected ratio of 1:1.  相似文献   

Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have emerged as a major regulator of cell physiology, but many of which have no known function. CDKN1A/p21 is an important inhibitor of the cell-cycle, regulator of the DNA damage response and effector of the tumor suppressor p53, playing a crucial role in tumor development and prevention. In order to identify a regulator for tumor progression, we performed an siRNA screen of human lncRNAs required for cell proliferation, and identified a novel lncRNA, APTR, that acts in trans to repress the CDKN1A/p21 promoter independent of p53 to promote cell proliferation. APTR associates with the promoter of CDKN1A/p21 and this association requires a complementary-Alu sequence encoded in APTR. A different module of APTR associates with and recruits the Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) to epigenetically repress the p21 promoter. A decrease in APTR is necessary for the induction of p21 after heat stress and DNA damage by doxorubicin, and the levels of APTR and p21 are anti-correlated in human glioblastomas. Our data identify a new regulator of the cell-cycle inhibitor CDKN1A/p21 that acts as a proliferative factor in cancer cell lines and in glioblastomas and demonstrate that Alu elements present in lncRNAs can contribute to targeting regulatory lncRNAs to promoters.  相似文献   

Analysis of genetic linkage to dyslexia was performed using 133,165 array‐based SNPs genotyped in 718 persons from 101 dyslexia‐affected families. Results showed five linkage peaks with lod scores >2.3 (4q13.1, 7q36.1‐q36.2, 7q36.3, 16p12.1, and 17q22). Of these five regions, three have been previously implicated in dyslexia (4q13.1, 16p12.1, and 17q22), three have been implicated in attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD, which highly co‐occurs with dyslexia; 4q13.1, 7q36.3, 16p12.1) and four have been implicated in autism (a condition characterized by language deficits; 7q36.1‐q36.2, 7q36.3, 16p12.1, and 17q22). These results highlight the reproducibility of dyslexia linkage signals, even without formally significant lod scores, and suggest dyslexia predisposing genes with relatively major effects and locus heterogeneity. The largest lod score (2.80) occurred at 17q22 within the MSI2 gene, involved in neuronal stem cell lineage proliferation. Interestingly, the 4q13.1 linkage peak (lod 2.34) occurred immediately upstream of the LPHN3 gene, recently reported both linked and associated with ADHD. Separate analyses of larger pedigrees revealed lods >2.3 at 1–3 regions per family; one family showed strong linkage (lod 2.9) to a known dyslexia locus (18p11) not detected in our overall data, demonstrating the value of analyzing single large pedigrees. Association analysis identified no SNPs with genome‐wide significance, although a borderline significant SNP (P = 6 × 10–7) occurred at 5q35.1 near FGF18, involved in laminar positioning of cortical neurons during development. We conclude that dyslexia genes with relatively major effects exist, are detectable by linkage analysis despite genetic heterogeneity, and show substantial overlapping predisposition with ADHD and autism.  相似文献   

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