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Delphinids produce tonal whistles shaped by vocal learning for acoustic communication. Unlike terrestrial mammals, delphinid sound production is driven by pressurized air within a complex nasal system. It is unclear how fundamental whistle contours can be maintained across a large range of hydrostatic pressures and air sac volumes. Two opposing hypotheses propose that tonal sounds arise either from tissue vibrations or through actual whistle production from vortices stabilized by resonating nasal air volumes. Here, we use a trained bottlenose dolphin whistling in air and in heliox to test these hypotheses. The fundamental frequency contours of stereotyped whistles were unaffected by the higher sound speed in heliox. Therefore, the term whistle is a functional misnomer as dolphins actually do not whistle, but form the fundamental frequency contour of their tonal calls by pneumatically induced tissue vibrations analogous to the operation of vocal folds in terrestrial mammals and the syrinx in birds. This form of tonal sound production by nasal tissue vibrations has probably evolved in delphinids to enable impedance matching to the water, and to maintain tonal signature contours across changes in hydrostatic pressures, air density and relative nasal air volumes during dives.  相似文献   

BackgroundRespiratory sounds are associated with the flow rate, nasal flow pressure, and physical characteristics of airways. In this study, we aimed to develop the flow rate and nasal flow pressure estimation models for the clinical application, and find out the optimal feature set for estimation to achieve the optimal model performance.MethodsRespiratory sounds and flow rate were acquired from nine healthy volunteers. Respiratory sounds and nasal flow pressure were acquired from twenty-three healthy volunteers. Four types of respiratory sound features were extracted for flow rate and nasal flow pressure estimation using different estimation models. Effects of estimations using these features were evaluated using Bland-Altman analysis, estimation error, and respiratory sound feature calculation time. Besides, expiratory and inspiratory phases divided estimation errors were compared with united estimation errors.ResultsThe personalized logarithm model was selected as the optimal flow rate estimation model. Respiratory nasal flow pressure estimation based on this model was also performed. For the four different respiratory sound features, there is no statistically significant difference in flow rate and pressure estimation errors. LogEnvelope was, therefore, chosen as the optimal feature because of the lowest computational cost. In addition, for any type of respiratory sound feature, no statistically significant difference was observed between divided and united estimation errors (flow rate and pressure).ConclusionRespiratory flow rate and nasal flow pressure can be estimated accurately using respiratory sound features. Expiratory and inspiratory phases united estimation using respiratory sounds is a more reasonable estimation method than divided estimation. LogEnvelope can be used for this united respiratory flow rate and nasal flow pressure estimation with minimum computational cost and acceptable estimation error.  相似文献   

Why do neonatal and adult delphinids have much larger brains than artiodactyls when they have common ancestors? We explore relationships between neonatal brain size, gestation duration, maternal body mass, and body growth. Cetacean brains grow fast in the womb and longer gestation results in a larger brain. Allometry shows that the larger the mother's body mass, the larger the neonatal brain. After birth, delphinid bodies grow much faster than brains, and the index of encephalization decreases even as brains grow beyond maturity. Delphinids’ larger brain growth during life at sea may be explained by at least three differences from artiodactyls’ life on land. First, the sea offers high calorie prey to support growth of a large brain. Second, life in water offers relief from gravity, allowing for a large head to contain a large brain. Third, sound in water may pass through an immersed body. This allows sounds from the water to reach the fetus, driving early development of delphinoid auditory brain parts. As an example of this, the dolphin ear bone is very large at birth. Furthermore, the auditory nervous system appears mature well before birth. Compared with artiodactyls, these three differences likely result in a larger delphinid brain.  相似文献   

Sounds and sound production in fishes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The main information on the sounds and sound production in fishes is reviewed. The present systems of sound classification and specialized sound production in fishes with different taxonomic positions and ecology are described. The anatomy of sound generating organs is analyzed, and the mechanisms of production of different types of sounds (stridulation, drumming, cavitation, and percussion, as well as hydrodynamic, pneumatic, stringed, and respiratory sounds) are discussed. A brief characterization of the acoustic parameters of different sound types is given. Recent data on the anatomy and morphology of the sonic muscles (including their innervation, physiology, sexual dimorphism, and seasonal changes) are reviewed. The dynamics of the development of sound generating organs are described, and their capacity for sound production in the ontogeny of fishes is followed.  相似文献   


Male gobies of the genus Bathygobius are soniferous during courtship. The mechanism by which the sounds are produced is, however, unknown. Early studies on sound production by males of B. soporator suggested that these sounds are hydrodynamic in nature, being produced by the forcible ejection of water through the gill opening. The mechanism of sound production by the closely related species B. curacao was investigated and three lines of evidence are presented which support the hydrodynamic hypothesis. First, similarities between the sounds produced by courting males and by ejecting water through a pipette demonstrated that hydrodynamic forces can readily produce such sounds. Second, the behavioural motor patterns occurring during sound production are consistent with the hypothesis that water is being ejected through the gill openings. Finally, morphological examination revealed an apparent lack of specialised features associated with sound production, effectively eliminating stridulatory and swim bladder mechanisms. These results represent the strongest evidence to date in support of any proposed mechanism of sound production in the gobiids.  相似文献   



Sound production is widespread among fishes and accompanies many social interactions. The literature reports twenty-nine cichlid species known to produce sounds during aggressive and courtship displays, but the precise range in behavioural contexts is unclear. This study aims to describe the various Oreochromis niloticus behaviours that are associated with sound production in order to delimit the role of sound during different activities, including agonistic behaviours, pit activities, and reproduction and parental care by males and females of the species.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Sounds mostly occur during the day. The sounds recorded during this study accompany previously known behaviours, and no particular behaviour is systematically associated with sound production. Males and females make sounds during territorial defence but not during courtship and mating. Sounds support visual behaviours but are not used alone. During agonistic interactions, a calling Oreochromis niloticus does not bite after producing sounds, and more sounds are produced in defence of territory than for dominating individuals. Females produce sounds to defend eggs but not larvae.


Sounds are produced to reinforce visual behaviours. Moreover, comparisons with O. mossambicus indicate two sister species can differ in their use of sound, their acoustic characteristics, and the function of sound production. These findings support the role of sounds in differentiating species and promoting speciation. They also make clear that the association of sounds with specific life-cycle roles cannot be generalized to the entire taxa.  相似文献   



It is widely held that in toothed whales, high frequency tonal sounds called 'whistles' evolved in association with 'sociality' because in delphinids they are used in a social context. Recently, whistles were hypothesized to be an evolutionary innovation of social dolphins (the 'dolphin hypothesis'). However, both 'whistles' and 'sociality' are broad concepts each representing a conglomerate of characters. Many non-delphinids, whether solitary or social, produce tonal sounds that share most of the acoustic characteristics of delphinid whistles. Furthermore, hypotheses of character correlation are best tested in a phylogenetic context, which has hitherto not been done. Here we summarize data from over 300 studies on cetacean tonal sounds and social structure and phylogenetically test existing hypotheses on their co-evolution.  相似文献   

Natale, G.S., Alcalde, L., Herrera, R., Cajade, R., Schaefer, E.F., Marangoni, F. and Trudeau, V.L. 2011. Underwater acoustic communication in the macrophagic carnivorous larvae of Ceratophrys ornata (Anura: Ceratophryidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 46–53. We provide the first evidence for sound production by anuran larvae. In this study, we describe the sounds, their context‐specific emission and the structures related to sound production of the carnivorous larvae of Ceratophrys ornata (Amphibia, Anura, Ceratophryidae). Tadpoles emit a brief, clear and very audible metallic‐like sound that consists of a short train of notes that occur at all stages of larval development. Tadpoles make sound only when a conspecific tadpole is preying upon it or when touched by an object. Ceratophrys ornata larvae possess the basic required anatomical structures for sound production via expulsion of atmospheric air from the lungs through the open soft‐tissue glottis. The glottis is opened and closed via the larval laryngeal muscles (constrictor laryngis and dilatator laryngis). The arytenoid cartilages appear at stage 40 and the cricoid cartilage does at stage 43. Adult laryngeal muscles differentiate from the larval ones at stage 46 together with the vocal sac formation from the adult interhyoideus muscle. We demonstrate (n = 2160 conspecific predator–prey interactions) that larval sounds occur always under predatory attack, probably serving to diminish the chances of cannibalism. These data raise the possibility that other macrophagic carnivorous anuran larvae may produce sound.  相似文献   

Carapus boraborensis, C. homei and Encheliophis gracilis are three species of Carapidae that display the ability to penetrate and reside in the holothurian Bohadschia argus. This study describes both the particular morphology of the sound-producing structures and, for the first time, the sounds produced by each species. The study of the structures composing the sound-producing system seems to indicate that the action made by the primary sonic muscles (i.e. the pulling and releasing of the front of the swim bladder) might be responsible for the sound emissions of these three species by provoking a vibration of a thinner zone in front of the swim bladder (swimbladder fenestra). The sounds were only emitted and recorded when several individuals of the same species were inside the same sea cucumber. They were composed of serially repeated knocks and were heard as drum beats or drum rolls. Their specific differences were mainly defined as variations in the timing or grouping of the knocking sounds. The recordings of these sound productions demonstrate a vocal ability for the three species, linked with the presence of particular organs associated with sound production. Moreover, the ecological significance of the sounds and of the sound apparatus system is discussed.  相似文献   

Singing with the wings – instrumental sound production in birds Bird wing and tail feathers are able to produce sound in flight and during related movements. Noisy sound is produced primarily as an epiphenomenon to the movements. The sound can, however, also include tonal or harmonic structures and can gain signal value when used in social situations. In a similar way, birds can produce sounds by clattering their keratin covered beaks. For the first time, in this article, the acoustic properties of instrumental bird sounds are analyzed using sonograms. Up to now the biological meaning of instrumental sounds in birds is inferred mainly out of the situations observed.  相似文献   

While acoustic communication has been described in adults of various fish species, our knowledge about the ontogeny of fish sound production is limited. In adults, sound signals are known to be involved during aggressive interactions. However, aggressive behaviour may appear early in the life of fishes due to the possible competition for food and space. If acoustic signals are used to send information to competitors, sounds are likely to play a role during interactions between juvenile fish as well. The apparition and evolution of sound production were monitored in a group of juveniles of the cichlid fish Metriaclima zebra from hatching to 4months of age. In addition, the link between vocalizations and agonistic behaviour was studied during dyadic interactions at three different ages. Sounds production appeared to be present early in the development of this fish and increased along with the number of aggressive behaviours. Recorded sounds consisted, in juveniles, in isolated pulses showing a decrease in frequency and duration as the fish grew. In adults, sounds became bursts of pulses but the transition from isolated to repetitive pulses was not observed. These results are compared to the existing literature on sound production ontogeny in fishes.  相似文献   

Synopsis Males of two freshwater Italian gobies, the common goby, Padogobius martensii and the panzarolo goby, Knipowitschia punctatissima, emit trains of low-frequency pulses, i.e. drumming sounds, in the presence of a ripe female in the nest. In P, martensii the drumming sound is usually followed by a tonal sound (complex sound). Examination of the pulse structure suggests that these sounds are produced by muscles acting on the swimbladder. Both species exhibited high emission rates of spawning sounds, especially before the beginning of oviposition. Moreover, spawning sound production ceased only after the female abandoned the nest, which always occurred at the end of oviposition. This is the first study reporting the production among fishes of distinct sounds during protracted spawning. Unlike sounds produced just before mating by fishes with planktonic or demersal zygotes, the spawning sound production of these gobies does not function to coordinate mating events in the nest. The presence of a two-part vocalization by male P. martensii even suggests a functional dichotomy of spawning sounds in this species.  相似文献   

本文研究了受水温和光周期等自然变化影响的饲养状态真鲂鮄发声的昼夜与季节变化,并研究了实验鱼活动(鱼类游泳次数)的日变化。声音信号的昼夜节律记录发声活动的日常水平(摄食之外的时期),但是每月变化的记录(季节性式型)则在摄食期间进行,因为摄食时声音信号增加,而日常发声活动较不频繁。实验鱼包括雌雄两性,且未达性成熟。真鲂鮄在白天发声多一些,也更活跃。声音为阵发式的,较不频繁(平均值=0.04发声/min每鱼每天)。最少的发声活动出现在晚上,凌晨和黄昏居中(声音的阵发更频繁,但是声音更少),最多的发声活动出现在白天(声音的阵发更频繁,并且含更多数目的声音)。竞争摄食时声音信号的比率不呈现季节性变化(平均值=3.98发声/min每鱼),与温度也不相关,显示出竞争摄食时声音的发出以最大比率进行。敲击声和呼噜声的某些声学特征与温度相关,特别是在较高的温度下呼噜声的节拍间隔急剧下降。敲击声和呼噜声的声音参数中的季节性变化,多数可以解释为发声肌肉和中央声音控制回路的温度效应。  相似文献   

North Atlantic right whales ( Eubalaena glacialis ) make a short, distinctive broadband sound that is produced internally called a Gunshot sound. This sound has been recorded in the Bay of Fundy, Canada from both single whales ( n = 9) and social surface active groups ( n =49). Those single whales producing Gunshot sounds whose sex could be determined ( n = 9) were all mature males. Gunshot sounds were produced as part of a stereotyped behavioral sequence by these individuals, including frequent head-lifts and flipper slapping at the surface. In surface active groups, Gunshot sounds were commonly recorded when males were present in the group. The rate of production of Gunshot sounds was weakly correlated with the total number of males present in the group. Given the behavioral context of Gunshot sound production, and production of the sound only by male whales, Gunshots may function in a reproductive context as an advertisement signal to attract females, an agonistic signal directed toward other males, or a combination of the two functions.  相似文献   

Acoustic behavior plays a crucial role in many aspects of cicada biology, such as reproduction and intrasexual competition. Although female sound production has been reported in some cicada species, acoustic behavior of female cicadas has received little attention. In cicada Subpsaltria yangi, the females possess a pair of unusually well-developed stridulatory organs. Here, sound production and its function in females of this remarkable cicada species were investigated. We revealed that the females could produce sounds by stridulatory mechanism during pair formation, and the sounds were able to elicit both acoustic and phonotactic responses from males. In addition, the forewings would strike the body during performing stridulatory sound-producing movements, which generated impact sounds. Acoustic playback experiments indicated that the impact sounds played no role in the behavioral context of pair formation. This study provides the first experimental evidence that females of a cicada species can generate sounds by stridulatory mechanism. We anticipate that our results will promote acoustic studies on females of other cicada species which also possess stridulatory system.  相似文献   

Juvenile male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) learn a stereotyped song by imitating sounds from adult male tutors. Their song is composed of a series of syllables, which are separated by silent periods. How acoustic units of song are translated into respiratory and syringeal motor gestures during the song learning process is not well understood. To learn about the respiratory contribution to the imitation process, we recorded air sac pressure in 38 male zebra finches and compared the acoustic structures and air sac pressure patterns of similar syllables qualitatively and quantitatively. Acoustic syllables correspond to expiratory pressure pulses and most often (74%) entire syllables are copied using similar air sac pressure patterns. Even notes placed within different syllables are generated with similar air sac pressure patterns when only segments of syllables are copied (9%). A few of the similar syllables (17%) are generated with a modified pressure pattern, typically involving addition or deletion of an inspiration. The high similarity of pressure patterns for like syllables indicates that generation of particular sounds is constrained to a narrow range of air sac pressure conditions. Following presentation of stroboscope flashes, song was typically interrupted at the end of an expiratory pressure pulse, confirming that expirations and, therefore, syllables are the smallest unit of motor production of song. Silent periods, which separate syllables acoustically, are generated by switching from expiration to inspiration. Switching between respiratory phases, therefore, appears to play a dominant role in organizing the stereotyped motor program for song production.  相似文献   

Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, have been previously shown to produce sounds during mating. Several behavioural aspects of sound production of courting haddock were further investigated in relation to sex ratio. We assessed whether (i) single males or females generate sounds when isolated, (ii) sound is produced when one male is present with a female, (iii) sound production becomes altered with the introduction of an additional male, and (iv) sounds are produced independent of egg release. Data were collected from 30 March to 11 June 1999, during the spawning period using small outdoor tanks. Sounds generated by captive males during spawning were categorized as knocks, hums and an intermediate between these two types. Solitary males and females did not produce sounds. Sounds were produced when one male was present with a single female. The knocking call duration increased when a second male was introduced. Sounds produced by males occurred independent of the day of egg release.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2014,117(5):329-336
Many insects exhibit secondary defence mechanisms upon contact with a predator, such as defensive sound production or regurgitation of gut contents. In the tettigoniid Poecilimon ornatus, both males and females are capable of sound production and of regurgitation. However, wing stridulatory structures for intraspecific acoustic communication evolved independently in males and females, and may result in different defence sounds. Here we investigate in P. ornatus whether secondary defence behaviours, in particular defence sounds, show sex-specific differences. The male defence sound differs significantly from the male calling song in that it has a longer syllable duration and a higher number of impulses per syllable. In females, the defence sound syllables are also significantly longer than the syllables of their response song to the male calling song. In addition, the acoustic disturbance stridulation differs notably between females and males as both sexes exhibit different temporal patterns of the defence sound. Furthermore, males use defence sounds more often than females. The higher proportion of male disturbance stridulation is consistent with a male-biased predation risk during calling and phonotactic behaviour. The temporal structures of the female and male defence sounds support a deimatic function of the startling sound in both females and males, rather than an adaptation for a particular temporal pattern. Independently of the clear differences in sound defence, no difference in regurgitation of gut content occurs between the sexes.  相似文献   

The characteristics of sounds produced by fishes are influenced by several factors such as size. The current study analyses factors affecting structural properties of acoustic signals produced by female croaking gouramis Trichopsis vittata during agonistic interactions. Female sounds (although seldom analysed separately from male sounds) can equally be used to investigate factors affecting the sound characteristics in fish. Sound structure, dominant frequency and sound pressure levels (SPL) were determined and correlated to body size and the order in which sounds were emitted. Croaking sounds consisted of series of single-pulsed or double-pulsed bursts, each burst produced by one pectoral fin. Main energies were concentrated between 1.3 and 1.5 kHz. The dominant frequency decreased with size, as did the percentage of single-pulsed bursts within croaking sounds. The SPL and the number of bursts within a sound were independent of size but decreased significantly with the order of their production. Thus, acoustic signals produced at the beginning of agonistic interactions were louder and consisted of more bursts than subsequent ones. Our data indicate that body size affects the dominant frequency and structure of sounds. The increase in the percentage of double-pulsed bursts with size may be due to stronger pectoral muscles in larger fish. In contrast, ongoing fights apparently result in muscle fatigue and subsequently in a decline in the number of bursts and SPL. The factor ‘order of sound production’ points to an intra-individual variability of sounds and should be considered in future studies.  相似文献   

Acoustic behaviour of Abudefduf luridus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Adult males Abudefduf luridus produced sounds during aggressive interactions, although not all aggressive interactions were associated with sounds. Such sounds were always related to characteristic swimming movements during an aggressive display or territorial defence. The sound was a combination of several sonic pulses, with most energy concentrated towards the low end of the spectrum (from <50 to 800 Hz), and was most frequently groups of two pulses. Analysis of the pulse structure suggested that these sounds are produced by muscles acting on the swimbladder. However, the mechanism of sound production has yet to be demonstrated. Sounds were emitted throughout the 24-h period with increased activity at sunrise and sunset.  相似文献   

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