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Comment on: Yang C.-P. H., et al. Cell Cycle 2010; 9:1207-13.  相似文献   

CENP-E is a large kinesin motor protein which plays pivotal roles in mitosis by facilitating chromosome capture and alignment, and promoting microtubule flux in the spindle. So far, it has not been possible to obtain active human CENP-E to study its molecular properties. Xenopus CENP-E motor has been characterized in vitro and is used as a model motor; however, its protein sequence differs significantly from human CENP-E. Here, we characterize human CENP-E motility in vitro. Full-length CENP-E exhibits an increase in run length and longer residency times on microtubules when compared to CENP-E motor truncations, indicating that the C-terminal microtubule-binding site enhances the processivity when the full-length motor is active. In contrast with constitutively active human CENP-E truncations, full-length human CENP-E has a reduced microtubule landing rate in vitro, suggesting that the non-motor coiled-coil regions self-regulate motor activity. Together, we demonstrate that human CENP-E is a processive motor, providing a useful tool to study the mechanistic basis for how human CENP-E drives chromosome congression and spindle organization during human cell division.  相似文献   

Human tumor cell lines that are sensitive to the effects of farnesyl transferase inhibitors accumulate in G(2) --> M (except for cells with an activated Ha-ras that accumulate in G(1)). A search for CAAX box proteins from Swiss-Prot revealed more than 300 peptides. Of these, the centromeric proteins CENP-E and CENP-F are preferentially expressed during mitosis and are implicated as mediators of the G(2) --> M checkpoint. Experiments performed here show that peptides from the COOH-terminal CAAX box of CENP-E and CENP-F are substrates for farnesyl transferase but not geranylgeranyl transferase-I. Although both proteins are prenylated in the human tumor cell line DLD-1, their prenylation is completely inhibited by the farnesyl transferase inhibitor, SCH 66336. Immunohistochemical data with the lung carcinoma cell line, A549, showed that preventing the farnesylation of CENP-E and CENP-F by treatment with the farnesyl transferase inhibitor SCH 66336 does not affect their localization to the kinetochores. However, the presence of farnesyl transferase inhibitors alters the association between CENP-E and the microtubules. Our results imply that the inhibition of CENP-E farnesylation results in the alteration of the microtubule-centromere interaction during mitosis and results in the accumulation of cells prior to metaphase.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the mitotic motor centrosome protein E (CENP-E) is capable of walking for more than 250 steps on its microtubule track without dissociating. We have examined the kinetics of this molecular motor to see if its enzymology explains this remarkable degree of processivity. We find that like the highly processive transport motor kinesin 1, the enzymatic cycle of CENP-E is characterized by rapid ATP binding, multiple enzymatic turnovers per diffusive encounter, and gating of nucleotide binding. These features endow CENP-E with a high duty cycle, a prerequisite for processivity. However, unlike kinesin 1, neck linker docking in CENP-E is slow, occurring at a rate closer to that for Eg5, a mitotic kinesin that takes only 5–10 steps per processive run. These results suggest that like kinesin 1, features outside of the catalytic domain of CENP-E may also play a role in regulating the processive behavior of this motor.  相似文献   

CENP-E Function at Kinetochores Is Essential for Chromosome Alignment   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
CENP-E is a kinesin-like protein that binds to kinetochores and may provide functions that are critical for normal chromosome motility during mitosis. To directly test the in vivo function of CENP-E, we microinjected affinity-purified antibodies to block the assembly of CENP-E onto kinetochores and then examined the behavior of these chromosomes. Chromosomes lacking CENP-E at their kinetochores consistently exhibited two types of defects that blocked their alignment at the spindle equator. Chromosomes positioned near a pole remained mono-oriented as they were unable to establish bipolar microtubule connections with the opposite pole. Chromosomes within the spindle established bipolar connections that supported oscillations and normal velocities of kinetochore movement between the poles, but these bipolar connections were defective because they failed to align the chromosomes into a metaphase plate.

Overexpression of a mutant that lacked the amino-terminal 803 amino acids of CENP-E was found to saturate limiting binding sites on kinetochores and competitively blocked endogenous CENP-E from assembling onto kinetochores. Chromosomes saturated with the truncated CENP-E mutant were never found to be aligned but accumulated at the poles or were strewn within the spindle as was the case when cells were microinjected with CENP-E antibodies. As the motor domain was contained within the portion of CENP-E that was deleted, the chromosomal defect is likely attributed to the loss of motor function.

The combined data show that CENP-E provides kinetochore functions that are essential for monopolar chromosomes to establish bipolar connections and for chromosomes with connections to both spindle poles to align at the spindle equator. Both of these events rely on activities that are provided by CENP-E's motor domain.


Centromere-associated protein E (CENP-E) regulates both chromosome congression and the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) during mitosis. The loss of CENP-E function causes chromosome misalignment, leading to SAC activation and apoptosis during prolonged mitotic arrest. Here, we describe the biological and antiproliferative activities of a novel small-molecule inhibitor of CENP-E, Compound-A (Cmpd-A). Cmpd-A inhibits the ATPase activity of the CENP-E motor domain, acting as a time-dependent inhibitor with an ATP-competitive-like behavior. Cmpd-A causes chromosome misalignment on the metaphase plate, leading to prolonged mitotic arrest. Treatment with Cmpd-A induces antiproliferation in multiple cancer cell lines. Furthermore, Cmpd-A exhibits antitumor activity in a nude mouse xenograft model, and this antitumor activity is accompanied by the elevation of phosphohistone H3 levels in tumors. These findings demonstrate the potency of the CENP-E inhibitor Cmpd-A and its potential as an anticancer therapeutic agent.  相似文献   

A selective disruption of the mouse CENP-E gene was generated to test how this kinetochore-associated, kinesin-like protein contributes to chromosome segregation. The removal of CENP-E in primary cells produced spindles in which some metaphase chromosomes lay juxtaposed to a spindle pole, despite the absence of microtubules stably bound to their kinetochores. Most CENP-E-free chromosomes moved to the spindle equator, but their kinetochores bound only half the normal number of microtubules. Deletion of CENP-E in embryos led to early developmental arrest. Selective deletion of CENP-E in liver revealed that tissue regeneration after chemical damage was accompanied by aberrant mitoses marked by chromosome missegregation. CENP-E is thus essential for the maintenance of chromosomal stability through efficient stabilization of microtubule capture at kinetochores.  相似文献   

Fish falls     
《Current biology : CB》2008,18(21):R982

Centromere protein E, CENP-E, is a kinetochore-associated kinesin-7 that establishes the microtubule-chromosome linkage and transports monooriented chromosomes to the spindle equator along kinetochore fibers of already bioriented chromosomes. As a processive kinesin, CENP-E uses a hand-over-hand mechanism, yet a number of studies suggest that CENP-E exhibits mechanistic differences from other processive kinesins that may be important for its role in chromosome congression. The results reported here show that association of CENP-E with the microtubule is unusually slow at 0.08 μM(-1) s(-1) followed by slow ADP release at 0.9 s(-1). ATP binding and hydrolysis are fast with motor dissociation from the microtubule at 1.4 s(-1), suggesting that CENP-E head detachment from the microtubule, possibly controlled by phosphate release, determines the rate of stepping during a processive run because the rate of microtubule gliding corresponds to 1.4 steps/s. We hypothesize that the unusually slow CENP-E microtubule association step favors CENP-E binding of stable microtubules over dynamic ones, a mechanism that would bias CENP-E binding to kinetochore fibers.  相似文献   

Kinesin-7 CENP-E motor protein is essential for chromosome alignment and kinetochore-microtubule attachment in cell division. Human CENP-E has recently identified to be linked with the microcephalic primordial dwarfism syndromes associated with a smaller head, brain malformations and a prominent nose. However, the roles of CENP-E in embryonic development remain largely unknown. In this study, we find that zebrafish CENP-E inhibition results in defects in early zygote cleavage, including asymmetric cell division, cell cycle arrest and the developmental abnormalities. We also demonstrate that CENP-E ablation in cultured cells leads to chromosome misalignment, spindle abnormalities and interruptions of the cell cycle. These observations suggest that CENP-E plays a key role in early cell division and cell cycle progression. Furthermore, we also find that CENP-E inhibition results in the defects in the epiboly, the developmental arrest, the smaller head and the abnormal embryo during zebrafish embryogenesis. Our data demonstrate new functions of CENP-E in development and provide insights into its essential roles in organogenesis.  相似文献   

The mitotic checkpoint is the major cell cycle control mechanism for maintaining chromosome content in multicellular organisms. Prevention of premature onset of anaphase requires activation at unattached kinetochores of the BubR1 kinase, which acts with other components to generate a diffusible "stop anaphase" inhibitor. Not only does direct binding of BubR1 to the centromere-associated kinesin family member CENP-E activate its essential kinase, binding of a motorless fragment of CENP-E is shown here to constitutively activate BubR1 bound at kinetochores, producing checkpoint signaling that is not silenced either by spindle microtubule capture or the tension developed at those kinetochores by other components. Using purified BubR1, microtubules, and CENP-E, microtubule capture by the CENP-E motor domain is shown to silence BubR1 kinase activity in a ternary complex of BubR1-CENP-E-microtubule. Together, this reveals that CENP-E is the signal transducing linker responsible for silencing BubR1-dependent mitotic checkpoint signaling through its capture at kinetochores of spindle microtubules.  相似文献   

Centromere-associated protein E (CENP-E) is a kinesin-related microtubule motor protein that is essential for chromosome congression during mitosis. Our previous studies show that microtubule motor CENP-E represents a link between attachment of spindle microtubules and the mitotic checkpoint signaling cascade. However, the molecular function of CENP-E at the midbody had remained elusive. Here we show that CENP-E interacts with Skp1 at the midbody and participates in cytokinesis. CENP-E interacts with Skp1 in vitro and in vivo via its coiled-coil domain. Our yeast two-hybrid assays mapped the binding interfaces to the central stalk region of CENP-E (955-1571 aa) and the C-terminal 33 amino acids of Skp1, respectively. Our immunocytochemical studies revealed that CENP-E targets to the midbody prior to Skp1 and the midbody localization of CENP-E becomes diminished as Skp1 arrives at the midbody. Suppression of Skp1 in mitotic HeLa cells by siRNA resulted in accumulation of telophase cells with elongated inter-cell bridges and with midbodies stretched 2-3 times longer than that of normal cells. These Skp1-eliminated or -suppressed cells accumulate higher level of CENP-E, suggesting that spatiotemporal regulation of CENP-E degradation at the midbody is essential for cytokinesis. Over-expression of Skp1 lacking the CENP-E-binding domain confirmed that Skp1-CENP-E interaction is essential for faithful cytokinesis. We hypothesize that CENP-E degradation is essential for faithful mitotic exit and the proteolysis of CENP-E is mediated by SCF via a direct Skp1 link.  相似文献   

目的:探讨有丝分裂检查点蛋白着丝粒蛋白-E(CENP-E)基因在肿瘤发生发展中的作用。方法:利用shRNA下调CENP-E基因的表达,分别用巢式PCR和Western blot检测CENP-E mRNA和蛋白的表达;MTT检测CENP-E下调后MCF-7细胞的增殖变化;流式细胞术检测CENP-E下调后对MCF-7细胞凋亡的影响;Transwell试验检测MCF-7细胞的迁移和侵袭能力变化;间接免疫荧光检测细胞内CENP-E蛋白和有丝分裂情况。结果:shRNA能有效抑制CENP-E mRNA和蛋白的表达。MTT结果显示CENP-E下调后MCF-7细胞的增殖能力减弱(P<0.05);流式细胞术显示下调CENP-E后能促进MCF-7细胞的凋亡;间接荧光结果显示CENP-E干扰后MCF-7细胞内CENP-E蛋白减少并伴有核分裂异常;Transwell试验显示CENP-E干扰组细胞的迁移和侵袭能力增强(P<0.05)。结论:下调部分CENP-E的表达能抑制MCF-7细胞的增殖,促进MCF-7细胞的凋亡,增强MCF-7细胞的迁移和侵袭能力。  相似文献   

Error-free chromosome segregation requires that all chromosomes biorient on the mitotic spindle. The motor protein Centromere-associated protein E (CENP-E) facilitates chromosome congression by mediating the lateral sliding of sister chromatids along existing K-fibers, while the mitotic kinase Aurora B detaches kinetochore–microtubule interactions that are not bioriented. Whether these activities cooperate to promote efficient chromosome biorientation and timely anaphase onset is not known. We here show that the chromosomes that fail to congress after CENP-E depletion displayed high centromeric Aurora B kinase activity. This activity destabilized spindle pole proximal kinetochore–microtubule interactions resulting in a checkpoint-dependent mitotic delay that allowed CENP-E-independent chromosome congression, thus reducing chromosome segregation errors. This shows that Aurora B keeps the mitotic checkpoint active by destabilizing kinetochore fibers of polar chromosomes to permit chromosome congression in CENP-E-compromised cells and implies that this kinase normally prevents pole proximal syntelic attachments to allow CENP-E-mediated congression of mono-oriented chromosomes.  相似文献   

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