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To test the hypothesis that maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) can be limited by O2 diffusion in the peripheral tissue, we kept O2 delivery [blood flow X arterial O2 content (CaO2)] to maximally contracting muscle equal between 1) low flow-high CaO2 and 2) high flow-low CaO2 conditions. The hypothesis predicts, because of differences in the capillary PO2 profile, that the former condition will result in both a higher VO2max and muscle effluent venous PO2 (PVO2). We studied the relations among VO2max, PVO2, and O2 delivery during maximal isometric contractions in isolated, in situ dog gastrocnemius muscle (n = 6) during these two conditions. O2 delivery was matched by varying arterial O2 partial pressure and adjusting flow to the muscle accordingly. A total of 18 matched O2 delivery pairs were obtained. As planned, O2 delivery was not significantly different between the two treatments. In contrast, VO2max was significantly higher [10.4 +/- 0.5 (SE) ml.100 g-1.min-1; P = 0.01], as was PVO2 (25 +/- 1 Torr; P less than 0.01) in the low flow-high CaO2 treatment compared with the high flow-low CaO2 treatment (9.1 +/- 0.4 ml.100 g-1.min-1 and 20 +/- 1 Torr, respectively). The rate of fatigue was greater in the high flow-low CaO2 condition, as was lactate output from the muscle and muscle lactate concentration. The results of this study show that VO2max is not uniquely dependent on O2 delivery and support the hypothesis that VO2max can be limited by peripheral tissue O2 diffusion.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that increases in forearm blood flow (FBF) during the adaptive phase at the onset of moderate exercise would allow a more rapid increase in muscle O2 uptake (VO2 mus). Fifteen subjects completed forearm exercise in control (Con) and leg occlusion (Occ) conditions. In Occ, exercise of ischemic calf muscles was performed before the onset of forearm exercise to activate the muscle chemoreflex evoking a 25-mmHg increase in mean arterial pressure that was sustained during forearm exercise. Eight subjects who increased FBF during Occ compared with Con in the adaptation phase by >30 ml/min were considered "responders." For the responders, a higher VO2 mus accompanied the higher FBF only during the adaptive phase of the Occ tests, whereas there was no difference in the baseline or steady-state FBF or VO2 mus between Occ and Con. Supplying more blood flow at the onset of exercise allowed a more rapid increase in VO2 mus supporting our hypothesis that, at least for this type of exercise, O2 supply might be limiting.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of regional coronary blood flow is caused in part by heterogeneity in O(2) demand in the normal heart. We investigated whether myocardial O(2) supply/demand mismatching is associated with the myocardial depression of sepsis. Regional blood flow (microspheres) and O(2) uptake ([(13)C]acetate infusion and analysis of resultant NMR spectra) were measured in about nine contiguous tissue samples from the left ventricle (LV) in each heart. Endotoxemic pigs (n = 9) showed hypotension at unchanged cardiac output with a fall in LV stroke work and first derivative of LV pressure relative to controls (n = 4). Global coronary blood flow and O(2) delivery were maintained. Lactate accumulated in arterial blood, but net lactate extraction across the coronary bed was unchanged during endotoxemia. When LV O(2) uptake based on blood gas versus NMR data were compared, the correlation was 0.73 (P = 0.007). While stable over time in controls, regional blood flows were strongly redistributed during endotoxin shock, with overall flow heterogeneity unchanged. A stronger redistribution of blood flow with endotoxin was associated with a larger fall in LV function parameters. Moreover, the correlation of regional O(2) delivery to uptake fell from r = 0.73 (P < 0.001) in control to r = 0.18 (P = 0.25, P = 0.009 vs. control) in endotoxemic hearts. The results suggest a redistribution of LV regional coronary blood flow during endotoxin shock in pigs, with regional O(2) delivery mismatched to O(2) demand. Mismatching may underlie, at least in part, the myocardial depression of sepsis.  相似文献   

Changes in blood gases, ions, lactate, pH, hemoglobin, blood temperature, total body metabolism, and muscle metabolites were measured before and during exercise (except muscle), at fatigue, and during recovery in normal and acetazolamide-treated horses to test the hypothesis that an acetazolamide-induced acidosis would compromise the metabolism of the horse exercising at maximal O2 uptake. Acetazolamide-treated horses had a 13-mmol/l base deficit at rest, higher arterial Po2 at rest and during exercise, higher arterial and mixed venous Pco2 during exercise, and a 48-s reduction in run time. Arterial pH was lower during exercise but not in recovery after acetazolamide. Blood temperature responses were unaffected by acetazolamide administration. O2 uptake was similar during exercise and recovery after acetazolamide treatment, whereas CO2 production was lower during exercise. Muscle [glycogen] and pH were lower at rest, whereas heart rate, muscle pH and [lactate], and plasma [lactate] and [K+] were lower and plasma [Cl-] higher following exercise after acetazolamide treatment. These data demonstrate that acetazolamide treatment aggravates the CO2 retention and acidosis occurring in the horse during heavy exercise. This could negatively affect muscle metabolism and exercise capacity.  相似文献   

The near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) signal (deoxyhemoglobin concentration; [HHb]) reflects the dynamic balance between muscle capillary blood flow (Q(cap)) and muscle O(2) uptake (Vo(2)(m)) in the microcirculation. The purposes of the present study were to estimate the time course of Q(cap) from the kinetics of the primary component of pulmonary O(2) uptake (Vo(2)(p)) and [HHb] throughout exercise, and compare the Q(cap) kinetics with the Vo(2)(p) kinetics. Nine subjects performed moderate- (M; below lactate threshold) and heavy-intensity (H, above lactate threshold) constant-work-rate tests. Vo(2)(p) (l/min) was measured breath by breath, and [HHb] (muM) was measured by NIRS during the tests. The time course of Q(cap) was estimated from the rearrangement of the Fick equation [Q(cap) = Vo(2)(m)/(a-v)O(2), where (a-v)O(2) is arteriovenous O(2) difference] using Vo(2)(p) (primary component) and [HHb] as proxies of Vo(2)(m) and (a-v)O(2), respectively. The kinetics of [HHb] [time constant (tau) + time delay [HHb]; M = 17.8 +/- 2.3 s and H = 13.7 +/- 1.4 s] were significantly (P < 0.001) faster than the kinetics of Vo(2) [tau of primary component (tau(P)); M = 25.5 +/- 8.8 s and H = 25.6 +/- 7.2 s] and Q(cap) [mean response time (MRT); M = 25.4 +/- 9.1 s and H = 25.7 +/- 7.7 s]. However, there was no significant difference between MRT of Q(cap) and tau(P)-Vo(2) for both intensities (P = 0.99), and these parameters were significantly correlated (M and H; r = 0.99; P < 0.001). In conclusion, we have proposed a new method to noninvasively approximate Q(cap) kinetics in humans during exercise. The resulting overall Q(cap) kinetics appeared to be tightly coupled to the temporal profile of Vo(2)(m).  相似文献   

Gonzalez, Norberto C., Richard L. Clancy, Yoshihiro Moue,and Jean-Paul Richalet. Increasing maximal heart rate increases maximal O2 uptake in ratsacclimatized to simulated altitude. J. Appl.Physiol. 84(1): 164-168, 1998.Maximal exerciseheart rate (HRmax) is reducedafter acclimatization to hypobaric hypoxia. The lowHRmax contributes to reducemaximal cardiac output(max) andmay limit maximal O2 uptake(O2 max). Theobjective of these experiments was to test the hypothesisthat the reduction inmax afteracclimatization to hypoxia, due, in part, to the lowHRmax, limitsO2 max. Ifthis hypothesis is correct, an increase in max wouldresult in a proportionate increase inO2 max. Rats acclimatized to hypobaric hypoxia [inspiredPO2(PIO2) = 69.8 ± 3 Torr for 3 wk] exercised on a treadmill in hypoxic (PIO2 = 71.7 ± 1.1 Torr) or normoxic conditions(PIO2 = 142.1 ± 1.1 Torr). Each rat ran twice: in one bout the rat was allowed to reach itsspontaneous HRmax, which was 505 ± 7 and 501 ± 5 beats/min in hypoxic and normoxic exercise,respectively; in the other exercise bout,HRmax was increased by 20% to the preacclimatization value of 600 beats/min by atrial pacing. This resulted in an ~10% increase inmax, since theincrease in HRmax was offset by a10% decrease in stroke volume, probably due to shortening of diastolicfilling time. The increase inmax was accompanied by a proportionate increase in maximal rate of convective O2 delivery(max × arterial O2 content), maximal workrate, and O2 max inhypoxic and normoxic exercise. The data show that increasingHRmax topreacclimatization levels increasesO2 max, supportingthe hypothesis that the lowHRmax tends to limitO2 max after acclimatization to hypoxia.


Muscle mitochondrial capacity exceeds maximal oxygen delivery in humans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Across a wide range of species and body mass a close matching exists between maximal conductive oxygen delivery and mitochondrial respiratory rate. In this study we investigated in humans how closely in-vivo maximal oxygen consumption (VO(2) max) is matched to state 3 muscle mitochondrial respiration. High resolution respirometry was used to quantify mitochondrial respiration from the biopsies of arm and leg muscles while in-vivo arm and leg VO(2) were determined by the Fick method during leg cycling and arm cranking. We hypothesized that muscle mitochondrial respiratory rate exceeds that of systemic oxygen delivery. The state 3 mitochondrial respiration of the deltoid muscle (4.3±0.4 mmol o(2)kg(-1) min(-1)) was similar to the in-vivo VO(2) during maximal arm cranking (4.7±0.5 mmol O(2) kg(-1) min(-1)) with 6 kg muscle. In contrast, the mitochondrial state 3 of the quadriceps was 6.9±0.5 mmol O(2) kg(-1) min(-1), exceeding the in-vivo leg VO(2) max (5.0±0.2 mmol O(2) kg(-1) min(-1)) during leg cycling with 20 kg muscle (P<0.05). Thus, when half or more of the body muscle mass is engaged during exercise, muscle mitochondrial respiratory capacity surpasses in-vivo VO(2) max. The findings reveal an excess capacity of muscle mitochondrial respiratory rate over O(2) delivery by the circulation in the cascade defining maximal oxidative rate in humans.  相似文献   

The slow component of pulmonary O(2) uptake (Vo(2)) during constant work rate (CWR) high-intensity exercise has been attributed to the progressive recruitment of (type II) muscle fibers. We tested the following hypotheses: 1) the Vo(2) slow component gain would be greater in a 3-min all-out cycle test than in a work-matched CWR test, and 2) the all-out test would be associated with a progressive decline, and the CWR test with a progressive increase, in muscle activation, as estimated from the electromyogram (EMG) of the vastus lateralis muscle. Eight men (aged 21-39 yr) completed a ramp incremental test, a 3-min all-out test, and a work- and time-matched CWR test to exhaustion. The maximum Vo(2) attained in an initial ramp incremental test (3.97 ± 0.83 l/min) was reached in both experimental tests (3.99 ± 0.84 and 4.03 ± 0.76 l/min for all-out and CWR, respectively). The Vo(2) slow component was greater (P < 0.05) in the all-out test (1.21 ± 0.31 l/min, 4.2 ± 2.2 ml·min(-1)·W(-1)) than in the CWR test (0.59 ± 0.22 l/min, 1.70 ± 0.5 ml·min(-1)·W(-1)). The integrated EMG declined by 26% (P < 0.001) during the all-out test and increased by 60% (P < 0.05) during the CWR test from the first 30 s to the last 30 s of exercise. The considerable reduction in muscle efficiency in the all-out test in the face of a progressively falling integrated EMG indicates that progressive fiber recruitment is not requisite for development of the Vo(2) slow component during voluntary exercise in humans.  相似文献   

If the diffusive component ofO2 transport in muscle isimportant in determining exercise capacity, an increasedcapillary-to-tissue PO2 differenceshould enhance gas exchange from blood to skeletal muscle duringexercise. Thus a rightward shift in theO2 dissociation curve shouldtheoretically increase O2extraction and improve maximal O2uptake (O2 max). Totest this hypothesis, we used the canine gastrocnemius muscle to studymaximal exercise in eight dogs at a normalP50 (33.1 ± 0.4 Torr) and withthe O2 dissociation curve shifted to the right by anallosteric modifier of hemoglobin (Hb) (methylpropionic acid, RSR-13;P50 = 53.2 ± 5.0 Torr). Fourcontrol dogs were also studied before and after infusion of vehicle.O2 (100%) was inspired duringexercise to maintain arterial saturation in both conditions. The musclewas surgically isolated and electrically stimulated (tetanic train: 0.2-ms stimuli for 200-ms duration at 50 Hz, once per s). Tomaintain O2 delivery (pre-RSR-13 = 19.1 ± 2.9; RSR-13 = 19.6 ± 2.5 ml · 100 g1 · min1),the muscle was pump perfused. At a constantO2 delivery, RSR-13 significantlyincreased percent O2 extraction(pre-RSR-13 = 61 ± 4.0; RSR-13 = 75.5 ± 4.7) andmuscle O2 max(pre-RSR-13 = 11.8 ± 2.1; RSR-13 = 14.2 ± 1.5 ml · 100 g1 · min1).This improvement inO2 max with increasedP50 demonstrates itsO2 supply dependence whenP50 is normal and the importance of O2 diffusive transport tomuscle at maximal exercise.


Ventilation threshold (VET) and peak O2 uptake (VO2max) were determined annually from ages 11 to 15 yr in 18 athletic boys. The treadmill protocol consisted of a constant-run speed with grade increments every second minute. Ventilation, VO2, and CO2 production were measured using online open-circuit spirometry. Coefficients of variation for determination of VO2max and VET were 3.4 and 5.6%, respectively. VO2max increased across age 11-15 yr, from 60.8 to 68.0 ml X kg-1 X min-1. VET at 11 yr was 34.4 and at 15 yr 41.9 ml X kg-1 X min-1, thus increasing from 56 to 62% of VO2max. Previous studies of children have shown a decline of VET relative to VO2max across age; however, in the present study the increase may have been due to the training of the boys in competitive athletics. However, the trained youth did not achieve the high relative threshold of trained adults. Across age, both VO2max and VET scaled to weight to the power 1 (in a log-log transformation). The increase in VO2max (l/min) showed greatest increments corresponding to gains in size (a growth curve), whereas increases of VET were consistent year to year. Thus VET was altered independently of VO2max. Factors other than size (and presumably muscle mass) such as the maturation of an enzymatic profile of fast glycolytic fibers might have an important influence on the threshold during youth.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of increasing hemoglobin- (Hb) O2 affinity on muscle maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) while muscle blood flow, [Hb], HbO2 saturation, and thus O2 delivery (muscle blood flow X arterial O2 content) to the working muscle were kept unchanged from control. VO2max was measured in isolated in situ canine gastrocnemius working maximally (isometric tetanic contractions). The muscles were pump perfused, in alternating order, with either normal blood [O2 half-saturation pressure of hemoglobin (P50) = 32.1 +/- 0.5 (SE) Torr] or blood from dogs that had been fed sodium cyanate (150 mg.kg-1.day-1) for 3-4 wk (P50 = 23.2 +/- 0.9). In both conditions (n = 8) arterial PO2 was set at approximately 200 Torr to fully saturate arterial blood, which thereby produced the same arterial O2 contents, and muscle blood flow was set at 106 ml.100 g-1.min-1, so that O2 delivery in both conditions was the same. VO2max was 11.8 +/- 1.0 ml.min-1.100 g-1 when perfused with the normal blood (control) and was reduced by 17% to 9.8 +/- 0.7 ml.min-1.100 g-1 when perfused with the low-P50 blood (P less than 0.01). Mean muscle effluent venous PO2 was also significantly less (26 +/- 3 vs. 30 +/- 2 Torr; P less than 0.01) in the low-P50 condition, as was an estimate of the capillary driving pressure for O2 diffusion, the mean capillary PO2 (45 +/- 3 vs. 51 +/- 2 Torr). However, the estimated muscle O2 diffusing capacity was not different between conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We investigated the relationships among maximal O2 uptake (VO2max), effluent venous PO2 (PvO2), and calculated mean capillary PO2 (PCO2) in isolated dog gastrocnemius in situ as arterial PO2 (PaO2) was progressively reduced with muscle blood flow held constant. The hypothesis that VO2max is determined in part by peripheral tissue O2 diffusion predicts proportional declines in VO2max and PCO2 if the diffusing capacity of the muscle remains constant. The inspired O2 fraction was altered in each of six dogs to produce four different levels of PaO2 [22 +/- 2, 29 +/- 1, 38 +/- 1, and 79 +/- 4 (SE) Torr]. Muscle blood flow, with the circulation isolated, was held constant at 122 +/- 15 ml.100 g-1.min-1 while the muscle worked maximally (isometric twitches at 5-7 Hz) at each of the four different values of PaO2. Arterial and venous samples were taken to measure lactate, pH, PO2, PCO2, and muscle VO2. PCO2 was calculated using Fick's law of diffusion and a Bohr integration procedure. VO2max fell progressively (P less than 0.01) with decreasing PaO2. The decline in VO2max was proportional (R = 0.99) to the fall in both muscle PvO2 and calculated PCO2 while the calculated muscle diffusing capacity was not different among the four conditions. Fatigue developed more rapidly with lower PaO2, although lactate output from the muscle was not different among conditions. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that resistance to O2 diffusion in the peripheral tissue may be a principal determinant of VO2max.  相似文献   

H2 oxidation,O2 uptake and CO2 fixation in hydrogen treated soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dong  Z.  Layzell  D.B. 《Plant and Soil》2001,229(1):1-12
In many legume nodules, the H2 produced as a byproduct of N2 fixation diffuses out of the nodule and is consumed by the soil. To study the fate of this H2 in soil, a H2 treatment system was developed that provided a 300 cm3 sample of a soil:silica sand (2:1) mixture with a H2 exposure rate (147 nmol H2 cm–3hr–1) similar to that calculated exist in soils located within 1–4 cm of nodules (30–254 nmol H2 cm–3hr–1). After 3 weeks of H2 pretreatment, the treated soils had a Km and Vmax for H2 uptake (1028 ppm and 836 nmol cm–3 hr–1, respectively) much greater than that of control, air-treated soil (40.2 ppm and 4.35 nmol cm–3 hr–1, respectively). In the H2 treated soils, O2, CO2 and H2 exchange rates were measured simultaneously in the presence of various pH2. With increasing pH2, a 5-fold increase was observed in O2 uptake, and CO2 evolution declined such that net CO2 fixation was observed in treatments of 680 ppm H2 or more. At the H2 exposure rate used to pretreat the soil, 60% of the electrons from H2 were passed to O2, and 40% were used to support CO2 fixation. The effect of H2 on the energy and C metabolism of soil may account for the well-known effect of legumes in promoting soil C deposition.  相似文献   

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