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S Malinchik  S Xu    L C Yu 《Biophysical journal》1997,73(5):2304-2312
By using synchrotron radiation and an imaging plate for recording diffraction patterns, we have obtained high-resolution x-ray patterns from relaxed rabbit psoas muscle at temperatures ranging from 1 degree C to 30 degrees C. This allowed us to obtain intensity profiles of the first six myosin layer lines and apply a model-building approach for structural analysis. At temperatures 20 degrees C and higher, the layer lines are sharp with clearly defined maxima. Modeling based on the data obtained at 20 degrees C reveals that the average center of the cross-bridges is at 135 A from the center of the thick filament and both of the myosin heads appear to wrap around the backbone. At 10 degrees C and lower, the layer lines become very weak and diffuse scattering increases considerably. At 4 degrees C, the peak of the first layer line shifts toward the meridian from 0.0047 to 0.0038 A(-1) and decreases in intensity approximately by a factor of four compared to that at 20 degrees C, although the intensities of higher-order layer lines remain approximately 10-15% of the first layer line. Our modeling suggests that as the temperature is lowered from 20 degrees C to 4 degrees C the center of cross-bridges extends radially away from the center of the filament (135 A to 175 A). Furthermore, the fraction of helically ordered cross-bridges decreases at least by a factor of two, while the isotropic disorder (the temperature factor) remains approximately unchanged. Our results on the order/disordering effects of temperature are in general agreement with earlier results of Wray [Wray, J. 1987. Structure of relaxed myosin filaments in relation to nucleotide state in vertebrate skeletal muscle. J. Muscle Res. Cell Motil. 8:62a (Abstr.)] and Lowy et al. (Lowy, J., D. Popp, and A. A. Stewart. 1991. X-ray studies of order-disorder transitions in the myosin heads of skinned rabbit psoas muscles. Biophys. J. 60:812-824). and support Poulsen and Lowy's hypothesis of coexistence of ordered and disordered cross-bridge populations in muscle (Poulsen, F. R., and J. Lowy. 1983. Small angle scattering from myosin heads in relaxed and rigor frog skeletal muscle. Nature (Lond.). 303:146-152.). However, our results added new insights into the disordered population. Present modeling together with data analysis (Xu, S., S. Malinchik, Th. Kraft, B. Brenner, and L. C. Yu. 1997. X-ray diffraction studies of cross-bridges weakly bound to actin in relaxed skinned fibers of rabbit psoas muscle. Biophys. J. 73:000-000) indicate that in a relaxed muscle, cross-bridges are distributed in three populations: those that are ordered on the thick filament helix and those that are disordered; and within the disordered population, some cross-bridges are detached and some are weakly attached to actin. One critical conclusion of the present study is that the apparent order <--> disorder transition as a function of temperature is not due to an increase/decrease in thermal motion (temperature factor) for the entire population, but a redistribution of cross-bridges among the three populations. Changing the temperature leads to a change in the fraction of cross-bridges located on the helix, while changing the ionic strength at a given temperature affects the disordered population leading to a change in the relative fraction of cross-bridges detached from and weakly attached to actin. Since the redistribution is reversible, we suggest that there is an equilibrium among the three populations of cross-bridges.  相似文献   

The rate and association constants (kinetic constants) which comprise a seven state cross-bridge scheme were deduced by sinusoidal analysis in chemically skinned rabbit psoas muscle fibers at 20 degrees C, 200 mM ionic strength, and during maximal Ca2+ activation (pCa 4.54-4.82). The kinetic constants were then used to calculate the steady state probability of cross-bridges in each state as the function of MgATP, MgADP, and phosphate (Pi) concentrations. This calculation showed that 72% of available cross-bridges were (strongly) attached during our control activation (5 mM MgATP, 8 mM Pi), which agreed approximately with the stiffness ratio (active:rigor, 69 +/- 3%); active stiffness was measured during the control activation, and rigor stiffness after an induction of the rigor state. By assuming that isometric tension is a linear combination of probabilities of cross-bridges in each state, and by measuring tension as the function of MgATP, MgADP, and Pi concentrations, we deduced the force associated with each cross-bridge state. Data from the osmotic compression of muscle fibers by dextran T500 were used to deduce the force associated with one of the cross-bridge states. Our results show that force is highest in the AM*ADP.Pi state (A = actin, M = myosin). Since the state which leads into the AM*ADP.Pi state is the weakly attached AM.ADP.Pi state, we confirm that the force development occurs on Pi isomerization (AM.ADP.Pi --> AM*ADP.Pi). Our results also show that a minimal force change occurs with the release of Pi or MgADP, and that force declines gradually with ADP isomerization (AM*ADP -->AM.ADP), ATP isomerization (AM+ATP-->AM*ATP), and with cross-bridge detachment. Force of the AM state agreed well with force measured after induction of the rigor state, indicating that the AM state is a close approximation of the rigor state. The stiffness results obtained as functions of MgATP, MgADP, and Pi concentrations were generally consistent with the cross-bridge scheme.  相似文献   

Muscle contraction is highly dynamic and thus may be influenced by viscosity of the medium surrounding the myofilaments. Single, skinned fibers from rabbit psoas muscle were used to test this hypothesis. Viscosity within the myofilament lattice was increased by adding to solutions low molecular weight sugars (disaccharides sucrose or maltose or monosaccharides glucose or fructose). At maximal Ca2+ activation, isometric force (Fi) was inhibited at the highest solute concentrations studied, but this inhibition was not directly related to viscosity. Solutes readily permeated the filament lattice, as fiber diameter was unaffected by added solutes (except for an increased diameter with Fi < 30% of control). In contrast, there was a linear dependence upon 1/viscosity for both unloaded shortening velocity and also the kinetics of isometric tension redevelopment; these effects were unrelated to either variation in solution osmolarity or inhibition of force. All effects of added solute were reversible. Inhibition of both isometric as well as isotonic kinetics demonstrates that viscous resistance to filament sliding was not the predominant factor affected by viscosity. This was corroborated by measurements in relaxed fibers, which showed no significant change in the strain-rate dependence of elastic modulus when viscosity was increased more than twofold. Our results implicate cross-bridge diffusion as a significant limiting factor in cross-bridge kinetics and, more generally, demonstrate that viscosity is a useful probe of actomyosin dynamics.  相似文献   

The fine structure of mammalian skeletal muscle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The mechanical compliance (reciprocal of stiffness) of thin filaments was estimated from the relative compliance of single, skinned muscle fibers in rigor at sarcomere lengths between 1.8 and 2.4 micron. The compliance of the fibers was calculated as the ratio of sarcomere length change to tension change during imposition of repetitive cycles of small stretches and releases. Fiber compliance decreased as the sarcomere length was decreased below 2.4 micron. The compliance of the thin filaments could be estimated from this decrement because in this range of lengths overlap between the thick and thin filaments is complete and all of the myosin heads bind to the thin filament in rigor. Thus, the compliance of the overlap region of the sarcomere is constant as length is changed and the decrease in fiber compliance is due to decrease of the nonoverlap length of the thin filaments (the I band). The compliance value obtained for the thin filaments implies that at 2.4-microns sarcomere length, the thin filaments contribute approximately 55% of the total sarcomere compliance. Considering that the sarcomeres are approximately 1.25-fold more compliant in active isometric contractions than in rigor, the thin filaments contribute approximately 44% to sarcomere compliance during isometric contraction.  相似文献   

Structure of thick filaments in the chemically skinned fibre bundles of rabbit psoas muscle in a state of pseudorelaxation induced by adding 2 mM pyrophosphate (PP) and of PP-mixture with 40% ethyleneglycol to the bathing rigor solution was studied with the help of X-ray diffraction technique. Reduction in the isometric rigor tension by about 50-70% in a state of pseudorelaxation is accompanied by significant changes in the relative intensities of a number of meridional reflections, indicating that in situ the structure and location of S-2 segment may be regulated by the structural changes in the acto S-1-complex during its cyclic interaction with ATP.  相似文献   

The stiffness of single skinned rabbit psoas fibers was measured during rapid length changes applied to one end of the fibers. Apparent fiber stiffness was taken as the initial slope when force was plotted vs. change in sarcomere length. In the presence of MgATP, apparent fiber stiffness increased with increasing speed of stretch. With the fastest possible stretches, the stiffness of relaxed fibers at an ionic strength of 20 mM reached more than 50% of the stiffness measured in rigor. However, it was not clear whether apparent fiber stiffness had reached a maximum, speed independent value. The same behavior was seen at several ionic strengths, with increasing ionic strength leading to a decrease in the apparent fiber stiffness measured at any speed of stretch. A speed dependence of apparent fiber stiffness was demonstrated even more clearly when stiffness was measured in the presence of 4 mM MgPPi. In this case, stiffness varied with speed of stretch over about four decades. This speed dependence of apparent fiber stiffness is likely due to cross-bridges detaching and reattaching during the stiffness measurement (Schoenberg, 1985. Biophys. J. 48:467). This means that obtaining an estimate of the maximum number of cross-bridges attached to actin in relaxed fibers at various ionic strengths is not straightforward.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

By means of electron microscopy the longitudinal sections of chemically skinned fibres of rigorised rabbit psoas muscle have been examined at pH of rigorising solutions equal to 6, 7, 8 (I = 0.125) and ionic strengths equal to 0.04, 0.125, 0.34 (pH 7.0). It has been revealed that at pH 6.0 the bands of minor proteins localization in A-disks were seen very distinctly, while at pH 7.0 and I = 0.125 these bands can be revealed only by means of antibody labelling technique. At the ionic strength of 0.34 (pH 7.0) the periodicity of 14.3 nm in thick filaments was clearly observed, which was determined by packing of the myosin rods into the filament shaft and of the myosin heads (cross-bridges) on the filament surface. The number of cross-bridge rows in the filament equals 102. A new scheme of myosin cross-bridge distribution in thick filaments of rabbit psoas muscle has been suggested according to which two rows of cross-bridges at each end of a thick filament are absent. The filament length equals 1.64 +/- 0.01 micron. It has been shown that the length of thick filament as well as the structural organization of their end regions in rabbit psoas muscle and frog sartorius one are different.  相似文献   

Previously we reported that saturation of cross-bridges with MgATP gamma S in skinned muscle fibers was calcium sensitive. In the present study we investigate whether this observation can be generalized to other nucleotides by studying saturation of cross-bridges with MgGTP. In solution, myosin-subfragment 1 (S1) in the presence of 10 mM MgGTP was found to bind to actin with low affinity, similar to that in the presence of MgATP and MgATP gamma S. In EGTA buffer, the equatorial x-ray diffraction intensity ratio I11/I10 recorded in single skinned fibers decreased upon increasing MgGTP concentration from 0 to 10 mM (1 degree C and 170 mM ionic strength). The I11/I10 ratio leveled off at 10 mM MgGTP, indicating full saturation of cross-bridges with the nucleotide. Under these conditions, the value of I11/I10 is indistinguishable from that obtained in the presence of saturating [MgATP]. In CaEGTA buffer, however, the decrease in I11/I10 occurs over a wider range of concentrations, and there is no indication of I11/I10 leveling off at 10 mM MgGTP, suggesting that full saturation is not reached. The Ca2+ dependence of GTP binding appears to be a direct consequence of the differences in the affinities of the strongly bound cross-bridges to actin versus weakly bound cross-bridges to actin. A biochemical scheme that could qualitatively explain the titration behavior of ATP gamma S and GTP is presented.  相似文献   

S Xu  S Malinchik  D Gilroy  T Kraft  B Brenner    L C Yu 《Biophysical journal》1997,73(5):2292-2303
X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained from skinned rabbit psoas muscle under relaxing and rigor conditions over a wide range of ionic strengths (50-170 mM) and temperatures (1 degree C-30 degrees C). For the first time, an intensification of the first actin-based layer line is observed in the relaxed muscle. The intensification, which increases with decreasing ionic strength at various temperatures, including 30 degrees C, parallels the formation of weakly attached cross-bridges in the relaxed muscle. However, the overall intensities of the actin-based layer lines are low. Furthermore, the level of diffuse scattering, presumably a measure of disorder among the cross-bridges, is little affected by changing ionic strength at a given temperature. The results suggest that the intensification of the first actin layer line is most likely due to the cross-bridges weakly bound to actin, and that the orientations of the weakly attached cross-bridges are hardly distinguishable from the detached cross-bridges. This suggests that the orientations of the weakly attached cross-bridges are not precisely defined with respect to the actin helix, i.e., nonstereospecific. Intensities of the myosin-based layer lines are only marginally affected by changing ionic strength, but markedly by temperature. The results could be explained if in a relaxed muscle the cross-bridges are distributed between a helically ordered and a disordered population with respect to myosin filament structure. Within the disordered population, some are weakly attached to actin and others are detached. The fraction of cross-bridges in the helically ordered assembly is primarily a function of temperature, while the distribution between the weakly attached and the detached within the disordered population is mainly affected by ionic strength. Some other notable features in the diffraction patterns include a approximately 1% decrease in the pitch of the myosin helix as the temperature is raised from 4 degrees C to 20 degrees C.  相似文献   

The action of ruthenium red (RR) on Ca2+ loading by and Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of chemically skinned skeletal muscle fibers of the rabbit was investigated. Ca2+ loading, in the presence of the precipitating anion pyrophosphate, was monitored by a light-scattering method. Ca2+ release was indirectly measured by following tension development evoked by caffeine. Stimulation of the Ca2+ loading rate by 5 microM RR was dependent on free Ca2+, being maximal at pCa 5.56. Isometric force development induced by 5 mM caffeine was reversibly antagonized by RR. IC50 for the rate of tension rise was 0.5 microM; that for the extent of tension was 4 microM. RR slightly shifted the steady state isometric force/pCa curve toward lower pCa values. At 5 microM RR, the pCa required for half-maximal force was 0.2 log units lower than that of the control, and maximal force was depressed by approximately 16%. These results suggest that RR inhibited Ca2+ release from the SR and stimulated Ca2+ loading into the SR by closing Ca2+-gated Ca2+ channels. Previous studies on isolated SR have indicated the selective presence of such channels in junctional terminal cisternae.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of myosin P-light chain phosphorylation on the isometric tension generated by skinned fibers from rabbit psoas muscle at 0.6 and 10 microM Ca2+. At the lower Ca2+ concentration, which produced 10-20% of the maximal isometric tension obtained at 10 microM Ca2+, addition of purified myosin light chain resulted in a 50% increase in isometric tension which correlated with an increase in P-light chain phosphorylation from 0.10 to 0.80 mol of phosphate/mol of P-light chain. Addition of a phosphoprotein phosphatase reversed the isometric tension response and dephosphorylated P-light chain. At the higher Ca2+ concentration, P-light chain phosphorylation was found to have little effect on isometric tension. Fibers prepared and stored at -20 degrees C in a buffer containing MgATP, KF, and potassium phosphate incorporated 0.80 mol of phosphate/mol of P-light chain. Addition of phosphoprotein phosphatase to these fibers incubated at 0.6 microM Ca2+ caused a reduction in isometric tension and dephosphorylation of the P-light chain. There was no difference before and after phosphorylation of P-light chain in the normalized force-velocity relationship for fibers at the lower Ca2+ concentration, and the extrapolated maximum shortening velocity was 2.2 fiber lengths/s. Our results suggest that in vertebrate skeletal muscle, P-light chain phosphorylation increases the force level at submaximal Ca2+ concentrations, probably by affecting the interaction between the myosin cross-bridge and the thin filament.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of rabbit skeletal muscle troponin I was determined by the isolation of the cyanogen bromide fragments and the tryptic methionine-containing peptides. Troponin I contains 179 amino acid residues and has a molecular weight of 20864. Its N-terminus is acetylated. Detailed evidence on which the sequence is based has been deposited as Supplementary Publication SUP 50055 (23 pages) at the British Library (Lending Division), Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 7QB, U.K., from whom copies may be obtained on the terms given in Biochem. J. (1975) 145, 5.  相似文献   

M Kawai  J S Wray    Y Zhao 《Biophysical journal》1993,64(1):187-196
Chemically skinned rabbit psoas muscle fibers/bundles were osmotically compressed with a macromolecule dextran T-500 (0-16%, g/100 ml) at 20 degrees C, 200 mM ionic strength, and pH 7.0. The lattice spacing of psoas bundles was measured by equatorial x-ray diffraction studies during relaxation and after rigor induction, and the results were compared with the fiber width measurements by optical microscopy. The purpose of the present study is to determine whether fiber width is a reliable measure of the lattice spacing, and to determine the available spacing for myosin cross-bridges between the thick and thin filaments. We observed that both the lattice spacing and the fiber width decreased with an increase in the dextran concentration during relaxation or after rigor induction, and that the spacing and the fiber width were proportionately related. We further observed that, in the absence of dextran, the lattice spacing (and the fiber width) shrank on a relax-to-rigor transition, whereas in the presence of 16% dextran, the spacing expanded on a relax-to-rigor transition. The cross-over of these plots occurred at the 4-7% dextran concentration. During Ca activation, the fiber width shrank in the absence of dextran, and it slightly expanded in the presence of 14.4% dextran. The degree of expansion was not as large as in the relax-to-rigor transition, and the cross-over occurred at about 11% dextran concentration. We also carried out experiments with dextran T-40 and T-10 to determine the upper limit of the molecular weight that enters the lattice space. We found that the upper limit is about 20 kD.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of the2-agonist clenbuterol (50 µM)on depolarization-induced force responses and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) function in muscle fibers of the rat (Rattusnorvegicus; killed by halothane overdose) that had beenmechanically skinned, rendering the2-agonist pathway inoperable.Clenbuterol decreased the peak of depolarization-induced forceresponses in the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus fibers to77.2 ± 9.0 and 55.6 ± 5.4%, respectively, ofcontrols. The soleus fibers did not recover. Clenbuterol significantlyand reversibly reduced SR Ca2+loading in EDL and soleus fibers to 81.5 ± 2.8 and 78.7 ± 4.0%, respectively, of controls. Clenbuterol also producedan ~25% increase in passive leak ofCa2+ from the SR of the EDL andsoleus fibers. These results indicate that clenbuterol has directeffects on fast- and slow-twitch skeletal muscle, in the absence of the2-agonist pathway. Theincreased Ca2+ leak in the triadregion may lead to excitation-contraction coupling damage in the soleusfibers and could also contribute to the anabolic effect of clenbuterolin vivo.


Potassium efflux from single skinned skeletal muscle fibers.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The efflux of 42K from single, skinned (sarcolemma removed) skeletal muscle fibers has been determined. Isotope washout curves are kinetically complex and can be fit as the sum of three exponentials, including a fast component (k = 0.25 s-1) with a pool size equivalent to 91% of the fiber volume, an intermediate component (k = 0.08 s-1) equivalent to 6% of the fiber volume, and a slow component (k = 0.008 s-1) equivalent to 0.5% of fiber volume. Only the intermediate kinetic component is significantly affected by pretreatment of fibers with detergent. Efflux curves from detergent-treated fibers could be fit as the sum of two exponentials with coefficients and rate constants comparable to those of the fast and slow component of washout of untreated controls. Similarly the washout of [14C]sucrose can be described as the sum of two exponentials. We conclude that the intermediate component of 42K washout results from the movement of ions from a membrane bound space within the skinned fiber. Because of its relative volume, the sarcoplasmic reticulum seems to be a reasonable choice as a structural correlate for this component. Our estimate of the potassium permeability for the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) based on the efflux data is 10(-7) cm/s. This value is less than previous estimates from isolated preparations.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate myofibrillar creatine kinase (EC activity on the background of the effect of substrate channeling by myosin ATPase and to compare it with creatine kinase (CK) activity of whole skinned fibers. In order to assess CK activity, skinned fibers were prepared from the rat psoas major muscles defined by light microscopy. The activity in permeabilized fibers after treatment with saponin, Triton X-100 and Ca(2+)-free medium reached 2.80, 6.97 and 3.32 micromol ATP min(-1) mg(-1) protein, respectively, when a coupled enzyme assay system with external hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase was used. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed a possible interference among activities of sarcolemmal, sarcoplasmic, myofibrillar and mitochondrial CK from persisting structures. For evaluation of the myofibrillar CK itself, a pure myofibrillar fraction was prepared. Fraction purity was confirmed by TEM and by enzymatic assays for marker enzymes. Two procedures, i.e. the coupled enzyme assay and the evaluation of phosphocreatine (PCr) concentration before and after the CK reaction, were used for measurement of CK activity in this fraction. The procedures resulted in 3.2 nmol ATP min(-1) mg(-1) protein and 7.6 nmol PCr min(-1) mg(-1) protein, respectively. These alternative approaches revealed a discrepancy between the reacting portions of PCr by more than 50 %, which provides information about the size of the effect, generally described as substrate channeling.  相似文献   

The contractile properties of skinned single fibers from rabbit psoas muscle were investigated under conditions of low MgATP and no Ca2+ (i.e., less than 10(-8) M). At 1 microM MgATP, fibers shortened at a maximum velocity of 660 +/- 420 A/half sarcomere/s (n = 9), compared with 34,000 A/half sarcomere/s measured during maximum Ca2+-activation at 1 mM MgATP (Moss, R. L., 1982. J. Muscle Res. Cell. Motil ., 3:295-311). The observed dependence of Vmax on pMgATP between 7.0 and 5.3 was similar to that of actomyosin ATPase measured previously by Weber, A., R. Herz , and I. Reiss (1969, Biochemistry, 8:2266-2270). Isometric tension was found to vary with pMgATP in a manner much like that reported by Reuben , J. P., P. W. Brandt, M. Berman , and H. Grundfest (J. Gen. Physiol. 1971. 57:385-407). A simple cross-bridge model was developed to simulate contractile behaviour at both high and low levels of MgATP. It was found that the pMgATP dependence of Vmax and ATPase could be successfully modeled if the rate of detachment of the cross-bridge was made proportional to the concentration of MgATP. In the model, the similar dependence of Vmax and ATPase on pMgATP was derived from the fact that in this range of pMgATP every pass of a cross-bridge by an actin site resulted in an attachment-detachment cycle, and every such cycle caused hydrolysis of one molecule of ATP.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the Z-disc of the rabbit psoas muscle was elucidated by electron microscopy using negative staining technique. Conclusions summarized from this work are as follow: (a) Z-disc involves two layers of Z-filaments, i.e. connecting filaments, which bind thin filaments of adjacent I-discs in the Z-line region. These layers are spaced about 380 A apart. (b) Z-filaments measure 380 A X 30 A. (c) The angle between the connecting filaments and the thin filaments depends on ionic conditions and varies from 20 degrees to 90 degrees. (d) We conclude that alpha-actinin is a structural component of Z-filaments, since dimensions of Z-filaments and their interaction with thin filaments are similar to those of alpha-actinin.  相似文献   

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