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Space-related relationships between individuals were investigated during the breeding season in a natural population of Apodemus argenteus (Temminck) by using the catch-mark-release method and microsatellite DNA markers. Several overlapping patterns of home ranges in breeding males and females were observed. Although this species is thought to be monogamous, DNA analysis revealed polygynous mating. In adults, relatedness between sexes was generally low and no apparent spatial genetic structure was observed. In juveniles, however, relatedness and geographical distance be-tween individuals were significantly negatively correlated. The relatedness between adult females decreased with distance, whereas there was not such a correlation in males. Long-distance movements were observed in current-year-born males. The differences in spatial genetic structure between adults and juveniles are thought to be produced by male-biased natal dispersal. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

We evaluated the prevalence of skin lesions in a gorilla population in the Republic of Congo. The observed lesions were typical of yaws, a treponematosis described in gorillas and humans living in tropical regions. Among the 377 gorillas identified, 17% presented skin lesions, mainly on their faces. The worst cases presented physical handicaps because of the deep lesions. As in humans, lesions break out when individuals are young. Lesions were more prevalent among males than females above 8 years old. This sex-bias prevalence could result from the behavioral characteristics of males through a greater exposure to wounds. Lesions were also more prevalent in unmated adult males (either solitaries or those living in nonbreeding groups) than in males leading breeding groups. In the case of the latter, nonaffected and affected leading males had a similar number of infants and juveniles. Still, none of the leading males ever presented serious handicaps because of the skin lesions. This suggests that adult females could favor males without lesions. Finally, lesions were more prevalent among immature animals in nonbreeding groups than in breeding groups, suggesting that either young animals with lesions disperse earlier from their natal groups, or that the disease spreads faster in nonbreeding groups. Our results provide some insights into the spread of a disease in a wild population. Further studies are required to determine if the vigor of males affects the development of the disease and if affected individuals experience social discrimination inducing a negative impact on population dynamics.  相似文献   

Seventeen territorial groups of wild golden lion tamarins were monitored for periods of 10–76 months. Immigration into established groups was rare (0.48 immigrating individuals per group per year) and occurred mostly in the context of replacement of breeding individuals. Nonreplacement immigration events usually occurred in conjunction with some other change in group composition (e.g., an emigration or another immigration). Aggression by resident tamarins toward potential immigrants appeared to be the proximate factor limiting movement into groups. Most such aggression was intrasexual, but potential female immigrants were sometimes chased by male as well as female residents. Immigration was highly male biased (85% of individuals). Factors possibly contributing to this bias were inheritance of breeding positions by adult daughters (reducing female and increasing male immigration opportunities), ability of males but not females to join groups already containing a same-sex breeding individual, and the fact that potential female immigrants appeared to face some intersexual as well as intrasexual aggression. Male and female roles in the maintenance of a monogynous mating system are considered in light of these results. Contrasts with data from intruder studies on captive golden lion tamarins [French & Inglett, Animal Behaviour 37:487–497, 1989] are discussed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of a free-living tagged population of European wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) was investigated for two consecutive years (1990 and 1991) using 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci. A specific social behaviour, the formation of stable breeding groups, influenced the genetic structure of the population. These breeding groups were shown to constitute genetically differentiated units with low levels of gene flow between them. The average relatedness among members of a social group was higher than within the population as a whole. As a result of female philopatry coupled with male-biased natal dispersal, the relatedness of females was higher than that of males, both within social groups and in the whole population. Furthermore, the average relatedness of females within groups was twice the relatedness of females between groups. This study reveals marked fine-scale, intrapopulation genetic structure, which is attributable to the social behaviour of the European wild rabbit.  相似文献   

In this paper I examine behavioral strategies used by male and female tamarins to increase individual reproductive opportunities while continuing to maintain a high level of group cohesion and social cooperation. Tamarins of the genus Saguinus are characterized by social groups generally composed of more than one adult of each sex, but a breeding system in which only a single female in each group gives birth. The breeding sovereignty of a single dominant female limits the reproductive opportunities of subordinate females as well as the reproductive opportunities of resident adult males.1-3 Despite extreme variability in year-to-year reproductive success among members of the same social group, field studies indicate that within-group intrasexual aggression and fighting are rare, and that both breeding and nonbreeding individuals expend time and energy cooperatively caring for young, defending productive feeding sites, and assisting in food harvesting activities.4-11 In fact, Caine12 has argued that “co-operation, tolerance, and flexibility” are the primary themes of tamarin social interactions (p. 218). A major question that remains unanswered, however, is how such high levels of cooperation could have evolved in a social system characterized by emigration of both adult males and females from the natal group, polyandrous mating, and intense reproductive competition.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding species, restricted dispersal of offspring leads to clustering of closely related individuals, increasing the potential both for indirect genetic benefits and inbreeding costs. In apostlebirds (Struthidea cinerea), philopatry by both sexes results in the formation of large (up to 17 birds), predominantly sedentary breeding groups that remain stable throughout the year. We examined patterns of relatedness and fine-scale genetic structure within a population of apostlebirds using six polymorphic microsatellite loci. We found evidence of fine-scale genetic structure within the study population that is consistent with behavioural observations of short-distance dispersal, natal philopatry by both sexes and restricted movement of breeding groups between seasons. Global F(ST) values among breeding groups were significantly positive, and the average level of pairwise relatedness was significantly higher for individuals within groups than between groups. For individuals from different breeding groups, geographical distance was negatively correlated with pairwise relatedness and positively correlated with pairwise F(ST). However, when each sex was examined separately, this pattern was significant only among males, suggesting that females may disperse over longer distances. We discuss the potential for kin selection to influence the evolution and maintenance of cooperative breeding in apostlebirds. Our results demonstrate that spatial genetic structural analysis offers a useful alternative to field observations in examining dispersal patterns of cooperative breeders.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior and mating patterns are described for 3 free-ranging groups of common marmosets living in a coastal forest in northeastern Brazil. Each group contained 2 breeding females. Within groups, sexual behavior was generally restricted to breeding females and a single behaviorally dominant male. Of 101 mounts and copulations, 24 involved pairings of individuals from 2 different groups. Extragroup sexual behavior was performed by both breeding and nonbreeding group members, and 65% of all adults mounted or copulated with an extragroup individual at least once. Sexual behavior occurred throughout the female reproductive cycle but was significantly more frequent during an 11-day 'conception period'. Thus, while female marmosets show no physical signs of estrus, both males and females likely do have some information about the timing of ovulation. Mating patterns in this population included both polygyny and monogamy and varied between groups and over time.  相似文献   

We studied patterns of genetic relatedness and paternity in moustached tamarins, small Neotropical primates living in groups of 1–4 adult males and 1–4 adult females. Generally only one female per group breeds, mating with more than one male. Twin birth are the norm. In order to examine the genetic consequences of this mating pattern, DNA was extracted from fecal samples collected from two principal and six neighboring groups. DNA was characterized at twelve microsatellite loci (average: seven alleles/locus). We addressed the following questions: Do all adult males have mating access to the reproductive female of the group? How is paternity distributed across males in a group? Can polyandrous mating lead to multiple paternity? Are nonparental animals more closely related to the breeders than to the population mean? And, are mating partners unrelated? Breeding females mated with all nonrelated males. In at least one group the father of the older offspring did not sire the youngest infant although he was still resident in the group. We also found evidence for multiple paternity in a supposed twin pair. Yet, within each group the majority (67–100%) of infants had the same father, suggesting reproductive skew. Relatedness within groups was generally high (average R = 0.31), although both nonrelated males and females occurred, i.e., immigrations of both sexes are possible. Mating partners were never found to be related, hence inbreeding seems to be uncommon. The results suggest that while the social mating system is polyandry, paternity is often monopolized by a single male per group. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2005. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The one-male reproductive strategy implies that maturing males are temporarily excluded from reproduction. In gorillas, these excluded males live either solitarily or in nonbreeding groups (NBGs) that are devoid of adult females. The dynamics of NBGs are not well known. In this study, which was conducted on a gorilla population (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) of 377 individuals that visited the Lokoué clearing in the Republic of Congo, we detail how the NBGs formed, and analyze their dynamics according to age-sex classes, the relatedness of members, and the origin and destination of transferring individuals. We discuss the potential benefits gained by individuals living in these groups. The NBGs included mainly immature males, most of which appeared to have migrated voluntarily from their natal groups. Some individuals (including juvenile females) came from disbanded breeding groups (BGs). Migrants preferentially joined NBGs that included a silverback male. Their dispersal patterns were not determined by their degree of relatedness, but they tended to associate with related silverbacks. In this way, the migrants could enhance their protection against predators and gain experience with different environmental conditions. By tolerating and protecting offspring, aging silverbacks could enhance their inclusive fitness. Finally, young and healthy silverbacks could increase their likelihood of forming a future BG when unrelated females joined them.  相似文献   

Grooming is the most common form of affiliative behavior in primates that apart from hygienic and hedonistic benefits offers important social benefits for the performing individuals. This study examined grooming behavior in a cooperatively breeding primate species, characterized by single female breeding per group, polyandrous matings, dizygotic twinning, delayed offspring dispersal, and intensive helping behavior. In this system, breeding females profit from the presence of helpers but also helpers profit from staying in a group and assisting in infant care due to the accumulation of direct and indirect fitness benefits. We examined grooming relationships of breeding females with three classes of partners (breeding males, potentially breeding males, (sub)adult non-breeding offspring) during three reproductive phases (post-partum ovarian inactivity, ovarian activity, pregnancy) in two groups of wild moustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax). We investigated whether grooming can be used to regulate group size by either "pay-for-help" or "pay-to-stay" mechanisms. Grooming of breeding females with breeding males and non-breeding offspring was more intense and more balanced than with potentially breeding males, and most grooming occurred during the breeding females' pregnancies. Grooming was skewed toward more investment by the breeding females with breeding males during the phases of ovarian activity, and with potentially breeding males during pregnancies. Our results suggest that grooming might be a mechanism used by female moustached tamarins to induce mate association with the breeding male, and to induce certain individuals to stay in the group and help with infant care.  相似文献   

In captive callitrichid primates, female reproductive function tends to vary with social status. However, little is known about the interplay between these factors in wild groups. We report observations on normative ovarian function in dominant and subordinate female golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia) living in wild groups. We monitored ovarian status by measuring, via enzyme immunoassay, concentrations of excreted pregnanediol glucuronide (PdG) and estrone conjugates (E1C) in fecal samples collected noninvasively from individuals in social groups in the Poço das Antas Biological Reserve, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Dominant breeding females demonstrated steroid levels similar to those previously reported for wild cotton-top tamarin females, with statistically significant rises during pregnancy. The duration of elevation of fecal steroids in breeding females was ca. 4 mo, which corresponds with estimates of gestation from captive studies. Low steroid concentrations from December to June suggest a seasonally-related period of infertility in female golden lion tamarins. Dominant and subordinate females demonstrated several differences in endocrine function. In general, younger females living in intact natal family groups showed no evidence of ovarian cyclicity. We noted endocrine profiles consistent with ovulation and subsequent pregnancy for behaviorally subordinate females living in groups with unrelated males or in which a reversal in female dominance status occurred. Results suggest that in addition to changes in female reproductive endocrinology associated with puberty, the regulation of reproduction in females in wild callitrichid groups can be sensitive to status and relatedness to breeding males.  相似文献   

In the first molecular study of a member of the threatened avian family, Mesitornithidae, we used nine polymorphic microsatellite loci to elucidate parentage, patterns of within-group kinship and occurrence of extra-group paternity in the subdesert mesite Monias benschi, of southwest Madagascar. We found this cooperatively breeding species to have a very fluid mating system. There was evidence of genetic monogamy and polygynandry: of the nine groups with multiple offspring, six contained one breeding pair with unrelated helpers and three contained multiple male and female breeders with related helpers. Although patterns of within-group kinship varied, there was a strong positive relationship between group size and relatedness, suggesting that groups form by natal philopatry. There was also a strong positive correlation between within-sex and between-sex relatedness, indicating that unlike most cooperatively breeding birds, philopatry involved both sexes. In contrast to predictions of kin selection and reproductive skew models, all monogamous groups contained unrelated individuals, while two of the three polygynandrous groups were families. Moreover, although between-group variation in seasonal reproductive success was related to within-group female relatedness, relatedness among males and between the sexes had no bearing on a group's reproductive output. While kin selection may underlie helping behaviour in females, factors such as direct long-term fitness benefits of group living probably determine helping in males. Of the 14 offspring produced by fully sampled groups, at least two were sired by males from neighbouring groups: one by a breeding male and one by a nonbreeding male, suggesting that males may augment their reproductive success through extra-group paternity.  相似文献   

Cooperative breeders live in social groups in which individuals in an age–sex class vary in reproductive development due to reproductive dominance by a few individuals in each group. Among callitrichids, adult males have been implicated in driving group reproductive output, but uneven sampling efforts, the underlying effects of group size, and pseudoreplication at the group and species levels are confounding variables in these analyses. We examined the drivers of group reproductive output in callitrichids by 1) conducting a meta-analysis of published studies of callitrichid group composition; 2) assigning developmental class based on reproductive morphology; and 3) using multivariate modeling to test whether the proportion of individuals of each developmental class predicts the presence and the number of surviving offspring among free-ranging Weddell’s saddleback tamarins (Leontocebus weddelli) and emperor tamarins (Saguinus imperator) in Peru. The meta-analysis revealed that the number of adult females and group size, but not the number of adult males, are significantly correlated with group reproductive output. Statistical models of the new dataset revealed that the proportion of primary breeding males, primary breeding females, and group size predicted whether groups had surviving infants, and that only the proportion of primary breeding females and group size predicted the number of surviving infants. Thus, primary breeding males appear to be necessary for groups to raise any infants, but a higher proportion of primary breeding females and a larger group size increase group reproductive output overall.  相似文献   

Reproductive activity is limited to only one female in many species of callitrichid primates (marmosets and tamarins): daughters and subordinate females do not produce offspring. A suppression of ovulatory cyclicity is responsible for the lack of reproductive activity in three species of callitrichids studied to date. This study evaluated the endocrine status of golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia) housed as daughters or sons in family groups and of individuals housed in isosexual peer groups. Daughters 17 months of age and older and a subordinate female had high levels of estrogen excretion. Mean levels of estrogen excretion in these females were similar to those of nonpregnant, breeding adult females (17.14 ± 6.82 versus 11.93 ± 6.33 μg/mg creatinine, respectively). Estrogen profiles were similar to those of breeding adult females, with sinusoidal cycles in estrogen excretion. Younger daughters in family groups (10 and 12 months old) showed markedly lower levels of estrogen excretion (0.84 ± 0.58 μg/mg creatinine). Estrogen profiles lacked the sinusoidal nature of cycles in older daughters and breeding females, and elevations in estrogen excretion occurred frequently and remained elevated for 1 or 2 days. Plasma testosterone levels in males varied widely, but mean concentrations did not differ among males housed in different social conditions. These results suggest that older daughters and subordinate females may be capable of expressing normal ovarian function in the presence of a breeding adult female. This finding may account for two unusual observations in the lion tamarin: the high level of female-female aggression and the presence of groups in the wild with more than one actively breeding female.  相似文献   

Population genetic structure has important consequences in evolutionary processes and conservation genetics in animals. Fine-scale population genetic structure depends on the pattern of landscape, the permanent movement of individuals, and the dispersal of their genes during temporary mating events. The lesser flat-headed bat (Tylonycteris pachypus) is a nonmigratory Asian bat species that roosts in small groups within the internodes of bamboo stems and the habitats are fragmented. Our previous parentage analyses revealed considerable extra-group mating in this species. To assess the spatial limits and sex-biased nature of gene flow in the same population, we used 20 microsatellite loci and mtDNA sequencing of the ND2 gene to quantify genetic structure among 54 groups of adult flat-headed bats, at nine localities in South China. AMOVA and F ST estimates revealed significant genetic differentiation among localities. Alternatively, the pairwise F ST values among roosting groups appeared to be related to the incidence of associated extra-group breeding, suggesting the impact of mating events on fine-scale genetic structure. Global spatial autocorrelation analyses showed positive genetic correlation for up to 3 km, indicating the role of fragmented habitat and the specialized social organization as a barrier in the movement of individuals among bamboo forests. The male-biased dispersal pattern resulted in weaker spatial genetic structure between localities among males than among females, and fine-scale analyses supported that relatedness levels within internodes were higher among females than among males. Finally, only females were more related to their same sex roost mates than to individuals from neighbouring roosts, suggestive of natal philopatry in females.  相似文献   

Investigating the recovery capacity of wildlife populations following demographic crashes is of great interest to ecologists and conservationists. Opportunities to study these aspects are rare due to the difficulty of monitoring populations both before and after a demographic crash. Ebola outbreaks in central Africa have killed up to 95% of the individuals in affected western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) populations. Assessing whether and how fast affected populations recover is essential for the conservation of this critically endangered taxon. The gorilla population visiting Lokoué forest clearing, Odzala-Kokoua National Park, Republic of the Congo, has been monitored before, two years after and six years after Ebola affected it in 2004. This allowed us to describe Ebola's short-term and long-term impacts on the structure of the population. The size of the population, which included around 380 gorillas before the Ebola outbreak, dropped to less than 40 individuals after the outbreak. It then remained stable for six years after the outbreak. However, the demographic structure of this small population has significantly changed. Although several solitary males have disappeared, the immigration of adult females, the formation of new breeding groups, and several birth events suggest that the population is showing potential to recover. During the outbreak, surviving adult and subadult females joined old solitary silverbacks. Those females were subsequently observed joining young silverbacks, forming new breeding groups where they later gave birth. Interestingly, some females were observed joining silverbacks that were unlikely to have sired their infant, but no infanticide was observed. The consequences of the Ebola outbreak on the population structure were different two years and six years after the outbreak. Therefore, our results could be used as demographic indicators to detect and date outbreaks that have happened in other, non-monitored gorilla populations.  相似文献   

Atlantic white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus acutus) are highly social odontocetes with a poorly understood tendency to mass strand. With limited capacity to study social ecology in the open ocean, mass strandings provide an opportunity to improve our understanding of group structure. Our study of 32 mass stranding events that occurred on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, between 1999 and 2009 identifies aspects of social ecology that vary across the year. A greater number of mass stranding events occurred outside of the breeding season and there was evidence of age-structuring during the breeding season. We find generally low average intragroup pairwise relatedness assessed across eight microsatellite loci in a subset of 16 mass stranding events. Mass stranded groups do not show higher than expected relatedness when compared to a baseline estimate derived from single-stranded individuals. Overall, our integration of genetic estimates of relatedness with data on sex and maturity-class from stranded specimens suggests that Atlantic white-sided dolphins fall near the more fluid end of the continuum from short-term, highly fluid social associations to long-term, stable groups represented among the odontocetes. Despite their tendency to mass strand, stable, kin-based associations are not a defining feature of social group structure in this species.  相似文献   

During a 17-month study at the Lokoué clearing in Odzala National Park, Republic of Congo, we identified 377 western lowland gorillas. This population included 31 solitary males, 37 breeding groups, and eight nonbreeding groups. Its age- and sex-class structure was similar to those observed at two other clearings in the same forest block. However, the size of breeding groups varied with site (either clearing or forest sites). At Lokoué, breeding groups (mean size: 8.2 gorillas; range: 3-15) included a single silverback male and, on average, 3.2 adult females. Nonbreeding groups (mean size: 5.5; range: 2-15) were devoid of adult females. Five of the nonbreeding groups were composed predominantly of blackbacks, subadult males, and juveniles, and thus fit the definition of all-male groups previously observed in mountain gorillas. Our study confirms that 1) one-male breeding groups are the norm in western gorillas, and 2) all-male groups occur in this species. Despite frequent changes in members due to migrations of the males, the persistence of these all-male groups indicates that they may play an important role in the life of migrating males. Variations in population structure, and group composition and type among gorilla populations are discussed. However, a further understanding of the evolution of group-living in gorillas requires detailed ecological studies conducted in parallel with studies of the population structure and dynamics of these groups.  相似文献   

Gene flow within and between social groups is contingent on behaviourally mediated patterns of mating and dispersal. To understand how these patterns affect the genetic structure of primate populations, long-term data are required. In this study, we analyse 10 years of demographic and genetic data from a wild lemur population (Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi) at Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, southwest Madagascar. Our goal is to specify how patterns of mating and dispersal determine kinship and genetic diversity among animals in the population. Specifically, we use microsatellite, parentage, and census data to obtain estimates of genetic subdivision (FST), within group homozygosity (FIS), and relatedness (r) within and among social groups in the population. We analyse different classes of individuals (i.e. adults, offspring, males, females) separately in order to discern which classes most strongly influence aspects of population structure. Microsatellite data reveal that, across years, offspring are consistently more heterozygous than expected within social groups (FIS mean = -0.068) while adults show both positive and negative deviations from expected genotypic frequencies within groups (FIS mean = 0.003). Offspring cohorts are more genetically subdivided than adults (FST mean = 0.108 vs. 0.052) and adult females are more genetically subdivided than adult males (FST mean = 0.098 vs. 0.046). As the proportion of females in social groups increases, the proportion of offspring sired by resident males decreases. Offspring are characterized by a heterozygote excess as resident males (vs. nonresident males) sire the majority of offspring within groups. We link these genetic data to patterns of female philopatry, male dispersal, exogamy, and offspring sex-ratio. Overall, these data reveal how mating and dispersal tactics influence the genetic population structure in this species.  相似文献   

The largest population of endangered golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia, GLTs) decreased from approximately 330 to 220 individuals between 1995 and 2000 due to a dramatic increase in predation at sleeping sites. We used behavioral data from eight social groups in this population to test two hypotheses: First, if GLTs attempt to mitigate the risk of predation at sleeping sites, they should reduce their rates of scent marking just prior to retirement. Second, if the benefits of scent marking prior to entering the sleeping site merit an increase in the rate of marking, then tamarins should increase their rate of pre-retirement scent marking during the breeding season, when such behavior would have its greatest impact on reproductive fitness. We used a generalized linear model (GLM) repeated-measures analysis to compare rates of daytime scent marking with rates of marking just prior to retirement for males and females. In addition, we compared scent marking prior to retiring in the nonbreeding season to marking rates before retirement in the breeding season for males and both sexes considered concurrently. Contrary to our expectations, GLTs significantly increased their rates of scent marking during the 30 min prior to entering their sleeping site-an observation driven by an increase in male (but not female) rates of marking. Rates of marking before entering the sleeping site were greater in the nonbreeding season compared to the breeding season, when both sexes were considered concomitantly and when males were evaluated alone. We conclude that GLTs do not attempt to minimize predation risk by decreasing scent marking in the period before they enter their sleeping site, and that tamarins do not scent mark at this time of day in order to transmit information about reproductive status or to control reproduction of subordinates. We speculate that scent marking in the 30 min prior to entering sleeping sites may serve to reduce predation risk by enabling tamarin groups to return quickly to favored sleeping sites in the evening when crepuscular predators are active.  相似文献   

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