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The outgrowth of lateral buds is known to be controlled by theupper shoot tissues, which include the apex, the young leavesand the upper stem. An analysis of the influence of these plantparts on axillary bud elongation in Ipomoea nil was carriedout by various treatments on these specific tissues. A restriction of elongation in the main shoot due to eitherdecapitation or shoot inversion resulted in the release of apicaldominance A non-linear type of compensating growth relationshipwas observed between the 13 cm apical growing region of thestem and the lateral buds. It was determined by decapitation,defoliation and AgNO3 treatments that both the 13 cm stem-growthregion and the young leaves (1–5 cm in length) had a muchgreater inhibitory influence on the outgrowth of specified lateralbuds than did the stem apex (consisting of the terminal 0.5cm of the shoot). The specified lateral buds which were analyzedfor outgrowth were located a number of nodes below the shootapex. The intervening nodes were debudded. Although the importanceof young leaves in the control of apical dominance has beenpreviously recognized, the most significant result from thepresent study with Ipomoea was the strong influence of the 13cm apical growth region of the stem on the out growth of thelateral buds. Apical dominance, Ipomoea nil L., Pharbitis nil, growth region, lateral bud outgrowth, decapitation, defoliation, shoot inversion  相似文献   

Correlative Inhibition in the Shoot of Agropyron repens ( L.) Beauv   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correlative inhibition was investigated in plants of Agropyronrepens at two temperatures. Reciprocal inhibition ocrurred betweenthe main shoot apex and the outgrowing axillary shoots, withthe balance of inhibition varying with temperature. Apical dominancewas stronger at 10 °C than at 20 °C , but even at 10°C release of apical dominance by decapitation had onlyminor effects on the timing of outgrowth, growth pattern andrate of dry weight aocumulation of the axillary shoots. Dominanceof the main shoot apex by the axillary shoots was stronger at20 °C than at 10 °C. Removal of axillary buds preventeddecline in size and activity of the main shoot apex ard resultedin increased rates of primordium initiation, leaf emergenceand dry weight accumulation in the main shoot. It is suggestedthat a system of reciprocal dominance provides a mechanism formaintaining the characteristic habit of the grass plant andlimits growth in height of vegetative shoots. Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv, couch grass, correlative inhibition, apical dominance, shoot, apex  相似文献   

Anatomical changes in the shoot apex of Chenopodium rubrum L.treated with an extract from flowering tobacco plants and cultivatedin non-inductive conditions are described. They are comparedwith the anatomy of non-treated vegetative apices and with apicesof plants induced with a short day. Treatment with the extractresulted in both activation of cell division in the upper partof the apex and in apex elongation. Acceleration of leaf primordiainitiation and stimulation of branching took place. The effectcorresponds to the sequence of changes in photoperiodically-inducedplants but is more pronounced. Elongation following 10–4M GA3 treatment was of a differentnature; there was only a slight stimulation in the upper partof the apex in contrast with a strong stimulation of growthin length in the lower internodes. These preliminary resultssuggest a similarity between apical changes evoked by a stimulusproduced by short days and an exogenously applied floral stimulus.The changes differed from those caused by exogenous phytohormones. Key words: Chenopodium rubrum, florigen, shoot apex  相似文献   

SHAH  J. J.; PATEL  J. D. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(2):415-422
The ontogeny of the vegetative shoot apices of two importantvegetable plants, Solanum melongena L. and Capsicum annuum L.is described. Each shoot apex is studied at different stagesof seed germination. The relationship between time of germinationand (i) area of vacuoles in the cell, (ii) total area of thecell, (iii) area of the nucleus in the cell, and (iv) ratioof area of vacuoles in the cell to the total area of the cellin each apex is examined. The differentiation of cytohistologicalzonation in both apices is distinct only after one or two leavesare initiated and developed. At a certain stage heterogeneityin staining in the peripheral region of the shoot apex of S.melongena is found. The zonation in both plants differentiatesgradually in histological and cytological features. Vacuolationincreases or decreases in all the cells of the shoot apex orin the cells of a particular region of the shoot apex at differentstages of its ontogeny.  相似文献   

Two major genes influencing the photoperiod response in wheat,Ppd1 and Ppd2, have been identified on the group 2 chromosomes.Substitution lines, which had been characterized on the basisof time of ear emergence as carrying either the insensitiveor sensitive alleles of the two Ppd genes, were used to investigatethe effect of these genes on development. They were grown undershort photoperiods, and growth and development of the shootapex was measured. The primary influence of the Ppd genes was on ear growth. Inthe plants carrying the insensitive alleles, Ppd1 and Ppd2,the relative growth rate of the floral apex was faster thanthat of plants with the sensitive alleles, ppd1 and ppd2. Therewere no differences in the rate of spikelet initiation, butthe spikelets of the ppd lines grew and developed more slowly. The Ppd2 material segregated for another gene located on chromosome2B affecting duration of the life cycle. This gene also affectedthe relative growth rate of the ear. It was considered that the major effect of the Ppd1, Ppd2 andthe second genetic factor on chromosome 2B is on floral growthrate. Differences in apex morphology, stem growth and ear emergenceare thought to be due to the differences in floral apex growthand size. Wheat, photoperiod genes, shoot apex development, shoot apex growth  相似文献   

Explants from the shoot apex of the tomato, comprising the apicaldome and youngest primordium together with small amounts ofsub-apical tissue were cultured for periods of 1 to 4 plastochrons.By the use of a simple parameter, the axillary distance, thegrowth-rate could be accurately monitored throughout each plastochron. Gibberellic acid, coconut milk, and kinetin, in addition tosucrose and inorganic salts, all promoted growth of the apex;a combination of gibberellic acid and coconut milk gave thefastest growth. Temperature had a large effect on the growth-ratewith an in vitro Q10 of 2.1 contrasted with an in vivo Q10 of1.2 over the range of 15 to 25 ?C. On gibberellic acid and coconutmilk at 15 ?C two-thirds of the in vivo growth--rate was sustainedin culture for two plastochrons after which the growth-rategradually declined; at 20 and 25 ?C growth-rates slightly higherthan in vivo rates were sustained for 1 plastochron before amore rapid decline. The anatomy of these in vitro apices wasnormal for 1? plastochrons after which there were small increasesin cell volume in the developing primordium. Reducing the amount of sub-apical tissue drastically reducedthe growth rate but had little effect on the responses to gibberellicacid and coconut milk. Explants are considered to be useful material for studying thechanges that take place in the apex during the course of 1 or2 plastochrons, but inadequate on the media tested for experimentsinvolving longer periods of growth. Explants also provide asensitive assay system for the effects of growth factors onthe rate of shoot apical growth.  相似文献   

Based on an uniform elongation growth pattern and cellular structure,the apical 0·5-2·5 cm elongation zone of internode2 of Phaseolus vulgaris L. seedlings was selected as an experimentalsystem to study the radial pathway of photosynthate and potassiumtransfer from the phloem. An histological examination of thephloem within the elongation zone of internode 2 showed thatboth proto- and meta- phloem sieve elements were present. Theformer were fully differentiated at the commencement of elongationand became crushed as elongation proceeded. In contrast, about50% of the final number of metaphloem sieve element-companioncell complexes differentiated during the same period. The phloemdelivered some 99% of the sucrose and 72-82% of the potassiumaccumulated by the elongation zone. Solute budgets showed that,of the photosynthates and potassium entering the elongationzone, approximately 40% were retained and 60% transferred tothe shoot apex. Thus, the elongating stem acts not only as asignificant sink for photosynthates and potassium, but alsoas an axial phloem transport system to supply the shoot apex.Within the elongation zone, the principal tissue sinks weredetermined by the cellular localisation of [14C] photosynthatesand potassium by microautoradiography and ion electron microprobeanalysis respectively. About 80% of the photosynthates and potassiumwere located outside the phloem. The cortex and pith exhibitedthe greatest accumulation for photosynthates and the pith forpotassium.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Phaseolus vulgaris, elongating stem, French bean, photosynthates, potassium, radial transfer, stem anatomy, transport  相似文献   

KREKULE  J.; SEIDLOVA  F. 《Annals of botany》1973,37(3):615-623
Flowering was promoted in young plants of Chenopodium rubrumL. by application of growth inhibitors such as 5-fluorodeoxyuridine(FUDR) and (2-chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride (CCC),growth substances (indol-3yl-acetic acid, IAA), by the removalof roots and by drought. All the treatments were effective onlyduring the post-inductive period and at the threshold levelof photoperiodic induction. The response of plants was strictlytime-dependent. The experimental data indicate that the stimulationof flowering is usually accompanied by inhibition of leaf initiationand growth. The treatments probably produced variation in thequantitative expression of flowering by causing a shift in emphasisin the development of leaf and bud primordia at the shoot apex.The dynamic analysis of differentiation of the shoot apex indicatesa correlation between the morphological stage of the shoot apexand its responsiveness to the treatments.  相似文献   

Impatiens balsamina L. was induced to flower by exposure to5 short days and then made to revert to vegetative growth byreturn to long days. After 9 long days reverted plants wereinduced to re-flower by returning them to short days. Petalinitiation began immediately and seven primordia already presentdeveloped into petals instead of into predominantly leaf-likeorgans. However, the arrangement of primordia at the shoot apex,their rate of initiation and size at initiation remained unchangedfrom the reverted apex, as did apical growth rate and the lengthof stem frusta at initiation. The more rapid flowering of thereverted plants than of plants when first induced, and the lackof change in apical growth pattern, imply that the revertedapices remain partially evoked, and that the apical growth patternand phyllotaxis typical of the flower, and already present inthe reverted plants, facilitate the transition to flower formation. Impatiens balsamina, flower reversion, partial evocation, shoot meristem, determination, leaf development  相似文献   

Surgical techniques were applied to the shoot apex of carrot(Daucus carota L.) to test the interpretation that provasculartissue is the initial stage of vascular differentiation andto localize the sources of the influences that control its differentiation.If the apex is isolated laterally by vertical incisions leavingit at the summit of a plug of pith tissue, vascular differentiationproceeds normally and an independent vascular system is formedin the pith plug. If all leaf primordia are systematically suppressed,provascular tissue continues to differentiate as an acropetalextension of the pre-existing vascular system but no furtherdifferentiation occurs. When the apex is isolated laterallyand all leaf primordia are suppressed, provascular tissue continuesto be formed acropetally and is extended basipetally into thepith plug by redifferentiation of pith cells, but no furtherdifferentiation occurs. This tissue reacts positively to histochemicaltests for esterase indicating its vascular nature. If only oneleaf primordium is allowed to develop on an isolated shoot apex,its vascular system develops normally and extends basipetallyinto the pith plug, but there is no extension of provasculartissue into the pith plug. These results support the interpretationthat the initial stage of vascular differentiation is controlledby the apical meristem but that further maturation of vasculartissue depends upon influences from developing leaf primordia.Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Provascular tissue, differentiation, carrot (Daucus carota L.), shoot apex, surgical techniques, leaf primordia  相似文献   

Chalcone synthase (CHS), a key enzyme of flavonoid synthesis,was localized in shoot apices of Fagopyrum, Brassica and Pisum.The enzyme was detected in initial cells of the shoot apex,which gives rise to the whole plant body. In Fagopyrum and BrassicaCHS was located in the rib and flank meristems, whereas in theArgenteum mutant of Pisum this enzyme was localized at an earlierstage in the ontogenesis of the shoot. It occurs in a few cellsof the tunica, which gives rise to the protoderm, and then tothe epidermis which contains anthocyanins in these plants. Chalcone synthase, immunogold labelling, promeristem, shoot apex, Brassica, Fagopyrum, Pisum  相似文献   

BATTEY  N H; LYNDON  R F 《Annals of botany》1984,54(4):553-567
When plants of Impatiens balsamina L were subjected to 5 shortdays and then re-placed in long days, they began to form a terminalflower and then reverted to vegetative growth at this terminalshoot apex The onset of flowering was accompanied by an increasein the rate of initiation of primordia, an increase in the growthrate of the apex, a change in primordium arrangement from spiralto whorled or pseudo-whorled, a lack of internodes, and a reductionm the size at initiation of the primordia and also of the stemfrusta which give rise to nodal and internodal tissues On reversion,parts intermediate between petals and leaves were formed, followedby leaves, although in reverted apices the size at initiationand the arrangement of primordia remained the same as in thefloweing apex The apical growth rate and the rate of primordiuminitiation were less in the reverted apices than in floral apicesbut remained higher than in the original vegetative apex Sincethe changes in apical growth which occur on the transition toflowering are not reversed on reversion, the development oforgans as leaves or petals is not directly related to the growthrate of the apex, or the arrangement, rate of initiation orsize at initiation of primordia Impatiens balsamina L, flower reversion, evocation, phyllotaxis, shoot meristem  相似文献   

The relationship between phenological development in wheat (TriticumaestivumL.) and growth was studied to determine if the switchfrom a vegetative to a reproductive apex increases plant growthrate. Plant partitioning and relative growth rates during vegetativeand pre-flowering reproductive periods were determined in twosets of near-isogenic lines differing in phenological development.Spaced plants were grown in two photoperiods (15 and 10 h) toincrease the range of development rates. Lines within each isogenicset and photoperiod treatment did not differ in whole plantgrowth rate despite large differences in developmental rate.In addition, the partitioning of biomass between roots and shootswas also similar. The transition of the apex from vegetativeto reproductive mostly affected the partitioning of shoot biomassinto leaf (blades) and stems (rest of the shoot). A longer timeto reach floral initiation was associated with the productionof more, and larger, leaves as well as more tillers. This resultedin large differences in leaf area between isolines. However,at the whole plant level, all lines accumulated biomass at thesame rate with time. The early flowering lines compensated fortheir reduced leaf area by having a higher net assimilationrate and were thereby able to maintain the same relative growthrate as their later flowering counterparts.Copyright 1998 Annalsof Botany Company Development, growth, partitioning,Triticum aestivumL., wheat, isolines.  相似文献   

Lateral buds of the fern Davallia trichomanoides are releasedfrom inhibition by the removal of the main shoot apex. However,auxin is not capable of substituting for the apex in decapitatedshoots nor can auxin in shoot tips be detected by bioassay orextraction and chromatography. Expanding leaves of this speciescontain auxin, but these organs are not responsible for inhibitionof lateral bud growth. The response of lateral buds to an exogenouslyapplied cytokinin does not result in initial bud break. It isconcluded that the hormonal factors known to govern apical dominancein seed plants are not responsible for the regulation of differentialbud expansion in this fern.  相似文献   

BALL  E. A. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(1):103-112
To test the morphogenettc capacity of parts of the shoot apexof Trachymene coerulea after explanting from the subjacent tissues,explants of decreasing sizes, comprising different regions ofthe menstem, were made. Growth was on culture medium withoutexogenous growth regulators. The centre of the shoot apex producedfewer mature leaves and fewer embryos from the basal tissuesthan did the flanks when separated from any continuing influencefrom the subjacent tissues. This result is interpreted as dueto physiological differences between the regions of the shootapex. While regeneration from the flanks was greater than thatfrom the centres, the latter can be regarded as morphogeneticallycompetent and physiologically active. The lesser regenerationfrom the centres is regarded as the result of greater dominanceover the basal tissues than that exerted by the flanks. Trachymene coerulea R. C. Grah, blue lace flower, shoot apex culture, regeneration of portions of shoot apex, morphogenesis  相似文献   

The growth rate of the stem of Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.begins to decline when the sixth foliage leaf has expanded butthe relative growth rate declines throughout the period betweenthe production of one and ten mature leaves. On an absolutetime scale there is a progressive decline in growth rate ofsuccessively formed stem (node-internode) units. On a plastochronscale the relative growth rate of successive stem units declineswithin the apical region but increases behind the apex. Thedecline in the apical region is related to a decrease in therate of cell division and in the later formed stem units thereis no significant increase in cell number from the time of theirformation by the apex until the internode is initiated duringtheir fourth plastochron. These changes are related to concurrentchanges in the size of the shoot apex and in rates of leaf growth.  相似文献   

Leaf Determination in the Fern Osmunda cinnamomea--A Reinvestigation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Earlier studies of leaf determination in the fern Osmunda cinnamomeaL., using the technique of excision and sterile culture, indicatedthat the apices of incompletely determined leaf primordia areconverted into shoot apices after isolation. Subsequently otherworkers questioned this interpretation, suggesting that a primordiumis determined as a leaf shortly after its inception and thatany shoot which arises from it is an adaxial adventitious bud.Because of the importance of this distinction in the interpretationof determination, the phenomenon has been reinvestigated byscanning electron microscopy and histological methods. Sincefixation for electron microscopy was inconsistence, the workwas performed on the primordia using resin models formed indental plastic moulds. Our data, on explanted P3, P4, and P5leaf primodia, provide strong confirmation for the interpretationthat the leaf apex is indeed converted to a shoot apex in incompletelydetermined primodia after explantation. This new evidence formsthe basis for interpreting leaf determination in this experimentalsystem.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Leaf determination, in vitro, surface replica, scanning electron microscopy, Osmunda cinnamomea L., cinnamon fern  相似文献   

The length and basal diameter of all lateral and terminal budsof vegetative annual shoots of 7-year-oldJuglans regia treeswere measured. All buds were dissected and numbers of cataphylls,embryonic leaves and leaf primordia were recorded. Each axillarybud was ranked according to the position of its associated leaffrom the apex to the base of its parent shoot. Bud size andcontent were analysed in relation to bud position and were comparedwith the size and number of leaves of shoots in equivalent positionswhich extended during the following growing season. Length andbasal diameter of axillary buds varied according to their positionon the parent shoot. Terminal buds contained more embryonicleaves than any axillary bud. The number of leaves was smallerfor apical and basal axillary buds than for buds in intermediatepositions on the parent shoot only. All new extended shootswere entirely preformed in the buds that gave rise to them.Lateral shoots were formed in the median part of the parentshoot. These lateral shoots derived from buds which were largerthan both apical and basal ones. Copyright 2001 Annals of BotanyCompany Juglans regia L., Persian walnut tree, branching pattern, preformation, bud content, shoot morphology  相似文献   

MENZEL  C. M. 《Annals of botany》1983,52(5):697-702
Warm temperatures (35°C day/30°C night) which inhibittuberization in potato (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Sebago) increasedgibberellin activity in crude extracts from buds, but not frommature leaves, as determined by the lettuce hypocotyl bioassay.Changes in the growth of tubers and stolons indicate the occurrenceof basipetal movement of GA3 applied to the terminal bud ora mature leaf. 14C labelling from GA3 or mevalonic acid injectedjust below the terminal bud was recovered in the lower shoot,stolons and tubers, but the amount transported was greater atcool temperatures (20/15°C). It is concluded that high temperaturespromote the synthesis of gibberellin in the buds rather thantransport to the stolons. Solanum tuberosum L., potato, tuberization, gibberellin  相似文献   

KIEL  C.; STAMP  P. 《Annals of botany》1992,70(2):125-128
The objectives of this investigation were to determine: (a)the general effect of temperature on internal root anatomy;(b) whether genotypic differences in such root traits exist;and (c) the association between internal root traits and shootgrowth, lateral root branching and cold tolerance of maize (Zeamays L.). Seedlings of 20 central European hybrids were grownunder high or low temperature (25/22·5 °C or 15/12·5°C day/night temperatures) until the third leaf was fullyexpanded. Light microscopy of cross sections revealed a largerdiameter of primary roots at low temperature which was due toa larger stele diameter and a thickening of the cortex. Concurrently,an increase in total cross sectional area of metaxylem elementswas obtained. It is assumed that the modification of the internalroot structure by temperature has an effect on both axial andradial water flow capacity. For all anatomical traits studied,variability between genotypes was apparent under both growingconditions. Furthermore, different genotypic responses to temperaturewere observed. However, basic differences between cold-tolerantand cold-sensitive genotypes did not exist. While at high temperatureroot traits and shoot growth were significantly and positivelycorrelated, at low temperature the correlation coefficient wasinsignificant. Consequently, it was not possible to characterizethe performance of the shoot at low temperature based on anatomicaltraits of the root. Moderate, positive correlation coefficientswere obtained between internal root traits and lateral rootbranching. The potential use of root anatomical traits as indirectselection criteria is discussed. Chilling tolerance, genotypes, root anatomy, Zea mays L  相似文献   

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