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Although physicians in practice are most likely to see patients with adverse drug reactions, they may fail to recognize an adverse effect or to attribute it to a drug effect and, when recognized, they may fail to report serious reactions to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). To recognize and attribute an adverse event to a drug effect, physicians should review the patient''s clinical course, looking at patient risk factors, the known adverse reactions to the suspected drug, and the likelihood of a causal relationship between the drug and the adverse event-based on the temporal relationship, response to stopping or restarting the drug, and whether other factors could explain the reaction. Once an adverse drug reaction has been identified, the patient should be informed and appropriate documentation made in the patient''s medical record. Serious known reactions and all reactions to newly released drugs or those not previously known to occur (even if the certainty is low) should be reported to the FDA.  相似文献   

W. N. French  Leo Levi 《CMAJ》1966,94(22):1185-1187
Pangamic acid is shown to be a mixture of variable composition. Criteria of identity and methods of analysis are described for five pharmaceutical dosage forms. Experimental results indicate that the products are not uniform in composition and that composition does not conform to label claims. No satisfactory preclinical drug application for any such preparation has so far been submitted to the Food and Drug Directorate.  相似文献   

E. W. R. Best  J. W. Davies 《CMAJ》1965,92(24):1247-1252
During the period 1961 to 1963 there were 10 separate importations of smallpox cases by aircraft into England and Wales, Germany, Sweden, Poland and Canada. A feature of the resulting outbreaks was the number of cases and deaths of physicians and other health personnel. With the increasing volume of international air traffic there is a risk of importing incubating cases of smallpox into Canada, as occurred in 1962. Millions of Canadians have been protected against smallpox. Some complications of smallpox vaccination have occurred in Canada; such complications can be minimized by proper attention to contraindications to vaccination. The Food and Drug Directorate, Department of National Health and Welfare, has circularized all physicians in Canada to request their co-operation in reporting adverse reactions to drugs. This includes serious, unusual or unsuspected reactions to immunizing agents (vaccines, toxoids and antitoxins). The latter information will be shared with the Epidemiology Division, Department of National Health and Welfare, and the provincial epidemiologist and manufacturer concerned. The importance of maintaining the smallpox immunity of physicians, nurses and other hospital and health personnel in Canada is emphasized.  相似文献   

A Robinson 《CMAJ》1995,153(5):665-666
Health Canada''s Emergency Drug Release Program, which allows physicians to acquire nonmarketed drugs to treat people with HIV infection, AIDS and other illnesses, handles about 44 000 requests annually. The executive director of the Drugs Directorate says the program''s name is a misnomer, since few of the requests involve medical emergencies. Dr. Philip Berger, who uses the program for his AIDS patients, complains that the amount of paperwork required is oppressive. A government spokesperson says changes may be made to make the program less labour intensive.  相似文献   

A study to determine approximate intakes of vitamin D and sources contributing this nutrient was conducted among 1000 children, aged one week to 5½ years, in two Ontario Health Units in 1963 and 1964. Over 70% of the children obtained daily intakes above the recommended level, 400 I.U. Supplements provided about 60% of the total intake in children aged 7 months to 66 months who consumed 1000-1800 I.U. or more. In the intake range 1-399 I.U., fortified foods supplied 87% of the vitamin D to this age group. Influences of subsequent Food and Drug Directorate regulations, (a) withdrawing vitamin D from four foods used during the survey and (b) the effect of permissive vitamin D fortification of fluid milk products, were examined theoretically, by age and intake level. Programs directed to planning net intakes of 400 I.U. vitamin D, encouraging the use of fortified milk and discouraging the use of vitamin D supplements are described.  相似文献   

The protection of the consumer against dangerous, adulterated, and misbranded drugs provided by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act has failed in some instances. A general program of reporting adverse drug reactions has been initiated on a pilot basis. Arrangements are being made to extend this program into larger hospitals. Better and more complete reporting of adverse drug reactions together with tightening of the Food and Drug law regarding new drugs will improve this situation.Recently the president of the National Academy of Sciences appointed a committee at the request of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to review the policies and procedures used by the Food and Drug Administration in reaching decisions and to present recommendations. This committee has completed its work and has made specific recommendations that would give the Food and Drug Administration authority to require proof of efficacy as well as safety of all new drugs, and would provide it with sufficient resources to meet the responsibilities assigned to it.  相似文献   

Harry Klonoff 《CMAJ》1973,108(2):145-149,165
Before undertaking marijuana research, certain demands must be met in the following areas: educational and health facilities, the legal position, funding, Food and Drug Directorate regulations and law enforcement. Methodological problems include those concerned with pharmacology, nature of effect, set, setting, subjects, dependent variables and controls. The second portion of this paper describes the methodology and findings of a clinical study of 81 volunteers, selected according to specified criteria, screened psychiatrically and psychologically, then assigned to one of seven experimental groups. Dosage and smoking procedure were standardized for both marijuana and placebo. The experience was evaluated subjectively by the volunteers at the end of each experimental session and again on the following morning.  相似文献   

Pertussis vaccines vary in quality, safety, and efficacy according to the production strains of Bordetella pertussis, the method of manufacture, and quality control procedures. It is therefore not justifiable to combine information on the incidence, nature, and severity of reactions after all manufacturers'' pertussis vaccines as if they were a single product. Attempts were made to collect information on all suspected cases of severe reactions that occurred after administration of about 15 million doses of Wellcome pertussis vaccines in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland from 1964 to mid-1977. Altogether six deaths, six neurological reactions with sequelae, and 17 convulsions without sequelae were reported, but some were clearly not attributable to the vaccine, while, in other cases, the available information was inadequate for assessing the role of vaccination. Neurological disorders, similar to those reported in a few children after pertussis vaccination, occur unexpectedly in apparently healthy infants at the recommended age for immunisation, so chance association between vaccination and these events can be expected in some children. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation has made several recommendations aimed at reducing severe reactions after pertussis vaccination. These include replacing plain vaccine with aluminium-adsorbed vaccine, but there is no clear evidence that the aluminium-adsorbed vaccine produces fewer reactions than the plain.There are difficulties enough in deciding the cause of events that occur after vaccination, since these reactions often occur naturally in children of vaccination age. The task is made even harder by the assumption that various manufacturers'' vaccines are the same and the lack of information available to manufacturers about cases in which their vaccine has been implicated. Information on vaccines administered is entered on immunisation records cards; it should be used and referred to if reactions occur.  相似文献   

In light of the meeting of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in March 2011 to discuss the regulation of clinical direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic tests, we have invited five experts to consider the best means of overseeing the ordering and interpretation of these tests. Should these tests be regulated? If so, who, if anyone, should communicate results to consumers?  相似文献   

Polygalacturonase (PG, EC, an enzyme commonly found in ripening fruit, has also been shown to be associated with abscission. A zone-specific rise in PG activity accompanies the abscission of both leaves and flowers of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants. Studies of transgenic plants expressing an antisense RNA for fruit PG indicate that although the enzyme activity in transgenic fruit is < 1 % of that in untransformed fruit, the PG activity in the leaf abscission zone increases during separation to a similar value to that in untransformed plants. The timing and rate of leaf abscission in transgenic plants are unaffected by the introduction of the antisense gene. A polyclonal antibody raised against tomato fruit PG does not recognise the leaf abscission protein. Furthermore a complementary DNA (cDNA) clone (pTOM6), which has been demonstrated to code for fruit PG, does not hybridise to mRNA isolated from the abscission-zone region of tomato leaves. These results indicate that the PG protein in abscission zones of tomato is different from that in the fruit, and that the gene coding for this protein may also be different.Abbreviation PG polygalacturonase The authors of this paper are grateful to David Jackson of the John Innes Institute, Norwich, UK for his assistance with the in-situ hybridisation work. This research was supported by an Agricultural and Food Research Council Post-Doctoral award to J.E.T., and by a grant to D.G. from the Science and Engineering Research Council Biotechnology Directorate in association with ICI seeds. The work was carried out under Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries licences.  相似文献   

Herbal remedies and alternative medicines are used throughout the world, and in the past herbs were often the original sources of most drugs. Today we are witnessing an increase in herbal remedy use throughout the Western world raising the question as to how safe are these preparations for the unborn fetus? Many women use herbal products during pregnancy. The dilemma facing most regulatory authorities is that the public considers these products as either traditional medicines or natural food supplements. The user sees no reason for regulation. Most countries have laws concerning foods, drugs, and cosmetics, the details of which seldom clearly define to what section of the law and regulations alternative remedies belong. In most countries alternative remedies are regulated as foods, provided that no medicinal claim is made on the label. The global regulatory sector, however, is changing rapidly. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia created a Complimentary Medicines Evaluation Committee in late 1997 to address this issue, and Canada has created a new Natural Health Products Directorate in the realigned Therapeutic Products and Foods Branch in 2000. In parallel, the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products has drafted test procedures and acceptance criteria for herbal drug preparations and herbal medicinal products. In the US, the Food and Drug Administration classifies these natural products as dietary supplements. Manufacturers must label a dietary supplement thus: “this statement has not been evaluated by the FDA [, and] this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.” Whether these products are foods or drugs is undecided. To add complexity to this issue, most of the potential deleterious effects of natural products on the unborn may be related to hormonal effects (e.g., phytoestrogens) and nutriceutical drug interactions (e.g., St. John's Wort and antidepressants), rather than direct embryotoxicity per se. We suggest that ensuring quality of herbal products should receive immediate attention by regulatory authorities, before embarking on the more arduous tasks of safety and efficacy. Birth Defects Res B 68:505–510, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Since some drug intervention effects are only experienced by the patient, organizations such as the Food and Drug Administration prefer clinically meaningful outcome measures. Here, we evaluated which symptoms and limitations in daily life are most burdensome to pediatric patients with mitochondrial disorders and their parents, using two questionnaires. In a study of 78 patients, the most burdensome complaints included fatigue, behavior and speech disturbances, epilepsy and muscle weakness and a high degree of limitations in daily activities was found. Importantly, there was a discrepancy between what symptoms metabolic pediatricians estimated would be most burdensome compared to the patients'/caretakers' opinion. To include feasible and relevant outcome measures in intervention studies, the experience and opinions of patients and caretakers should therefore be heard.  相似文献   



Food allergies are generally associated with gastrointestinal upset, but in many patients systemic reactions occur. However, the systemic effects of food allergies are poorly understood in experimental animals, which also offer the opportunity to explore the actions of anti-allergic drugs. The tripeptide D-phenylalanine-D-glutamate-Glycine (feG), which potentially alleviates the symptoms of systemic anaphylactic reactions, was tested to determine if it also reduced systemic inflammatory responses provoked by a gastric allergic reaction.  相似文献   

Drug interactions are important causes of both unexpected toxic and therapeutic effects. Adverse reactions due to drug interaction are proportional to the number of drugs given and the duration of administration. Although drug interactions may be beneficial, they are most often recognized when they increase mortality or morbidity. The frequency of adverse drug interactions in clinical practice makes it mandatory for physicians to know the drugs and mechanisms involved.A drug may potentiate or antagonize the effects of another drug by direct chemical or physical combination, by altering gastrointestinal absorption, by influencing metabolism, transport, or renal clearance, by changing the activity of a drug at its receptor site, or by modifying the patient''s response to the drug by a variety of means.This article stresses the importance of avoiding multible drug therapy. When such treatment is unavoidable, patients must be carefully observed for evidence of intensified or diminished drug effect. Only this permits the detection and prevention of untoward drug interactions.  相似文献   

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